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A Preliminary Study on the Pitfall of Social Networking Service in Taiwan by System Dynamics ModelingLi, Shyh-Jane 17 June 2010 (has links)
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A study of the impact of National Health Insurance drug price policy on hospital performance with system dynamics ¡X Exemplified by a Regional Teaching HospitalCheng, Yen-shih 09 July 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this research aims to (1) construct the predict model by system dynamics on the outpatient visits; (2) investigate the influence on hospital performance after drug price policies made; and (3) offer feasible schemes by scenario simulation. National Health Insurance (NHI) system intends to safeguard the right to health care for all residents in Taiwan. NHI system has gained high public satisfaction so far. However, medical expenditures and pharmaceutical costs have propelled the rapid growth in recent years because of the stipulation of the insurance premium rate, the general push for improved health care quality, and inclusion of new drugs as well as new technologies. To prevent the deficit of the NHI system¡¦s finances from widening further, the Bureau of NHI is urged to reform the reimbursement policies, including Adjustments of Drug List and Payment Scheme, Global Budget Payment System, and Adjust Reasonably Reimbursement Criteria as well. Based on the statistics, a quarter of the total revenues were for the drug cost. Legally mandated drug price adjustments have a great influence on the financial burden of the medical institutions.
On the basis of the simulation analysis, the major findings of this research are summarized as follows: (1) The adjustments of the prescription depend on the amount of the profit gained from the drugs; (2) The increase the refillable prescriptions for patients with chronic illnesses enhances the profit of the drugs; (3) With the implementation of the system dynamics, the counterintuitive phenomenon can be identified and used to guide the future policies of the medical institutions. This research also suggests that the total comprehension of finding the leader loop in the dynamic complexity system within the management of the medical institutions is beneficial in providing the relative adjustment policies for a hospital.
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A System Dynamics Approach to Construction Project Managerment ¡Ð Substation of Taiwan Power Company for exampleChen, Yu-cheng 23 July 2010 (has links)
Timing, cost, and quality are the key elements in the construction project. (We can call it ¡§elements triangle¡¨) Whenever one of the elements is being changed, such as the project progress delay, the cost surpass the budget or the quality flaw excessively many and so on, usually the solution is to modify the problem part, but we miss the ¡§System Dynamics¡¨ of the construction project. The elements are involved to each other. Therefore, when we adjust the deviation part of the element; actually the adjustment also involves changes of the other elements or even the whole construction project, but still not solves the problem. It causes the recycle of the deviation occurs continually, but not the solution.
According to the complex system dynamics, we found the best solution form the research of several construction cases with its management strategy and identities:
1. Adjust the deviation according to the person who is in charge of the project is better than just adjust the problem part of the elements.
2. Improve the satisfaction to the person who is in charge of the project and the cooperators for obtaining a better effect.
3. Applies the case occurs from the dynamic simulation method analysis practical field will enhanced the result of the inspection improvement plan, but also effected to the deviation analysis.
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A Study on Naval Vessel¡¦s Repair and Maintenance Strategy Led by Dynamical System TheoryWang, Chung-Cheng 06 September 2010 (has links)
Different from terrestrial equipments (tanks and wheeled vehicles) and airborne crafts (planes or helicopters), the R & M (repair and maintenance) issues about naval vessels are profoundly related to their gigantic size, numerous operators, and thousands of various spare parts which individually have small quantity demand for logistic support. That is why the R & M of naval vessels is much more complicated. According to the Defense White Paper of 2009, the whole military force is going to be downsized. Meanwhile, the rescuing and relieving tasks for natural disasters have also been officially assigned to them. Therefore, the attendance rate of ships is increasing, which causes lower reliability and higher failure rate and consequently the rising R & M load. The dynamical complexity existing among the variables associated with R & M of naval vessels, which are non-linear, interconnecting and time-delaying, makes the system dynamics a very suitable theory for analyzing this kind of issue systematically.
During the study, a model was built based on system dynamics. After reviewing related literatures and discussing with professionals in this field, the associated variables were defined and their casual diagrams were also established. We developed the stock-flow diagrams of three subsystems-- R & M process, man power, and material supply. Afterward these three subsystems were integrated into an R & M dynamical system model. Policy influence simulation and scenario design was carried out after basic tests confirming its validity. The results indicated that a higher R & M capacity could obviously reduce the number of ships stalled in shipyard and effectively increasing the discharge rate. Therefore we recommended the associated authority to boost R & M capacity by aggressive actions such as increasing the ratio of recruitment, building R & M knowledge management system and strengthening the education and training.
For the follow-up research, we suggest more interviews with industrial personnel and experts, collecting R & M data for each type of naval vessel, deliberating the factors influencing the R & M from different aspects and appropriately defining system boundary in order to establish a model which is more similar to the real world. Therefore its simulated results can approach to the reality further, and the scenario analysis with conclusions induced from policy influence simulation can be more specific for the authorities.
Keywords: repair and maintenance of naval vessels, system dynamics, strategy
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A Study on Personal Financial Planning:by System Dynamics ApproachChen, Yu-ling 31 May 2004 (has links)
Maslow¡¦s famous theory, the demand theory, constitutes a hierarchy of five levels. One can fulfill these demands stage by stage provided one has sufficient money.
In Taiwan, more and more people are getting old, but the government hasn¡¦t figured out the welfare system for the aged. Without annuities after retirement, it¡¦s important for one to have an alternative. Financial planning helps one make good use of income to accumulate a considerable amount of money for children¡¦s education and spending after retirement.
In this research, I try to establish the patterns of individual and family financial planning in the method of system dynamics, helping people to choose their destiny in their lives.
This research shows that system dynamics modeling for the analysis of financial planning can really work. The structure and dynamics of systems enable us to understand and control the complex financial systems. It allows us to design strategies for greater success. This research reaches two achievements:
1. Make causal loop diagrams (CLDs) of financial planning
The CLDs eliciting here are suitable for individuals or teams. CLDs enable us to seek endogenous explanations for phenomena , instead of exogenous ones, which may be more lopsided. It can help us to have a whole picture of the interaction of the variables presented.
2. Formulate a simulation model
The model built in this research can lead to quantification results, which enable us to compare all kinds of different situations and estimate the long-term influences on different plans .
The long-term financial investment planning must be done under an effective management structure. An investment managed in scientific methods can be more effective and create a fortune more easily as well. A well-designed financial planning allows one to understand one¡¦s financial condition, precisely predict the cash flows in the future, and choose the most suitable kind of investment combination. In this way, one can successfully accomplish each goal of one¡¦s life without any concerning for money.
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A reasch of strategy map and dynamic strategy goal of nonprofit organization ---Take Public Television Servive as exampleChen, Chun-chi 06 February 2006 (has links)
The main idea of strategy map is to compensate for the exceedingly static balance scorecard and to have the four frameworks more logically arranged. Strategic action is a dynamic system existing in the four frameworks of balance scorecard. Policymakers tend to pay too much attention to the variations of the short-time measurements than the long-term structural effect of system. Through time delay and the effect of negative feedback loops, strategic actions may cause the change of loops, leading to some side effects or counterintuition. As a result, managers may fail to correctly analyze situations and make appropriate decisions, have a complete strategic planning, and have the strategic goal expectably achieved.
Public Television Service is a nonprofit corporation with properties of wireless television corporation and nonprofit organization simultaneously. Based on article 2 of the law of PTS, governmental donations of foundations for which a budget is prepared in accordance with this Law shall be reduced by ten percent each year until the third fiscal year; according to article 41, the station may not broadcast business commercials¡K This clause brings about an innate problem that it prevents PTS from raising money by dealing with commercial pursuits. With governmental donations barely increased, improving funds-raising ability has become an important object of PTS. With limited financial resource, PTS requires a dynamic managerial tool to keep its balance between the object of public welfare and the budget.
The purpose of this article is to discuss the dynamic relations among strategic themes, actions and measurements on the strategy map of PTS, and to map the management system by qualitative and quantitative system dynamics. According to the result of secondary data analysis and the interviews, this research constitutes the strategy map of PTS based on strategic themes of four frameworks, modeling each sub-system. After testing, basic simulating and policy simulating, we can then explore the interaction among all sub-systems.
Based on the theory of improving the dynamic alignment of balance scorecard strategy in system dynamics, this research models the system of PTS by intuitional and systematically-thinking methods separately. The results shows: 1. In the systems constructed by BSC and strategy map, dynamic relations exist in each component. Strategies may turn out to be counter-intuitional owing to time delay, and the effects of positive and negative loops. 2. Policy laboratory made by system dynamics can be used to simulate the policies. Leading and lag index of BSC also have dynamic properties. Therefore, when setting strategy goals or KPI, managers have to consider the influence caused by loops and time delay. In addition, the outcome of policy and case simulation reveals: 1. If the quality of TV programs does not progress in company with its service, the system will fall into the crisis of growth limit. 2. Improving service quality one-sidedly may lead to an effect disappointing or being detected after a long time because of time delay. 3. When executing the strategy to improve the quality of TV programs (to increase the budget of TV programs), PTS should manage to raise service capacity and satisfaction to reduce the force of negative feedback loops and maintain the policy effect.
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The study of the value of enterprise and the strategy formulated by system dynamicsWei, Hou-hung 27 April 2006 (has links)
This study is to discuss the value of enterprise and the strategy formulated
by system dynamics. For this field we trial to research the key activity factors
that will effect the value of enterprise. This study will design a model and
simulate the behavior of the key activity factors when the leader decided and
executed the policy. From this model, the leader will anticipative understand
the changes of the value of enterprise, know well the causal relationship and
the feedback on the activities before decide, in addition become the strategy
thinking, prevent the mistake and for the reference in management at the same
The conclusions of this study are presented as follows:
1. From the thinking of strategic with the system dynamics, we build up 9
systems to simulate the operation of the enterprise and study the
relationships with the variables are named Leader-Ship, Culture, Market,
List, Technology, Stock, Operation Cost, Brand Value and Sum-profit.
2. From simulation, the logic design of the whole system and the
relationships of the variables had been proved, that means it is the
interdependence among the strategy, the capability of the management,
and the value of the enterprise.
3. Compared with the simulating result and the strategies, the policies and
the performance for 4 years in the case, there is a valid verification
to pre-simulate and forecast the effects and the changes on the value
of the enterprise before decided.
The conclusions above are significant to the ¡§carrying capacity¡¨ of the
corporate value that reflects to management in the following aspects.
1. Differentiation is the leader-ship and the managerial capacity.
2. Are the strategies making competitive advantage¡H
3. How about the resistance when the enterprise has been attacked by the
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Apply System Dynamics Software for the Study of the Impacts of Oysters to the Nutrient Dynamics in a Tropical LagoonLee, Liang-shan 12 February 2007 (has links)
Tapeng Bay is the second largest lagoon in Taiwan. The biological and ecological environments are an autotrophic system and are influenced by seasonal variability, terrestrial pollutant inputs and the exchange rates with seawater. There¡¦re intense oyster culture and fish farming activities in the bay before July, 2002. The oyster was the most important spineless member in the lagoon. They would filtrate microplankton and detritus; they would also excrete nutrient and consume dissolved oxygen. Therefore, oyster played a very crucial role in the Tapeng Bay. This study combines the biological responses of the oysters with the complicated interaction among microplankton, nutrient, detritus and dissolved oxygen to establish the relationship of dynamical mechanisms between variables by applying the system dynamics simulation software STELLA.
Model results clearly reveal that the oysters are the main species of filtration. The factors which affect the biomass of oysters include microplankton concentration, temperature and individual mass; the connection between oysters and other biological variables is closely tied. The study has also shown that the removing of oysters may cause significant increases of plankton and detritus during the eutrophication condition. Although the simulated water quality variables show higher than those obtained from sampling experiments in the literatures, the trend corresponds well with the relative studies. Despite the fact that oysters excrete much nutrient and nutrient is mostly taken up by microplankton, the condition of nutrient limitation has never happened, which is in correspondence with the result. In the sensitivity analysis, the parameters of oyster filtration rate and the autotroph nitrogen to carbon ratio are important factors which have influence on oysters biomass, and the concentration of microplankton and ammonium. Oyster excretion rate and the proportion of oyster feces and pseudofeces also have significant influences on the concentration of ammonium.
The oyster culture racks in the Bay have already been torn down, but the Bay is still eutrophic. This is a clear indication of the importance of the oysters in the lagoon. Properly culture some oysters in the area where exist high concentrations of microplankton or organic input. By applying the oyster abundant filtration, planktons and suspended solids, mostly detritus and organic matters, can probably be controlled and the water quality in the bay can thus be improved.
Although the STELLA has its limitation on broader applications, the model developed by this study can be combined with the features of social or economic fields. A decision supporting system can be developed for the management of ecological environment policies.
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The System of the Pharmaceutical Industrial Innovation: A System Dynamics ApproachYang, Bo-hsiang 19 July 2007 (has links)
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NoneHsiao, Wan-chi 16 July 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this research is through building a System Dynamics model to
show hospital operating structure as a whole and to find out the interactions between
variables. And through the Management Flight Simulator to simulate three
policy¡X¡§retrenchment personnel policy¡¨, ¡§retrenchment personnel policy and
¡§raising salary¡¨, ¡§abundant personnel policy¡¨¡X to find out the best manage policy.
The case in this research is a Regional Teaching Hospital in southern Taiwan. The
model is built according to the information which got by many times interview. The
model has four sub-systems; they are ¡§market sub-system¡¨, ¡§human resource
sub-system¡¨, ¡§equipment sub-system¡¨ and ¡§finance sub-system¡¨.
After the simulation and the evaluation, we find that ¡§abundant personnel policy¡¨
can save more cost than ¡§retrenchment personnel policy¡¨. That is because ¡§abundant
personnel policy¡¨ not only can save the physical cost like recruiting cost and training
cost, but also can save the invisible cost like the experience of employee can¡¦t be
accumulated. Besides, raising salary although can slacken off the decreasing
employee satisfaction due to the overloading, but it is cure the symptoms, not the
disease. In long-term, it will lead to the increasing cost, decreasing the
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