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Design, Synthesis, and application of cross-reactive fluorescent macrocyclic supramolecular sensors for detection and quantitation of phosphates and their mixturesRadujevic, Aco 19 December 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Synthesis and Self-assembly of Planar Giant Molecules Based on Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes(POSS)Jin, Lun January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Discussing Molecular Baskets in the Universe of Paradox and Current State of Affairs in the Field of Molecular NanodevicesPavlovic, Radoslav 05 October 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Synthesis of a rotaxane with switchable lanthanide luminescence / Syntes av en rotaxan med modifierbar lantanidluminescensRamström, Anja January 2022 (has links)
I rotaxaner följs förflyttningen av makrocykeln vanligtvis med 1H-NMR spektroskopi. Målet med detta projekt är i stället att utveckla ett system som möjliggör att förflyttningen av makrocykeln kan observeras med hjälp av luminiscerande lantanid emission. Detta bör vara ett kraftfullt verktyg, då luminiscerande emission skulle möjliggöra att makrocykelns position längs med tråden kan avläsas direkt med blotta ögat. För att lantanid-baserade system ska kunna luminiscera krävs det att en aktiverande antennmolekyl finns i närheten av lantaniden. I detta projekt placerades en lantanidligand i den ena stoppande änden av en [2]rotaxan och en antennmolekyl sattes på den trådade makrocykeln. En förändring av pH:t medför att makrocykeln förflyttas närmre till lantanidliganden, vilket i sin tur medför att antennen aktiverar lantaniden och den luminiscerande emissionen startar. Baserat på styrkan av luminiscensen bör man då kunna avgöra makrocykelns position i rotaxanen. I framtiden hoppas vi kunna använda detta visualiseringsverktyg för att kunna börja använda rotaxaner som biosensorer för medicinsk diagnostik. / In rotaxanes, the movement of the macrocycle is usually tracked using 1H-NMR spectroscopy. The goal of this project is to instead develop systems so one can follow the macrocycle movement through luminescent lanthanide emission. This should be a powerful tool, as luminescence emission would allow for a direct visual readout of the macrocycle position along the thread with the naked eye. To allow luminescence in lanthanide-based systems, a sensitizing antenna molecule needs to be present in close proximity to the lanthanide. In this project, a lanthanide ligand was placed at the stoppered end of a [2]rotaxane, and a sensitizing antenna was attached to the threaded macrocycle. A change in pH induces the macrocycle to move closer to the lanthanide stopper, which causes the antenna to sensitize the lanthanide and start the luminescence emission. Based on the strength of the luminescence, one should then be able to determine the location of the macrocycle in the rotaxane. We hope to use this visual readout tool to eventually turn rotaxanes into useful point-of-care biosensors for medical diagnostics.
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<b>Developing Self-Assembling Peptide Materials and Cell-Penetrating Peptides for Intracellular Delivery</b>Andrew M Encinas (19166128) 18 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">In light of new interest in biomaterials for drug formulation and delivery, coiled-coil assemblies have emerged as promising candidates. Characterized by facile synthesis, low toxicity, and biocompatibility, coiled-coil assemblies hold a significant potential for drug encapsulation and cellular delivery. Herein, I will discuss the development of a novel nanoscale metal-mediated coiled-coil assembly with tunable assembly properties, presenting a compelling platform for drug encapsulation and targeted cell delivery, thereby addressing critical challenges in modern pharmaceutical science.</p><p dir="ltr">Moreover, the rise of antimicrobial resistance has contributed to a global health crisis. Many current antibiotics are announced as unviable, and the addition of bacteria that invade the cell further challenges and limits these current drugs. The Chmielewski group has previously shown that cationic amphiphilic polyproline helices (CAPHs) act as dual agents displaying both cell-penetration and antibiotic activity. To further increase these dual properties, new unnatural amino acids and new CAPH peptides were synthesized with new configurations of hydrophobic and hydrophilic moieties. I will discuss the outcomes of these modifications, including cell penetration, subcellular localization, and antibacterial efficacy.</p>
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Supramolecular and heterosupramolecar chemistry in controlled release and molecular recognition processesAgostini, Alessandro 03 June 2013 (has links)
La presente tesis doctoral titulada ¿Supramolecular and heterosupramolecular chemistry in controlled release and molecular recognition
processes¿ está centrada en los dos aspectos principales de la química
supramolecular que han experimentado un gran auge en los últimos años:
el reconocimiento molecular y los procesos de liberación controlada.
En particular la primera parte de la tesis se focaliza en el diseño y
síntesis de moléculas orgánicas que pueden ser empleados cómo sensores
para especies aniónicas y neutras. El paradigma seleccionado para los
procesos de reconocimiento molecular fue la aproximación del dosimetro
químico. Esta aproximación presenta ventajas con respecto a los otros dos
métodos de determinación de aniones (desplazamiento y unidad coordinanteunidad indicadora), cómo, por ejemplo, la posibilidad de determinar los
analitos en disolución acuosa. Así se sintetizaron dos sensores selectivos,
uno para el anión fluoruro (F-) y el otro para glutatión (GSH). El sensor
selectivo para la determinación de F- está basado en un colorante azoico
funcionalizado, en su ¿OH fenólico, cómo silileter. Esta molécula presenta
una banda de absroción muy intensa centrada a 350 nm que, después de la
adición de F-
, sufre un efecto hipocrómico significativo y un
desplazamiento batocromico ligero (de ca. 10 nm), mientras aparece una
nueva banda a 470 nm, determinando un cambio de incoloro a amarillorojo. Para obtener un sensor selectivo para GSH se sintetizó una sonda
químico basado en una sal de 2,6-difenilpirilio. Sucesivamente se preparó
una disolución de este compuesto en agua/CTAB, que se caracterizaba por
un intenso color azul. En este caso, la adición de GSH produce una
disminución significativa de la banda del visible, acompañada por la
consecuente decoloración. Además la adicón de GSH induce la aparición de Resumen
una intensa banda de emisión centrada a 485 nm (después de la irradiación
a 350 nm).
La segunda parte de esta tesis doctoral se basa en el diseño y síntesis de
nuevos sistemas híbridos orgánicos-inorgánicos para procesos de liberación
controlada en ambiente celular. Estos materiales híbridos se componen en
general, de dos unidades: una matriz inorgánica mesoporosa de base
silícea, capaz de almacenar moléculas orgánicas (colorantes, farmacos...) y
un compuesto orgánico anclado covalentemente a la superficie externa del
soporte inorgánico mesoporoso, que actúa cómo puerta molecular. La
aplicación de un estímulo externo puede modificar la conformación de la
puerta molecular permitiendo o bien impidiendo la difusión de la carga
almacenada en los mesoporos hacía el exterior (disolución o citoplasma). El
primer sistema sintetizado y estudiado se compone de una matriz
inorgánica mesoporosa (MCM-41), cargada con el colorante Ru(bipy)3
2+ y
funcionalizada en la superficie con un oligoetilen glicol mediante un grupo
ester. La adición de la enzima esterasa determinaba la hidrólisis del grupo
ester y la consecuente reducción del tamaño de la puerta molecular,
acompañada por la liberación del colorante previamente cargado. Otro
sistema de liberación preparado consiste en el uso de la misma matriz
MCM-41 nanoscópica y el mismo colorante Ru(bipy)3
2+, pero se
funcionalizó la superficie con una puerta molecular fotolabil. La irradiación
en el maximo de absorción de la puerta molecular inducía la
fotodegradación de la misma y la consecuente liberación del colorante. Un
tercer ejemplo de sistema de liberación consiste en una puerta molecular
caracterizada por la presencia de dos grupos funcionales hidrolizables con
enzimas diferentes: grupos urea y amida. vii
El material final, caracterizado por la presencia del mismo esqueleto
inorgánico, y cargado con Ru(bipy)3
2+, era capaz de liberar selectivamente
cantidades distintas de colorante, dependiendo del enzima empleado. Así
se podían conseguir dos tipos de perfiles de liberación: uno muy rápido y
poco intenso y otro más lento pero mucho mas intenso. Finalmente se
sintetizó un material híbrido siempre basado en la misma matriz de MCM-
41, cargado con rodamina-B y funcionalizado en la superficie con
galactooligosacáridos. Con este material se podía conseguir una liberación
controlada del colorante selectivamente en células senescentes, debido a
que estas sobreexpresan el enzima ß-galactosidasa que es capaz de
hidrolizar los galactooligosacáridos. / Agostini, A. (2013). Supramolecular and heterosupramolecar chemistry in controlled release and molecular recognition processes [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/29397
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Design, Synthesis and Study of Supramolecular Donor – Acceptor Systems Mimicking Natural Photosynthesis ProcessesKC, Chandra Bikram 12 1900 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the chemical ingenuity into the development of various photoactive supramolecular donor – acceptor systems to produce clean and carbon free energy for the next generation. The process is inspired by the principles learned from nature’s approach where the solar energy is converted into the chemical energy through the natural photosynthesis process. Owing to the importance and complexity of natural photosynthesis process, we have designed ideal donor-acceptor systems to investigate their light energy harvesting properties. This process involves two major steps: the first step is the absorption of light energy by antenna or donor systems to promote them to an excited electronic state. The second step involves, the transfer of excitation energy to the reaction center, which triggers an electron transfer process within the system. Based on this principle, the research is focused into the development of artificial photosynthesis systems to investigate dynamics of photo induced energy and electron transfer events. The derivatives of Porphyrins, Phthalocyanines, BODIPY, and SubPhthalocyanines etc have been widely used as the primary building blocks for designing photoactive and electroactive ensembles in this area because of their excellent and unique photophysical and photochemical properties. Meanwhile, the fullerene, mainly its readily available version C60 is typicaly used as an electron acceptor component because of its unique redox potential, symmetrical shape and low reorganization energy appropriate for improved charge separation behavior. The primary research motivation of the study is to achieve fast charge separation and slow charge recombination of the system by stabilizing the radical ion pairs which are formed from photo excitation, for maximum utility of solar energy. Besides Fullerene C60, this dissertation has also investigated the potential application of carbon nanomaterials (Carbon nanotubes and graphene) as primary building blocks for the study of the artificial photosynthesis process.
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Construction of Low‐Symmetric and Light-Switchable Coordination Cages for Guest Uptake and CatalysisHan, Muxin 08 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Imaging membrane potentialWilkinson, James Daniel January 2014 (has links)
Imaging membrane potential is a promising technique in the elucidation of the interactions of large networks of neurons. The membrane potential in a neuron varies as an action potential, the basic electrical signal of neuronal communication, travels along the length of the cell. Voltage sensitive dyes play a key role by providing an optical readout of the electric field generated across a neuron membrane by the action potential. However, none of the dyes reviewed in Chapter 1 generate sufficient signal change with changes in membrane potential; this sensitivity problem limits the ability of the imaging membrane potential technique to allow the high spatial and temporal resolution necessary for neuronal networks to be better understood. This thesis features two avenues of research that are expected to result in the necessary enhancements to voltage sensitive dyes to improve the signal change. The first avenue is based on the effect of an electric field upon the non-linear optical properties of a porphyrin macromolecule. The encouraging field sensitivity of a previous porphyrin monomer voltage sensor inspired an investigation which identified optimisations to enhance the voltage sensitivity (Chapter 2). The design, synthesis and initial characterisation of optimised porphyrin voltage sensors is detailed in Chapter 3. The second avenue is based on the effect of an electric field upon the rate of intermolecular electron transfer. In a suitably designed dye, the competition between electron transfer and fluorescence, following excitation by incoming light, allows the fluorescence intensity to act as an optical indicator of the electron transfer rate. New dyes were rationally designed and synthesised, as this effect had not been applied to voltage sensitive imaging before the research detailed in Chapter 4. The challenging purification of the new amphiphilic dyes synthesised also inspired research into a novel testing method which does not require amphiphilic dyes (Chapter 5).
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Studies on lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals in nematic and biphasic regionsYao, Xuxia 12 January 2013 (has links)
Chromonic liquid crystals are a relatively new class of lyotropic liquid crystals. In an effort to understand this lyotropic phase better, studies on the phase behavior, defects formed in these systems and characterization of the order were performed. We studied three chromonic liquid crystal materials in nematic and biphasic regions: Sunset Yellow FCF (SSY, a food dye), a cationic perylene diimide derivative (PDI, a conducting dye) and cromolyn sodium (DSCG, a drug). For SSY chromonics in the nematic region, order parameters ( and ) were obtained by polarized Raman measurements. Using the order parameters the flow behavior was predicted and was found to be non-flow aligning. A comprehensive viscoelastic property set of SSY chromonics was obtained by studying the statics and dynamics of defects during the formation of planar aligned monodomain. Applications of PDI thin films as vapor sensors were explored; anisotropic electronic properties of oriented PDI films show good conductivity along the columns presumably arising from the overlap between the ? systems. In the biphasic region, growth and fluctuation of SSY tactoids and interesting patterns of biphasic DSCG under capillary geometry were observed; elastic properties and surface tension were estimated based on the shape of DSCG tactoids. Polymer dispersed lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals with different drop shapes and director configurations were also fabricated using various water-soluble polymers.
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