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Análise estrutural dinâmica de um vaso de pressão (reator PWR) utilizando o método DDAM. / Dynamic strutural analisys of a pressure vessel (PWR reactor) using DDAM method.Fábio Massatoshi Maruyama 30 November 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar a aplicação do Dynamic Design Analysis Method DDAM na análise de estruturas submetidas a carregamentos de choque. Esse método foi desenvolvido pela Marinha Norte Americana e se propõe a estimar esforços inercias provenientes das respostas de equipamentos de bordo, sejam de navios ou submarinos, a cargas impulsivas, mais precisamente, ondas de choque submarinas. Para a compreensão plena dessa metodologia, foi necessário um estudo sobre vibrações e espectros de resposta, tópicos teóricos que fundamentam esse procedimento. Devido à escassez de informações divulgadas por se tratar de conteúdo militar, foi realizado um estudo de caso para uma estrutura simples, uma viga engastada e seus resultados foram comparados com um prévio trabalho publicado. Com isso, foi possível a aplicação do DDAM em uma estrutura mais complexa como o vaso do reator nuclear do tipo PWR de um submarino, ainda que em um modelo simplificado desse equipamento. No entanto, os resultados mostraram a validade do uso do DDAM na análise estrutural dinâmica de equipamentos de uma maneira qualitativa. / The main purpose of this dissertation is to verify the use of the Dynamic Design Analysis Method DDAM in the study of structures subjected to shock loadings. This method was developed by the U.S. Navy and is intended to estimate inertial forces resultant from the response of shipboard equipment, from surface ships or submarines, due to impulsive loads or, more precisely, underwater pressure shock waves. To fully comprehend this method, it was necessary to acknowledge fundamentals of dynamics of structures like free vibrations, response spectrum analysis correlated topics. And due to lack of public information since it is a military technology, a case study of a cantilever beam was done with its results compared to a previous published paper. Then, the DDAM was applied to a more complex structure a PWR nuclear reactor vase simplified model, in order to show the effectiveness of the method in dynamic structural analysis.
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Aerodynamická analýza poddajného křídla kluzáku / Aerodynamic analysis of the glider flexible wingJurina, Marek January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with determination of effect of wing flexibility on load distribution. FSI analysis using modal superposition was used for determination of effect of wing flexibility. Analysis was verified by analytic calculation. Differences of load distribution, between rigid and flexible wing, was determined for the selected flight regimes. Change of the bending moment was up to 3,9 %. Thesis shows importance of including effect of wing flexibility for sailplane design.
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Groverův algoritmus v kvantovém počítání a jeho aplikace / Grover's algorithm in Quantum computing and its applicationsKatabira, Joseph January 2021 (has links)
Kvantová výpočetní technika je rychle rostoucí obor informatiky, který přenáší principy kvantových jevu do našeho každodenního života. Díky své kvantové podstatě získávají kvantové počítače převahu nad klasickými počítači. V této práci jsme se zaměřili na vysvětlení základů kvantového počítání a jeho implementaci na kvantovém počítači. Zejména se zaměřujeme na popis fungování, konstrukci a implementaci Groverova algoritmu jako jednoho ze základních kvantových algoritmů. Demonstrovali jsme sílu tohoto kvantového algoritmu při prohledávání databáze a porovnávali ho s klasickými nekvantovými algoritmy pomocí implementace prostřednictvím simulačního prostředí QISKit. Pro simulaci jsme použili QASM Simulator a State vector Simulator Aer backends a ukázali, že získané výsledky korelují s dříve diskutovanými teoretickými poznatky. Toto ukazuje, že Groverův algoritmus umožňuje kvadratické zrychlení oproti klasickému nekvantovému vyhledávacímu algoritmu, Použitelnost algoritmu stejně jako ostatních kvantových algoritmů je ale stále omezena několika faktory, mezi které patří vysoké úrovně dekoherence a chyby hradla.
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Identifikace parametrů elektroencefalografického snímacího systému / Identification of the parameters of an electroencephalographic recording systemSvozilová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
Elektroencefalografický záznamový systém slouží k vyšetření mozkové aktivity. Na základě tohoto vyšetření lze stanovit diagnózu některých nemocí, například epilepsie. Účelem této práce bylo zpracování signálu z toho systému a vytvoření modelového signálu, který bude s reálným signálem porovnán. Uměle vytvořený signál vychází z Jansenova matematického modelu, který byl dále implementován v prostředí MATLAB a rozšířen ze základního modelu na komplexnější zahrnující nelinearity a model rozhraní elektroda – elektrolyt. Dále bylo provedeno měření signálů na EEG fantomu a následná identifikace parametrů naměřených signálu. V první fázi byly testovány jednoduché signály. Identifikace parametrů těchto signálů sloužila k validaci daného EEG fantomu. V druhé fázi bylo přistoupeno k testování EEG signálů navržených podle matematického Jansenova modelu. Analýza veškerých signálů zahrnuje mimo jiné časově frekvenční analýzu či ověření platnosti principu superpozice.
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Ordnungsreduktion von elektrostatisch-mechanischen Finite Elemente Modellen für die Mikrosystemtechnik: Ordnungsreduktion von elektrostatisch-mechanischen FiniteElemente Modellen für die MikrosystemtechnikBennini, Fouad 25 January 2005 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine Prozedur zur Ordnungsreduktion von Finite Elemente
Modellen mikromechanischer Struktur mit elektrostatischem Wirkprinzip entwickelt und
analysiert. Hintergrund der Ordnungsreduktion ist eine Koordinatentransformation von
lokalen Finite Elemente Koordinaten in globale Koordinaten. Die globalen Koordinaten des
reduzierten Modells werden durch einige wenige Formfunktionen beschrieben. Damit wird
das Makromodell nicht mehr durch lokale Knotenverschiebungen beschrieben, sondern durch
globale Formfunktionen, welche die gesamte Deformation der Struktur beeinflussen. Es wird
gezeigt, dass Eigenvektoren der linearisierten mechanischen Struktur einfache und effiziente
Formfunktionen darstellen. Weiterhin kann diese Methode für bestimmte Nichtlinearitäten
und für verschiedene in Mikrosystemen auftretende Lasten angewendet werden. Das Ergebnis
sind Makromodelle, die über Klemmen in Systemsimulatoren eingebunden werden können,
die Genauigkeiten einer Finite Elemente Analyse erreichen und für Systemsimulationen
typische Laufzeitverhalten besitzen.
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Reflexe indiánského světa v hispanoamerickém eseji 20. století / Reflection of the Indigenous world in the 20 th Century Latin American EssayNúňez Tayupanta, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
Reflection of the Indigenous World in the 20th Century Latin American Essay PhDr. Lucie Núñez Tayupanta Abstract This dissertation focuses on the study of essayistic works which reflect the presence of indigenous world and its cultural traditions in Latin America. The aim of this work is to answer the question of how Latin-American essayists consider the contribution of the indigenous heritage to the creation of national identity. Furthermore, the work aims to point out the differences in approach of the essayists and to emphasize specific elements of this process in their works. At the beginning, the thesis deals with the theoretical definition of the genre of essay which is primarily based on studies of Spanish and Latin-American critics. The main part is devoted to the analysis of six essayistic works where three different approaches to the relationship between cultures are evident. The harmonic conception is present in the work of the Mexican writer Alfonso Reyes. Reyes finds common features between the original (pre- Columbian) and the contemporary culture and observes a blending of these two units. In the case of Reyes' text, we can see an effort to find a harmony in the fusion of cultures, the European and indigenous tradition. In the second approach, the dramatic, there can be found two views....
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The Effects of Loading Frequency, Sensitization Level, and Electrochemical Potential on Corrosion Fatigue Kinetics of Aluminum-Magnesium AlloysSchrock, David J. 01 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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Sculpting: An Improved Inside-out Scheme for All Hexahedral MeshingWalton, Kirk S. 01 April 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Generating all hexahedral meshes on arbitrary geometries has been an area of important research in recent history. Hexahedral meshes have advantages over tetrahedral meshes in structural mechanics because they provide more accurate results with fewer degrees of freedom. Many different approaches have been used to create all-hexahedral meshes. Grid-based, inside-out, or superposition meshing all refer to a similar meshing approach that is a very common mesh generation technique. Grid-based algorithms provide the ability to generate all hexahedral meshes by introducing a structured mesh that bounds the complete body modeled, marking hexahedra to define an interior and exterior mesh, manipulating the boundary region between interior and exterior regions of the structured mesh to fit the specific boundary of the body, and finally, discarding the exterior hexahedra from the given body. Such algorithms generally provide high quality meshes on the interior of the body yet distort element at the boundary in order to fill voids and match surfaces along these regions. The sculpting algorithm as presented here, addresses the difficulty in forming quality elements near boundary regions in two ways. The algorithm first finds more intelligent methods to define a structured mesh that conforms to the body to lessen large distortions to the boundary elements. Second, the algorithm uses collapsing templates to adjust the position of boundary elements to mimic the topology of the body prior to capturing the geometric boundary.
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Automated Hybrid Singularity Superposition And Anchored Grid Pattern Bem Algorithm For The Solution Of The Inverse Geometric ProblemNi, Marcus 01 January 2013 (has links)
A method for solving the inverse geometrical problem is presented by reconstructing the unknown subsurface cavity geometry using boundary element methods, a genetic algorithm, and Nelder-Mead non-linear simplex optimization. The heat conduction problem is solved utilizing the boundary element method, which calculates the difference between the measured temperature at the exposed surface and the computed temperature under the current update of the unknown subsurface flaws and cavities. In a first step, clusters of singularities are utilized to solve the inverse problem and to identify the location of the centroid(s) of the subsurface cavity(ies)/flaw(s). In a second step, the reconstruction of the estimated cavity(ies)/flaw(s) geometry(ies) is accomplished by utilizing an anchored grid pattern upon which cubic spline knots are restricted to move in the search for unknown geometry. Solution of the inverse problem is achieved using a genetic algorithm accelerated with the Nelder-Mead non-linear simplex. To optimize the cubic spline interpolated geometry, the flux (Neumann) boundary conditions are minimized using a least squares functional. The automated algorithm successfully reconstructs single and multiple subsurface cavities within two dimensional mediums. The solver is also shown to accurately predict cavity geometries with random noise in the boundary condition measurements. Subsurface cavities can be difficult to detect based on their location. By applying different boundary conditions to the same geometry, more information is supplied at the boundary, and the subsurface cavity is easily detected despite its low heat signature effect at the boundaries. Extensions to three-dimensional applications are outlined
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