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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthesis and characterisation of novel water-soluble, electrically conducting high temperature polyimides and their precursors

Pandiman, Dien January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Synthesis and characterization of purely sulphonated and composite membranes for high temperature fuel cells

De Almeida, Nicole E. 01 April 2010 (has links)
Fuel cell technologies have developed high interest due to their ability to provide energy in an environmentally friendly method. Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEM-FCs) require a PEM for use, where the most accepted PEM used today is Nafion. Nafion is ideal due to its chemical durability and high proton conductivity however it is highly expensive and limited to 80˚C during operation. To target these issues two methods have been developed. One was to synthesize a new membrane material to replace Nafion based upon sulphonated polysiloxanes and the other was to improve Nafion by synthesizing a composite. Both of these methods involved the sulphonated silane 2-4-chlorosulphonylphenethyltrimethoxysilane. Methods to characterize membranes to observe their properties compared to Nafion were thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Fourier transmission infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (used to determine proton conductivity) and fuel cell performance. / UOIT

Surfactants and enhanced oil recovery

Pilc, J. January 1988 (has links)
A large number of commercial and some novel Brunel synthesised surfactants have been studied with a view to their potential usefulness for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) application. Ethoxylated phenols and their sulphonated derivatives were given especially high priority. The surfactants were well-characterised in order to understand their EOR potential. High pressure liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, Raman spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry and other quantitative techniques were used. Aspects of their behaviour (as single components and as blends with co-surfactants and co-solvents) which have been considered in terms of: (i) phase behaviour with brine and hydrocarbons (ii) adsorption onto various oxide surfaces (iii) interfacial properties such as surface tension, wetting, contact angles and viscosity (iv) stability Three different blends using sulphonated surfactants which: (i) produce a microeinulsion which is stable to high salinity brines over a large temperature range (ii) exhibit low adsorption onto reservoir rock (iii) interfacial tension as low as 10-2mNm-1 have been subsequently optimised. Core flooding tests carried out under reservoir conditions produced an additional 20% of the original-oil-in-place.

Preparation And Performance Of Membrane Electrode Assemblies With Nafion And Alternative Polymer Electrolyte Membranes

Sengul, Erce 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Hydrogen and oxygen or air polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell is one of the most promising electrical energy conversion devices for a sustainable future due to its high efficiency and zero emission. Membrane electrode assembly (MEA), in which electrochemical reactions occur, is stated to be the heart of the fuel cell. The aim of this study was to develop methods for preparation of MEA with alternative polymer electrolyte membranes and compare their performances with the conventional Nafion&reg / membrane. The alternative membranes were sulphonated polyether-etherketone (SPEEK), composite, blend with sulphonated polyethersulphone (SPES), and polybenzimidazole (PBI). Several powder type MEA preparation techniques were employed by using Nafion&reg / membrane. These were GDL Spraying, Membrane Spraying, and Decal methods. GDL Spraying and Decal were determined as the most efficient and proper MEA preparation methods. These methods were tried to improve further by changing catalyst loading, introducing pore forming agents, and treating membrane and GDL. The highest performance, which was 0.53 W/cm2, for Nafion&reg / membrane was obtained at 70 0C cell temperature. In comparison, it was about 0.68 W/cm2 for a commercial MEA at the same temperature. MEA prepared with SPEEK membrane resulted in lower performance. Moreover, it was found that SPEEK membrane was not suitable for high temperature operation. It was stable up to 80 0C under the cell operating conditions. However, with the blend of 10 wt% SPES to SPEEK, the operating temperature was raised up to 90 0C without any membrane deformation. The highest power outputs were 0.29 W/cm2 (at 70 0C) and 0.27 W/cm2 (at 80 0C) for SPEEK and SPEEK-PES blend membrane based MEAs. The highest temperature, which was 150 0C, was attained with PBI based MEA during fuel cell tests.

Production And Characterization Of Activated Carbon From Sulphonated Styrene Divinylbenzene Copolymer

Abdallah, Wisam 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Activated Carbon was produced from strong cation-exchange resins, sulphonated styrene divinylbenzene copolymers originally in H+ form, by means of carbonization and steam activation in an electrical furnace. One macroporous resin produced by BAYER Chemicals Inc., Lewatit MonoPlus SP 112 H, was used in the research. Products of carbonization and activation were characterized by using BET, Mercury Porosimetry, Helium Pycnometry and SEM techniques. The effect of carbonization time and temperature on the BET surface areas of the resins were also investigated. Two sets of carbonization experiments (Set 1 and 2) were performed in which time and temperature were varied in order to study their effects on the BET surface areas of the products. In activation experiments (Set 3), carbonized ion-exchangers (600 oC, 1 hr) were activated with steam at 900&deg / C, changing the time of activation and the steam flow rate. The temperatures of the water bath used for steam generation were selected as 60&deg / C, 80&deg / C and 90&deg / C. The pore structures of activated carbons were determined by proper techniques. The volume and area of macropores in the pore diameter range of 8180-50 nm were determined by mercury intrusion porosimetry. Mesopore (in the range of 50-2 nm) areas and volumes were determined by N2 gas adsorption technique at -195.6oC, BET surface areas of the samples were also determined, in the relative pressure range of 0.05 to 0.02, by the same technique. The pore volume and the area of the micropores with diameters less than 2 nm were determined by CO2 adsorption measurements at 0oC by the application of Dubinin Radushkevich equation. In the experiments of Sets 1 and 2, the BET surface area results of the six different carbonization times ranging from 0.5 to 3 hours gave almost the same value with a maximum deviation of 5% from the average showing almost no effect on the areas of the products. In the experiments of Set 3 , the sample activated at 800&deg / C for 6 hrs had the highest BET area, 2130 m2/g, and the one activated at 800&deg / C for 1 hr had the lowest BET area 636 m2/g. N2 adsorption/ desorption isotherms showed no distinct hysteresis indicating a cylindrical geometry of the pores. Adsorption isotherms further indicated that the pores are both highly microporous and mesoporous. N2 (BET) and CO2 (D-R) surface areas of the samples were in the range of 636-2130m2/g and 853-1858 m2/g, respectively. Surface areas of the samples consisted of about 8-53% mesopores and 47-92% micropores.

Synthesis, electrodynamics and biosensor applications of novel sulphonated polyaniline nanocomposites

Michira, Immaculate Nyambura January 2007 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The overall aim of this thesis was to prepare nanostructured more processable heteronuclear sulphonated polyanyline nanocomposites with electroconductive properties suitable for applications in biosensors. The sulphonated self-assembled polyaniline and derivatised polyaniline nanocomposites (SPAHs) were prepared by chemical oxidative polymerisation or electrical decomposition. The SPAHs prepared include those of polyaniline (PANi), poly-o-methoxyaniline (POMA) and poly-2.5 dimethoxyaniline (PDMA). Two types of sulphonic acids of heteronuclear aromatic hydrocarbons were used in the production of sulphonated SPAH composites. These were anthracene sulphonic acid (ASA) and naphthalene sulphonic acids (NSA) wich played both doping and surfactant roles. / South Africa

Membranas poliméricas de intercambio iónico con aplicación en pilas de combustible de temperatura intermedia

Barjola Ruiz, Arturo 03 May 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El desarrollo de membranas poliméricas capaces de actuar como electrolito en pilas de combustible tipo PEMFC a temperaturas intermedias constituye uno de los principales retos para conseguir la generación eficiente de energía por medio de estos dispositivos. Actualmente, las membranas basadas en polímeros perfluorosulfonados como el Nafion® son las más extendidas en pilas de combustible, ya que presentan una buena conductividad protónica además de ser estables mecánica y químicamente. Sin embargo, este tipo de membranas no son capaces de ofrecer buenos rendimientos por encima de 80 ¿C. En este sentido, el objetivo fundamental de esta tesis ha sido la síntesis y caracterización de membranas poliméricas que permitan su potencial utilización en el rango de temperaturas intermedias, por encima de 100 ¿C, donde la cinética de los electrodos y el transporte de protones a través de la membrana mejoran considerablemente, aumentando con ello el rendimiento de la celda. La investigación llevada a cabo se ha centrado en dos tipos de polímeros: poli(eter-eter-cetona) sulfonada (SPEEK) y polibencimidazol (PBI). Las membranas basadas en SPEEK ofrecen una elevada conductividad protónica y una buena estabilidad tanto mecánica como química. Si bien, estas propiedades dependen drásticamente de su grado de sulfonación. Así, altos grados de sulfonación resultan en muy buenas conductividades protónicas, aunque por el contrario, originan un excesivo hinchamiento de las membranas provocando un empeoramiento de sus propiedades mecánicas. Además, cuando la temperatura supera los 80 ¿C su conductividad disminuye debido a la deshidratación de la membrana. La estrategia seguida en este caso para mantener las propiedades mecánicas y la conductividad de las membranas basadas en SPEEK a temperaturas intermedias ha consistido en utilizar un polímero con un índice de intercambio catiónico no excesivamente alto (1.75 meq g-1), el cual ha sido dopado con dos tipos de compuestos organometálicos diferentes de tipo ZIF (Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework ) y con una mezcla de ambos. Este tipo de compuestos constituyen una subclase de los conocidos como Metal Organic Framework (MOF), los cuales adoptan una estructura tipo zeolita donde la parte orgánica está constituida por un anillo de imidazol y el nodo inorgánico es un metal. En este caso Zinc para el Z8 y Cobalto para el Z67. Las membranas compuestas SPEEK-ZIF mejoraron claramente las prestaciones de las de SPEEK puro a temperaturas intermedias. En base a los resultados anteriores, se seleccionaron las membranas dopadas con ZIF-67 para su evaluación en monocelda donde ofrecieron valores superiores a los de las membranas de SPEEK puro sin la adición de cargas y a los obtenidos con membranas de Nafion®117 a temperaturas superiores a 100 °C. En el caso de las membranas en base PBI, estas han sido capaces de ofrecer valores elevados de conductividad a altas temperaturas cuando eran dopadas con ácido fosfórico. Sin embargo, la pérdida del ácido por parte de la membrana (leaching) con el tiempo de operación y la degradación que este ácido provoca en los componentes de la celda, hacen que sea necesaria la utilización de otros agentes dopantes no volátiles y menos agresivos capaces de aportar al polímero la conductividad de la que carece. Los líquidos iónicos son sales fundidas a temperatura ambiente que poseen presiones de vapor despreciables y ofrecen buenas conductividades a temperaturas elevadas. En esta tesis, se prepararon por el método de casting, membranas de PBI conteniendo el líquido iónico 1-butil-3-metil imidazolio bis(trifluorometil sulfonil) imida (BMIM-NTf2) en diferentes porcentajes. Estas membranas alcanzaron a partir de un 10 % wt. de líquido iónico un valor de conductividad del orden de 10-2 S cm-1 a 160 ¿C. Señalando su potencial como electrolito polimérico basado en PBI libre de ácido fosfórico. / [CA] El desenvolupament de membranes polimèriques vàlides per a actuar com a electròlit en piles de combustible tipus PEMFC a temperatures intermèdies. Constitueix un dels reptes principals per aconseguir la generació eficient d'energia amb aquests dispositius. Actualment, les membranes basades en polímers perfluorosulfonats com el Nafion® són les més utilitzades en piles de combustible, ja que presenten una bona conductivitat protònica a més de tindre una bona estabilitat química i mecànica. Tot i això, aquest tipus de membranes no oferixen bons rendiments a temperaturas superiors a 80 ¿C. En aquest sentit, l'objectiu fonamental d'aquesta tesi ha segut la síntesi i caracterització de membranes polimèriques amb les característiques adequades per poder treballar a temperatures intermèdies, per damunt de 100 ¿C. En aquestes condicions la cinètica dels elèctrodes i el transport de protons a través de la membrana milloren considerablement augmentant amb això el rendiment de la cel·la. La investigació duta a terme s'ha centrat en dos tipus de polímers: poli(eter-eter-cetona) sulfonada (SPEEK) i polibencimidazol (PBI). Les membranes basades en SPEEK ofereixen una elevada conductivitat protònica i una bona estabilitat tant mecànica com a química. No obstant això, aquestes caracteristiques depenen dràsticament del seu grau de sulfonació. Així, alts graus de sulfonació resulten en molt bones conductivitats protòniques. Encara que per contra, originen un excessiu unflament de les membranes en aigua calenta provocant un empitjorament de les seves propietats mecàniques. A més, quan la temperatura supera els 80 ¿C la seva conductivitat baixa a causa de la deshidratació de la membrana. L'estratègia seguida en aquest cas per mantenir les propietats mecàniques i la conductivitat de les membranes basades en SPEEK a temperatures intermèdies. Ha segut partir d'un polímer amb un índex d'intercanvi catiònic no gaire alt (1.75 meq g-1). El qual ha segut dopat amb dos tipus de compostos órganometàl.lics diferents de tipus ZIF (Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework) (ZIF) i amb una barreja de tots dos. Aquest tipus de compostos constitueixen una subclasse dels coneguts com a Metal Organic Framework (MOF). Els quals adopten una estructura tipus zeolita on la part orgànica està constituïda per un anell d'imidazol i el node inorgànic és el metall. En aquest cas Zinc per al Z8 i Cobalt per al Z67. Les membranes compostes SPEEK-ZIF van millorar clarament les prestacions de les de SPEEK pur a temperatures intermèdies. En base als resultats anteriors es van seleccionar les membranes dopades amb ZIF-67 per a la seva avaluació en monocel·la on van oferir valors superiors als de les membranes de SPEEK pur sense l'addició de càrregues i als obtinguts amb membranes de Nafion®117 en les mateixes condicions a temperatures superiors a 100 °C. En el cas de les membranes en base PBI, aquestes han oferit valors elevats de conductivitat a altes temperatures, quan han segut dopades amb àcid fosfòric. Tot i això, la pèrdua de l'àcid per part de la membrana (leaching) amb el temps d'operació i la degradació que aquest àcid provoca en els components de la cel·la, fan que siga necessària la utilització d'altres agents dopants no volàtils i menys agressius capaços d'aportar al polímer conductivitat iònica. Els líquids iònics són sals foses a temperatura ambient que tenen pressions de vapor molt febles i ofereixen bones conductivitats a temperatures elevades. En aquesta tesi es van preparar pel mètode de càsting, membranes de PBI contenint el líquid iònic 1-butil-3-metil imidazoli bis(trifluorometil sulfonil) imida (BMIM-NTf2) en diferents percentatges. Aquestes membranes van assolir a partir d'un 10% wt. de líquid iònic un valor de conductivitat de l'ordre de 10-2 S cm-1 a 160 ¿C. Assenyalant el seu potencial com a electròlit polimèric basat en PBI lliure d'àcid fosfòric. / [EN] The development of polymeric membranes capable of acting as an electrolyte in a proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) at intermediate temperatures. It constitutes one of the main challenges to achieve efficient energy generation through these kinds of devices. Currently, membranes based on perfluorosulfonated polymers such as Nafion® are the most widespread in fuel cells, since they have good proton conductivity as well as being mechanically and chemically stable. However, these types of membranes are not capable of offering good performance above 80 ¿C. In this sense, the main objective of this thesis has been the synthesis and characterization of polymeric membranes with potential use in the range of intermediate temperatures, above 100 ¿C, where the kinetics of the electrodes and the transport of protons through of the membrane and the performance of the cell are greatly improved. The research carried out has focused on two types of polymers: sulfonated poly(ether-ether-ketone) (SPEEK) and polybenzimidazole (PBI). SPEEK-based membranes offer high proton conductivity and good mechanical and chemical stability. However, their properties depend dramatically on its degree of sulfonation. Thus, high degrees of sulfonation result in excellent proton conductivities. On the other hand, the large amount of sulphonic groups in the membrane cause an excessive swelling in hot water, leading to a worsening of their mechanical properties, even reaching its dissolution. Furthermore, as also happens with perfluorosulfonated membranes, when the temperature is increased above 80 ¿C their proton conductivity decreases due to membrane dehydration. Focused on maintain the mechanical properties and conductivity of SPEEK-based membranes at intermediate temperatures. Membranes have been prepared from a polymer with a not excessively high cation exchange rate (1.75 meq g-1). Which has been doped with two different ZIF-type (Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework) organometallic compounds and with a mixture of both. This type of compounds constitutes a subclass of those known as Metal Organic Framework (MOF). Which adopt a zeolite-type structure where the organic part is made up of an imidazole ring and the inorganic node is the metal. In this case Zinc for Z8 and Cobalt for Z67. SPEEK-ZIF. Composite membranes clearly improved the performance of pure SPEEK membranes at intermediate tempe-ratures. Based on the previous results, the membranes doped with ZIF-67 were selected for their evaluation in a single fuel cell, where they offered higher values than those of the pure SPEEK membranes without the addition of fillers and those obtained with membranes of Nafion®117 under the same conditions at temperatures above 100 °C. PBI based membranes, have been capable of offering high conductivity values at high temperatures, when they have been doped with phosphoric acid. However, the loss of acid by the membrane (leaching) with the operation time and the degradation that this acid causes in the cell components. In this sense, it is necessary to explore the use of other non-volatile and less aggressive doping agents capable of providing ionic conductivity to the polymer. Ionic liquids are molten salts at room temperature that have negligible vapor pressures and offer good conductivities at elevated temperatures. In this thesis, PBI membranes containing the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methyl imidazolium bis(trifluoromethyl sulfonyl)imide (BMIM-NTf2) at different percentages were prepared by the casting method. These membranes containing 10 wt.% of ionic liquid reached a conductivity value in the range of 10-2 S cm-1 at 160 ¿C. Noting its potential as a phosphoric acid-free PBI-based polymeric electrolyte. / This work was sponsored by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) under the project ENE/2015-69203-R. The authors acknowledge the Electron Microscopy Service from Universitat Politècnica de València for the use of instruments and staff assistance. / Barjola Ruiz, A. (2023). Membranas poliméricas de intercambio iónico con aplicación en pilas de combustible de temperatura intermedia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/193081 / Compendio

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