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Vzduchotechnika bazénových hal / Airconditioning pool hallsBobrovský, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on problematics of ventilation of swimming pool halls. Thesis describes the design of air handling units for swimming pool halls and operation risks. It presents different variants of ventilation with mentioned advantages and disadvantages of individual technical solutions. A swimming pool air handling unit was measured in real conditions as a part of experimental solution. The goal of measuring was to analyze thermal efficiency of cross flow heat exchanger aswell as to monitor working modes and functions of unit. Based on informations gathered during experimental measuring, two different variants of ventilation were designed. Both designs are evaluated economically during extreme weather conditions and during the whole year.
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Energetická náročnost vzduchotechnických jednotek pro bazénové haly / Energy performance of air handling units for swimming pool hallsBatelka, Václav January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on determining the energy flows and the creation of an internal microclimate swimming pool halls. It describes the problems of design, the potential risks associated with the use of pools and thermodynamic processes heat and mass transfer. For this purpose was developed simulation program, which examines the behavior of heat and humidity in the room depending on external factors. The room can be simulated for any time period and geographic location. The outputs of the simulation are heat and mass balance, which will be covered air condition units. Three variants were designed and optimized solutions comparing claims on their operations. The experimental part is focused on the evaporation of the water. Measurement examines dependence of the speed of evaporation of water at different boundary conditions. Was investigated temperature dependence of water, temperature and relative humidity and air velocity above the water surface.
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Náklady životního cyklu majetku ve vlastnictví města / Life Cycle Costs of Property Owned by the CityVlastníková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The master thesis focuses on problems connected with the life cycle cost of property owned by the city. It analyses general issues of the life cycle cost of construction, but it mainly analyses the ways in which local authorities manage their properties and their cost. Those methods are applied in a case study, that addresses the cost and management of swimming pool sites which are owned by the city Brno.
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Kombinerad sim- och sporthall i söderort / Sports and swimming center in the south of StockholmGranholm, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
I dalsänkan mellan Västertorp och Hägerstensåsen i södra Stockholm ligger Mellanbergsparken. Det är ett långsträckt naturområde med stora naturliga variationer i topografi och landskap. Området domineras av den högresta och branta åsen, vilken löper längs hela parkens norra sida. Parkens östra del kantas av den högt trafikerade E4:an, vilken skär tvärs genom landskapet och skapar en stor bullerstörande trafikbarriär. Mellanbergsparken är ett välanvänt parkstråk av invånarna i Hägersten. Den fungerar både som rekreationsyta, aktivitetsyta och pendlingsstråk mellan de olika stadsdelarna.Idag är största delen av ytan obebyggd, och är förutom fotbollsplanerna, minigolfbanan, utebadet och förskolan nästintill orörd. Ett par bostadshus har byggts intill tunnelbanestationen i Hägerstensåsen, vilket kan ses som en indikation på framtida planer att exploatera området. Västertorps simhall, som idag ligger inne i bostadsområdet, är sliten och behöver rivas. En ny kombinerad sim- och idrottsanläggning ska därför byggas, vilken planeras att kunna ta emot besökare från hela Hägerstensområdet. Mellanbergsparkens sydöstligaste del, invid E4:an, föreslås som tomtmark. Avsikten är att låta simhallen fungera som ett bullerdämpande skydd mot parken, eftersom att man tror att en ljuddämpning kan ge mervärde åt naturområdet. Med mitt projekt ifrågasätter jag starkt skälen till simhallens placering och nyttan av att låta byggnaden agera bullerskydd. Istället fokuserar jag på den nya simhallens relation till parken och på vad som händer om man väljer att vända sig mot urbana element i omgivningen istället för att stänga dem ute. / In the valley between Västertorp and Hägerstensåsen in southern Stockholm you will find Mellanbergsparken. It is an elongated nature area with large natural variations in topography and landscape. The area is dominated by a tall and steep ridge, which runs along the park's northern side. The park's eastern part is bordered by the highly busy E4, which cuts right through the landscape creating a disturbing traffic barrier. Mellanbergsparken is a well-used park by the inhabitants of Hägersten. It works both as a recreational area, activity area and as commuter routes between the various districts. Today, most of the surface is undeveloped, and is aside from the football fields, mini golf course, outdoor swimmning pool and preschool almost untouched. A few dwellings have been built next to the metro station in Hägerstensåsen, which can be seen as an indication of future plans to develop the area. Västertorp's current swimming center, which is incorporated in the residential area, is timeworn and needs to be demolished. A new combined swimming and sports center will be built, which is planned to receive visitors from all the Hägersten area. Suggested location is the southeastern part of the park, next to the E4. The intention is to let the new sports and swimming center serve as a noise-canceling protection from the expressway since it is believed that a silencing can add value to the nature area. With my project I am strongly questioning the reasons for the sports and swimming center's placement and the benefit of allowing the building to act against noise. Instead, I am focusing on the interaction between building and park and what happens if one chooses to include urban elements - such as disturbing expressways - instead of cutting them off.
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Ett badhus i Umeå / A Bath House in UmeåIsraelsson, Johan January 2012 (has links)
Umeå kommun har sedan 1995, med varierande intensitet, planerat för en ny simhall som ska ersätta den gamla från 1970. Det nu liggande förslaget har mötts med skiftande åsikter och de många kritiska handlar om både förslagets placering (mitt i centrala staden på en all- deles för trång tomt) och programmets omfattning (för lite). Eftersom jag delar dessa kritiska åsikter så har detta gett mig ett ypperligt tillfälle att som mitt examensarbete titta på hur jag anser att placeringen, omfattningen och gestaltningen av ett nytt badhus i Umeå ska se ut. Mina huvudsakliga frågeställningar har varit just placeringen, programmets omfattning samt naturligtvis även gestaltningen av ett badhus för Umeå kommun med sina 110 000 invånare. Jag har utvärderat de alternativa placeringar som föreslagits och samtliga platser har naturligtvis både sina för- och nackdelar men jag har kommit fram till att jag vill placera ett nytt badhus på samma plats som den nuvarande simhallen som planeras att rivas. Det som fick min jämförelse att väga över för min valda plats är att det ligger på randen av Gam- mliaskogen, ett rekreationsområde helt omgivet av stad men där det finns flera skid- och joggingspår. Detta är en möjlighet som är för bra för att försitta. / Umeå municipality have, since 1995, at varying intensity, been planning for a new bath house to replace the existing from 1970. The current proposal has been met with mixed critique and the more critical ones fokus on both the placement (in the city centre on a too narrow lot) and the extent of the programme (too small). Since I share these critical opinions it has given me an excellent opportunity for this thesis work to examine the placement, extent and figuration of a new bath house in Umeå.
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Plavecký výcvik dětí se specifickými poruchami učení v mladším školním věku / Swimming training of children with specific learning disabilities in younger school ageŠťastná, Hana January 2021 (has links)
The work was reflecting the effect of basic swimming training and the water environment on the fine motor skills of the upper limbs in a group of pupils with specific learning disabilities. Part of the work is a comparison with a group of pupils of the same age with specific learning disabilities without said swimming training. The main goal of the work is to observe a group of pupils from a Prague based private elementary school with focus on education of children with specific learning disabilities and evaluation of potential changes in fine motor skills of the upper limbs. The selected group of pupils consisted of children diagnosed with one or more specific learning disability, such as developmental dysphasia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, dyslexia, ADHD syndrome and Asperger's syndrome in ages 8 to 10. The training was a mandatory basic swimming training in third grade and happened during the school year 2018/2019 with total of 15 participants. Input testing for fine motor skills and test of level of swimming abilities were organised in the beginning of the training. Output testing was organised in February of 2019 after completion of 20 hours of swimming training. This was then compared to level of fine motor skills of a group of pupils of same age without basic swimming training. Key words swimming...
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Enacting social accounting within a community enterprise : actualising hermeneutic conversationGibbon, Rebecca Jane January 2010 (has links)
The research was carried out using a participatory action research approach to develop social accounts with Jesmond Swimming Pool (JSP). The original motivation to carry out this project was to see what social accounts would look like and whether it was possible to develop them in this organisation. The experience of doing social accounts is further examined using Gray, et al., (1997) to explore whether these were either ‘ideal’ or ‘good’ social accounts for the organisation. A communitarian philosophical framework is used in order to examine the conceptualisation of ‘good’ social accounts. The first part of the thesis explores the social and environmental accounting (SEA) and accountability literature, with the second part exploring the experience of reaching initial agreement to do social accounts (SAs). The agreement to do the accounts was then followed by two years of social accounts developed with JSP. This empirical data provides a detailed account from the perspectives of insiders and other sources as to the experience of doing social accounts. This experience is then opened up to interrogation from a wider view point. The third part of the thesis examines the experience of JSP using third sector communitarian philosophy and a voluntary accountability framework in order to demonstrate that JSP could provide an example of a ‘good’ or ‘ideal’ social account. This raises the issue of whether or not ‘good’ or ‘ideal’ social accounts for third sector organisations are only possible within a communitarian paradigm. If it is possible to establish what ‘good’ social accounts entail then it may be appropriate to extend this approach to other contexts, for example, the public sector or the corporate world.
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Porovnání srdeční frekvence ve vodním prostředí a na suchu / Comparasion of heart rate in the aquatic environment and on landThiel, Dan January 2014 (has links)
Title Comparison of heart rate in the aquatic environment and on land. Purposes The aim is to determine whether the body immersed just below the surface of the water has a significant effect on the change in heart rate compared to heart rate measured on land. Methods This is a quantitative research carried out by comparing of heart rate frequency in 30 probands, which were evaluated using statistical methods. The main output of the values was Student's paired t-test. Location of probands during the measurement was lying on his back. The height of the water column was 26 cm. Results Compare the effect of 26 cm high water column compared to normal atmospheric conditions, operating while lying on the body. Indicator is measured heart rate. We found no significant change in heart rate during measurement in resting heart rate in water, compared to measurement on land, p <0.05. Key words swimming, heart rate, water, diving, heart rate in water
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Porovnání timingu vybraných svalů pletence ramenního při plaveckém způsobu prsa ve vodě a na suchu / The Comparison of Muscle Timing of Chosen Shoulder Girdle Muscles During Breaststroke Inside and Outside the WaterBöswart, Jonáš January 2015 (has links)
Title: The Comparison of Muscle Timing of Chosen Shoulder Girdle Muscles During Breaststroke Inside and Outside the Water Objectives: The aim of this thesis was to compare timing and activation of chosen shoulder girdle muscles during breaststroke in the pool with counterflow and during excercise with rubber expander. Methods: It was analyzed timing and level of muscle activation during swimming and simulating the same movement of upper extremities in the air against the power of rubber expander. As an objetification was used surface electromyography. One profesional swimer took part in this experiment Results: Based on results it seemed that the movement of upper extremities are different in the pool and in the air during swimming stroke of breaststroke. Most of the measurement were different in the pool and in the air. Keywords: swimming, breaststroke, EMG, WaS-EMG, electromyography, shoulder girdle muscles, timing
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Komparativní analýza vybraných koordinačních ukazatelů plavecké techniky kraul a spontánního plazení / Comparative analysis of selected coordinate indicators in front crawl swiming technique and crawlingVodička, Radek January 2011 (has links)
AABBSSTTRRAACCTT Title: Comparative analysis of selected coordinate indicators in front crawl swimming technique and crawling. Purposes: The first aim of thesis is to compare coordinate indictors of average swimming cycle and average crawling cycle. Methods: Surface electromyography of muscular activity combined with cinematography analysis used synchronized video recording. Intraindividual comparative analysis and subsequent interindividual comparison of timing muscular activation in one average swimming and crawling cycle. Results: The timing of muscular activity of m. pectoralis major and m. latissimus dorsi during swimming cycle was identical for all probands. This phenomenon was not found in crawling . Key words: Swimming technique, Front Crawl, crawling, EMG, muscle, locomotion, shoulder girdle
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