Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lugar content""
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Comparison of residual sugar and firming characteristics of white pan bread made by sponge dough and short-time dough processesKai, Tatsuo. January 1985 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1985 K34 / Master of Science
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Bioorganinių nano trąšų NAGRO poveikis optimizuojant cukrinių runkelių augimo sąlygas ir produktyvumą / The Effect of Bio-organic Nano Fertilizer “NAGRO” on Sugar Beet Growth Conditions and ProductivityŠipelis, Saulius 17 June 2014 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamajame darbe pateikiami cukrinių runkelių augimo intensyvumo, lapų ploto formavimosi, sausų medžiagų kaupimosi, fotosintetinių parametrų, derlingumo bei cukringumo tyrimo duomenys ir kokią įtaką turėjo bioorganinių nano trąšų NAGRO panaudojimas cukrinių runkelių pasėlyje.
Darbo objektas – ‘Ernestina‘ veislės cukrinių runkelių pasėliai, papildomai apipurkšti bioorganiniu universalių nano trąšų NAGRO tirpalu.
Darbo metodai: 2013 m. ASU Bandymų stotyje atlikti cukrinių runkelių (Beta vulgaris L. var. saccharifera) pasėlio formavimo naudojant NAGRO trąšas tyrimai. Tirta cukrinių runkelių veislė ‘Ernestina‘. Cukrinių runkelių daigai keturių porų tikrųjų lapelių tarpsnyje apipurkšti NAGRO trąšų tirpalu. Cukriniams runkeliams esant 5 – 6 porų tikrųjų lapelių tarpsnyje 3 ir 5 bandymo variantuose augantys augalai dar kartą pagal schemą apipurkšti bioorganinių nano trąšų tirpalu. Kitos agrotechninės priemonės buvo atliktos pagal Bandymo stotyje taikomą cukrinių runkelių auginimo technologiją.
Darbo rezultatai: Papildomas cukrinių runkelių apipurškimas NAGRO trąšomis turėjo teigiamos įtakos cukrinių runkelių augimo ir vystymosi procesams. Didžiausias lapų skaičius, šakniavaisio diametras ir didžiausia biomasė gauta augalus apipurškus du kartu 1 l ha-1 norma. Lapų plotas (14,75 %) buvo patikimai didesnis cukrinius runkelius apipurškus du kartus 1 l ha-1 norma. Cukriniai runkeliai daugiausiai sausųjų medžiagų lapuose (21,23 g.), šakniavaisiuose (20,76 g.)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master´s thesis presents the research data on sugar beet growth intensity, the formation of leaf area, dry matter accumulation, photosynthetic parameters, yield and sugar content as well as reveals the effect the application of the bio-organic nano fertilizer “NAGRO” had on sugar beet crop.
Object of the research: 'Ernestina' variety of sugar beet crop applied by the solution of the universal bio-organic nano fertilizer “NAGRO”.
Research methods: The research on crop formation of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. var. saccharifera) sprayed by “NAGRO” fertilizer was carried out at the Experimental Station of Aleksandras Stulginskis University in 2013. 'Ernestina' variety of sugar beet crop was researched. At the stage of 4 pairs of true leaves the application of “NAGRO” fertilizer solution was made to sugar beet seedlings whereas at the growth stage of 5–6 pairs of leaves the plants of the 3rd and 5th test versions were additionaly applied by the solution of “NAGRO” fertilizer. Other agro measures were carried out in accordance with the growing technology for sugar beet applicable in the Experimental Station.
Research results: Additional application of “NAGRO” fertilizer on sugar beet had a positive impact on the sugar beet growth and development processes. The leaf area (14,75%) of sugar beet was significantly higher after twofold application in 1 l ha-1 rate. Dry matter accumulation in the leaves (21,23 g) and roots (20,76 g) of sugar beet was the highest after the application of... [to full text]
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Fermentações em mostos com altos teores de açúcar / Fermentation broth with high sugar contentsVitor, Thaís Michele Sesso 05 September 2014 (has links)
No Brasil, a produção de etanol é feita exclusivamente por via fermentativa. Devido ao baixo teor alcoólico do vinho (8 a 10 % v v-1), para cada litro de etanol produzido são gerados de 10 a 12 litros de vinhaça. Este subproduto é rico em matéria orgânica (matéria orgânica variável de 15 a 37 Kg m3 vinhaça, dependendo do tipo de mosto) e pode ser usado como adubo líquido na lavoura. Porém, a vinhaça no solo junto com outros efluentes líquidos, são fontes potenciais de poluição que podem contaminar águas subterrâneas. Por esses motivos, o objetivo deste trabalho foi produzir etanol a partir de fermentações com altos teores de açúcar, a partir da tecnologia VHG (Very High Gravity), visando a obtenção de vinhos com altos teores alcoólicos e com isso reduzir a quantidade de vinhaça gerada por litro de etanol produzido. Para tal foi realizada a adaptação da levedura PE-2 em meio de cultivo com crescentes concentrações de açúcares (9 a 24oBrix), sob 30oC. Nestas condições foi possível adaptar a célula das leveduras dessa linhagem em fermentações com altos teores de açúcar, sem promover morte celular ou perda visível da produtividade. Também foi observado que os volumes de vinhaça gerados em meios com altas concentrações de açúcar sofreram diminuição de até 72%. Ainda foi possível verificar que a levedura PE-2 se adaptou às concentrações crescentes de açúcar do mosto, mostrando tolerância em vinhos com altos níveis de álcool no final da fermentação, com alta viabilidade celular após o reciclo das células e não apresentou alterações morfológicas significativas na parede celular, quando observadas no microscópio eletrônico de varredura. Conclui-se que, é possível fazer a adaptação da levedura PE-2 em mostos com até 24 ºBrix. A adaptação dessa levedura em mostos com altos teores de açúcar na fermentação permite a diminuição de até 72 % do volume de vinhaça gerado / In Brazil, ethanol production is made only by fermentative pathway. Due to low alcohol wine (8-10% v v-1), per liter of ethanol produced are generated from 10 to 12 liters of vinasse. This by-product is rich in organic matter (organic matter variable 15- 37 Kg m3 vinasse, depending on the type of wine) and can be used as liquid fertilizer in agriculture. However, vinasse in the soil along with other liquid effluents, are potential sources of pollution that can contaminate groundwater. For these reasons, the objectives of this work was to produce ethanol from fermentation with high levels of sugar, from the VHG (Very High Gravity) technology in order to produce wines with high alcohol levels and thereby decrease the amount of vinasse produced per liter of ethanol. For this adaptation of the yeast PE-2 in media with increasing concentrations of sugars (9 to 24 oBrix) under 30 °C was performed. Under these conditions it was possible to adapt the yeast cells of this strain in fermentations with high sugar contents, without promoting cell death or visible loss of productivity. It was also noted that the volumes of vinasse generated in media with high concentrations of sugar suffered decrease of up to 72%. Still been possible to see that the PE-2 yeast has adapted to increasing concentrations of sugar in the must, showing tolerance for wines with high alcohol levels at the end of fermentation with high cell viability after the cells recycle and no significant morphological changes in cell wall, as observed in the scanning electron microscope. It is concluded that it is possible to adapt the yeast PE-2 in musts with up to 24 ºBrix. The adaptation of this yeast in musts with high levels of sugar in the fermentation allows the decrease of up to 72% of the volume of vinasse generated
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The Antimicrobial Properties of Honey and Their Effect on Pathogenic BacteriaMody, Shreena Himanshu 01 December 2018 (has links)
Honey has been used to heal wounds since ancient times. There are many references in ancient literature that cite honey for its medicinal uses. It is used as an alternative agent to cure infections of wounds, burns, ulcers etc. Researchers have shown some of the antimicrobial properties of honey when used as an ointment. When applied to an affected area, it helps to promote the growth of healthy tissue. One of the factors on which the quality of the honey depends, is its geographical origin. Based on the location, honey types can vary as much as 100-fold from each other in color, aroma, viscosity, and antimicrobial properties. The important components in honey that play an essential part in healing wounds and contributing to the antimicrobial properties are enzymes. Their presence allows honey to kill various types of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi etc. A higher antimicrobial effect is seen in monofloral honey (when a single plant species is the source of nectar), which is often more potent than other types of honey in terms of antibacterial activity. Resistance of pathogens to these antimicrobial actions has never been shown, which makes honey a more promising source of antimicrobial research. Presently, infections of burns and wounds are very challenging to treat, especially when they are caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The purpose of this study was to examine the antimicrobial properties of honey from Utah and other locales, and to identify promising antimicrobial activities that could be useful in treating infections caused by resistant bacteria.
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Cukrinių runkelių papildomo tręšimo per lapus įtaka derliaus formavimuisi ir kokybei / The impact of additional sugar beet fertilization through leaves on the formation and quality of yieldKrasauskas, Mamertas 13 June 2012 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamojo darbo tyrimų tikslas buvo nustatyti optimalią karbamido tirpalo koncentraciją papildomam cukrinių runkelių tręšimui per lapus, derinyje su laisvųjų amino rūgščių preparatu Terra Sorb foliar, turinčią tiek maitinamąjį, tiek stimuliacinį poveikį augalams, užtikrinantį gausesnį šakniavaisių derlingumą bei geresnę produkcijos kokybę. Tyrimai vykdyti 2011 m. Marijampolės r. „Kuktų“ ž.ū.b. Dirvožemis sekliai karbonatingas giliau glėjiškas rudžemis (Epicalcari–Endohypogleyic Cambisols).
Darbo objektas – cukriniai runkeliai (Beta vulgaris L., var. saccharifera), veislė –Marathon.
Darbo metodai: Sausųjų medžiagų kiekis lapuose ir šaknyse buvo nustatomas džiovinant augalų bandinius termostate prie 105 0C iki jų pastovaus svorio. Runkelių šakniavaisių derlingumas ir vidutinis šakniavaisio svoris nustatytas svėrimo būdu pagal priimtas metodikas. Šakniavaisių cukringumas nustatytas Marijampolės cukraus fabrike.
Tyrimų duomenys statistiškai įvertinti vieno veiksnio kiekybinių požymių dispersinės analizės ir koreliacinės regresijos metodais, taikant kompiuterines programas ANOVA, STAT ENG (Tarakanovas, Raudonius, 2003).
Darbo rezultatai. Papildomas cukrinių runkelių tręšimas karbamido tirpalais, derinyje su laisvųjų amino rūgščių preparatu Terra Sorb foliar, didino jų šakniavaisių bei lapų derlius. 15% karbamido tirpalas labai apdegino lapus, ko pasekoje sumažėjo ir lapų, ir šakniavaisių derliai. Apipurškus augalus 15% karbamido tirpalu šakniavaisių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main objective of Master thesis research was to determine the optimal concentration of urea solution in additional sugar beet fertilization through leaves, in combination with the free amino acids Terra Sorb foliar, which has both nutrient and stimulating effect on plants, ensuring richer root yields and better quality products. Research was carried out in 2011 in Marijampolė r. Agricultural company "Kuktai" ž.ū.b. Soil - shallow Endohypogleyic brown (Epicalcari-Endohypogleyic Cambisols).
The objective – sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. var. Saccharifera), sort ‘Marathon’.
Working methods: dry matter content in leaves and roots was determined by drying the plant samples in a thermostat at 105 0C up to the constant weight. Sugar Beet root yield and average root weight was determined by weighing according to accepted procedures. Root sugar was determined in Marijampolė sugar factory.
Research results. Additional sugar beet fertilization with urea solutions, in combination with the free amino acids in Terra Sorb foliar treatment, increased the root and leaf yield. The concentrations of 15% of the urea solution burned leaves, resulting in decreased leaf and root yields. When concentration of 1 and 5% urea solution was sprayed yield enhanced by a 3.8% and 9.4%. The biggest amount of Dry matter in the roots of sugar beet was obtained after spraying 10 and 15% urea solution. The highest amount of sugar in roots (18.4%), was obtained after spraying with 5% urea solution. Urea... [to full text]
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Fermentações em mostos com altos teores de açúcar / Fermentation broth with high sugar contentsThaís Michele Sesso Vitor 05 September 2014 (has links)
No Brasil, a produção de etanol é feita exclusivamente por via fermentativa. Devido ao baixo teor alcoólico do vinho (8 a 10 % v v-1), para cada litro de etanol produzido são gerados de 10 a 12 litros de vinhaça. Este subproduto é rico em matéria orgânica (matéria orgânica variável de 15 a 37 Kg m3 vinhaça, dependendo do tipo de mosto) e pode ser usado como adubo líquido na lavoura. Porém, a vinhaça no solo junto com outros efluentes líquidos, são fontes potenciais de poluição que podem contaminar águas subterrâneas. Por esses motivos, o objetivo deste trabalho foi produzir etanol a partir de fermentações com altos teores de açúcar, a partir da tecnologia VHG (Very High Gravity), visando a obtenção de vinhos com altos teores alcoólicos e com isso reduzir a quantidade de vinhaça gerada por litro de etanol produzido. Para tal foi realizada a adaptação da levedura PE-2 em meio de cultivo com crescentes concentrações de açúcares (9 a 24oBrix), sob 30oC. Nestas condições foi possível adaptar a célula das leveduras dessa linhagem em fermentações com altos teores de açúcar, sem promover morte celular ou perda visível da produtividade. Também foi observado que os volumes de vinhaça gerados em meios com altas concentrações de açúcar sofreram diminuição de até 72%. Ainda foi possível verificar que a levedura PE-2 se adaptou às concentrações crescentes de açúcar do mosto, mostrando tolerância em vinhos com altos níveis de álcool no final da fermentação, com alta viabilidade celular após o reciclo das células e não apresentou alterações morfológicas significativas na parede celular, quando observadas no microscópio eletrônico de varredura. Conclui-se que, é possível fazer a adaptação da levedura PE-2 em mostos com até 24 ºBrix. A adaptação dessa levedura em mostos com altos teores de açúcar na fermentação permite a diminuição de até 72 % do volume de vinhaça gerado / In Brazil, ethanol production is made only by fermentative pathway. Due to low alcohol wine (8-10% v v-1), per liter of ethanol produced are generated from 10 to 12 liters of vinasse. This by-product is rich in organic matter (organic matter variable 15- 37 Kg m3 vinasse, depending on the type of wine) and can be used as liquid fertilizer in agriculture. However, vinasse in the soil along with other liquid effluents, are potential sources of pollution that can contaminate groundwater. For these reasons, the objectives of this work was to produce ethanol from fermentation with high levels of sugar, from the VHG (Very High Gravity) technology in order to produce wines with high alcohol levels and thereby decrease the amount of vinasse produced per liter of ethanol. For this adaptation of the yeast PE-2 in media with increasing concentrations of sugars (9 to 24 oBrix) under 30 °C was performed. Under these conditions it was possible to adapt the yeast cells of this strain in fermentations with high sugar contents, without promoting cell death or visible loss of productivity. It was also noted that the volumes of vinasse generated in media with high concentrations of sugar suffered decrease of up to 72%. Still been possible to see that the PE-2 yeast has adapted to increasing concentrations of sugar in the must, showing tolerance for wines with high alcohol levels at the end of fermentation with high cell viability after the cells recycle and no significant morphological changes in cell wall, as observed in the scanning electron microscope. It is concluded that it is possible to adapt the yeast PE-2 in musts with up to 24 ºBrix. The adaptation of this yeast in musts with high levels of sugar in the fermentation allows the decrease of up to 72% of the volume of vinasse generated
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Une exploration des possibilités génétiques pour l'adaptation de la vigne au changement climatique / An exploration of the possibilities of genetic adaptation for grapevines to climate changeDuchêne, Eric 12 October 2015 (has links)
Les effets du changement climatique ont d’ores et déjà été observés sur la vigne : avancement des stades de développement, augmentation des teneurs en alcool des vins, baisse excessive de leur acidité. Une des voies d’adaptation possible de la viticulture est la création de nouvelles variétés. J’ai caractérisé la variabilité phénotypique de 120 descendants de croisements entre Riesling (RI) et Gewurztraminer (GW) pour (1) les stades de développement, décrits à l’aide de sommes de températures (2) la capacité à accumuler des sucres dans les raisins (3) les paramètres de l’acidité des raisins. L’utilisation de marqueurs moléculaires sur l’ADN a permis de mettre en évidence des relations entre données génétiques et phénotypiques pour tous les caractères étudiés (QTLs ou Quantitative trait loci). La principale conclusion est que la variabilité génétique pour les paramètres de l’acidité des raisins est la voie à valoriser en priorité pour l’adaptation de la vigne au changement climatique. / The effects of climate change have already been observed on the grapevine : advance of phenological stages, increase in the alcohol content of the wines, excessive decrease of their acidity. Breeding new varieties is one of the possible means of adaptation. I have characterized the phenotypic variability of 120 genotypes, offspring from crossings between Riesling (RI) and Gewurztraminer (GW)for (1) the developmental stages, described with heat sums (2) the ability to accumulate sugars in the berries (3) the parameters for acidity. The use of DNA molecular markers allowed the detection of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for all the traits studied. The main conclusion is that the genetic variability for the parameters determining the acidity of the berries is the most promising for the adaptation of grapevine cultivation to climate change.
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