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Využití konceptu koordinované rehabilitace v domově pro seniory / The use of co-ordinated rehabilitation concept in retirement homeKOLEVOVÁ, Tanja January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with co-ordinated rehabilitation and its use in retirement home specifically in the Center of social services Staroměstská in České Budějovice. It is important to use a co-ordinated rehabilitation concept for achievement of high service quality which means better life quality for pensioners. Co-operation within multidisciplinary team is essential during comprehensive rehabilitation for all persons. The goal of this diploma thesis was to found out how retirement home uses individual components of co-ordinated rehabilitation concept. The principal research question was: How much are employees of retirement home informed about co-ordinated rehabilitation concept? For research was chosen retirement home in the Center of social services Staroměstská in České Budějovice. There were eight employees of this institution participated in the research. It was used method of questioning and half-structured interview technique. Retirement home in the Center of social services Staroměstská uses all aspects of co-ordinated rehabilitation concept. Particularly they utilize medical rehabilitation and social rehabilitation. Most of workers is well-informed about co-ordinated rehabilitation concept. Some of them do not know certain terms. However after explaining of these terms they prove good knowledge of this issue. The employees have satisfactory overview not only about rehabilitation which is directly their scope of working activity but also about other components of co-ordinated rehabilitation. The workers are perfectly informed about medical rehabilitation. They are also mostly satisfied with co-operation in multidisciplinary team. This kind of co-operation takes place at any time of a need or during the meetings or at individual scheduling. The results of this diploma thesis may help to retirement home in the Center of social services Staroměstská in České Budějovice to evaluate the usage of co-ordinated rehabilitation during elderly care. It might also show the measure of co-operation of multidisciplinary team members. This diploma thesis may help to anybody who is interested in specific retirement home or in co-ordinated rehabilitation in general.
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Využití koordinované rehabilitace v domově se zvláštním režimem / The use of coordinated rehabilitation in a home with special regimeRATHOVÁ, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to identify options of how to use the systém of coordinated rehabilitation in a home with a special regime. To obtain information I used qualitative research methodology. Semi-standardized interviews served as the research tool. These interviews were carried out with 10 employees of a home with a special regime run by the City Institute of Social Services in Strakonice. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis focuses on coordinated rehabilitation as a whole, further, it discusses the individual parts of coordinated rehabilitation. Other chapters describe the most frequent client diagnoses within the Home with a special regime, and finally the standards of social service quality are mentioned. The main research question: What are the options of using coordinated rehabilitation in a home with a special regime? Partial research question: Are employees informed about the options of coordinated rehabilitation? For the purposes of the interview I used questions focused on general identification data, questions focusing on the importance of coordinated rehabilitation, multidisciplinary team. Further, I asked about the individual components of coordinated rehabilitation, and finally, how individual planning is carried out. The result of this diploma thesis is a finding that individual components of coordinated rehabilitation are not fully mutually connected. It would be useful to provide employees with suitable courses to complete their missing knowledge. This diploma thesis might serve as a tool for improving care in the Home with a special regime, it might contribute to the Home with a special regime´s employer awareness of coordnated rehabilitiation, and connect it with practice.
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Analýza metod posttraumatické krizové intervence / Analysis of methods of the posttraumatic crisis interventionHLUŠKO, Oldřich January 2010 (has links)
In my thesis, I postulated the target to map the methods and procedures applied by the CR Police, Regional Police Headquarters of the South-Bohemian Region within the primary, secondary as well as tertiary prevention of posttraumatic reactions and disorder. A partial target of the thesis is finding out the rate of the satisfaction with availability of intervention care for policemen and employees of the Regional Police Headquarters of the South-Bohemian Region, finding out the rate of the awareness, usability and satisfaction with the care of the posttraumatic intervention team in the South-Bohemian Region, awareness of the service Help Line in crisis and its usability. Moreover I postulated the goal to map the interest in the possible internet helpline in the scope of IZS with elaboration of SWOD analysis. Everybody, also policemen may suffer from stress reaction. Also they can have the psychical and physical signs of an acute stress reaction. They perform the most of service acts, interventions in a routine way, however, besides this, also situations occur, differing from the normal life experience and policemen get in this way very often into the stress situations, which can arouse deep mental turbulences. The impact of feelings on the mental state in case of extreme experiences is a normal human reaction in a not normal situation. At present, each policeman has the possibility to ask for help a team of specially trained experts, the team of posttraumatic intervention care. In the team, not only psychologists are working, but also experienced policemen, experts of the branch of the Ministry of Interior and the priests prepared to help with their experience, erudition and knowledge acquired by a special training. Since 2001 the impacted person may call the anonymous Crisis Help Line, which is a supporting part of the posttraumatic intervention care for the policemen, firemen, employees of the branch of the Ministry of Interior and their family members. The crisis help line is also at disposal to the public in case of extraordinary events and crisis situations. For this reason, this thesis treats the methods of posttraumatic intervention care, awareness, usability, satisfaction and trust in these branch offices of the CR Police.
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Analýza podmínek týmové práce studentů VŠE / The analysis of conditions of teamwork of students at the University of Economics, PragueHolečková, Kamila January 2008 (has links)
There are described and analysed conditions and the process of teamwork of students of the University of Economics, Prague in the thesis. A questionnaire forms the significant part of this thesis. There were found out the positions and the opinions of teamwork of students.
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Problematika interní komunikace v projektovém řízení / Problems of Internal Communication in Project ManagementHlinková, Judita January 2010 (has links)
The primary influence on project results is human effort, therefore the most essential tool for effort management and focus is communication. Communication in Project Management is characterized by its complexity however it may be analysed from two perspectives; communication tools and human factor. The main objective of this work is to identify problematic areas of internal communication in Project Management and the design of corrective measures that will mitigate or eliminate these problems. This work is based on research in a dynamic environment and comprehensive project program, which is an excellent example and material for definition of such areas. The theoretical section lists the topics of project management and communication; each topic affects specific features that are part of the program or directly related (SOA, agile management, conflict parties business, ICT, etc.). The practical part acquaints readers with the concept of sociological research and defines a hypotheses and set of methods that were used in this research. Further, it contains a description of the program in which research was undertaken and the results of such analysis with recommendations on what measurements should be implemented to improve communication and its effectiveness.
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Osobní rozvoj v rámci společnosti OVB Allfinanz, a.s. / Personal development in OVB Allfinanz, a.s.Kozub, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on personal development. Describes the elements of personal development in terms of psychological, social and moral. It includes communication, assertivity and comprehensively defines the issue of the role of coaching in personal development. In the practical part of this thesis are described in details issues of personal development in the company OVB Allfinanz, a.s. The analysis is conducted by questionnaire survey. It contains results and a proposal for improving the state of personal development within the company.
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Projektový manažer jako manažer projektového týmu / Project manager as manager of the project teamMarkvart, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
The thesis topic is linking of knowledge from psychology and psychodiagnosis within project management. The thesis has several aims, which are all introduced in the first chapter. One of those aims is the introduction of contemporary ways, methods and standards used in project management. Another aim is equipping a project manager with knowledge from psychology and psychodiagnosis, which still constitute a comparatively neglected area of project management. What their utilization can actually do is to increase the efficiency and performance of project teams. The final aim is to come up with a solution to identified problems based on the conducted research. The second chapter of the thesis explains basic terms of project management, its standards and methodology, and duties of a project manager. The part devoted to psychology deals with personality, psychodiagnostic methods, team and motivation. The fourth chapter pursues the conduct and evaluation of research of contemporary project management. Finally, problems identified based on the findings from questionnaire survey are dealt with within the fifth chapter. It contains instructions for choice of appropriate way of project management, draft of the process of building a project team and a concept to achieve greater work satisfaction of team members.
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Analýza požadavků na CRM pro podporu obchodních týmů / Requirements Analysis of CRM System for Sales TeamsFraněk, Filip January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to clarify the reasons and consequences of failed implementations and poor adoption of CRM / SFA tools in sales teams, that have been recorded in recent years. Almost 70% of initiatives to introduce new technologies for sales teams have failed in the return on investments. The goal of the thesis is to create requirements for a new CRM / SFA, which will support salesmen and sales teams in a better way. It describes the way the sales team work, it describes business cases and determinates its key activities. Using perceived usefulness, I create a set of system requirements for CRM / SFA tool, which will support salesmen and improve their sales performance.
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Projektové metodiky a psychologické aspekty řízení lidských zdrojů / Project methodologies and psychological aspects of human resource managementSvoboda, Jiří January 2006 (has links)
Although there is a growing influence of psychology and human resources in modern management, this area is being often neglected in theory and particularly in praxis of project management. This area offers a big potential for improvement of performance of project teams and increase of teamwork efficiency. Therefore this thesis is focused on human factor in project management and the opportunity for using psychology, especially the theory of motivation and teamwork. There were set more main goals of thesis they can be split in two groups. In the first group there are research goals aimed on teamwork in project teams managed by agile or traditional methods, establishment of project teams, characteristics of projects suitable for agile approach and implementation of agile methods in a company. The proposal of solution of identified problem areas belongs to the second group of goals. According to the research results agile project teams are closer to psychological concept of team, whilst traditional project teams are closer to work groups. Therefore agile project teams have better potential for being more efficient and performing higher than the project teams managed by traditional methods. Another finding in this thesis is regarding setting up the project teams and their daily work. Although agile methods seem to be more efficient from the teamwork perspective, they don't offer general solution for all problems in project management and their usage is not necessary suitable for all kinds of projects and company environment. That's why the characteristics of appropriate projects for being managed by agile methods were also investigated. Successful implementation and application of agile methods is strongly influenced by company environment and other factors that were identified in theoretical part of the thesis and subsequently verified by the research. The thesis brings a lot of verified information regarding work in project teams and emphasizes the significance of management, motivation and development of project teams. For identified problem areas with significant potential for improvement were prepared two solution proposals included in final parts of the thesis. The first solution is a model for implementation of project methodology in a company; the second one is a model aimed on project team performance increase. Both proposed solutions offers specific tools and techniques ready for application in company environment.
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Spolupráce organizací při sanaci rodiny v rámci působnosti Oblastní charity Jičín / Collaboration of organisations in family strengthening in the area of competence of the Regional Caritas JičínKřížová, Vlasta January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis aims to describe the process of family strengthening of two services provided by Regional Caritas Jičín. It also compares the services using a good practice approach, which is defined by multidisciplinary cooperation and a network of activities of various organizations. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the process of family strengthening and explains terms such as family and its functions, multi-problem family, the vulnerability of contemporary family, family typology, or various socio-pathological phenomena. In this part, the objectives, principles, and legal framework of family strengthening are described. Two researched social activation services providing family strengthening are introduced. The setting of the system of care in Czechia is outlined, including its current issues and the ongoing transformation. Moreover, the innovative concepts of cooperation and methods of social work are introduced, i.e. multidisciplinary teams, child protection conferences, family conferences, or the Cochem model. The practical part of the thesis sets out three research objectives and describes the approach to the research, including its ethics, the researchers' position, and the method used for data collection - the semi-structured interview. Furthermore, the research analysis is...
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