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Dynamics affecting subsistence agricultural production : an exploration of a case study of subsistence crop production within a rural community in the Ingwe Municipality of southern KwaZulu-Natal.Smith, Murray Kay. 28 November 2013 (has links)
Agriculture forms the livelihood basis of several billion people around the world. Despite the increasing trend for rural to urban migration the problems associated with poverty are expected to remain predominantly rural for some time into the future. The challenges associated with rural poverty are particularly important in South Africa where the remaining effects of the oppressive apartheid regime are still vividly evident. The rural population are often stranded in areas of stagnant economic growth and minimal employment opportunities further compounded by low levels of education. The livelihoods of these rural communities, in the former homelands, are often confined to a heavy reliance on remittance incomes and agriculture. However, in the recent past the level of agricultural activity in these rural homelands appears to be declining. This has direct implications for the development agenda in these rural areas. This study is an examination of the various dynamics which have affected the subsistence agriculture sector within a specific community in the former homeland of KwaZulu in Southern KwaZulu-Natal. The responses of 12 respondents, representing independent households, were recorded along with four purpositive interviews with relevant role players in the agricultural sector and in the rural community. The responses shed some light on the multifaceted dynamics which have played an important role in how individual households and the community at large make livelihood choices and how subsistence agriculture fits into these decisions. An increasing reliance on money as the basis of livelihood decisions is resulting in the reliance on agriculture shifting away from a central foundation of household livelihood towards a more supplementary form of food source and risk diversion. Shifting cultural norms have resulted in women and the youth becoming less involved in farming practices in general, which may have been influenced by the expansion of social grants into the rural communities. The changes in dynamics which influence local community and household livelihood decisions are important to consider when determining a possible development initiative in these rural areas. / Thesis (M.Dev.Studies)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.
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Characterisation of indigenous Zulu (Nguni) sheep for utilisation improvement and conservation.Kunene, Nokuthula Winfred. January 2010 (has links)
The Nguni sheep of Zululand, South Africa, are called the Zulu sheep. They are a source of food and cash for the rural farmers of KwaZulu-Natal. There is insufficient information available about the characteristics of this breed and accordingly the breed is classified as “insecure”. Documentation of characteristics of a breed is important for its utilisation, improvement or conservation. This study was undertaken to document (i) the utilization of the Zulu sheep, (ii) some morphological characteristics, (iii) establishing a cost effective body measurement recording means and (iv) the intra- and inter-population genetic variation of the breed using random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. A survey was conducted to investigate the socio-economic and cultural values of the farmers attached to livestock including the Zulu sheep. A total of 76 rural farmers were interviewed in the areas of the Mhlathuze district in northern KwaZulu-Natal. Constraints and the indigenous knowledge of the farmers on livestock production were also recorded. The results confirmed that the Zulu sheep in the rural areas are indeed used as a source of protein and cash when necessary. Farmers reported that the Zulu sheep are tolerant to ticks and able to withstand the hot and humid conditions of northern KwaZulu-Natal. Goats and cattle as well as the Zulu sheep are also used for payment of dues in the tribal courts. Even so, Zulu sheep are not used for any cultural purposes. The system of management is fairly extensive. Some farmers apply indigenous knowledge as part of management practices. For instance, they use indigenous plants as nutrient supplements and for increasing the
reproduction rate of these animals. Lack of modern animal husbandry skills was declared by the farmers as one of the main challenges. A perception among the farmers was that the Government could assist in addressing this challenge. Three populations of Zulu sheep reared extensively in three localities were used for the morphometric and genetic studies. The areas were the community of KwaMthethwa (Enqutshini), University of Zululand (UNIZULU) and Makhathini Research Station. Makhathini and KwaMthethwa are 260 and 40 km, respectively, away from UNIZULU. The morphometric study was undertaken to determine the extent of phenotypic diversity between Zulu sheep populations using six morphological characteristics. Effects of some factors (location, age, sex and season) on some of these traits were estimated. Results showed that the size of the body measurements, wither height (WH), heart girth (HG), live weight (LW) and scrotal circumference (SC) were significantly different between the populations. Variation in these body measurements was influenced significantly by the location, season, the sex and the age of sheep. Mature ewes weighed up to 32 kg whereas the rams weighed up to 38 kg. The differences in LW, HG and WH between the seasons
were small. The SC increased with the age of the ram up to 28 cm for mature rams. Other traits observed were the colour and the ear length of Zulu sheep. Ear size ranged from ear buds to the most common large ears (9 to 14 cm). The dominating colours observed were brown and a combination of brown and white. Live weight prediction equations were estimated employing HG, WH and SC data. The LW prediction equations showed that the regression of HG and WH produce the best estimate equations of LW; however the HG alone also showed reliable LW estimates. Scrotal circumference was more precise for
estimating the LW of younger rams below 22 months of age (R2 = 0.64 – 0.78). Fifty-two Zulu sheep from the three locations were used to assess the genetic variation within the Zulu sheep breed. A total of 2744 RAPD bands were generated ranging from 0.2 to 2 kb; ~46% of these bands were polymorphic. The genetic diversity was the lowest (5.17%) within the UNIZULU population, 8.62% within the KwaMthethwa population and highest (11.04%) within the Makhathini population. The genetic diversity between all populations was estimated at 21.91 %. Phenotypic diversity was relatively similar for the UNIZULU and Makhathini populations (41.25% and 45.63%, respectively). The phenotypic diversity between the three populations was 48.26%. Genetic and
phenotypic diversity was lower for Makhathini and UNIZULU populations than for the KwaMthethwa population. It was concluded that the Zulu sheep is a smaller sized breed compared to the other South African indigenous sheep breeds like the Dorper which has been reported to have some similar characteristics to the Nguni sheep. The results confirmed that the Zulu breed
has the capacity to survive without dipping and supplements during the dry season. This adaptation is of value to the communities of KwaZulu-Natal. Such characteristics warrant conserving the breed to prevent genetic erosion. The phenotypic and genetic diversity between the three populations of Zulu sheep may indicate that there is an opportunity of genetic exploitation by selecting animals based on phenotypic as well as genetic characteristics. In order to promote the conservation and sustainable use of the Zulu sheep, it was
recommended that an open nucleus breeding scheme from lower-tier flocks (of the farmers) for pure breeding to nucleus flocks (in Government ranches) could be appropriate. The scheme would also address the challenges of animal husbandry as well as contribute to the improvement of the livelihood of the farmers. Farmers could use a tape measure to estimate the LW of sheep when they cannot afford scales. The morphological characteristics and the
genetic diversity data generated from this study could be combined into a single data base for this sheep breed. More extensive studies, using the same or some additional phenotypic characters such as reproductive performance, need to be done. Genetic characteristics of Zulu sheep using microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA should be done to complement the present study. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2010.
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Taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott] production by small-scale farmers in KwaZulu-Natal : farmer practices and performance of propagule types under wetland and dryland conditions.Shange, Lindiwe Princess. January 2004 (has links)
Ethno-archaeological evidence shows that taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott] originated in Asia. It may have been brought into South Africa a few hundred years after 300 BC from Madagascar, where Malaysian settlers introduced it about 300 BC. The crop is grown in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, largely for subsistence on farms. In South Africa, taro is mainly produced in the subtropical coastal belt, stretching from Bizana in the Eastern Cape to the KwaZulu-Natal north coast. Although it is a staple crop for the subsistence farmers who grow it, there are no data on taro agronomy in South Africa. The hypothesis of this study was that traditional knowledge about taro production practices is not adequate to form a basis for agronomic and extension interventions to promote the status of the crop to that of a commercial commodity. A survey was conducted at two districts in KwaZulu-Natal, Umbumbulu and
Ndwedwe, where taro is a staple crop. The objective of the survey was to determine the cultural practices associated with taro production, including knowledge about varieties, agronomy, plant protection, storage and marketing. Qualitative data obtained from the survey was used to plan an investigation into the agronomy of taro. The survey showed that subsistence farmers at Ndwedwe and Umbumbulu used traditional methods for taro production that had very small influence from the extension services from the Department of Agriculture. The farmers identified three varieties of taro, which they designated as the "red", "white" and "Zulu" types. The "red" and "white" designations were based on consistent crop morphological characteristics. This finding confirmed the reliability of indigenous knowledge for crop classification.The survey also revealed that wetland and dryland conditions are used to produce taro. At Umbumbulu, production occurred predominantly under dryland conditions, whereas at Ndwedwe there was an almost even utilisation of both wetlands and drylands. At both locations, the farmers estimated plant spacing using their feet, which showed that the plant populations would be about 18400 plants ha(-1). Full corms were a predominant type of propagation material. In the light of the survey findings about site types (wetland or dryland), propagation material and plant spacing for taro production, field experiments were designed to 1) determine the effect of site type on taro production, 2) compare three propagule types (full corm, full corm with a shoot and half corm) in taro production and 3) examine the effect of planting density (18400, 24600 and 37000 plants ha(-1) on the performance of propagules with respect to production under wetland and dryland conditions. Field experiments showed that wetland cultivation
improved taro yield by 40% compared with dryland production. However, in each of the two site categories, there were significant differences between sites. Using full corms with shoots also enhanced taro yield (42% > full corms without shoots and 66% > half corms), when means were determined across all sites and planting densities. Increasing planting density also caused an increase in taro production (4.9 t ha (-1), 6.8 t ha (-1) and 11.5 t ha (-1), for 18400,24600 and 37000 plants ha,(-1), respectively; LSD (0.05) = 1.4 t ha,1). The enhanced performance of taro under wetland conditions, where corms with a shoot were used and at high planting densities may have been associated with photosynthetic
efficiency. Wetland conditions and corms with shoots improved plant emergence and plant growth, which are essential agronomic conditions for efficient capture of the sun's energy for photosynthesis. It is proposed that using propagules with shoots and high plant populations under dryland conditions could enhance taro production. Although wetland cultivation enhanced yield, the survey showed that the total area of land that could be
used for wetland cultivation at Ndwedwe and Umbumbulu was too small to warrant sustainable wetland production. / Thesis (M.Sc.Agric.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2004.
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An exploration into the opportunities and barriers of vegetable production as a poverty reduction strategy for small scale farmers : evidence from a case study in Nqutu, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.Bright, Ariel Elizabeth. January 2010 (has links)
Since South Africa’s democratic transition poverty, especially in terms of income, has
persisted. Poverty reduction strategies must focus on closing the gaps of current policies
which miss the poorest. Specifically, attention must be paid to those living in rural areas.
While the use of agriculture as a poverty reduction strategy was envisioned by government as
one of the key components of land reform and rural advancement, its potential has been
limited as South Africa agriculture in the post-apartheid era is challenged with providing
opportunities and support for small-scale farming systems.
It was thus the aim of this dissertation to address part of this crisis by engaging with smallscale
farmers in an attempt to understand the barriers and opportunities that they confront
when accessing inputs needed for agricultural production that contributes towards their
livelihoods. This was explored through a case study in which two focus groups and ten
qualitative interviews were conducted. Through this it was found that land is being used
productively by resource poor farmers as a pathway from poverty. The inability to purchase
fencing and the lack of easy access to water proved to be the two most significant barriers to
crop production while accessibility to seeds was found not to be an issue when controlling for
financial limitations. Opportunities arose as respondents relied on interdependent
relationships between the different assets in their possession. Overall, it was concluded that
with a more appropriate support system which focused on overcoming the lack of
information and resources, as well as the lack of services and infrastructure productivity
could improve giving small farmers the potential to make a larger contribution to reducing
poverty. / Thesis (M.Dev.Studies)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2010.
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Effects of hydric stress on the growth, blood chemistry and meat quality characteristics of indigenous chickens.Chikumba, Nation. 10 October 2014 (has links)
The broad objective of the study was to determine the effects of restricted water intake on the growth, blood chemistry and meat quality characteristics of indigenous chickens in semi arid environments. A total of 15 flocks in communal villages and 12 flocks in resettlement schemes of Msinga District in South Africa were monitored for 30 months to determine the effects of production system and season on flock size, dynamics and constraints faced by indigenous chicken producers. As a follow up, 281 and 233 chicks hatched in November 2011 from 18 and 9 households in communal villages and resettlement schemes, respectively were monitored using a structured checklist to determine survival and causes of mortality from hatching up to 12 weeks of age. Kaplan-Meier survival distributions and the odds ratios for effects of potential risk factors were determined using survival analysis and logistic regression models, respectively.
Flock composition and structure were significantly affected by production system and month. Farmers in resettlement schemes had approximately one cock and three hens more (P < 0.05) than those in communal villages. The number of growers and chicks were similar (P > 0.05) between the two production systems but chicks were the predominant age group (38 %) of each flock. The cock to hen ratio in households in communal villages was 1:3.5, while that in resettlement schemes was 1:3.7, suggesting that inbreeding might have been reducing flock productivity. Flock sizes in communal villages peaked in March (45.1 ± 3.02) during the post
rainy season and declined steadily to a low of 34.7 ± 3.63 in September during the hot-dry season. The largest flock sizes in resettlement schemes were observed in January (52.4 ± 5.09) during the hot-wet season and the smallest in August (36.1 ± 5.98) during the cold- dry season. Households in communal villages had more chicks (P < 0.05) than cocks, hens and growers throughout the year except in June when the number of growers was equal to that of chicks. In resettlement schemes, the number of chicks was lower (P < 0.05) than the number of hens and growers, except in June and July when it was equal to that of growers. Total entries were not affected (P > 0.05) by production system. Hatched chicks were the major mode of entry, accounting for more than 97 % of entries into flocks. The contribution of purchases, gifts and exchanges was negligible. Mortality was the main cause of exits from flocks, accounting for 70 and 63 % of total exits among households in communal villages and resettlement schemes, respectively. The major causes of mortality were aerial predators, sub-optimalnutrition and inclement weather conditions, which were similar between production systems. The number of birds that exited flocks through slaughter for household consumption was higher (P < 0.05) among households in resettlement (34% of total exits) than communal villages (21 % of total exits). The proportion of chickens exiting flocks through sales was higher in communal (9 %) than resettlement (4.3 %) households.
Chick survival from hatching to 12 weeks was higher (P < 0.05) in communal villages (55 ± 3.14 %) than in resettlement schemes (41 ± 4.19 %). Mean chick survival time did not differ (P > 0.05) between communal (56 ± 3.30 days) and resettlement (49 ± 3.23 days) flocks. Provision of water ad libitum and treatment of sick birds were important covariates in prolonging the survival time of chicks.
The effects of restricted water intake on growth performance, blood chemistry, physicochemical properties, and sensory characteristics of meat from Naked Neck (NNK) and Ovambo (OVB) chickens were also assessed. In the experiment, 54 pullets of each strain with an average weight of 641± 10g per bird were randomly assigned to three water restriction levels for 60 days in a completely randomized design. The treatments were ad libitum, 70% of ad libitum and 40% of ad libitum water intake. Each treatment group was replicated three times. The pectoralis (breast) muscle was sampled for meat quality, fatty acid composition and sensory quality analyses. Ovambo chickens had superior body-weight at 16 weeks of age, average daily gains (ADG) and average daily water intake (ADWI) than NNK chickens. Body weight of birds at 16 weeks of age, ADG, average daily feed intake (ADFI), ADWI and water to feed ratio (WFR) declined progressively (P < 0.05) with increasing severity of water restriction, while food conversion ratio (FCR) values increased (P < 0.05) as the severity of water restriction increased. Naked Neck chickens had better FCR at the 40 % of ad libitum water intake level than OVB chickens. The dressing percentage per bird was higher (P<0.05) in water-restricted birds than those on ad libitum water consumption, irrespective of strain. Heart weight was significantly lower in birds on 40% of ad libitum water intake than those on ad libitum and 70% of ad libitum water intake, respectively. Packed cell volume was higher (P < 0.05) in NNK than OVB chickens offered waterad libitum, but similar in birds offered 70 and 40 % of ad libitum. There were no differences in erythrocyte count (RBC) and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) values between strains, but MCV was higher in birds on 40 than 70 % of ad libitum water intake, irrespective of strain. Naked neck chickens had higher (P < 0.05) white blood cell count (WBC) values than OVB chickens at 40 % restriction level, but lower WBC than OVB at 70 % water restriction level. Uric acid, creatinine, triacylglycerides, total cholesterol, low density lipid cholesterol, total protein and globulin increased (P < 0.05) with each increment in water restriction, but the increase in creatinine and total cholesterol was more pronounced in OVB than NNK chickens. The opposite was observed for uric acid. Alanine transaminase, alkaline phosphatase and aspartate transaminase activities were not influenced by strain and water restriction. It was concluded that the two strains could withstand up to 40 % of ad libitum water restriction, but NNK chickens tolerated water stress better than OVB chickens.
Water intake levels of 40% of ad libitum produced meat with significantly lower (P < 0.05) cooking loss, and higher (P < 0.05) redness (a*) values in NNK chickens compared with OVB chickens. Water intake level had no effect (P > 0.05) on lightness (L*) and yellowness (b*) values, shear force, moisture and protein contents in both strains. The fat content of NNK meat was 41 % lower (P < 0.05) than that of OVB meat at 70 % of ad libitum, but 31 % higher at 40 % of ad libitum water intake. The ash content was significantly elevated (P < 0.05) in birds on 70 % of ad libitum compared to those on ad libitum and 40 % of ad libitum water intake, which had similar (P > 0.05) ash contents. Birds on 40 % of ad libitum water intake had significantly higher (P < 0.05) proportions of octadecanoic acid (C18:0), cis, cis-9,12-octadecadienoic acid (C18:2 ῳ-6), cis-8,11,14,17-eicosatetraenoic acid (C20:4 ῳ-6), cis-7,10,13,16-docosatetraenoic acid (C22:4 ῳ-6), cis-4,7,10,13,16,19-docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6 ῳ-3), total polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), total omega-3 PUFA and total omega-6 PUFA proportions, but lower (P < 0.05) cis-7-hexadecenoic (C16:1c7), cis-9-octadecenoic (C18:1c9), cis-11-octadecenoic acid (C18:1c11), cis-13-docosenoic acid (C22:1c13), total monounsaturated fatty acids than those on the 70% of ad libitum and ad libitum water intake, respectively. The proportion of trans-9-octadenoic acid (C18:1t9) was higher (P < 0.05) in NNK chickens on 40 % of ad libitum water intake than OVB chickens. It was concluded that water restriction at 40 % of ad libitum water intake resulted in favourable cooking loss values and meat redness (a*) values, omega-3 and 6 PUFA proportions and a high ῳ-6/ῳ-3 ratio. The high fat content of NNK chickens at 40 % of ad libitum water intake compared to OVB chickens suggests a superior adaptation to hydric stress.
Naked Neck breast meat had higher initial impression of juiciness scores than that from OVB chickens, but only in birds on ad libitum and 70 % of ad libitum water intake. Sensory scores for first bite, connective tissue and tenderness decreased with increasing severity of water restriction (P < 0.05). Aroma, flavour and atypical flavour were not affected by strain or water restriction level (P > 0.05). There were significant strain differences for sustained impression of juiciness and tenderness, with the highest scores occurring in NNK chickens (P < 0.05). Aroma had a significant influence on the flavour of breast meat (P < 0.05). Fat content was significantly correlated with initial impression of juiciness, first bite and sustained impression of juiciness of breast meat. It was concluded that water restriction up to 40 % of ad libitum had a significant and adverse impact on juiciness and first bite scores of meat. / Ph.D. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg 2013.
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Food security at eQhudeni (Nkandla) : a case study of the 'One home one garden' campaign as a poverty alleviation strategy.Khanyile, Khanyisile Nomthandazo. January 2011 (has links)
Food security exists when the issue of poverty is addressed. Simultaneous access to different forms of capital ensures sustainable livelihoods. On the other hand, food insecurity is interwoven in unemployment and illiteracy, especially amongst adult women. Food insecurity is also deeply rooted in the lack of access to food and non-availability. This compromises the livelihoods within communities The study is concerned with the current state of poverty that remains stagnant, bringing about food insecurity, despite the food security campaigns that have been launched in South Africa. The aim of the study is to establish whether the ‘One Home One Garden’ campaign is unique compared to other campaigns in trying to fight food insecurity. It further inquires about access to the resources necessary to make gardens a sustainable source of livelihood. In order to fulfil these inquiries, qualitative research was undertaken at Nkandla in a section called eQhudeni within two subsections, Nsingabantu and Mjonisini. This research was based on the examination of the impact of the ‘One Home One Garden’ campaign as a poverty alleviation strategy. The study found that poverty, which contributes to food insecurity, has not been addressed by the campaign. Households suffer from chronic food insecurity given the high levels of poverty in the area. ‘The One Home One Garden’ campaign is not sustainable because it does not address the holistic needs of gardening, such as access to organic seeds and water and furthermore it is in any case seasonal. Research obtained showed that people’s perceptions are that the seeds are genetically modified based on the appearance of the produce, and also that they do not reproduce. The study viewed home gardens as a tool capable of addressing food insecurities, but, highlighted that it does not fully address all aspects, rather it upholds that poverty needs to be tackled holistically. In addition, it emphasises that for people to have a sustainable livelihood there should be designated market places from which they can sell their produce. / Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2011.
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Indigenous approaches to maize production and soil management in Msinga KwaZulu-Natal, Province.Nyiraruhimbi, Agnes. 06 November 2013 (has links)
This study explored and examined indigenous knowledge IK in the process of maize production and soil management by farmers in Msinga in central KwaZulu-Natal. This study was qualitative in nature. Two methods were used for data collection: focus group discussions; and individual semi-structured interviews. The study found that the Msinga farmers have a range of techniques and strategies to produce maize and manage the soil; they have been relying on this knowledge for generations. However, many farmers have also begun to adopt elements of western science such as the use of hybrid seeds, fertilizers and pesticides – albeit access to them is a major problem. It was also found that these indigenous knowledge and techniques have also suffered as result of different factors, including the climate conditions as result of the growing drought in the area, the passing on of elders with knowledge, and the breakdown of social cohesion. Communities' indigenous knowledge has been rendered ineffective to, alone, address their maize production and soil management issues. As a result, indigenous knowledge is dying in this community and the farmers are not able to produce sufficient maize to meet their needs. In the face of these pressures, the Msinga farmers also lack any meaningful external assistance either from the government or private agencies. They have no access to extension. This means that communities have to fend for themselves, and where indigenous knowledge has failed they have no other alternatives that will help them to adjust to their environment. Finally, the study found that as a result of this stasis, the Msinga farmers and their families are poor and lack the basic means for their daily survival; food shortages are frequent. The consequence is that they appear powerless and unable to cope with challenges.
The study recommends an integrated approach to address issues of reconstructing indigenous knowledge; social cohesion; environmental matters; poverty eradication; external support and integrating indigenous knowledge and western science. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012.
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Moving beyond substence : systemic integrity in commercialising homestead agriculture, with the Ezemvelo Farmers Organisation, KwaZulu-Natal.Caister, Karen. January 2012 (has links)
The transformation of South Africa’s rural communal spaces into an economically
viable, socially stable and harmonious sector is currently on the political agenda, the
efforts of the public sector to achieve this however have fallen far short of the intended
goal leaving subsistence and emerging farmers with little or no support. A current
decline in agricultural activity in South Africa’s rural areas threatens to weaken even
further the strength of rural economies. Calls for the return of ‘peasant’ agriculture to
the political and academic agendas and a clarion call for South African farmers to rewrite
their history lie within the problem of sustaining humanity with the economic,
social, environmental and temporal dimensions as a driver for development. This
thesis interprets the activities and behaviours that defined the innovative response of
small-scale commercial farmers in KwaZulu-Natal who role model ‘farming’ as a
‘way of life’ in communal land spaces.
The focus of the research was to interpret a useful meaning in the re-negotiation of
power relationships between producers and their market. It conceptualised the process
of individuals who had determined, and continue to define, their future. The events
observed over the three years of field work, offered the possibility of generating an
emergent solution to re-inventing farming as a way of life as season by season,
decisions were made at the individual homestead level, collectively at community
level and between internal and external decision-makers for market oriented
agriculture as an additional farming strategy.
A constructivist epistemology, relying on a pragmatic approach to using grounded
theory methods within a participatory process, constituted the study design. The
research focussed only on emic issues as the ‘culture’ or social and material priorities
of the agronomic system in transition. For this reason, sensitising concepts were drawn
from within the context to limit the scope and analysis of the study. Following the
field work and write up, the literature of agrarian change was used to locate the study
and consider the practical contribution of the study.
This research identified that ‘successful’ commercial homestead agriculture was the
result of changes in mind-set that allowed for new norms and behaviours for farming practice and for relationships. These shifts provided leverage points for overcoming
resistance between producers and markets in accommodating a sustainable market oriented
agronomy. Influencing the change was the impact of informed decision making,
which brought the stakeholders together through the sharing of values and
beliefs. Success was interpreted as using the market-orientated production of
amadumbe to tap into the factors that sustained and created social cohesion, as well as
those that stimulated agricultural activity. This emphasis encouraged the capacity for
development and cultivation of sustainability. The research proposes that deliberate
interdependence between producers and markets creates the incentive for development
that is self-determining, sustainable and derives economic benefits from agricultural
This research contributes towards understanding how to re-define commercialisation
as an inherent characteristic of traditional agricultural practice and, within this, a
meaningful description for stakeholders of the social impact of a deliberate and
mutually determined reconstruction of livelihood reality through a farmer-market researcher
relationship. The research introduces the need for a new way of engaging
over agriculture in communal spaces; how Discourse is defined and managed; for
whom the results of evaluation and monitoring are aimed; and to whom the results of
research belong. The research raises consciousness of the need for a space within
which dialogue and support for sustaining social agriculture and the role that research
institutions could play.
The product of this research is a theory whose core variable defines successful
commercial homestead agriculture as a dimension of systemic integrity between
internal and external economic interactions. Systemic integrity has been defined as
the process by which commercialisation of traditional agriculture has been
demonstrated through tapping into the motivations that stimulate agricultural activity
and nurturing social cohesion as the framework for legitimate development
partnerships. The findings contribute to the discussion of how to unlock the
technological and productive potential of rural communities within the images of
supportiveness, solidarity, and communalism that produce food for the survival of
humanity in a contemporary and dynamic world. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012.
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Traditional agriculture and its meaning in the lives of a farming community : the case of Embo.Maragelo, Ketshogile Pauline. January 2008 (has links)
For the majority of rural people, agricultural activities continue to be one of their main livelihood strategies. Production of food crops is not dependent on any formally acquired knowledge of farming but is solely based on indigenous agricultural knowledge passed from generation to generation through experience and careful observations. Resource-poor farmers, especially in rural areas, follow traditional farming methods to produce their food crops and these are specifically tailored to suit their environments. Embo is located in rural KwaZulu-Natal and falls under Mkhambathini municipality. The area is characterised by small-holder farmers who are mainly Ezemvelo Farmers Organisation (EFO) members. The purpose of this study was to review the farming practices followed by farmers in respect of food crop production and secondly to understand what influences the continual practice of such farming practices among rural farming communities of Embo in KwaZulu-Natal especially the EFO farmers. The study looked at what farmers see as traditional agriculture. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods was used for the study. Data collection methods included participatory observations, semi structured face-to-face interviews and focus group discussions. The study found that farmers are happy to follow traditional farming methods to produce their food crops. Traditional farming tools such as the hoe and animal traction are the main implements used to prepare land. Household members are the main source of farm labour with men mainly responsible for ploughing activities while the bulk of planting, weeding and harvesting activities is the responsibility of women. Cropping patterns include intercropping and crop rotation with common crops being amadumbe, beans, maize and sweet potatoes. The majority of these crops are produced for both subsistence and commercial reasons. Amadumbe is an important commercial crop produced organically. Crop protection against pests is done through traditional methods where farmers mix some concoctions made from locally available resource in order to minimise losses. Kraal manure is the main soil fertility strategy followed by farmers. Landrace seeds are the main seed type used by the farmers. Local seed sources include own production and asking from other farmers. Crops with good qualities are selected in fields and maintained as seeds, which are then stored separate from those for home consumption. Harvesting is mainly done manually and for important crops such as tubers with short shelf lives, harvested through piecemeal methods. Farmers are able to generate some income from their efforts and this contributes to local economies and household food security. Farmers value their farming methods and see their farming as efficient despite challenges. There is a need to consider developing labour support groups in order to ease the burden of labour especially by women. In view of the importance of traditional farming in the lives of rural people, it is important that agricultural scientists and extension officers take into consideration the knowledge farmers already have so as to develop technologies suitable for farmers’ environments. / Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2008.
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