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Comparison of control strategies for Peltonturbines in Wave Energy Converters / Jämförelse av styrstrategier för Peltonturbiner i vågenergiomvandlareHAMILTON, PHILIP, SJÖGREN, ANDREAS January 2021 (has links)
Wave energy is a promising renewable resource with a higher energy density than both wind and solar. Waves can travel thousands of kilometers with minimal energy loss, making them more reliable than the previously mentioned alternatives. A device that utilizes wave energy to generate electricity is calleda Wave Energy Converter. The converter studied in this thesis is a non-resonant point absorber, a floating device that absorbs energy through its displacement in the water. An incident wave approaching the converter combined with a latching strategy transforms the wave into a water jet, which emerges as a pulse wave and varies from zero to maximum velocity. The kinetic energy of the water jet gets converted to electricity through a Pelton turbine and a permanent magnet synchronous motor that acts as a generator. The thesis investigates three generator velocity control strategies and two deadtime strategies and aims to answer which strategy yields the best efficiency for the selected wave fields. The strategies strive to maximize the efficiency of the Pelton turbine while minimizing the frictional and electrical losses. The first velocity control approach relies on historical data and computes the average based on the previous wavefield. The second approach maintains a predetermined turbine velocity based on the average jet velocity of each incident wave. Lastly, the third strategy continuously adapts the speed during each jet pulse to maximize the Pelton turbine efficiency. The dead-time strategies refer to the approaches employed between waves. The first approach maintainsa constant generator velocity, reducing the necessary acceleration to match the next incident wave. The second approach freewheels the generator, allowing it to decelerate due to friction losses. During the deceleration, the generator draws no current, but as the next wave arrives it must instead accelerate. Consequently, drawing more current but during a shorter period. The results reveal that there is no significant difference between the two deadtime strategies, but there is a significant difference between the velocity control strategies. Furthermore, the results illustrate the effectiveness of the local averaging method and the adaptive control method, which result in the highest system efficiency. / Vågenergi är en lovande energiresurs som har högre energidensitet än både vind- och solkraft. Vågor kan färdas tusentals kilometer med minimal energiförlust,vilket gör dem mer tillförlitliga än de tidigare nämnda alternativen. En anordning som kan nyttja vågors energi för att generera elektricitet kallas för vågenergiomvandlare. Omvandlaren som studerats i detta arbete är en icke-resonant punktabsorbent,vilket är en flytande anordning som absorberar energi genom dess förflyttning i vattnet. När en kommande våg närmar sig omvandlaren transformeras vågen till en vattenstråle, som framträder som en pulsvåg och varierar mellan noll och maxhastighet, via en styrstrategi vid namn ”latching”. Den kinetiska energin från vattenstrålen omvandlas till elektrisk energi via en Peltonturbin och en synkronmotor som agerar som generator. Det här arbetet undersöker tre hastighetsstyrstrategier samt två mellantidsstrategier för generatorn, och ämnar besvara vilken som är den mest effektiva strategin för en uppsättning vågor. Målet med dessa strategier är att maximera effektiviteten hos Peltonturbinen medan friktions- samt elektriska förluster minimeras. Den första hastighetsstyrstrategin håller en konstant hastighetbaserad på ett medelvärde från ett tidigare vågfält. Den andra strategin hålleren konstant hastighet, vilken anpassas till varje inkommande våg. Den tredje strategin anpassar hastigheten kontinuerligt under pulsvågen för att maximera turbineffektiviteten. Med mellantidsstrategierna menas de styrstrategier som nyttjas mellan vattenpulserna. I den första mellantidsstrategin körs generatorn som motor och håller konstant hastighet, vilket minskar de nödvändiga accelerationerna för att möta kommande vågs referenshastighet. Den andra strategin låter generatorn frihjula, vilket gör att hastigheten faller på grund av friktionsförluster. Under hastighetsminskningen drar generatorn ingen ström, men den måste då istället accelerera när kommande våg anländer. Detta innebär att generatorn kommer att dra mer ström, men under en kortare period. Resultaten avslöjade att det inte var någon signifikant skillnad mellan de två mellantidsstrategierna och att det var en signifikant skillnad mellan hastighetsstyrstrategierna. Resultatet visade att de två metoderna med variabel hastighet gav högre systemeffektivitet än metoden med konstant hastighet.
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Contribution à la commande vectorielle sans capteur mécanique des machines synchrones à aimants permanents (MSAP)Khlaief, Amor 10 July 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche s'intéresse à la commande sans capteur mécanique du moteur synchrone à aimants permanents (MSAP) à pôles saillants, particulièrement en basse vitesse, avec détection de la position initiale du rotor. Après une présentation des techniques et approches qui ont initié nos travaux, en terme d'estimation de la vitesse et/ou de la position, nous avons choisi celles qui présentent plus d'intérêt de point de vue stabilité, robustesse, précision et simplicité d'implémentation. La première approche est basée sur le Système Adaptatif avec Modèle de Référence (MRAS). Quant à la deuxième, elle est réalisée autour d'un observateur non-linéaire pour l'estimation de la position et de la vitesse du MSAP à pôles saillants. Les deux techniques d'observation de la vitesse sont associées à une commande par orientation du flux rotorique avec la technique MLI vectorielle. Pour détecter la position initiale du rotor, nous avons utilisé une nouvelle approche qui permet d'estimer cette position avec une incertitude de ±5° mécanique. Cette nouvelle approche est basée sur l'application de signaux tests aux bornes des phases statoriques du MSAP. Des résultats de simulation et expérimentaux sont présentés tout au long de ces travaux pour valider les études théoriques de la commande vectorielle sans capteur mécanique du MSAP. Enfin, nous avons étudié et analysé les performances de la commande tolérante aux défauts sans capteur mécanique du MSAP en présence de défaillances de types transistors à l'état-off. / This research focuses on the sensorless vector control of a salient pole permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), particularly at low speed, with detection of the initial rotor position. In first step, an overview of the state of the art concerning the estimation of the rotor speed as well as the initial rotor position of PMSM is addressed. From such a study, we have adopted an interesting strategy based on the model reference adaptive system (MRAS). The second step in this research consists in studying the performances and the feasibility of a non-linear observer for closed-loop vector control of salient pole PMSM. The MRAS technique as well as the non-linear observer is associated to a vector control scheme based on the field oriented strategy with space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM). To detect the initial rotor position, we have proposed a new approach which estimates the position with a resolution of ±5° mechanical degrees. This new approach is based on applying short voltage pulses to the stator winding of salient pole PMSM. Several simulation and experimental results are presented to confirm the theoretical studies of the sensorless vector control of the salient pole PMSM drive. Finally, we have analyzed the performances of the sensorless speed fault tolerant control (FTC) of salient pole PMSM under failures related to the voltage source inverter (open circuit fault). The experimental results obtained based on the proposed techniques using nonlinear and MRAS observers have been improved in term of the reliability and allow a continuous operation of the salient pole PMSM drive even when it is supplied with two inverter legs.
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Approches neuromimétiques pour l'identification et la commande des systèmes électriques : application au filtrage actif et aux actionneurs synchrones / Neural networks approaches for identification and control of electrical systems : application to actif power filters and permanent-magnet synchronous motorsNguyen, Ngac Ky 02 December 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse propose des approches neuromimétiques d'identification et de commande avec des applications directes au Filtre Actif Parallèle (FAP) et au Moteur Synchrone à Aiment Permanent (MSAP). Une structure neuronale complète a été développée pour réaliser toutes les fonctionnalités d'un FAP pour compenser des harmoniques de courant. La phase instantanée et les composantes symétriques d'un système triphasé de tensions ou de courants ont été estimées avec une boucle à verrouillage de phase neuronale. L'identification des harmoniques de courant a été réalisée avec des réseaux de neurones de type Adaline opérant dans les différents repères. Plusieurs schémas de commande ont été développés pour réinjecter les courants de compensation à l'aide d'un onduleur. Ils sont basés sur des techniques neuromimétiques, sur la logique floue, ou sur leur association. Une approche neuronale a été développée pour commander une MSAP à distribution quelconque avec des contraintes prédéterminées réduisant les ondulations du couple. Elle consiste en des schémas de commande directe en couple ou en vitesse pour obtenir les courants statoriques optimaux qui donnent exactement le couple électromagnétique (ou la vitesse) désiré et qui réduisent au maximum les pertes par effet Joule. Ces commandes intègrent deux blocs neuronaux, l'un dédié au calcul des courants optimaux et l'autre pour assurer leur génération à travers un onduleur de tension. Toutes les approches neuromimétiques ont été validées par des tests de simulation et des essais expérimentaux. Des comparaisons avec les méthodes de commande classique démontrent des caractéristiques supérieures en termes de performance et de robustesse. / This thesis proposes Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) approaches for the identification and the control of an Active Power Filter (APF) and a Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM). A completed neural architecture was developed for an APF for harmonic currents compensation. The instantaneous phase and the symmetrical components of a three-phase voltage or current were estimated with a neural phase Jock loop. The harmonic terms were identified by Adaline neural networks that estimate the instantaneous powers within different reference frames. Several intelligent techniques, based on neural networks, fuzzy logic or their association, were developed to control the inverter used to inject the harmonic currents phase-opposite. An original neural approach was also carried out for reducing the torque ripple of a non-sinusoidal PMSM. It consists in a direct torque or in a speed control schemes that elaborate the optimal stator currents which exactly give a desired electromagnetic torque or speed and which minimize the ohmic losses. The control schemes integrate two neural networks, one to calculate the optimal currents and one to ensure their generation through an inverter. The neural network approaches were all evaluated by simulated and experimental tests. The results confirm their excellent characteristics in terms of both performance and robustness. Comparisons with conventional methods prove their superiority.
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Design And Development of Linear Moving Magnet Synchronous Motor Based Twin PTC And HTS Level Sensor for LOX RecondenserGour, Abhay Singh January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Cryocoolers are closed cycle devices which produce cooling below 120 K. Usually, one or two linear motors are used to drive one pulse tube cryocooler. Cryocoolers are used for various applications like, cooling of infra red detectors, cryo surgical knife, cryogen recondenser etc.
In this thesis the design development and testing of Twin Pulse Tube Cryocooler (TPTC) are discussed. TPTC consists of two pulse tubes driven by dual piston head linear compressor. This dual piston linear compressor is operated using single linear motor. Using this configuration, cooling power is doubled with reduced cost of compressor. The design, fabrication and testing of Linear Moving Magnet Synchronous Motor (LMMSM) based dual piston head linear compressor are carried out indigenously. Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis is used for estimating eddy current loss and flux distribution pattern in various mover configurations of the linear motor. The developed fabrication and assembly procedure of linear motor are discussed in detail.
The mover of linear motor is supported by using a pair of cross armed C – type flexures. These flexures are designed using FEM and are fabricated indigenously. The flexure pairs are tested for 108 cycles with ± 3 mm stroke length of linear motor before assembling compressor.
Linear motor is usually required to be operated at different frequencies. Thus, a variable frequency and variable voltage Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) based power supply is designed using analog circuits like Op-Amps. This cost effective power supply is capable of delivering 27 A at 100 V with frequency range of 25 Hz to 80 Hz continuously.
Sage software was used to carry out 1-D simulation and obtain dimensions of various Pulse Tube Cryocooler (PTC) components. Various pulse tube configurations like Joint Twin PTC, Twin PTC with buffer volume and single PTC with buffer volume were carried out. A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Fluent 2-D analysis was carried out for single PTC with buffer volume. The fabrication and assembly procedure of PTC is discussed in detail. A novel method of heat exchanger fabrication was developed and analyzed using FEM and its performance is tested experimentally. The twin PTC is operated at 34 bar and 48 Hz.
A light weight High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) based level sensor is developed to monitor the cryogen level. The developed sensor was calibrated against discrete diode array and pre-calibrated continuous capacitance type level sensor. The calibrations were carried out in indigenously designed and fabricated 4-wall cryostat using Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) and LOX as cryogen.
LabVIEW software based data acquisition was designed for testing, recording and monitoring the performance of twin PTC and level sensors during experiments.
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Algoritmy monitorování a diagnostiky pohonů se synchronními motory / Monitoring and Diagnosis Algorithms for Synchronous Motor DrivesOtava, Lukáš January 2021 (has links)
Permanent magnet synchronous machine drives are used more often. Although, synchronous machines drive also suffer from possible faults. This thesis is focused on the detection of the three-phase synchronous motor winding faults and the detection of the drive control loop sensors' faults. Firstly, a model of the faulty winding of the motor is presented. Effects of the inter-turn short fault were analyzed. The model was experimentally verified by fault emulation on the test bench with an industrial synchronous motor. Inter-turn short fault detection algorithms are summarized. Three existing conventional winding fault methods based on signal processing of the stator voltage and stator current residuals were verified. Three new winding fault detection methods were developed by the author. These methods use a modified motor model and the extended Kalman filter state estimator. Practical implementation of the algorithms on a microcontroller is described and experimental results show the performance of the presented algorithms in different scenarios on test bench measurements. Highly related motor control loop sensors fault detection algorithms are also described. These algorithms are complementary to winding fault algorithms. The decision mechanism integrates outputs of sensor and winding fault detection algorithms and provides an overall drive fault diagnosis concept.
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Návrh kompozitní objímky rotoru vysokootáčkového rotačního stroje / Design of the composite rotor sleeve of a high speed rotary machinePavlík, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on manufacturing carbon fiber and epoxy composite material using filament winding method. Material properties of manufactured composite are ap-proximated using analytical and numerical homogenization models. Calculated material properties are applied to design and evaluate reserve factor of retaining sleeve for high speed brushless permanent magnet synchronous motor. Margin of safety of designed rotor is evaluated using composite failure criteria. Test stand for both static and dynamic testing is designed, static test stand is manufactured and assembled. Static strength test is carried out.
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Analýza synchronního stroje s permanentními magnety o výkonu 1,1 MW / Analysis of 1,1 MW permanent magnet synchronous motorHomolová, Romana January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the elaboration of The Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor and the calculation of its parameters. In the first part, the construction and used permanent magnets of this motor are listed here. The next part of the thesis contains a short overview of the stator windings, the calculation of the winding factors and calculation of the basic parameters of the stator winding. The calculation of the magnetic induction in the air gap is also illustrated here. The result is recalculated by using the Carter factor and then the value of the first harmonics of air-gap flux density is determined. The result is compared with the analysis in the program FEMM. The next part of the thesis is creating a comprehensive overview of the machine using a replacement circuit diagram and phasor diagrams. Finally, the thesis contains model created in RMxprt and ANSYS Maxwell. The results of the model analysis are compared with the analytical calculation
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Elektrický pohon zkušebního pracoviště / Electric drive of testing benchJon, Václav January 2008 (has links)
The master thesis deals with problems of electrical gears divided to the teoretical and practical part of submitted work. Thesis was created in conjuction with company VUES Brno s.r.o. The author of the master thesis accomplished three-month work experience at aforementioned company and consequently solved the national project: Automatic station with utilization of active synchronic brakes for testing electrical hand-held tools. The project included creating full-automatic station for testing life-time cyclic tests electrical hand-held tools. The author of the project engage in programme for frequency transmitter served as headstone of the master thesis.
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Enhancing Servo System Performance : Robust Nonlinear Deadbeat Predictive Current Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors / Förbättring av prestanda för servo system : Robust ickelinjär deadbeat förutsägande strömkontroll för permanenta magnet synkronmotorerZhao, Xingyu January 2023 (has links)
The Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM, also known as the servo motor) is a crucial component within robotic servo systems. To optimally respond to the torque demands sent from the high-level motion controller, the PMSM current controller must track the reference with speed and precision. Nevertheless, the operation of servo motors could be compromised due to the nonlinearity of flux linkage and inaccuracies in parameters induced by unpredictable fluctuations in temperature. This Master’s thesis proposes a novel Robust Nonlinear Deadbeat Predictive Current Control (RN-DPCC) scheme to counter these challenges effectively. The nonlinear mappings between flux linkage and current on the dq-axis are established using polynomial fitting based on experimental data. Furthermore, the Nonlinear Deadbeat Predictive Current Control (N-DPCC) is derived using nonlinear feedforward. Meanwhile, Delayed Integral Action (DIA) is introduced as a robustness-enhancing measure for N-DPCC, thus evolving it into the Robust N-DPCC (RN-DPCC). Compared to conventional Integral Action (IA), DIA effectively curtails overshoot triggered by integral error and accelerates the current transient without incorporating additional tunable parameters. Numerical simulations that leverage the mathematical modeling of the converter and nonlinear PMSM are implemented using fundamental blocks in Simulink, which replicates the actual experimental setup employed within the Motor Control Lab at ABB Corporate Research. The effectiveness of employing nonlinear feedforward compensation is confirmed through a comparative analysis of the simulation results from N-DPCC and conventional Deadbeat Predictive Current Control (DPCC). The enhancements in transient response brought about by DIA are demonstrated through a comparison of RNDPCC and N-DPCC with IA. The robustness of RN-DPCC is demonstrated by comparing it with N-DPCC under conditions where parameter inaccuracies are present. / Den permanenta magnet-synkronmotorn (PMSM, även känd som servomotorn) är en avgörande komponent inom robotiserade servosystem. För att optimalt kunna reagera på momentkraven som skickas från högnivårörelsekontrollern måste PMSM-strömregulatorn följa referensen med hastighet och precision. Trots detta kan driften av servomotorer påverkas av ickelinjäriteter i flödeslänkningen och felaktigheter i parametrar som orsakas av oförutsägbara temperaturfluktuationer. Denna magisteravhandling föreslår en ny robust icke-linjär deadbeat-prediktiv strömreglering (RN-DPCC) för att effektivt hantera dessa utmaningar. De icke-linjära avbildningarna mellan flödeslänkning och ström på dq-axeln etableras med hjälp av polynomisk anpassning baserat på experimentella data. Dessutom härleds den ickelinjära deadbeat-prediktiva strömregleringen (N-DPCC) med hjälp av Ickelinjär feedforward. Samtidigt introduceras fördröjd integralåtgärd (DIA) som en robusthetsförbättrande åtgärd för N-DPCC, vilket förvandlar den till Robust N-DPCC (RN-DPCC). Jämfört med konventionell integralåtgärd (IA) minskar DIA effektivt överhäng som utlöses av integralfel och accelererar strömövergången utan att införa ytterligare justerbara parametrar. Numeriska simuleringar som utnyttjar den matematiska modelleringen av omvandlaren och den icke-linjära PMSM implementeras med hjälp av grundläggande block i Simulink, vilket återskapar den faktiska experimentella uppställningen som används i Motor Control Lab vid ABB Corporate Research. Effektiviteten i att använda icke-linjär framåtmatningskompensation bekräftas genom en jämförande analys av simulationsresultaten från N-DPCC och konventionell deadbeat-prediktiv strömreglering (DPCC). Förbättringarna i transientrespons som DIA medför demonstreras genom en jämförelse av RN-DPCC och NDPCC med IA. Robustheten hos RN-DPCC demonstreras genom att jämföra den med N-DPCC under förhållanden där parameterfel förekommer.
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Methodologies for FPGA Implementation of Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control for Electric Motor DrivesLao, Alex January 2019 (has links)
Model predictive control is a popular research focus in electric motor control as it allows designers to specify optimization goals and exhibits fast transient response. Availability of faster and more affordable computers makes it possible to implement these algorithms in real-time. Real-time implementation is not without challenges however as these algorithms exhibit high computational complexity. Field-programmable gate arrays are a potential solution to the high computational requirements. However, they can be time-consuming to develop for. In this thesis, we present a methodology that reduces the size and development time of field-programmable gate array based fixed-point model predictive motor controllers using automated numerical analysis, optimization and code generation. The methods can be applied to other domains where model predictive control is used. Here, we demonstrate the benefits of our methodology by using it to build a motor controller at various sampling rates for an interior permanent magnet synchronous motor, tested in simulation at up to 125 kHz. Performance is then evaluated on a physical test bench with sampling rates up to 35 kHz, limited by the inverter. Our results show that the low latency achievable in our design allows for the exclusion of delay compensation common in other implementations and that automated reduction of numerical precision can allow the controller design to be compacted. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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