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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os limites nas celebrações dos tratados internacionais em matéria tributária concessivos de isenções convencionais de tributos estaduais

Almozara, Amanda Alves 16 April 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:22:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Amanda Alves Almozara.pdf: 557882 bytes, checksum: 16de1c02d517fd5b3afb2bafb41ad8db (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-04-16 / This study analyzes the Nation States experiencing a new global reality, characterized by increasing interdependence in several areas, especially the taxfinancial area. Sovereign States, to achieve their goals, now have to increasingly establish international treaties and conventions. Assuming obligations at a global level, in many cases, involves incorporating international regulations into internal ordinance. Law agents have to face such incorporation of regulations into the internal legal system. Internally, the selection of a federal system for the State has led to several political agents, with their own competence and autonomy. The tax area is one segment in the Brazilian legal system that has received strong impact of regulations from international treaties and conventions. After all, federal agents find in the 1988 Constitution the support to obtain the revenues required to perform their assignments, especially for the distribution of tax competencies. In a federal system that ensures economic-financial autonomy of political agents, it is important to highlight Article 151, III of the Federal Constitution, which prohibits interventions of a partial legal order (the Union) in the other members (states, federal district and municipalities), by granting heteronomous exemptions. Thus, debates have been conducted about the incorporation of exemptions granted abroad into the legal system affecting the tax competency of member States. Considering this reality, the purpose of this study is to demonstrate the possibility to establish international treaties that grant conventional state tax exemptions. It also addresses national limits applicable to such exemptions, which result from the structure and constitutional organization of the Brazilian Federal State, the financial autonomy of federal agents and interests safeguarded by the Constitution / A temática desta tese envolve a análise dos Estados nacionais diante de uma nova realidade mundial, marcada pela crescente interdependência em várias áreas, das quais se sobressai a área tributária-financeira. Os Estados soberanos, para atingir seus propósitos e objetivos, necessitam, cada vez mais, celebrar tratados e convenções internacionais. A assunção de obrigações no âmbito global, em inúmeras situações, importa na recepção de normas internacionais nos ordenamentos jurídicos internos. A incorporação de tais normas no sistema jurídico pátrio deve ser enfrentado pelos operadores do Direito. Internamente, a opção pela forma federal de Estado levou a existência de várias pessoas políticas, dotadas de competência e autonomia próprias. O campo tributário é uma das áreas do sistema jurídico brasileiro em que mais se sentem os reflexos do ingresso das normas decorrentes de tratados e convenções internacionais. Afinal, a Constituição de 1988 confere aos entes federados os meios de obtenção de receitas indispensáveis ao desempenho de suas atribuições, com destaque para a distribuição das competências tributárias. Em um sistema federal que garante a autonomia econômico-financeira dos entes políticos, ressalta-se a importância do artigo 151, inciso III da Constituição Federal, que veda a ingerência de uma ordem jurídica parcial (a União) nas demais (Estados, Distrito Federal e Municípios), por meio da concessão das chamadas isenções heterônomas. Justificam-se, assim, os debates quanto ao ingresso no ordenamento jurídico das isenções concedidas no plano internacional, e que atinjam a competência tributária dos Estados-membros. Considerando essa realidade, a presente dissertação tem como propósito demonstrar a possibilidade de celebração de tratados internacionais concessivos de isenções convencionais de tributos estaduais. Dando um passo além, trata dos limites aplicáveis no âmbito interno a tais isenções, que decorrem da própria estrutura e organização constitucional do Estado Federal Brasileiro, da autonomia financeira dos entes federados e dos interesses salvaguardados pela Constituição

Les échanges internationaux de renseignements fiscaux : recherches sur un paradigme fiscal limité / Internal exchange of tax information : researches about a limited tax paradigm

Do Cabo Notaroberto Barbosa, Hermano Antonio 18 December 2017 (has links)
La coopération internationale par l’échange de renseignements fiscaux, question classique si bien que marginale, s’est renouvelé dans l’acuité pour devenir l’une des matières les plus sensibles du droit fiscal international contemporain. Malgré tous les efforts politiques et juridiques déployés ces dernières années, et leurs véritables avancées sur le plan de la technique juridique et de l’efficience administrative, il y a raisons de craindre qu’elle rencontre encore des différents limites pour fonctionner efficacement au niveau planétaire. Cette thèse s’occupe d’identifier l’existence d’un régime juridique général des échanges de renseignements fiscaux, assez homogène en matière de contenu et d’application, en contemplation des principaux modèles normatifs non communautaires disponibles à l’actualité, y compris ceux automatiques. Ensuite, la thèse examine la portée de ce régime général, afin d’encadrer les limites à l’échange de renseignements fiscaux et de proposer solutions juridiques pour les dépasser. / International co-operation through the exchange of tax information, a classical but marginal issue, has been renewed to become one of the most sensitive subjects of international tax law. Despite all the political and legal efforts made in recent years, and despite the fact that these efforts are real advances in legal technology and administrative efficiency, there are reasons to believe that international tax co-operation still faces different limitations to operate in a worldwide level. This thesis aims to identify the existence of a general legal regime for the exchange of tax information, fairly homogenous in terms of content and application, in view of the main non-EU normative models available nowadays, including those of automatic exchange. Afterwards, the thesis examines the scope of this general regime in order to frame limits to the exchange of tax information and to propose legal solutions to overcome them.

Automatic exchange of information: towards a new global standard of tax transparency / El intercambio automático de información: hacia el nuevo estándar de transparencia fiscal internacional

Pecho Trigueros, Miguel Eduardo 10 April 2018 (has links)
Tax authorities are increasingly relying on mutual cooperation with their foreign peers to enforce more effectively their internal tax laws. After the banking scandals of 2008 and the subsequent global financial crisis, the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for TaxPurposes has proposed the exchange of information upon request as the fiscal transparency standard. However, some measures adopted by the European Union, previous initiatives from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and, above all, the introduction of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (Fatca) by the United States in 2010 have promoted the need to adopt the automatic exchange of information as the new fiscal transparency standard. Automatic exchange of information allows home countries to verify whether their taxpayers have correctly included foreign income, allowing tax authorities to have early warning of possible noncompliance cases. In February 2014, the OECD published its proposal for a new global model of automatic exchange of financial account information. The new global model contains the necessary legal instruments and due diligence and reporting procedures, mainly for financial institutions. / Las autoridades tributarias dependen cada vez más de la cooperación con sus contrapartes extranjeras para administrar más eficazmente sus leyes tributarias nacionales. Luego de los escándalos bancarios de 2008y la crisis financiera global posterior, el Foro Global sobre Transparencia e Intercambio de Información Tributaria ha impulsado el intercambio de información a requerimiento como el estándar internacional en materia de transparencia fiscal. Sin embargo, algunas medidas adoptadas por la UniónEuropea, iniciativas previas de la Organización para la Cooperación y Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE) y, sobre todo, la introducción en 2010 del«Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act» (Fatca) de los Estados Unidos han promovido la necesidad de adoptar el intercambio automático de informacióncomo nuevo estándar de transparencia fiscal internacional. El intercambio automático de información le permite a las jurisdicciones de la residencia verificar si sus contribuyentes han incluido correctamente las rentas obtenidas en el exterior, permitiéndole a las autoridades tributarias contar con alertas tempranas de posibles casos de incumplimiento. En febrero de 2014, la OCDE publicó su propuesta para un nuevo modelo global de intercambio automático de información aplicable a las cuentas mantenidas en entidades financieras. El nuevo modelo global contiene los instrumentos legales necesarios y los procedimientos de debida diligencia y reporte principalmente para las instituciones financieras.

私企業に対する租税優遇措置等の裁判所による統制の研究 : アメリカ、スペイン及びメキシコの比較制度研究 / シキギョウ ニタイスル ソゼイ ユウグウ ソチトウ ノ サイバンショ ニヨル トウセイ ノ ケンキュウ : アメリカ スペイン オヨビ メキシコ ノ ヒカク セイド ケンキュウ / 私企業に対する租税優遇措置等の裁判所による統制の研究 : アメリカスペイン及びメキシコの比較制度研究

アラス モレノ ナンシー エウニセ, Nancy Eunice Alas Moreno 20 March 2019 (has links)
財政援助をコントロールする仕組みは、国によって様々であり、立法的な統制、行政的な統制又は司法的な統制等があるが、本稿では、特に、裁判所による財政支出の統制に焦点を当て、アメリカ合衆国、スペイン及びメキシコ合衆国について検討する。本稿においては、主として、アメリカ合衆国、スペイン及びメキシコ合衆国の裁判所が、私企業に対する財政支出をどのような場合において違憲又は違法とするのか、又はどのような場合において合憲又は適法とするのかということを検討し、これらの国々の裁判所がその結論に到達するために、どのような要件又は判断基準に基づいて、財政支出を統制するのかということについて考察する。 / The mechanisms for controlling fiscal assistance vary from one country to another. Legislative, executive and judicial controls can be mentioned as broad examples of these mechanisms. This research will focus on the judicial control of fiscal expenditure in the United States of America, Spain and Mexico. It primarily examines in which cases financial expenditure on the private sector is declared unconstitutional or illegal and in which situations it is declared constitutional or legal by the American, Spanish and Mexican judiciary. It will also focus on an investigation of the legal requirements for fiscal stimulus, as well as in the judging criteria developed and used by the court of those countries to reach to those conclusions. / 博士(法学) / Doctor of Laws / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

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