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Creencias de docentes contratados de Nivel Primaria de la provincia de Tarma (Junín) sobre la preparación previa para afrontar el Concurso de Ingreso a la Carrera Pública Magisterial / Beliefs of hired teachers from Primary Level of the province of Tarma (Junín) on the previous preparation to face the Entrance Assessment to the Teaching Public CareerSalinas Florián, Tania Jasmin, Herrera Villanueva, Yanet Marisol 28 October 2019 (has links)
El propósito de la presente investigación es analizar las creencias de los docentes contratados de Nivel Primaria de la provincia de Tarma (Junín) sobre la preparación previa para afrontar el Concurso de Ingreso a la Carrera Pública Magisterial (CPM). Para ello, se planteó un diseño de indagación de enfoque cualitativo con perspectiva mixta, ya que los datos se abordaron con una aproximación fenomenológica, para la que también se usaron algunas herramientas de la teoría fundamentada. Para recoger la información, se realizaron 5 entrevistas semiestructuradas a docentes de dos instituciones públicas de la provincia de Tarma. Se encontró que algunos docentes creen que es necesario contar con experiencia pedagógica en todos los grados de Nivel Primaria para poder responder las preguntas del Concurso de Nombramiento, pues plantean que los conocimientos que adquirieron en la universidad o instituto pedagógico no son suficientes. Asimismo, se halló que algunos docentes creen que las preguntas de la subprueba de Conocimientos pedagógicos de la especialidad del concurso no se encuentran vinculadas al Currículo Nacional. / The purpose of this research is to analyze the beliefs of hired teachers from Primary Level of the province of Tarma (Junín) about the previous preparation to face the Entrance Assessment to the Teaching Public Career. To this end, a qualitative approach inquiry design with a mixed perspective was proposed, since the data was approached with a phenomenological approach, for which some tools of the grounded theory were also used. To collect the information, 5 semi-structured interviews were conducted with teachers from two public institutions in the province of Tarma. It was found that some teachers believe that it is necessary to have pedagogical experience in all grades of Primary Level to be able to answer the questions of the Entrance Assessment, because they state that the knowledge they acquired in the university or pedagogical institute is not sufficient. Likewise, it was found that some teachers believe that the questions of the subtest of Pedagogical Knowledge of the Specialty of the assessment are not linked to the National Curriculum. / Trabajo de investigación
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Creencias de docentes de Primaria de la Provincia de Huaylas (Áncash) sobre los instrumentos y los encargados de aplicar la Evaluación de Desempeño Docente (EDD) / Beliefs of Primary school teachers from the Province of Huaylas (Ancash) about the Teacher Performance Assessment (EDD, in Spanish), its instruments (components) and the agents responsible of its applicationVasquez Palero, Waldir Francheshcoly, Mamani Diaz, Yenifer Yeritza 28 October 2019 (has links)
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo explorar las creencias de un grupo de docentes de dos escuelas rurales de Áncash (Perú) sobre los instrumentos y los encargados de la aplicación de la Evaluación Desempeño Docente (EDD). Esta indagación se realizó desde un enfoque cualitativo con una aproximación fenomenológica y se utilizaron algunas herramientas de la teoría fundamentada. Sobre la base de estos presupuestos metodológicos, se llevaron a cabo cinco entrevistas semiestructuradas. Luego del análisis, se identificó que algunas de las creencias de los docentes se agrupan en las siguientes categorías: descontextualización, y evaluadores y especialistas. Los resultados evidenciaron que, a pesar de la aceptación de la EDD, los docentes cuestionan la pertinencia de sus cuatro instrumentos (componentes), ya que consideran que estos no están contextualizados a la realidad de escuelas rurales quechuahablantes. Por otro lado, existe cierto nivel de desconfianza en cuanto a la preparación de los encargados de la implementación de la EDD, ya que consideran que estos deberían conocer la realidad sociocultural de la escuela y las características de los estudiantes y docentes, pues asumen que estos factores afectan su desempeño. / The aim of this study was to explore the beliefs of a group of teachers from two rural schools located in Ancash (Peru), about instruments (components) Teaching Performance Assessment, and those responsible for the implementation of it. This inquiry was carried out using a qualitative approach with a phenomenological approach and some tools of the grounded theory were used. Based on these methodological assumptions, five semi-structured interviews were conducted. After the analysis, it was identified that some of the teachers' beliefs are grouped into the following categories: decontextualization, and evaluators and specialists. The results showed that, despite the acceptance of Teacher Performance Assessment, teachers dispute the relevance of its four components, since they consider that these are not contextualized to the reality of Quechua-speaking rural schools. On the other hand, there is a level of mistrust regarding the level of instruction and preparation of those in charge of Teacher Performance Assessment, because teachers consider a must that agents responsible of its application should know about the socio-cultural reality of the school and the characteristics of educational actors, since they assume that these factors affect their performance. / Trabajo de investigación
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Yachatsikuqkuna niyashkan: creencias y atribuciones causales de docentes de escuelas rurales de Áncash (Perú) sobre la Evaluación de Desempeño Docente / Yachatsikuqkuna niyashkan: Beliefs and causal attributions of teacher from rural schools in Peru about the Teacher Performance Evaluation.Mamani Diaz, Yenifer Yeritza, Vasquez Palero, Waldir Francheshcoly 08 October 2020 (has links)
Solicitud de envío manuscrito de artículo científico. / En Latinoamérica, en los últimos años, se han aplicado evaluaciones de desempeño docente. Dado ese contexto, en algunos países como Chile y México, se ha evidenciado una actitud negativa de los docentes y de incertidumbre frente a esta evaluación (Schulmeyer, 2002). En el caso peruano, por ejemplo, en el 2017, aproximadamente 238 mil docentes realizaron una de las huelgas magisteriales más grandes, donde reclamaron la derogatoria de la EDD (Fowks, 2017). Esta situación internacional evidencia la importancia de investigar las diversas aristas de esta problemática. En ese marco, se realizó esta investigación con el objetivo de explorar las creencias y las atribuciones causales que los docentes de escuelas bilingües rurales-multigrado de Nivel Primaria de la región Áncash manejan sobre esta evaluación. Se eligieron las creencias y las atribuciones causales como elementos teóricos, porque ambos son constructos que son complmentarias y que permiten estudiar las percepciones acerca de un fenómeno. A partir de ello, se realizó este estudio cualitativo con una aproximación fenomenológica y se utilizaron algunas herramientas de la teoría fundamentada. Luego de definir este presupuesto metodológico, se llevaron a cabo cinco entrevistas semiestructuradas a docentes de este tipo de escuelas. Después del análisis, se evidenció que los participantes asumen que su experiencia en aula, su preparación y su formación inicial constituyen causales de éxito o fracaso al momento de afrontar la EDD. Asimismo, se identificó cierto nivel de desconfianza en cuanto a la finalidad de la evaluación, ya que se halló que algunos docentes creen que esta evaluación probablemente busque el despido de los docentes. Por último, se encontró que algunos docentes creen que algunas características de sus estudiantes de las escuelas en las que trabajan y el tiempo asignado a la evaluación influirían en su desempeño al momento de afrontar la EDD. / In Latin America, in recent years, teacher performance evaluations have been applied. Given this context, some countries such as Chile and Mexico have shown a negative attitude of teachers and uncertainty regarding this evaluation (Schulmeyer, 2002). In the Peruvian case, for example, in 2017, approximately 238 thousand teachers carried out one of the largest teacher strikes, where they demanded the repeal of the Teacher Performance Evaluation (EDD in Spanish, Fowks, 2017). This international situation shows the importance of investigating the various aspects of this problem. In this framework, this research was carried out with the objective of exploring the beliefs and causal attributions that teachers of bilingual rural-multigrade Primary Level schools in the Ancash region handle on this evaluation. Beliefs and causal attributions were chosen as theoretical elements, because both are constructs that are complementary and that allow the study of perceptions about a phenomenon. Based on this, this qualitative study was carried out with a phenomenological approach and some tools of grounded theory were used. After defining this methodological estimation, five semi-structured interviews were carried out with teachers of this type of schools. After the analysis, it was evidenced that the participants assume that their experience in the classroom, their preparation and their initial training constitute causes of success or failure when facing the EDD. Likewise, a certain level of distrust was identified as to the purpose of the evaluation, since it was found that some teachers believe that this evaluation is likely to seek the dismissal of teachers. Finally, it was found that some teachers believe that some characteristics of their students from the schools in which they work and the time allocated to the evaluation would influence their performance when facing the EDD. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional
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由外語學習歷程與信念探討職前華語文教師之教學信念 / A case study on pre-service TCSL teachers’ teaching beliefs: from being a foreign language learner to a TCSL teacher邵佩欣, Siaw, Pey Shin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解職前華語文教師學習外語的歷程、語言學習信念與教學信念,屬質性個案研究。對象為華語文教學研究所四位台籍研究生,聚焦於外語學習歷程、外語學習信念、外語教學信念三大主軸,以深度訪談作為資料收集方法。訪談內容及範圍主要參考了Horwitz(1985)語言學習信念研究的BALLI 模式以及Johnson(1992)與張碧玲(2000)設計的語言教師教學信念問卷。研究發現包括:(一)不同時期的外語學習經歷對個案職前教師的學習及教學信念起了「學徒式的觀察」、信念的轉變及「濾鏡」等作用。(二)透過對個案的學習及教學信念探討,可以看到信念具有多層次的特質。而其中較整體面向的信念與較個別層次的信念,呈現了相互支持、矛盾等關係。(三)教學信念隨著背後所隱藏的動機不同,不能以因果關係作解釋。(四)個案教師基於不同的學習經歷、學習信念及教學信念,在教學上建構了與社會文化情境相關,同時也具有個人意義的教學理論。最後建議華語文師資教育應提供機會讓職前教師了解自我語言學習及教學信念,以及更多教學實務的機會,以讓他們在教學行動中反思,也在反思中進行教學。華語文教師本身亦可以利用自我的外語學習經驗作為反思的工具,時時保持成長的動機與內省的能力。此外,華語文教師也應對教學現場及環境文化等因素有所知覺,這樣才能促進有效的教學。 / This qualitative case study aims to understand the TCSL ( Teaching Chinese as a Second language ) pre-service teachers’ foreign language learning experience, language learning beliefs, and teaching beliefs. The participants are four Taiwanese postgraduate students from the department of TCSL in a university in northern Taiwan. The study focus on three aspects: foreign language learning experience, language learning beliefs, and teaching beliefs. In-depth interviews are conducted as the data collection method, informed by Horwitz’s (1985) BALLI model as well as Johnson (1992) and Zhang (2000). The findings include that (1) the four pre-service TCSL teachers’ foreign language learning experiences, serving as a filter, afford “apprenticeship of observation” which leads to changes in beliefs, and (2)beliefs are multilayered, involving both supportive and contradictory relationships. (3) Teaching beliefs are not necessarily consistent with each other because of different intentions lying behind. It is difficult to regard them as having a simple cause-and-effect relation. (4) Based on different learning experiences, learning and teaching beliefs, the four pre-service teachers construct their own personal theories toward teaching, which are not only socially relevant but also personally meaningful. Finally, the study suggests that language teacher education needs to provide sufficient opportunities for pre-service teachers to understand their own learning and teaching beliefs. It is also necessary to provide opportunities to engage them in authentic teaching contexts so that they could reflect on their teaching beliefs in real-world pratice. TCSL teachers need to be encouraged to use their own learning experiences as a reflective tool to sustain their passions for teaching.
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知識翻新學習對師培生教學信念與實務知識之影響 / Effects of knowledge building on teacher-education students’ teaching beliefs and practical knowledge張芷瑄, Chang, Chih Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
在知識急速進步與變動的時代,知識共享與共構是未來的新趨勢。傳統師資培育偏重理論與知識傳遞的教學方式,固然有其優點,但面對未來知識社會的挑戰,師培課程也需要不斷進行反思與改進。為了改善傳統偏重知識傳遞的教學模式,本研究嘗試運用知識翻新(knowledge-building)理論於師資培育課程,並使用知識論壇平台(Knowledge Forum©)作為本課程的線上輔助學習環境。研究目的在讓師培生於課堂中實際進行體驗教學,並利用教室與線上知識論壇的學習環境進行大量教學反思,以期能幫助師培生發展更多元創新的教學信念,並且實踐於教學活動中。
研究對象為修習國民小學自然科教材教法的28位師資培育生,以個案研究法進行資料的蒐集和分析,資料包括:(1)整學期師培生在知識論壇平台上的互動與對話--使用知識論壇分析工具(Analytic Toolkit, ATK)計算學生於知識論壇平台進行知識建構的互動次數,亦使用社會網絡分析軟體(social network analysis)分析閱讀與回文訊息的流通情況,最後透過知識論壇學生的實際貼文內容,呈現師培生在平台上的互動情形;(2)師培生試教結束後在知識論壇的教學回饋內容--透過對教學回饋品質與教學回饋信念的質性編碼和兩階段相依樣本t考驗進行分析;(3)期初與期末的自我檢核表問卷--以質性分析軟體Nvivo進行開放式編碼,依據師培生對於問題的陳述內容進行編碼和兩階段相依樣本t考驗;(4)期初與期末的教學本質問卷--以質性分析軟體Nvivo進行編碼,依據師培生對開放性問題的陳述內容進行編碼和兩階段相依樣本t考驗;(5)期末試教反思問卷--計算師培生在試教活動中,教師中心與學生中心活動所佔時間的百分比,進行兩階段相依樣本t考驗,並根據師培生在教學設計、教法、教材和評量的反思內容,以貼文為分析單位,進行編碼和描述性統計。
根據本研究結果,提出以下幾點建議供未來師資教育之參考:(1)教師可善用數位學習平台(如知識論壇)以輔助教學,促進學生想法的分享和改進;(2)營造開放自主的師資培育環境,可以建構多元的教學信念;(3)師資培育課程應提供更多實際體驗教學的機會,讓師培生檢視自我如何將教學信念付諸實踐;(4)課程革新應進一步思考如何促進教師教學信念與課程理念間的聯結,以協助教師在教學現場有效的落實課程。 / We are entering into a knowledge age, during which knowledge changes rapidly; accordingly, sustained knowledge sharing and constructing is essential. Although the traditional teacher education--that tends to emphasize more of the learning of educational theory than practical knowledge--has its advantage, teacher educators still need to reflect on and improve teacher preparation approaches continuously in order to face the challenge in the knowledge society. To this end, this study employed knowledge-building theory and Knowledge Forum© technology in a teacher education course. The purpose of this study was to help teacher-education students develop more informed science teaching beliefs by guiding them to effectively practice their teaching in classes, and to discuss and reflect on their teaching both in class and online.
Participants were 28 teacher-education students who took a course about science teaching. Data sources (and analysis) mainly came from: (1) Teacher-education students’ interaction and discourse on Knowledge Forum (KF) (using the Analytic Toolkit to calculate the students’ frequency of activities on the KF platform; then, social network analysis was used to analyze the betweenness centrality and network density. Finally, examples of teacher-education students’ notes was analyzed to understand the interaction of teacher-education students in the KF platform); (2) Teacher-education students’ teaching feedback posted in Knowledge Forum (based on students’ answers, quantitative analysis was performed by means of paired-sample t tests); (3) An open-ended questionnaire that surveyed teacher-education students’ practical knowledge at the beginning and the end of semester was coded using key concepts as unit of analysis (quantitative analysis was performed via paired-sample t test); (4) A questionnaire with 6 open-ended questions that surveyed teacher-education students’ teaching beliefs at the beginning and the end of the semester was coded (quantitative analysis was performed via paired-sample t tests); (5) A questionnaire that surveys teacher-education students’ reflection on teaching practices (analysis was done by calculating the percentage of time on teacher-centered and student-centered teaching/learning activities using paired-sample t tests; and in addition, students’ texted answers were analyzed qualitatively).
The results showed that: (1) using Knowledge Forum was helpful for teacher-education students’ sharing of their knowledge and reflection on their teaching; (2) Engaging in knowledge building could help improve teacher-education students’ teaching feedback quality; (3) Engaging in knowledge building could help teacher-education students’ development of their practical knowledge; (4) After engaging in knowledge building for a semester, teacher-education students developed more constructivist-oriented learning beliefs; (5) It was time-consuming to help teacher-education students develop more informed teaching beliefs.
Building on the results, this study made the following suggestions: (1) Teachers should make good use of online learning platforms (e.g., Knowledge Forum) to facilitate students’ idea sharing and improvement; (2) Teacher education programs should help foster an open learning environment, in order to foster the development of multiple teaching beliefs; (3) Teacher education programs should provide teacher education students with more opportunities for teaching practice and for reflection on their teaching beliefs; and (4) Curriculum reform should try to better relate curriculum development and teachers' beliefs development.
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