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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Properties of Nanoscale Biomaterials for Cancer Detection and Other Applications

Geist, Brian Lee 10 June 2009 (has links)
The first thermal cycling experiments of ionic self-assembled multilayer (ISAM) films have been reported examining their survivability through repeated thermal cycles from -20° C to 120° C in ambient atmospheric conditions. The films were constructed from alternating layers of Nile Blue A and gold nanoparticles which provided a strong absorbance in the optical wavelength range. No degradation of the optical characteristics of the ISAM films was observed [1]. Techniques for measuring the capacitance and resistivity of various ISAM films have also been developed allowing for a more complete electrical characterization of ISAM films. Capacitance measurements enabled a calculation of the dielectric function and breakdown field strength of the ISAM films. The capacitance measurement technique was verified by measuring the dielectric function of a spin-coated thin film PMMA, which has a well characterized dielectric function [2]. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) has been studied as a possible detection method for malignant melanoma revealing spectral differences in blood sera from healthy horses and horses with malignant melanoma. A SERS microscope system was constructed with the capability of resolving the Raman signal from biologically important molecules such as beta-carotene and blood sera. The resulting Raman signals from sera collected from horses with malignant melanoma were found to have additional peaks not found in the Raman signals obtained from sera collected from healthy horses. A systematic analysis of the combination of absorbance and fluorescence signals of blood sera collected from populations of healthy dogs and dogs with cancer has resulted in a rapid and cost-effective method for monitoring protein concentrations that could possibly be used as part of a cancer screening process. This method was developed using the absorbance and fluorescence signals from known serum proteins, the combinations of which were used to match the absorbance and fluorescence signals of blood sera allowing for an accurate determination of protein concentrations in blood sera [3]. Finally, a novel method for measuring the melting point of DNA in solution using capacitance measurements is presented. This method allows for the determination of the melting temperature as well as the melting entropy and melting enthalpy of DNA strands. Two different short strands of DNA, 5'-CAAAATAGACGCTTACGCAACGAAAAC-3' along with its complement and 5'-GGAAGAGACGGAGGA-3' along with its complement were used to validate the technique as the characteristics of these strands could be modeled using theoretical methods. This experimental technique allows for the precise determination of the melting characteristics of DNA strands and can be used to evaluate the usefulness of theoretical models in calculating the melting point for particular strands of DNA. Additionally, a micro-fluidic device has been proposed that will allow for a rapid and cost-effective determination of the melting characteristics of DNA [4]. / Ph. D.

Plasmonic Enhancement of Nonlinear Optical Responses by Gold Nanorods

Lee, Jeong-Ah 09 January 2017 (has links)
The increase in the magnitude of local electric fields through resonances of plasmonic excitations in metallic nanoparticles is a major area of current optical research. This dissertation is focused on plasmon-enhanced second harmonic generation of organic ionic self-assembled films via localized surface plasmon resonance of gold nanorods. By matching the plasmon resonance of the gold nanorods to the wavelength of the fundamental light, it is possible to greatly enhance the SHG efficiency. To demonstrate this, the surface of the gold nanorods was functionalized with a nonlinear-optical (NLO) polymer, PCBS, via the layer-by-layer method and deposited on a polymer thin film created on a glass substrate using the ionic self-assembled multilayer (ISAM) method. The sample fabrication is divided into two parts: gold nanorod synthesis and functionalization. The gold nanorods were synthesized by the seed-mediated method with varying amounts of silver ions to control their LSPR wavelengths. The functionalization started by replacing the original thick CTAB bilayer on the surface of the gold nanorods by a thin PAH-DTC layer via dialysis. The nanorods were then alternately coated with PAH (polycation) and PCBS (NLO polyanion) up to three bilayers of PAH/PCBS. The number of polymer layers on the nanorods was chosen in consideration of the LSPR decay length (a few nm). The functionalized gold nanorods were then deposited on either PAH/PCBS or PAH/PSS ISAM films. Characterization was performed via optical spectral measurement, zeta potential measurement, and field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). The LSPR wavelength shifted when the surrounding medium changed. It was red-shifted for each added polymer layer on the nanorod surface. However, when the functionalized nanorods were deposited on the ISAM film, the resonance peak blue-shifted. The zeta potential confirmed the proper electric charge of each polymer layer coated on the nanorods. Finally, FESEM was performed on the samples for visual inspection of the nanorod deposition and distribution after the SHG measurement was complete. The SHG from the functionalized gold nanorods was measured using a Maker-like fringe method. In this method, second harmonic waves generated from the front and rear sides of the substrate interfere constructively and destructively when the sample is rotated with respect to the incoming pump wave. Electrical noise reduction techniques were implemented to improve the SHG signal readings. Signal processing was implemented using LabVIEW software in order to read a reliable SHG signal from the setup. The maximum tolerable fluence of the gold nanorods was determined in order to prevent optical damage. The interference fringe pattern was observed from the functionalized gold nanorods and compared with that from the conventional ISAM film. The enhancement from the gold nanorods was as high as 600 times compared to the bare films. Polarization dependent SHG measurements were conducted to ascertain the effect of coupling between p- or s-polarized fundamental incident light to the SH light. To further improve the SHG enhancement, the self-assembly method herein can be extended from a monolayer to multilayers of functionalized gold nanorods. / Ph. D.

Binding properties of adaptor proteins Tollip and Tom1

Brannon, Mary Katherine 02 July 2015 (has links)
Adaptor proteins, like Tollip and Tom1, facilitate cellular cargo sorting through their ubiquitin-binding domains. Tollip and Tom1 bind to each other through their TBD and GAT domains, respectively, whereas Tollip interacts with phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate (PtdIns(3)P)-containing endosomal membranes. Tom1 and Tollip interaction and association with endosomes is proposed to be involved in the lysosomal degradation of polyubiquitinated cargo. Through cellular, biochemical, and biophysical techniques, we have further characterized the association of Tom1 with Tollip. Mutations in the binding interface of the Tom1 GAT and Tollip TBD complex leads to a subcellular mis-localization of both proteins, indicating that Tom1 may serve to direct Tollip to specific cellular pathways. It was determined that Tom1 inhibits the binding of Tollip to PtdIns(3)P and inhibition was reversed when mutations in the binding interface of the Tom1 GAT and Tollip TBD were present. Furthermore, it was established that, upon the binding of Tollip TBD to Tom1 GAT, ubiquitin is inhibited from binding to Tom1 GAT. It was also demonstrated that Tom1 GAT, but not Tollip TBD, can weakly bind to PtdIns(3)P. Consequently, we propose that association of Tom1 may serve to direct Tollip for involvement in specific cell signaling pathways. Gaining insight into the function of Tom1 and Tollip may lead to their use as therapeutic targets for increasing the efficiency of cargo trafficking and also for patients recovering from various cardiac injuries. / Master of Science

Imaging of the cell surface interface using objective coupled widefield surface plasmon microscopy

Jamil, M. Mahadi Abdul, Denyer, Morgan C.T., Youseffi, Mansour, Britland, Stephen T., Liu, S., See, C.W., Somekh, M.G., Zhang, J. January 2008 (has links)
No / We report on the development and on the first use of the widefield surface plasmon (WSPR) microscope in the examination of the cell surface interface at submicron lateral resolutions. The microscope is Kohler illuminated and uses either a 1.45 numerical aperture (NA) oil immersion lens, or a 1.65 NA oil immersion lens to excite surface plasmons at the interface between a thin gold layer and a glass or sapphire cover slip. Like all surface plasmon microscope systems the WSPR has been proven in previous studies to also be capable of nanometric z-scale resolutions. In this study we used the system to image the interface between HaCaT cells and the gold layer. Imaging was performed in air using fixed samples and the 1.45 NA objective based system and also using live cells in culture media using the 1.65 NA based system. Imaging in air enabled the visualisation of high resolution and high-contrast submicron features identified by vinculin immunostaining as component of focal contacts and focal adhesions. In comparison, imaging in fluid enabled cell surface interfacial interactions to be tracked by time-lapse video WSPR microscopy. Our results indicate that the cell surface interface and thus cell signalling mechanisms may be readily interrogated in live cells without the use of labelling techniques.

Conception, fabrication et caractérisation d'un biocapteur SPR à base de guides d'ondes photoniques sur substrat de verre

De Bonnault, Sandie January 2016 (has links)
Résumé : Malgré le nombre croissant de capteurs dans les domaines de la chimie et la biologie, il reste encore à étudier en profondeur la complexité des interactions entre les différentes molécules présentes lors d’une détection à l’interface solide-liquide. Dans ce cadre, il est de tout intérêt de croiser différentes méthodes de détection afin d’obtenir des informations complémentaires. Le principal objectif de cette étude est de dimensionner, fabriquer et caractériser un détecteur optique intégré sur verre basé sur la résonance plasmonique de surface, destiné à terme à être combiné avec d’autres techniques de détection, dont un microcalorimètre. La résonance plasmonique de surface est une technique reconnue pour sa sensibilité adaptée à la détection de surface, qui a l’avantage d’être sans marquage et permet de fournir un suivi en temps réel de la cinétique d’une réaction. L’avantage principal de ce capteur est qu’il a été dimensionné pour une large gamme d’indice de réfraction de l’analyte, allant de 1,33 à 1,48. Ces valeurs correspondent à la plupart des entités biologiques associées à leurs couches d’accroche dont les matrices de polymères, présentés dans ce travail. Étant donné que beaucoup d’études biologiques nécessitent la comparaison de la mesure à une référence ou à une autre mesure, le second objectif du projet est d’étudier le potentiel du système SPR intégré sur verre pour la détection multi-analyte. Les trois premiers chapitres se concentrent sur l’objectif principal du projet. Le dimensionnement du dispositif est ainsi présenté, basé sur deux modélisations différentes, associées à plusieurs outils de calcul analytique et numérique. La première modélisation, basée sur l’approximation des interactions faibles, permet d’obtenir la plupart des informations nécessaires au dimensionnement du dispositif. La seconde modélisation, sans approximation, permet de valider le premier modèle approché et de compléter et affiner le dimensionnement. Le procédé de fabrication de la puce optique sur verre est ensuite décrit, ainsi que les instruments et protocoles de caractérisation. Un dispositif est obtenu présentant des sensibilités volumiques entre 1000 nm/RIU et 6000 nm/RIU suivant l’indice de réfraction de l’analyte. L’intégration 3D du guide grâce à son enterrage sélectif dans le verre confère au dispositif une grande compacité, le rendant adapté à la cointégration avec un microcalorimètre en particulier. Le dernier chapitre de la thèse présente l’étude de plusieurs techniques de multiplexage spectral adaptées à un système SPR intégré, exploitant en particulier la technologie sur verre. L’objectif est de fournir au moins deux détections simultanées. Dans ce cadre, plusieurs solutions sont proposées et les dispositifs associés sont dimensionnés, fabriqués et testés. / Abstract : In spite of the growing number of available biosensors, many biochemical reactions and biological components have not yet been studied in detail. Among them, some require the combination of several detection techniques in order to retrieve enough information to characterize them fully. An unknown reaction based, for example, on DNA hybridization could be characterized with an electrochemical sensor, a mechanical sensor and an optical sensor, each giving a different type of information. The main objective of the work presented here is to design, fabricate and characterize a flexible integrated optical biosensor based on surface plasmon resonance, intended to be then combined with other detection techniques, and in particular, a microcalorimeter. Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) is well known to be a sensitive technique for surface-based biochemical detection. It has the advantage to be an unlabeled method and provides real time information on the kinetics of a reaction. The flexibility of the proposed SPR biosensor comes from the fact that it is designed for a large range of analyte refractive indices, from 1.33 to 1.48. These values are suitable for most biological entities and their ligand layers, and especially for hydrophilic polymer matrices used to trap DNA or protein entities and introduced in this work. As several biochemical studies require the simultaneous comparison of measurements to a reference or to another measurement, the second objective of this project is to study the potential of multi-analyte detection in an integrated SPR device on glass. The first three chapters of the thesis are focused on the main objective. The design based on two different models is presented, at the same time as the related simulation tools. The first model is based on the weak coupling approximation and permits to obtain most of the information for the device’s design. The second model, having no approximation, is used to validate the first model and complete and refine the design. The fabrication process of the glass chip is then introduced, as well as the characterization instruments and protocols. A device is obtained, with a volumetric sensitivity between 1000 nm/RIU and 6000 nm/RIU depending on the analyte refractive index. The 3D integration of the waveguide within the glass substrate makes the device extremely compact and adapted to the integration with the microcalorimeter in particular. The last chapter describes the study of several spectral multiplexing techniques adapted to an integrated SPR system using the glass technology. The goal is to provide at least two simultaneous measurements. Several detection techniques are examined and the related devices are designed, fabricated and characterized.

Plasmonic effects upon optical trapping of metal nanoparticles

Dienerowitz, Maria January 2010 (has links)
Optical trapping of metal nanoparticles investigates phenomena at the interface of plasmonics and optical micromanipulation. This thesis combines ideas of optical properties of metals originating from solid state physics with force mechanism resulting from optical trapping. We explore the influence of the particle plasmon resonance of gold and silver nanospheres on their trapping properties. We aspire to predict the force mechanisms of resonant metal particles with sizes in the Mie regime, beyond the Rayleigh limit. Optical trapping of metal nanoparticles is still considered difficult, yet it provides an excellent tool to investigate their plasmonic properties away from any interface and offers opportunities to investigate interaction processes between light and nanoparticles. Due to their intrinsic plasmon resonance, metal nanoparticles show intriguing optical responses upon interaction with laser light. These differ greatly from the well-known bulk properties of the same material. A given metal nanoparticle may either be attracted or repelled by laser light, only depending on the wavelength of the latter. The optical forces acting on the particle depend directly on its polarisability and scattering cross section. These parameters vary drastically around the plasmon resonance and thus not only change the magnitude but also the direction and entire nature of the acting forces. We distinguish between red-detuned and blue-detuned trapping, that is using a trapping wavelength shorter or longer than the plasmon resonance of the particle. So far optical trapping of metal nanoparticles has focussed on a wavelength regime far from the particle’s resonance in the infrared. We experiment with laser wavelengths close to the plasmon resonance and expand the knowledge of metal nanoparticle trapping available to date. Existing theoretical models are put to the test when we compare these with our real experimental situations.

Paviršiaus plazmonų rezonanso ir elektrocheminiai imuniniai jutikliai žmogaus augimo hormono ir antikūnų prieš žmogaus augimo hormoną nustatymui / Surface plasmon resonance and electrochemical imunosensors for human growth hormone and antibodies against human growth hormone detection

Rukšnaitė, Justina 29 September 2014 (has links)
Šioje daktaro disertacijoje buvo nagrinėjami paviršiaus plazmonų rezonanso (PPR) ir elektrocheminiai imuniniai jutikliai žmogaus augimo hormonui (ŽAH) ir antikūnams prieš žmogaus augimo hormoną (anti-ŽAH) nustatyti bei pritaikyti juos realių mėginių analizei. Šiame darbe buvo nagrinėjami nekryptingas ir kryptingas antikūnų imobilizavimo būdai PPR jutiklio lusto paviršiuje ir tirtas antikūno-antigeno komplekso formavimasis. Buvo nustatyta, kad tinkamiausias iš tirtų anti-ŽAH imobilizavimo PPR jutiklio lusto paviršiuje būdų yra kryptingas anti-ŽAH fragmentų gautų redukuojant anti-ŽAH 2-merkatoetilaminu (2-MEA) imobilizavimas. Atominės jėgos mikroskopijos pagalba buvo stebėti įvairiais būdais modifikuotų PPR jutiklio lusto paviršių skirtumai, kurie parodė, ar fragmentai gauti redukuojant anti-ŽAH buvo tinkamai prijungti prie auksinio PPR jutiklio lusto paviršiaus, o imuninis kompleksas susiformavo dėl specifinės antikūno-antigeno sąveikos. PPR ŽAH imuninis jutiklis pasižymi maža aptikimo riba (3,4 nmol/L), stabilumu, atrankamu. Aktyvus PPR jutiklio lusto paviršius visiškai regeneruojamas, o tai leidžia imuninio jutiklio daugkartinį panaudojimą. Tiesioginio ir netiesioginio tipo PPR anti-ŽAH imuniniai jutikliai buvo tiriami kombinuojant du analizinius metodus – PPR ir elektrocheminius (impulsinė amperometrija (PA) ir ciklinė voltamperometrija (CV)). Anti-ŽAH imuniniai jutikliai pasižymi maža aptikimo riba (0,056, 0,051 ir 0,027 nmol/L, atitinkamai CV, PPR ir PA), stabilumu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this doctoral thesis the development of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and electrochemical (EL) immunosensors has been examined and used for the detection of human growth hormone (HGH) and antibodies against human growth hormone (anti-HGH). The designed immunosensors were applied for the real sample analysis. In this research work random and oriented techniques of anti-HGH immobilization on the SPR sensor chip were compared and the interaction between immobilized anti-HGH and HGH was evaluated. Fragments of anti-HGH immobilization via their native thiol-groups directly coupled to the SPR chip is the most suitable technique for the development of an SPR immunosensor for the HGH detection. Fragments of antibody were obtained by chemical reduction of 2-mercaptoethylamine (2-MEA). In our study atomic force microscopy has been successfully applied for the imaging of the the differently modified surfaces. The achieved results indicate how much adequately the fragments of anti-HGH molecules bound onto the gold substrate and how immune complexes were formed. SPR HGH immunosensor is suitable for HGH detection with a limit of detection (3.4 nmol/L), good stability and selectivity. Furthermore, active SPR-chip surface is fully regenerated that allows multiply usage of designed immunosensor. Direct and indirect anti-HGH immunosensor was studied by combining two analytical methods – SPR and EL (pulsedamperometry (PA) and cyclic voltammetry (CV)). The limit of detection values of... [to full text]

Paviršiaus plazmonų rezonanso ir elektrocheminiai imuniniai jutikliai žmogaus augimo hormono ir antikūnų prieš žmogaus augimo hormoną nustatymui / Surface plasmon resonance and electrochemical imunosensors for human growth hormone and antibodies against human growth hormone detection

Rukšnaitė, Justina 29 September 2014 (has links)
Šioje daktaro disertacijoje buvo nagrinėjami paviršiaus plazmonų rezonanso (PPR) ir elektrocheminiai imuniniai jutikliai žmogaus augimo hormonui (ŽAH) ir antikūnams prieš žmogaus augimo hormoną (anti-ŽAH) nustatyti bei pritaikyti juos realių mėginių analizei. Šiame darbe buvo nagrinėjami nekryptingas ir kryptingas antikūnų imobilizavimo būdai PPR jutiklio lusto paviršiuje ir tirtas antikūno-antigeno komplekso formavimasis. Buvo nustatyta, kad tinkamiausias iš tirtų anti-ŽAH imobilizavimo PPR jutiklio lusto paviršiuje būdų yra kryptingas anti-ŽAH fragmentų gautų redukuojant anti-ŽAH 2-merkatoetilaminu (2-MEA) imobilizavimas. Atominės jėgos mikroskopijos pagalba buvo stebėti įvairiais būdais modifikuotų PPR jutiklio lusto paviršių skirtumai, kurie parodė, ar fragmentai gauti redukuojant anti-ŽAH buvo tinkamai prijungti prie auksinio PPR jutiklio lusto paviršiaus, o imuninis kompleksas susiformavo dėl specifinės antikūno-antigeno sąveikos. PPR ŽAH imuninis jutiklis pasižymi maža aptikimo riba (3,4 nmol/L), stabilumu, atrankamu. Aktyvus PPR jutiklio lusto paviršius visiškai regeneruojamas, o tai leidžia imuninio jutiklio daugkartinį panaudojimą. Tiesioginio ir netiesioginio tipo PPR anti-ŽAH imuniniai jutikliai buvo tiriami kombinuojant du analizinius metodus – PPR ir elektrocheminius (impulsinė amperometrija (PA) ir ciklinė voltamperometrija (CV)). Anti-ŽAH imuniniai jutikliai pasižymi maža aptikimo riba (0,056, 0,051 ir 0,027 nmol/L, atitinkamai CV, PPR ir PA), stabilumu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this doctoral thesis the development of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and electrochemical (EL) immunosensors has been examined and used for the detection of human growth hormone (HGH) and antibodies against human growth hormone (anti-HGH). The designed immunosensors were applied for the real sample analysis. In this research work random and oriented techniques of anti-HGH immobilization on the SPR sensor chip were compared and the interaction between immobilized anti-HGH and HGH was evaluated. Fragments of anti-HGH immobilization via their native thiol-groups directly coupled to the SPR chip is the most suitable technique for the development of an SPR immunosensor for the HGH detection. Fragments of antibody were obtained by chemical reduction of 2-mercaptoethylamine (2-MEA). In our study atomic force microscopy has been successfully applied for the imaging of the the differently modified surfaces. The achieved results indicate how much adequately the fragments of anti-HGH molecules bound onto the gold substrate and how immune complexes were formed. SPR HGH immunosensor is suitable for HGH detection with a limit of detection (3.4 nmol/L), good stability and selectivity. Furthermore, active SPR-chip surface is fully regenerated that allows multiply usage of designed immunosensor. Direct and indirect anti-HGH immunosensor was studied by combining two analytical methods – SPR and EL (pulsedamperometry (PA) and cyclic voltammetry (CV)). The limit of detection values of... [to full text]

Développement d'un outil d'analyse d'interactions moléculaires basé sur la résonance plasmonique de surface (SPRi) / Development of molecular interactions analysis tool based on the Surface Plasmon Resonance imaging (SPRi)

Pillet, Flavien 15 December 2010 (has links)
Ces dernières décennies, on a assisté à l’augmentation du nombre de technologies et de concepts permettant l’analyse des interactions intermoléculaires. Dans ce contexte, les puces à fluorescence restent les plus fréquemment utilisées. Cependant, cette technologie bien que très sensible et multiplexée, ne permet pas d’avoir accès aux paramètres cinétiques, indispensables au calcul des constantes d’affinité et la recherche de systèmes alternatifs s’impose. Dans cette optique, la résonance plasmonique de surface par imagerie (SPRi) est considérée comme une véritable option. Cette technologie se caractérise par l’absence de marquage et permet de suivre en temps réel d’infimes variations de masses consécutives à des interactions intermoléculaires sur la surface du prisme. L’obtention de constantes d’affinité est ainsi possible. En revanche, la SPRi présente un certain nombre de limites, principalement au niveau de la sensibilité et du multiplexage. Les objectifs de la thèse ont ainsi consisté à combler en partie ces différentes limites. La chimie de greffage basée sur l’utilisation d’oligonucléotides modifiés par un thiol a permis d’améliorer le multiplexage et de déposer plus de 1000 spots par cm² sur la surface d’or du prisme. Dans le même temps, la modification de la surface avec des colloïdes d’or et des dendrimères a permis pour des interactions ADN/ADN, d’atteindre une limite de détection de 2 nM (d’où un gain de 200%). En parallèle de ces travaux, diverses applications biologiques ont été effectuées. Une première étude a consisté à rechercher des ligands spécifiques des structures G-quadruplex des télomères. Une seconde étude s’est portée sur le complexe de partition bactérien. Par des études de criblage les bases impliquées dans l’interaction avec une protéine indispensable à la partition du plasmide F chez E.coli ont été identifiées. L’ensemble de ces travaux ont montré le fort potentiel de la SPRi et les applications potentielles qui en découlent sont nombreuses. / During the last decades a large number of technologies have been developed to analyze intermolecular interactions. In this context, the fluorescence biochips remain the most frequently used. Although this technology is very sensitive and multiplexed, it does not allow access to the kinetic parameters, essential to the calculation of the constants of affinity. Therefore, the research for alternative systems is essential. In this way, the Surface Plasmon Resonance imaging (SPRi) is considered as an opportunity. It is an optical detection process that can occur when a polarized light hits a prism covered by a thin metal layer. Under certain conditions free electrons at the surface of the biochip absorb incident light photons and convert them into surface plasmon waves. Perturbations at the surface of the biochip, such as an interaction between probes immobilized on the chip and targets, induce a modification of resonance conditions which can be measured. It is a label free technology which allows intermolecular interactions in real time and gives access to the kinetics parameters. However, SPRi is limited in sensitivity and multiplexing. The objectives of my PhD were to circumvent these various limits. Thus, we validated the immobilization of DNA probes on gold surface using thiol-modified oligonucleotide probes. Deposition carried out on non-modified gold surface, does not require electrical stimulation and expensive specific robotic devices. The thiol modification of the probes was shown to be very stable at room temperature, contrary to pyrrole and diazonium probes that need to be prepared just prior to their spotting. We demonstrate that thiol-modified oligonucleotide probes spotted on a gold surface of the SPRi-prisms are very robust and reproducible. We also demonstrated that this simple chemistry is compatible with high density arrays fabrication bearing more than 1000 spots using a classical spotter. Furthermore, the modification of the prism surface with gold colloids and dendrimers allowed for DNA/DNA interactions, to reach a detection limit of 2 nM. In parallel of this work, various biological applications were carried out and validate our previous developments. A first study was to screen G-quadruplex specific ligands to inhibit telomerase activity. We demonstrated that SPRi technology is particularly well adapted to the screening of interaction of small molecules with DNA probes and is sensitive enough to permit distinction between interactions with different DNA structures. The second study was on the bacterial partition complex. We study the DNA binding requirement involved in SopB-sopC specific interactions and analysed at the nucleotide level the bases involved in the binding efficiency and essential for the partition All this PhD work improved the SPRi technology and demonstrated its great potential in biological applications.

Application du SPR dans le criblage des ligands synthétiques du CD36 et sa validation

Lambert-Lanteigne, Patrick 12 1900 (has links)
Le CD36 est un récepteur de type éboueur de classe B exprimé à la surface de nombreux types cellulaires dont les macrophages, les cellules endothéliales de la microvasculature et les plaquettes. Ce récepteur multiligand est impliqué dans plusieurs processus pathologiques notamment l’athérosclérose, l’angiogénèse et la malaria via la liaison spécifique de ligands comme les lipoprotéines oxydées de basse densité, la thrombospondine-1 et la protéine PfEMP-1, respectivement. Les peptides de la relâche de l’hormone de croissance (GHRP) ont été identifiés comme les premiers ligands synthétiques du CD36. Afin de développer de nouveaux ligands synthétiques du CD36, l’établissement d’une méthode de criblage est essentiel pour découvrir des composés avec une liaison de haute affinité pour ce récepteur. Pour y parvenir, nous avons surexprimé le domaine extracellulaire du CD36 humain dans les cellules d’insectes Sf9. La protéine soluble purifiée par chromatographie d’affinité fut immobilisée à la surface d’une plaque de résonance de plasmons de surface (SPR) pour les études de liaison. La méthodologie développée a permis de caractériser les ligands du CD36 en déterminant leurs constantes de dissociation (KD), et d’établir une relation structure-activité des ligands de la famille des azapeptides, des composés dérivés du GHRP-6. Afin de valider la méthode par spectroscopie SPR, une corrélation a été établie entre les valeurs de KD obtenues en SPR et les valeurs d’CI50 de courbes d’inhibition de la phosphorylation des MAP kinases JNK1/2 induite par un phospholipide oxydé, le POVPC, en présence de concentrations croissantes de ligands du CD36 dans les macrophages RAW 264.7. / CD36 is a class B scavenger receptor expressed at the cell surface of macrophages, endothelial cells and platelets, among others. This multiligand receptor is implicated in various diseases such as atherosclerosis, angiogenesis and malaria through the specific binding of ligands, such as oxidized low-density lipoproteins, thrombospondin-1 and the PfEMP-1 protein, respectively. Growth hormone-releasing peptides (GHRP) were identified as the first CD36 synthetic ligands. In order to identify new CD36 synthetic ligands, the development of a high-throughput method is essential to unveil compounds of high binding affinity. We have expressed a recombinant CD36 ectodomain protein in Sf9 insect cells. The soluble and affinity purified protein was immobilized on a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor for binding studies. Synthetic ligands were analyzed by SPR spectroscopy for determination of their respective dissociation constant (KD). A structure-activity relationship of CD36 ligands was established. To validate the SPR binding signal, a good correlation was observed between KD and the IC50 values obtained from the inhibition curves of the MAPK kinase JNK1/2 phosphorylation induced by an oxidized phospholipid, the POVPC, in the presence of increasing concentrations of CD36 ligands in RAW 264.7 macrophage cells.

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