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Teste estrutural para aplicações concorrentes em Erlang / Structural testing for Concurrent Applications in ErlangOliveira, Alexandre Ponce de 27 June 2017 (has links)
As atividades de validação, verificação e teste contribuem para melhorar a qualidade dos programas, independentemente do paradigma de programação utilizado. Erlang é um exemplo de linguagem funcional, e aspectos como: dados imutáveis, higher-order functions, lazy evaluation e pattern matching impõem restrições à atividade de teste estrutural de software, as quais requerem uma atenção especial do testador. A linguagem Erlang foi criada para o desenvolvimento de aplicações concorrentes, em tempo real e com tolerância a falhas. A aplicação da atividade de teste de software torna-se necessária para aplicações desenvolvidas em Erlang. Um mapeamento sistemático realizado identificou os trabalhos relacionados e também a identificação de falhas típicas encontradas em programas Erlang. O resultado do mapeamento evidenciou a falta de propostas que considerem as principais características de Erlang, incluindo uma ferramenta de teste que dê suporte à aplicação prática da atividade de teste. Esta lacuna foi considerada significativa. Foi proposto um conjunto de critérios de teste estruturais para verificar a cobertura de códigos em aplicações sequenciais e distribuídas de programas Erlang. Os critérios de teste exploram as possíveis falhas relacionadas à comunicação entre funções, comunicação entre processos, sincronização, concorrência, recursividade e tolerância a falhas. A definição dos critérios contou com o suporte de um modelo de teste para a obtenção das informações sobre o fluxo de controle, fluxo de dados e fluxo de comunicação de programas Erlang. O modelo estabeleceu 15 tipos de nós, 9 tipos de arestas e 5 tipos de usos de variáveis. Para apoiar a aplicação dos critérios, uma ferramenta de teste, chamada Valierlang, também foi implementada. A ValiErlang é composta por 5 módulos que realizam as seguintes etapas: análise estática, instrumentação do código fonte, geração do GFC, definição dos elementos requeridos, execução do código instrumentado, geração do rastro de execução e avaliação dos elementos cobertos e elementos não executáveis. Foi realizado um estudo experimental para verificar a aplicabilidade dos critérios de teste por meio da ValiErlang. Neste estudo foram utilizados seis programas com diferentes características, todas essenciais aos programas em Erlang. Com base nos resultados obtidos, foi possível comprovar que a abordagem contribui com o testador devido ao sucesso na aplicação dos critérios e também a eficácia dos critérios em revelar defeitos. E as etapas para o testador de software realizar a aplicação do teste estrutural, tem o apoio ferramental da ValiErlang. / The validation, verification and test activities contribute to improve the quality of the programs, independently of the used programing paradigm. Erlang is an example of functional language and aspects such as: immutable data, higher-order functions, lazy evaluation e pattern matching impose restrictions to the software structural testing activity, which require a special attention by the tester. The Erlang language was created for the development of concurrent applications, in real time and with fault tolerance. The application of the software testing activity becomes necessary for applications developed in Erlang. An executed systematic mapping identified the related works and the identification of typical failures found in Erlang programs. The result of the mapping highlighted the lack of proposals that consider the main features of Erlang, including a testing tool that supports the practical application of the testing activity. This gap was considered significant. A set of structural testing criteria was proposed to verify the coverage of codes in sequential and distributed applications in Erlang programs. The test criteria explore the possible failure related to the communication between functions, communication between processes, synchronization, concurrence, recursion and fault tolerance. The definition of the criteria had the support of a test model to obtain information about control flux, data flux, and communication flux of Erlang programs. The model established 15 types of nodes, 9 types of edges and 5 types of variable uses. To support the application of criteria, a testing tool called ValiErlang was also implemented. ValiErlang is composed of 5 modules that execute the following stages: static analysis, source code instrumentation, CFG generation, definition of the required elements, instrumented code execution, execution trace generation and evaluation of the covered and non-executable elements. An experimental study was executed to verify the applicability of the testing criteria by ValiErlang. In this study six programs with different characteristics were used. All characteristics were essential to the Erlang programs. Based on the obtained results, it was possible to prove that the approach contributes with the tester because of the success in the criteria application and the efficiency of the criteria in revealing defects. The stages for the testes to execute the structural test application have the support of the Erlang tool.
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Teste de programas orientados a aspectos: uma abordagem estrutural para AspectJ / Testing aspect-oriented programs: a structural approach for AspectJLemos, Otávio Augusto Lazzarini 04 February 2005 (has links)
Em meados dos anos 90, alguns pesquisadores constataram a existência de certos interesses que, independente da técnica de programação utilizada ou da maneira como o sistema venha a ser decomposto, não se encaixam em módulos individuais, mas ficam espalhados por várias unidades do software (também chamados de interesses transversais). A programação orientada a aspectos (POA) foi concebida como uma proposta de resolução desse problema, a partir do uso de mecanismos que permitem o isolamento dos interesses transversais. Entretanto, por ser uma técnica nova, nesses primeiros anos os pesquisadores preocuparam-se em estabelecer os conceitos e técnicas básicos das linguagens orientadas a aspectos, deixando para uma segunda fase a investigação de outras características do desenvolvimento de programas orientados a aspectos, como métodos de projeto e abordagens de teste. Nesta dissertação é apresentada uma abordagem de teste estrutural para programas orientados a aspectos baseados na linguagem AspectJ, que pode contribuir para o aumento da confiança no software desenvolvido utilizando essa técnica e auxiliar o entendimento das novas construções e comportamentos envolvidos nesses programas. Modelos de fluxo de controle e de dados baseados no código-objeto resultante da compilação/ combinação de programas escritos na linguagem AspectJ são propostos, bem como nove critérios de teste baseados nesses modelos. Uma ferramenta desenvolvida para apoiar o teste estrutural de unidade de programas Java foi estendida para dar apoio aos modelos e critérios propostos nesta dissertação. Além disso, algumas propriedades do teste de integração de programas orientados a aspectos são discutidas teoricamente.
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Amélioration des solutions de test fonctionnel et structurel des circuits intégrés / Improving Functional and Structural Test Solutions for Integrated CircuitsTouati, Aymen 21 October 2016 (has links)
Compte tenu de la complexité des circuits intégrés de nos jours et des nœuds technologiques qui ne cessent pas de diminuer, être au rendez-vous avec les demandes de design, test et fabrication des dispositifs de haute qualité est devenu un des plus grands défis. Avoir des circuits intégrés de plus en plus performants devrait être atteint tout en respectant les contraintes de basse consommation, de niveaux de fiabilité demandés, de taux de défauts acceptables ainsi que du bas coût. Avec ce fascinant progrès de l’industrie des semi-conducteurs, les processus de fabrication sont devenus de plus en plus difficile à contrôler, ce qui rend les puces électroniques de nos jours plus disposés aux défauts physiques. Le test était et restera l’unique solution pour lutter contre l’occurrence des défauts de fabrication ; même il est devenu un facteur prédominant dans le coût totale de fabrication des circuits intégrés. Même si des solutions de test, qui existent déjà, étaient capables de satisfaire ce fameux compromis coût-qualité ces dernières années, il arrive d’observer encore des mécanismes de défauts malheureusement incontrôlables. Certains sont intrinsèquement reliés au processus de fabrication en lui-même. D’autres reviennent sans doute aux pratiques de test et surtout quand on analyse le taux de défauts détectés et le niveau de fiabilité atteint.L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’implémenter des stratégies de test robustes et efficaces qui répondent aux lacunes des techniques de tests classiques et qui proposent des modèles de fautes plus réalistes et répondent au mieux aux attentes des fournisseurs. Dans l’objectif d’améliorer l’efficacité de test en termes de coût, capacité de couverture de faute, nous présentons divers contributions significatives qui touchent différents domaines entre-autres le test sur le terrain, les tests à hautes fréquences sous contraintes de puissance et finalement le test des chaines de scan.La partie majeure de cette thèse était consacrée pour le développement de nouvelles techniques de tests fonctionnels ciblant les systèmes à processeurs.Les méthodologies appliquées couvrent les problèmes de test sur terrain aussi bien que les problèmes de test de fabrication. Dans le premier cas, la techniques adoptée consiste à fusionner et compacter un ensemble initial de programmes fonctionnels afin d’atteindre une couverture de faute satisfaisante tout en respectant les contraintes du test sur terrain (temps de test réduit et ressource mémoire limitée). Cependant dans le deuxième cas, comme nous avons assez d’informations sur la structure du design, nous proposons un nouveau protocole de test qui va exploiter l’architecture de test existante. Dans ce contexte, nous avons validé et confirmé la relation complémentaire qui joint le test fonctionnel avec le test structurel. D’autres part, cette prometteuse approche assure un test qui respecte les limites de la consommation fonctionnelle et donc une fiabilité meilleure.La dernière contribution de cette thèse accorde toute l’attention à l’amélioration de test de la structure DFT « Design For Test » la plus utilisée qui est la chaîne de scan. Nous présentons dans cette contribution une approche de test qui cible les défauts physiques au sein de la cellule en elle-même.Cette approche représente une couverture de défauts meilleure et une longueur de test plus réduit si nous la comparons avec l’ATPG classique ciblant les mêmes défauts « Intra-cell defect ATPG ».Comme résultat majeur de cette efficace solution de test, nous avons observé une amélioration de 7.22% de couverture de défaut accompagné d’une réduction de 33.5% du temps de test en comparaison avec la couverture et le temps du test atteints par le « Cell-awer ATPG ». / In light of the aggressive scaling and increasing complexity of digital circuits, meeting the demands for designing, testing and fabricating high quality devices is extremely challenging.Higher performance of integrated circuits needs to be achieved while respecting the constraints of low power consumption, required reliability levels, acceptable defect rates and low cost. With these advances in the SC industry, the manufacturing process are becoming more and more difficult to control, making chips more prone to defects.Test was and still is the unique solution to cover manufacturing defects; it is becoming a dominant factor in overall manufacturing cost.Even if existing test solutions were able to satisfy the cost-reliability trade-off in the last decade, there are still uncontrolled failure mechanisms. Some of them are intrinsically related to the manufacturing process and some others belong to the test practices especially when we consider the amount of detected defects and achieved reliability.The main goal of this thesis is to implement robust and effective test strategies to complement the existing test techniques and cope with the issues of test practices and fault models. With the objective to further improve the test efficiency in terms of cost and fault coverage capability, we present significant contributions in the diverse areas of in-field test, power-aware at-speed test and finally scan-chain testing.A big part of this thesis was devoted to develop new functional test techniques for processor-based systems. The applied methodologies cover both in-field and end-of manufacturing test issues. In the farmer, the implemented test technique is based on merging and compacting an initial functional program set in order to achieve higher fault coverage while reducing the test time and the memory occupation. However in the latter, since we already have the structure information of the design, we propose to develop a new test scheme by exploiting the existing scan chain. In this case we validate the complementary relationship between functional and structural testing while avoiding over as well under-testing issues.The last contribution of this thesis deals with the test improvement of the most used DFT structure that is the scan chain. We present in this contribution an intra-cell aware testing approach showing higher intra-cell defect coverage and lower test length when compared to conventional cell-aware ATPG. As major results of this effective test solution, we show that an intra-cell defect coverage increase of up to 7.22% and test time decrease of up to 33.5 % can be achieved in comparison with cell-aware ATPG.
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Teste estrutural de integração contextual de programas orientados a objetos e a aspectos / Contextual integration structural testing of object-oriented and aspect-oriented programsCafeo, Bruno Barbieri de Pontes 15 July 2011 (has links)
Paradigmas e técnicas de desenvolvimento como a programação Orientada a Objetos (OO) e a programação Orientada a Aspectos (OA) procuram melhorar os níveis de reuso e manutenibilidade na produção de software. Contudo, com a introdução de mecanismos com maior poder de expressividade e, consequentemente, a possível introdução de novos tipos de defeitos, a utilização de linguagens OO e OA pode se tornar um obstáculo ao invés de um auxílio ao desenvolvimento de software. Para lidar com esse problema, nesta dissertação é proposta uma abordagem de teste estrutural de integração para programas orientados a objetos e a aspectos implementados em Java e AspectJ. É definido um modelo de fluxo de controle e de dados baseado no bytecode Java { chamado Grafo Def-Uso Contextual (ou Contextual Def-Use graph) - que é uma abstração formada pela integração dos grafos Def-Uso Orientados a Aspectos (AODU) da unidade sob teste com todas as unidades que interagem direta ou indiretamente com ela até um nível de profundidade de interação máximo ou definido pelo testador. São defiidos três critérios de teste: todos-nós-integrados-Nd, todas-arestas-integradas-Nd e todos-usos-integrados-Nd. Para automatizar o uso do modelo e critérios propostos, a ferramenta JaBUTi/AJ foi estendida. Exemplos de usos são discutidos e, por meio de um estudo experimental, uma análise de aplicabilidade da abordagem proposta é apresentada / Development paradigms and techniques such as Object-Oriented (OO) programming and Aspect-Oriented (AO) programming aim at improving reuse levels and maintenability in the software production. However, due to the introduction of mechanisms to support a greater power of expressiveness and, consequently, possible introduction of new type of faults, the use of OO and AO languages might become an obstacle instead of a benefit in the software development. To deal with these problems, in this dissertation is presented an integration structural testing approach for objectand aspect-oriented software based on Java and AspectJ. It is defined a control- and data- ow model based on Java bytecode { called Contextual Def-Use graph { that is an abstraction composed by the integration of Aspect-Oriented Def-Use graphs (AODU) of the unit under testing with the units triggered by the execution of the unit under testing considering either a maximum interaction depth level or an interaction depth level previously defined by the tester. Three testing criteria are also defined: all-integrated-nodes-Nd, all-integrated-edges-Nd and all-integrated-uses-Nd. To automate the use of the model and the testing criteria, the JaBUTi/AJ tool was extended. Usage examples are discussed to explain the approach and an exploratory study is conducted to evaluate the applicability of the proposed approach
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Applications of structural health monitoring and field testing techniques to probabilistic based life-cycle evaluation of reinforced concrete bridges. / Aplicações de monitoramento estrutural e ensaios de campo à análise probabilística de ciclo de vida.Colombo, Alberto Belotti 16 September 2016 (has links)
This work presents methodologies for the integration of field testing and Structural Health Monitoring SHM in the assessment of reinforced concrete bridges. The methodologies are demonstrated through the use of data collected during the testing of reinforced concrete railway bridges and long-term monitoring of a highway bridge. A probabilistic life-cycle prediction model based on sectional analysis is proposed for reinforced concrete structures. The updating of the model parameters is done using a Bayesian updating approach in which the problem is defined as a reliability one. An algorithm that uses subset simulation is used to sample points from the updated parameter distributions. Testing data from a reinforced concrete railway bridge is used to demonstrate the methodology and its results. The description of a SHM system that was installed in the Jaguari River Bridge is also presented. During the stages of preparation for the installation of this system the bridge was inspected, had NDT performed, and field testing was conducted using a test truck. The results of these tests are also presented. Analysis of the collected data from the live-load response of the Jaguari River Bridge is used to demonstrate methodologies for obtaining live-load response distributions from monitoring data. The use of this live-load response data is also used for the life-cycle analysis of one of the bridge\'s cross-sections. / Este trabalho apresenta metodologias de integração de ensaios estruturais e Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) para a avaliação de pontes de concreto armado. O SHM diz respeito a um conjunto de praticas com o objetivo de acompanhar o comportamento estrutural através de sensores com o objetivo de acompanhar o comportamento da estrutura e determinar ações de manutenção de maneira proativa. As metodologias são apresentadas através do uso de dados coletados durante ensaios de pontes ferroviárias em concreto armado e do monitoramento continuo de uma ponte rodoviária. Um modelo para o ciclo de vida de estruturas de concreto armado baseado no método das lamelas é proposto. Os parâmetros deste modelo, que são considerados de maneira probabilística, são atualizados através de um método Bayesiano. Dados de ensaios de uma ponte ferroviária são utilizados nesta analise. A descrição de um sistema de monitoramento contínuo instalado na Ponte do Rio Jaguari também é feita. Durante as etapas de desenvolvimento do sistema a ponte foi inspecionada, ensaios não destrutivos foram feitos e ensaios com um veículo teste foram conduzidos. Os resultados e analises destes também são apresentados. Os dados coletados por este sistema foram utilizados para demonstrar metodologias de caracterização dos modelos de resposta devido a cargas moveis. A utilização destes modelos na avaliação de confiabilidade ao longo do tempo de uma das seções da ponte também é apresentada.
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Otimizando o teste estrutural de programas concorrentes: uma abordagem determinística e paralela / Improving the structural testing of concurrent programs: a deterministic and parallel approachBatista, Raphael Negrisoli 27 March 2015 (has links)
O teste de programas concorrentes é uma atividade custosa devido principalmente à quantidade de sequências de sincronização que devem ser testadas para validar tais programas. Uma das técnicas mais utilizadas para testar a comunicação e sincronização de programas concorrentes é a geração automática de diferentes pares de sincronização ou, em outras palavras, a geração de variantes de disputa (race variant). Nesta técnica as variantes de disputa são geradas a partir de arquivos de rastro de uma execução não-determinística e algoritmos de execução determinística são utilizados para forçar que diferentes sincronizações sejam cobertas. Este trabalho aborda de maneira abrangente este problema, cujo objetivo principal é reduzir o tempo de resposta da atividade de teste estrutural de programas concorrentes quando diferentes variantes de disputa são executadas. Há três principais contribuições neste trabalho: (1) geração de arquivos de rastro e execução determinística total/parcial, (2) geração automática de variantes e (3) paralelização da execução das variantes. Diferentemente de outros trabalhos disponíveis na literatura, os algoritmos propostos consideram programas concorrentes que interagem simultaneamente com passagem de mensagens e memória compartilhada. Foram consideradas seis primitivas com semânticas distintas: ponto-a-ponto bloqueante/não bloqueante, coletivas um-para-todos/todos-para-um/todos-para-todos e semáforos. Os algoritmos foram desenvolvidos no nível de aplicação em Java, são ortogonais à linguagem de programação utilizada e não requerem privilégios de sistema para serem executados. Estas três contribuições são descritas, detalhando seus algoritmos. Também são apresentados os resultados obtidos com os experimentos feitos durante as fases de validação e avaliação de cada contribuição. Os resultados demonstram que os objetivos propostos foram atingidos com sucesso para cada contribuição e, do ponto de vista do testador, o tempo de resposta da atividade de teste estrutural de programas concorrentes foi reduzido enquanto a cobertura de programas concorrentes com ambos os paradigmas aumentou com procedimentos automatizados e transparentes. Os experimentos mostram speedups próximos ao linear, quando comparadas as versões sequencial e paralela dos algoritmos. / The testing of concurrent programs is an expensive task, mainly because it needs to test a high number of synchronization sequences, in order to validate such programs. One of the most used techniques to test communication and synchronization of concurrent programs is the automatic generation of different synchronizations pairs (or generation of race variants). Race variants are generated from the trace files of a nondeterministic execution, and the deterministic executions force the coverage of different synchronizations. This work approaches this problem in a more general way. It reduces the response time of the structural testing of concurrent programs when different variants are required. There are three main contributions in this work: the generation of trace files and the total or partial deterministic execution, the automatic generation of race variants and the parallelization of execution of race variants. The proposed algorithms take into account concurrent programs that interact simultaneously with message passing and shared memory, including six primitives with distinct semantics: blocking and non-blocking point-to-point, all-to-all/one-to-all/all-toone collectives and shared memory. The algorithms have been implemented in Java in the application level, they are language independent and do not need system privileges to execute. Results obtained during the validation and evaluation phase are also presented and they show that the proposed objectives are reached with success. From the tester viewpoint, the response time of structural testing of concurrent programs was reduced, while the coverage of the concurrent programs with both paradigms increased with automatic and transparent procedures. The experiments showed speedups close to linear, when comparing the sequential and parallel versions.
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Characterization of damage due to stress corrosion cracking in carbon steel using nonlinear surface acoustic wavesZeitvogel, Daniel Tobias 27 August 2012 (has links)
Cold rolled carbon steel 1018C is widely used in pressurized fuel pipelines. For those structures, stress corrosion cracking (SCC) can pose a significant problem because cracks initiate late in the lifetime and often unexpectedly, but grow fast once they get started. To ensure a safe operation, it is crucial that any damage can be detected before the structural stability is reduced by large cracks. In the early stages of SCC, microstructural changes occur which increase the acoustic nonlinearity of the material. Therefore, an initially monochromatic Rayleigh wave is distorted and measurable higher harmonics are generated. Different levels of stress corrosion cracking is induced in five specimens. For each specimen, nonlinear ultrasonic measurements are performed before and after inducing the damage. For the measurements, oil coupled wedge transducers are used to generate and detect tone burst Rayleigh wave signals. The amplitudes of the received fundamental and second harmonic waves are measured at varying propagation distances to obtain a measure for the acoustic nonlinearity of the material. The results show a damage-dependent increase in nonlinearity for early stages of damage, indicating the suitability for this nonlinear ultrasonic method to detect stress corrosion cracking before structural failure.
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Assessment of risk of disproportionate collapse of steel building structures exposed to multiple hazardsXu, Guoqing 13 May 2011 (has links)
Vulnerability of buildings to disproportionate (or progressive) collapse has
become an increasingly important performance issue following the collapses of the
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995 and the World Trade
Center in 2001. Although considerable research has been conducted on this topic, there are still numerous unresolved research issues. This dissertation is aimed at developing structural models and analysis procedures for robustness assessment of steel building structures typical of construction practices in the United States, and assessing the performance of these typical structures.
Beam-column connections are usually the most vulnerable elements in steel buildings structures suffering local damage. Models of three typical frame connections for use in robustness assessment have been developed with different techniques, depending on the experimental data available to support such models. A probabilistic model of a pre-Northridge moment-resisting connection was developed through finite element simulations, in which the uncertainties in the initial flaw size, beam yield strength and fracture toughness of the weld were considered. A macro-model for a bolted T-stub connections was developed by considering the behavior of each connection element individually (i.e. T-stub, shear tab and panel zone) and assembling the elements to form a complete connection model, which was subsequently calibrated to experimental data. For modeling riveted connections in older steel buildings that might be candidates for rehabilitation, a new method was proposed to take advantage of available experimental data from tests of earthquake-resistant connections and to take into account the effects of the unequal compressive and tensile stiffnesses of top and bottom parts in a connection and catenary action.
These connection models were integrated into nonlinear finite element models of structural systems to allow the effect of catenary and other large-deformation action on the behavior of the frames and their connections following initial local structural damage to be assessed. The performance of pre-Northridge moment-resisting frames was assessed with both mean-centered deterministic and probabilistic assessment procedures; the significance of uncertainties in collapse assessment was examined by comparing the results from both procedures. A deterministic assessment of frames with full and partial-strength bolted T-stub connections was conducted considering three typical beam spans in both directions. The vulnerability of an older steel building with riveted connections was also analyzed deterministically. The contributions from unreinforced masonry infill panels and reinforced concrete slabs on the behavior of the building were investigated.
To meet the need for a relatively simple procedure for preliminary vulnerability assessment, an energy-based nonlinear static pushdown analysis procedure was developed. This procedure provides an alternative method of static analysis of disproportionate collapse vulnerability that can be used as an assessment tool for regular building frames subjected to local damage. Through modal analysis, dominant vibration modes of a damaged frame were first identified. The structure was divided into two parts, each of which had different vibration characteristics and was modeled by a single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system separately. The predictions were found to be sufficiently close to the results of a nonlinear dynamic time history analysis (NTHA) that the method would be useful for collapse-resistant design of buildings with regular steel framing systems.
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Thermal effects on modular maglev steel guidewaysKim, Hyeong Jun 28 August 2008 (has links)
Current research on thermal effects on guideways has addressed many aspects of the behavior of guideways using two-dimensional models. The two-dimensional models are acceptable for existing guideway designs, in which cross sectional shapes are uniform along the length of the guideway. However, three-dimensional models are necessary for a modular design, in which the track structures that interact with Maglev vehicles are made separately and are assembled into the support structure, and in which the cross sectional shapes are not uniform. A three-dimensional numerical model of the thermal environment, in which the effect of partial shading is taken into account, is implemented for the study of guideway behavior under various thermal environments. The numerical model of the thermal environment is calibrated to the experimental results under the thermal environment at Austin, Texas, and is extrapolated to predict the behaviors of guideways under the thermal environment in Las Vegas, Nevada, which is one of the candidate sites for the implementation and deployment of the high speed Maglev transportation system. This study addresses the suitability of a modular steel guideway design under such a thermal environment. Characteristics of the behavior of guideways under various thermal environments are identified, and the behavior of guideways under the effect of partial shading is summarized. / text
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Applications of structural health monitoring and field testing techniques to probabilistic based life-cycle evaluation of reinforced concrete bridges. / Aplicações de monitoramento estrutural e ensaios de campo à análise probabilística de ciclo de vida.Alberto Belotti Colombo 16 September 2016 (has links)
This work presents methodologies for the integration of field testing and Structural Health Monitoring SHM in the assessment of reinforced concrete bridges. The methodologies are demonstrated through the use of data collected during the testing of reinforced concrete railway bridges and long-term monitoring of a highway bridge. A probabilistic life-cycle prediction model based on sectional analysis is proposed for reinforced concrete structures. The updating of the model parameters is done using a Bayesian updating approach in which the problem is defined as a reliability one. An algorithm that uses subset simulation is used to sample points from the updated parameter distributions. Testing data from a reinforced concrete railway bridge is used to demonstrate the methodology and its results. The description of a SHM system that was installed in the Jaguari River Bridge is also presented. During the stages of preparation for the installation of this system the bridge was inspected, had NDT performed, and field testing was conducted using a test truck. The results of these tests are also presented. Analysis of the collected data from the live-load response of the Jaguari River Bridge is used to demonstrate methodologies for obtaining live-load response distributions from monitoring data. The use of this live-load response data is also used for the life-cycle analysis of one of the bridge\'s cross-sections. / Este trabalho apresenta metodologias de integração de ensaios estruturais e Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) para a avaliação de pontes de concreto armado. O SHM diz respeito a um conjunto de praticas com o objetivo de acompanhar o comportamento estrutural através de sensores com o objetivo de acompanhar o comportamento da estrutura e determinar ações de manutenção de maneira proativa. As metodologias são apresentadas através do uso de dados coletados durante ensaios de pontes ferroviárias em concreto armado e do monitoramento continuo de uma ponte rodoviária. Um modelo para o ciclo de vida de estruturas de concreto armado baseado no método das lamelas é proposto. Os parâmetros deste modelo, que são considerados de maneira probabilística, são atualizados através de um método Bayesiano. Dados de ensaios de uma ponte ferroviária são utilizados nesta analise. A descrição de um sistema de monitoramento contínuo instalado na Ponte do Rio Jaguari também é feita. Durante as etapas de desenvolvimento do sistema a ponte foi inspecionada, ensaios não destrutivos foram feitos e ensaios com um veículo teste foram conduzidos. Os resultados e analises destes também são apresentados. Os dados coletados por este sistema foram utilizados para demonstrar metodologias de caracterização dos modelos de resposta devido a cargas moveis. A utilização destes modelos na avaliação de confiabilidade ao longo do tempo de uma das seções da ponte também é apresentada.
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