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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Změna sociální koheze po absolvování kurzů v přírodě / Changing of social cohesion through courses in nature

Hurda, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Title: Changing of social cohesion through courses in nature Aims: Aim of the study is to provide a comprehensive perspective on the topic of changes of the social cohesion of groups after the course activities in nature. Methods: Methods used in the work are text analysis with secondary data analysis. Results: An analysis of available sources revealed that the odds of outdoor activities have a positive effect on the development of social cohesion among work groups as well as groups of adolescents and sports teams. The work also deals other benefits of outdoor activities courses. Key words: social cohesion, team building, outdoor education, sociometry, group, team

Sociální práce a její postavení v rámci jiných pomáhajících profesí z pohledu sociálních pracovníků OSPOD / Social work and its place in other helping professions from the perspektive of social workers OSPOD

HOJDAROVÁ, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with social work and its relative position among other helping professions. Social work is described from the perspective of social workers at OSPOD (Department of Social and Legal Protection of Children). Social work is an interdisciplinary field, which means that social workers often cooperate with other professionals. Cooperation is executed in the form of an interdisciplinary team where it may happen that one of the professions dominates. The domination of one profession over another hegemony. The essence of hegemony is the desire for power while the oppressed group is able to follow the ideology of its own discipline only to a certain extent. Although social work keeps evolving, and so does the approach from the side of professionals, there are cases when social workers experience negative attitude. This is the reason why this thesis is focused on the standing of social work within other helping professions.The objective of the diploma thesis was to map the position of social work in other helping professions from the perspective of social workers at OSPOD. Was set one research question HVO1: What is the status of social work with other helping professions? To secure the integrity and completeness of information, two partial research questions were set and divided into individual categories. DVO1: How does the social workers OSPOD cooperation with the helping professions? DVO2: What factors affect the status of social work? The investigation found out that social work, particularly in the area of social-legal protection of children, is valued equally and social workers have an important role. Most informants had a positive experience with cooperation with other professionals. In case of occurrence of negative attitude, we cannot talk about hegemony but rather about the level of willingness to cooperate. It turned out that the personality of a specific professional affects the position of social work significantly, and equal standing is supported by the role of coordinator held by the respective social worker. The questioned social workers were aware of the changing attitude to social work from the side of professionals who realize the demands of social work and perceive this discipline as an equal profession. However, this fact does not apply to the public because, as the interviewed social workers confirmed, the public's opinion about social workers has not changed yet and it has retained the concept of "evil aunts" who take away children. The thesis can be used as an information material for social workers about their relative position among other helping professionals. It can also be a source of motivation in need to communicate the necessity and importance of social work to the public, but also to other professionals.

Domácí hospicová péče z pohledu rodinných příslušníků nevyléčitelně nemocných / Home hospice care from the perspective of family members of the incurably ill.

SVOBODOVÁ, Anna January 2016 (has links)
The goal of my thesis I have chosen is to identify the way hospice care is perceived in the Telč region by family members of terminally ill patients. I based my thesis on available specialised literature, current legislation and internet sources dealing with home hospice care. In the first theoretical part, I deal with the definition of hospice care trying to explain the term of general and specialised care that have a common objective, namely dignified and tranquil dying. The second section deals with family in the context of palliative care that plays the key role in the patient care. If the family decides to care for the incurable patient at home, it is vital to support it. Moreover, in this section I define needs of family members summarised in three core topics. Including the care for the patient family that I included to the hospice care as not only the patient suffers from the illness but all his/her family does. That means that each family member needs palliative care. The end of this section deals with mourning of the survivors. The core point is not leaving them alone in their mourning, to have them accompanied by someone in their grief. The third chapter focuses on the role and position of the patient. It changes when a seriously ill human becomes dependent on third party´s help losing his/her capacity to fulfil his/her professional and family role. This enormously affects his/her physical and emotional condition. Moreover, I describe needs on terminally ill people that change when the patient approaches his/her death depending on his/her family and social situation. It changes also during his/her adaptation to adverse diagnoses and forecast and emergence of difficulties and complications. I describe four groups of needs: biological, psychological, social and spiritual. The fourth chapter characterises home hospice care that is described as specialised palliative care provided in the home environment amidst patient´s family and friends. I describe the history of Czech hospice care stating that before the WWII it was quite normal to care for terminally ill patients at home till the end. This trend emerges again in the 90s. I define objectives of the home hospice care and related activities. The fourth chapter includes the description of a multi-disciplinary team and funding of home hospice care. In the fifth chapter, I characterise the home care organisation that try to expand the range of services by including the home palliative care and also deal with the home care history, objectives, delimitation of the scope of activities, agency human resources management and home funding methods. In the sixth chapter, I represent the organisation Sdílení, o.p.s. Telč, services provided by it and basic duties according to the Act No.108/2006 Coll. as well as the mission and objectives of this organisation concentrating on help and support of seriously ill people and their family members/friends in such difficult life situation. The key objective of Sdílení is to preserve maximum possible self-sufficiency and dignity of seriously ill people and support of families that are able to find the courage and force to accompany a terminally ill family member to the end of his/her life. In the practical part of my thesis, I analyse data collected by means of qualitative research based on an inquiry in the form of semi-standardised and open-code processing. Who was included to the basic file were family members of terminally ill patients who were divided to two parts. The first group consists of 3 respondents who were entrusted to the care of the home hospice Sdílení. The second group are 3 respondents entrusted to the Home Care hospice. In the practical part, I describe the process of collection of data, record results of the interview process by the open-code method.

Vzdělávání sester (v praxi) / Nursing education (in practice)

KAŠKOVÁ, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
Increasing the education of nursing staff is a society-wide issue, influenced by continuous development of medicine and medical technologies. The provision of nursing care is rightly demanding. The only way to keep up with new trends is lifelong nursing education. Nursing education in a particular workplace primarily aims at addressing current problems of the department and nurses? needs. The theoretical part deals with the influence of education on the quality of nursing care. We present a structure of education of paramedical professions. We define and clarify terms such as pedagogy, didactics, education and learning. We deal with the specifics of education, didactic principles and principles of adult education. In addition, we specify instructional strategies for nursing staff. For the purposes of this thesis, four objectives were set. In the first one we wanted to find out what the system and process of nursing education in the department looks like. The research showed that educational events are held in all departments. The organizing departments mostly report irregular or monthly frequency. The aim of the second objective was to obtain an opinion on the effectiveness of education in the department. We found disparity between the views of ordinary nurses and head nurses. The third objective was to answer the question of whether the organized educational events are initiated by the nurses? requests. Based on the answers of head nurses and ordinary nurses, we found out that this is not always the case. The last objective was to determine whether nurses implement the knowledge and skills gained to routine nursing care. The questionnaires showed that ordinary nurses try to incorporate the knowledge and skills to routine nursing care. For the purposes of this thesis, the combination of qualitative and quantitative research was selected. In order to carry out the qualitative part of the research, the method of questioning, using the technique of semi-structured interview with open questions was chosen. For the issue of quantitative research, the method of questioning, using the questionnaire technique with closed and semi-closed questions was used. For qualitative research, we set two research questions. In the first research question we wanted to find out what impetus the management uses when planning education in the hospital and the department. We found out that most often it is initiated by head nurses and ward nurses. In the second research question, we examined what obstacles the management sees to the effectiveness of education and implementation of the knowledge and skills gained into practice. Head nurses identify a problem in the actual participation in education in the department. For quantitative research, we set five hypotheses. Hypothesis 1 was: Nursing education in the workplace is an activity organized by the management regardless of the ordinary nurses? requests. The hypothesis was not confirmed. Hypothesis 2 was: Management, unlike ordinary nurses, sees the effectiveness of education in the workplace positively. The hypothesis was not confirmed either. The third hypothesis was: Education is seen as a necessary, routine activity, not as motivating factor for improving the quality of nursing care. The hypothesis was not confirmed. The last hypothesis was: Implementation of the knowledge gained from the educational events into nursing care is monitored by the management. The hypothesis was not confirmed, the implementation of knowledge is monitored, but not to the extent we expected. When evaluating the results we came across other very interesting facts, which we believe deserve more attention. Finally, it is surprising that the organization of educational events does not reflect nurses? shifts. One of the reasons for this might be the fact that some head nurses do not prepare the plan and time schedule for nursing education. We tried to propose the time schedule of nurses education in deparments.

Vliv teambuildingu na sociální klima v organizaci / The Impact of Teambuilding on the Social Climate in Organization

NOVÁKOVÁ, Petra January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the impact of teambuilding on the social climate in organization. The theoretical part describes the climate in the workplace, corporate culture, teamwork and clarifies the concept of teambuilding, including its principles and forms. The practical part consists of the presentation of the research results concerning the effects of a teambuilding course organized for the employees of Essox s.r.o. Based on the theoretical analysis, the diploma thesis states that teambuilding affects the social climate in the organization, and it is one of the means how to improve its social climate. The research revealed that the Essox teambuilding had a positive impact on the social climate in the area of interpersonal relationships, but did not impact on building teams and teamwork.

Úloha laktačního poradce v ošetřovatelském týmu při péči o nedonošeného novorozence. / The role of the lactation expert in nursing team in the care of premature newborns.

TALAŠOVÁ, Dana January 2017 (has links)
In the first part of the diploma thesis we describe current state of taking care of newborns with special regard to mother's and newborn's needs and to the individual developmental care. We pay attention to the composition of the nursing team and to the conditions for its effective functioning. We cope with the importance of breast milk, breastfeeding and whole-community-based activities supporting breastfeeding. In the chapter about lactation consultancy we look into the history and present day to give a sense of this topic. The aim of the thesis is to make the description of the role of lactation consultant in the multidisciplinary team which takes care of premature newborns. We try to assess contribution of his presence to mothers of newborns and to nurses in the perinatal centres and at the same time to identify the problems lactation consultant are facing. We applied a qualitative research method of semi-structured interview for purpose of the study. We conducted the interviews with mothers of preterm infants, with nurses from the nursing team and with lactation consultants in ÚPMD in Prague and in České Budějovice Hospital. We investigated the rate of integration of lactation consultants into the nursing team within all perinatal centres in the Czech Republic. Lactation consultant provides mothers help with the stimulation of milk production and with the long-lasting breastfeeding maintenance. Lactation consultant supports mothers in breastfeeding and resolves problems related to breastfeeding a premature newborn. This help includes the psychological support. In relation to nurses, lactation consultant takes part in mothers' education in breastfeeding, manages human colostrum and mediates the mother-and-child contact when mother is separated from her baby. Nursing team is enriched with special knowledge and skills of lactation consultant. There were several problems identified: a lack of time for consultancy, the language barrier along with different cultural habits within minorities and the negative influence of layman discussion forums in the internet. Related to collaboration in the nursing team we encountered the problem of poor communication among lactation consultants and other team members. Mothers together with other team members, they all benefit from presence of lactation consultant in the nursing team.

Potřeby pacientů po poškození mozku / The Needs Of Patients After Brain Damage

PECHOUŠKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is a part of the GAJU project entitled "Coordinated rehabilitation of patients with brain injury (reg. number GAJU 128/2016/S)". At the time when the thesis was elaborated, only the patients who suffered the cerebrovascular accident were engaged in the project, since in the hospital, no suitable patient after brain injury who would need a multidisciplinary team in home care had ever been sought. The selection of the patients was based on the communicative skills criteria e.g. if the skills to participate in the directed conversation based on the Functional Independence Measure Questionnaire (FIM), WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 and the follow-up questions concerning social issues, physiotherapeutic methods and techniques were preserved. Within the framework of the project, the research has not been finished yet. Given the above mentioned reasons, this thesis is therefore mainly focused on the identification of patients' needs after the cerebrovascular accident (CVA), on the period starting from its first incidence during the first three months period after the discharge from the hospital to home care. The complex results will be presented as a part of the publication activity of the project. The thesis comprises a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part presents a comprehensive view on the care for the patients who suffered the cerebrovascular accident. I addressed both the basic characteristics of the cerebrovascular accident and the organisation of the care for the patients in the Czech Republic; furthermore, the coordinated rehabilitation team, the role of a social worker, possibilities of social help provided by the welfare system to patients and their families, and the psychical condition of the patient. In the last chapter, I outline the general concept of human needs according to A. Maslow and describe important needs of the sick people. As far as the research part is concerned, my goal is to identify the needs of patients in home care after the brain injury. In connection with the aim of the thesis, two research questions were defined. The first question is: "What are the needs of the patients after brain injury?". The second question is: "What is the role of a social worker in meeting the needs of a patient with brain injury?" The qualitative research strategy was used; the instructional dialogue technique with patients after brain injury in the South Bohemia Region within the project. When analyzing the data collected from the patients during the first three months after the discharge from the hospital to the home care, seven major patient needs emerged need of help, need of psychical equilibrium, need of self-reliance, need of being without paint, need of recovering to the condition before CVA incidence, and need of establishing a new system of activities. Two of these needs, the need of recovering to the condition before CVA incidence and the need of establishing a new system of activities could be considered as principal, because the other needs are in general heading towards them. Furthermore, the analysis of the results showed the role of a social worker by means of which these needs can be saturated The results of the present thesis are used as a partial part from which the complex results of coordinated rehabilitation of patients after brain injury of the GAJU project are complied. The needs analysis of patients brought the proposals of dealing with/saturation of these needs and therefore had a direct impact on the lives of the respondents. The results of the research will become a part of the publication outputs of the above-mentioned projects.

Pozitiva a negativa sociální práce u pacientů po poškození mozku z pohledu sociálního pracovníka / Positive and negative aspects of social work with patients after brain damage in terms of social worker

MANDÁTOVÁ, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the social work with people after brain damage and is part of the GAJU project called "Coordinated Rehabilitation of Patients after Brain Damage (Reg. No. GAJU 138/2016 / S)". Collaboration with social workers from the region of České Budějovice was part of this thesis. Their work also consists of working with people after brain damage. The purpose of the collaboration was to map out follow-up services after hospitalization of people after brain damage. Information about these organizations has been shared with the patients who were included in the GAJU project. The complex results of the project will be elaborated within the publishing activities. The diploma thesis is divided into two parts. The first - the theoretical part - is focused on the basic description of brain damage, there is more about the cerebral stroke, the coordinated rehabilitation team, the role of the social worker. There is also described the burden that the social worker as a person in the helping profession may face and burnout syndrome as a possible consequence of this burden. In the research part, the main objective was to find out what positives and negatives the social workers perceive in working with people after brain damage. This objective was completed through interviews with the social workers situated in České Budějovice. We can fully understand the extend of the social workers' work with people after brain damage thanks to the interviews. In connection with the goal, research questions have been identified: What are the positive and negative aspects of social work related to work with patient after brain damage according to the subjective opinion of a social worker? Another one: What influences the perception of positives and negatives which the social workers experience during their work? A qualitative research strategy was used, a technique of interviewing with use of instructions was chosen for the interviews with fourteen social workers of the organizations, whose target group also includes people after brain damage. Data was processed in Atlas.ti 7. The administration which is more and more demanding due to the legislation. That results in less time with client and more time with paperwork. Finance which is related to the funding of services, lack of resources for employee remuneration and the financial difficulty for clients. Lack of qualified staff, time consuming activities that are closely tied to the extensive administration and the fact that social workers often work beyond their job responsibilities and competencies. Non-cooperation of a client's family or lack of interest of family on the client, there is also the legislation, which is often in contradiction with practice according to interviews. The social workers have to follow the actual amendments of the law and that is time-consuming and exhausting, absence of follow-up organizations for patients after brain damage, lack of competencies/authority/information of social workers, insufficient motivation, lack of financial remuneration or lack of benefits for employees, conflicts with authorities, barriers that may occur during work of a social worker or insufficient resources. The analysis also reveals that social workers subjectively perceive these positives during their work with patients after brain damage: client satisfaction, helping people, the good feeling after job well done, positive feedback, fulfilling job, positive in relation to the work environment. The results of the thesis show that the positive aspects dominates over the negative ones. Work in a multidisciplinary team has been perceived positively amongst the social workers and beneficial for the clients and for the team. This work will serve as a sub-part for the elaboration of complex outcomes of coordinated rehabilitation of patients after brain damage from the GAJU project. Research results will become part of the publication outputs from the above-mentioned project.

Analýza tímu v organizácii a kritériá jeho efektívnosti / Analysis of a team in organization and criteria of its effectivity

Valentínová, Alexandra January 2014 (has links)
The master thesis is dealing with an analysis of existing working team in the Slovak company Artexe s.r.o. The aim of work is the classification of the chosen team, based on the obtained theoretical knowledge, and the revelation of its weak spots. Theoretical part of the thesis defines the basic terms and clusters the information necessary for the realization of analysis. In the empirical part, the monitored work team is being tested from the point of various critical situations. For the purpose of observation, the method of a questionnaire is used. Altogether, the research consists of four research questionnaires, which monitor problematic dimensions of a team, the need of teambuilding and typical roles of individuals of the team. The results of the analysis serve to reveal problematic spheres and, subsequently, for the proposal of concrete recommendations to achieve more effective functioning of the working team of Artexe company. Collected proposals of solutions come from the related literature and researches of domestic or foreign authors.

Řízení mezinárodních pracovních týmů / Management of international working teams

Stará, Dominika January 2013 (has links)
The Master's Thesis deals with a management of a particular multicultural team of Bershka division of Inditex company. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the current situation from the view of the manager of the multicultural team of Bershka and to specify recommendations regarding the aspects of the specific cultural composition of the team. Theoretical part states a concept of working teams with the multicultural aspects, it deals with the cultural diversity and the cultural dimensions of G. Hofstede, E. T. Hall and F. Trompenaars. Analytical part involves the analysis of Hofstede's dimensions to define the cultural differences among the team members. To verify stated hypothesis, the qualitative methods of observation and personal interviews were used. The aim of the thesis is fulfilled by suggesting the specific recommendations for effective management of the team of Bershka.

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