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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Application de la spectroscopie térahertz à la détection de substances sensibles / Ultra broadband terahertz time domain spectroscopy - security application

Armand, Damien 07 July 2011 (has links)
Pour répondre aux questions que pose la faisabilité d’un dispositif de détection d’explosifsà l’aide de la technologie de spectroscopie térahertz, cette thèse a exploré troisaxes. Le premier a consisté à établir une base de données des signatures spectrales (indiceet absorption) d’une large gamme de matériaux d’intérêt pour ce type d’applications,à partir des données expérimentales que nous avons mesurées par spectroscopie dans ledomaine temporel. Nous avons identifié les matériaux montrant une signature spectralesignificative et nous avons aussi étudié l’effet des matériaux de dissimulation.Dans la seconde partie de ce travail, nous avons conçu et construit un banc de spectroscopieultra-large bande destiné à une meilleure identification spectrale des substances. Nousavons identifié les limites techniques de ce type de banc et donné les pistes pour atteindreles performances désirées.Ensuite, nous avons développé et validé un banc de spectroscopie en réflexion, de typegoniométrique, afin de détecter des signaux térahertz diffusés par des matériaux hétérogènes.Finalement, nous avons étudié les plasmons de surface dans le domaine térahertz, en vuede la détection de très faibles quantités de matière. / This PhD work was performed in view of using terahertz electromagnetic signals forthe detection and identification of dangerous and prohibited substances. In a first stage,a database of the terahertz properties (namely refractive index and absorption) of thesesubstances was created from the measurements we performed using terahertz time-domainspectroscopy. Then a large bandwidth terahertz time-domain set up has been built, togetherwith a goniometric-type set up that allows us recording signals scattered by roughor heterogeneous samples. Finally, we studied the excitation and propagation of surfaceplasmons in the terahertz domain, which may be used for the detection of small amountsof matter.

Exploration de nouvelles approches pour les études de RCPG au niveau moléculaire : application aux récepteurs de chimiokines / Exploring new approaches for GPCR studies at the molecular level : application to chemokine receptors

Siauciunaite-Gaubard, Lina 15 May 2012 (has links)
Les récepteurs de chimiokines sont des régulateurs essentiels de la migration cellulaire dans le cadre de la surveillance immunitaire, et le développement. Les récepteurs CCR5 et CXCR4 sont de plus spécifiquement impliqués dans les métastases cancéreuses et l'infection par le VIH. Nous avons développé un système permettant de sur-exprimer ces deux RCPGs. Afin de s'affranchir des problèmes de toxicité inhérents à l'expression des protéines membranaires en bactérie notre approche de production consiste à adresser les protéines vers les corps d'inclusion d'E. coli grâce à une fusion protéique N-terminale permettant de hauts niveaux d'expression. Après purification en conditions dénaturantes, les protéines sont alors repliées en présence de surfactants originaux, les amphipoles. La validation de cette nouvelle approche pour les récepteurs des chimiokines représente un des objectifs principaux de ce travail. Afin de tester la fonctionnalité des protéines repliées, une série d'outils a été développée : des versions modifiées des chimiokines ont été produites (RANTES pour CCR5 et SDF 1a pour CXCR4). La fonctionnalité des chimiokines a été évaluée au niveau moléculaire et cellulaire. L'interaction entre le récepteur replié en amphipole et son ligand a été testé par résonance de plasmons de surface (SPR). Différents types de surfaces fonctionalisées avec le récepteur de chimiokine replié en amphipole ont été explorés au cours de ce travail. A la fin de ce projet, la production des chimiokines et de leur récepteur a été mise au point. L'accès à ces outils ouvre la voie à de futures études moléculaires telles que la compréhension de la dimérisation du récepteur ou la détermination de la stoechiométrie du complexe. / Chemokine receptors are critical regulators of cell migration in the context of immune surveillance, inflammation and development. The GPCRs (G protein-coupled receptors) CCR5 and CXCR4 are specifically implicated in cancer metastasis and HIV-1 infection. An expression system to over-express these two GPCRs was developed. To overcome the toxicity problem of membrane protein expression in bacterial system, the production approach consists in targeting the proteins towards E. coli inclusion bodies thanks to a N-terminal fusion allowing a high yield expression. After purification under denaturing conditions, these GPCRs were then folded using original polymeric surfactants: the amphipols. The validation of this new approach for the chemokine receptor production is one of the goals of this work. In order to assess the functionality of the folded proteins, series of tools have been developed: engineered chemokine ligands (RANTES for CCR5 and SDF1a for CXCR4) were produced. The functionality of chemokines was evaluated at cellular and molecular levels. Interaction between the receptor folded in amphipols and its ligand was evaluated using Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) technique. Several types of surfaces, functionalized with the chemokine receptor/amphipol complex have been explored in this work. At the end of this project the productions of chemokines and their receptors has been set up. These established tools open the way to future studies, at the molecular level, in order to, for instance, investigate receptor dimerization and complex stoichiometry.

Développement de glycomimétiques antagonistes du récepteur lectine de type C, DC-SIGN : une nouvelle stratégie préventive anti-HIV / Development of glycomimetic antagonists of the C-type lectin receptor DC-SIGN : a new anti-HIV preventive strategy

Sutkeviciute, Ieva 14 December 2012 (has links)
L'immunité, un système de défense incroyable, protège la plupart des organismes vivants des pathogènes nuisibles. Les composantes innée et acquise de l'immunité travaillent ensemble pour assurer une protection efficace de l'homme ainsi que de tous les autres vertébrés à mâchoires. Les cellules dendritiques, la composante de l'immunité innée, passent régulièrement en revue les tissus périphériques, capturent et traitent les agents pathogènes envahisseurs et enfin, présentent les antigènes aux lymphocytes T pour stimuler les réponses immunitaires adaptatives spécifiques. Ces cellules reconnaissent les organismes étrangers à l'aide de plusieurs "Pattern Recognition Receptors" (PRRs), qui se lient spécifiquement à des molécules à la surface des agents pathogènes, dits "Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns (PAMPs). Parmi les PRR, les récepteurs lectine de type C (CLRs) ont un rôle important dans la reconnaissance et dans la capture des pathogènes. Cependant, DC-SIGN, l'un de ces CLR, peut être détourné par de nombreux agents pathogènes dangereux, y compris le VIH, afin de promouvoir leur infection. Ce travail vise à développer des antagonistes de DC-SIGN, qui serait en mesure de bloquer l'utilisation de ce récepteur par des agents pathogènes. Pour atteindre cet objectif, la stratégie du développement de ligands glycomimétique de DC-SIGN et la présentation multivalente des glycomimétiques monovalents sélectionnés a été employée. Les études présentées ont été réalisées en collaboration avec plusieurs groupes de chimistes, qui ont conçu et synthétisé différents composés glycomimétiques ainsi que différentes plates-formes multivalentes. Des ligands monovalents de DC-SIGN basés sue le mannose, le fucose et sur les composés C-glycosidiques ont été explorés et différentes plates-formes de valence avec différents modes de présentation dans l'espace ont été étudiées. En utilisant la résonance plasmonique de surface (SPR), l'activité des composés à inhiber DC-SIGN a été estimée. De plus, les composés ont été évalués pour leur sélectivité pour DC-SIGN par rapport à la Langerine, un autre CLR ayant un rôle protecteur contre l'infection par le VIH. Certains de ces composés ont été caractérisés par cristallographie aux rayons X et par spectrométrie RMN. Les études de SPR de composés multivalents ont confirmé l'amélioration de l'activité, mais a également révélé des complications possibles. Dans l'ensemble, ces études ont permis d'identifier les deux meilleurs nouveaux composés et de suggérer des perspectives pour l'amélioration de ces composés et des plates-formes de présentation multivalentes. / An amazing defense system, the immunity, protects most of the living organisms from harmful pathogens. The innate and acquired immunity components work together to provide efficient protection of humans as well as all other jawed vertebrates. Dendritic cells, the component of the innate immunity, routinely survey the peripheral tissues, capture and process the invading pathogens, and finally, present the antigens to the T cells to boost the pathogen specific adaptive immune responses. These cells recognize the foreign organisms with the help of multiple pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), which specifically bind molecules on the pathogen surfaces, so-called pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). Among PRRs, the C-type lectin receptors (CLRs) have an important role in pathogen recognition and capturing. However, one of these CLRs, DC-SIGN, has been shown to be hijacked by many dangerous pathogens, including HIV, to promote their infection. This work aims to develop the antagonists of the C-type lectin receptor DC-SIGN, which would be able to block the use of this receptor by pathogens. To achieve that, the strategy of the development of glycomimetic ligands of DC-SIGN and the multivalent presentation of the selected monovalent glycomimics has been employed. The presented studies were accomplished in collaboration with several chemists groups, who have designed and synthesized different glycomimetic compounds as well as different multivalent platforms. The mannose-based, fucose-based and the C-glycosidic compounds were explored as monovalent DC-SIGN ligands, and multivalent platforms with different valence as well as ligand presentation in space were investigated. Using surface plasmon resonance (SPR), the activity of the compounds to inhibit DC-SIGN was estimated. Moreover, the compounds were evaluated for their selectivity to DC-SIGN vs langerin, another CLR with a protective role from HIV infection. Some of the compounds were structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography and NMR spectrometry studies. The SPR studies of multivalent compounds confirmed the improved activity, but also revealed possible complications Overall, these studies allowed to identify two new monovalent leads and to draw perspectives for their further improvement, and suggested the improvement of multivalent presentation platforms.

Interação entre plasmons polaritons de superfície e íons de Érbio em matrizes de vidros óxidos teluritos via conversão ascendente / Interaction between surface plasmon polariton and Erbium ions embedded into tellurite oxide glasses by upconversion

Otavio de Brito Silva 31 July 2017 (has links)
O confinamento da luz em escala nanométrica, em especial para estruturas metálicas, é conferido graças à ação coletiva dos elétrons livres desses materiais que ao entrarem em ressonância com a frequência da radiação incidente geram campos intensos o suficiente para permitir que uma parcela da luz atravesse as cavidades que formam as estruturas, desafiando os limites clássicos da óptica impostos pela teoria escalar da difração. Designa-se a tal ação coletiva dos elétrons na literatura como plasmons polaritons de superfície, ou SPP da sigla em inglês para Surface Plasmon Polariton, conceito há muito estudado em Física do Estado Sólido. Porém, somente a algumas décadas com o domínio sobre a fabricação de estruturas em escala nanométrica, tornou-se possível a análise experimental e a contribuição de SPP na observação de fenômenos em nano-óptica. A ressonância de plasmons em nanoestruturas confere considerável sensibilidade ao índice de refração dos meios próximos a elas, o que abre mais um canal para estudos no campo da interação entre radiação-matéria. Dentre eles há interação de plasmons com íons de terras-raras (ITR). Estes últimos por apresentarem bandas de absorção estreitas e bem definidas, são excelentes opções como elementos na análise da interação destes com os SPPs gerados nas nanoestruturas. Uma maneira de estabelecer o contato direto entre o campo plasmônico e os ITRs é incorpora-los ao substrato no qual o filme metálico onde as nanoestruturas são fabricadas é depositado. Vidros óxidos à base de Telúrio e Germânio reúnem condições favoráveis para esse propósito, por terem alta solubilidade às terras-raras, janela de transparência relativamente larga (0,4 - 5μm) podendo ser analisados desde o visível até o infravermelho e baixa energia de fônon. O presente trabalho consistiu no esforço de criar uma plataforma para estudo direto de interações SPP com o ITR a partir da nano fabricação via técnica de feixe de íons e medir a luz emitida por processo de conversão ascendente do Érbio diretamente pela nanoestrutura devido ao decaimento do íon em SPP e na consequente remissão através da transmissão óptica extraordinária (TOE). A partir de tais medidas há fortes evidências de que a radiação emitida pelo Érbio apresenta a mesma polarização do campo plasmônico originado nas nanoestruturas. / The confinement of light at the nanoscale, especially for metallic structures is achieved due the collective action of free electrons from the material that resonate with the frequency of the incident radiation, generating enhanced fields enough to allow a portion of the light to cross the cavities that form such structures, challenging the classical limits of optics imposed by the scalar diffraction theory. Such collective action of the electrons is known in the literature as surface plasmon polariton (SPP), a concept which has already been studied in Solid State Physics, but only a few decades ago, with the development of fabrication of nanoscale structures has enabled the experimental analysis and the contribution due SPP on the observation of nanoptics phenomena. The plasmon resonance from nanostructures offers considerable sensitivity to the refractive index from the media that surround them, which opens another topic in matter-radiation interaction. There are interactions of plasmons with rare earth ions (REI). The latter class of emitters, presents narrow and well-defined absorption bands, which make them excellent options as probes to the analysis of interaction with the SPPs generated in the nanostructures. To establish direct contact between the plasmonic field and the REIs consists in embedding them into the substrate for the metallic thin film where the structures are assembled. Tellurium and Germanium oxide based glasses gather the conditions for this purpose, because they present high solubility to rare earths, a relatively wide transparency window (0.4 - 5 μm), which enables spectral analysis from visible to infrared, and low phonon energy. The present work consisted in the effort to create a direct platform to study the SPP interactions with the REI from the milling of the samples by ion beam technique; to measure the light emitted from the Erbium\'s upconversion process directly through the nanostructure due the ion decay to SPP and in the consequent remission by extraordinary optical transmission (EOT). From such measurements there are strong evidences that the radiation emitted by Erbium ions presents the same polarization from the plasmonic field originated in nanostructures.

Desenvolvimento de metodologia para funcionalizar superfícies de ouro com biomoléculas. Construção de biosensor para detecção de citocromo c. / Development of methodology to functionalize gold surfaces with biomolecules. Construction of biosensor for detection of cytochrome c

Rodrigo Matias Trolise 16 December 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho estão apresentadas novas estratégias para funcionalizar superfícies de ouro baseadas na sustentação de bicamadas lipídicas em superfícies de sensores de imagem por Ressonância de Plasmons de Superfície (SPRi) e a construção de um biosensor para detecção de citocromo c. SPRi é uma técnica ótica de gravimetria em tempo real. Por meio de medidas de variações de índice de refração (n) próximas a uma interface, a adsorção e desorção de moléculas podem ser mensuradas. Inicialmente testamos várias estratégias para encontrar um suporte adequado que se ligasse na superfície de ouro e que oferecesse sustentação e estabilidade para a bicamada de fosfolipídeo biotinilado. Estudos de FT-IR e MEV mostraram que a quitosana facilita a formação de uma bicamada íntegra de fosfolipídeos, de tal modo, que a mesma alcança valores de espessura próximos àqueles previstos, ~ 34,5 Å. Além disso, mostramos que esse sistema apresenta vantagens perante outros modelos, tais como, (poli-lisina/fosfolipídeos) e (tiol hidrofóbico/fosfolipídeo). Utilizando-se o complexo químico biotina/estreptoavidina conseguimos imobilizar o anticorpo anti cit c na bicamada, mantendo-o afastado da superfície de ouro. A construção do biosensor foi acompanhada com experimentos de SPRi. O limite de detecção de citocromo c atingido foi de 10-11mol/L. Um sensor construído somente com BSA e anticorpo anti cit c apresentou sensibilidade semelhante. Esta sensibilidade é em torno de três ordens de grandeza superior aos experimentos de imunoblotting usualmente utilizados para detecção de cit c. A principal limitação deste biosensor, tal como de outros imunoensaios, está intimamente ligada às vantagens e desvantagens dos anticorpos como ferramentas analíticas. / In this work we developed new strategies to functionalize gold surfaces based on the support of lipid bilayers on the surfaces of surface plasmon resonance imaging sensors (SPRi) and the construction of a biosensor for detection of cytochrome c. SPRi is an optical gravimetric real time technique. Through measurements of changes in refractive index (n) in close proximity to an interface, the adsorption and desorption of molecules can be measured. Initially we tested several strategies for finding a suitable medium that would adsorb on the gold surface and also support and stabilize a biotinylated phospholipid bilayer. Studies of FT-IR and SEM showed that chitosan induces the formation of an intact phospholipid bilayer, so that it reaches thickness values close to those expected, ~ 34.5 Å. Furthermore, we showed that this system has advantages in relation to other models, such as (poli-lisine/phospholipids) and (thiol hydrophobic / phospholipid). Using the chemical complex biotin/streptavidin anti cyt c antibody could be immobilized in the bilayer, keeping it away from the gold surface. The construction of the biosensor was accompanied with SPRi experiments. The limit of detection of cytochrome c was achieved from 10-11mol / L. A sensor built only with BSA and anti cyt c showed similar sensitivity. This sensitivity is about three orders of magnitude higher than the immunoblotting experiments commonly used for detection of cyt c. The main limitation of this biosensor, like in other immunoassays, is linked to the advantages and disadvantages of antibodies as analytical tools.

Caractérisation optique des déformations à l'échelle nanométrique / Optical Characterization of Strains and Map Strains at the Nanoscale

Marae Djouda, Joseph 22 April 2016 (has links)
La mesure des déformations de la microstructure est importante pour l’étude des propriétés et le contrôle des structures. Nous proposons deux approches nouvelles de caractérisation de déformations nanométriques. Elles utilisent des nanoparticules (NPs) d’or déposées à la surface des matériaux. Dans la première approche, les réseaux de NPs sont déposés par lithographie électronique. Lors d’essais de traction uniaxiale dans un microscope électronique à balayage les images prises à de chargements successifs permettent de suivre le déplacement de NPs qui jouent le rôle de nanojauges. L’analyse des champs cinématiques obtenus à partir des images MEB révèle des phénomènes de plasticité au sein de la microstructure et les hétérogénéités de déformations. La méthode a été appliquée aux aciers inoxydables austénitique et duplex austéno-ferritique. Elle a été couplée à la technique de diffraction des électrons rétrodiffusés. Les mécanismes de déformations locaux ont été mis en évidence. Dans la seconde approche, nous essayons de tirer parti des propriétés optiques de NPs afin de suivre l’évolution de déformations à la surface des matériaux. Les NPs supportent un plasmon localisé de surface dont la résonance est fonction de la taille, de la forme des NPs ou de l’indice optique du milieu environnant. Sa position spectrale dépend aussi de la distance inter-NPs. Notre étude a été limitée à des polymères. Un dispositif permettant de réaliser les mesures d’extinctions au cours de la traction a été développé. Les premiers essais constituent la preuve expérimentale de ce concept / The strain measurement at the microstructure is important for the properties study and structure control. We propose two new approaches of strain characterizations at nanoscale. They are based on the use of gold nanoparticles (NPs) arrays deposited on the surface of materials.In the first approach, arrays of NPs are deposited by the electron beam lithography technique. During in situ tensile test inside a scanning electron microscope, the images of the array are progressively recorded. The treatment of these images gives access to 2D strain tensor components and NPs played the role of nanogauges. The strains at components of the microstructure and the heterogeneities of plastic deformations are evidenced. This method was coupled to the electron backscatter diffraction technique. The local deformation mechanisms can then be highlighted. In the second approach, we try to take advantage of optical properties of gold NPs to track the strain evolutions at the surface of materials. Gold NPs support localized surface plasmon that resonance is function of size and shape of NPs or of the surrounding medium. In addition, plasmon resonance also depends to NPs separation. We therefore sought to determine whether the displacements of NPs during tensile test may be monitored optically. The study was limited to the case of polymers. An experimental set up was developed to carry extinction measurement during a tensile test. These first tests constitute experimental proof of this concept. The spectral variations were analyzed to determine the performance of the optical strain-sensor proposed

Design, fabrication, and electrochemical surface plasmon resonance analysis of nanoelectrode arrays

Atighilorestani, Mahdieh 30 August 2017 (has links)
Recent advances in nanofabrication techniques have opened up new avenues and numerous possible applications in both nanoscale electrochemistry and analytical nanoscience by enabling the fabrication of reproducible nanoelectrodes with different new geometries. Nanoelectrodes exhibit advantages including enhanced mass transport, higher current densities, improved signal-to-noise ratios, and lower ohmic drop. In this dissertation, the use of nanoelectrodes in the electrochemical response properties investigations or in the spectroelectrochemical studies is the unifying factor among all the chapters. First (in Chapter 4), we presented a direct comparison between the electrochemical characteristics of two finite nanoelectrodes arrays with different geometries: 6 × 6 recessed nanodiscs and nanorings microarrays. Using computational methods, it was demonstrated that the electrode geometry’s parameters have a drastic influence on the mass transport properties of the nanoelectrodes. The results presented here are the first combination of experimental and numerical studies that elucidate the transport on nanoring electrode arrays. The comparison of the electrochemical behavior between nanostructures using full 3D simulations is also unique. Second, we have provided a comprehensive numerical study on the redox cycling performance properties of a 6 × 6 recessed nanorings-ring electrode array configuration. The simulation results were in good agreement with the experimental data. After validating the model against experiments, a comprehensive computational investigation revealed avenues to optimize the performance of the structure in terms of geometric parameters and scan rates. The second half of this dissertation is comprised of the spectroelectrochemical studies. The combination of surface plasmon resonance with electrochemistry presents new paths to investigateredox reaction events at the electrode surface since it brings an additional dimension to the classical electrochemical approaches. Third, we have reported a novel active plasmonic device based on a new switching mechanism for the nanohole electrodes array to bridge between photonics and electronics at nanoscales. The inner surfaces of the nanohole electrodes in the array were coated with an electroconductive polymer, polypyrrole, (PPy). Then, it was shown that light transmitted through the PPy- modified nanohole electrodes can be easily tuned and controled by applying an external potential. We were also able to switch on and off the transmitted light intensity through the modified nanohole arrays by potential steps, demonstrating the potential of this platform to be incorporated into optoelectronic devices. Finally, we have fabricated larger area plasmonic periodic nanopillar 3D electrodes using a rapid, high-throughput, and cost-effective approach: the laser interference lithography. Then, the electrochemical behavior of these electrodes was investigated both experimentally and computationally. The properties were ‘compared with a flat electrode with an equivalent geometric area. Afterward, we have successfully probed the changes in the concentration of a reversible redox pair near the electrode surface induced by various applied potentials, in an in-situ EC-SPR experiment. / Graduate

Rôle du facteur de terminaison de la traduction eRF3 (eukaryotic Release Factor 3) dans la stabilité des ARN messagers / The role of the translation termination factor eRF3 (eukaryotic Release Factor 3) in the messenger RNA stability

Jerbi Chaabnia, Soumaya 22 September 2015 (has links)
La désadénylation des ARNm fait intervenir les complexes de désadénylation PAN2-PAN3 et CCR4-NOT-TOB mais aussi le complexe de terminaison de la traduction eRF1-eRF3. Ces trois complexes ont la capacité d'interagir avec la protéine PABP. Cependant, le rôle d'eRF3 n'est pas clairement établi. Il a été décrit que les facteurs eRF3, PAN3 et TOB sont en compétition pour l'interaction avec PABP et qu'il y a un couplage entre la terminaison de la traduction et la désadénylation assuré par eRF3. Chez l'homme, le gène eRF3/GSPT1 présente 5 formes alléliques qui diffèrent par le nombre de répétitions de codons GGC à l'extrémité 5' du cadre de lecture (7, 9, 10, 11 et 12-GGC). Une corrélation entre l'allèle 12-GGC et le risque de développement de cancer du sein et de l'estomac a été mis en évidence. Notre objectif est (i) d'améliorer notre compréhension du rôle d'eRF3 dans le processus de couplage traduction-dégradation des ARNm, (ii) de comprendre l'effet du polymorphisme de la région N-terminale d'eRF3 sur son interaction avec PABP. A travers la méthode de résonnance plasmonique de surface (SPR), nous montrons que l'affinité de la forme allélique 12-GGC est 10 fois plus faible que celle d'eRF3a (10-GGC). Cette différence est essentiellement due à la plus faible association de la forme 12-GGC avec PABP. La plus faible affinité de la forme 12-GGC d'eRF3 entrainerait une dérégulation de la désadénylation au moins pour certains ARNm et pourrait ainsi promouvoir la prolifération cellulaire et la carcinogenèse. La région N-terminale d'eRF3 contenant la répétition de glycine joue un rôle crucial dans l'interaction eRF3-PABP, dans la désadénylation et donc dans la stabilité de l'ARNm. / The mRNA deadenylation involves the deadenylation complexes PAN2-PAN3 and CCR4-NOT-TOB and the translation termination complex eRF1-eRF3. All three proteins, eRF3, PAN3 and TOB, interact with the PABP protein. However, the role of eRF3 is still unclear. It has been reported that eRF3, TOB and PAN3 compete for the binding to PABP. Recently, it has been suggested that eRF3 may regulate mRNA deadenylation in a translation termination-coupled manner. In human, the gene eRF3/GSPT1, contains a trinucleotide GGC repeat in its 5’ end which lead to 5 allelic forms of the gene. There are five known alleles of this gene (7, 9, 10, 11 and 12-GGC). A strong correlation between the longest allele (12-GGC) and gastric and breast cancer development has been reported. Our project was (i) to improve our understanding on the role of eRF3 in the coupling of mRNA deadenylation with translation termination, (ii) to understand whether the GGC repeat polymorphism of eRF3 influences eRF3-PABP interaction. The kinetic measurements of eRF3-PABP interaction obtained by Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) show that the affinity of the allelic 12-GGC form is 10 fold lower than that of eRF3a (10-GGC). This decrease is mostly due to difference in the association rate of the complex. The weaker affinity of the 12-GGC allelic form may result in a deregulation of deadenylation, at least for some mRNAs, and thus, could promote cell proliferation and carcinogenesis. In fine, we show that the N-terminal region of eRF3 containing the glycine expansion plays a key role in the eRF3-PABP interaction, in the deadenylation process, and hence, in mRNA stability.

Extraction, Purification and partial Characterization of a Carotenoid Binding Protein (CBP) from the Epidermis of the Monarch Butterfly Larvae (Danaus plexippus)

Fang, Nan 17 June 2016 (has links)
This dissertation describes the purification and partial characterization of CBP from the epidermis of the monarch butterfly larvae (Danaus plexippus). A yellow protein-carotenoid complex was extracted from the yellow pigmented epidermal tissue from monarch butterfly larvae by homogenization. Additional steps in the purification process included differential precipitation with ammonium sulfate, cation and anion chromatography, and lastly size exclusion chromatography. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis demonstrates that a single protein was isolated (M-LBP) having a ~60 kDa molecular weight, the value has subsequently been confirmed by HR-tandem MS. Lutein is the sole carotenoid bound by M-LBP with a stoichiometry of the binding of 2: 1. Immunohistochemistry results show that M-LBP has no cross-reactivity to antibodies for silk worm CBP (Bombix mori) but does have cross-reactivity with antibodies for horn worm epidermal CBP (Agrius convolvuli). Binding affinities were determined using surface plasmon resonance for the carotenoids lutein (KD = 18.6 ± 0.7), R,R-zeaxanthin (KD = 990 ± 60), R,S-zeaxanthin (KD = 60 ± 2). Tryptophyphan fluorescence lifetimes were determined for the apoprotein and compared to those of the native M-LBP. Tryptophan fluorescence lifetimes were found to be 3.9 ns and 3.0 ns, respectively for these two forms of the protein, indicating that upon dissociation of the carotenoid from the protein the tryptophan fluorophore adopts a position where it has less interaction with the polar surface environment.

Conception et caractérisation de nanoantennes plasmoniques pour la photodétection infrarouge refroidie / Design and characterisation of plasmonic nanoantennas for cooled infrared photodetection

Duperron, Matthieu 09 December 2013 (has links)
L’imagerie infrarouge refroidie est portée par une demande forte pour des applications dans les secteurs militaire, industriel et spatial. Les enjeux actuels de ce marché sont le fonctionnement à haute température et la fonctionnalisation spectrale des détecteurs.Ces enjeux peuvent être adressés grâce à l’utilisation de résonateurs optiques et leur faculté à concentrer le champ électromagnétique. Ce travail de thèse montre comment des résonateurs plasmoniques peuvent être intégrés dans la filière HgCdTe.La théorie temporelle des modes couplés a été utilisée, de manière analytique, pour optimiser à travers la condition de couplage critique, l’absorption dans un résonateur plasmonique chargé par un semiconducteur. La conception d’une photodiode HgCdTe ultramince plasmonique est ensuite détaillée. Elle repose sur l’utilisation d’un mode optique résultant du couplage entre un mode plasmon de surface et un mode gap plasmon de cavité / The market for cooled infrared imaging technologies is growing fast due to a range of applications covering military, commercial and space. Current research for innovative systems focuses on high operating temperature and multispectral detectors.To achieve these aims, optical resonators can be used to concentrate electromagnetic fields in thin absorbing media. This thesis investigates the possibility of using plasmonic resonators for HgCdTe photodetection.Temporal coupled-mode theory is used to optimise analytically the absorption in a plasmonic resonator incorporating an absorbing semiconductor subject to the critical coupling condition. A design of a thin plasmonic HgCdTe diode is then described. This includes a hybrid plasmonic mode arising from the coupling between a surface plasmon and a cavity gap-plasmon mode

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