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Some aspects of the effect of a contaminated free surface on mass transport velocityLane, C. M. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.
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Aircraft head-up display surface guidance systemGu, Jinxin 11 1900 (has links)
The continues growth in aviation and passenger numbers is putting more
pressure on airports to become more efficient in order to reduce the number of
delays due to external factors such as weather, pilot deviation/errors and airport
maintenance traffic. As major hubs (e.g. Heathrow, New York or Paris) expand
in size to accommodate more traffic; aircraft surface movement and
management become more complex and the margin for error is even lower. The
traditional airport traffic management tools in large airports are increasingly
stretched to the limit in meeting safety and traffic throughput requirements. This
presents a huge challenge to the efficiency of airport operations because of the
increased number of departures and arrivals at those airports. New technology
for surface movement needs to be implemented in order to increase the safety
and airport capacity. The federal aviation authorities in the USA was first to
introduce the concept of Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control
System (A-SMGCS) to address this problem in commercial airdrome operations.
The system facilitates pilot recognition of the route designated by the traffic
controllers and uses warning information to make them aware of any potential
deviations/incursions. The system is introduced to enhance the efficiency of
surface movement by increasing the aircraft taxiing speed and reducing any
pilot errors during bad weather conditions.
This thesis focuses on the surface guidance system for aircraft equipped with
head-up display. A simulation model of the virtual environment using FlightGear
and Simulink is developed based on the study of a moving map and surface
guidance system for Head-Up Display (HUD) to assign the route, guide the
aircraft on the designated taxiway and avoid potential conflict with other aircraft.
A method of generating an airport in FlightGear and driving an airport moving
map to rotate and move is also illustrated which includes the data processing
flow chart and system flow chart. The Ordnance Survey National Grid and world
coordinate system is discussed and used to transform from GPS latitude and
longitude data to the position on Nation Grid.
There is also an explanation of the 3D viewing process to generate the virtual
taxiway geometries on the HUD. The communication between the traffic
console and airplane is also discussed.
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Integration of differential global positioning system and an inertial navigation system for aircraft surface movement guidanceBerz, Gerhard E. January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Tension Attention! : Dancing EmbroideryErla Adamsdóttir, Lilý January 2017 (has links)
This Master’s degree project explores the design possibilities of thread tension, to create a transformation in an interactive, 3D embroidered, wooden surface. The aim is to create a playful visual expression on a surface triggered by interaction. The surface is manipulated by embroidery and the embroidery is manipulated by the tension in the thread. Together all parts create a simple mechanism that allows the viewer to sink into a playful loop of a rising and collapsing structure. Dancing embroidery. The work explores the potential of the thread as a key factor together with interaction to make a transformation of a surface possible. The thread is used both in the function of the surface and at the same time it creates a strong visual expression as it stands out to show its strength and power.
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No description available.
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Forecast of rock mass and ground surface movements caused by the convergence of salt caverns for storage of liquid and gaseous energy carriersSroka, Anton, Misa, Rafał, Tajduś, Krzysztof, Klaus, Marcus, Meyer, Stefan, Feldhaus, Bernd 28 September 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The paper presents a method of calculating deformation coefficients for any point situated in the overlying rock mass or on the ground surface. This solution was based on the method presented by Sroka and Schober (1982, 1987), taking into account new theoretical achievements and the current results of in situ measurements.
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Forecast of rock mass and ground surface movements caused by the convergence of salt caverns for storage of liquid and gaseous energy carriers: Forecast of rock mass and ground surface movements caused by the convergence of salt caverns for storage of liquid and gaseous energy carriersSroka, Anton, Misa, Rafał, Tajduś, Krzysztof, Klaus, Marcus, Meyer, Stefan, Feldhaus, Bernd January 2017 (has links)
The paper presents a method of calculating deformation coefficients for any point situated in the overlying rock mass or on the ground surface. This solution was based on the method presented by Sroka and Schober (1982, 1987), taking into account new theoretical achievements and the current results of in situ measurements.
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Optimalizace prostředků ZLT na letišti Ostrava (náhrada pojezdového radaru) / Optimalization of the Ostrava airport ground control system (instead of its mobile approach radar)Mičkal, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses and compares the current technologies and systems that are used to monitor and control movements on the airport surface. The paper presents the basic characteristics, operational principles and possibilities. Comparison provides an overview of their strengths and limitations in operational use. It also deals with this issue at the Ostrava Leos Janacek Airport, describes current situation and suggests how to solve problems associated with the introduction of CAT III precision approach and landing as well as monitoring and controlling of movements on the airfield under poor weather conditions.
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Satellite based synthetic aperture radar and optical spatial-temporal information as aid for operational and environmental mine monitoringEloff, Corné 08 1900 (has links)
A sustainable society is a society that satisfies its resource requirements without endangering the sustainability of these resources. The mineral endowment on the African continent is estimated to be the first or second largest of world reserves. Therefore, it is recognised that the African continent still heavily depends on mineral exports as a key contributor to the gross domestic product (GDP) of various countries. These mining activities, however, do introduce primary and secondary environmental degradation factors. They attract communities to these mining areas, light and heavy industrial establishments occur, giving rise to artisanal activities.
This study focussed on satellite RS products as an aid to a mine’s operations and the monitoring of its environment. Effective operational mine management and control ensures a more sustainable and profitable lifecycle for mines. Satellite based RS holds the potential to observe the mine and its surrounding areas at high temporal intervals, different spectral wavelengths and spatial resolutions. The combination of SAR and optical information creates a spatial platform to observe and measure the mine’s operations and the behaviour of specific land cover and land use classes over time and contributes to a better understanding of the mining activities and their influence on the environment within a specific geographical area.
This study will introduce an integrated methodology to collect, process and analyse spatial information over a specific targeted mine. This methodology utilises a medium resolution land cover base map, derived from Landsat 8, to understand the predominant land cover types of the surrounding area. Using very high resolution mono- and stereoscopic satellite imagery provides a finer scale analysis and identifies changes in features at a smaller scale. Combining these technologies with the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) applications for precise measurement of surface subsidence or upliftment becomes a spatial toolbox for mine management.
This study examines a combination of satellite remote sensing products guided by a systematic workflow methodology to integrate spatial results as an aid for mining operations and environmental monitoring. Some of the results that can be highlighted is the successful land cover classification using the Landsat 8 satellite. The land cover that dominated the Kolomela mine area was the “SHRUBLAND/GRASS” class with a 94% coverage and “MINE” class of 2.6%. Sishen mine had a similar dominated land cover characteristic with a “SHRUBLAND/GRASS” class of 90% and “MINE” class of 4.8%. The Pléiades time-series classification analysis was done using three scenes each acquired at a different time interval. The Sishen and Kolomela mine showed especially changes from the bare soil class to the asphalt or mine class. The Pléiades stereoscopic analysis provided volumetric change detection over small, medium, large and recessed areas. Both the Sishen and Kolomela mines demonstrated height profile changes in each selected category. The last category of results focused on the SAR technology to measure within millimetre accuracy the subsidence and upliftment behaviour of surface areas over time. The Royal Bafokeng Platinum tailings pond area was measured using 74 TerraSAR-X scenes. The tailings wall area was confirmed as stable with natural subsidence that occurred in its surrounding area due to seasonal changes of the soil during rainy and dry periods. The Chuquicamata mine as a large open pit copper mine area was analysed using 52 TerraSAR-X scenes. The analysis demonstrated significant vertical surface movement over some of the dumping sites.
It is the wish of the researcher that this dissertation and future research scholars will continue to contribute in this scientific field. These contributions can only assist the mining sector to continuously improve its mining operations as well as its monitoring of the primary as well as the secondary environmental impacts to ensure improved sustainability for the next generation. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)
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Výzkum pokročilých metod analýzy online písma se zaměřením na hodnocení grafomotorických obtíží u dětí školního věku / Research of Advanced Online Handwriting Analysis Methods with a Special Focus on Assessment of Graphomotor Disabilities in School-aged ChildrenZvončák, Vojtěch January 2021 (has links)
Grafomotorické dovednosti (GA) představují skupinu psychomotorických procesů, které se zapojují během kreslení a psaní. GA jsou nutnou prerekvizitou pro zvládání základních školních schopností, konkrétně psaní. Děti v první a druhé třídě mohou mít potíže s prováděním jednoduchých grafomotorických úkolů (GD) a později ve třetí a čtvrté třídě také se samotným psaním (HD). Narušení procesů spojených se psaním je obecně nazýváno jako vývojová dysgrafie (DD). Prevalence DD v České republice se pohybuje kolem 3–5 %. V současné době je DD hodnocena subjektivně týmem psychologů a speciálních pedagogů. V praxi stále chybí objektivní měřicí nástroj, který by umožňoval hodnocení GD a HD. Z tohoto důvodu se tato disertační práce zabývá identifikováním symptomů spojených s grafomotorickou neobratností u dětí školního věku a vývojem nových parametrů, které je budou kvantifikovat. Byl vytvořen komplexní GA protokol (36 úloh), který představuje prostředí, ve kterém se mohou projevit různé symptomy spojené s GD a HD. K těmto symptomům bylo přiřazeno 76 kvantifikujících parametrů. Dále byla navrhnuta nová škála grafomotorických obtíží (GDRS) založena na automatizovaném zpracování online píma. Nakonec byla prezentována a otestována nová sada parametrizačních technik založených na Tunable Q Factor Wavelet Transform (TQWT). Parametry TQWT dokážou kvantifikovat grafomotorickou obratnost nebo nedostatečný projev v jemné motorice. GDRS přestavuje nový, moderní a objektivní měřící nástroj, který doposud chyběl jak v České republice, tak v zahraničí. Použití škály by pomohlo modernizovat jak diagnostiku DD, tak reedukační/remediační proces. Další výzkum by tento nástroj mohl adaptovat i do jiných jazyků. Navíc, tato metodologie může být použita a optimalizována pro diagnostiku dalších nemocí a poruch, které ovlivňují grafomotorické dovednosti, například pro autismus, poruchu pozornosti s hyperaktivitou (ADHD) nebo dyspraxii (DCD).
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