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Využívání dotačních titulů v rámci PRV dle Osy III, opatření 1 pro rozvoj Jihočeského kraje / The use of subsidies by the RDP Axis III, measure 1 for the development of South Bohemian RegionPŮLPYTLOVÁ, Vendula January 2011 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the use of the Rural Development Programme, Axis III, detail, measure 1, the development of rural areas in South County. Compares the situation in the South Region with the national development in this area. In order to address the author analyzes the use of financial aid on the basis of submitted projects. The author also carried out a survey among business operators and other beneficiaries, the extent to which their activities were beneficial to the objectives of the RDP. The aim of the work will be analyzing the specific conditions for diversification in southern Bohemia and their evaluation based on projects financed by the Rural Development Programme. The paper will use historical methods of analysis, logic and comparative analysis with the use of statistical data.
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Financování přenesené působnosti obcí v České republice / Financing of delegated powers of municipalities in the Czech RepublicČERMÁKOVÁ, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this diploma paper was to evaluate the current state of development and financing of delegated powers of municipalities in the Czech Republic. Development financing was assessed for the period 1993 - 2003. Specifically, were monitored tax, non-tax and capital revenues, grants and current and capital expenditures. An analysis found that total revenue and expenditure in the period grew almost identically. Revenue increased primarily due to growth in tax revenues and increased subsidies. Expenditure increased depending on the growth of prices, but also due to broader range of tasks delegated by the state to municipalities. The intended goal was achieved by using analysis of entitlement subsidies and an allowance for the state administration. Analysis of entitlement grants was done in all municipalities in the Czech Republic for the period 2001 - 2010 and specifically the communities of South Region for the period 2003 - 2010. Using both analysis revealed that entitlements constitute a substantial share of subsidies in total subsidies received and this proportion increases with the increasing population. Analysis of the contribution to the state administration was performed in all 623 villages of South County. The villages were divided into five categories, depending on the extent of delegated powers. By analyzing the contribution to the state administration was established, how the allowance in each year, what was the cause of change and what was the structure contribution to the state administration of the individual categories.
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Analýza využití dotací z Programu rozvoje venkova pro zlepšení tržních příležitostí (ekofarmy Jihočeský kraj) / Analysis of the use of subsidies from the Rural Development Programme for the improvement of market opporunities (eco-farms South Bohemian Region)ŠIKOVÁ, Vladimíra January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is focused on evaluating the engagement of organic farms in South Bohemia in Rural Development Programme ? Axis I (improving the competitiveness of the agricultural, food and forestry sectors) and Axis III (improving quality of life in rural areas and diversification of rural economy).Literature gives a basic overview of the Common agricultural policy, organic farming and how to obtain grants from the European Union. In introduction of practical part are presented the basic statistic data about the organic farming in South Bohemian Region. The next chapter is focused on the use of subsidies in organic farming and on the controlling of authorize projects. At the end of this thesis are presented chosen successful projects.
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Improving the supply of subsidised housing in South AfricaBekker, Jakobus Petrus January 2017 (has links)
Despite South African citizen’s constitutional right to adequate housing, Government’s housing delivery has been described as a complex, multi-stakeholder, multi-phase problem, exacerbated by political interference and corruption. Housing delivery in South Africa is ideologically and politically designed and executed. However, the government subsidised housing sector remains plagued by: huge and increasing backlogs; corruption; quality concerns, and recipient and stakeholder dissatisfaction. This includes the government subsidised housing construction sector, which faces issues such as: established contractors leaving the sector; late and failed completion; substandard quality; rework; cost overruns; late progress payments; and insolvencies. Moreover, government subsidised housing officials, which forms part of this sector, must contend with abandoned projects and appointing new contractors; shoddy workmanship from sub-standard contractors; remedial work, including demolition and rebuilding; and systemic problems such as staff shortages and under qualified staff. The process of Government’s ideological and political designed and execution may therefore not have considered certain practicalities relative to construction principles and practice. It therefore appears that there may be some relationship between the compatibility of Government’s housing ideological and political designed (policy) and execution and general construction principles and practice. It is clear from the related literature that government subsidised housing construction has mostly been investigated as an exercise observing from the outside in, and not from a construction sector perspective. The main purpose of this study is thus to explore housing policy and practice compatibility as a major obstacle to housing delivery in general and assess whether the current housing policy is sufficiently responsive to the requirements of the government subsidised housing sector by specifically describing and exploring the effects of Government’s housing procurement policies relative to the ability of the construction sector to supply government subsidised housing. More specifically, the study describes and explores corruption, quality; contractors and worker competency, and government capacity as specific consequences of housing policy and practice incompatibility, as well as factors contributing to recipient dissatisfaction and the housing backlog. Finally, based on the finding, a proposed framework for improving the supply of subsidised housing in South Africa has been developed. The methodology for this study adopted a post-positivist philosophy, embracing a quantitative approach using questionnaires, which incorporated mainly five-point Likert type scale, but also multiple-choice questions, as instruments for data collection. Three surveys were conducted, starting with a pilot study and followed by a primary study, during which a total of 2 884 potential participants within the construction sector across South Africa were randomly sampled and solicited to participate, of which 284 responded. The respondents consisted of four groups: general contractors (76); government housing officials (34); built environment professionals (137), and built environment suppliers (37). An electronic questionnaire was sent by email to all potential participants and allowed four weeks to complete the survey. Furthermore, a housing recipient survey was conducted among 100 randomly selected recipients of government subsidised housing in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan area, by means of a structured interview using a paper based questionnaire, over a period of two weeks. The primary outcome measures used for this study were the ranked mean scores for mainly descriptive analysis and the Chi-square test, the 𝑡-test, Cohan’s d test, ANOVA and Scheffé test, using Cronbach's alpha as a measure of internal consistency of scale and validity, for inferential analyses and hypotheses testing. Hypothesis testing was founded upon Government’s worldview that its policies will not influence the operations of the construction sector relative to housing construction, and therefore tested respondents’ perspectives with respect to the impact that government policies have in terms of contractor operations and contractor success, as well as its contribution towards the housing backlog, substandard housing, recipient dissatisfaction and corruption. The following results were obtained by means of the hypothesis testing:Government housing procurement policies are inappropriate for application in the government subsidised housing sector. Respondents therefore disagree with the notion that government policy and practices do not impact contractor operations and contractor success, and thus the supply of houses; The application of government housing procurement policies leads to inadequate quality. Respondents therefore disagree with the notion that government preferential procurement policies do not impact quality; Government’s housing procurement policies inappropriately target emerging contractors. Respondents therefore disagree with the notion that Government’s targeting of emerging contractors does not impact housing supply; Government has inadequate capacity to address subsidised housing construction sector requirements in terms of housing projects. Respondents therefore disagree with the notion that Government has the capacity to address subsidised housing construction sector requirements in the supply of housing, and Government subsidised houses do not meet recipients’ expectations. Respondents therefore disagree with the notion that government subsidised houses do meet recipients’ expectations. It thus became apparent that housing supply is mostly inhibited by Government’s housing procurement policy, contributing to various factors, such as quality capability, contractor capability, systemic and administrative capacity, and resulting in recipient dissatisfaction. Using Pearson’s product moment correlation, a framework model was developed to illustrate the process flow, which revealed definitive statistical and practical relationships between these factors, and indeed reflects complex relationships between factors inhibiting supply and resulting in recipient dissatisfaction. To find an appropriate framework model for the purpose of improving housing supply, various sources were consulted. Based on the research question, together with the aims and objectives for this study, as well as the realisation that the problems associated with housing supply relate to the project management of the construction phase, which requires interventions for improving supply, it was decided that a results framework would be the most appropriate for this purpose. The proposed framework is therefore a graphical depiction of how the research process may be used to identify problems in the government subsidised housing sector, questioning how these may be resolved, setting strategies to improve the situation, evolving hypotheses and testing these hypotheses to establish the critical factors to be considered in the process of resolving the problem in the housing sector, by means of implementation and feedback.
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Možnosti využití pozemkových úprav jako nástroje pro správné myslivecké hospodaření / The possibility of using land consolidation as a tool for good game managementMATUŠKA, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The thesis describes the concepts related to land consolidation and hunting management, from history to the present. The work includes the possibility of using land consolidation as a tool for good game management. Furthermore, the work deals with subsidies relating to this issue, Bio-belts, and other measures for the creation and protection of the environment.
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Financování zemědělského podniku z fondů EUOŠANCOVÁ, Hana January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis shows a view of offered possibilities of financing of agricultural enterprises by means of subsidies. Further it describes the present state and view of obtained subsidies of a selected agricultural enterprise. A content of suggestion part of diploma thesis is an elaboration of Application for agricultural machinery from the Rural Development Programme. Subsequently, a plan of depreciations is drawn up, key accounting cases are placed on account, and impacts on the economic outturn in the given accounting period is illustrated.
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Ekologicky šetrný cestovní ruch jako příležitost rozvoje venkova / Role of Ecotourism in Rural DevelopmentBOHÁČOVÁ, Alena January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on eco-friendly forms of tourism in the microregion Vltavotýnsko. The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse the possibilities of financial support of eco-friendly forms of tourism, its gaining and the impact on the development of the microregion. On the basis of identified information, the synthesis and the effectiveness of drawing subsidy titles is done. Then the evaluation of the provided services in the microregion is done.
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Veřejné rozpočty - zdroj rozvojového potenciálu na úrovni obcí / Public budgets - source of developement potential at municipal levelROZBOUDOVÁ, Jitka January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of municipal budgets, when the main aim is fund analysis in a chosen municipality on both the revenue side of the budget and the expenditure side. The theoretical part of the thesis generally characterizes public administration, public finance, municipality organization, and municipal budget including the definition of income and expenditure. The concept of fiscal federalism is defined as well, its development and basic models. The introduction of practical part specifies a chosen municipality, which is the statutory city of České Budějovice. During the observed period of 2010 to 2016 the development of approved budget and real economy is analysed. From the perspective of income, the impact of tax budgeting changes on the city´s tax income and volume of drawing on European subsidies due to the change of programme period. From the perspective of expenditures, the city´s procurement procedure including the setting of evaluation criteria is specified.
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Modelo para avaliação do custo burocrático do FCVS (Fundo de Compensação de Variações Salariais) : um estudo de casoGranja, Paulo Roberto Santos January 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008 / In 1964, year of the military coup, the Brazilian government established a housing finance system with the intention of reducing the housing shortage that had been going on for decades. In order to reach this goal, the government created the Housing Finance System (acronym in Portuguese ¿ SFH), a set of rules which intended to set up a regulated market through standardized contracts and compulsory sources of funds. The system survived for some time, due to the state control of prices and salaries in the authoritarian regime. However, the increasing inflationary pressure obliged the government to adopt a populist subsidy policy, which left as a consequence outstanding balances at the end of the contracts that very often exceeded the value of the financed units. The solution adopted was to create a fund to settle these residual balances. Such fund should be capitalized by the government and by compulsory contributions from borrowers and financial institutions. Since the government did not make such contributions, the debt of this fund increased on a yearly basis, reaching around 3,5 % of Brazil¿s GDP in December 31, 2006. Due to the decline of private investments in the housing finance system, this debt concentrated mostly on public and state-owned companies, government agencies and public funds. The outcome of this policy was the Salary Variations Compensation Fund (acronym in Portuguese ¿ FCVS), which has a negative net equity of 76 billion reais and costs 100 million reais per year to be managed, and whose main creditor is the Federal Government itself. / Em 1964, o governo militar recém estabelecido criou um sistema de financiamento de habitações com o escopo de reduzir o deficit habitacional, que há décadas se arrastava. Para atingir tal objetivo, foi criado o Sistema Financeiro da Habitação - SFH, um conjunto de normas que tinha a pretensão de criar um mercado regulamentado através de contratos padronizados e fontes compulsórias de recursos. Com o controle estatal de preços e salários vigente durante o período autoritário, o sistema conseguiu manter-se por algum tempo. Porém, a escalada inflacionária obrigou o governo a adotar uma política populista de subsídios, que teve como conseqüência saldos devedores residuais ao fim do prazo dos contratos, cuja magnitude não era acompanhada pelo valor dos imóveis que garantiam as operações. A solução adotada foi criar um fundo para quitar esses saldos residuais. Tal fundo deveria ser capitalizado pelo governo e por contribuições compulsórias dos mutuários (tomadores de empréstimos) e dos agentes financeiros, porém além de o governo não honrar tal compromisso, a dívida desse fundo foi aumentando a cada ano, atingindo em 31/12/2006 algo em torno de 3,5% do PIB. Com a queda dos investimentos privados no setor habitacional, essa dívida foi se concentrando, na sua maior parte, em empresas públicas, estatais, autarquias e fundos públicos. O resultado final dessa política foi o FCVS ¿ Fundo de Compensação de Variações Salariais, um fundo com patrimônio líquido negativo de R$ 76 bilhões, que custa R$ 100 milhões/ano aos cofres públicos para ser administrado e tem como maior credor a própria União.
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Subsídios financeiros à infraestrutura e dinâmica do produtoGabriel, Allan Batista 11 August 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Allan Batista Gabriel (allan.gabriel2012@gvmail.br) on 2014-09-10T07:24:53Z
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Sua ficha catalográfica não está correta, por gentileza aguardar a liberação da biblioteca digital. on 2014-09-10T14:24:00Z (GMT) / Submitted by Allan Batista Gabriel (allan.gabriel2012@gvmail.br) on 2014-09-10T17:35:43Z
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Previous issue date: 2014-08-11 / This dissertation aims to represent through a dynamic general equilibrium model – a feature of the Brazilian market – financial subsides to infrastructure sector. We simulated the effect of tax increases and monetary base increase to subsidize the infrastructure investment. We show that, in the short term, there is a contraction of the product and the infrastructure, but in the long term, there is an expansion of the product, infrastructure and welfare. These results may show different behaviors for the welfare depending on the parameter of elasticity of infrastructure in relation to income. / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo representar através de um modelo dinâmico de equilíbrio geral, uma característica do mercado brasileiro de subsidiar o setor de infraestrutura através do sistema financeiro. Além disso, objetiva-se simular o efeito do aumento de impostos - destinando recursos tributários, tanto para um agente público quanto privado - para subsidiar o investimento em infraestrutura. Alternativamente, simula-se o efeito da redução do compulsório bancário, destinando esses recursos também à infraestrutura. As simulações apresentam resultados semelhantes, de tal modo que no curto prazo, há uma contração do produto e da infraestrutura, mas no longo prazo, há uma expansão do produto, infraestrutura e bem-estar. Os resultados podem apresentar comportamentos diferentes para o bem-estar dependendo do parâmetro de elasticidade da infraestrutura em relação à renda.
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