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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessing Water Management Impacts of Climate Change for a Semi-arid Watershed in the Southwestern US

Rajagopal, Seshadri January 2012 (has links)
Water managers for the City of Phoenix face the need to make informed policy decisions regarding long-term impacts of climate change on the Salt-Verde River basin. To provide a scientifically informed basis for this, we estimate the evolution of important components of the basin-scale water balance through the end of the 21st century. Bias-corrected and spatially downscaled climate projections from the Phase-3 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project of the World Climate Research Programme were used to drive a spatially distributed variable infiltration capacity model of the hydrologic processes in the Salt-Verde basin. From the many Global Climate Model's participating in the IPCC fourth assessment, we selected a five-model ensemble, including three that best reproduce the historical climatology for our study region, plus two others to represent wetter and drier than model average conditions; the latter two were requested by City of Phoenix water managers to more fully represent the full range of GCM prediction uncertainty. For each GCM, data for three emission scenarios (A1B, A2, B1) was used to drive the hydrologic model into the future. The model projections indicate a statistically significant 25% decrease in streamflow by the end of the 21st century. Contrary to previous assessments, this is not caused primarily by changes in the P/E ratio, but is found to result mainly from decreased winter precipitation accompanied by significant (temperature driven) reductions in storage of snow. The results show clearly the manner in which water management in central Arizona is likely to be impacted by changes in regional climate.

En efterbehandlingsåtgärds påverkan på hållbarhetsaspekter : - en fallstudie av en schaktsanering i ett nedlagt gruvområde

Åström, Magdalena January 2022 (has links)
The mining industry is an important part of the society’s green transition by providing the metals and minerals necessary for an increased electrification. One downside of the mining industry is that the mining operation typically contaminates the land to some degree. Excavation-and-refill is a traditional remediation approach for soil contaminations, a method that often could be very expensive and cause a large amount of greenhouse gas emissions. This study aims to compare different excavation strategies to find out how they affect the sustainability dimensions and the climate. This is done by using two measuring tools: SAMLA for contaminated sites and Carbon footprint of remediations and other groundworks. The results show that the largest greenhouse gas emissions occur when transporting the contaminated soils to the designated landfill. The different excavation approaches have a positive impact primarily on the ecological and social sustainability dimensions, including reducing the risks for the environment and people’s health. To make excavation-and-refill remediations more sustainable the main focus should be towards the largest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions, together with developing the knowledge regarding the climate impact of remediation methods and to improve the knowledge of alternative, more sustainable, remediation methods. Implementation of environmental regulations focusing on remediations could also be an important factor in the transition towards more sustainable remediation methods.

Synergier och målkonflikter i klimatarbetet inom anläggningsprojekt : En intervjustudie kring nya tunnelbanan / Synergies and trade-offs in climate mitigation strategies for infrastructure projects : An interview study on the new metro in Stockholm

Linnerborg, Frida January 2020 (has links)
Tunnelbana är ett transportsätt med mycket låg klimatpåverkan i driftsfasen. I konstruktionsfasen däremot orsakar tunnelbanan, precis som andra bygg- och anläggningsprojekt, stora växthusgasutsläpp. Utsläppen härstammar dels från produktionen av material som stål och betong men också från transporter och energianvändning. År 2013 beslutades att Stockholms tunnelbana ska byggas ut vilket beskrivs som ett sätt för Stockholm att bidra till det nationella målet om att Sverige ska vara klimatneutralt år 2045. Dock kvarstår det faktum att själva utbyggnaden står för en stor klimatpåverkan. Förvaltning för utbyggd tunnelbanan ansvarar för utbyggnaden och har beslutat om ett klimatmål som innebär att klimatbelastningen från utbyggnaden ska reduceras med 25% under projektets genomförande. För att nå målet har förvaltningen tagit fram ett arbetssätt för mätning och reduktion av klimatpåverkan som bygger på att åtgärder för att minska projektets klimatbelastning identifieras, kvantifieras och implementeras. Planeringsfasen av utbyggnaden börjar nu gå mot sitt slut och produktionsfasen är på- börjad. Inför det fortsatta arbetet och inför framtida projekt önskar man nu utvärdera det arbete som gjorts och dra lärdomar av det. Denna studie har haft som syfte att undersöka hur klimatmålet förhåller sig till andra målsättningar, att identifiera synergieffekter och målkonflikter samt att diskutera klimat- arbetets överförbarhet och möjliga lärdomar. För att uppfylla studiens syfte genomfördes en kvalitativ intervjustudie där projektörer från olika teknikområden intervjuades baserat på följande frågeställningar: Vilka drivkrafter ligger bakom de åtgärder som införts för att minska klimatpåverkan från projektet? Vilka hinder finns i arbetet med att identifiera och implementera åtgärder för att minska klimatpåverkan? Vilka lärdomar kan tas med från klimatarbetet och i vilken typ av projekt kan de användas? Resultatet visade att det finns många drivkrafter bakom de införda åtgärderna vilket leder till slutsatsen att flera synergieffekter kopplade till klimatarbetet förekommer. En tydlig synergi identifierades kopplat till drivkraften att sänka kostnaderna inom projektet. Klimatarbetet bedömdes också ha bidragit till en kunskapsspridning inom projektorganisationen. Ett flertal målkonflikter identifierades också mellan klimatmålet och andra mål och drivkrafter. Utöver detta urskildes också andra hinder, exempelvis att det finns en brist på kunskap om klimatpåverkan hos många projektörer och att många inte är vana vid arbetet med att minska den. Studien fann att många av de åtgärder som implementerats i nya tunnelbanan är överförbara till andra framtida projekt. Studien identifierade flera erfarenheter och lärdomar som kan användas för att förbättra klimatarbetet i framtida projekt. Bland annat rekommenderas att kunskapen om synergieffekter och målkonflikter används i utformningen av klimatarbete och klimatmål i framtida projekt. Studien rekommenderar också att det tas hänsyn till vilka åtgärder som inte medför några synergieffekter då dessa annars riskerar att förkastas i ett tidigt stadie. Att arbeta för att höja kunskapsnivån om utbyggnadens klimatpåverkan bedömdes ha haft en positiv effekt på klimatmålets uppfyllelse i arbetet med nya tunnelbanan och ytterligare satsningar på detta föreslås. / Metro as a way of transport has a very low climate impact during its operation phase. However, during the construction phase the metro, like other infrastructure projects, causes large greenhouse gas emissions. The emissions originate partly from the production of materials such as steel and concrete but also from transports and energy use. In 2013 it was decided that the Stockholm metro will be expanded as a way for the city to contribute to the national goal of Sweden becoming climate neutral in 2045. The fact remains however that the expansion itself will result in considerable emissions. The Extended Metro Administration is responsible for the expansion and has decided on a climate goal implicating that the climate impact from the metro expansion shall be reduced by 25% during the realization of the project. To reach its goal the administration has developed a method for measuring and reducing the climate impact by identifying, quantifying and implementing measures to lower the emissions from the project. The planning phase of the project is now coming to an end and the production phase has started. The administration now wishes to evaluate the work that has been done and to learn from it when continuing the work and when planning new projects. This study aims to investigate the relations between the climate goal and other goals, to identify synergies and goal conflicts and to discuss whether the climate impact mitigation strategy and the implemented measures can be transferred to future projects. To reach the aim a qualitative interview study was conducted where consultants from different fields within the organization where interviewed based on the following research questions: What are the driving forces behind the climate impact mitigation measures implemented in the project? What barriers exist in the climate impact mitigation process? What can be learned from the work with the climate impact mitigation process and in what type of projects can the learnings be used? The result showed that several driving forces can lead to the implementation of climate impact mitigation measures which brings about the conclusion that there are several synergy effects connected to the climate impact mitigation process. One distinct synergy was identified with the goal of lowering the costs within the project. Several goal conflicts were also identified between the climate goal and other goals and drivers. In addition, other barriers were also discovered such as a lack of knowledge about climate impact among the planners and designers and a lack of experience in how to work with these issues. The study also found that a large share of the mitigation measures that have been implemented in the expansion of the Stockholm metro can be used also in other projects. The study identified a number of learnings and experiences that can be used to improve the climate impact mitigation strategies in future project. Among other things, the study recommends that the knowledge about synergies and goal conflicts is used when creating mitigation strategies and in adopting climate goals. It is also recommended that attention is given to the mitigation measures that do not entail synergies to lower the risk of them being discarded at an early stage. To put effort into raising the level of knowledge about the climate impact caused by the project is assessed to have had a positive effect in reaching the climate goal and additional efforts to do this is suggested.

Klimatanalys av avloppsreningsverk : Analyser av två av Laholmsbuktens VA:s avloppsreningsverk med förslag på förbättringsåtgärder

Adriansson, Emma, Turesson, Linnéa January 2016 (has links)
The intensified greenhouse effect is the biggest cause for a negative climate change. Global warming is a result of enhanced greenhouse effect and poses a potential threat for humans and its surrounding environment that can result in disastrous consequences. The rise in temperature is driven by increased human activity whereas the leading cause for emissions of greenhouse gases is the combustion of fossil fuels. The prominent source of emissions is from the following sectors: transport, industrial and energy. The task of reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases is both globally and internationally prioritized. Progress has been made although every potential source for emissions has to be investigated in order to reduce the total climate impact. Based on scientific research, wastewater treatment plants are also a contributing factor to the greenhouse effect by emissions of gases. This bachelor’s thesis is investigating two wastewater treatment plants and identifying which processes contribute to the climate impact. The climate impact is calculated with an Excel-based analyzing tool and the results show the Carbon Footprints for the treatment plants. The purpose of this paper is to present result acquired from the treatment plants and identify the processes that have the biggest impact on our climate. Afterwards, solutions derived from the analysis of results will be suggested to improve and bring additional help to the treatment plants with their climate work. In conclusion, it is determined that the treatment plants both have net emissions of greenhouse gases. The biggest contributor is the wastewater treatment and the use of biogas. Results from analysis show that some of the assumptions on emissions made in the tool make the initial results doubtful. Therefore, further research is needed on this subject in order to produce more reliable facts.

Measures to control climate impact of aviation : How to reach a sustainable aviation industry

Balkmar, Liv, Vega Norell, Carola January 2006 (has links)
<p>Aviation industry has been developing throughout the last decades and is today an important part of the global economy. This constant growth makes it important to constrain the climate impacts derived from it. The IPCC report (1999), Aviation and the global atmosphere, lists four measures to reduce emissions and environmental impacts of aviation; Aircraft and engine technology options, fuel options, operational options and regulatory and economic options. The study aims to discuss the efficiency and implementation level of the measures. The theoretical frame for the research is based on literature studies whereas the empirical material is based on qualitative interviews of representatives of three key sectors; the authority, the service provider and the aircraft operator.</p><p>While analysing the theoretical and the empirical results, a certain emphasis on the regulatory and economical measures has been noticed. Moreover, following conclusions have been drawn;</p><p>(1) An emission trading with carbon dioxide would be an incentive to improve aircraft technology and flying procedures; (2) The best way of having international aviation included in the European emissions trading scheme (EU ETS) would be through an initial grandfathering distribution (costless distribution of permits according to historical emission and volume of fuel use) done according to a best-practise philosophy; (3) A robust instrument to measure emissions behaviour at different levels of the atmosphere is still missing. (4) The exclusion of the international aviation from the Kyoto Protocol negotiations makes it harder to include it in the existing EU ETS. Finally, all measures are needed and should be put into practise, but a trading with emissions would be the one to start the improving cycle leading to more sustainable results regarding time, environment and economy.</p>

Integrating Sustainability in the Food Supply Chain : Two Measures to Reduce the Food Wastage in a Swedish Retail Store

Nilsson, Herman January 2013 (has links)
Due to the growing world population, the environmental impact from the food supply chain is currently increasing in a global perspective, essentially because the global food consumption is increasing in general. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that about one third of the edible portions of the food produced globally is lost or wasted along the way from raw materials to the dinner plate. When food is produced, transported, stored, treated and processed in different ways it consumes a lot of resources and energy and causes large negative impact on the environment due to emissions of pollutants affecting waters, soil and air. When food is wasted somewhere in the food supply chain, it implies unnecessary emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants and also entails a pointless extraction and use of natural resources: each since the production is made in vain. Sustainable development has been generally accepted as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Quite simple, this means that humanity of today needs to conserve the remaining resources on Earth and sharply reduce the anthropogenic environmental impact. In order to attain a state where man can live in equilibrium with the natural world,humanity must pursue sustainability in every activity and every movement. According to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) a reduction of food loss within the food supply chain could facilitate society’s quest to develop in a sustainable manner. The retail store is one place where large numbers of food items are gathered at the same location and where a lot of food is discarded, many times completely in vain. It is thus a suitable place to take actions to reduce the foodloss in a quite effective way. In a Swedish retail store located in Uppsala, two product specific measures have been introduced; a new display table intended to reduce the loss bananas and a new price reduction routine intended to reduce the loss of grilled chicken. This thesis aims to investigate whether the measures put in place actually have resulted in reduced losses or not. The goal of the study was to examine how much unnecessary environmental impact (in terms of contribution to global warming) that hence has been avoided. The research questions are studied through a combination of data analyses, interviews and life-cycle assessments. SWOT analyses have also been conducted in order to evaluate the introduced measures in terms of contribution to sustainable development within the food sector. The results of the study concluded that the measure based on price reduction has reduced the losses of grilled chicken with approximately 200 kg per annum. This implies that an annual climate impact of around 430 kgCO2-equivalents has not been caused in vain, which should be the case if the 200 kg of chickens had instead been discarded. The study however shows that the measure is not particularly effective and could be improved in order to further reduce the daily losses. The data analysis show that the banana waste that arises during the exposure in the store has decreased with 1 200 kg per year, implying that around 1 400 CO2-equivalents has not been caused in vain. However, the study also shows that a rather complex system containing economic routines for handling food waste, most likely is wrongly used. Unfortunately, the routines may affect the registered waste outcome from the new display table due to a relocation of the waste from one waste category to another. The new display table’s effect on the total waste quantity is therefore difficult to evaluate. The conducted SWOT-analyses finally concluded that both introduced measures had strong environmental and economic benefits (and also favorable social benefits in the case of the display table), making them good and useful interdisciplinary solutions in terms of sustainability: thus contributing to a sustainable development within the food sector.

Analys och beräkning av emissionsfaktorer för växthusgaser / Analysis and calculations of emission factors for green house gases

Fredén, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
An increased awareness about the global warming has created a demand for more information on how the climate is affected by different activities.This master thesis was initiated by Tricorona, a Swedish company that offers its customers analysis and calculation of their climate impact. Tricorona also supplies climate neutralisation with CERs, in accordance with the Kyoto protocol and controlled by the UN. This work demands updated emission factors for greenhouse gases. An emission factor gives information about the greenhouse gasintensity of a service or a product [kg CO2-eq./ functional unit].The purpose of this thesis is to examine how electricity, district heating, hotels, taxis, food and materials affect the climate and how emission factors for these areas can be calculated.This was done by reviewing and comparing different studies and by interviewing experts. The information was evaluated and recommendations on calculations and emission factors were made.The consumption of energy is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions for district heating, electricity, hotels, taxis and materials. For food production the biogenic greenhousegas emissions are also important, such as the emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide from land use and the methane emissions from ruminants.For climate impact assessment of electricity, district heating, hotels and taxis it is recommended that the calculations should be based on an average consumption of energy. All types of energy carriers should be included in the calculations and the emission factors used should be based on Life Cycle Assessments. Climate impact assessments based on energy consumption is a simplification that underestimates the real greenhouse gas emissions. The recommended emission factors are associated with some uncertainties that originate from the quality of the data used, the assumptions made and the system boundaries that were chosen.Despite that, the recommended emission factors can be considered representative since they are based on the best available data. For food and materials it is recommended that emissionfactors from Life Cycle Inventories should be used.

Analys av skillnader och likheter i EU-länders långsiktiga klimatstrategier / Analysis of similarities and differences in long-term climate strategies of EU-countries

Hansson, Caroline January 2012 (has links)
De internationella klimatförhandlingarna handlar om att hitta lösningar för att stabilisera halten av växthusgaser i atmosfären och att uppnå tvågradersmålet. För att uppnå målet finns olika utsläppsmål att sträva mot. Ett är ett utsläppstak där varje land inte får släppa ut mer än 2 ton CO2-ekv/capita per år för att tvågradersmålet ska uppnås. Ett annat utsläppsmål är att minska de nationella utsläppen med en viss procentsats. EU:s del i minskningen ligger på 80-95 % till 2050. Som en del av arbetet mot målet presenterade EU i mars 2011 en färdplan för ett utsläppsnålt samhälle. Där presenteras åtgärder för fem olika sektorer samt hur stora utsläppsminskningarna beräknas kunna vara för varje sektor. Energisektorn är den sektor som beräknas minska mest och väntas nästintill nå en nollnivå. Även bostads- och servicesektorn väntas minska sina utsläpp kraftigt. Jordbrukssektorn är den sektor som beräknas minska minst. I färdplanen uppmanas varje medlemsland att ta fram en nationell färdplan till 2050. Det här examensarbetet syftar till att analysera ett antal av de nationella färdplanerna för att bl.a. ta reda på vilka förutsättningar och möjligheter som har en betydande påverkan. Resultatet visar att alla länderna antagit samma mål som EU, nämligen 80 %. Om alla länderna minskar med 80 % till 2050 är det bara Slovenien som når gränsen på 2 ton CO2-ekv/capita. Alla andra länder ligger över gränsen. Vägen till minskade utsläpp är framförallt utsläppsnåla energitekniker, energieffektiviseringar och en ökad användning av el eftersom den har potential att bli emissionsfri. Vindkraft är den teknik som många av de studerade länderna väljer att satsa på, främst till havs då utrymmet på land är begränsat. Kärnkraft är en energikälla som det råder delade meningar om. En del länder anser att det är en bra koldioxidsnål energikälla som gynnar klimatet medan andra länder menar att den är för osäker både ekonomiskt och säkerhetsmässigt. CCS (carbon capture and storage) tas upp av alla de studerade länderna som en möjlig åtgärd för att minska utsläppen. För att minska användningen av fossila bränslen i transportsektorn är det framförallt biodrivmedel och el som ska användas. Slutsatser som kan dras av arbetet är att CCS med de rätta förutsättningarna kommer att finnas i större skala 2050 än idag. Elbilar kommer att spela en stor roll i transportsektorn. Kärnkraft och förnybara alternativ är tekniker som kommer att spela en stor roll i energisystemet 2050. För att nå tvågradersmålet krävs internationella överenskommelser som också minskar risken för koldioxidläckage. / The international climate negotiations are to find solutions to stabilize concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and to achieve the two degree target. To achieve this goal there are various emission targets to aim for. One is a ceiling in which each country must not emit more than two tons CO2-ekv/capita per year for two degree target to be achieved. Another emission target is to reduce national emissions by a certain percentage. EU's part in the reduction is 80-95 % by 2050. As a step towards the target in March 2011 the European Union launched a roadmap to a low carbon economy. It sets out measures for five different sectors and the size of the emission reductions estimated for each sector. The energy sector is the sector that is expected to decrease most, and is expected to almost reach a zero level. Also housing and service is expected to reduce their emissions significantly. The agricultural sector is the sector that is expected to decrease the least. The roadmap urges each member country to develop a national roadmap for 2050. This examination work aims to analyze a number of national roadmaps to find out what resources and opportunities that have a significant impact on the roadmap. The results show that all the countries have adopted the same target as the EU, namely 80%. If all countries reduce by 80% by 2050, only Slovenia will reach the limit of two tons CO2-ekv/capita, all other countries are above the limit. The ways to reduce emissions are primarily low-carbon energy technologies, energy efficiency and increased use of electricity because it has the potential to be emission-free. Wind power is the technology that many of the countries are choosing to invest in, mainly at sea when the space on land is limited. Nuclear power is an energy source where the opinion is split in two. Some countries consider it a good low-carbon energy source and favorable climate, while others argue that it is uncertain in both economy and safety. CCS (carbon capture and storage) is taken up by all the countries studied as a possible measure to reduce emissions. To reduce use of fossil fuels in the transport sector, it is primarily biofuels and electricity to be used. Conclusions to be drawn from this work are that CCS with the right conditions will be on a larger scale in 2050 than today. Electric cars play a big role in the transport sector. Nuclear power and renewable alternatives are techniques that will play a major role in the energy 2050. To reach the two-degree target requires international agreements that also reduce the risk of carbon leakage.

Livscykelanalys av marksaneringsåtgärder : Åtgärdsvalstudie för Norrbyskär - vilket alternativ innebär minst klimatbelastning?

Flodman, Marcus January 2015 (has links)
Life cycle assessment of soil remediation options:Study of options at Norrbyskär - which alternative has the least climate impact?  The purpose of this report was to make a life cycle assessment (LCA) to compare four suggested options for soil remediation at Norrbyskär, Umeå. The question formulation was to find out which option that had the least climate impact depending on the aim of the remediation. Main focus of the study was emissions of CO2 from transportation and machine work for each remediation option. The LCA was a screening and presented a good overview for the results. What sets the four remediation options apart is the amount of soil that is processed for each option. The LCA was performed according to the standards ISO 14040:2006 and ISO 14044:2006. Calculations in the report was performed with the LCA-software SimaPro and general data from EcoInvent. The results showed that the total emissions from each soil remediation option varied between 310 and 590 tonnes carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e). The option that only included covering of the contaminated area with new soil had the least emissions and the option that included excavation and filling with new soil had the highest emissions. Both options do not fulfill the same goals in the end, though. One conclusion is that the more extensive remediation is the greater is the climate impact.

Kvalitets- och kostnadsanalys för användningen av miljöcertifieringssystemet Miljöbyggnad samt en förstudie av livscykelanalyser för byggprocessen

Sandstedt, Catrine January 2015 (has links)
The application of environmental assessment methods for buildings has increased significantly over the last few years. Approximately five years ago Riksbyggen decided to apply Miljöbyggnad Silver to the new construction of all their apartment buildings. Internally within the organisation, however, criticism that the system causes large design and construction costs has been lifted. The aim of this study was to investigate the magnitude of the design and construction expenses related to Miljöbyggnad and to find what improvements could be implemented to reduce costs and enforce the efficiency of the process. The second part of the study included a feasibility study regarding implementing Life Cycle Assessment, LCA, in the construction process. The purpose of including LCA would be to construct buildings with a reduced climate impact. There are convincing indications that LCA will become an increasingly important tool in the construction industry in the future.   The project leaders working with Miljöbyggnad at Riksbyggen completed a questionnaire considering the expenses Miljöbyggnad Silver causes beyond Boverket’s Building Regulations,as well as determining the attitude regarding a possible implementation of Life Cycle Assessment. The results were subsequently discussed more qualitatively during follow-up meetings and additionally with other professionals in the industry.   The project leaders' perception of the prevailing expenses associated with Miljöbyggnad Silver beyond the Boverket’s Building Regulations varied greatly, which was consistent with previous international studies. The total cost of the use of Miljöbyggnad was stated in the large range of 400.000 to 3.800.000 SEK, but when the most divergent estimates were excluded, a more limited range of 400.000 to 650.000 SEK was given. The project leaders estimated that the certification increased the project's total cost to an extent of 0.13 to 8%, but when excluding the most divergent estimates the interval was reduced to 0.13 to 2%. The project managers’ merged results emphasized that the most cost-bearing indicators were, with the most costly first, solar heat load, daylight, thermal climate summer, absence of hazardous substances and documentation of materials.   The project leaders’ knowledge regarding LCA was limited. The main reason for their reluctance to implementation seemed to be the additional work and expense it could entail. In principle, all project leaders were of the opinion that LCA should be integrated in an early project stage prior to the procurement of a contractor. / Tillämpningen av miljöcertifieringar för byggnader har de senaste åren ökat kraftigt i omfattning. Riksbyggen tillämpar sedan några år tillbaka Miljöbyggnad ambitionsnivå Silver för all nyproduktion av flerbostadshus. Internt inom organisationen har dock kritik framhållits avseende att systemet föranleder stora ökningar av investeringskostnaderna. Eftersom få studier beträffande eventuella merkostnader av miljöcertifieringssystem genomförts har det för Riksbyggen varit svårt att svara på kritiken. Syftet med studien var följaktligen att utreda investeringskostnadernas omfattning samt vilka förbättringsåtgärder som skulle kunna vidtas för att reducera kostnaderna och parallellt stärka certifieringens ändamålsenlighet. Den andra delen av studien inbegriper en förstudie avseende en eventuell implementation av livscykelanalys, LCA, för byggprocessen. Mycket tyder på att LCA kommer att användas allt mer inom byggindustrin framöver för att uppföra byggnader med en reducerad klimatpåverkan.   Riksbyggens projektledare besvarade en enkätundersökning avseende de kostnader Miljöbyggnad Silver tillfogar utöver Boverkets byggregler, BBR, samt en undersökning avseende deras inställning till en eventuell implementation av livscykelanalyser. Enkätundersökningen kompletterades med uppföljningsmöten under vilka enkätresultaten diskuterades mer kvalitativt samt genom möten med andra professionellt yrkesverksamma.   Projektledarnas perception av kostnaderna förenade med Miljöbyggnad Silver utöver BBR varierade kraftigt, vilket dock överensstämde med tidigare internationellt genomförda studier. Totalkostnaderna för certifieringen befann sig i ett intervall av 400–3800 tusen kronor, tkr, men då de mest avvikande uppskattningarna exkluderades begränsades kostnadsintervallet till 400–650 tkr. Projektledarna uppskattade att certifieringen innebar ett kostnadspåslag på projektets totalkostnad av 0,13 till 8 %, men då extremerna exkluderades begränsades intervallet till 0,13–2 %. Projektledarnas sammanslagna resultat indikerade att de mest kostnadsdrivande indikatorerna var, med den mest kostnadsdrivande först; solvärmelast, dagsljusfaktor, termiskt klimat sommar, utfasning av farliga ämnen samt dokumentation av byggvaror. Projektledarnas kunskapsbild avseende LCA var relativt begränsad och de främsta betänkligheterna beträffande en implementering tycks vara den eventuella arbetsbelastning det skulle kunna medföra samt de kostnader det skulle driva. Den viktigaste frågan beträffande en LCA-implementering är hur Riksbyggen på bästa sätt integrerar livscykelperspektivet i verksamheten. Majoriteten av projektledarna var av åsikten att LCA vid en implementering bör integreras i ett tidigt projektstadium framför vid upphandling av entreprenör.

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