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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

STÖTTA : möbeldesign för social interaktion och biofilisk effekt / STÖTTA (Support) : Furniture Design for Social Interaction and Biophilic Effect.

Brant-Lundin Westergren, Sara January 2024 (has links)
Av jord är vi komna, av jord ska vi åter bli. Mellan dessa båda stadier av vår existens strävar jag efter att skapa design som går bortom normer för formgivning av rum och interiör.  I mitt examensarbete i kandidatprogrammet Inred- ningsarkitektur och möbeldesign Konstfack 2024 gestaltar och föreslår jag en bänk, som placerats i en av basarlängorna vid arkitekten Gunnar Asplunds stads- bibliotek vid Observatorielunden. Social hållbarhet, biofiliska och neurovetenskapiska perspektiv, mellan- mänskliga möten och att utforska gränser mellan inne/ ute är centralt i projektet.  Vi har vårt ursprung i naturen och lever i symbios med den men våra moderna livsstilar har i mångt och mycket kopplat bort oss från naturen, i synnerhet i tätbebyggda områden. Det är därför mitt projekt utgår ifrån begreppet biofili; insikten om att vi mår bäst när vi känner oss sammanlänkade med naturen.  Då en central del av projektet har varit att undersöka gränsen mellan inne/ute så har konceptet jordning varit en utgångspunkt i just formsökandet för att undersöka gränsen mellan inne/ute. Jordning innebär att direkt- kontakt med jordens elektronfält har en vetenskapligt bevisad antioxidantisk och antiinflammatorisk effekt på kroppen.  Jag har studerat specifika exempel och referenser från arkitekt Gunnar Asplunds arbete som även om det inte var uttalat harmoniserade med principer inom neu- rodesign och biofilisk design. Platsen jag placerar mitt förslag på är en del av hans ritningar för lokaler och parkmiljöer runt Stockholmstadsbibliotek på Sveavägen byggt 1928.  I designförslaget ”Stötta” har jag materialiserat mina idéer och studier i en bänk som genom sin form, funk- tion och placering kan öppna upp samtal om stödjande design och bidra till att skapa förutsättningar för en hållbar framtid i våra inomhusmiljöer. Genom att in- tegrera mina idéer och studier till bänkens utformning strävar jag efter att vara en del i att ge besökarna på platsen nödvändiga förutsättningar för välbefinnande. Mitt förslag inkluderar att lokalen övergår från att vara en snabbmatsrestaurang till att bli en integrerad del av bibliotekets faciliteter och därmed bli ett offentligt rum tillgängligt för allmänheten. / Ashes to ashes and dust to dust. Between these two stages of our existence, I strive to create designs that go beyond the norms of spatial and interior design. In my thesis for the Bachelor's program in Interior Architecture and Furniture Design at Konstfack 2024, I conceptualize and propose a bench, placed in one of the arcades at architect Gunnar Asplund's city library at Observatorielunden. Social sustainability, biophilic and neuroscientific perspectives, interpersonal interactions, and exploring the boundaries between indoors and outdoors are central to the project. We originate from nature and live in symbiosis with it, but our modern lifestyles have largely disconnected us from nature, especially in densely built areas. Therefore, my project is based on the concept of biophilia; the realization that we feel best when we feel connected to nature. Since a central part of the project has been to explore the boundary between indoors and outdoors, the concept of grounding has been a starting point in the design process to explore this boundary. Grounding means that direct contact with the Earth's electric field has a scientifically proven antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect on the body. I have studied specific examples and references from architect Gunnar Asplund's work which, although not explicitly stated, harmonized with principles within neurodesign and biophilic design. The place I situate my proposal is part of his drawings for the premises and park environments around the Stockholm City Library on Sveavägen, built in 1928. In the design proposal "Stötta" (Support), I have materialized my ideas and studies in a bench that, through its form, function, and placement, can open up conversations about supportive design and contribute to creating conditions for a sustainable future in our indoor environments. By integrating my ideas and studies into the bench's design, I strive to be part of providing visitors at the location with the necessary conditions for well-being. My proposal includes transforming the premises from a fast-food restaurant into an integrated part of the library's facilities, thereby becoming a public space accessible to everyone.

Multi-users computer tools in early design phases : assessing their effect on design teams performances during co-located design-thinking activities / Outils numériques multiutilisateur dans les phases amont du processus de conception préliminaire : comprendre leur impact sur les performances des groupes de designers pendant des activités co-localisées de design-thinking

Guerra, Andrea Luigi 30 September 2016 (has links)
Les phases préliminaires du processus de conception sont celles qui influencent le plus le résultat. Elles sont caractérisées par l’incertitude : le processus ne peut être précisément défini à l’avance. L’approche Design Thinking est particulièrement adaptée pour gérer cette spécificité. L’introduction de supports numérique pendant ces phases de conception préliminaire a été identifiée comme une piste de recherche à fort potentiel. L’analyse de ces phases amont a permis de définir des postulats à partir desquels construire ces nouveaux supports numériques. Ces dispositifs sont constitués de deux surfaces tactiles, multi-utilisateurs ; une orientée horizontalement pour favoriser le foisonnement, l’autre orientée verticalement pour favoriser la focalisation. Par conséquence, ces plateformes ont été identifiées avec l’acronyme HOVER (HORizontale VERticale). La méthodologie de recherche comporte deux phases. Lors de la première phase, des expérimentations ont permis de comparer les dispositifs numériques avec les dispositifs actuels. Cette phase avait pour objectif de déterminer si les dispositifs numériques étaient acceptables dans la situation d’usage préconisée. Lors de la deuxième phase, les dispositifs numériques ont été testés dans des situations de travail réelles, afin de déterminer s’ils améliorent ces situations de travail. Ces expérimentations, ont été faites sur une spécifique plateforme HOVER, dénommés plateforme TATIN-PIC (Table Tactile Interactive –Plateforme Intelligente de Conception), construite à l’Université de Technologie de Compiègne. Les quatre expérimentations de la première phase ont révélées un niveau d’acceptabilité satisfaisant. En outre, cette phase permis d’identifier plusieurs pistes d’amélioration notamment au niveau des interactions homme-machines. La prise en compte des données collectées lors de cette phase a conduit à la conception d’une nouvelle version des dispositifs numériques. Cette nouvelle version, dénommée plateforme Digital Project Space (DPS), a été utilisée pour tester le dispositif dans des situations d’utilisation réelles. Les résultats de ces tests préliminaires montrent que les utilisateurs sont satisfaits des améliorations apportées par la plateforme DPS, et que ses performances, sont au pire, comparable aux meilleures prestations des supports papier actuellement disponibles. Des tests complémentaires sont néanmoins nécessaires pour avoir des résultats généralisables. Les perspectives sont de continuer la dissémination des dispositifs DPS dans la sphère productive afin d’obtenir des données quantitatives sur l’efficacité et l’efficience. L’objectif étant d’identifier des modèles prescriptifs de l’impact des dispositifs sur le processus de conception préliminaire. / The early preliminary phases of the design process are the most impactful on the final outcomes. However, they are ill defined, the path to follow is not clear. Design-thinking approaches are a good solution to tackle the incertitude of these phases. The introduction of computer tools during these phases has been identified as an interesting research path to explore. Through the analysis of these early preliminary design phases, a list of high-level assumptions has been made. These high-level assumptions delimited the perimeter of action for the design of a new kind of computer supported design platforms. These platforms are composed of two multi-touch, multi-users surfaces; one is horizontal to favor divergent thinking, while the other is vertical to favor convergent thinking. By this fact, I identified them with then name “HOVER” (HORizontal - VERtical) platforms. The preconized research methodology has two steps. The first step consists in the experimental comparison of the new tool with existing ones. The aim of this evaluation is to determine if HOVER platforms are applicable to the situation for which they have been designed. The second step consists in ethnographic observations of real case studies to establish if HOVER platforms have successfully improved the existing situation. This study has been conducted on a specific HOVER platform, the TATIN-PIC platform (French acronym for Table Tactile Interactive – Plateforme Intelligente de Conception) built at the Université de Technologie de Compiègne. The first step, composed of four quasi-experimental observations, showed a satisfying level of applicability. Besides, it provided multiple indications for the improvement of the HOVER platforms regarding Human Machine interactions. For example, it has confirmed the need for an interconnected vertical and horizontal surface, the need for a natural manipulation of intermediary objects, the need for a smooth circulation among design methods and, as well, the need for new design methods to be implemented. Thanks to these indications, a second version of a HOVER platform has been made. This improved platform, called Digital Project Space (DPS) platform, has been used for success evaluation in a real context. From these preliminary tests emerged that users are satisfied by the support of the DPS platform. Performances are in the worst-case scenario, as good as actual tools. Further and more accurate real case studies are needed to generalize these findings. This outlines the future perspectives, such as the definition of prescriptive models of the impact of such device on the early preliminary design phases. / Le fasi preliminari del processo di progettazione sono caratterizzate dall’incertezza, sia in termini di conoscenza che di azioni da compiere. Al contempo, pero, sono le fasi cruciali per il risultato globale del processo di progettazione. L’approccio Design Thinking è particolarmente adatto per le caratteristiche di queste fasi. L’introduzione di strumenti digitali durante il processo di progettazione preliminare è stata identificata come una pista di ricerca interessante da esplorare. L’analisi di queste fasi ha permesso di emettere una lista di postulati su cui progettare nuovi strumenti digitali. Questa classe di strumenti ha le sembianze di una piattaforma composta da due superfici tattili multi-utilizzatore; una è orizzontale per favorire il pensiero divergente, mentre l’altra è verticale per favorire il processo convergente. A causa di ciò, abbiamo deciso di identificare queste piattaforme con l’acronimo HOVER (HORizontal and VERtical). Il forte divario in termini di curva d’apprendimento tra i dispositivi esistenti (principalmente basati su carta) e le piattaforme HOVER, ha richiesto la definizione di una metodologia di ricerca adeguata. Questa metodologia ha inoltre il compito di garantire un rigore metodologico nell’approccio di ricerca. Due fasi di questa metodologia sono state eseguite. Nella prima fase, il nuovo dispositivo è comparato sperimentalmente con i dispositivi esistenti al fine di determinare se è applicabile alla situazione per cui è stato concepito. Nella seconda fase, il dispositivo è valutato in una situazione reale al fine di determinare se ha apportato, con successo, un miglioramento alla situazione esistente. Questi studi sono stati condotti su una specifica HOVER platform chiamata TATIN-PIC (acronimo francese per Table Tactile Interactive – Plateforme Intelligente de Conception), progettata e construita all’Université de Technologie de Compiègne. La prima fase, che ha visto quattro esperimenti, ha mostrato un livello di applicabilità soddisfacente, ha inoltre fornito molteplici piste di miglioramento in termini d’interazione uomo macchina. Grazie a questi feedback una seconda versione del dispositivo è stata creata. Tale versione, chiamata piattaforma Digital Project Space (DPS) è stata utilizzata per testare il successo del dispositivo in situazioni di reale utilizzo. Da questi test preliminari è emerso che gli utilizzatori sono rimasti soddisfatti dell’apporto fornito dal dispositivo, e che le performance sono nel caso peggiore equivalenti alla situazione attuale. Ulteriori e approfondite osservazioni di uso in situazioni reale sono necessarie per avere dei riscontri generalizzabili. Questo traccia gli scenari per il futuro; continuando la disseminazione nell’ambito industriale del dispositivo, sarà possibile ottenere dei riscontri quantitativi in termini diefficienza ed efficacia, grazie ai quali, estrapolare dei modelli prescrittivi dell’impatto del dispositivo sul processo di progettazione preliminare.

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