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Opakované individuální porovnání srdeční frekvence na suchu a ve vodě / Repeated individual comparasion of heart rate on the land and in the waterNěmeček, Václav January 2016 (has links)
Title Repeated individual comparasion of heart rate on the land and in the water. Objective Find if exist significant difference of heart rate in repeated measurements between rating heart rate on dry land and in the water. Used methods The quantitative empirical research was carried out. The research method was the measurement of resting heart rate. Measurements were carried out in the form of intraindividual comparative analysis among six probands who were repeatedly tested supine for 5 minutes on land and subsequently 5 minutes in water. The water temperature was 30 řC and the water column height was 30 cm. Heart rate was measured using sporttester. Results The same tendency of reaction of the organism during repeated measurements did not confirm in 4 cases. Results in two cases confirmed the trend of decreasing heart rate during a stay in the water. The most measured resting heart rate decreased in water compared with the resting heart rate on dry land by 21.1% and increased the most by 6.1%. Keywords swimming, water, heart rate, resting heart rate, diving
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Verbální projevy studentů UK FTVS v roli učitele v rámci předmětu Teorie a základy didaktiky plavání / Verbal expressions of students UK FTVS in the role of teacher within the subject Theory and Basic of Swimming DidactisCaletková, Romana January 2018 (has links)
Title: Verbal expressions of students UK FTVS in the role of teacher within the subject Theory and Basics of Swimming Didactics Objectives: The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the verbal level of students of 2nd year of UK FTVS in the role of swimming teacher in the didactic outputs of the subject Theory and Basics of Swimming Didactics through the agency of analysis of the audio recording in duration of 15 minutes. The persons with higher pedagogical practice in swimming lessons were compared with persons with basic swimming education. Methods: The research focused on the analysis of verbal expression of swimming teacher. For data collection we used participating observation and analysis of audio recordings. The transcription method allowed recording the occurrence of the linguistic and paralinguistic aspects of verbal expression. The frequency of phenomena was observed on individual participants and groups of students with different levels of swimming education and practice. Comparisons between groups were performed using average values and expressed as a percentages in graphs. Results: The verbal expressions of the students did not go without serious verbal offences. The filler words were dominant factor, which occurrence was considerable for all participants without irrespective of achieved...
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Porovnání svalové aktivity vybraných svalů pletence ramenního vyšetřením PEMG u vrcholových plavců a vlivu silového tréninku / Comparison of muscle activity of selected muscles of shoulder girdle by PEMG examination among elite swimmers and influence of strength trainingKubová, Simona January 2020 (has links)
Title of the thesis Comparison of muscle activity of selected muscles of shoulder girdle by PEMG examination among elite swimmers and influence of strength training Thesis aim Analyze and evaluate the influence of strength intervention on muscle activity of selected muscle groups by PEMG during swimming locomotion by crawl method in top swimmers. Methods Fifteen top swimmers specializing in the crawl style at the age of 18-28 years participated in this experiment. After determining pain in the area of the shoulder joint using VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) and the SFPS questionnaire (Swimmer's Functional Pain Scale), which reports about the swimming training, health and analgesic use, probands underwent a PEMG examination of 8 evaluated muscles. Subsequently, they simulated a 100m crawl race on VASA, where PEMG data was again captured. Subsequently, everyone carried out a force intervention program and then again underwent a simulation of the 100m crawl on VASA. The evaluation and processing of the obtained data was performed with the program MyoResearch XP Master Edition from Noraxon company with simultaneous video recording. Basic descriptive statistics, Magnitude Based Difference, ANOVA and Cohen D were used for statistical data processing. Results Muscle activity of the examined muscles increased...
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Analýza záběrových pohybů plaveckého způsobu kraul u osob se zrakovým postižením / Analysis of stroking movements of crawl technique in persons with visual disabilitiesHájíček, Marek January 2020 (has links)
Title: Analysis of stroking movements of crawl technique in persons with visual disabilities. Complained by: Bc. Marek Hájíček Supervisor: Mgr. Daniel Jurák Ph.D. Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine differencees among swimming technique of visually impaired swimmers and fully health swimmers. Methods: To assess the technique of the crawl swimming method, we used a 50 m swimming test, which we recorded and subsequently evaluated using the SmartPaddles technology and application. Results: Based on the results, we can say that the biggest differences in the technique of VI and fully health swimmers we recorded in the number of strokes per minute, in the total speed and in the execution of the stroke curve with the right and left hand. Fully health swimmer evenly distributed muscle strength between the two arms, while a swimmer with a VI had trouble maintaining muscle strength throughout the stroking movement. We have found that for visually impaired swimmers, it is necessary to devote more time to training and mastering swimming techniques than for healthy swimmers. Keywords Swimming technique, crawl, visual impaired, SmartPaddles.
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Česká a francouzská koncepce školní plavecké výuky / Czech and French concept of swimming lessons in schoolMartínková, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
Title: Czech and French concept of swimming lessons in school. Objectives: The objective of the study is to provide basic information about the concepts and management of swimming training at elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, universities and clubs in France. At the same time, use available resources to outline the functioning of swimming lessons in the Czech Republic and compare both of these systems. Methods: The method of analysis and synthesis was used to process the collected information. The obtained information about the Czech and French concept of swimming lessons in schools and clubs was subsequently compared. Results: Based on a comparison of the concepts of both countries, we found that these systems differ significantly. Although under the auspices of the same body, in France the Ministry of Education has much greater competence and the result is a very well-organized concept of swimming instruction. In comparison with the Czech Republic, it then appears that no institution managing the function is properly performed and significant shortcomings are found in the organization of swimming lessons within compulsory school attendance. Keywords: Czech Republic, France, school education, swimming lessons
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Ovlivnění vybraných aspektů pomocí kinesiotapu u problematiky plaveckého ramena / Affection of chosen aspects by using kinesiotape in swimmers shoulderLaudová, Petra January 2019 (has links)
This research is focused on "swimmer's shoulder" and on affection of chosen aspects by kinesiotape. Theoretical part describes a summary of knowledge about origin, diagnostic and treatment of swimmer's shoulder. Kinesiotaping as a nowadays treatment method and its effects are also specified. The thesis provides a brief description of chosen aspects (pain, tactile acuity and proprioception) and their measuring by objectification methods. Practical part deals with measuring, evaluation and comparing of mentioned aspects before and after treatment by kinesiotape. Methods: 20 competitive swimmers (average age 18,3 years, SD ± 3,10) with shoulder pain were chosen for investigating and measuring. Pain was observed by visual analog scale (VAS) and pressure algometry, tactile acuity by esthesiomether and proprioception by a special method, all before and after treatment. A control group without kinesiotape was included to the research. Results: The experiment showed that tactile acuity was altered in patients with kinesiotape by 27,5 mm in average. This result was evaluated as statistically significant (p = 0,0023). Although values of pain measured by VAS and pressure algometry were enhanced, they were not very significant on the importace level 0,05 (p = 0,1540, resp. 0,1575). Proprioception was also...
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Důvody předčasného ukončení plavecké kariéry v Číně / Factors influencing early termination of the Chinese swimmersLi, Fangying January 2020 (has links)
Topic: The Factors Influencing Early Termination of Swimming Career in China Goals: We studied a number of young Chinese swimmers who experienced early retirement. Great attention is paid to the reasons why Chinese swimmers ended their careers at a relatively young age. The goal of this thesis is to find out reasons that make Chinese swimmers choose to end their career during their top-performance period and at a much younger age compared with their counterparts worldwide. Meanwhile, finding potential solutions to the situation is also considered as one of the goals of the thesis. Methods: On the basis of literature review, in this study, we collect the characteristics of Chinese swimmers who have experienced early intensive specialized training by conducting observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Results: The number of Chinese swimmers who took early retirement increased incredibly during past twenty years. According to the interviews and the results of the questionnaires, the reasons why Chinese swimmers tend to finish their career at a relatively young age can be classified as follows: 1. Despite the professional training, they lack the spirit while they are training. 2. There are few materials guarantees after they finish their career. 3. Not all swimmers are given what they deserve due...
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The Gay Bath-house - a Case Study of a Potential Gay-Bathhouse at LiljeholmsbadetÖstlund Stockman, Edwin January 2021 (has links)
This case study was written to explore the different branches of queer theory and its links to the architecture of bath-houses. This, from both a historicaland a modern-day societal perspective. By implementing researcher Katarina Bonnevier’s queer theory on performativity and cross-cladding, I aim to investigate how the swimming pool and the bath-house can be re-envisioned.Throughout the country, the need for renovating and extending the existing portfolio of swimming pools and bath-house institutions has grown large. Meanwhile, thenumber of queer spaces in the city of Stockholm has over the years diminished. Therefore, I have chosen Liljeholmsbadet at Södermalm, an institution currently facing demolition, as subject of this case study and I propose a reinvention of it into a gay bath-house.Through literary research, observations, and studyvisits to public bath-houses, I will analyse the swimmingpool and what role it has played in society and in the queer community.Subsequently, using Bonnevier’s theoretical framework,I will redesign Liljeholmsbadet and dissect this new gay bath-house’s different components. By “queering” the already-built, this thesis speculates on what lies in the future of the bath-house.This diploma project is not to be viewed as a finished design proposal or an answer to a question, but as a starting point for further discussions.The thesis is split in two parts, a theoretical background as a framework, and a design proposal.
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Relative Age Effect inom svensk tävlingssimning : En retrospektiv tvärsnittsstudieÅradsson, Marcus January 2021 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningarSyftet med studien är att undersöka förekomsten av Relative Age Effect (RAE) i svensk tävlingssimning. Studien utgår ifrån följande frågeställningar:- Finns Relative Age Effect inom svensk tävlingssimning på populationsnivå?- Vid vilken ålder uppkommer, avtar och försvinner Relative Age Effect för damer respektive herrar?- Finns det skillnader i Relative Age Effect avseende kön? MetodStudien är en retrospektiv tvärsnittsstudie som undersöker representation av tävlingslicensierade simmare i åldern 5–22 år över en period på 20 år. Studiens deltagare är födda 1978 – 2014 och har mellan åren 2000 – 2019 varit inom åldersspannet 5–22 år. Deltagarna i studien bestod av 43 284 atleter varav 26 583 damer (61,42%) och 16 701 herrar (38,58%). Data mottogs från Svensk Simidrott (fd. Svenska Simförbundet) och deras resultatdatabas TempusStatistik där samtliga tävlingslicensierade simmare finns registrerade från år 2000 och framåt. Förekomst, magnitud och avtagande bestämdes genom Chi-2 (X2) test och Cramer’s V Effect Size. Odds Ratio (OR) och 95% konfidensintervall (95%CI) användes för att undersöka avvikelser mellan kvartal 1–4 (Q1-4). Dessa steg genomfördes på damer och herrar över samtliga åldrar. ResultatEn initial men avtagande Relative Age Effect är närvarande genom en stor-medium effect size (sv. effektstorlek) för damer och herrar 6–8 år. Skillnader mellan herrar och damer upptäcktes också genom a) en ihållande liten effect size upptäcktes för damer 9–20 år och herrar 9–22 år och b) signifikant OR för Q1>Q2>Q3>Q4 var för damer 8–11 år samt för Q2>Q3>Q4 för herrar 7–13 och 15–18 år. SlutsatsRAE fanns på populationsnivå inom svensk tävlingssimning för damer 6–20 år och herrar 6– 22 år. En inledande övergående RAE med en stor-medium effect size var synlig i 6–8 års ålder för både herrar och damer. Eventuella registrerings-, tillväxt-, mognad- eller selektionsfördelar var övergående. En liten effect size var ihållande från 9–20 års ålder för damer och 9–22 års ålder för herrar. Det fanns skillnader i RAE med avseende på kön. Eventuellt verkar RAE ha större genomslag/magnitud på dam- än på herrsidan, i synnerhet vid 8–11 års ålder.
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Movement Disorders and Neurochemical Changes in Zebrafish Larvae After Bath Exposure to Fluoxetine (PROZAC)Airhart, Mark J., Lee, Deborah H., Wilson, Tracy D., Miller, Barney E., Miller, Merry N., Skalko, Richard G. 01 November 2007 (has links)
This study examines the effects of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), fluoxetine (PROZAC), on the ontogeny of spontaneous swimming activity (SSA) in developing zebrafish. The development of zebrafish motor behavior consists of four sequential locomotor patterns that develop over 1-5 days post fertilization (dpf), with the final pattern, SSA, established at 4-5 dpf. In stage specific experiments, larvae were exposed to 4.6 μM fluoxetine for 24 h periods beginning at 24 h post fertilization (hpf) and extending through 5 dpf. From 1-3 dpf, there was no effect on SSA or earlier stages of motor development, i.e., spontaneous coiling, evoked coiling and burst swimming. Fluoxetine exposure at 3 dpf for 24 h resulted in a transient decrease in SSA through 7 dpf with a complete recovery by 8 dpf. Larvae exposed to 4.6 μM fluoxetine for 24 h on 4 or 5 dpf showed a significant decrease in SSA by day 6 with no recovery through 14 dpf. Although SSA was significantly affected 24 h after fluoxetine exposure, there was little or no effect on pectoral fin movement. These results demonstrate both a stage specific and a long term effect of 4.6 μM fluoxetine exposure in 4 and 5 dpf larvae. Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was performed to determine the relative levels of a serotonin transporter protein (SERT) transcript and the serotonin 1A (5-HT1A) receptor transcript in developing embryos/larvae over 1-6 dpf. Both transcripts were present at 24 hpf with the relative concentration of SERT transcript showing no change over the developmental time range. The relative concentration of the 5-HT1A receptor transcript, however, showed a two-tiered pattern of concentration. RT-PCR was also used to detect potential changes in the SERT and 5-HT1A receptor transcripts in 6 dpf larvae after a 24 h exposure to 4.6 μM fluoxetine on 5 dpf. Three separate regions of the CNS were individually analyzed, two defined brain regions and spinal cord. The two brain regions showed no effect on transcript levels subsequent to fluoxetine exposure, however, the spinal cord showed a significant decrease in both transcripts. These results suggest a correlation between decreased concentration of SERT and 5-HT1A receptor transcripts in spinal cord and decreased SSA subsequent to fluoxetine exposure.
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