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Sustainable development principles in a community setting: A case study of O.U.R. Ecovillage, British Columbia, Canada2013 May 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to improve understanding of how (a) principles of sustainable development (SD) have been implemented in an ecovillage setting, as well as (b) to analyze internal and external challenges faced by the ecovillagers in their pursuit of sustainable living. The specific research objectives of this study are these: i) examine the sustainable practices of an ecovillage according to Agenda 21 principles; ii) document key and unique elements of the ecovillage approach to SD; iii) identify challenges faced by O.U.R. Ecovillage residents in SD practices implementation and recognise opportunities to improve the implementation of SD principles in the ecovillage. To meet these objectives the study was carried out in one of the most developed ecovillages in Canada - O.U.R. ecovillage, located in the Cowichan Valley region, British Columbia. Multiple research methods that were used included: interviews, focus group, participant observation, research photography and document analysis. Research findings revealed numerous innovative sustainable practices implemented in the ecovillage. Discussed areas include shelter provision, governance, construction practices, environmental infrastructure, human resource development, planning in disaster prone areas, land-use management as well as energy and transportation systems. Many processes initiated by the ecovillage are only in the experimental stage and require improvement. However, O.U.R. Ecovillage is an important educational center for sustainability due not only to specific practices but also its holistic approach to SD that balances the needs of individuals, community, and the environment.
The research also presents various internal and external challenges that obstruct SD of the community. Main difficulties faced by the community throughout its development are related first to strong individualistic cultural values dominant in western society that contradict many sustainable practices applied in the ecovillage. A second obstacle to SD in the community is posed by the inflexibility of regulatory authorities that greatly complicates implementation of innovative holistic practices. Lessons learned from O.U.R. Ecovillage might assist other groups in Canada and abroad to proceed with local initiatives towards sustainability.
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The study of junior high and elementary school students' recognition on sustainable development conception in Kaohsiung - analyze and evaluate Chinese and Social Studies textbooksZhuang, Rui-Zhong 29 July 2003 (has links)
This research aims to analyze and compare the proportion of sentences conforming with sustainable development concept in three versions of elementary Chinese and Social Studies textbooks, of Kang Xuan, Han Lin and Nan Yi versions, and to understand elementary and junior high school students' knowledge, recognition and myths on sustainable development conception. It was also analyzed the sustainable development conceptual differences of the students with different background variables, and made an integrated research conclusions.
The research proceeds document analysis method and questionnaire inquiry method. The former is in accordance with ten Principles of National Sustainable Development of Taiwan to analyze sentences conforming with sustainable development principles in three versions of Chinese and Social Studies textbooks. Subjects responding to the sustainable development concept recognition questionnaire consist of 2850 students of elementary and junior high school. Statistical analysis including mean, standard deviation, percentage and the analysis of variance were computed to understand the state, myths and differences of pupil's sustainable development conception.
The results indicated that three versions of Chinese and Social Studies textbooks present plentiful proportion of sentences conforming with sustainable development principles, especially centralizing on three principles ¡§generation fairness¡¨, ¡§environment carrying¡¨, and ¡§balance consideration¡¨. In Chinese Studies, the proportion of sentences of Kang Xuan centralizes Book Nine; the high grade of Han Lin's proportion of sentences is higher than the low grade's; each volume of Nan Yi's proportion of sentences tends to average. In Social Studies, the proportion of sentences of three versions all centralizes Book Twelve and Seven, but it is very little in other volumes.
Moreover, the results indicated that both high school and elementary school students' sustainable development conception reaches approximately acceptable degree. The reason is that students¡¦ recognition toward sustainable development conception really implies myths, especially students often think that the behaviors good for human living practical purpose are in accordance with sustainable development. However, they neglect ecological consequences on sequential environmental damage. It reveals that students' sustainable development conception is not so clear and profound.
Besides, this research showed two significant two-way interaction effects. One is for the variables of grade and area on three subscales ¡§balance consideration¡¨, ¡§generation fairness¡¨, ¡§advance prevention¡¨ and total score. The other is for the variables of school and area on the subscale "balance consideration¡¨ and total score. Significant main effects include that (1) girl students¡¦ scores are significantly higher than boy students¡¦ on ¡§balance consideration¡¨, ¡§environment carrying¡¨, ¡§generation fairness¡¨ subscales and total score; (2) the first grade high school students¡¦ scores are significantly higher than the sixth grade elementary school students¡¦ on ¡§environment carrying¡¨ subscale and total score; (3) high school students¡¦ scores are significantly higher than elementary school students¡¦ on ¡§balance consideration¡¨ and ¡§environment carrying¡¨ subscales; and (4) scores of the students in the suburbs are significantly higher than the scores of the students in a city on ¡§generation fairness¡¨ subscale.
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Building Sustainability : Studies on incentives in construction and management of real estateHögberg, Lovisa January 2014 (has links)
This thesis summarizes the results from several studies with connection to sustainability in construction and management of real estate. Here, the concept sustainability includes environmental, social and economic dimensions and focus is on the actors with the best possibilities to impact real estate, namely the real estate owners and the developers. The thesis consists of six papers. Real estate owners’ perception of and incentives and strategies for sustainability was studied in four ways: incentives for energy efficiency and other sustainability issues in connection to renovation (papers I and II), factors that characterize firms with an ambitious approach to energy efficiency (paper V) and economic incentives for energy efficiency (paper VI). Developers’ behavior and impact on sustainability was studied in two ways: how developers’ planning and construction methods may influence energy consumption for future residents (paper III) and how developers relate to requirements for building environmental certification levels (paper IV). The first paper aims to clarify how housing firms see and treat energy efficiency matters in connection to renovation of multi-family buildings constructed during the 1960’s and 70’s. Interviews with housing firms resulted in four ideal housing firm types illustrating that housing firms have more or less incentives to improve energy efficiency. The second paper aimed to study a model for renovation of buildings in a residential area in peripheral Stockholm and to assess how it considers environmental, social and economic sustainability as well as technical concerns. Paper V builds on the results in paper I and aims to identify factors, on a firm level as well as in the surroundings of the firm, that characterize housing firms who own multi-family buildings from the 1960’s and 70’s and who have an ambitious approach to energy efficiency. Paper VI uses information from energy performance certificates to study whether better energy performance increases the selling price of single-family homes, which would increase owners’ incentives to improve energy efficiency. Paper III takes its starting point in an indicated shift in developers’ planning and construction practices for laundry facilities in owner-occupied multi-family buildings. The paper aims to clarify whether a shift has actually occurred from communal laundry rooms to in-unit laundry appliances and to illuminate the impact this could have on residents’ energy consumption for laundry. Paper IV reports the study of how developers who have adopted the environmental certification system LEED relate to the requirements for specific certification levels and how updated requirements risk undermining developers’ incentives for sustainable construction. / Den här avhandlingen sammanfattar arbetet från flera studier med koppling till hållbarhet inom bygg och förvaltning av fastigheter. Begreppet hållbarhet omfattar här tre dimensioner: miljömässig, social och ekonomisk hållbarhet, och fokus ligger på de aktörer som har mest möjlighet att påverka fastigheterna, nämligen fastighetsägare och projektutvecklare. I avhandlingen ingår sex uppsatser. Fastighetsägares uppfattning av och incitament och strategier för hållbarhet undersöktes på fyra olika sätt: incitament för energieffektivisering och andra hållbarhetsfrågor i samband med renovering (uppsats I och II), faktorer som karaktäriserar företag med ett ambitiöst förhållningssätt i energieffektiviseringsfrågor (uppsats V) samt ekonomiska incitament för energieffektivisering (uppsats VI). Projektutvecklares beteende och påverkan på hållbarhet undersöktes på två sätt: hur projektutvecklares planering och byggmetoder kan påverka energianvändningen för framtida boende (uppsats III) och hur projektutvecklare förhåller sig till kravnivåer i miljöcertifiering av byggnader (uppsats IV). Den första uppsatsen syftar till att belysa hur bostadsföretag ser på och behandlar energieffektiviseringsfrågor i samband med renovering av flerbostadshus byggda under miljonprogrammet. Baserat på intervjuer med bostadsföretag resulterade den explorativa studien i konstruktionen av fyra idealtyper av bostadsföretag med mer eller mindre incitament för att energieffektivisera. Den andra uppsatsen syftade till att undersöka en modell för renovering av miljonprogramshus i ett bostadsområde i Stockholms ytterområden och bedöma hur den tar hänsyn till miljömässig, social och ekonomisk hållbarhet tillsammans med tekniska överväganden. Uppsats V bygger på resultaten i uppsats I och syftar till att urskilja faktorer, såväl på företagsnivå som i företagets omgivning, som karaktäriserar bostadsföretag som äger flerbostadshus från miljonprogramsåren och som har en ambitiös hållning i energieffektiviseringsfrågor. Uppsats VI använder information från energideklarationer för att undersöka om bättre energiprestanda ökar försäljningspriset på småhus, något som skulle öka ägarens incitament för energieffektivisering. Uppsats III utgår från en indikerad förändring i projektutvecklares planering och byggmetoder av tvättinrättningar i flerbostadshus med bostadsrätt. Uppsatsen syftar till att klarlägga om en förändring har skett från gemensam tvättstuga till tvättmöjligheter i den egna bostaden och belysa vilken effekt det skulle kunna ha på de boendes energianvändning för tvätt. I uppsats IV klarläggs hur projektutvecklare som bygger enligt miljöcertifieringssystemet LEED förhåller sig till kraven för att uppnå nivåerna för att klassificeras och hur uppdaterade kravnivåer riskerar att undergräva projektutvecklarnas incitament för att bygga hållbart. / <p>QC 20141218</p>
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An Assessment of Sustainable Development Work in Swedish MunicipalitiesPalmqvist, Theresa January 2015 (has links)
The research paper assesses the local sustainable development work in Sweden. A theoretical framework has been constructed and applied to six Swedish municipalities. The framework is based on a holistic view and incorporates the structural (integration in the municipality, use of a management system), inclusive (involvement of the citizens), analytical (use of sustainable development indicator) and systematic (framework for sustainable development, sustainability policies) perspective of sustainable development work. In particular, the use and implementation of sustainable development indicators was in the research focus. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to examine the sustainable development work on the local level. The assessment showed that sustainable development work is to a different extent integrated in the municipality. Some municipalities have dedicated teams working with sustainable development, in other municipalities lies the responsibility on the department chefs. Overall, the municipalities try with the resources they have to work at their best for a sustainable future for their municipality. However, there is room for improvement in terms of structural implementation, use of effective tools and involvement of the citizens.
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Darnumo aspektai turizmo plėtroje / Sustainable aspect in the development of tourismDyglienė, Raimonda 20 June 2014 (has links)
SANTRAUKA RAKTINIAI ŽODŽIAI: [darnumas, darni plėtra, darnus turizmas, ekoturizmas, kaimo turizmas] Skatinant darnumo idėjas Lietuvos visuomenėje labai svarbu vystyti tokias ekologiškojo turizmo šakas, kaip ekoturizmą ir kaimo turizmą, kurios Lietuvoje dar mažai šiuo metu plėtojamos, tačiau turi didelį potencialą. Tyrimo objektas – darnumas kaimo turizme ir ekoturizme. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti turizmo plėtros galimybes darnaus vystymo kontekste. Magistro darbą sudaro trys pagrindinės dalys. Pirmoje dalyje atskleidžiama darnaus vystymosi teorijos esmė, samprata ir pagrindiniai aspektai, įvertinamas darnaus turizmo daromas poveikis aplinkai, ekonomikai, kultūrai, bei išskiriami kaimo turizmo ir ekoturizmo pagrindiniai bruožai. Antroje dalyje pateikiama kaimo turizmo ir ekoturizmo raida pasauliniu bei Lietuvos mastu. Siekiama paneigti ar patvirtinti vieną iš iškeltų hipotezių. Trečiojoje dalyje pateikiami ir įvertinami tyrimų rezultatai bei pateikiamos išvados. Siekiama paneigti ar patvirtinti vieną iš iškeltų hipotezių. Hipotezę:„Kaimo turizmas Lietuvoje sparčiai auga, o tuo metu kitoje darnaus turizmo šakoje, ekoturizme jaučiamas nuosmukis“, reiktų laikyti dalinai teisinga. Augant kaimo turizmo šakai Lietuvoje, ekoturizmo šakos populiarumas auga taip pat. Hipotezę: „Lietuvoje kaimo turizmo sodybų savininkai vis labiau prisitako prie turistų poreikių, tuo pačiu perimdami turistų srautus iš ekoturizmo“. Ekoturizmas nusileidžia kaimo turizmui pagal turizmo paslaugos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / DYGLIENĖ, Raimonda. (2007) Sustainable Aspect in the Development of Tourism. MBA Graduation Paper. Kaunas: Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Vilnius University. 95 p. SUMMARY KEYWORDS: [sustainable, sustainable development, sustainable tourism, ecotourism, rural tourism] When promoting ideas of sustainability in Lithuanian society it is very important to develop branches of the ecological tourism such as ecotourism and rural tourism that currently are less developed in Lithuania however posses a great potential. The object of research is sustainable in rural tourism and ecotourism. Purpose of the research was to analyze possibilities for tourism development in the context of sustainable development. This scholarly paper for master’s degree consists of three major parts. The first part reveals the essence, concept and the main aspects of sustainable development theory, assesses impacts of sustainable development on the environment, economy, culture, and distinguishes the key features of rural tourism and ecotourism. The second part presents evolution of rural tourism and ecotourism on the global and Lithuanian scale with the aim to deny or confirm one of the stated hypotheses. In the third part findings of the research are presented and assessed and conclusions are made with the aim to deny or confirm one of the stated hypotheses. Hypothesis that “Rural tourism is rapidly growing in Lithuania while in the other branch of sustainable tourism decline is experienced” should be... [to full text]
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Awareness of sustainable development at CUTUwah, Z., Motsoeneng, M. January 2013 (has links)
Published Article / The study presents the results from a project that was aimed at determining the level of awareness and understanding of sustainable development at Central University of Technology, Free State (CUT) among staff and students at the time of the commencement of the institutional Sustainable Development Project. The objectives of the study was twofold, firstly to assess the level of students' knowledge and understanding of sustainable development; and secondly to find out whether staff and students are interested in sustainable development and if they find it relevant to the university's mission. In achieving the objectives of the survey a pilot study was undertaken to test the understanding and awareness of sustainable development at CUT.
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Models for implementing sustainable development into the universityHolzbaur, U., Jordaan, G., Wenzel, T. January 2013 (has links)
Published Article / Any effort to build up an educational framework needs an adequate structure and a formal basis. This is especially true whenever complex multifaceted issues like Sustainable Development, ethics, or project management have to be integrated in the existing setting of a university and its educational system.
In this paper, we present models for integrating Sustainable Development and Education for Sustainable Development into the university agenda. Based on the experience of the authors gained in Germany and South Africa we derive various representations for the sustainability activities and models for implementing Sustainable Development that can be used for planning, implementation and communication purposes.
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We are all victims of a crime we did not commit : Sustainable Development of Indigenous Agriculture - A Study in Western SamoaLudvigsson, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
Western Samoa is one of the most vulnerable countries from climate changes due to its geographic location, and as agriculture is a main industry on the island, this sector is vulnerable to different risks such as tropical cyclones, heavy rainfall or droughts. Samoa could in theory be self-sufficient, but imports large quantities of processed foods which is affecting the health of the population in a negative way. The purpose of the thesis is to create an understanding of how the development of indigenous agriculture in Samoa can lead to increasing efficiency and sustainability and a decrease of the need for development aid and economical support from family members abroad. The thesis uses a deductive approach and data collection is performed by using semistructured interviews as well as observations. Secondary data has been gathered from databases, previous research and modern media. Through the study it has been explored that the resilience towards climate shocks has to improve in order to maintain a long-term sustainable development. Increased resilience is achieved by reducing the amount of vulnerabilities. Western Samoa is on a good path of keeping their way of being organic and sustainable regarding the agriculture sector. The upcoming years with prognosis of increased tourism will be a healthy addition to the economic growth of Samoa. Looking towards remittances, it becomes clear that current high rate of remittances is a problem in Samoa, as some families could rely on nothing but remittances and skip farming their land.
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The client satisfaction of green building procurement systemsRose, Matthew Ronald January 2016 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to The Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment University of Witwatersrand in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Building / The world population continues to grow resulting in continuous demand for development. The building and construction industry is the avenue by which a vast majority of human settlements are developed. With this in mind, it is an industry that can have a far reaching effect on human and ecological well-being across the globe and South Africa is no exception.
This study posits the problem that the correct building procurement systems to enhance client satisfaction in Green Building practices are not being applied in South Africa and as a consequence the application and integration of Green Building is being curbed. The overall aim of the study was therefore to determine how to improve client satisfaction through the correct use of building procurement systems in order to increase Green Building implementation across South Africa. The relationship between building procurement systems, client satisfaction and Green Building implementation remained the focal point throughout the study. This relationship was broken down within the literature as well as through the analysis of a questionnaire submitted to South African Green Building professionals, including clients. This examination determined that the client is the key to whether a project is developed and how it is procured. Moreover, it established that the choice of procurement strategy is the defining factor in the successful outcome of a project and ultimately the outcome of client satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
The results indicated a significant correlation of the views in practice with that in theory whereby it was determined that the most appropriate procurement systems for Green Building are collaborative systems , including Design and Manage as well as Design and Build. On the contrary the findings illustrated that the Traditional System is the least appropriate for Green Building as it is a segregated building procurement system. Furthermore, the respondents confirmed the hypothesis that incorrect building procurement systems are being applied on Green Building projects in South Africa as the Traditional System was found to be the most utilised system for Green Building across South Africa even though it is the least appropriate system. This is a noteworthy finding, as environmental progress will continually be curbed on account of low levels of client satisfaction from inadequate building procurement systems. This research gives clear solutions on which building procurement systems to use and which not to use for Green Building. By applying this knowledge client satisfaction will be enhanced and so too the Green Building environment of South Africa.
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The role of urban forests in sustainable tourism development a case study of Savannah, GA /Casinelli, Stacy L. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--West Virginia University, 2009. / Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains vii, 67 p. : ill. (some col.). Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 60-67).
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