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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Satellite based synthetic aperture radar and optical spatial-temporal information as aid for operational and environmental mine monitoring

Eloff, Corné 08 1900 (has links)
A sustainable society is a society that satisfies its resource requirements without endangering the sustainability of these resources. The mineral endowment on the African continent is estimated to be the first or second largest of world reserves. Therefore, it is recognised that the African continent still heavily depends on mineral exports as a key contributor to the gross domestic product (GDP) of various countries. These mining activities, however, do introduce primary and secondary environmental degradation factors. They attract communities to these mining areas, light and heavy industrial establishments occur, giving rise to artisanal activities. This study focussed on satellite RS products as an aid to a mine’s operations and the monitoring of its environment. Effective operational mine management and control ensures a more sustainable and profitable lifecycle for mines. Satellite based RS holds the potential to observe the mine and its surrounding areas at high temporal intervals, different spectral wavelengths and spatial resolutions. The combination of SAR and optical information creates a spatial platform to observe and measure the mine’s operations and the behaviour of specific land cover and land use classes over time and contributes to a better understanding of the mining activities and their influence on the environment within a specific geographical area. This study will introduce an integrated methodology to collect, process and analyse spatial information over a specific targeted mine. This methodology utilises a medium resolution land cover base map, derived from Landsat 8, to understand the predominant land cover types of the surrounding area. Using very high resolution mono- and stereoscopic satellite imagery provides a finer scale analysis and identifies changes in features at a smaller scale. Combining these technologies with the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) applications for precise measurement of surface subsidence or upliftment becomes a spatial toolbox for mine management. This study examines a combination of satellite remote sensing products guided by a systematic workflow methodology to integrate spatial results as an aid for mining operations and environmental monitoring. Some of the results that can be highlighted is the successful land cover classification using the Landsat 8 satellite. The land cover that dominated the Kolomela mine area was the “SHRUBLAND/GRASS” class with a 94% coverage and “MINE” class of 2.6%. Sishen mine had a similar dominated land cover characteristic with a “SHRUBLAND/GRASS” class of 90% and “MINE” class of 4.8%. The Pléiades time-series classification analysis was done using three scenes each acquired at a different time interval. The Sishen and Kolomela mine showed especially changes from the bare soil class to the asphalt or mine class. The Pléiades stereoscopic analysis provided volumetric change detection over small, medium, large and recessed areas. Both the Sishen and Kolomela mines demonstrated height profile changes in each selected category. The last category of results focused on the SAR technology to measure within millimetre accuracy the subsidence and upliftment behaviour of surface areas over time. The Royal Bafokeng Platinum tailings pond area was measured using 74 TerraSAR-X scenes. The tailings wall area was confirmed as stable with natural subsidence that occurred in its surrounding area due to seasonal changes of the soil during rainy and dry periods. The Chuquicamata mine as a large open pit copper mine area was analysed using 52 TerraSAR-X scenes. The analysis demonstrated significant vertical surface movement over some of the dumping sites. It is the wish of the researcher that this dissertation and future research scholars will continue to contribute in this scientific field. These contributions can only assist the mining sector to continuously improve its mining operations as well as its monitoring of the primary as well as the secondary environmental impacts to ensure improved sustainability for the next generation. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)

Monoscopic Analysis of H.E.S.S. Phase II Data on PSR B1259–63/LS 2883

Murach, Thomas 20 October 2017 (has links)
Cherenkov-Teleskope sind in der Lage, das schwache Cherenkovlicht aus Teilchenschauern zu detektieren, die von kosmischen Teilchen mit Energien von ca. 100 GeV bis 100 TeV in der Erdatmosphäre initiiert werden. Das Ziel ist die Detektion von Cherenkovlicht aus Schauern, die von Gammastrahlen erzeugt wurden, der größte Teil der Schauer stammt jedoch von geladenen Teilchen. Im Jahr 2012 wurde das H.E.S.S.-Observatorium in Namibia, bis dahin bestehend aus vier Teleskopen mit 100 m²-Spiegeln, um ein fünftes Teleskop mit einer Spiegelfläche von ca. 600 m² ergänzt. Aufgrund der großen Spiegelfläche besitzt dieses Teleskop die niedrigste Energieschwelle aller Teleskope dieser Art. In dieser Dissertation wird ein schneller Algorithmus namens MonoReco präsentiert, der grundlegende Eigenschaften der Gammastrahlen wie ihre Energien und Richtungen rekonstruieren kann. Dieser Algorithmus kann weiterhin unterscheiden, ob Schauer von Gammastrahlen oder von geladenen Teilchen der kosmischen Strahlung initiiert wurden. Diese Aufgaben werden mit mithilfe von künstlichen neuronalen Netzwerken erfüllt, welche ausschließlich die Momente der Intensitätsverteilungen in der Kamera des neuen Teleskops analysieren. Eine Energieschwelle von 59 GeV und Richtungsauflösungen von 0.1°-0.3° werden erreicht. Das Energiebias liegt bei wenigen Prozent, die Energieauflösung bei 20-30%. Unter anderem mit dem MonoReco-Algorithmus wurden Daten, die in der Zeit um das Periastron des Binärsystems PSR B1259-63/LS 2883 im Jahre 2014 genommen wurden, analysiert. Es handelt sich hierbei um einen Neutronenstern, der sich in einem 3,4-Jahres-Orbit um einen massereichen Stern mit einer den Stern umgebenden Scheibe aus Gas und Plasmen befindet. Zum ersten Mal konnte H.E.S.S. das Gammastrahlenspektrum dieses Systems bei Energien unterhalb von 200 GeV messen. Weiterhin wurde bei erstmaligen Beobachtungen zur Zeit des Periastrons ein lokales Flussminimum gemessen. Sowohl vor dem ersten als auch nach dem zweiten Transit des Neutronensterns durch die Scheibe wurden hohe Flüsse gemessen. Im zweiten Fall wurden Beobachtungen erstmals zeitgleich mit dem Fermi-LAT-Experiment durchgeführt, das wiederholt sehr hohe Flüsse in diesem Teil des Orbits messen konnte. Ein Vergleich der gemessenen Flüsse mit Vorhersagen eines leptonischen Modells zeigt gute Übereinstimmungen. / Cherenkov telescopes can detect the faint Cherenkov light emitted by air showers that were initiated by cosmic particles with energies between approximately 100 GeV and 100 TeV in the Earth's atmosphere. Aiming for the detection of Cherenkov light emitted by gamma ray-initiated air showers, the vast majority of all detected showers are initiated by charged cosmic rays. In 2012 the H.E.S.S. observatory, until then comprising four telescopes with 100 m² mirrors each, was extended by adding a much larger fifth telescope with a very large mirror area of 600 m². Due to the large mirror area, this telescope has the lowest energy threshold of all telescopes of this kind. In this dissertation, a fast algorithm called MonoReco is presented that can reconstruct fundamental properties of the primary gamma rays like their direction or their energy. Furthermore, this algorithm can distinguish between air showers initiated either by gamma rays or by charged cosmic rays. Those tasks are accomplished with the help of artificial neural networks, which analyse moments of the intensity distributions in the camera of the new telescope exclusively. The energy threshold is 59 GeV and angular resolutions of 0.1°-0.3° are achieved. The energy reconstruction bias is at the level of a few percent, the energy resolution is at the level of 20-30%. Data taken around the 2014 periastron passage of the gamma-ray binary PSR B1259-63/LS 2883 were analysed with, among others, the MonoReco algorithm. This binary system comprises a neutron star in a 3.4 year orbit around a massive star with a circumstellar disk consisting of gas and plasma. For the first time the gamma-ray spectrum of this system could be measured by H.E.S.S. down to below 200 GeV. Furthermore, a local flux minimum could be measured during unprecedented measurements at the time of periastron. High fluxes were measured both before the first and after the second transit of the neutron star through the disk. In the second case measurements could be performed for the first time contemporaneously with the Fermi-LAT experiment, which has repeatedly detected very high fluxes at this part of the orbit. A good agreement between measured fluxes and predictions of a leptonic model is found.

Nutzen und Grenzen von 3D-Anzeigen in Fahrzeugen

Krüger, Karen 04 June 2008 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurden nutzbringende Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für monoskopische und (auto)stereoskopische 3D-Anzeigen in Fahrzeugen theoretisch hergeleitet und empirisch überprüft. Zur Ableitung der Hypothesen wurde für jede Teilaufgabe anhand eines Fragenkatalogs zu den Vor- und Nachteilen von 3D-Anzeigen untersucht, inwieweit deren Bearbeitung davon profitiert, dass Informationen räumlich abgebildet werden. Die erwiesenen 3D-Vorteile wurden zu fünf Kategorien zusammengefasst: Integration, räumliche Kompatibilität, Aufmerksamkeitslenkung, Bildhaftigkeit und Attraktivität. Da der wesentliche 3D-Vorteil für Anzeigen in Fahrzeugen in einer räumlich kompatiblen Informationsdarstellung aus der Fahrerperspektive gesehen wurde, lag der Schwerpunkt der empirischen Arbeit auf 3D-Anzeigen für Fahrerassistenzsysteme (FAS). Am Beispiel einer 3D-Anzeige des Abstandsregeltempomaten (ART) wurde nachgewiesen, dass die Vorteile von 3D-Anzeigen für FAS in einer Erhöhung der Attraktivität und Akzeptanz sowie in einer Verbesserung des unmittelbaren Verständnisses im Vergleich zu 2D-Anzeigen liegen. Gleichzeitig wurden mit optimal gestalteten 3D-Anzeigen keine Nachteile in der Wahrnehmungssicherheit und Ablenkungswirkung festgestellt. Anhand der Literaturanalyse und der empirischen Ergebnisse wurden Gestaltungshinweise für 3D-Anzeigen in Fahrzeugen formuliert. Der erwartete 3D-Vorteil einer kompatiblen Darstellung stellte sich bei einer konstanten Anordnung der Informationen nicht ein, bleibt aber für Aufgaben mit einem kontinuierlichen Abgleich (z.B. Navigation) zu überprüfen. Die stereoskopische Darbietung erbrachte keinen besonderen Nutzen. Das fahrzeugtaugliche ASD erhöhte sogar die Reaktionszeiten. Insgesamt sprechen die Ergebnisse für eine gezielte Verwendung bildhafter monoskopischer 3D-Anzeigen für FAS und ausgewählte räumliche Funktionen, welche sich anhand von Begriffen und abstrakten Symbolen nur schwer erläutern lassen. / This thesis consists of the theoretical deduction and empirical evaluation of useful applications for monoscopic and (auto)stereoscopic 3D-displays in vehicles. For deducting hypotheses concerning the benefits and limits of 3D-displays, each subtask was tested for its potential benefits from a 3D-information presentation using a catalogue of confirmed advantages and disadvantages of 3D-displays. The proven 3D-advantages were summarized in five categories: integration, spatial compatibility, direction of attention, concreteness and attractiveness. Because it was presumed, that 3D-displays in vehicles are especially favorable for representing information about the vehicle surrounding in a 3D-perspective compatible to the drivers view, the empirical part was mainly focused on the application of 3D-displays for driver assistance systems. Using a 3D-display for adaptive cruise control (ACC), a general increase of attractiveness, acceptance and immediate comprehension for 3D-displays in comparison to conventional 2D-displays was confirmed. Simultaneously, well designed 3D-displays did not compromise perceptional safety and driver distraction. Design guidelines for 3D-displays in vehicles were concluded from the evaluation results and from literature analysis. Even though the expected 3D-benefit of spatially compatible information displays from the driver’s perspective was not confirmed for driver assistance systems like ACC with a constant layout of information, it still remains to be tested for continuous matching tasks like navigational checking in cars. The stereoscopic presentation of 3D-displays did not show advantages. On the contrary, an in-vehicle ASD even increased reaction times. In summery, the results suggest a distinctive application of well designed concrete and monoscopic 3D-displays for driver assistance systems and selected spatial functions which are difficult to explain using abstract notions or symbols.

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