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Toward Anti-icing and De-icing Surfaces : Effects of Surface Topography and TemperatureHeydari, Golrokh January 2016 (has links)
Icing severely affects society, especially in the Nordic countries. Iceaccumulation can result in critical performance problems and safetyconcerns for instance in road, air and sea transportation, transmissionlines, marine and offshore structures, wind turbines and heat exchangers.Present active ice-combating approaches possess environmental,efficiency and cost drawbacks. Thus, fabricating icephobic surfaces orcoatings impeding ice formation (anti-icing), but facilitating ice removal(de-icing) is desired. However, different conditions in the environmentduring ice formation and growth add to the complexity of the problem.An icephobic surface that works for a certain application might not be agood candidate for another. These surfaces and the challenges are infocus in this thesis.Wetting properties are important for ice formation on surfaces fromthe liquid phase (often supercooled water), where the water repellency ofthe surfaces could enhance their anti-icing effect. Considering this,different hydrophobic and superhydrophobic surfaces with differentchemistry, morphology and roughness scale were prepared. Since anyinduced wetting state hysteresis on hydrophobic surfaces could influencetheir performance, the wetting stability was investigated. In particulardynamic wetting studies of the hydrophobic surfaces revealed whatsurface characteristics benefit a stable wetting performance. Further, theeffect of temperature, particularly sub-zero temperatures, on the wettingstate of flat and nanostructured hydrophobic surfaces was investigated.This was complemented with studies of the wetting stability of sessilewater droplets on flat to micro- and multi-scale (micro-nano) roughhydrophobic samples in a freeze-thaw cycle. To be consistent with mostapplications, all temperature-controlled experiments were performed inan environmental condition facilitating frost formation. Further, antiicingproperties of hydrophobic surfaces with different topography butsimilar chemistry were studied by freezing delay measurements.A dynamic wetting study using hydrophobic samples with similarchemistry but different topography revealed that multi-scale roughnesscould benefit the wetting stability. However, when these surfaces areutilized at low temperatures the wetting hysteresis observed during acooling/heating cycle is significant. Such a temperature-inducedhysteresis is also significant on superhydrophobic surfaces. I attributethis to condensation followed by frost formation facilitating spreading of the supercooled water droplet. The freezing delay measurementsdemonstrate no significant effect of surface topography on anti-icingproperties of hydrophobic surfaces, however the flat surfaces showed thelongest delay. These findings are in agreement with heterogeneous icenucleation theory, suggesting preferential ice nucleation in concave sites,provided they are wetted.In the second part of this thesis, I consider the findings from theprevious part illustrating the limitations of (super)hydrophobic surfaces.The de-icing properties of hydrophilic surfaces with a hydration waterlayer, hypothesized to lubricate the interface with ice, were studied. Heretemperature-controlled shear ice adhesion measurements, down to -25oC, were performed on an adsorbed layer of a polymer, either bottle-brushstructured poly(ethylene oxide) or linear poly(ethylene oxide). The iceadhesion strength was reduced significantly on the bottle-brushstructured polymer layer, specifically at temperatures above -15 oC,whereas less adhesion reduction was observed on the layer formed by thelinear polymer. These findings are consistent with differential scanningcalorimetry (DSC) data, demonstrating that the hydration water, boundto the bottle-brush structured polymer, is in the liquid state at thetemperatures where de-icing benefit is observed. Further, continuingwith the hypothesis of the advantage of surfaces with a natural lubricantlayer for de-icing targets, I studied shear ice adhesion on the molecularlyflat basal plane of hydrophilic mica down to -35 oC. Interestingly, ultralowice adhesion strength was measured on this surface. I relate this to theproposed distinct structure of the first ice-like but fluid water layer onmica, with no free OH groups, followed by more bulk liquid-like layers.This combined with the molecularly smooth nature of mica results in aperfect plane for ice sliding. / Isbildning har en stark inverkan på samhället, speciellt i de nordiskaländerna. Isuppbyggnad kan resultera i kritiska prestandaproblem ochsäkerhetsrisker inom t.ex. väg-, luft-, och sjötransport, kraftledningar,marina- och offshorestrukturer, vindkraftverk och värmeväxlare.Nuvarande aktiva isbekämpningsmetoder uppvisar brister i avseende påmiljö, effektivitet och kostnad. Det finns därmed ett behov av attframställa ytor eller ytbeläggningar som förhindrar isbildning (antiisning)eller underlättar borttagandet av redan bildad is (avisning). Dockkompliceras problemet av de många olika förhållanden under vilka is kanbildas. En beläggning som fungerar för en viss tillämpning behöver intenödvändigtvis vara en bra kandidat för en annan. Dessa ytor ochutmaningar relaterade till dem är i fokus i denna avhandling.Vätningsegenskaper är viktiga för isbildning på ytor från vätskefas(ofta underkylt vatten), och det har visats att vattenavstötande ytor i vissasammanhang kan motverka isbildning. Med detta i åtanke framställdesolika hydrofoba och superhydrofoba ytor, med varierande kemi,morfologi och ytråhet. Eftersom en förändring i de hydrofoba ytornasvätningsegenskaper kan påverka deras funktion studerades vätningsstabilitetenför dessa ytor. I synnerhet dynamiska vätningsstudier av dehydrofoba ytorna avslöjade vilka ytegenskaper som är fördelaktiga förvätningsstabiliteten. Vidare studerades hur temperaturen, särskilt undernoll grader, påverkar vätningstillståndet på släta och nanostruktureradehydrofoba ytor. Arbetet kompletterades med studier av vätningsstabilitetenför vattendroppar på släta samt mikro- och multistrukturerade(mikro-nano) hydrofoba ytor under flera frysningsupptiningscykler.För att vara i linje med de flesta tillämpningar, utfördesalla temperaturkontrollerade mätningar i en miljö där frost kunde bildaspå ytorna. Anti-isegenskaperna hos de hydrofoba ytorna med varierandetopografi men samma kemi studerades vidare genom att studera hur långtid det dröjde innan en vattendroppe på ytan fryste vid en visstemperatur.De dynamiska vätningsstudierna på hydrofoba ytor med samma kemimen olika topografi avslöjade att en ytråhet på flera längdskalor kan haen positiv inverkan på vätningsstabiliteten. När dessa ytor är exponeradeför låga temperaturer är dock vätningshysteresen under en nedkylnings-/uppvärmnings-cykel significant. Den temperatur-inducerade hysteresenär också betydande för superhydrofoba ytor. Detta tillskriver jag kondensation på ytan som följs av frostbildning, vilket i sin tur möjliggörspridning av den underkylda vattendroppen på ytan. Mätning avfördröjningen i frysningsförloppet påvisade ingen betydande effekt avyttopografin för hydrofoba ytor, men släta hydrofoba ytor uppvisade denlängsta fördröjningen. Dessa resultat är i överensstämmelse med rådandeheterogen iskärnbildningsteori, som visar på fördelaktig iskärnbildningpå konkava delar av ytan, förutsatt att dessa väts.I den andra delen av avhandlingen utnyttjar jag observationerna frånden första delen vilka illustrerade begränsningarna för superhydrofobaytor, och söker en annan lösning. Avisningsegenskaper för hydrofilastarkt hydratiserade ytor studerades, med hypotesen att hydratiseringkan smörja gränsskiktet med is. Temperatur-kontrolleradeisadhesionsmätningar ned till -25 °C utfördes på adsorberade skikt av enpolymer med många sidokedjor av polyetylenoxid (”bottle-brush”), såvälsom på ett skikt av linjär polyetylenoxid. Isadhesionen blev kraftigtreducerad på ”bottle-brush”-polymeren, speciellt vid temperaturer högreän -15°C. Däremot kunde knappast ingen minskad isadhesion observerasför den linjära polymeren. Dessa observationer överensstämmer meddifferentialskanningskalorimetri (DSC) data, som visar att dethydratiserade vattenskiktet, vilket är bundet till ”bottle-brush”-polymeren, är i vätskeform vid de temperaturer där avisningsfördelar ärobserverade. För att vidare undersöka hypotesen att det vore fördelaktigtmed ett naturligt smörjande skikt på ytan för att uppnå godaavisningsegenskaper, utförde jag isadhesionsmätningar på molekylärtsläta glimmerytor ner till -35 °C. Intressant nog uppmättes extremt lågisadhesion på denna yta. Detta relaterar jag till den föreslagna utprägladehydratiseringsstrukturen, bestående av ett första is-liknande vattenskiktutan fria OH-grupper, följt av ett mer bulkliknande skikt. Detta ikombination med den molekylärt släta naturen hos glimmer resulterar iett perfekt plan för isen att glida på. / <p>QC 20160504</p> / TopNano
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Water self-ejection, frosting, harvesting and viruses viability on surfaces: modelling and fabricationDi Novo, Nicolò Giuseppe 24 October 2022 (has links)
The wettability and phase change phenomena of water are ubiquitous on biological and artificial surfaces. Properties like water repellency, self-cleaning, coalescence induced condensation jumping, anti-frosting, and dew harvesting arise on surfaces with particular structures and chemistry and are of particular interest for energy and water saving.
This thesis collects different studies of wettability and phase change on natural and artificial surfaces: growth and self-ejection of condensation droplets on micro and nanostructured surfaces we fabricated, their applications, the Sliding on Frost of condensation droplets observed on the Cotinus Coggygria leaf, the dew harvesting property of the Old Man of the Andes Cactus enhanced by distance coalescence through microgrooves and finally, a theoretical study of viruses viability in sessile droplets.
The first chapter introduces the theoretical framework of wettability and phase changes on surfaces.
In the second chapter, we present the self-ejection of condensation droplets from hydrophobic nanostructured microstructures. We modelled analytically the droplets jumping and fabricated surfaces to verify the predictions. The fabricated geometry was inspired by the modelling and the available fabrication techniques. We tested the surfaces in condensation conditions. Using a high frame rate camera coupled with a long working distance microscopy objective, we investigated the growth and ejection transient. We then compared the experimental self-ejection velocity for various structures geometry with our analytical models.
In Chapter 3, we investigated the applications of the fabricated surfaces reported in Chapter 2.
In Chapter 4, we explore the condensation frosting on the leaf of Cotinus Coggygria, native of our woods and with interesting hydrophobic properties. Covered by wax nanotubules, it exhibits coalescence-induced condensation jumpings that may be a useful cleaning tool. Furthermore, the frost is delayed but not only for the jumping. Surprisingly, at temperatures some degrees below zero, we observed what we called ‘droplet Sliding on Frost bridges’, that further delays frosting. We described the feasibility of this sliding in terms of dynamic contact angles of the surface and contact angles of supercooled water on ice. By capturing high temporal and spatial resolution videos we investigated the sliding on frost and droplet recalescence (fast dendrite growth that partially solidify the liquid). The responsible for the failure of sliding for temperatures from about -8 ° C down appears to be the advancing angle of water on ice that increases with the subcooling rather than the recalescence that blocks the drop in place. These results add a piece to the fundamental research on the supercooled water-ice-vapour interfaces.
As it often happens, biological surfaces offer a starting point for the study of fundamental mechanisms and the development of artificial surfaces with optimized properties. In the Chapter 5, the multifunctional roles of hairs and spines in Old Man of the Andes Cactus (Oreocereus trolli) are studied. We study the morphology of the appendages, the hairs wettability, mechanical properties of both, and the dew formation on spines. The longitudinal microgrooves on the spines cause a particular phenomenon of distant coalescence (DC), in which smaller droplets flow totally or partially into larger ones through the microgrooves, with consequent accumulation of water in a few large drops. An earlier study has shown artificial micro-grooved surfaces that exhibit DC are more efficient than flat ones at collecting and sliding dew, and thus these cactus spines could act as soil dew conveyors. The agreement between our analytical model and experimental data verifies that the flow is driven by the Laplace pressure difference between the drops. This allowed us to obtain a general criterion for predicting the total or partial emptying of the smaller drops as a function of the dynamic contact angles of a surface. Based on this criterion, an hydrophilic material with small contact angle hysteresis would allow a greater number of complete drops emptying.
The COVID-19 pandemic has raised the problem of contagion from airborne and deposited droplets. In the last chapter, we report the state of the art of experiments on the viability of viruses in deposited droplets. Up to date, it has been experimentally highlighted that the relative viability of some viruses (RV) depends on the material chemistry, temperature, and interestingly, on relative humidity (RH) with a U-shaped trend. One of the current hypotheses is that the cumulative dose of salt concentration (CD) affects RV. We model the RV of viruses in sessile droplets by inserting a RV-CD relation in a model of droplet evaporation. By considering a saline water droplet (one salt) as the simplest approximation of real solutions, we analytically simulate the time evolution of salt concentration, vapor pressure, and droplet volume varying contact angles, droplet sizes, and RH in the range 0–100%. The results elucidate some previously not yet well-understood dynamics, demonstrating how three main regimes—directly implicated in nontrivial experimental trends of virus RV—can be recognized as the function of RH. The proposed approach could suggest a chart of a virus fate by predicting its survival time at a given temperature as a function of RH and contact angle. We found a good agreement with experimental data for various enveloped viruses and predicted in particular for the Phi6 virus, a surrogate of coronavirus, the characteristic U-shaped dependence of RV on RH. Given the generality of the model, once experimental data are available that link the vulnerability of a certain virus (such as SARS-CoV-2) to the concentrations of salts or other substances in terms of CD, it is envisioned that this approach could be employed for antivirus strategies and protocols for the prediction/reduction of human health risks associated with SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses.
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