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Mediální obraz české hokejové reprezentace v letech 2010 - 2015 / Media Coverage of the Czech ice-hockey team in 2010 - 2015Valášková, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
This thesis entitled "The Media Image of the Czech Hockey Team in the years 2010 - 2015" deals with the presentation of the Czech national ice hockey team at the World Championships in 2010, 2013 and 2015, in the Mlada fronta Dnes and the Sport daily newspapers. It focuses on the media image created during the championships with different process, results and circumstances. The theoretical part presents the concepts, methods and procedures. It focuses on the introduction of semiotics, its principles and explains the basic concepts of the semiotics and semiotic analysis work. Another area is the media construction of reality, which is important for analyzing media image. The media coverage of the sports events, myths associated with it, creating a statute of athletes' celebrities or presentation of national pride and identity in the background of sports events are the important topics of the presented theoretical starting points. In the methodological part there is presented the research project explaining the topic, objective and a sample of the research, the tasks of the research and also questions addressed in subsequent practical part. Texts from the Mlada fronta Dnes and the Sport are analyzed using the method of semiotic analysis. In connection with the basic aim of the thesis and theories...
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Proměna novinářské praxe v souvislosti s nástupem datové žurnalistiky / Transformation of journalistic practices relating to advent of data journalismĎuríčková, Monika January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis titled Transformation of Journalistic Practices Relating to Advent of Data Journalism concerns the current situation in Czech data journalism and its devel- opment. It examines how the newsroom, the journalists and the readers cope with new technology, big data and the related advent of data journalism. The theoretical part of the text explains the relationship between classical journalism and data-driven journal- ism and compares the so-called "narrative" and "interactive" approaches as forms of data-driven journalism. Further it gives a deeper understanding of the relation between data journalism and the new concept of objectivity and it deals with the cultural, social and technical preconditions of data journalism. The thesis also describes the historical aspects of the topic comparing computer-assisted reporting to current practice. Sub- sequent chapters deal with the visualizations, infographics, amateur data journalism and open data which all play a key role in data-driven journalism. The practical part intro- duces the Czech data team. It was originally established within the publishing house Economia and then moved to the office of Czech Radio (Český rozhlas). The final parts discuss the cooperation model of the Czech data team, the use of visualization in their projects,...
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Možnosti spolupráce s Psychosociálním a intervenčním týmem ČR při mimořádných událostech / Possibilities of cooperation with Psychosocial and intervention team Czech Republic at extraordinary event.VAVEROVÁ, Petra January 2018 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to analyze how the general public and registered churches are informed about the Psychosocial intervention team of the Czech Republic. In addition, the thesis focuses on the analysis of available sources of information about psychosocial intervention (aid) and crisis intervention in emergency situations. The churches were asked by using interviews with their representatives. These were mainly personal interviews, telephone communications, and e-mail correspondence. The awareness of the general public was identified by using a questionnaire. The questionnaire was based on the general information about the Psychosocial Intervention Team of the Czech Republic and emergency situations, in the second part of the questionnaire the questions were whether the respondents met with this team and in what case it was. This thesis is the first one that deals with the awareness about the Czech Psychosocial Intervention Team. It can therefore be used as a basis for further research on this topic. It has been found that the general public has some awareness of the Psychosocial Intervention Team, but it is at a very low level and only one of the 105 respondents has personally met with this team. As far as the churches are concerned, the awareness was higher, but only a few churches closely cooperate with this team. It should be noted that it would be desirable to deepen the awareness about this team by general public and to ensure better cooperation between this team and churches.
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Úloha sestry v interdisciplinárním týmu v péči o pacienta s dekubity / The role of nurse in an interdisciplinary team in the care of patient with decubitusHUBKOVÁ, Šárka January 2019 (has links)
Introduction: Pressure ulcers are one of the most monitored indicators of nursing care. Thanks to a well-functioning interdisciplinary team, pressure ulcers can be effectively prevented. Main aims of the thesis: The aim of this work is to map the role of nurse in an interdisciplinary team, to describe how the interdisciplinary teams currently work and what the effectiveness of their work is in relation to the prevention of pressure ulcers and their healing. Methodology: A qualitative research survey was used to collect the data in the form of semi-structured interviews wtih nurses. The selection criterion was the fact that they encounter patients suffering from pressure sores. The informants were getting method Snow ball. The resulting set of informants consisted of 15 persons. The results of the interviews were processed using the open-coding technique of pencil and paper and then divided into six categories. Results of the thesis: Research shows that the nurse plays a key role in the interdisciplinary team in the care of a patient with pressure ulcers. Her role is to work with other team members, direct patient care, preventive work and family contact. The results show that the nurse is a full member of the team. The overall care effect of the interdisciplinary team is ineffective in some departments, because, as it happens that individual workers do not work together. In our research, we mainly come across the absence of a nutritional therapist. Also, nurses would welcome more cooperation from lower medical staff. Furthermore, nurses perceive the use of scales as a certain obligation, and in some cases report their incorrect evaluation. Last but not least, we are confronted with ignorance and non-compliance with the standards of pressure ulcers treatment. Conclusion: We would like to convey the results achieved by the necessity of cooperation of all workers who care for a patient with pressure ulcers. The provision of complex care is essential in this area, because pressure ulcers are multifactorial. The use of interdisciplinary teams in the care of a patient with pressure ulcers brings the possibility to use people with different expertise, knowledge and experience. Together, they effectively work towards the early recovery of the patient, shortening the hospitalization period and saving the cost of hospitalization.
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Multidisciplinární spolupráce a role sestry v péči o pacienty s blast syndromem / Multidisciplinary Cooperation and the Role of a Nurse in Patient Care Affected by Blast SyndromeKOPULETÁ, Martina January 2016 (has links)
Blast injury is a very serious lesion caused by the shock wave resulting from an explosion. Further secondary injuries can arise from burying under debris, pieces of shards from the explosive cover, at burning, poisonous gases created by chemical reactions during detonation. The injuries often happen to be fatal and the percentage of people who survive it depends on the fact how far from the epicentre they were situated. If the individual is very close, there is almost no chance to survive, if, however, the individual is situated further from the epicentre, a few tens of meters, the chance is higher. It is so called mass disaster, which includes more injured people at an explosion. Therefore it is necessary for nurses and the hospital staff to know what the procedures are at this incident and how to take medical and nursing care of higher number of such patients suffering from blast injury. The care itself is extremely demanding, since the injured are often in critical condition. The aim of this diploma thesis, the topic of which is multidisciplinary cooperation and the role of a nurse when taking care of the patients suffering from blast injury, was to find out the information based on the latest Czech and foreign literature and create a compact overview of the knowledge of this issue, for it is necessary to have this knowledge to carry out nursing care of such patients. The second aim of this diploma thesis was to map the role of a nurse in details when taking care of a patient suffering from blast injury. This aim was stated for the reason of the demanding character and complexity of nursing care at urgent reception and anaesthesiology and resuscitation unit because the nurses at these units are placed demands on high qualification and requirements. This diploma thesis was purely elaborated as theoretical thesis based on Czech and foreign sources. The given pieces of information were obtained from a great deal of professional and scientific publications, monographs, professional journals and internet sources for each chapter. The first part of the thesis was dedicated to the description of the given issue, pre-hospital care and classifying algorithms that are used at mass health losses in such way so that the injured people have a higher chance to survive. The crisis management at hospitals, the reception of the injured, the care at the urgent unit and finally the follow-up care at the anaesthesiology and resuscitation unit are worked out in the following part. Thereafter the theoretical part focuses on nursing care at the critical care department where the nursing care of a patient suffering from blast injury is described as well as the duties of a nurse. The needed competences of a nurse working at the urgent unit, anaesthesiology and resuscitation unit are also defined in this chapter. According to the valid Czech legislation, only specially trained nurses for intensive care should take care of the patients with blast injury because the extent of their competence for intensive care is many times higher than general nurses have. The last chapter deals with team and multidisciplinary cooperation among the doctors and hospital staff as well as the cooperation concerning the pre-hospital care of the emergency services at emergency incident, for their active and quality communication are the keys for good and well done work with the least consequences.
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Holistický přístup k pozůstalým při náhlém úmrtí z pohledu všeobecné sestry, členky výjezdového týmu záchranné služby / A holistic approach to the bereaved in case of a sudden death from a nurse´s point of view a member of the medical emergency servicesGUTOVÁ, Alena January 2013 (has links)
The dissertation deals with holistic approach of nursing staff of the Rescue Service by providing pszchosicial support and crisis communication to the survivors or direct sudden death participants from nurse´s }member of the Rescue Service team]perspective. The goal of the dissertation has been 1. To detect problems which nursing staff members of the Rescue Service are prepared for communication with the survivors.
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Policie České republiky jako základní složka IZS a její úloha v souvislosti s hromadným narušováním veřejného pořádku formou občanských nepokojů / Police of the Czech Republic as a fundamental component of the Integrated Rescue System and its role in the context of mass disruption of public order in the form of civil unrest.CARVA, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
Mass disruptions of public order present very dangerous social phenomena.Acting as a public authority warranting that these situations are handled whenever they arise, the Police of the Czech Republic need to proceed in such a way as to prevent large-scale damage to health and property and ensure that protected interests are well secured as far as possible. The following two objectives are defined in the Introduction to the present thesis. To identify social changes and changes to legislation affecting the work of the Police of the Czech Republic in ensuring internal security of the State, with special regard to ensuring public order during civil unrests. To draft a guideline serving as a basis for the Police of the Czech Republic to define a standard used to improve its procedures in tackling civil unrests. As the Police of the Czech Republic represent one of the component parts of the Integrated Rescue System (IRS), the introductory part gives a brief account of the history and component units of the IRS. This is followed by a detailed description of the organisational structure of the Police of the Czech Republic, ranging from the Police Presidium and services having a republic-wide competence to Regional Police Directorates. Moreover, an account is given of riot police forces, including their history, development, organisation and training, as well as of the history and activity of anti-conflict teams. As a basis for methodology used to achieve the above-defined objectives, a sufficient amount of documents, coming mainly from internal sources of the Police of the Czech Republic was collected and thoroughly analysed, and a research into foreign and Czech legislation relating mainly to mass disruptions of public order was carried out. A qualitative research was used to gather data on the number of interventions by the riot police forces and anti-conflict teams in each year and with regard to each security measure, and an analysis of these phenomena was undertaken, including above all the events in the Sluknov Headland in 2011 and Ceske Budejovice in 2013. The qualitative research was further applied in the chapter describing the historical record of mass disruptions of public order in the Czech Republic, and in describing how the Police of the Czech Republic perceive these phenomena in terms of their gradual evolution and related social changes. The data collected in relation to foreign and Czech legislation on mass disruptions of public order were evaluated, as was the approach of the Police of the Czech Republic toward tackling these kinds of situation. Based on the defined objectives, the following research question was formulated: Do the Police of the Czech Republic have to respond to social changes and changes to legislation that are deemed to alter their procedures in maintaining public order? The research carried out along with the analysis of the collected data showed that the Police of the Czech Republic should indeed respond to social changes resulting from mass disruptions of public order, ranging from the "techno-party" type of events and spectator violence to the actions of extremists who become increasingly better organised and prepared to stand up against riot police forces, particularly whenever such events involve national minorities. Changes to legislation, such as the adoption of Act No. 273/2008 Coll., on the Police of the Czech Republic, as amended, or amendments of certain legal norms or internal management acts change the procedures and organisation of the Police of the Czech Republic related to tackling mass disruptions of public order, and the Police of the Czech Republic have to respond to them. The thesis includes a draft guideline that will serve as a basic tool for the Police of the Czech Republic to deal with mass disruptions of public order, especially at the stage of preparation, deployment of forces and means and appointment of command crews.
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Společný ošetřovatelský lůžkový fond z pohledu sestry a managementu / Merged Nursing Inpatient Ward from the Perspective of Nurses and ManagementVALEŠOVÁ, Hana January 2014 (has links)
Merged nursing inpatient ward is in the last few years becoming a trend of smaller, but also medium-sized hospitals. Due to the restructuring of beds of acute inpatient care in the Czech Republic, separate inpatient wards are merged to one joint ward, in the context of surgical as well as internal medicine. Merged inpatient ward is a combination of various disciplines (specialisms) of inpatient care under one senior consultant, or there is a common nursing ward, where senior consultants of individual disciplines are retained, while nursing care is merged. The main reason for the establishment of a merged inpatient ward is the optimization of beds and the related effective use of bed capacity in connection with an effort to preserve access to health care. The aim of the thesis Merged Nursing Inpatient Ward from the Perspective of Nurses and Management was to evaluate the contribution of a merged nursing inpatient ward, to identify the reasons for the project and the complications that accompanied the project. This research should analyze the problems in nursing care in connection with the origination of the project, to assess the demands of nursing on the ward and map errors in the field of nursing care in the context of the realization of the project. The thesis should evaluate interdisciplinary collaboration and map the occurrence of conflicts in a multidisciplinary team. During the survey it was found that the main reasons for the project were the financial savings associated with the restructuring of acute care beds in the Czech Republic. The establishment of a merged nursing inpatient ward helped the hospital to keep some expertise and it unified nursing care of the separate wards. In connection with the establishment of a joint nursing care, some complications and disadvantages that accompanied the project initially were analyzed. The survey showed how sensitively employees responded to the major change in the organization and how the cooperation between superiors and subordinates functioned. The study analyzed in what form the selection of employees for a common bed fund was realized and whether managers themselves could choose subordinates for their departments. One part of the research was the evaluation of the quality of nursing care on the merged inpatient ward, which showed that the establishment of the project did not have a negative impact on the quality of nursing care. In contrast, nursing care was united and there was also unified organization of nursing on the ward. The research evaluated the feedback from the subordinates to the top managers which was implemented through meetings and sessions. The survey refers to the greater workload on nurses in the working process on the merged ward. The origin of the project had an impact on the creation of new multidisciplinary teams and interdisciplinary collaboration. The project of a joint nursing inpatient ward was realized that the hospital can continue to provide quality health services to all patients. Research has shown that although the project had certain disadvantages and complications, it was certainly beneficial for the organization. The conclusions of the thesis may be presented in seminars, conferences and may be offered to professional journals for publication. The results of the research can help organizations that are going to realize the project of merged nursing inpatient ward.
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Koordinovaná rehabilitace z pohledu pacienta po poškození mozku a členů multidisciplinárního týmuMATĚJKOVÁ, Andrea January 2018 (has links)
Abstract This diploma thesis aims to describe coordinated health rehabilitation of people after severe brain injury provided by multidisciplinary team within home environment. It comprises both theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part presents the history and development of coordinated rehabilitation services and the function of multidisciplinary team. Furthermore, it characterizes a brain injury in more details. The practical part was carried out by means of qualitative research strategy semi structured interview. The first part of the research was aimed at the interviews with clients after brain injury and cerebrovascular accident. The interviews started after three months from entering the project and were realized by social workers. Its main propose was to evaluate the care of multidisciplinary team. Clients were questioned about work, time, communication and co-operation of individual experts involved in the process of recovering. The second part of the research used a method called focus group, where 12 members of the team were involved. The goal of the research was to describe how the multidisciplinary team works from both the point of view of a patient after the brain injury and the members of the multidisciplinary team within the project GAJU. The GAJU project is entitled "Coordinated rehabilitation of patients with brain injury (reg. number GAJU 138/2016/S)". The selection of patients was based on the communicative skills criteria e.g. skills to participate in the directed conversation based on the FIM and WHODAS and the follow-up questions concerning social issues, physiotherapeutic and ergo therapeutic methods and techniques. To achieve the aim of the diploma thesis two research questions were defined: "How is the function of multidisciplinary team perceived by clients involved in GAJU project?" and "How is the function perceived by the members of multidisciplinary team involved in GAJU project who put the coordinated rehabilitation into practice?" It was found out that after the discharge from a hospital being with family members was the most important. Besides, multidisciplinary team who regularly commuted to clients helped them. The members of the team were physiotherapists, ergo therapists, social workers and doctors. In view of the fact that physiotherapist attended the client the most frequently, the function of this expert is perceived as crucial during recovery. No less important is ergo therapist who is useful concerning motor activity and presenting various tools and aids leading to improvement. Social worker is apprehended rather as a psychological or informative support. Positively valued is attending clients at home, interconnection of the team members and the progress of the client from all points of view. On the other hand the lack of working experience of some team members is pointed out. Additionally, some clients were not satisfied that the data were collected by means of questionnaires.
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Psychologické aspekty řešení krizových situací / Psychological aspects solution to crisis situationZÁVIŠOVÁ, Karolína January 2007 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis was to gather information concerning psychological aspects in the field of critical management from available sources and to introduce a reader- friendly survey of this topic at the same time. Basic terms were explained, as well as various psychological dispositions of critical staff members and, last but not least, fundamental forms of psychological assistance with regard to citizens in extreme life situations. The psychological awarness survey of both critical staff members and people affected, was carried out by means of a public survey. The idea behind was to demonstrate up-to date level of psychological awarness in particular regions of the Czech Republic.
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