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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análisis de la productividad de las partidas más incidentes en la construcción de Presas de Relaves. Caso de Estudio: Presa de Relaves-Unidad Minera Junín

Flores Medina, Juan Felipe, Fukunaga Fuentes, Freddy, Julian Rodriguez, Melissa, Nuñez Edquen, Huver Ronald, Quiroz Cerna, Paola Lisset 15 May 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como finalidad mejorar la productividad en las partidas de mayor incidencia (Relleno de cuerpo de Presa material tipo 3, Colocación de material de filtros tipo 1 y tipo 2, Colocación de concreto curb en pantalla impermeabilizante y Limpieza de estribos) de la construcción de una Presa de Relaves de un Proyecto Minero aplicando herramientas de lean Construction. La poca productividad mostrada en las partidas identificadas de incidencia desde el punto de vista de costos, conlleva directamente a incumplimientos de Plazo, Costo y Calidad por ende afecta la rentabilidad de la Compañía y la satisfacción del cliente considerablemente. El resultado del presente trabajo de investigación es la mejora de la productividad e incremento significativo de los rendimientos reales superando a los ofertados, todo ello con la implementación, aplicación y seguimiento constante a las herramientas que proporciona la filosofía lean Construction aplicadas en las partidas más incidentes del proyecto. Con esta experiencia podemos afirmar que la filosofía Lean Construction aplicado a Proyectos de gran envergadura como son los proyectos mineros es una herramienta potente para el cumplimiento contractual. / The purpose of this research is to improve productivity in the items with the highest incidence (Filling of body of Dam material type 3, Placement of filter material type 1 and type 2, Placement of concrete curb in waterproofing screen and Cleaning of abutments) of the construction of a tailings dam for a mining project applying lean construction tools. The low productivity shown in the items identified of incidence from the point of view of costs, directly leads to non-compliance with Term, Cost and Quality, therefore it affects the profitability of the Company and the satisfaction of the client considerably. The result of this research work is the improvement of productivity and a significant increase in real yields, surpassing those offered, all with the implementation, application and constant monitoring of the tools provided by the lean Construction philosophy applied in the most incident items. of the project. With this experience we can affirm that the Lean Construction philosophy applied to large projects such as mining projects is a powerful tool for contractual compliance. / Trabajo de investigación


ADRIEL MARTINS DA SILVA 24 March 2021 (has links)
[pt] O pigmento de titânio, que representa a maior parte do consumo desse metal, em geral possui duas rotas de produção conhecidas como sulfatação e cloretação. Nos últimos anos o TiO2 é produzido majoritariamente por cloretação devido ao fato de possuir vantagens sobre o tradicional processo de sulfato, como custo e geração de resíduo. Esse processo utiliza concentrados de ilmenita e de rutilo (natural ou sintético) como as principais matérias prima. Porém, em virtude da baixa quantidade de reservas de rutilo e do custo relacionando a concentração ilmenita, buscar novas fontes da matéria prima se torna cada vez mais relevante. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho propôs avaliar rotas de recuperação do TiO2 contido em um rejeito da concentração de magnetita, uma das fases da produção do óxido de vanádio, através do processo de ustulação seguido lixiviação ácida. Segundo a caracterização feita por Difração de Raios-X, o rejeito é constituído de 22,2 porcento de espécies contendo dióxido de titânio e o restante com outros minerais complexos: Clinocloro llb-2 e Tremolita. Concomitantemente, a análise de Fluorescência de RaiosX demostrou que o titânio compõe 15,9 porcento em massa de uma amostra do rejeito como recebido. Para o estudo, foi feito a avaliação termodinâmica das prováveis reações entre as espécies do rejeito e os agentes químicos selecionados, assim como os efeitos das variáveis de processos, a saber, proporção mássica do reagente e temperatura. A ustulação foi feita em um forno tipo mufla, com auxilio de cadinhos contendo a amostra e um dos dois reagentes propostos (NaOH e Na2HPO4). Em seguida, em água destilada aquecida, a amostra será imersa, e logo depois filtrada e seca para posteriormente ser lixiviada com HCl 5 porcento aquecido, filtrada e seca. O produto final do trabalho obtido será caracterizado através métodos convencionais: MEV; EDS; DR-X e FRX. Por intermédio da analise termodinâmica constatou-se a viabilidade para obter um produto insolúvel rico em titânio e as impurezas fosse carregadas na etapa de lixiviação. Os resultados mostraram um aumento na perda de massa ao decorrer das etapas e que a quantidade de reagente é a variável que mais influencia, enquanto a variação da temperatura não altera drasticamente. Ao final, as amostras que reagiram com NaOH, na temperatura de 850 graus celsius por 120 min com uma proporção e 50 porcento a mais em massa de reagente da quantidade equivalente estequiométrica obtiveram um composto com 65 porcento de CaTiO2 e algumas impurezas de Fe e Si, obtendo um proporção de 39,2 porcento de Ti em relação a massa do produto final, representando 51,6 porcento em massa de recuperação do titânio. Para as amostras ustuladas com fosfato de sódio dibásico obtiveram produtos com maior quantidade de impurezas, sendo o melhor resultado também nas mesmas condições que hidróxido de sódio, recuperando um material com 20,3 porcento de titânio. / [en] Titanium pigment, which represents most of the consumption of this metal, generally has two production routes known as sulfation and chloride. Currently, TiO2 is produced mainly by chlorination due to the fact that it has advantages over the traditional sulfate process, such as cost and waste generation. This process uses concentrates of ilmenite and rutile (natural or synthetic) as the main raw materials. However, due to the low amount of rutile reserves and the cost related to Ilmenite concentration, seeking new sources of raw material becomes increasingly relevant. In this context, the present study proposed to evaluate routes of recovery of TiO2 contained in an waste of the concentration of magnetite, one of the phases of the production of vanadium oxide, through the process of roasting followed by acid leaching. According to the characterization made by X-Ray Diffraction, the waste consist of 22.2 percent of species containing titanium dioxide and the rest with other complex minerals: Clinochlor llb-2 and Tremolite. Concomitantly, the X-Ray Fluorescence analysis showed that titanium makes up 15.9 percent by mass of a sample of the tailings as received. For the study, a thermodynamic evaluation of the probable reactions between the species of waste and the selected chemical agents was carried out, as well as the effects of process variables, namely, reagent mass proportion and temperature. Roasting was carried out in a muffle furnace, with the aid of crucibles containing the sample and one of the two proposed reagents (NaOH and Na2HPO4). Then, in heated distilled water, the sample will be immersed, and soon afterwards filtered and dried to later be leached with heated 5 percent HCl, filtered and dried. The final product of the work obtained will be characterized by conventional methods: SEM; EDS; XRD and XRF. Through thermodynamic analysis, the viability to obtain an insoluble product rich in titanium was verified and the impurities were loaded in the leaching stage. The results showed an increase in mass loss during the steps and that the amount of reagent is the variable that most influences, while the temperature variation does not change drastically. At the end, the samples that reacted with NaOH, at 850 celsius degrees for 120 min with a proportion and 50 percent more by weight of the stoichiometric equivalent amount obtained a compound with 65 percent CaTiO3 and some Fe and Si impurities, obtaining a proportion of 39.2 percent of Ti in relation to the mass of the final product, representing 51.6 percent by mass of titanium recovery. For samples roasted with Sodium phosphate dibasic, they obtained products with a greater amount of impurities, the best result being also in the same conditions as Sodium hydroxide, recovering a material with 20.3 percent titanium.

Fractionation of Cu and Fe isotopes in metal-rich mine sites : biotic and abiotic processes

Rodríguez, Nathalie Pérez January 2012 (has links)
After mineral exploitation the residual grinded and milled material, rich in sulphide minerals and heavy metals, is often left exposed to the atmospheric variables. This weathered mine waste material can lead to the formation of acid mine drainage (AMD) which has negative effects to the environment. The fractionation of stable isotope of metals such as Cu and Fe can be measured using innovative analytical techniques developed recently and could offer a detailed hindsight of the geochemical processes occurring in mine contaminated sites. Tailings profiles from Northern Sweden with high content of Cu and Fe sulphides and in different stages of weathering and/or remediation, along with plant and soil samples from a phytoremediation test site in Ronneburg, Germany were analysed using MC-ICP-MS to measure the isotope ratios of 65Cu/63Cu and 56Fe/54Fe. The analytical method used requires anion exchange chromatography to extract Cu and Fe from a complex matrix prior to the proper isotope ratio measurement. The samples from the tailings profile were useful to interpret the geochemical processes that can lead to a fractionation of Cu and Fe in the field, since redox-driven reactions such as rock oxidation and mineral precipitation are present in such environment. This study shows that precipitation of covellite in a redox-boundary zone in a mine tailings can cause a clear fractionation of Cu (Δ65Curock-covellite= -5.66±0.05‰) and a depletion of the lighter Cu isotope in the oxidised areas of the tailings due to dissolution of the remaining Cu-sulphides. Precipitation of Fe(oxy)hydroxides as a result of the oxidation process of sulphide-bearing rocks can also fractionate Fe, being the precipitated mineral slightly enriched in 56Fe.The influence of soil bacteria and plant uptake in the fractionation of Cu and Fe was investigated in pot and field experiments at the Ronneburg site, where organic amendments were used. The results showed that the plant material was enriched in the lighter Fe isotope compared to the substrate used in the pot and field experiments, in spite of the application of a bacterial consortium. Cu isotope fractionation is more susceptible to the changes in the amendments used, being those bacterial consortium, mychorriza or compost than Fe isotope fractionation. There are differences in the fractionation values in pot and field trials, regardless of the type of organic amendment applied. As an overall view, leaves are enriched in the heavier Cu isotope compared to the soils, regardless of the amendment usedThe application of the results obtained in this work would help not only to offer a view in the cycle of Fe and Cu in the surface environment, and the understanding of the (bio)geochemical processes occurring in sulphide soil surfaces. But also in the way that current remediation techniques of metal contaminated sites could be evaluated, having in mind that simplified systems show a different Cu and Fe fractionation compared to natural systems where more variables are needed to take into account.


ANDREZA RAFAELA MORAIS PEREIRA 29 April 2020 (has links)
[pt] O uso de biossurfactantes derivados de matérias-primas de base biológica apresentam diversas vantagens sobre surfactantes convencionais como por exemplo: baixa toxicidade, alta cinética de degradação, versatilidade na flotação mineral podendo atuar como coletor ou espumante. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o uso de biossurfactante extraído da bactéria Rhodococcus opacus na concentração da hematita do rejeito de minério de Ferro. Primeiramente, foram realizados estudos de caracterização da amostra (Análise granulométrica, química e mineralógica). Também foram feitas medições do Potencial zeta, espectroscopia no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR) com o intuito de avaliar a interação do biossurfactante e do silicato de sódio na superfície mineral (hematita). As propriedades físico-químicas do biosurfactante foram determinadas pela tensão superficial. Diferentes estudos de microflotação (célula Patridge-Smith) e flotação em bancada (célula mecânica CDC) foram realizados para avaliar o pH (2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11), a concentração de biossurfactante (1000, 2000, 4000, 6000 e 8000 g/t), e a concentração de depressor (100, 300, 600, 900 e 1200 g/t) na recuperação e teor de Fe. Além disso, foram realizados testes de flotação em circuito (rougher, cleaner, scavenger) visando aumentar a recuperação e teor de Fe. A concentração micelar crítica (CMC) do biossurfactante foi alcançada na concentração de 1 g/L. A recuperação de hematita foi possível em pH 3. De acordo com os estudos de espectroscopia no infravermelho e o potencial zeta houve interação entre o biossurfactante, e o silicato de sódio na superfície da hematita. A recuperação e teor de Fe na microflotação foi em torno de 37 porcento para uma concentração de biosurfactante de 6000 g/t em pH 3. A recuperação e teor de Fe na flotação em bancada (rougher) foi de aproximadamente 28,50 porcento e 44 porcento respectivamente, para uma concentração de biosurfactante de 2000 g/t em pH 3, também foram realizados testes em presença de silicato de sódio (600 g/t) obtendo aproximadamente 50,5 porcento de recuperação metalúrgica e 58 porcento de teor de Fe. Além disso, foram feitos ensaios em circuito de flotação (rougher, cleaner e scavenger) alcançando uma recuperação e teor de Fe em torno de 44 porcento e 65 porcento, respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos mostraram o potencial uso do biossurfactante como coletor na flotação da hematita do rejeito de minério de ferro, podendo futuramente ser aplicado na indústria mineral substituindo os coletores convencionais com o avanço dos estudos. / [en] The use of biosurfactants derived from bio-based feedstocks which present several advantages over conventional surfactants such as low toxicity, high degradation kinetics, versatility in mineral flotation, it can act as a collector or frother agent. The present work aims to evaluate the use of biosurfactant extracted from bacteria Rhodococcus opacus in the hematite concentration of the iron ore tailings. Firstly, characterization studies of the samples were carried out (granulometric, chemical and mineralogical analysis). Measurements of Zeta Potential, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) were also carried out to evaluate the interaction of the biosurfactant and sodium silicate on the mineral surface (hematite). The physicochemical properties of biosurfactant were determined by surface tension. Different microflotation studies (Patridge-Smith cell) and batch (CDC mechanical cell) were carried out to evaluate the pH (2, 3, 7, 9, 11), the biosurfactant concentration (1000, 2000, 4000, 6000 and 8000g/t), and the depressor concentration (100, 300, 600, 900 and 1200 g/t) on recovery and Fe grade. In addition, flotation circuit tests (rougher, cleaner, scavenger) were carried out aiming to increase recovery and Fe grade. The critical micellar concentration (CMC) of the biosurfactant was reached at a concentration of 1 g/L. Hematite recovery was possible at pH 3. According to the studies of infrared spectroscopy and zeta potential, there was interaction between the biosurfactant, the sodium silicate on the hematite surface. The Fe recovery and Fe grade in the microflotation was around 37 percent for 6000 g/t biosurfactant concentration at pH 3. The Fe recovery and Fe grade in the batch flotation (Rougher) was approximately 28.50 percent and 44 percent, respectively for 2000 g/t biosurfactant concentration at pH 3, tests were also performed in the presence of sodium silicate (600 g/t) obtaining around 50.50 percent Fe recovery and 58 percent Fe grade. Furthermore, flotation circuit tests (rougher, cleaner and scavenger) were carried out, achieving a Fe recovery and Fe grade around 44 percent and 64.8 percent, respectively. Therefore, the results showed the potential use of the biosurfactant as a collector in the hematite flotation from the iron ore tailings, it may be applied in the mining industry in the future, replacing conventional collectors with the advancement of the studies.


ROSE CARVALHO ROCHA ELIAS 19 August 2024 (has links)
[pt] Frequentemente enfrenta-se grandes desafios na recuperação de amostras intactas de rejeitos com matrizes mais arenosas para a realização de ensaios laboratoriais. Essas dificuldades muitas vezes limitam a caracterização desses materiais ao uso de amostras reconstituídas, cuja capacidade de reproduzir o comportamento in-situ dos rejeitos está inerentemente ligada à capacidade do método de preparação da amostra de reproduzir a matriz do material. Vários estudos demostraram que o comportamento de rejeitos arenosos sob pequenas e grandes deformações são afetados pelos métodos empregados para preparação das amostras e o presente estudo busca entender de que forma a microestrutura pode interferir em tais variações. Buscando aprofundar nesta temática, a pesquisa objetivou realizar ensaios de caracterização física, química, mineralógica e microestrutural de uma amostra de rejeito de minério de ferro filtrado, predominantemente arenoso, testando três técnicas de reconstituição de amostra: Compactação com soquete (Moist tamping, MT), Pluviação úmida (Water pluviation, WP) e Deposição de lama (Slurry deposition, SD), avaliando a alteração na resposta da microestrutura do material frente às diferentes técnicas de moldagem. Foram realizados ensaios de análise de microtomografia computadorizada de raios X do material preparado com distintos índices de vazios, sendo: 0,70, 0,75 e 0,80. Ao final de cada preparação, as amostras foram submetidas ao congelamento instantâneo com o uso de nitrogênio líquido. De posse dos resultados, observou-se variações significativas entre os métodos de preparação de amostras do estudo, no que tange à disposição das partículas no meio, espaços vazios (porosidade) e influência da saturação do corpo de prova. Os resultados obtidos dos ensaios de microtomografia computadorizada indicaram arranjo desorientado e macroporoso entre as técnicas de reconstituição de amostras, observando-se similaridade microestrutural entre as técnicas MT e WP, tanto por constatação visual quanto por avaliação dos atributos microestruturais. A técnica de MT tende a formar grumos durante o processo de compactação com soquete, formando uma estrutura tida como favo de mel, podendo simular bem o empilhamento de rejeitos compactados. Já a técnica WP, devido ao seu processo de sedimentação natural, também tende a formar espaços vazios devido ao arranjo das partículas, sendo mais susceptível a sofrer segregação. Apesar disso, a técnica WP também pode ser aplicável para depósitos hidráulicos devido ao processo de sedimentação natural sem esforço de compactação. Já a técnica SD produz uma matriz de rejeito específica, influenciada pelo processo de homogeneização. Essa uniformidade das amostras observada na técnica SD pode representar bem depósitos hidráulicos, a depender das condições de lançamento de rejeito. Ademais, a pesquisa buscou avaliar a microestrutura de um rejeito de minério de ferro através da matriz gerada por cada técnica de reconstituição de amostras, identificando os aspectos que podem influenciar no arranjo e distribuição dos grãos no meio e macroporosidade. O congelamento instantâneo pode preservar as características das amostras, porém cada técnica possui suas limitações e individualidades as quais foram abordadas neste trabalho, e devem ser utilizadas com cautela para definição da técnica a ser adotada em função da condição do rejeito in-situ para fins de comparação. / [en] Great challenges are often faced in recovering intact samples from tailings with sandier matrices for carrying out laboratory tests. These difficulties often limit the characterization of these materials to the use of reconstituted samples, whose ability to reproduce the in-situ behavior of the tailings is inherently linked to the ability of the sample preparation method to reproduce the material matrix. Several studies have demonstrated that the behavior of sandy tailings under lows and highs deformations are affected by the methods used to prepare the samples and the present study seeks to understand how the microstructure can interfere with such variations. Seeking to delve deeper into this topic, the research aimed to carry out physical, chemical, mineralogical and microstructural characterization tests of a sample of filtered iron ore waste, predominantly sandy, testing three sample reconstitution techniques: Moist tamping (MT), Water pluviation (WP) and Slurry deposition (SD), evaluating the change in the response of the material s microstructure to different molding techniques. X-ray computed microtomography analysis tests were carried out on the prepared material with different void indices, being: 0.70, 0.75 and 0.80. At the end of each preparation, the samples were subjected to instant freezing using liquid nitrogen. With the results in hand, significant variations were observed between the study sample preparation methods, regarding the arrangement of particles in the medium, empty spaces (porosity) and the influence of the saturation of the specimen. The results obtained from microcomputed tomography tests indicated a disoriented and macroporous arrangement between the sample reconstitution techniques, observing microstructural similarity between the MT and WP techniques, both by visual observation and by evaluation of microstructural attributes. The MT technique tends to form lumps during the socket compaction process, forming a structure known as a honeycomb, which can well simulate the stacking of compacted waste. The WP technique, due to its natural sedimentation process, also tends to form voids due to the arrangement of the particles, being more susceptible to segregation. Despite this, the WP technique can also be applicable for hydraulic deposits due to the natural sedimentation process without compaction effort. The SD technique produces a specific waste matrix, influenced by the homogenization process. This uniformity of the samples observed in the SD technique may well represent hydraulic deposits, depending on the waste disposal conditions. Finally, the research sought to evaluate the microstructure of an iron ore tailings through the matrix generated by each sample reconstitution technique, identifying aspects that can influence the arrangement and distribution of grains in the environment and macroporosity. Instant freezing can preserve the characteristics of the samples; however each technique has its limitations and individualities, which were addressed in this work, and must be used with caution to define the technique to be adopted depending on the condition of the in-situ waste for the purpose of comparison.

Geochemical and mineralogical characterization of gold mine tailings for the potential of acid mine drainage in the Sabie - Pilgrims's Rest Goldfields

Lusunzi, Rudzani 21 September 2018 (has links)
MESMEG / Department of Mining and Environmental Geology / This study entails geochemical and mineralogical characterization of gold tailings of Nestor Mine and Glynn’s Lydenberg Mine of the Sabie-Pilgrim’s Rest goldfields. A total of 35 samples were collected and were analysed for chemical composition (XRF and ICP-MS), mineralogical composition (XRD). In addition, acid-base accounting (ABA) techniques had been conducted to predict the potential for acid mine drainage. Seepage from Nestor tailings dump and water samples from the adjacent Sabie River were also collected and analysed by means of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and immediate constituent (IC) -analytical techniques. The study revealed that Sabie-pilgrim’s rest goldfield is characterized by both acid generating and non-acid producing tailings, and this is attributed to variations in the mineralogy of source rocks. Gold occurred within the Black Reef Quartzite Formation in the Nestor Mine and within the Malmani Dolomite in the case of Glynn’s Lydenburg Mine. Mineralogy and bulk geochemical analyses performed in this study showed a clear variation in the chemistry of Nestor Mine and Glynn’s Lydenburg Mine tailings. Predominant oxides in Nestor mine tailings samples are SiO2 (ranging from 66.7-91.25 wt. %; followed by Fe2O3 and Al2O3 (in range of 0.82-15.63 wt. %; 3.21-12.50 wt. % respectively); TiO2 (0.18-10.18 wt. %) and CaO (0.005-3.2 wt. %). Also occurring in small amounts is CaO (0.005-3.2 wt. %), K2O (0.51-2.27 wt. %), MgO (0.005-1.46 wt. %), P2O5 (0.029-0.248), Cr2O3 (0.013-0.042 wt. %) and Na2O (0.005-0.05 wt. %). The samples also contain significant concentrations of As (137-1599 ppm), Cu (34-571 ppm), Cr (43-273 ppm), Pb (12-276 ppm), Ni (16-157 ppm), V (29-255 ppm), and Zn 7-485 ppm). In the Glynn’s Lydenburg Mine tailings SiO2 is also the most dominant oxide ranging between 47.95 and 65.89 w%; followed by Al2O3 (4.31 to 16.19 wt. %), Fe2O3 (8.48 to 11.70 wt %), CaO (2.18 to 7.10 wt. %), MgO (2.74 to 4.7 wt. %). Occurring in small amounts is K2O (1.12-1.70 wt. %), MnO (0.089-0.175 wt. %), P2O5 (0.058-0.144 wt. %) and Cr2O3 (0.015-0.027 wt. %). Arsenic (As), is also occurring in significant amounts (807-2502 ppm), followed by Cr (117-238 ppm), Cu (10-104 ppm), V (56-235 ppm), Ni (45-132 ppm), Pb (13-63 ppm) and Zn (90-240 ppm). Nestor Mine tailings associated with Black Reef Formation mineralization have net neutralizing potential (NPR) <2, hence more likely to generate acid; and their acid potential (AP) ranges 1.56 to 140.31 CaCO3/ton and neutralizing potential (NP) range from -57.75 to -0.3 CaCO3/ton. Glynn’s Lydenburg Mine tailings dump which is vi associated with dolomite mineralization, however, was not leaching acid. Based on acid-base accounting results, these tailings have more neutralizing potential (ranging between 57.6 and 207.88 CaCO3/ton) than acid potential (ranging between 7.5 and 72.1 CaCO3/ton); and their NPR>2, hence unlikely to produce acid. This is confirmed by paste pH which was in the ranges between 7.35 and 8.17. Tailings eroded from Nestor Mine tailings dump were also found to be characterized by high content of metals and oxides, namely, As, Cu, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn with SiO2, Fe2O3 and TiO2. The tailings were observed eroded into the Sabie River where AMD related precipitate (yellow boy) was also observed, indicating further oxidation downstream. Field observations, onsite analyses of water samples and laboratory results revealed that Nestor Mine tailings storage facility discharges acid mine drainage with considerable amounts of Al, As, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn and SO4 and very low pH exceeding the limit as per South African water quality standards. High concentrations of these metals have toxicity potential on plants, animals and humans. Upon exposure to oxygen and water, tailings from Nestor Mine are more likely to generate acid mine drainage that can cause detrimental effect to the environment and the surrounding communities. Potential pollutants are Fe, Mn, Al, As, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb. Tailings from Glynn’s Lydenberg showed no potential for acid mine drainage formation. / NRF

Surface impacts of gold mining activities on the Kromdraai/Koekemoerspruit : a situation analysis / Alida Jane Botha

Botha, Alida Jane January 2015 (has links)
Six point sources of potential contamination from gold mine tailings were identified along the Kromdraai/Koekemoerspruit drainage basin. The degree of contamination of the tailings, soils, surface water, stream sediments and plants at each point source, as well as the individual contribution of these point sources to the contamination of downstream localities was determined by means of quantitative indices. These indices include availability percentage, threshold exceedance ratio, geoaccumulation index, bioaccumulation index and hyperaccumation threshold exceedance ratio. Both the total concentration pool as well as the available (soluble) fraction thereof were evaluated relative to pH and plant uptake, and as applicable to the sample type, by using the USEPA 3050b and DIN 19730 (NH4NO3) extraction methods, respectively. The results for the eight selected potentially toxic trace elements (Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Pb, Zn, As and U) were further categorised under current and potential future contamination statuses and discussed according to a source-pathway-receptor model relative to individual localities. Composite sampling was employed to provide a representative average of each locality for an overall contamination profile of the study area. Plant species were classified according to accumulation degree and hyperaccumulation status in order to derive an indication of accumulation efficiency relative to the geochemical status of soils or tailings. A document was compiled in order to be used as a guideline for rehabilitation purposes specific to a geochemically-contaminated drainage system. / MSc (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Geochemical monitoring of soil pollution from the MWS-5 gold tailings facility on the Farm Stilfontein / Angelique Daniell

Daniell, Angelique January 2015 (has links)
The rehabilitation and restoration of degraded landscapes adjacent to gold tailings disposal facilities (TDFs) that have suffered loss of efficiency through anthropogenic forces has become a primary concern to environmental sciences and management in recent decades. Due to the lack of environmental legislation and enforcement thereof, minimal surface rehabilitation took place on the Mine Waste Solutions (MWS) No. 5 TDF prior to 1992, a commonplace occurrence in South Africa at the time. In 2000, MWS intervened and committed to the rehabilitation of the entire site with profits generated by the reprocessing (extraction of residual gold and uranium) of certain TDFs. However, the adjacent grazing land north of the MWS No. 5 TDF had already been subjected to pollution from the TDF which resulted in a pollution plume on the land. Although it has been inactive since April 2011, the pollution plume can be seen from the north-eastern corner of MWS No. 5 TDF, with a north-eastern/south-western direction on the farm Stilfontein. During dry periods, significant amounts of sulphate salts accumulate on the soil surface on the farm Stilfontein over a distance of at least 3.5 km from the TDF. The presence of sulphate salts in association with gold TDFs is highly common but not particularly common, in the chert-poor dolomites of the Oaktree Formation itself, in which the presence of sulphate salts is a rarity. The primary concern of this study was to determine both the quantitative and extent of the pollution observed on the farm Stilfontein over a period of 30 months via monthly monitoring of the different soil geochemical assessments across twelve fixed points, and quarterly interval assessments of three transect lines. In addition, the study was also concerned with the identification of potential linear structure anomalies associated with the pollution plume and weathered zones (fractures, joints and cavities) in the Oaktree Formation dolomites. These zones may be associated with, or may result in, the pollution extending over the area despite a topography as well as geological dip and strike that is adverse. These features and weathered zones create pathways for groundwater to flow and it was anticipated that, if present, these anomalies and weathered zones may be primary contributing factors to the pollution plume forming in a north-easterly direction and extending over the farm Stilfontein. The MWS No. 5 TDF has a hydraulic pressure head of approximately 40 m; the elevations of the north-eastern corner of the TDF and fixed point (FP) 8 (the farthest FP from the TDF) are 1368 m and 1360 m respectively, falling in close range of each other. It is anticipated that as the TDF material dries, the phreatic water level inside the TDF will lower; causing the pressure exerted by the hydraulic head of the TDF to lower over time, which will eventually end the pollution process on the soil. This study discusses the results of a holistic approach towards the evaluation of soil, vegetation and water pollution by utilizing soil quality parameters and indicators, geohydrology, geophysical surveys, Landscape Function Analysis (LFA) and other means of vegetation assessments. Salt accumulation on the soil surface was common in specific areas from 2010 – 2012. X ray diffraction (XRD) analyses confirmed that the salts originated from the No. 5 TDF due to the similarity in mineralogy. The pH values from the start of the 30-month monitoring period remained neutral to slightly alkaline due to the neutralising effect of the dolomitic bedrock. The electrical conductivity (EC) values of the soil decreased significantly from 2010 to 2014; during dry seasons since 2012, no sulphate salts accumulated on the soil surface. Joints, fractures and cavities were found within the bedrock dolomites which created pathways for the polluted TDF water and groundwater to flow towards the study area. It was also established that there were no adverse effects on the natural vegetation, other than encroachment by Seriphium plumosum which affected the grazing quality (overgrazed sites) of the area. It was therefore concluded that after the TDF became dormant in April 2011, the pollution plume in this area is decreasing in magnitude and severity due the lowering of the phreatic water level inside the TDF to significantly lower levels. Consequently, the decrease of the hydraulic pressure head of the TDF as well as rainwater infiltration and high percolation due to the presence of fractures, joints and cavities in the dolomites resulted in the leaching of the sulphate salts to a significant extent. It was also concluded that while there were no apparent adverse effects of the pollution on the functionality of the land, additional monitoring and maintenance would be required for at least the next five years in order to ensure the continuance of current conditions. / MSc (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Surface impacts of gold mining activities on the Kromdraai/Koekemoerspruit : a situation analysis / Alida Jane Botha

Botha, Alida Jane January 2015 (has links)
Six point sources of potential contamination from gold mine tailings were identified along the Kromdraai/Koekemoerspruit drainage basin. The degree of contamination of the tailings, soils, surface water, stream sediments and plants at each point source, as well as the individual contribution of these point sources to the contamination of downstream localities was determined by means of quantitative indices. These indices include availability percentage, threshold exceedance ratio, geoaccumulation index, bioaccumulation index and hyperaccumation threshold exceedance ratio. Both the total concentration pool as well as the available (soluble) fraction thereof were evaluated relative to pH and plant uptake, and as applicable to the sample type, by using the USEPA 3050b and DIN 19730 (NH4NO3) extraction methods, respectively. The results for the eight selected potentially toxic trace elements (Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Pb, Zn, As and U) were further categorised under current and potential future contamination statuses and discussed according to a source-pathway-receptor model relative to individual localities. Composite sampling was employed to provide a representative average of each locality for an overall contamination profile of the study area. Plant species were classified according to accumulation degree and hyperaccumulation status in order to derive an indication of accumulation efficiency relative to the geochemical status of soils or tailings. A document was compiled in order to be used as a guideline for rehabilitation purposes specific to a geochemically-contaminated drainage system. / MSc (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Geochemical monitoring of soil pollution from the MWS-5 gold tailings facility on the Farm Stilfontein / Angelique Daniell

Daniell, Angelique January 2015 (has links)
The rehabilitation and restoration of degraded landscapes adjacent to gold tailings disposal facilities (TDFs) that have suffered loss of efficiency through anthropogenic forces has become a primary concern to environmental sciences and management in recent decades. Due to the lack of environmental legislation and enforcement thereof, minimal surface rehabilitation took place on the Mine Waste Solutions (MWS) No. 5 TDF prior to 1992, a commonplace occurrence in South Africa at the time. In 2000, MWS intervened and committed to the rehabilitation of the entire site with profits generated by the reprocessing (extraction of residual gold and uranium) of certain TDFs. However, the adjacent grazing land north of the MWS No. 5 TDF had already been subjected to pollution from the TDF which resulted in a pollution plume on the land. Although it has been inactive since April 2011, the pollution plume can be seen from the north-eastern corner of MWS No. 5 TDF, with a north-eastern/south-western direction on the farm Stilfontein. During dry periods, significant amounts of sulphate salts accumulate on the soil surface on the farm Stilfontein over a distance of at least 3.5 km from the TDF. The presence of sulphate salts in association with gold TDFs is highly common but not particularly common, in the chert-poor dolomites of the Oaktree Formation itself, in which the presence of sulphate salts is a rarity. The primary concern of this study was to determine both the quantitative and extent of the pollution observed on the farm Stilfontein over a period of 30 months via monthly monitoring of the different soil geochemical assessments across twelve fixed points, and quarterly interval assessments of three transect lines. In addition, the study was also concerned with the identification of potential linear structure anomalies associated with the pollution plume and weathered zones (fractures, joints and cavities) in the Oaktree Formation dolomites. These zones may be associated with, or may result in, the pollution extending over the area despite a topography as well as geological dip and strike that is adverse. These features and weathered zones create pathways for groundwater to flow and it was anticipated that, if present, these anomalies and weathered zones may be primary contributing factors to the pollution plume forming in a north-easterly direction and extending over the farm Stilfontein. The MWS No. 5 TDF has a hydraulic pressure head of approximately 40 m; the elevations of the north-eastern corner of the TDF and fixed point (FP) 8 (the farthest FP from the TDF) are 1368 m and 1360 m respectively, falling in close range of each other. It is anticipated that as the TDF material dries, the phreatic water level inside the TDF will lower; causing the pressure exerted by the hydraulic head of the TDF to lower over time, which will eventually end the pollution process on the soil. This study discusses the results of a holistic approach towards the evaluation of soil, vegetation and water pollution by utilizing soil quality parameters and indicators, geohydrology, geophysical surveys, Landscape Function Analysis (LFA) and other means of vegetation assessments. Salt accumulation on the soil surface was common in specific areas from 2010 – 2012. X ray diffraction (XRD) analyses confirmed that the salts originated from the No. 5 TDF due to the similarity in mineralogy. The pH values from the start of the 30-month monitoring period remained neutral to slightly alkaline due to the neutralising effect of the dolomitic bedrock. The electrical conductivity (EC) values of the soil decreased significantly from 2010 to 2014; during dry seasons since 2012, no sulphate salts accumulated on the soil surface. Joints, fractures and cavities were found within the bedrock dolomites which created pathways for the polluted TDF water and groundwater to flow towards the study area. It was also established that there were no adverse effects on the natural vegetation, other than encroachment by Seriphium plumosum which affected the grazing quality (overgrazed sites) of the area. It was therefore concluded that after the TDF became dormant in April 2011, the pollution plume in this area is decreasing in magnitude and severity due the lowering of the phreatic water level inside the TDF to significantly lower levels. Consequently, the decrease of the hydraulic pressure head of the TDF as well as rainwater infiltration and high percolation due to the presence of fractures, joints and cavities in the dolomites resulted in the leaching of the sulphate salts to a significant extent. It was also concluded that while there were no apparent adverse effects of the pollution on the functionality of the land, additional monitoring and maintenance would be required for at least the next five years in order to ensure the continuance of current conditions. / MSc (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

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