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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Apport des inclusions magmatiques et de la fusion expérimentale d'une source mixte péridotite-pyroxénite à l'étude des mécanismes de genèse des magmas d'arc sous-saturés en silice / Constraints on the origin of silica-undersaturated arc magmas inferred from melt inclusions and experimental melting of peridotite – pyroxenite mixed source

Sorbadère, Fanny 14 February 2013 (has links)
Les laves émises en domaine de subduction sont dominées par des compositions calcoalcalines à hypersthène normatif. En revanche, les inclusions magmatiques piégées dans les olivines magnésiennes (Fo ≥ 88) des basaltes d’arc présentent des compositions alcalines, à néphéline normative. Bien que leurs compositions en éléments traces incompatibles ne diffèrent pas de celles de leurs laves hôtes, ces magmas ne peuvent pas s’expliquer par les modèles classiques de formation des laves d’arc. L’étude d’inclusions magmatiques alcalines de plusieurs arcs du monde a permis de mettre en évidence leur variabilité de composition, en particulier en CaO et Sc, deux éléments compatibles dans le clinopyroxène. Le couplage de cette étude avec des modélisations thermodynamiques a aboutit à l’élaboration d’un modèle de source impliquant la contribution de clinopyroxénites à amphibole à environ 1 GPa. Les inclusions magmatiques à néphéline normative d’arc seraient ainsi les témoins de l’hétérogénéité de source à l’origine des magmas d’arc. Les expériences de fusion partielle du mélange homogène clinopyroxénite à amphibole – péridotite hydratée réalisées à 1 GPa permettent d’apporter des informations supplémentaires quant aux mécanismes de genèse des magmas d’arc sous-saturés en silice et de mieux comprendre les comportements de fusion des deux types de lithologies. Pour des proportions inférieures à ~ 50 % de pyroxénite dans la source, les magmas produits présentent des compositions à hypersthène normatif, comparables aux laves d’arc issues de la fusion de lithologies péridotitiques. Pour des proportions de pyroxénites supérieures, les magmas sont à néphéline normative et s’enrichissent en calcium, reproduisant ainsi la gamme de compositions observée pour les inclusions magmatiques. 50 % de mélange correspond à la limite de stabilité de l’orthopyroxène. Tant que cette phase est présente dans le résidu, les magmas engendrés restent à hypersthène normatif. De plus, la présence d’amphibole dans la source permet d’augmenter la sous-saturation des liquides résultants et d’expliquer ainsi les termes les plus riches en néphéline normative de certaines inclusions. Nos expériences de fusion d’une source homogène ont également permis de déterminer la composition des magmas formés par un processus de fusion plus réaliste, impliquant une source hétérogène pyroxénite-péridotite. La productivité de liquides des pyroxénites étant supérieure à celles des péridotites, les magmas générés à partir d’une source hétérogène seront donc principalement pyroxénitiques, c’est-à-dire davantage sous-saturés en silice. Ainsi, dans le cas d’un mélange de magmas issus d’une source hétérogène, la transition entre les compositions à hypersthène et à néphéline normatifs s’effectue aux alentours de 30-40 % de liquides pyroxénititiques, soit pour environ 20-25 % de pyroxénite dans la source. L’origine de ces lithologies dans le manteau sub-arc est attribuée à la délamination de cumulats à clinopyroxène + amphibole présents à la base de la croute des arcs. Les inclusions magmatiques à néphéline normative d’arc auraient enregistré plusieurs étapes de mélange entre des liquides quasi-purs de clinopyroxénites et des liquides péridotitiques. L’homogénéité de compositions des laves à hypersthène normatif traduirait en revanche, un stade de mélange et de différenciation plus avancé, atténuant ainsi la signature pyroxénitique. / Lavas erupted in subduction zones are dominated by calc-alkaline, hypersthene-normative compositions. However, melt inclusions trapped in magnesian olivines (Fo ≥ 88) from arc basalts often show alkaline, nepheline-normative compositions. Although their trace element compositions are comparable to those of their host lavas, these melt inclusions cannot be simply explained by the typical models for arc lava genesis. The study of melt inclusions from several island arcs from all over the world has emphasized their compositional variability, in particular in calcium and Sc, two elements compatible in clinopyroxene. The coupling of this study with thermodynamic modelling has led to the development of a source model involving the contribution of amphibole-bearing clinopyroxenites at about 1 GPa. Nepheline-normative arc melt inclusions thus underline the source heterogeneity at the origin of arc magmas. Partial melting experiments of amphibole-clinopyroxenite – hydrous peridotite homogeneous mixtures performed at 1 GPa have provided additional information on the origin of silica-undersaturated arc magmas, and also a better understanding of the melting behaviour of the two types of lithologies. For proportions of pyroxenite lower than 50 % in the mixed source, the derived melts show hypersthene-normative compositions that are comparable to peridotite-derived arc lavas. For higher proportions of pyroxenite in the source, the derived magmas become nepheline-normative, calcium-rich, and reproduce the compositional range of the melt inclusions. Fifty percent of mixing corresponds to the limit of orthopyroxene stability. As long as this phase is present in the residue, the generated melts are hypersthene-normative. In addition, the presence of amphibole in the source increases the silica under-saturation of liquids and thus accounts for the extreme enrichment in normative nepheline of some inclusions. Our melting experiments of a homogeneous source have allowed to determine the compositions of magmas derived from a mode realistic melting process, involving a heterogeneous source. As pyroxenites have higher melt productivity than peridotites, most melts produced from a pyroxenite-peridotite mixed source are comparable to those produced by a dominantly pyroxenitic source, i.e., they display normative nepheline compositions. Thus, in the case of mixing of magmas derived from heterogeneous source, the transition between hypersthene- and nepheline-normative compositions occurs for 30-40 % of pyroxenite melts, generated from 20-25 % of pyroxenite in the source. The origin of these lithologies in the subarc mantle is explained by the delamination of lower crustal cumulates consisting of clinopyroxene + amphibole. Nepheline-normative arc melt inclusions would record multi-stage mixing between clinopyroxenite and peridotite melts. In contrast, the compositional homogeneity of hypersthene-normative lavas would reflect a more advanced stage of mixing and differentiation, thereby reducing the pyroxenite signature in derived magmas.

Different styles of deformation of the fore-arc wedge along the Chilean convergent margin : insights from 3D numerical experiments

Kellner, Antje January 2007 (has links)
The styles of deformation of the fore-arc wedges along the Chilean convergent margin are observed to vary significantly, despite similar plate kinematic conditions. Here, I focus on the analysis of fore-arc deformation on two regions along the Chilean convergent margin at 20°-24°S and 37°-42°S. Although both regions are subjected to the oblique subduction of the oceanic Nazca plate and backstopped by the Andes mountain chain; they display different patterns of deformation. The northern Chilean study area (20° - 24°S) is characterized by an exceptionally thick crust of about 60 km beneath the Altiplano – Puna plateau, lack of an accretionary wedge in the fore-arc due to hyperarid climate, and consequently a sediment starved trench. Two major margin parallel strike slip faults are observed in this area, the Atacama Fault Zone (AFZ) and the Precordilleran Fault System (PFS). Both strike-slip faults do not exhibit significant recent displacement. The southern study area (37° - 42°S), compared to the northern study area, is characterized by lower topography, high precipitation rates (~2000 mm/yr), and a younger subducted oceanic plate. An active strike-slip fault, the Liquiñe-Ofqui-Fault-Zone (LOFZ), shows ~1 cm/yr recent dextral movement and shapes the surface of this area. Thus, the southern Chilean study area exhibits localized strike-slip motion. Within this area the largest earthquake ever recorded, the 1960 Valdivia earthquake, occurred with a moment magnitude of MW=9.5. I have constructed 2D thermal models and 3D mechanical models for both Chilean study areas to study processes related to active subduction. The applied numerical method is the finite element technique by means of the commercial software package ABAQUS. The thermal models are focused on the thermal conditions along the plate interface. The thermal structure along the plate interface reveals the limits of coupling but also the type of transition from coupled to uncoupled and vice versa. The model results show that shear heating at the plate interface is an important mechanism that should be taken into account. The models also show that the thermal condition at the downdip limit of the coupling zone leads to a sharp decrease of friction along the interface. Due to the different geometries of the two Chilean study areas, such as the slab dip and the thickness of the continental crust, the downdip limit of the southern study area is slightly shallower than that of the northern study area. The results of the 2D thermal models are used to constrain the spatial extent of the coupling zone in the 3D mechanical models. 3D numerical simulations are used to investigate how geometry, rheology and mechanical parameters influence strain partitioning and styles of deformation in the Chilean fore-arc. The general outline of the models is based on the fore-arc geometry and boundary conditions as derived from geophysical and geological field data. I examined the influence of different rheological approaches and varying physical properties of the fore-arc to identify and constrain the parameters controlling the difference in surface deformation between the northern and southern study area. The results of numerical studies demonstrate that a small slab dip, a high coefficient of basal friction, a high obliquity of convergence, and a high Young’s modulus favour localisation of deformation in the fore-arc wedge. This parameter study helped me to constrain preferred models for the two Chilean study areas that fit to first order observations. These preferred models explain the difference in styles of deformation as controlled by the angle of obliquity, the dip of subducting slab, and the strength of wedge material. The difference in styles can be even larger if I apply stronger coupling between plates within the southern area; however, several independent observations indicate opposite tendency showing southward decrease of intensity of coupling. The weaker wedge material of the preferred model for the northern study area is associated with advanced development of the adjacent orogen, the Central Andes. Analysis of world-wide examples of oblique subduction zones supports the conclusion that more mature subduction zones demonstrate less pronounced localization of strike-slip motion. / Die Deformationsmuster der Fore-Arc Keile entlang des chilenischen konvergenten Plattenrandes variieren beachtlich, trotz ähnlicher plattenkinematischer Randbedingungen. In dieser Arbeit konzentriere ich mich auf die Analyse der Deformation des Fore-Arcs in zwei Gebieten entlang des chilenischen konvergenten Plattenrandes zwischen 20°-24°S und 37°-42°S. Obwohl beide Gebiete durch schiefe Subduktion der ozeanischen Nazca Platte und der östlichen Begrenzung durch die Andine Gebirgskette gekennzeichnet sind, zeigen sie unterschiedliche Deformationsmuster an der Oberfläche. Das nördliche chilenische Gebiet (20° - 24°S) ist gekennzeichnet durch eine außergewöhnliche Krustendicke von ~ 60 km unterhalb des Altiplano - Puna Plateaus, dem Fehlen eines akkretionären Prismas im Fore-Arc aufgrund des trockenen Klimas und somit einer nahezu sedimentfreien Tiefseerinne. Zwei große Plattenrand-parallele Strike-Slip Störungen werden in diesem Gebiet beobachtet, die Atacama Fault Zone (AFZ) und das Precordilleran Fault System (PFS). Beide Strike-Slip Störungen zeigen keine signifikanten aktuellen Bewegungsraten. Das südliche Gebiet (37° - 42°S) ist im Vergleich zum nördlichen Gebiet durch eine niedrigere Topographie, hohe Niederschlagsraten (~2000 mm/a) und eine jüngere abtauchende ozeanische Platte gekennzeichnet. Die aktive Strike-Slip Störung, Liquiñe-Ofqui-Fault-Zone (LOFZ), ist gekennzeichnet durch aktuelle dextrale Bewegungsraten von 1 cm/a und prägt die Oberflächenstruktur in dieser Region. Folglich ist der südliche Arbeitsbereich durch lokalisierte Strike-Slip Bewegung charakterisiert. Innerhalb dieses Gebietes ereignete sich das größte instrumentell aufgezeichnete Erdbeben, das 1960 Valdivia Erdbeben, mit einer Stärke von MW=9.5. 2D thermische Modelle und 3D mechanische Modelle wurden für die beiden chilenischen Gebiete konstruiert, um Prozesse im Zusammenhang mit aktiver Subduktion zu untersuchen. Als numerisches Verfahren wurde die Finite Elemente Methode mit Hilfe des kommerziellen Softwarepakets ABAQUS angewandt. Die thermischen Modelle sind auf die thermischen Konditionen entlang der Plattengrenzfläche fokussiert. Die thermische Struktur entlang der Plattengrenzfläche zeigt die Grenzen der Kopplung an aber auch die Art des Überganges von gekoppelt zu nicht gekoppelt und umgekehrt. Die Modellergebnisse zeigen, dass Heizen infolge der Scherung an der Plattengrenzfläche ein wichtiger Faktor ist, der in Betracht gezogen werden sollte. Die Modelle zeigen auch, dass die thermische Struktur an der unteren Begrenzung der Koppelzone zu einer deutlichen Abnahme der Reibung entlang der Grenzfläche führt. Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Geometrien der zwei chilenischen Untersuchungsgebiete, z.B. Abtauchwinkel der ozeanischen Platte und Krustendicke, ist die untere Begrenzung der Koppelzone des südlichen Untersuchungsgebietes in geringerer Tiefe als die des nördlichen Gebietes. Die Ergebnisse der thermischen 2D Modelle werden genutzt, um die räumliche Ausdehnung der Koppelzone in den mechanischen 3D Modellen festzulegen. Numerische 3D Simulationen werden genutzt, um zu verstehen, wie Geometrien, Rheologien und mechanische Parameter die Verformungspartitionierung und das Deformationsmuster im chilenischen Fore-Arc beeinflussen. Ich habe den Einfluss unterschiedlicher rheologischer Ansätze und unterschiedlicher physikalischer Eigenschaften auf den Fore-Arc untersucht, um Parameter zu identifizieren und zu bestimmen, die den Unterschied des Deformationsmusters zwischen dem nördlichen und südlichen Gebiet steuern. Die Ergebnisse der numerischen Studien stellen heraus, dass ein kleinerer Abtauchwinkel der ozeanischen Platte, ein hoher basaler Reibungskoeffizient, eine hohe Konvergenzschiefe und ein großer Elastizitätsmodul die Lokalisierung der Deformation im Fore-Arc Keil begünstigen. Basierend auf dieser Parameterstudie habe ich Modelle für die beiden chilenischen Gebiete ausgewählt, die in Beobachtungen erster Ordnung übereinstimmen. Diese ausgewählten Modelle erklären die unterschiedlichen Deformationsmuster durch eine größere Konvergenzschiefe, einen kleineren Abtauchwinkel der ozeanischen Platte und ein härteres Keilmaterial für das südliche Untersuchungsgebiet. Der Unterschied bezüglich der Deformationsmuster kann sogar größer sein, wenn ich eine größere Reibung zwischen den Platten im südlichen Gebiet anwende; jedoch zeigen einige unabhängige Beobachtungen eine umgekehrte Tendenz: eine Abnahme der Intensität der Koppelung von Nord nach Süd. Das schwächere Keilmaterial des ausgewählten Modells für das nördliche Untersuchungsgebiet steht im Zusammenhang mit der fortgeschrittenen Entwicklung des angrenzenden Orogens, der zentralen Anden. Die Analyse weltweiter Beispiele von schiefen Subduktionzonen unterstützt die Schlussfolgerung, dass ältere Subduktionzonen weniger ausgeprägte Lokalisierung von Strike-Slip Bewegung aufzeigen.

The South Chilean subduction zone between 41° and 43.5°S : seismicity, structure and state of stress

Lange, Dietrich January 2008 (has links)
Die stärksten Erdbeben treten an Subduktionszonen auf, so z.B. das stärkste instrumentell jemals gemessene Erdbeben vom 22. Mai 1960 mit einer Magnitude von 9,5 Mw in Süd Chile. In dieser Arbeit werden lokal gewonnene seismologische Daten aus dem zentralen Bereich des 1960er-Bebens vorgestellt. Das seismologische Netzwerk umfasste den chilenischen Forearc zwischen Tiefseegraben und den vulkanischen Bogen zwischen 41,5°-43,5°S und überdeckte sowohl die Insel Chiloé als auch die Nord-Süd-streichende Liquiñe-Ofqui Störungszone (LOFZ). Zwischen November 2004 und Oktober 2005 konnten 364 lokale Ereignisse registriert werden. Die gewonnen Aufzeichnungen erlauben Aussagen sowohl über das aktuelle Spannungsfeld im Forearc als auch über das lokale Geschwindigkeitsmodell und die Geometrie der subduzierten Benioff-Zone. Mit einer Auswahl von P- und S-Laufzeiten von gut lokalisierbaren Erdbeben wurden ein Minimum 1-D Geschwindigkeitsmodell, Stationsresiduen und die Hypozentralparameter invertiert. Dieses Geschwindigkeitsmodell diente als Startmodell für die 2-D Tomographie. Das 2-D vp-Modell zeigt eine Zone erhöhter Geschwindigkeiten unterhalb des Längstals und des östlichen Bereiches der Insel Chiloé, die als Mantelaufwölbung interpretiert werden kann. Die Benioff-Zone wird als eine mit ca. 30° ostwärts einfallende Struktur abgebildet. Die seismische Hauptaktivität findet parallel zur Küste der Insel Chiloé in Tiefen zwischen 12 und 30 km statt; es handelt sich um Beben, die wahrscheinlich auf der Plattengrenzfläche stattfinden. In Tiefen über 70 km lässt die Seismizität bereits stark nach, die tiefsten Beben wurden in 120 km Tiefe registriert. Die Abwesenheit tieferer Seismizität wird auf das junge Alter (und eine damit verbundene hohe Temperatur) der ozeanischen Platte zurückgeführt. Neben der Seismizität in der Benioff-Zone treten flache, krustale Beben in verschiedenen Häufungen entlang des magmatischen Bogens auf. Diese Bereiche erhöhter Seismizität sind räumlich mit der LOFZ und den Vulkanen Chaitén, Michinmahuida und Corcovado verknüpft. Beben bis zu einer Magnitude von 3,8 Mw zeigen die gegenwärtige Aktivität der LOFZ. Herdflächen entlang der LOFZ wurden aus Momententensor-Inversion anhand von Amplitudenspektren von Raumwellen gewonnen. Ergebnisse einer Spannungsfeldinversion zeigen ein Blattverschiebungsregime für den magmatischen Bogen und ein Überschiebungsregime für Beben in der Benioff-Zone auf. Die hier gemachten seismologischen Beobachtungen, zusammen mit teleseismischen Erdbeben und geologischen Befunden, unterstützen die Modellvorstellung eines sich nordwärts bewegenden kontinentalen Forearc-Blocks für Süd Chile. / While the northern and central part of the South American subduction zone has been intensively studied, the southern part has attracted less attention, which may be due to its difficult accessibility and lower seismic activity. However, the southern part exhibits strong seismic and tsunamogenic potential with the prominent example of the Mw=9.5 May 22, 1960 Valdivia earthquake. In this study data from an amphibious seismic array (Project TIPTEQ) is presented. The network reached from the trench to the active magmatic arc incorporating the Island of Chiloé and the north-south trending Liquiñe-Ofqui fault zone (LOFZ). 364 local events were observed in an 11-month period from November 2004 until October 2005. The observed seismicity allows to constrain for the first time the current state of stress of the subducting plate and magmatic arc, as well as the local seismic velocity structure. The downgoing Benioff zone is readily identifiable as an eastward dipping plane with an inclination of ~30°. Main seismic activity occurred predominantly in a belt parallel to the coast of Chiloé Island in a depth range of 12-30 km, which is presumably related to the plate interface. The down-dip termination of abundant intermediate depth seismicity at approximately 70 km depth seems to be related to the young age (and high temperature) of the oceanic plate. A high-quality subset of events was inverted for a 2-D velocity model. The vp model resolves the sedimentary basins and the downgoing slab. Increased velocities below the longitudinal valley and the eastern part of Chiloé Island suggest the existence of a mantle bulge. Apart from the events in the Benioff Zone, shallow crustal events were observed mainly in different clusters along the magmatic arc. These crustal clusters of seismicity are related to the LOFZ, as well as to the volcanoes Chaitén, Michinmahuida and Corcovado. Seismic activity up to a magnitude of 3.8 Mw reveals the recent activity of the fault zone. Focal mechanisms for the events along the LOFZ were calculated using a moment tensor inversion of amplitude spectra for body waves which mostly yield strike-slip mechanisms indicating a SW-NE striking of sigma_1 for the LOFZ. Focal mechanism stress inversion indicates a strike-slip regime along the arc and a thrust regime in the Benioff zone. The observed deformation - which is also revealed by teleseismic observations - suggests a confirmation for the proposed northward movement of a forearc sliver acting as a detached continental micro-plate.

Neotectonics of Java, Indonesia: Crustal Deformation in the Overriding Plate of an Orthogonal Subduction System

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: Shallow earthquakes in the upper part of the overriding plate of subduction zones can be devastating due to their proximity to population centers despite the smaller rupture extents than commonly occur on subduction megathrusts that produce the largest earthquakes. Damaging effects can be greater in volcanic arcs like Java because ground shaking is amplified by surficial deposits of uncompacted volcaniclastic sediments. Identifying the upper-plate structures and their potential hazards is key for minimizing the dangers they pose. In particular, the knowledge of the regional stress field and deformation pattern in this region will help us to better understand how subduction and collision affects deformation in this part of the overriding plate. The majority of the upper plate deformation studies have been focused on the deformation in the main thrusts of the fore-arc region. Study of deformation within volcanic arc is limited despite the associated earthquake hazards. In this study, I use maps of active upper-plate structures, earthquake moment tensor data and stress orientation deduced from volcano morphology analysis to characterize the strain field of Java arc. In addition, I use sandbox analog modeling to evaluate the mechanical factors that may be important in controlling deformation. My field- and remotely-based mapping of active faults and folds, supplemented by results from my paleoseismic studies and physical models of the system, suggest that Java’s deformation is distributed over broad areas along small-scale structures. Java is segmented into three main zones based on their distinctive structural patterns and stress orientation. East Java is characterized by NW-SE normal and strike-slip faults, Central Java has E-W folds and thrust faults, and NE-SW strike-slip faults dominate West Java. The sandbox analog models indicate that the strain in response to collision is partitioned into thrusting and strike-slip faulting, with the dominance of margin-normal thrust faulting. My models test the effects of convergence obliquity, geometry, preexisting weaknesses, asperities, and lateral strength contrast. The result suggest that slight variations in convergence obliquity do not affect the deformation pattern significantly, while the margin shape, lateral strength contrast, and perturbation of deformation from asperities each have a greater impact on deformation. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Geological Sciences 2016

Experimental determination of F partitioning between fluid and hydrous minerals in subduction zones / Détermination expérimentale du coefficient de partage F entre une phase fluide et des minéraux hydratés en zone de subduction

Wu, Jia 30 April 2013 (has links)
Résumé en français indisponible. / Mechanisms of volatile transfer from subducting slab to the melting region beneath arc volcanoes are probably the least understood process of arc magma genesis. Fluorine, which suffers minimum degassing in arc primitive melt inclusions, retains the information about the role of volatiles during magma genesis at depth. Experimentally determined solubility of F in aqueous fluid, and partition coefficients of F between fluid and minerals provide first order geochemical constraints about the volatile-transporting agent.My thesis experimentally determined F solubility in fluid and its partition coefficients among several phases. The systems are in equilibrium with hornblende and a humite group mineral (some contain melt or pyroxene) at 1 – 2 GPa, from 770 to 1047 °C, or equilibrium with hydrogrossular, pyroxene and norbergite or chondrodite at 2.5 – 3 GPa and 877 °C. The experiments were conducted with piston cylinder and cold sealing technique. The oxygen fugacity conditions were controlled by NNO buffer, while some were unbuffered. The fluids were extracted into volumetric flasks, and their compositions were determined by mass balance calculations. Moreover, the consistency was verified by HPLC for fluorine ion, and ICP-MS or ICP-AES for major cations of the quenched fluids.In 1 GPa experiments, the quench phases are so rare that the majority of the fluid compositions from direct analyses are consistent with mass balance results in their uncertainties. Moreover, my mass balance procedure takes into account all the measurements errors, which leads to large uncertainties on fluid compositions. The consistency demonstrates that most of fluorine aflter annealing in the capsule is present as fluorine ion. Futhermore, increases of the masses of starting materials, fluid proportions and analytical precisions will improve the uncertainties performances. ������������ can be represented by a single value 0.135 ± 0.036, which is independent of temperature, bulk composition and buffer conditions at 1 GPa. Df between fluid and humite group minerals is much less. Xf of hornblende and norbergite decrease from 1 to 2 GPa, while F partitionig between them doesn't change much. It indicates that F partitioning between fluid and minerals increases. Moreover, F concentrations in norbergite between NNO buffered and unbuffered experiments are significantly different. Meanwhile, Fe concentration variations of norbergite indicate that unbeffered experiments have higher oxygen fugacity than the NNO buffered ones. According to high temperature improves the free radical exchange reactions, H2O + 0.5O2 ⇄ 2OH. It indicates that both water fugacity and oxygen fugacity contribute to OH fugacity in fluid. I developed a simple model in which XF in humite group minerals are correlated to the ratio between F and OH. It is sucessfully applied to estimate the F concentration in the fluid, which co-exists with clinohumite, using Xf value.With the knowledge of my study, a new constraint can be framed on slab flux. The average F concentration in the fluid is 2700 ppm for F-rich experiments and it constrains the maximum amount of F carried by fluid in the presence of amphibole. Using partition coefficient of F to estimate F abundance in subducting slab, one can conclude that the increase of F concentration in the subarc mantle by fluid, in equilibrium with hornblende, to be less tan 5 ppm. Significant F enrichments found in arc lavas cannot be derived from aqueous fluid of subductiong slab in the presence of amphibole. Therefore, this result highlights the role either 1) slab melt, 2) fluid in equilibrium with eclogite, or perhaps 3) supercritical fluid for the element transfer from slab to mantle wedge.

Investigation sismique du domaine avant-arc Égéen du segment Sud-Ouest de la zone de subduction Hellénique / Seismic investigation of the forearc domain of the southwestern segment of the Hellenic subduction zone

Vitard, Clément 01 December 2016 (has links)
La zone de subduction Hellénique, en Méditerranée orientale, est caractérisée par le taux de sismicité le plus important d’Europe. Des séismes de forte magnitude (Mw 7,5-8) ont eu lieu le long du segment Sud-Ouest de la zone de subduction Hellénique, au large du Péloponnèse, au cours du 19ème et 20ème siècle. Ce segment de 400 km de long a également été le lieu de nucléation du plus important séisme d’Europe, en 365 ap J.C, avec une magnitude supérieure à 8, ayant entraîné un tsunami dévastateur. Deux principaux modèles scientifiques s’opposent sur la question du couplage sismique de l’interface de subduction, allant d’un couplage sismique total au niveau de l’interface, à l’hypothèse opposée d’un couplage quasi inexistant. Cependant, ces modèles opposés considèrent des géométries approximatives et parfois extrêmes, fautes de contraintes disponibles sur la structure et la géométrie de l’interplaque sous l’avant-arc dans cette zone. La localisation de la faille responsable du séisme de 365 ap J.C est également débattue, en l’absence de données géophysiques permettant d’identifier les interfaces potentiellement responsables de cet événement dévastateur. La faille de méga-chevauchement et le domaine avant-arc du segment Sud-Ouest de l’arc Hellénique ont été l’objet d’étude de la campagne océanographique Ulysse en Novembre 2012 afin de déterminer la géométrie des structures et unités majeures dans cette portion de la zone de subduction, mais également d’apporter un éclairage sur la tectonique récente qui affecte cette zone / The Hellenic subduction zone, in the eastern part of the Mediterranean sea, is characterized by the highest rate of current seismicity in Europe. In the southwestern segment, several earthquakes of large magnitude (Mw 7,5-8) occured a the turn of the 19th to 20th century. This segment of 400 km long, has also been the nucleation site of the largest historical earthquake in Europe, named the 365 AD earthquake, with a magnitude of Mw 8. This event generates a devastating tsunami, which spread along the Adriactic Sea and in the Nile Delta region. Two main models differ about the interplate seismic coupling question in this region, from a total seismic coupling at the interplate, at the opposite assumption of a very weak seismic coupling. However, these opposing models consider an approximate geometry, mostly because of the lack of information available on the geometry and the localization of the interplate in this region of the forearc domain. The localization of the fault responsible of the 365 AD event is also debated, because, there is no available data who provides imagery of the interfaces potentially responsible of this devastating earthquake. The megathrust fault and the forearc domain of the southwestern segment of the Hellenic subduction zone has been the target of the Ulysse marine survey in November 2012. The aim of this survey was to provide information of the structural geometry of the main units in this part of the subduction zone, and to bring information on the recent tectonic activity in this region

Investigating Earthquake Swarms for Clues of the Driving Mechanisms

Fasola, Shannon Lee 12 November 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Les rides de Barracuda et de Tiburon, à l'Est de la subduction des Petites Antilles : origine, évolution et conséquences géodynamiques / The Barracuda Ridge and Tiburon Rise, East of the Lesser Antilles : origin, evolution and geodynamic implications

Pichot, Thibaud 18 June 2012 (has links)
Les rides de Barracuda et de Tiburon sont deux reliefs sous-marins situés dans la partie ouest de l'océan Atlantique, là où la lithosphère océanique des plaques Amérique du Nord (NAM) et Amérique du Sud (SAM) est entraînée par subduction sous la plaque Caraïbe, formant l'arc volcanique des Petites Antilles et le prisme d’accrétion de Barbade. Le processus et la période de soulèvement conduisant au relief actuel de ces rides (qui semblent être un marqueur important dans l'histoire géodynamique de la région) sont sujets à débat depuis des décennies.L’interprétation de nouvelles données de sismique réflexion et de bathymétrie multifaisceaux acquises à travers les rides de Barracuda et de Tiburon (campagne Antiplac, 2007 ) a permis de dater les périodes de soulèvements des rides et réaliser des reconstructions paléogéographiques incluant les flux sédimentaires majeurs, depuis le Crétacé jusqu’ à l’Actuel.L’analyse structurale révèle des phases de réactivations tardives d’anciennes zones de fractures dans un contexte transpressif, conduisant aux surrections des rides de Tiburon et de Barracuda.Les processus géologiques possibles impliqués dans la formation des rides de Barracuda et de Tiburon coïncident avec les modèles cinématiques récents décrivant les mouvements relatifs entre les plaques NAM et SAM, le long de la limite de plaque diffuse.Ces résultats permettent de mieux définir la limite de plaque entre NAM et SAM. Elle est nécessairement hétérogène exploitant les zones de faiblesses dans la lithosphère que sont les zones de fracture. Au sein de cette limite de plaque la lithosphère serait donc fragmentée. / The Barracuda Ridge and the Tiburon Rise, two oceanic-basement ridges, lie in the western Atlantic Ocean, where oceanic lithosphere of the North American (NAM) and South American (SAM) plates is subducted beneath the Caribbean plate, creating the Lesser Antilles volcanic arc and the Barbados Ridge accretionary complex. The process and the timing of the uplift leading to the present day morphologies of the Tiburon and Barracuda ridges, that seem to be key markers in the geodynamic history of the region, has remained a matter of debate for decades.From the analysis of new multibeam and seismic reflection profiles acquired in 2007 (Antiplac crusie) DSDP-ODP boreholes available, we provide new information on the timing of the formation of the Barracuda Ridge and Tiburon Rise in their present-day configurations. We propose paleogeographic reconstructions with the main sediments fluxes deposited in the area of the Barracuda and Tiburon ridges from the Late Cretaceous to present. Structural analysis shows reactivation of fracture zones in a transpressive setting leading to the uplifts of the Barracuda and Tiburon Ridges.The location of the Barracuda Ridge and the Tiburon Rise and the timing of the uplift fit well with recent global plate kinematic models describing the movements of NAM relative to SAM along a diffuse plate boundaryThis NAM-SAM plate boundary zone, therefore must most certainly be heterogeneous in nature, exploiting weaknesses in the lithosphere provided by fracture zones where mechanically advantageous, but forming new boundary segments elsewhere, to transfer motion between reactivated segments of the fracture zones.

Delineation of the Nootka fault zone and structure of the shallow subducted southern Explorer plate as revealed by the Seafloor Earthquake Array Japan Canada Cascadia Experiment (SeaJade)

Hutchinson, Jesse 25 May 2020 (has links)
At the northern extent of the Cascadia subduction zone, the subducting Explorer and Juan de Fuca plates interact across a translational deformation zone, known as the Nootka fault zone. The Seafloor Earthquake Array Japan-Canada Cascadia Experiment (SeaJade) was designed to study this region. In two parts (SeaJade I and II, deployed from July – September 2010 and January – September 2014), seismic data from the SeaJade project has led to several important discoveries. Hypocenter distributions from SeaJade I and II indicate primary and secondary conjugate faults within the Nootka fault zone. Converted phase analysis and jointly determined seismic tomography with double-difference relocated hypocenters provide evidence to several velocity-contrasting interfaces seaward of the Cascadia subduction front at depths of ~4-6 km, ~6-9 km, ~11-14 km, and ~14-18 km, which have been interpreted as the top of the oceanic crust, upper/lower crust boundary, oceanic Moho, and the base of the highly fractured and seawater/mineral enriched veins within oceanic mantle. During SeaJade II, a MW 6.4 mainshock and subsequent aftershocks, known as the Nootka Sequence, highlighted a previously unidentified fault within the subducted Explorer plate. This fault reflects the geometry of the subducting plate, showing downward bending of the plate toward the northwest. This plate bend can be attributed to negative buoyancy from margin parallel mantle flow induced by intraslab tearing further northwest. Seismic tomography reinforces the conclusions drawn from the Nootka Sequence hypocenter distribution. Earthquakes from the entire SeaJade II catalogue reveal possible rotated paleo-faults, identifying the former extent of the Nootka fault zone from ~3.5 Ma. / Graduate

The Älgliden Ni-Cu-Au sulfide deposit, Skellefte Belt, Sweden : a magmatic Ni-Cu deposit in a subduction setting / Le gisement de sulfures à Ni-Cu-Au d'Älgliden, ceinture de Skellefte, en Suède : un gisement magmatique de Ni-Cu en zone de subduction

Coin, Kévin 08 November 2017 (has links)
La plupart des gisements de Ni-Cu sont issus de magmas komatiitique ou tholéiitique associés à des panaches mantelliques. Leur genèse fait intervenir l’exsolution d’un liquide sulfuré immiscible, l’interaction entre les liquides silicaté et sulfuré afin de concentrer ce-dernier en éléments chalcophiles, et l’accumulation du liquide sulfuré en quantités économiques. La saturation en sulfure est généralement atteinte en réduisant la solubilité des sulfures. Celle-ci se fait par assimilation de roches encaissantes siliceuses et/ou sulfurés.Le dyke d’Älgliden de la ceinture de Skellefte, en Suède, contient des sulfures de Cu et Ni dont les quantités ne sont actuellement pas économiques. La minéralisation d’Älgliden est atypique dans la mesure où elle contient d’importantes teneurs en Au, elle a un faible rapport Ni/Cu et enfin est formé dans un contexte de subduction. Le dyke recoupe un gisement porphyrique à Cu-Au contenant des sulfures ce qui laisse suggérer que la minéralisation d’Älgliden est formée par assimilation.Les objectifs de ce projet de recherche étaient d’examiner les processus de formation de la minéralisation d’Älgliden et son potentiel minier ainsi que de mieux comprendre la formation des gisements à Ni-Cu en contexte de subduction. Ce travail inclut l’étude pétrologique du minerai et de ses roches hôtes, la détermination de compositions minérales, l’analyse des éléments majeurs et traces sur roche totale et enfin des analyses des isotopes du soufre. Ce projet a été financé par la compagnie Boliden qui détient le gisement d’Älgliden.Le dyke est composé en majeure partie de norite à olivines, et minoritairement de leucogabbros. Les compositions sur roches totales, les textures magmatiques et les compositions minérales suggèrent que les norites à olivine se sont formées par accumulation d’olivine tandis que les leucogabbros représentent des liquides résiduels avec ou sans cristaux cumulus de plagioclase ± orthopyroxene. Les norites sont interprétées comme étant formées par une ou deux injections de bouillie cristalline suivie de cristallisation fractionnée. Le magma parent des roches d’Älgliden était un basalte hydraté et évolué dont la teneur en MgO est estimé à 6%.Le minerai sulfuré est principalement disséminé à travers l’ensemble de l’intrusion d’Älgliden. Quelques concentrations modérées de minerai se présentent sous la forme de sulfures en réseaux, de veines de sulfures et de sulfures massifs, lesquelles sont spatialement associées aux leucogabbros et aux xénolites de l’encaissant. L’association entre les leucogabbros et les concentrations en sulfures, leur faible teneur en métaux et leur faible rapport Ni/Cu suggèrent que la phase sulfuré s’est exsolvée tardivement au cours de la différentiation magmatique. Ce timing semble défavorable pour la minéralisation d’Älgliden puisqu’il inhibe à la fois l’interaction entre les liquides silicaté et sulfuré et l’accumulation du liquide sulfuré.La contamination du magma d’Älgliden par son encaissant n’est pas corroboré par les concentrations en élément trace et les compositions isotopiques du soufre. En revanche, ces données indiquent que le magma d’Älgliden s’est mis en place dans une zone de subduction où l’on pense que la saturation en sulfure a été atteinte par réduction d’un magma oxydé et riche en élément volatiles, via la cristallisation de magnétite et/ou dégazage. Les valeurs positives de δ34S suggèrent que l’apport de matériel dérivé du slab est responsable du caractère oxydé du magma d’Älgliden.L’état d’oxydation des magmas d’arc leur permet de dissoudre de grandes quantités de S et d’Au. Leur caractère évolué est responsable de leur fortes concentrations relatives en Au et leur faible rapport Ni/Cu. Ainsi, en contexte subduction les sulfures magmatiques sont susceptibles d’avoir ces caractéristiques, et si l’exsolution du liquide sulfuré a lieu plus tôt que dans le cas d’Älgliden cela pourrait conduire à la formation de gisements économiques. / Most major sulfide Ni-Cu deposits originated from komatiitic or tholeiitic magmas that formed in association with mantle plumes. Their genesis involves the segregation of a immiscible sulfide liquid, reaction of the sulfide liquid with silicate melt to upgrade the sulfide in chalcophile elements, and the concentration of the sulfide liquid in economic amounts. Saturation in sulfide is commonly achieved by lowering the sulfide solubility via assimilation of siliceous wall rock or by increasing the S content by adding S-bearing materials.The Älgliden dike in the Skellefte Belt in Sweden contains currently uneconomic Ni-Cu sulfide mineralization. The Älgliden mineralization is atypical insofar as it contains a significant amount of Au, has a low Ni/Cu ratio and formed in a subduction-related geodynamic setting. The host intrusion intrudes sulfide-bearing Cu-Au porphyry mineralization which led to the suggestion that the Älgliden Ni-Cu-Au mineralization was linked to the assimilation of sulfide-bearing wall rocks.The goals of this research project were to investigate the ore forming processes of the Älgliden mineralization and its ore potential, as well as to improve our understanding of the genesis of Ni-Cu deposits in subduction zones. The work is based on a petrological study of the ore and its host rocks, determination of mineral compositions, analyses of major and trace elements in bulk rocks, and sulfur isotope analyses. This was supported by the Boliden company which owns the deposit.The dike is composed mainly of olivine norites with minor leucogabbros. Bulk rock compositions, magmatic textures and mineral compositions suggest that the olivine norites formed by accumulation of olivine and that the leucogabbros represent residual melts with or without cumulus plagioclase ± orthopyroxene. The norites are interpreted to form by one or two injections of an olivine-rich crystal mush and subsequent fractional crystallization. The parental melt of the Älgliden rocks was a hydrous and evolved basalt estimated to contain ≈6 wt.% MgO.The sulfide ore is mainly disseminated throughout the whole Älgliden intrusion. Some weak ore concentrations occur as network to vein and massive sulfides that are spatially associated with the leucogabbros and wallrock xenoliths. The association between the leucogabbros and the concentrations of sulfide, their low ore grade and Ni/Cu ratio suggest that the sulfide segregated late in the differentiation process. This timing appears unfavorable for the Älgliden mineralization because it inhibited both sulfide-silicate liquid interaction and the accumulation of sulfide.Contamination of the Älgliden magma by its wall rocks is not supported by trace element data and S isotope compositions. Instead these data indicate that the Älgliden magma was emplaced above a subduction zone where the sulfide saturation is thought to occur by reduction of the oxidized and volatile-rich magma by magnetite fractionation and/or by degassing. Positive δ34S values suggest addition of slab-derived material which is thought to be responsible for the oxidized character of the Älgliden magma.The oxidation state of arc magmas allows them to carry large amounts of S and Au. Their evolved character is also responsible for their relatively high Au contents and low Ni/Cu. Such characteristics are likely to occur in magmatic sulfide mineralization in subduction zone settings, and if sulfide liquid segregation had occurred earlier than at Älgliden the process may have produced economic sulfide deposits.

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