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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

INFRASTRUKTURKULVERT-En jämförelse av ekonomisk lönsamhet mellan infrastrukturkulvert och traditionellt ledningssystem. / INFRACULVERT- A comparison of the economical feasibility between infraculverts and a traditional pipesystem

Al-kutubi, Aje, Yrlund, Josefin January 2020 (has links)
När stadsområdet Vallastaden i Linköping byggdes 2017 var ett krav att kunna utnyttja maximal markyta för bebyggelse. Det behövdes då ett alternativt sätt att anlägga VA-ledningar, då började utvecklingen av infrastrukturkulvertar. De utvecklade då ett helt system som ligger i en skyddad miljö och klarar av tätbebyggelse. Efter det har intresset hos flertalet kommuner väckts men det är fortfarande svårt att avgöra vilken metod som ger en större ekonomisk lönsamhet.Genom att utföra en teoretisk simulering i form av LCC-analys kan en slutsats dras utifrån den data som används. För att utföra den teoretiska simuleringen har litteraturstudier gjorts för att samla data som sedan använts i Excel.LCC-analysen har begränsats till kunskaperna utefter de förutsättningar som finns. Därav har beräkningarna fokuserat på schakt-, anläggning- och underhållskostnad.Resultaten visar att det finns en brytpunkt runt 40 år där en tydlig skillnad kan ses över de två systemens lönsamhet. Infrakulverten är teoretiskt billigare när simuleringen utförs med ett intervall på (+/-) 20 % av totalpriset. Studien visar även att infrastrukturkulverten har en mindre underhållskostnad vilket är en av de drivande kostnaderna när det kommer till simuleringen. Underhållskostnaden är en årlig återkommande kostnad vilket resulterar i att systemens kostnad ökar i olika takt utifrån deras underhåll.Slutsatsen är att infrastrukturkulverten är ekonomiskt lönsamt på sikt utifrån den undersökning som utförts i studien. Infrastrukturkulverten har även en lägre underhållskostnad men kan eventuellt ha en liten högre anläggningskostnad beroende på projektets storlek. / When Vallastaden, a neighborhood in Linköping was to be constructed in 2017 they had a requirement to be able to make use of as much of the land as possible for construction. It was necessary to come up with an alternative way to construct the water and sewage system, so the development of infrastructure culverts started. They developed a complete system which lays in a protected environment and manages close contact to buildings. This sparked the interest of several municipalities, but it is still difficult to decide which method is the most feasible financially.By performing a theoretical simulation like an LCC-analysis the decisions can be made based on the data used. In order to perform this theoretical simulation literature study has been done in order to collect the data which has been used in Excel.The LCC-analysis has been limited to the knowledge based on the existing prerequisites. Based on these prerequisites the calculations have focused on the excavation-, plant- and maintenance costs.The results show that the breakeven point lays around 40 years, a clear difference can be seen between the financial feasibility of both systems. Infrastructure culverts are theoretically cheaper when the simulation is done with an interval of (+/-) 20% of the total price. Studies have also shown that infrastructure culverts have lower maintenance costs, which are the majority of the costs when it comes to this simulation. Maintenance costs are a yearly recurring cost which result in the system costs rising based on their maintenance.The conclusion is that infrastructure culverts are financially profitable based on the research done in the study. Infrastructure culverts have lower maintenance costs but could potentially have higher construction costs based on the project size.

PROJEKTERING AV SOLCELLER PÅEN VILLA I HALLSTAHAMMAR : Dimensionering av solcellsanläggning med avseende på ekonomisk lönsamhet

Guleed, Ahmad, Farid, Komail January 2021 (has links)
As the construction of homes and villas in Sweden is increasing, the need for electricity will also increase. This leads us to develop new existing solutions to increase electricity production, at the same time we need to increase the use of renewable energy sources. To supply houses with sustainable and renewable energy sources, solar power is a good option to invest in. The purpose of this work is to design a photovoltaic system on a villa. Our expectation after the design is to see how much the purchased share of electricity decreases. At the end of the project, we expect that this design can be used as a model for other similar villas, it is difficult to include all villas, considering how different conditions there are in Sweden. The villa is in Hallstahammar and has an area of 138 m^2, and the roof area where solar cells are mounted is 84 m^2. The roof is facing southwest and has an azimuth of about 45°, which means that the sun shines on a large part of the roof. The villa has different roof slopes, at the garage and lower roof the slope is 20 ° and at the upper roof´s is 46 °. The report answers the questions that arise during designing a photovoltaic system, as well as the villa's annual electricity consumption, and the facility's annual electricity production once it is installed. It is then analyzed whether the installation is profitable in terms of production cost and payback time. At the end of the report, it is more discussed challenges in solar cell design, such as shading and weather and their impact on the plant's electricity production. To be able to answer the questions, various methods were used, including a literature study about solar cells to increase both interest and knowledge. The writers made saturations on the roof such as lengths, widths, and slopes. Thereafter, the simulation program PVGIS was used to calculate the plant's annual electricity production, and finally, calculations were performed to make financial calculations. The results showed that the villa's electricity consumption in 2020 was 14,272 kWh and the electricity consumption was most during the winter period. The electricity cost during that year was SEK 21,140. The photovoltaic plant produces approximately 14,185 kWh per year and that production was highest during the summer period. The payback period for the plant was just over 9 years and the production cost was SEK 0.55 / kWh. Even though electricity production and electricity consumption did not match well and were efficient in different periods, the results still showed that the investment is profitable and provides a saving of SEK 629,000 over a lifespan of 30 years.

Solceller : Lönsamt och långsiktigt hållbart energiförsörjningsalternativ för Landstinget Blekinge?

Svensson, Matilda January 2016 (has links)
Landstinget Blekinge är en av Blekinge Läns största fastighetsägare och har idag ett stort elbehov på grund av sin energiintensiva verksamhet. I enlighet med organisationens miljöplan finns önskemål om att utreda möjligheterna att producera egen el med solceller. Denna utredning har som syfte att analysera egenproducerad solel utifrån lönsamhet och långsiktig hållbarhet.Rapporten utgår från att beskriva potential och ekonomiska förutsättningar för installation och drift av solcellsanläggningar i Sverige, framtida energisystem, samt hur en installation skulle förändra förutsättningarna för den dagliga verksamheten för Landstinget utifrån underhåll och säkerhet. Därefter presenteras en teoretisk projektering som resulterade i två olika solcellsanläggningar för att påvisa eventuell lönsamhet, kostnad för producerad el och en uppskattad årsproduktion i förhållande till Landstingets årliga elbehov. För att genomföra en adekvat projektering och få kunskap gällande underhåll och säkerhet genomfördes intervjuer med sakkunniga och företag som investerat i solcellsanläggningar. Resultatet presenteras som två olika anläggningar vilka skiljer sig åt map storlek och montering. Placeringsalternativ A) har en installerad toppeffekt på 101 kW med en investeringskostnad på 1 100 00 – 1 260 000 kr och placeringsalternativ B) en installerad toppeffekt på 145 kW till en kostnad av 1 500 000 – 1 740 000 kr. Trots dessa skillnader blev divergensen i återbetalningstid och kostnad för producerad el marginell, både med och utan solcellsstöd. Lönsamheten är mest fördelaktig vid ett beviljat solcellsstöd och ger större ekonomisk hållbarhet med en återbetalningstid på 9,8 – 11,3 år för placeringsalternativ A) och 10 – 11,5 år för placeringsalternativ B). I förhållande till en livslängd för anläggningarna på 25 – 30 år är det en lönsam investering.Med en större årsproduktion och lättare montering i förhållande till vindlast drogs en slutsats om att anläggningen på 145 kW skulle gynna Landstinget mest både ur ett ekonomiskt och hållbart perspektiv. Det genom att anläggningen efter återbetalningstiden genererar en högre kostnadsbesparing, samt resulterar i en större minskning av av koldioxidutsläpp till följd av en av högre årsproduktion. Flera källor visar att solceller är en del av ett framtida energisystem och långsiktigt hållbart pga fördelar gentemot minskade utsläpp av växthusgaser. Genom en eventuell investering i solceller kan Landstinget Blekinge stärka och utveckla ett grönt varumärke med en förnybar energiförsöjning i form av en solcellanläggning som bidrar till hållbar utveckling i enlighet med organisationes miljöplan, samt nationella och europeiska klimat- och miljömål. / The County Council of Blekinge is one of the county’s largest property owner and has today a great need of external distribution och electricity due to the organization’s energy intensive operations. According to the County Council’s environmental plan there is a desire to investigate the possibilities of producing electricity with solar cells. Therefore this feasibility study has the purpose of analyzing its profitability anf long-term sustainability following a possible future investment.The report proceeds to describe potential and economic prerequisites for solar cells in Sweden, future energy systems, as well as changing conditions for the daily operations regarding maintenance and safety with a solar cell plant. Thereafter, with the use of a theoretical projection of a solarplant that resulted in two different, the study determines possible profitability, cost of produced electricity and an estimated yearly production relative to the County Council’s need of external electricity. To perform an adequate projection and receive knowledge about maintenance and safety interviews with special advisers and organizations which have invested in solar cell plants interviews was performed. The result is presented as two solar plants that differs in size and mounting. Alternative A) has an installed power of 101 kW with a cost of investment of 1 100 00 – 1 260 000 SEK, and alternative B) har an installed power of 145 kW to the cost of 1 500 000 – 1 740 000 SEK. Despite the differences was the disparity in pay-back-time and cost of produced electricity fractional, with our without subsidies. The profitability is the most benefitial with an issued subsidy for solar cells and implicates a shorter pay-back-period of 9,8 – 11,3 years for alternative A) and 10 – 11,5 years for alternative B). Relative to the economic lifespan of a solar plant of 25 – 30 years it is a profitable investment.With a higher estimated yearly production and easier mounting considering wind load a conclusion was drawn that alternative B) with an installed power 145 kW would benefit the County Council the most from an economic and sustainable perspective. Because after the pay-back-period has ended it would generate more savings of money and a greater lowering of carbon dioxide emissions as a result of the higher annual production of electricity. Several sources show that solar cells are a aprt of a future energy system and is long-term sustainable due to benefits considering lowered carbon dioxide emissions. At an investment the County Council of Blekinge could strengthen and develop a green brand with a renewable energy supply with a solar cell plant which would contribute to sustainable development according to the organization’s environmental plan, as well as national and European climate and environmental goals.

Incitament för montering av solceller på två olika bostadsfastigheter / Incentives for mounting solar cells on two different residential properties

Engholm, Elias, Kniis, Philip January 2020 (has links)
Uppsatsen tar sikte på att undersöka hur dagens aktörer arbetar med grön fastighetsförädling och vilka olika incitament som finns för aktörer att arbeta med detta. Vidare analyserar vi konkret vilka incitament som finns för ägaren av bostadsrättsfastigheter respektive hyresrättsfastigheter att investera i solceller. Vad finns det för likheter och skillnader mellan dessa två upplåtelseformer? Uppsatsen konkretiserar undersökningen genom en fallstudie i samarbete med HSB MälarDalarna. Där genomförs investeringar genom montering av solceller på fastigheten Adils 17 i Borlänge för att öka den ekonomiska lönsamheten. Målet är att uppnå självförsörjning av energiförbrukningen för fastigheten samtidigt som det skall vara ekonomiskt hållbart med återbetalningstid och nettonuvärde i åtanke. Grönfastighetsförädling är något som ligger i tiden för de flesta fastighetsbolagen idag. Flertalet av aktörerna och bolagen på fastighetsmarknaden blir mer och mer medvetna om miljövänliga investeringar och har högt satta miljömål. Där kommer bland annat investeringar i solceller som ett alternativ in vilket idag är något som såväl privatpersoner som kommersiella aktörer antingen redan arbetar med att montera eller strävar mot att investera i. Uppsatsen visat att incitamenten för att arbeta med grön fastighetsförädling för olika aktörer är många. Där de flesta incitamenten är av likartad karaktär även om det finns olikheter för de olika upplåtelseformerna vid grönförädling av befintliga fastigheter. Incitamenten för investeringar i solceller beror till stor del på upplåtelseformerna, vilket uppsatsen påvisar. Det föreligger såklart likheter och skillnader kring incitamenten även för solceller beroende på om det är en bostadsrättsfastighet eller hyresrättsfastighet. Detta utreder och förklara uppsatsen också. För fallstudien beräknades olika alternativa monterings möjligheter på Adils 17 där de mest lönsamma sedan tagits vidare och analyseras ytterligare innan någon slutsats och rekommendation kring montering av solceller på fastigheten har givits. Återbetalningstiderna varierar något beroende på vilket val av montering som väljs, samma gäller för nettonuvärdet. Viktigt är att båda dessa nyckeltal är inom ramen för vad en fastighetsägare likt HSB kan tänka sig för att det skall vara värt att investera, då besparingarna på just denna fastighet från solcellerna tillfaller fastighetsägaren i sin helhet. Två av monterings möjligheterna har i denna uppsats genom fallstudien funnits ligga inom ramen för vad som är en god investering. / The thesis aims to investigate how today's actors work with green property refinement and what different incentives are there for actors to work with this. This is then to analyse in concrete terms what incentives are available for tenant-owner properties and tenant-owner properties to invest in solar cells. What are the similarities and differences between these two forms of lending. The thesis furthermore concretises investments in solar cells in the form of a case study in collaboration with HSB where the financial profitability for the installation of solar cells on the Adils 17 a property in Borlange is carried out. The goal is to achieve self-sufficiency of the energy consumption of the property while being financially sustainable with repayment time and net present value in mind. Green property refinement is something that lays within the time and modern thinking of most real estate companies today. Where most of the actors and companies become more and more aware of environmentally friendly investments and have high environmental goals. There, among other things, investments in solar cells come as an alternative, which today is something that both private individuals and commercial actors are either already working on to assemble or strive to invest in. The thesis has shown that the incentives for working with green property refinement for various actors are many. Where most of the incentives are of a similar character, although there are differences for different forms of tenure in green refinement of existing properties. The incentives for investments in solar cells largely depend on the which form of tenure the property is, as the thesis demonstrates. Of course, there are similarities and differences regarding the incentives for solar cells, depending on whether it is a condominium or rental property. This is also something the thesis will straighten out and explain more in detail. For the case study, various alternative mounting options were calculated on Adils 17 where the most profitable options where further analysed before any conclusion and recommendation regarding the installation of solar cells on the property could be given. The repayment times vary slightly depending on the choice of assembly chosen, the same applies to the net present value. It is important that both of these key figures are within the scope of what a property owner, like HSB MalarDalarna, expects them to be to invest. As the savings on this particular property from the solar cells are due to the property owner. Two of the mounting possibilities in this essay have been calculated to lay within the scope of what could be considered a good investment through the fall study.

Dimensionering och optimering av ett solcellssystem för en industribyggnad i Mellansverige : En simuleringsstudie

Östlund, Christine January 2019 (has links)
Vid omställningen till förnybara energisystem är solkraften som energikälla ett möjligt alternativ, för att uppnå klimat och energimålet med 100% förnybar energiproduktion år 2040. Detta är något regeringen eftersträvar genom infört bidrag i form av subventioner och skattereduktion vid installation av solceller. I denna fallstudie undersöks vilken effekt två olika solcellssystem har för en industribyggnad i Mellansverige, där studien tar hänsyn till ekonomisk-, teknisk- och klimatrelaterade aspekter. Systemen dimensioneras i strävan av optimala förhållanden samt av byggnadens begränsningar, med kostnadsförslag från en lokal återförsäljare få en bild av om återbetalningstiden är motiverande i frågan. Den lokala klimatpåverkan analyseras med växthusgasutsläpp i fokus, detta genom resultat av litteraturstudie. Dimensioneringen av solcellssystemen baseras på empiriskt material av studieobjektet och simuleras i programmet Winsun PV. Studien resulterade i två storlekar på system med tillhörande kostnadsförslag som ligger till grund för återbetalningstiden. System fall 1 dimensionerades i syfte att hålla den nominella systemeffektens storlek till 255 kWp, detta för att undgå extra energiskatt. Systemet gav ett årligt utbyte av 228 MWh/år som gav återbetalningstid mellan 18 – 22,5 år. Systemet simulerades med optimal lutningsvinkel av 39° i 15° azimutriktning av modulerna. System fall 2 dimensionerades till 1200 kWp i syfte att täcka effektivt användbar takyta, med årligt utbyte på 886 MWh/år och återbetalningstiden blev mellan 22,5 – 25,1 år. Modulerna simulerades med takets lutning ±4,7° i -15° azimutriktning. För att solceller ska ge ett mer lönsamt utbyte i högre latituder krävs en vidare effektivitetsutveckling för solcellstekniken samt ett förlängt investeringsstöd från Länsstyrelsen för framtida installationer. Om solcellssystemet ger en positiv inverkan på det ekologiska fotavtrycket beror av vart solcellen är tillverkad samt vilken elmix som byts ut mot den producerade solenergin. / When converting to renewable energy systems, solar power as an energy source is a potential option; in order to achieve the climate and energy goal with 100% renewable energy production in year 2040. This is something the government try to achieve by making installation of solar cells more attractive through allowances such as subventions and tax reduction. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of solar cell system on an industrial building in the midst of Sweden, in regard of economical-, technical- and climate related points of view. This was performed by replacing purchased electricity with locally produced electricity, where optimal circumstances for the solar power systems and the limits of the building has been taken into consideration during the dimensioning. With cost suggestions from a local authorized dealer the magnitude of the pay off time as a motivating factor was estimated. The local climate impact will be investigated through a litterature study, focusing on green house gas emissions. The dimensioning of the solar cell systems were based on empirical input from measurements in combination with documented data regarding the industrial building and simulated in the program Winsun PV. The study resulted in two different-sized systems with cost sheets that formed the basis for the calculated pay off time. System case 1 was dimensioned to keep the size of the nominal system effect to 255 kWp, this to avoid extra energy tax. The system gave an annual exchange of 228 MWh / year which gave the repayment period between 18 - 23 years. The system was simulated with an optimum angle of 39 ° in 15 ° azimuth direction of the modules. System case 2 was dimensioned to 1200 kWp in order to cover the effective usable surface of the roof, the system gave an annual exchange of 886 MWh / year and the repayment period was 22.5 - 25.1 years. The modules were simulated with the roof slope ± 4.7 ° in -15 ° azimuth direction. A further efficiency development for solar cell technology is required as well as an extended investment support from the County Administrative Board, to provide a more profitable exchange of solar cell systems in higher latitudes. If the solar cell system has a positive effect on the ecological footprint depends on where the solar cell is made and which electrical mix replaced by the produced solar energy.

Menstrual cups - a sustainable way to achieve economic benefits in Kenya : How to empower women in a society with only small measures / Menskoppar - ett hållbart sätt att uppnå ekonomisk lönsamhet i Kenya : Att stärka kvinnor i ett samhälle med enbart små medel

Baars, Cajsa, Tapper, Josefine January 2017 (has links)
This bachelor thesis is based on a field study conducted in Nairobi, Kenya, and intends to elucidate the systematic crimes against humanity that the inability to handle menstruation properly causes every day. Women who live under poor circumstances and lack access to basic needs, such as sanitary facilities and running water are the ones who suffer the most. Menstruating women are victims of not only physical and mental abuse, but also the stigma and neglect pervading the subject. This leads to the exclusion of women, both in school and at work, which in turn causes negative economic effects for the whole society. Besides elucidating the substantial economic and health consequences that menstruation can result in, the purpose of the thesis is to examine the market conditions in Nairobi and suggest sustainable solutions for menstrual cups. The menstrual cup is a durable product that might improve the situation for both women and the society, because of its suitable features. The study focuses on the informal settlements of Nairobi, and the purpose is not to examine other informal settlements or rural areas in Kenya.  This is a qualitative study, primarily based on a field study, profound interviews, as well as a limited survey. To achieve the purpose, we have tried to answer questions concerning the fundamental conditions for the current market of menstrual cups; the conditions for an increase in demand; and what a well-functioning structure for the menstrual cup would be. Besides answering these research questions, the methods were necessary in order to get an understanding of the conditions in Nairobi. The interview respondents represent both the consumers and the producers, with the purpose of getting a wider perspective regarding the market conditions. The questionnaire targeted the parents and caretakers, whom are the economic decision makers in the households. The aim was to get a comprehension about the life situations and economic conditions characterising the informal settlements, but also to get a general idea about the attitude towards the menstrual cup, since the product is rather unfamiliar.  The current market structure is characterised by charity organisations who distribute the menstrual cups for free. Their main concept is to educate young girls and secure a better future for them by securing the supply of menstrual management products. The study has shown the biggest challenge to overcome is the inability to pay, however, the result shows there are different possible solutions for producers and distributors to approach the market of menstrual cups. Instalments, price discrimination, Multi-Level Marketing, governmental subsidies and sponsoring from global organisations are some of the proposed strategies discussed in this thesis.  A sustainable market solution is necessary to utilise the positive externalities that emerges from menstrual cup usage, and satisfy the need for good quality menstrual management products in Nairobi in the long run. Today, because the cup usage is low, the positive externalities are lost, resulting in deadweight losses.  In conclusion, there are several possible market strategies for both incumbents and potential new entrants. The study has also found that menstrual health does not get enough recognition by neither national authorities, nor global actors, like the United Nations. This matter needs to be acknowledged in order to improve the conditions for millions of women suffering from menstrual related problems today.

Hyresgästens möjlighet till boende vid en omfattande renovering : En kvalitativ studie om hur bostadsbolags sociala ansvar påverkar hyresgästens möjlighet till boende / The tenant's opportunity for accommodation in the event of an extensive renovation

Gustafsson, Jonathan, Luu, Kim January 2022 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: Hyresgästens möjlighet till boende vid en omfattande renovering.Ämne: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi – inriktning: hur bostadsbolags värderar hyresgästers möjlighet till boende efter en omfattande renovering, 15 HP.Problembeskrivning: I samband med omfattande renovering av en bostadsfastighet tenderar nivån på hyresgästutflytt öka. Nivån är som högst i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden, vilket härleds till att de är mer exponerade mot en hyreshöjning. Alla omfattande renoveringar leder inte till någon större hyreshöjning men bostadsbolag har stora möjligheter att öka hyran markant. En kraftig hyreshöjning är ekonomiskt fördelaktigt för fastighetsägaren men de som tvingas flytta på grund av oförmågan att betala hyran hamnar i kläm.Forskningsfråga: Hur arbetar bostadsbolag för hyresgästens möjlighet till bostad vid en omfattande renovering?Syfte: Studien syftar till att analysera hur bostadsbolag tar socialt ansvar och värderar hyresgästens möjlighet till boende i samband med en omfattande renovering och medförande hyreshöjning. Genom att analysera genomförda renoveringar vill vi kartlägga hur bostadsbolag tar socialt ansvar för hyresgästens boendemöjligheter vid en renovering. Studien ska bidra till en förståelse för hur bostadsbolag balanserar det sociala ansvarstagandet med sitt affärsmässiga intresse.Metod: Studien har genomförts med en abduktiv forskningsansats. Vetenskapliga artiklar på det valda forskningsområdet har lagt grunden för den forskningslucka som undersökts. Det är utifrån denna forskningslucka som problemformuleringen och forskningsfrågan skapats. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex respondenter på sex olika bostadsbolag. Studien är utformad som en retrospektiv fallstudie där de valda bostadsbolagen äger miljonprogramsfastigheter som i relativ närtid genomgått omfattande renovering.Slutsats: De undersökta bostadsbolagen strävar åt att arbeta socialt och försöker upprätthålla en bild av företaget som socialt ansvarstagande. Studien påvisar att socialt ansvarstagande åtgärder som genomförs ibland har en ekonomisk agenda bakom. Trots det tyder studien på att bostadsbolagen generellt värnar om hyresgästens möjlighet till bostad genom att:- Endast utföra de renoveringar som anses nödvändiga och avstå från de standardhöjande åtgärder som inte efterfrågas.- Låta hyresgästen välja bland olika renoveringspaket, vilket ger dem möjlighet att påverka omfattningen på renoveringen i den utsträckning som de kan betala hyran.- Erbjuda ett alternativt boende som hyresgästen kan välja att flytta permanent till vid större renoveringar som ska göras i lägenheten. / Abstract Title: The tenant's opportunity for accommodation in the event of an extensive renovation.Subject: Bachelor's thesis in business administration – specialization: how housing companies value tenants' opportunity for housing after an extensive renovation, 15 HP.Problem statement: Associated with extensive renovation of a residential property, the level of tenant relocation tends to increase. The level of relocation is highest in socio-economically vulnerable areas, which is due to the fact that they are more exposed to a rent increase. Not all extensive renovations lead to a major rent increase, but housing companies have great opportunities to increase the rent significantly. A sharp rent increase is economically advantageous for the property owner, but those who are forced to move due to the inability to pay the rent are the ones ends up suffering.Question at issue: How do housing companies work for the tenant's opportunity for housing in the event of an extensive renovation?Purpose: The study aims to analyze how housing companies take social responsibility and evaluate the tenant's opportunity for housing in connection with an extensive renovation and the rent increase it result in. By analyzing implemented renovations, we want to map how housing companies take social responsibility for the tenant's housing opportunities during a renovation. The study will contribute to an understanding of how housing companies balance social responsibility with their business interest.Method: The study was conducted with an abductive research approach. Peer reviewed articles in the chosen research area have established the research gap that has been investigated. It is on the basis of this research gap that the problem formulation and research question has been created. The empirical material has been collected through a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews with six respondents at six different housing companies. The study is designed as a retrospective case study in which the selected housing companies own million-program properties that have undergone extensive renovation in the relative proximity.Conclusion: The surveyed housing companies strive to perform socially sustainable and try to maintain an image of the company as socially responsible. The study shows that social responsibility actions that are implemented, sometimes have an economic agenda behind them. The study indicates that housing companies generally take responsibility for the tenant's ability for housing by:- Only execute necessary renovations and not implement standard-raising measures that aren’t demanded- Let the tenant choose from different renovation alternatives, which gives them the opportunity to affect the scope of the renovation to the extent that they can pay the rent.- Offer an alternative accommodation that the tenant can choose to move to permanently in the case of major renovations to be done in the apartment.

Motivationsfaktorer till investeringsbeslut i miljöcertifierade fastigheter : Hur inverkar olika motivationsfaktorer vid fastighetsbolags investeringsbeslut i miljöcertifierade fastigheter? / Motivators to environmentally certified property investments : How does different motivators impact on real estate companies’ investment decisions in environmentally certified properties?

Lundgren, Hanna, Gustafsson, Tilda January 2019 (has links)
The background of our thesis is the fact that properties and their related industry have a big negative impact on our environment. Since the real estate business is an important part of how the society is constructed, environmental solutions and sustainable real estate development can contribute to positive climate changes globally. The last decades have shown an increasing number of green properties, however the proliferation on the Swedish market is still slow. Existing research describes different benefits and motivators that should encourage investments in environmentally certified properties among real estate companies. Benefits that are established are for example lower energy- and maintenance costs, lower vacancy rate, an improved company image and increasing market value. We believe there is a gap of information considering how the real estate companies experience that these benefits are generated from a green building, as well as how motivators have impacted on the companies’ investment decisions. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to explain how different motivators affect real estate companies to invest in environmentally certified properties. To answer the purpose of our thesis, we have created four different hypotheses based on existing research which includes an improved result, increased economic profitability, improved company image and the opportunity of incentive programs and economic contributions. The hypotheses of our study have been tested with a quantitative method, through a survey. Collected data from our study has been analysed through a multiple regression analysis, where the four motivators have been analysed against the real estate companies share of investment decisions in environmentally certified properties. The conclusion of this thesis is that none of the hypotheses reached statistical significance and therefore the collected data cannot prove any relations between the motivators and companies’ investment decisions. Although, through our study, we have been able to identify both differences and similarities between theoretical claims and the result from our study. Even though statistical relations cannot be confirmed, the survey has collected descriptive data which contributes to a general view of how Swedish real estate companies today evaluate environmentally certified properties and how they are motivated to invest in these properties.

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