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Media and politics in the current world: case study of the czech presidential elections 2018Kompérová, Aneta January 2019 (has links)
This Diploma thesis is focused on analysing the role of the media during the direct election of the President of the Czech Republic in 2018. It addresses the issue of news coverage that should be perceived as value neutral. The first part includes not only explanation of theoretical concepts, but also a view of media and politics in the world and examples of media coverage of elections in the USA and Sweden. The aim of this thesis is to perform content analysis on different types of mass media, such as TV and radio broadcasting, printed newspapers and online news sites and to evaluate the influence of selected media types on result of the presidential elections in the Czech Republic in 2018, using both quantitative and qualitative method.
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Vodní svět - přehrada Slezská Harta / Water World - Dam Silesian HartaStanjurová Mateiciucová, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
characteristics of the region - Sudets, agricultural region, clean. Begining 1997 a new geografic situation. On the road between Jesenik Mountains and big cities. This region has many problems (unemployment, bad conditions for tourism) but the damm not only wrong. It is a good oportunity for development...
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Andský svět z pohledu dětského vypravěče / Andean universe in the aspect of childish narratorTomanová, Magdaléna January 2012 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá pohledem dětského vypravěče na andský svět. Tato perspektiva je analyzována na základě románů dvou peruánských spisovatelů: Hluboké řeky od José Maríi Arguedase a Kronika ze San Gabriel od Julia Ramóna Ribeyra. Práce je rozdělená na teoretickou a analytickou část. Teoretická část pojednává o indigenistickém literárním proudu, životě autorů a románu formování. Analýza uvedených děl je rozdělena do tří částí: tematický, kompoziční a jazykový plán. Tematický plán reflektuje konfrontaci dvou světů (andský a západní) a motivy, které romány sdílejí. V kompozičním plánu jsou rozebrány veškeré náležitosti související s kompozicí děl a navíc výsledek dosaženého vývoje ústředních protagonistů. Jazykový plán se zaměřuje na postavu vypravěče a rozbor využitých jazykových prostředků. V závěru je vyhodnocený rozdílný pohled hrdinů na andský svět. Klíčová slova: andský svět, západní svět, motiv, kompozice, vývoj, vypravěč, jazykové prostředky My thesis deals with a child narrator's point of view at the Andean universe. This perspective is analysed on the basis of novels by two Peruvian writers: Deep River by José María Arguedas and Chronicles from San Gabriel by Julio Ramón Ribeyro. The diploma work is divided into theoretical and analytical part. The theoretical part talks about...
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Konstrukce postavy : postava ve fikčních světech a světech příběhu / Charakter construction : character within fictional worlds and storyworldsStaniševská, Aneta January 2015 (has links)
The thesis being presented aims to stress the differences between characters in fictional worlds and characters in storyworlds by means of question of possibilities and limits of reader's inferences. The aims of this thesis is to prove that storyworld construed as a mental model manages to avoid some problems that relate to fictional worlds theories. First chapter provides an insight into the issue of definitions and theories of character and places cognitive approaches to character within it. Since a concept of fictional world and a concept of storyworld are often construed as very alike, in the second chapter, there are two opposed opinions concerning reader's activity during a construction of fictional world; that is theories of Lubomír Doležel and Marie-Laure Ryan. By means of their mutual comparision, the distinctive status of fictional character concerning reader's inferences is being emphasized that further bears a decisive role within theory of Umberto Eco of which a core is presented in chapter three. The link between story comprehension and construction of fictional character is a centre of interest of chapter four, where cognitive approaches are represented by theories by Alan Palmer and David Herman. This chapter presents storyworld and character within it as open and fluid flexible....
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Pohybové aktivity a sport jako alternativa trávení volného času dětí a mládeže v době rozmachu digitálních technologií / Physical activity and sports as an alternative to leisure time spending for children and youth in the era of digital technologiesPospíšek, Pavel January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis aims on the means of how Czech children and youth spend their leisure time. Great focus is also given to attractivness of the activities. The problem addressed by the author in this thesis is the increasing percentage of the prevalence of childhood obesity in the Czech Republic and it's connection with the increase in technological dependency of children and youth. The main goal of this thesis is to describe whether there is a connection between the aforementioned phenomena. Another goal focuses on ways of spending free time and base on author's own research adresses the attractivness of the activities, i.e. which leisure time activities are more and less attractive for children and youth, what children enjoy in their free time and how they really spend it. For these purposes, the author sets up hypotheses in the thesis, the validity of which is addressed by the research questions in order to achieve the main objectives of the work. The author defines the basic concepts for better orientation in the text which is divided into analytical and empirical parts. The author even introduces two new concepts: the online world and the offline world. In the final part of the thesis the author suggests the possibility of connecting the online world and the offline world for further...
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Péťa rodič - "socialistické" otcovství v časopise Mladý svět na konci 70. a začátku 80. let 20. století / Petya parent - "socialist" fatherhood in Mladý svět magazine at the end of the 70th and beginning of the 80s of the 20th centuryVlčková, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
Bc. Kateřina Vlčková ABSTRACT: Petya parent - "socialist" fatherhood in Mladý svět magazine at the end of the 70th and beginning of the 80s of the 20th century The topic of my thesis is fatherhood in socialist Czechoslovakia in the late 70s and 80s of the 20th century. My primary source research is a section Péťa Parent, published from 1979 to 1982 in the Mladý svět magazine. The uniqueness of this column, I see in the fact that the author (Petr Hora-Hořejš) as the father advise to "public" readers regarding about education and child care. The theoretical part will focus on the concepts that are relevant to my research, such as the gender culture, fatherhood, masculinity, private and public sphere, motherhood, femininity, etc. Among the basic questions I'll ask include the following: How "socialist" father defends and publishes his paternal role, how he views care and education (his) child or what image of man-father Mladý svět magazine helps to create. With my work I try to contribute to a greater awareness of the history of fatherhood changes and involvement father in a family area, which was at that time primarily attributed to the women-mothers.
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Hra ve filosofické a pedagogické reflexi / Playing in the philosophical and pedagogical reflectionRybářová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis is devoted to the issue of games in pedagogy, its philosophical basis and its role in language acquisition. It is divided into three parts. In the theoretical part, there is defined a game from the philosophical point of view and its understanding by various authors. The second part deals with the specifics of didactic and language game in general. The practical part brings the specific case of teaching a child who is a foreigner. It also expresses the contribution of such games in pedagogy and teaching the Czech language. Keywords: Language game, didactic game, Czech as a foreign language, child - foreigner, specific teaching methods.
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Nutnost změny profesní přípravy učitelů / Necessity of change in professional preparation of teachersMleziva, Jan-Michal January 2014 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT: The present thesis argues for the necessity of a fundamental change in the professional preparation of primary and secondary school teachers; additionally, it discusses the way the education of future teachers should take. From the perspective of educational management, it proposes concrete measures that should be taken in order to implement the change. The author points out the seriousness of the issue in a broader context on the basis of an analysis of the curricula of faculties of education. The main reason for the change in the professional preparation of teachers is seen in the insufficient reflection of the current needs of the contemporary society, both in the content and form of teacher education. The thesis is divided into four chapters: Contemporary context as a major imperative, The present state of the professional preparation of teachers, The objectives of the professional preparation of teachers in the contemporary context, and The main steps towards the realization of the new goals.
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Teismus Charlese Hartshorna / The Theism of Charles HartshorneMacek, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to introduce the American process philosopher Charles Hartshorne and his philosophical theism and to relate his approach and his thoughts to the debate about the relationship of theology and philosophy. After introducing the basics of the career and work of Alfred North Whitehead, the better known representative of process thought, and then the career and achievements of Hartshorne himself, I proceed to make a survey of the main aspects of his neoclassical philosophical concept of the God-world relation. Special attention is paid to one of Hartshorne's specifics - his defense and interpretation of the ontological argument for the existence of God. I then deal with Hartshorne's attempts to engage some classical theistic concepts, namely that of Thomas Aquinas, and of the luminaries of Protestant theology, Paul Tillich and Karl Barth, into a kind of dialogue. Then I introduce briefly "process theology" and some significant examples of applying Hartshorne's ideas in theology, Christology, and moral theory. I survey some polemical reactions to process thought and to Hartshorne by German Protestant theologians and I consider the possibility of a certain kinship between Hartshorne's view of the God-world relation and the theology of nonviolence. In the conclusion I survey the outcomes of...
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Etické aspekty obrazu lesa v díle N. HawthorneaLOUDA, Jan January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on analysis and interpretation of Nathaniel Hawthorne?s literature work and its specific theme: the role of the forest and its ethical aspects in particular stories. The principle of this work is focused on general relationship between American literature and the theme of the forest, which is deeply rooted in the history of American colonization and creating new American nation. The main aim is to point out the specific role of the forest in American literature (especially the influence of puritanism and transcendentalism). Another aim is to find out if the forest really represents important moral aspects and influences the behaviour of both individuals and the whole society in Hawthorne?s work. Answers to these questions can be found in the fundamental part of the diploma thesis, which is based on the literary analysis of particular texts, novels and short stories, in which the world of the forest is confronted with the problems of morality and faith.
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