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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


廖芝嫻 Unknown Date (has links)
二十一世紀企業的價值不再僅止於帳面資產所反映的價值,許多無形資產所隱藏的價值更甚於有形資產,這部份即是所謂的智慧資本,其中又以人力資本最為重要,尤其在二十一世紀的知識經濟時代,更須正視「人」所扮演的角色,因為人所具備的知識、技術與能力,已成為企業競爭優勢的來源。近幾年來,台灣資訊電子業之所以能蓬勃發展的主要原因即在於具備了技術密集與知識密集的特性,本研究有鑒於人力資本的重要性日增,而技術又是資訊電子業的關鍵成功因素,因此擬探討技術人力資本強度是否對公司經營績效有顯著的正向影響。   本研究以我國資訊電子業之57家上市上櫃公司1991年至2000年共241個觀察值為樣本,蒐集公司內部技術人員人數之實際資料,運用實證分析方法,探討技術人力資本強度與公司經營績效間的關聯,並將研究發展強度、員工薪資報酬水準、員工生產力、公司規模這四個公司特性一並納入分析。   實證結果顯示,無論以資產報酬率或權益報酬率衡量經營績效,皆與技術人力資本強度呈顯著正相關,且無論是以營業利益、營業毛利、稅前息前淨利、稅前淨利或稅後淨利計算報酬率,結果均支持本研究的假說。至於其他公司特性方面,除公司規模外,研究發展強度、員工薪資報酬水準及員工生產力多與經營績效呈正相關,亦符合本研究的預期。   此外,本研究亦探討技術人力資本的變動對經營績效的解釋程度,研究結果顯示,技術人員人數每增加10%,營業利益即增加4.4%,顯示技術人力資本不僅與公司經營績效有顯著正相關,當技術人員增加時,營業利益也會隨之增加,代表技術人員的人數對公司本業經營績效之影響相當大。另外,研究發現以營業毛利作為獲利的替代變數時,模式的解釋力(Adj-R2)最高,代表技術人員對公司經營績效的影響主要還是反映在製造成本與銷貨成本的降低。   本研究結果可供我國資訊電子業制定人力資源管理決策的參考,在全球競爭日益激烈的環境下,未來我國資訊電子業公司在人才的招募上,應提高技術人員所佔的比例,來增強本身在技術上的競爭力,進而提昇公司的經營績效。 / Management theory has gradually accepted that ‘hidden assets’ or most recently ‘intellectual capital’, especially human capital, increasingly play a major role for the survival of companies. With the coming of knowledge economy, knowledge and competence of employees have become the most important sources of competitive advantage. The reason why Taiwanese information and electronic industry has grown rapidly these years lies in the key factor of technology intensity and knowledge intensity. Since technology is the soul of this industry and technology must be realized directly through technicians, this study intends to examine the association between technical human capital intensity and corporate operating performance.   The sample used in this study consists of 57 information and electronic companies listed on TSE and ROSE from 1991 to 2000, totally 241 observations. We collect the data of number of technicians from Public Offering Prospectus. This study uses multi-regression model as the empirical method to test the hypothesis that the technical human capital intensity and corporate operating performance are positively related. In addition, we include R&D intensity, labor compensation level, labor productivity and company scale as the subordinate independent variables.   Our results provide strong evidence that higher technical human capital intensity leads to better operating performance. Besides, when the gross profit is used to measure profitability, the Adj-R2 of the model achieves 50%, which means the major impact of technicians on corporate performance is reflected in the reduction of manufacturing costs or cost of goods sold. We also investigate more about how the variation of technical human capital influences the operating performance. The result shows that when the number of technicians increases 10%, the operating income increases 4.4%. As for other subordinate variables, R&D intensity, labor compensation level and labor productivity are all significantly positively related to operating performance.

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