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Towards sustainable renovation : three research projectsBotta, Marina January 2005 (has links)
The focus of this dissertation is on existing housing areas: in industrialised western countries, in 2005, the number of existing buildings that are taken care of, maintained, repaired, renovated or restructured for other functions is higher than the number of buildings that are (new) built. This is a review dissertation, based on empirical material and further reflections from previous research projects dealing with Swedish housing renovation: private-owned old single-family housing areas and large housing areas from the 1950s, 60s and 70s, mainly owned by housing companies. The concepts of careful renovation, environmentally-friendly renovation and sustainable renovation are analysed as different approaches to housing renovation. The aim is to present an interpretation of sustainable renovation that includes the goals both of careful renovation and of environmentally-friendly renovation as necessary components of sustainable development. This dissertation identifies and analyses the main issues that may be faced during renovation and that have a relevant impact on the environment, the architecture or the inhabitants, and describes the renovation actions that have been used in the studied projects. It concludes with reflections about positive results, incongruities and challenges that may be found in projects of sustainable renovation. / QC 20100928
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Building Sustainability : Studies on incentives in construction and management of real estateHögberg, Lovisa January 2014 (has links)
This thesis summarizes the results from several studies with connection to sustainability in construction and management of real estate. Here, the concept sustainability includes environmental, social and economic dimensions and focus is on the actors with the best possibilities to impact real estate, namely the real estate owners and the developers. The thesis consists of six papers. Real estate owners’ perception of and incentives and strategies for sustainability was studied in four ways: incentives for energy efficiency and other sustainability issues in connection to renovation (papers I and II), factors that characterize firms with an ambitious approach to energy efficiency (paper V) and economic incentives for energy efficiency (paper VI). Developers’ behavior and impact on sustainability was studied in two ways: how developers’ planning and construction methods may influence energy consumption for future residents (paper III) and how developers relate to requirements for building environmental certification levels (paper IV). The first paper aims to clarify how housing firms see and treat energy efficiency matters in connection to renovation of multi-family buildings constructed during the 1960’s and 70’s. Interviews with housing firms resulted in four ideal housing firm types illustrating that housing firms have more or less incentives to improve energy efficiency. The second paper aimed to study a model for renovation of buildings in a residential area in peripheral Stockholm and to assess how it considers environmental, social and economic sustainability as well as technical concerns. Paper V builds on the results in paper I and aims to identify factors, on a firm level as well as in the surroundings of the firm, that characterize housing firms who own multi-family buildings from the 1960’s and 70’s and who have an ambitious approach to energy efficiency. Paper VI uses information from energy performance certificates to study whether better energy performance increases the selling price of single-family homes, which would increase owners’ incentives to improve energy efficiency. Paper III takes its starting point in an indicated shift in developers’ planning and construction practices for laundry facilities in owner-occupied multi-family buildings. The paper aims to clarify whether a shift has actually occurred from communal laundry rooms to in-unit laundry appliances and to illuminate the impact this could have on residents’ energy consumption for laundry. Paper IV reports the study of how developers who have adopted the environmental certification system LEED relate to the requirements for specific certification levels and how updated requirements risk undermining developers’ incentives for sustainable construction. / Den här avhandlingen sammanfattar arbetet från flera studier med koppling till hållbarhet inom bygg och förvaltning av fastigheter. Begreppet hållbarhet omfattar här tre dimensioner: miljömässig, social och ekonomisk hållbarhet, och fokus ligger på de aktörer som har mest möjlighet att påverka fastigheterna, nämligen fastighetsägare och projektutvecklare. I avhandlingen ingår sex uppsatser. Fastighetsägares uppfattning av och incitament och strategier för hållbarhet undersöktes på fyra olika sätt: incitament för energieffektivisering och andra hållbarhetsfrågor i samband med renovering (uppsats I och II), faktorer som karaktäriserar företag med ett ambitiöst förhållningssätt i energieffektiviseringsfrågor (uppsats V) samt ekonomiska incitament för energieffektivisering (uppsats VI). Projektutvecklares beteende och påverkan på hållbarhet undersöktes på två sätt: hur projektutvecklares planering och byggmetoder kan påverka energianvändningen för framtida boende (uppsats III) och hur projektutvecklare förhåller sig till kravnivåer i miljöcertifiering av byggnader (uppsats IV). Den första uppsatsen syftar till att belysa hur bostadsföretag ser på och behandlar energieffektiviseringsfrågor i samband med renovering av flerbostadshus byggda under miljonprogrammet. Baserat på intervjuer med bostadsföretag resulterade den explorativa studien i konstruktionen av fyra idealtyper av bostadsföretag med mer eller mindre incitament för att energieffektivisera. Den andra uppsatsen syftade till att undersöka en modell för renovering av miljonprogramshus i ett bostadsområde i Stockholms ytterområden och bedöma hur den tar hänsyn till miljömässig, social och ekonomisk hållbarhet tillsammans med tekniska överväganden. Uppsats V bygger på resultaten i uppsats I och syftar till att urskilja faktorer, såväl på företagsnivå som i företagets omgivning, som karaktäriserar bostadsföretag som äger flerbostadshus från miljonprogramsåren och som har en ambitiös hållning i energieffektiviseringsfrågor. Uppsats VI använder information från energideklarationer för att undersöka om bättre energiprestanda ökar försäljningspriset på småhus, något som skulle öka ägarens incitament för energieffektivisering. Uppsats III utgår från en indikerad förändring i projektutvecklares planering och byggmetoder av tvättinrättningar i flerbostadshus med bostadsrätt. Uppsatsen syftar till att klarlägga om en förändring har skett från gemensam tvättstuga till tvättmöjligheter i den egna bostaden och belysa vilken effekt det skulle kunna ha på de boendes energianvändning för tvätt. I uppsats IV klarläggs hur projektutvecklare som bygger enligt miljöcertifieringssystemet LEED förhåller sig till kraven för att uppnå nivåerna för att klassificeras och hur uppdaterade kravnivåer riskerar att undergräva projektutvecklarnas incitament för att bygga hållbart. / <p>QC 20141218</p>
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Incentives for energy efficiency measures in post-war multi-family dwellingsHögberg, Lovisa January 2011 (has links)
Energy efficiency is an important question to society as well as to individuals and firms. Improving energy efficiency in the building sector is considered an important means to climate mitigation. For real estate owners energy is also a central expenditure item and reducing energy consumption may directly reduce operation costs while at the same time serve as insurance against future energy price increases. Since new buildings only add a few percent annually to the building stock, the potential to reduce total energy consumption primarily lies within the existing building stock. The building stock is ageing and the post-war part of the stock that is in need of renovation is growing. This has been suggested as a window of opportunity to improve energy efficiency, but so far the results have been few. Several factors have been put forward to explain the so called energy efficiency gap – the difference between actual and optimal energy efficiency – one of which is split incentives. What adds to complexity in this case is that distinct differences have been observed in the level of ambition between the real estate companies that have renovated so far. Some companies have undertaken extensive renovation and energy efficiency measures, whereas other companies have done little more than urgent maintenance measures. It seems that real estate owners in general don´t have strong economic incentives to improve energy efficiency in connection to renovation – but what can then explain the differences between strategies? This licentiate thesis examines the incentives among real estate owners to improve energy efficiency, particularly in post-war, multi-family buildings in need of renovation. The purpose is to add knowledge about decisions concerning measures that improve energy efficiency - in terms of incentives, barriers and different motives for real estate owners’ strategies and actions. Results show that real estate owners lack strong economic incentives to invest in energy efficiency in multi-family buildings and the level of investment is dependent on the different motivations, grouped in three levels of ambition, that real estate companies have. One important conclusion is that the heterogeneity between companies that was exposed in the interviews and survey implies that they will not respond similarly to policy stimuli. The heterogeneity should thus be considered when designing policy measures so that public and company resources can be allocated as efficiently as possible, as there are many challenges facing owners of post-war residential buildings. Another conclusion is that from an economic point of view it is important to take the interaction between different measures into account, e.g. between physical measures and measures focusing on changing household behavior. / QC 20110630
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Sustainable Renovation and Operation of Family Houses for Improved Climate Efficiency : A Case StudyRamírez Villegas, Ricardo January 2010 (has links)
In the developed world, the existing stock of houses will provide shelter to the majority of population in the upcoming years. Houses are physical objects that consume material and energy and need to be maintained, repaired and restructured from time to time. In order to fulfill the requirements of the Kyoto protocol and be comfortable for their inhabitants, the existing stock needs to be renovated. Strong disagreement between different parts of the scientific community and overlapping and contradictory concepts make the definition of sustainable renovation confusing. In this Thesis, therefore, an approach of renovation and operation for higher energy efficiency and lower climate impact has been the main focus. Based on a systems analysis approach, the aim of this work is to develop a manual to stimulate house owners to become role models in sustainable renovation and operation of family houses, the Thesis providing recommendations to reducing the energy consumption of their houses by evaluating cost and benefits of possible actions and choosing the most energy and cost effective approach of a series of alternatives. With the results of this analysis, a sustainable renovation and operation staircase is proposed. The work found that it is possible develop a staircase manual for sustainable renovation and operation of family houses that follows a logical step-by-step approach and could result in considerable life cycle reductions in both costs and climate impact. The work also suggests that it is possible for academic experts to develop material in a simpler form and language to reach the public in a more understandable form.
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Från Polishus till Bostäder : En Fallstudie / From Police House to Residence Building : A Case StudyWällersten, Alice January 2022 (has links)
Hållbart byggande är någonting som börjar bli mer aktuellt inom fastighets- och byggbranschen. Att ta tillvara på redan existerande byggnadsmaterial, ta tillvara på kulturvärden och anpassa sig efter det hus man har framför sig är någonting som börjar bli mer och mer självklart för alla parter. 2016 gick startskottet för projektet Brf NEO i Davidshall i Malmö där Riksbyggen utlovande att en hållbar byggprocess skulle genomföras på polishuset vid Davidshallstorget. Polishuset som hade 80 år på nacken skulle gå från att vara just ett polishus till att bli nya bostäder. Det är just den byggprocessen denna uppsats valt att fokusera på. Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka byggprocessen av det gamla polishuset vid Davidshallstorget i Malmö ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv. Fokus har legat på byggprocessen samt återvinning och återbruk av byggnadsmaterial och byggtekniker. Om byggnadsmaterial eller byggtekniker inte bevarats syftar uppsatsen till att belysa varför de inte bevarats. Uppsatsen är en fallstudie där projektet Brf NEO i regi av företaget Riksbyggen har studerats. Metoden som valts för att genomföra arbetet har varit en kvalitativ metod med tre semistrukturerade intervjuer med nyckelpersoner som varit delaktiga i projektet samt insamling av material från företagens egna hemsidor för att få en helhetsbild. Informationen i uppsatsen grundar sig i de semistrukturerade intervjuerna som genomförts med tre respondenter. Sekundär information har inhämtats från företagens egna hemsidor men även andra källor såsom Boverket och annan relevant litteratur. Resultatet av denna uppsats visar på en väl genomförd byggprocess med ett genomgående hållbarhetstänk. Uppsatsen pekar ut vad som gör byggprocessen hållbar och djupdyker i bevarandet av byggnadsmaterial och byggtekniker. / Building sustainably is something that is becoming increasingly more common within the real estate and construction industry. To take advantage of already existing materials, cultural values and adapt to the building in front of you is becoming increasingly obvious for all parties. In 2016 the company Riksbyggen launched their new project - Brf NEO. Brf NEO is located in Malmo, Sweden. Riksbyggen promised to conduct a sustainable renovation process on the old police station building standing in Davidshallstorget. The old police station building has served as a police station for 80 years but would now be transformed into a residence building. The renovation process of the old police station is what this essay will focus on. This essay aims to examine the building process of the old police house located at Davidshallstorg in Malmö from a sustainable point of view. The focal point is the building process and the recycling and reuse of building materials and construction techniques. This essay is a case study focusing on the project Brf NEO conducted by Riksbyggen. The method chosen for this essay is a qualitative method with three semi-structured interviews with key-parties. The information in this essay is based upon these three interviews together with secondary information from the companies’ websites, websites such as Boverket and other relevant literature. The result of this essay shows a well-performed building process with sustainability constantly at the centre. The essay pinpoints what makes this building process sustainable and thoroughly examines the preservation of building materials and construction techniques.
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Hållbar renovering : Hur får vi privatpersoner att renovera mer hållbart?Hovmark, Emelie, Adin, Ludvig January 2021 (has links)
Klimatpåverkan och hållbar utveckling är aktuella ämnen för dagens samhälle. Människan utnyttjar mer resurser än vad jorden har att tillgå och agerar på ett vis som kommer leda till en klimatomställning om inte en förändring sker inom en snar framtid. Byggsektorn är en av de branscher som har en större påverkan på jordens klimat och därmed en av de branscher som måste förändra sitt arbetssätt för att bidra till en förändring. I denna studie har privatpersoners tankar och agerande undersökts för att ta reda på hur medvetna svenska konsumenter är om sin miljöpåverkan vid en renovering. Detta för att ta reda på hur man kan få privatpersoners agerande, vid en renovering, att bidra till byggsektorns arbete mot FN:s globala miljömål och en hållbar utveckling. Studien har genomförts i form av en enkätundersökning. Av resultatet från 300 respondenter kunde det konstateras att det finns ett intresse för hållbarhet och att använda miljövänliga produkter. En avgörande faktor i deltagarnas val av material och produkter är priset då en övervägande del ansåg att de hållbara alternativen är för dyra. Okunskap kring vad som är ett hållbart alternativ och inte gör att konsumenterna väljer efter rekommendationer från butikspersonal eller priset. Genom att analysera sambanden mellan de olika frågorna i enkäten kunde det konstateras att hållbara- och miljövänliga produkter behöver hamna i samma prisklass som de mindre hållbara- och miljövänliga produkterna för att fler konsumenter ska välja dessa. Det kunde även konstateras att en tydligare hållbar marknadsföring av produkterna skulle öka chanserna för att privatpersoner ska renovera mer hållbart. / Climate impact and sustainable development are trending topics for today's society. Mankind is using more recourses than Earth has to offer and are acting in a way that will lead to a climate change if nothing changes in the near future. The construction sector is one of the industries with a larger impact om the climate and therefore one of the sectors that needs to change its way of doing to contribute to a change. In this study, thoughts and actions of private individuals have been investigated to find out how aware Swedish consumer are of their climate impact while renovating. Moreover, find out how to make the individual actions, while renovating, to contribute to the construction sector’s work towards U. N’s global environmental goals and a sustainable development. The study has been carried out by conducting a survey. With the results from 300 respondents, it could be established that there is an interest in sustainability and the use of environmentally friendly products. One key factor in the choice of materials and products is the price and a predominant part considered the sustainability options to be too expensive. The lack of knowledge of what is a sustainably option and what is not, tends to make the individuals to make choices based on recommendations from staff or the price. By analyzing the correlations between the different questions from the survey, it could be established that the sustainability- and environmentally friendly products needs to be in the same price range as the less sustainability- and environmentally friendly products for more consumers to choose these products. It could also be established that a more distinct sustainable marketing could increase the chances of a more sustainably renovation amongst private individuals. / <p>Betyg 2021-06-04</p>
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Hyresgästens möjlighet till boende vid en omfattande renovering : En kvalitativ studie om hur bostadsbolags sociala ansvar påverkar hyresgästens möjlighet till boende / The tenant's opportunity for accommodation in the event of an extensive renovationGustafsson, Jonathan, Luu, Kim January 2022 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: Hyresgästens möjlighet till boende vid en omfattande renovering.Ämne: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi – inriktning: hur bostadsbolags värderar hyresgästers möjlighet till boende efter en omfattande renovering, 15 HP.Problembeskrivning: I samband med omfattande renovering av en bostadsfastighet tenderar nivån på hyresgästutflytt öka. Nivån är som högst i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden, vilket härleds till att de är mer exponerade mot en hyreshöjning. Alla omfattande renoveringar leder inte till någon större hyreshöjning men bostadsbolag har stora möjligheter att öka hyran markant. En kraftig hyreshöjning är ekonomiskt fördelaktigt för fastighetsägaren men de som tvingas flytta på grund av oförmågan att betala hyran hamnar i kläm.Forskningsfråga: Hur arbetar bostadsbolag för hyresgästens möjlighet till bostad vid en omfattande renovering?Syfte: Studien syftar till att analysera hur bostadsbolag tar socialt ansvar och värderar hyresgästens möjlighet till boende i samband med en omfattande renovering och medförande hyreshöjning. Genom att analysera genomförda renoveringar vill vi kartlägga hur bostadsbolag tar socialt ansvar för hyresgästens boendemöjligheter vid en renovering. Studien ska bidra till en förståelse för hur bostadsbolag balanserar det sociala ansvarstagandet med sitt affärsmässiga intresse.Metod: Studien har genomförts med en abduktiv forskningsansats. Vetenskapliga artiklar på det valda forskningsområdet har lagt grunden för den forskningslucka som undersökts. Det är utifrån denna forskningslucka som problemformuleringen och forskningsfrågan skapats. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex respondenter på sex olika bostadsbolag. Studien är utformad som en retrospektiv fallstudie där de valda bostadsbolagen äger miljonprogramsfastigheter som i relativ närtid genomgått omfattande renovering.Slutsats: De undersökta bostadsbolagen strävar åt att arbeta socialt och försöker upprätthålla en bild av företaget som socialt ansvarstagande. Studien påvisar att socialt ansvarstagande åtgärder som genomförs ibland har en ekonomisk agenda bakom. Trots det tyder studien på att bostadsbolagen generellt värnar om hyresgästens möjlighet till bostad genom att:- Endast utföra de renoveringar som anses nödvändiga och avstå från de standardhöjande åtgärder som inte efterfrågas.- Låta hyresgästen välja bland olika renoveringspaket, vilket ger dem möjlighet att påverka omfattningen på renoveringen i den utsträckning som de kan betala hyran.- Erbjuda ett alternativt boende som hyresgästen kan välja att flytta permanent till vid större renoveringar som ska göras i lägenheten. / Abstract Title: The tenant's opportunity for accommodation in the event of an extensive renovation.Subject: Bachelor's thesis in business administration – specialization: how housing companies value tenants' opportunity for housing after an extensive renovation, 15 HP.Problem statement: Associated with extensive renovation of a residential property, the level of tenant relocation tends to increase. The level of relocation is highest in socio-economically vulnerable areas, which is due to the fact that they are more exposed to a rent increase. Not all extensive renovations lead to a major rent increase, but housing companies have great opportunities to increase the rent significantly. A sharp rent increase is economically advantageous for the property owner, but those who are forced to move due to the inability to pay the rent are the ones ends up suffering.Question at issue: How do housing companies work for the tenant's opportunity for housing in the event of an extensive renovation?Purpose: The study aims to analyze how housing companies take social responsibility and evaluate the tenant's opportunity for housing in connection with an extensive renovation and the rent increase it result in. By analyzing implemented renovations, we want to map how housing companies take social responsibility for the tenant's housing opportunities during a renovation. The study will contribute to an understanding of how housing companies balance social responsibility with their business interest.Method: The study was conducted with an abductive research approach. Peer reviewed articles in the chosen research area have established the research gap that has been investigated. It is on the basis of this research gap that the problem formulation and research question has been created. The empirical material has been collected through a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews with six respondents at six different housing companies. The study is designed as a retrospective case study in which the selected housing companies own million-program properties that have undergone extensive renovation in the relative proximity.Conclusion: The surveyed housing companies strive to perform socially sustainable and try to maintain an image of the company as socially responsible. The study shows that social responsibility actions that are implemented, sometimes have an economic agenda behind them. The study indicates that housing companies generally take responsibility for the tenant's ability for housing by:- Only execute necessary renovations and not implement standard-raising measures that aren’t demanded- Let the tenant choose from different renovation alternatives, which gives them the opportunity to affect the scope of the renovation to the extent that they can pay the rent.- Offer an alternative accommodation that the tenant can choose to move to permanently in the case of major renovations to be done in the apartment.
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An Approach Towards Sustainable BuildingGohardani, Navid January 2014 (has links)
The motivation for development of energy efficiency and implementation of novel advanced materials applied in buildings can be traced to increasing energy costs in conjunction with an enhanced environmental awareness among people. This doctoral dissertation presents contributions towards sustainable building, where factors such as building technology, energy efficiency in buildings, workers' health issues during construction measures, and certain economic considerations for renovation of buildings have been considered. The research study aims to provide a knowledge base for motivating building owners to renovate buildings based on energy efficiency and improved indoor environment. The initial phase of the research study identifies a detailed description of common drivers, expected in renovation projects by building owners. In the second phase, an information base is identified which may facilitate the bidding processes for decision makers by means of technological, social and economic aspects. The aforementioned information base can also contribute to attentive decisions regarding sustainable renovation and energy saving measures. A strategy was developed within the Renovation Workshop of Riksbyggen, in order to promote energy saving measures concurrent with major renovations in residential buildings. This operational decision support process was applied in a tenant owners' cooperative in Sweden. The objective of this process was to showcase and more importantly to implement energy saving measures, based on knowledge transfer between different parties involved in the renovation project. For the conducted case study, this process was shown to be of great importance when decisions regarding energy saving measures in conjunction with scheduled renovations are being planned. A unique case study was conducted on two of the most commonly used environmental certification programs for buildings in Sweden; Environmental Building (Miljöbyggnad) and GreenBuilding. Following a granted access to a limited database of submitted applications to Sweden Green Building Council, the most common mistakes in these were identified and categorized. This study contributed to further understanding about the level of ability among building consultants, comprehension of environmental certification, and enhancement of the ability to produce high-quality calculations concerning building-related energy usage. In addition, this insight can provide a basis for planning of continuing education of consultants within the field of building technology. For a church building, a study was conducted subsequent to an exchange of an existing electric coil heating system to a hydronic ground source heat pump system. Analyses of the energy demand and energy signature, prior to and after installation were carried out. The replacement of the original heating system with a ground source heat pump system for the church building constitutes a reduced energy consumption level of approximately 66%, at the average outside temperature of -2.30 °C. This study demonstrated that data from a detailed electric bill can be utilized in order to obtain the energy signature of the building and henceforth assess the energy savings. One aspect of the research, examined the decision making process related to sustainable renovation and refurbishment in buildings. The utilized methodology identified three distinct phases in order to instigate an engagement in sustainable renovation, by means of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. In particular, the attitudes of stakeholders in Sweden, Denmark and Cyprus to sustainable building were studied through three separate case studies. Within the framework of this study, it was identified that building physics and durability are among the most important drivers for energy renovation. The results provided an insight into the renovation process in the aforementioned countries and identified that drivers such as improvement of indoor air quality and elimination of moisture in the building envelope are also of crucial importance. Another aspect of the conducted research highlights workplace accidents occurring within the Swedish construction sector. The purpose of this study was to serve as a useful tool to track the working environments of construction workers in order to reduce health and safety issues within the construction sector. The findings of this research suggest that despite laws, regulations or additional factors that seek to ensure a safe and healthy environment for construction workers, the Swedish construction work force still faces challenges. Moreover, it is identified that construction workers participating in the study call for additional measures to ensure occupational health and safety. Improved knowledge of economic performance and technical results of renovations can contribute to a snowball effect, with more property owners recognizing the value of energy aspects and thus provide an increased level of energy savings. / <p>QC 20140127</p> / A Concept for promotion of sustainable retrofitting and renovation in Early Stages (ACES)
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