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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Buone Pratiche con le ICT in aula: individuazione di un modello tecnologico per la didattica. / Best practices in using ICT in Classroom: specification of criteria for their classification

BELOTTI, CHIARA 05 March 2012 (has links)
La ricerca muove dalla scarsità di definizioni scientifica riguardanti un concetto, come quello delle “buone pratiche”, che fa parte del vocabolario quotidiano. La letteratura non si è ancora resa sistematica rispetto all’individuazione di criteri e di indicatori che valutino le prassi, soprattutto in un ambito come quello dell’educazione. L’obiettivo è quello di ipotizzare criteri e caratteristiche che rendano definibili in maniera obiettiva le buone pratiche educative affinché queste possano essere ripetibili e ricontestualizzabili. Una particolare attenzione è volta ai possibili criteri di validazione deducibili dal modello tecnologico che perviene dall’introduzione in ottica di senso delle ICT in ambiente educativo. / The research source from the scarcity of scientific definitions about a concept, such as "best practices", which is part of the daily vocabulary. Literature does not have yet a systematic method to locate criteria and indicators that evaluate the procedures, especially in the education field. Our objective is to hypothesize criteria and characteristics that will define objectively the educational best practices so that they can be repeated and re-contextualized. Special attention is given to the possible evaluation criteria that come from the technological model that belongs from the introduction in the schools of the ICT in a key of sense.

A motivação em aprender a língua francesa em aulas presenciais e virtuais

Santos, Andréa Emiliana Fernandes 21 July 2015 (has links)
La motivation est considérée comme une composante très pertinente dans l'apprentissage de chaque discipline. Des recherches sur l'apprentissage et la motivation dans le contexte de la langue française au Brésil, surtout médiée par la technologie, sont peu nombreuses. Ainsi, cette étude, d une approche qualitative, a comme proposition l enquête sur la motivation des apprenants de français langue étrangère dans le processus d'enseignement et d'apprentissage à l'aide d'une plateforme d'apprentissage virtuelle (Edmodo) comme un appui aux cours. La recherche vise à examiner comment le contexte influe sur la motivation des apprenants de langue française. L'enquête a été menée dans une classe d un Centre de Langues d'une université publique à l État de Minas Gerais. Les participants étaient au nombre de 15 élèves. La plupart d entre eux étaient à l université. Pour le recueil de données, nous avons choisi d utiliser un questionnaire répondu par des étudiants débutants et des journaux de réflexion écrits par les apprenants, sur les classes, tout au long du semestre. En outre, nous avons observé la participation des étudiants sur la plateforme Edmodo. Nous avons enregistré aussi nos impressions sur les classes sous la forme de journaux réflexifs oraux qui ont été écrits par moi, après chaque cours. En ce qui concerne les données secondaires, nous avons consideré mes plans d activités du cours et les productions des apprenants sur la plateforme Edmodo. Pour le développement de cette recherche, qui est en cours, nous nous appuyons à des travaux sur la motivation (GARDNER; LAMBERT, 1972; DÖRNYEI, 2001; VIAU, 2004) et les environnements d'apprentissage médiatisés par l ordinateur (WASCHAUER, 1996; KELLER, 2008). L analyse des données révèle que la motivation initiale des élèves à apprendre la langue française était grande parce qu'il y avait une attente de succès dans l'apprentissage, la curiosité et, aussi, des facteurs extrinsèques et intrinsèques, tant instrumentaux que d'intégration conduisant la motivation à apprendre la langue étrangère en question. L utilisation de la plateforme virtuelle Edmodo a influencé positivement la motivation des apprenants puisqu à partir des rapports des étudiants dans les journaux réflexifs, dans le questionnaire final et basé sur le nombre de participations aux activités produites dans l'environnement virtuel, nous comprenons qu'il y a eu de l effort et de la satisfaction des apprenants en ce qui concerne les activités proposées, ce qui montre que la motivation des étudiants a été maintenue tout au long du parcours. Des facteurs liés aux caractéristiques de l'environnement virtuel et les activités proposées ont impactés de façon positive sur la vie quotidienne de l enseignant et des apprenants en classe, vu que le cours de langue française a proposé l interaction, la collaboration, l hibridisme. Nous comprenons que l utilisation de la plateforme ont rendu possible un apprentissage plus significatif de la langue française aux apprenants, dû à l offre de divers ressources dans l intention de les stimuler à apprendre, en éveillant et en soutenant leur motivation. / A motivação é considerada como componente de grande relevância na aprendizagem de toda disciplina. Pesquisas sobre motivação no contexto e aprendizagem de francês no Brasil, principalmente mediadas pela tecnologia, são poucas. Assim, este estudo, de cunho qualitativo, tem como proposta a investigação da motivação dos aprendizes de francês como língua estrangeira para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem usando uma plataforma virtual de aprendizagem (Edmodo) como suporte às aulas presenciais de um curso. A pesquisa visa analisar como o contexto influencia na motivação de alunos para aprender a língua francesa. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma turma de francês oferecida num centro de línguas de uma universidade pública mineira. Os participantes foram 15 alunos, em sua maioria universitários. Como instrumentos para coleta de dados, recorremos a um questionário inicial e diários reflexivos dos aprendizes sobre as aulas ao longo do curso. Além disso, observamos a participação dos alunos na plataforma Edmodo. Registramos também impressões sobre as aulas na forma de diários reflexivos orais, os quais foram gravados após cada aula ministrada. Como dados secundários, consideramos os planos de atividades e as produções dos alunos na plataforma Edmodo. Para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, nos apoiamos em trabalhos sobre motivação (GARDNER; LAMBERT, 1972; DÖRNYEI, 2001; VIAU, 2004) e ambientes de aprendizagem mediados pelo computador (WASCHAUER, 1996; KELLER, 2008). A análise dos dados revela que a motivação inicial dos alunos para aprender a língua francesa era alta, pois havia uma expectativa de sucesso na aprendizagem, curiosidade e, ainda, fatores motivacionais extrínsecos e intrínsecos, tanto instrumentais quanto integrativos, conduzindo essa motivação para aprender a língua estrangeira em questão. A plataforma virtual Edmodo influenciou positivamente a motivação dos alunos, visto que a partir dos relatos nos diários, no questionário final e com base no número de participações nas atividades produzidas no ambiente virtual, entendemos que houve esforço e satisfação dos aprendizes em relação às atividades propostas, o que mostra que a motivação dos alunos se manteve durante o curso. Fatores ligados às características do ambiente virtual e das atividades propostas impactaram positivamente no cotidiano do professor e dos alunos nas aulas, visto que o curso de língua francesa proporcionou a interatividade, a colaboração, o hibridismo, a partir de diferentes práticas para a aprendizagem da LE. Entendemos que o uso da plataforma possibilitou uma aprendizagem mais significativa da língua francesa pelos alunos, pelo fato de ter oferecido diversos recursos na intenção de estimulá-los a aprender, despertando e sustentando sua motivação. / Mestre em Estudos Linguísticos

Coadiuvanti innovativi per l'ottenimento della stabilità dei vini e il miglioramento della sostenibilità del processo di vinificazione / Innovative adjuvants to get wine stability and improve process sustainability / Innovative adjuvants to get wine stability and improve process sustainability

ROMANINI, ELIA 25 March 2021 (has links)
La torbidità proteica nei vini bianchi e la sostanza colorante instabile nei vini rossi sono due dei principali fenomeni di instabilità della vinificazione. I coadiuvanti tradizionali hanno un elevato impatto economico e ambientale e i vini possono essere meno accettati dai consumatori. Lo scopo del lavoro è studiare nuovi coadiuvanti sostenibili per risolvere questi problemi. Per prevenire la torbidità causata dalle proteine, i produttori trattano il vino con bentonite che è un efficace agente chiarificante, ma la sua applicazione ha mostrato inconvenienti che costano 1 miliardo $ all’anno nel mondo. Un’alternativa può essere l'utilizzo di vinaccioli che sono una risorsa rinnovabile e prontamente disponibile per le cantine. Inoltre, la diffusione dell'encefalopatia spongiforme bovina ha portato a una revisione delle pratiche di produzione alimentare. Molti degli agenti chiarificanti utilizzati nella vinificazione sono di origine animale (gelatina suina, albumina d'uovo e caseina). Questi problemi hanno determinato una crescente domanda di vini ottenuti senza prodotti di origine animale. Un'alternativa può essere rappresentata dalle proteine vegetali estratte da patata e pisello. I risultati hanno mostrato le capacità chiarificanti di questi prodotti e hanno portato a identificare i migliori in base alla rimozione di proteine e polifenoli e alla valutazione sensoriale dei diversi vini trattati. / Protein turbidity in white wines and unstable coloring matter in red wines are two of the main phenomena of instability in winemaking. Traditional adjuvants involved have both high economic and environmental impact and wines can be less acceptable by consumers. The aim of this work was to investigate new and sustainable adjuvants to solve these problems. To prevent protein turbidity, winemakers add to wine bentonite that is an effective fining agent, but its application has shown drawbacks that cost $1 billion worldwide per year. A possible alternative can be the use of grape seeds that are a renewable resource and readily available to wineries during vintage. Moreover, the spread of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy led to a review of food production practices. Several of the fining agents used in winemaking are of animal origin (porcine gelatin, egg albumin and casein). These issues resulted in an increasing demand for wines obtained without fining agents from animal sources. An alternative can be represented by vegetal proteins extracted from potato and pea. Results shown the clarifying capacities of these agents and led to identify the best ones based on proteins and phenolics removal and sensory evaluation of different treated wines.

Applications of advanced data analysis procedures in food quality control

Ricci, Michele 13 June 2023 (has links)
In food manufacturing, the quality control procedure is a critical activity that consists in organizing, measuring, tracking, and filing the conditions of the production process and the final product, with the goal of guaranteeing the designed quality standard. During the last 30 years, due to a mounting concern by both consumers and lawmakers, the definition of quality and the application of quality control improved drastically, and new methodologies have been developed to ensure better control of food production and to understand the effect of raw materials and the process condition on the final quality of the food product. This thesis discusses the approaches to quality control procedures in food manufacture, focusing on the relationship between the conditions of the process and the quality profile of the final product, testing in a real-case scenario of a complex production process advanced data analysis procedures. The statistical and analytical procedures proposed have been applied in a real case studio from Trentingrana cheese production, a dairy consortium in the northeast region of Italy producing a ripened semi-artisanal hard cheese under the Protected Denomination of Origin (PDO) of Grana Padano. The aim is developing tailored statistical procedures that infer the effect of the critical factors of production on quality properties of this PDO product considering its semi-artisanal production process and the presence of multiple confounding factors. The statistical analyses were applied to a dataset of measurements of physical, sensory, and chemical properties collected on cheese wheels sampled systematically to represent the variability of the production of the Trentingrana wheels over two years of production. In the first introductory chapter, after a review of the different definitions of quality, the most important quality parameters for a food product and the standard measurement techniques adopted in quality control are presented. Then, in the chapter 2, the standard procedures of data analysis are reviewed, as well as the new approaches derived from the context of the foodomic sciences and machine learning models for the analysis of quality control data in food manufacturing. Two implemented and tested practical statistical procedures in the context of the Trentingrana consortium are reported: the results are discussed according to the objectives of the quality control process, the type of data, and the organization of food production. In the first case, reported in chapter 3, Linear Mixed Model ANOVA Simultaneous Component Analysis (LMM-ASCA) was developed to investigate the effect of the dairy factory, the bimester of production, and the variability within a cheese wheel using colorimetric and textural measurements. In the second case, reported in chapter 4, a standard ASCA model with the addition of a blocking factor to include systematic error was developed to investigate the relationship between the dairy factory and bimester of production and the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) profile of Trentingrana cheese wheels. In addition, in chapter 5, an approach to relate physical measurements on Trentingrana samples with sensory evaluations of texture by a trained panel is presented. The objective of this procedure is to incorporate the quality control procedure information from different quality parameters. The development of the Partial Least Squares (PLS) predictive model, its validation, and the evaluation of its performances are discussed. In the last section (chapter 6), the development of an image analysis procedure to measure the visual quality of the rind thickness of cheese wheels is reported, comparing the performances of two different algorithms. The data analysis tools proposed in this thesis have been proved to be useful for exploring, inferring, and plotting the process quality properties and suitable for analyzing complex and unbalanced experimental designs. Furthermore, the data analysis procedures proposed improve quality control activity both at the process level and at the product level, increasing the information that is possible to extract from the measurement collected in a context where standard statistical approaches cannot infer significant information.

Nanostructured hybrid organic/inorganic materials by the nanobuilding blocks (NBB) approach

Tagliazucca, Valeria January 2010 (has links)
The thesis work aimed to find appropriate syntheses procedures for the preparation of Nano Building Blocks (NBB) and Nano Particles (NP), starting from organo silanes as molecular precursors, using the Sol-Gel method. NBB were obtained by either non-hydrolytic or in situ water production (ISWP) route, depending on the reactive function’s loading. The obtained NBB were characterised by means of FT-IR, ATR/FT-IR, RAMAN, multinuclear NMR spectroscopies, SEM, N2 physisorption, Thermal analyses (TG/DTA), DSC. NBBs were used to prepare methacrylate-based matrices, which were subsequently exploited in order to produce patternable films by the two photon polymerisation technique (TPP). Epoxy-based matrices were also prepared and the films obtained were patterned by the UV photolithography technique. Both techniques gave high surface resolution patterning. NP were obtained with a modified Stöber method and organosilica NP were obtained. The NP were characterised by FT-IR and NMR spectroscopies. Morphology was observed and sizes calculated using SEM; N2- physisorption and thermal analyses (TG/DTA) were also carried out in order to complete the characterization. DSC measurements were performed on methacryloxypropyl-functionalised NP in order to control the ability to polymerise of the particles. Films of the different organic-modified NP were obtained by spin coating and contact angle measurements were performed. FE-SEM was used in order to observe an eventual change in morphology after thermal treatment under reduced atmosphere. The ability to retain the shape depends on the functional group on the NP. Finally a preliminary study on dye doping was accomplished. The NP were efficiently doped with a fluorescent dye: Rhodamine 6G (R6G). Absorption and emission spectra were recorded with a spectrofluorometer. It is observable that the emission spectra is influenced by the NP’s matrix.

Design and Development of a Distributed System for Monitoring of Machine Tool Behavior

Di Dino, Antonio January 2014 (has links)
The following thesis describes the development of a distributed system for the monitoring of numerical control machine tools. This work discusses all the design steps from the conceptualization of the hardware architecture to the development and implementation of monitoring algorithms. In the first chapter the state of art in machining automation will be presented, with a particular focus on monitoring and control system for machining operations. The second chapter describes the architecture of the proposed system both from the hardware and the software side. The third chapter goes into detail of the developed monitoring algorithms intended to the application on milling machines. The implementation and results of experimental tests will be discussed. Finally the fourth chapter proposes a new approach applied to the control of linear motion systems. The work presented in this thesis belongs to the applied research field that aims to enhance the automation level of machine tools by developing innovative techniques for the monitoring and control of machining process. The proposed monitoring system has been developed considering as key requirements the possibility to properly operate in several working conditions, the complete integration with the machine tool structure and the ease of use for unskilled personnel. The developed algorithms include the monitoring and mitigation of cutting vibrations, the detection and diagnosis of faults in spindle bearing and the emergency halt of the machine in case of collision. The resulting system provides a flexible and scalable framework easily adaptable to the specific machine tool and machining application. The monitoring tasks allow a fast setup and their execution is mostly automated, requiring a limited interaction with the machine tool end users. In conclusion the monitoring system improves the automation level of the machine tool providing a better control on the process execution. In addition it facilitates the assessment of the machine behavior allowing the objective evaluation of the operative conditions providing a useful support tool for the machine operator.

Combining foods, combining tools: Understanding in vivo aroma release and sensory perception of composite foods

Gonzalez Estañol, Karina 14 June 2023 (has links)
Combining foods, combining tools. To date, most of the published works that have attempted to relate aroma release and sensory perception are far from mimicking the real consumption context, as assessments often do not consider food oral processing during mastication and are performed on single or model foods. A multidisciplinary approach integrating in vivo aroma release, oral processing behaviour, and dynamic sensory methods is needed to have a better understanding of how the release, evolution, and fading of the flavour of real complex food matrices are being perceived during consumption. The research described in this thesis aims to investigate the relative contributions that food structure and its composition and oral processing behaviour have on aroma release and perception of food matrices made up of different components and contrasting textures, so-called composite foods. Results showed that the processes of aroma release and perception of composite foods are multidimensional phenomena and seem to be modulated by cross-modal texture-aroma interactions. While aroma release increased when a food was assessed in combination with other foods, consumer’s ability to discriminate between foods was reduced and off-flavours and texture deficiencies were masked. Furthermore, the role of oral processing behaviour on the breakdown of the food impacting aroma release and perception was highlighted. The use of a multidisciplinary approach provided more useful and accurate sensory profile representing an ecological, valid food consumption context that will ultimately offer new strategies for successfully developing healthier food products with lower fat and sugar content or elaborated with plant protein, for which sensory acceptability remains a challenge.

LA DIDATTICA DAVANTI AL BLOG: CONTESTI SCOLASTICI TRA FORMALE ED INFORMALE / Education Facing Blog: School Framework in the Formal and Informal Learning

FRISO, CHIARA 03 April 2008 (has links)
L'obiettivo che questa tesi persegue è quello di analizzare il binomio blog/didattica, allargando il raggio di discussione e problematizzazione alle tecnologie di rete e all'educazione nei suoi aspetti di formalità e di informalità. Lo sguardo pedagogico-didattico viene eletto come guida del processo di riflessione e la scuola viene scelta come il campo di esplorazione privilegiato. L'approccio d'indagine assunto pone la didattica di fronte al blog riservando ad essa il compito di contestualizzare la tecnologia, di comprenderne potenzialità sfruttabili per sostenere processi di apprendimento formali ed informali e di rilevarne gli aspetti di vantaggio e di problematicità emergenti per progettare impieghi efficaci ed innovativi. La ricerca è strutturata lungo due direttrici: una teorico-fondativa destinata alla riflessione intorno ad alcuni nuclei tematici di sfondo (tecnologie educative, Rete e tecnologie emergenti, educazione formale ed informale) ed alla delineazione dello stato dell'arte in merito al blog ed alle sue applicazioni nella didattica; una empirica costituita dall'indagine sul campo finalizzata ad evidenziare e descrivere tendenze d'uso dei blog nei contesti scolastici italiani. / This thesis aims at analysing the blog/education binomial, extending its discussion and problematic nature to web technologies in the field of formal and informal educational methods. The teaching-learning question is selected as a guidance in the process under consideration and school is looked upon as the privileged field for research. This study places teaching and learning methods before blog and questions this new technique by examining it deeply in the afford to understand its potentiality in the formal and informal educational process. This study aims at putting into evidence possible advantages and problems arising from the application and planning possible innovations in the educational sphere. The research is based on two guiding lines: the theoretical-basic one referring to some background core topics (educational technologies, web, emerging methods, formal and informal education) and referring to the merits related to blog with its application to teaching; the empirical one based on a survey on the field aiming at bringing out and describing trends towards the use of blog in the Italian school environment.

Nuovi approcci alla chiarifica dei mosti e al fining dei vini per la stabilità colloidale / NEW APPROACHES TO MUST CLARIFYING AND WINE FINING FOR GETTING COLLOIDAL STABILITY

COLANGELO, DONATO 03 April 2019 (has links)
Per via degli svantaggi inerenti l’uso di bentonite nella produzione di vini bianchi, la ricerca di alternative ha assunto di recente una grande importanza. Il lavoro presentato in questa tesi ha l’obiettivo di valutare l’applicabilità di tre approcci innovativi alla stabilizzazione colloidale dei vini: l’uso di chitosano, l’applicazione dei PEF e il riutilizzo di colonne di scambio cationico. L’aggiunta di chitosano è risultata nella rimozione delle chitinasi dal vino, permettendo di raggiungere un soddisfacente livello di stabilità. Gli effetti sul colore e sugli aromi, quando non significativi, non sono risultati essere peggiori rispetto ai risultati ottenuti da trattamenti con bentonite. L’applicazione dei PEF aveva lo scopo di innescare la denaturazione e l’aggregazione delle proteine tramite un sistema di trattamento-raffreddamento e filtrazione finale. I risultati suggeriscono che un buon grado di stabilità viene raggiunto solo con trattamenti particolarmente energetici ma questo a danno del colore del prodotto. Infine, lo scopo dello studio sulle resine di scambio cationico era quello di valutare la rigenerazione di questo supporto per un molteplice utilizzo operativo. La rimozione delle proteine adsorbite sul supporto è risultata essere possibile in specifiche condizioni di pH e forza ionica, con un consumo di acqua relativamente basso. / The search for fining alternatives to bentonite has assumed great importance in white winemaking due to the drawbacks of bentonite application. The research here presented aimed at observing the viability of three innovative approaches to wine stabilization, namely chitosan addition, PEF treatments and cation exchange applicability. Chitosan successfully removed chitinases from wine, allowing at the same time a sufficient degree of colloidal stability. Collateral effects on color and aroma compounds were non-significant or acceptable when compared with the effects observed for bentonite applications reported in literature. The use of PEF was aimed at accelerating protein unfolding and aggregation and was coupled to an in-line cooling and filtration system for efficient removal of colloidal aggregates. The results collected suggested that the treatment was capable of inducing a satisfactory colloidal stability only in high- energetic double-treated wine samples, with some deleterious consequences on the color. Finally, the aim of the research for cation-exchange resins application was to find environmentally friendly cleaning procedures to regenerate the resin capacity and allow reuse of the same resin for further cycles of fining. The removal of proteins bound to the resin was possible under specific pH and ionic strength conditions with relatively low consumption of water.

Understanding factors influencing starch degradation dynamics in monogastrics: in vitro and in vivo approaches

GIUBERTI, GIANLUCA 23 February 2012 (has links)
Lo scopo del presente lavoro è stato quello di esaminare il potenziale di idrolisi e degradabilità dell’amido dei cereali e co-prodotti e di valutare gli aspetti collegati. L’approccio utilizzato comprende sia test in vitro che in vivo. In particolare: - Una serie d’indagini in vitro ha fornito dati sul potenziale di degradabilità enzimatica dell’amido dei cereali e co-prodotti considerando sia l’influenza della struttura dell’amido, del tipo di cereale, del rapporto amilosio:amilopectina, del processo termico, dell’insilamento, dello stadio di maturazione e delle pratiche agronomiche. - Una valutazione funzionale basata sul calcolo del potenziale di degradabilità enzimatica dell’amido tramite la stima dell’indice glicemico in vitro, combinata con un approccio matematico di modellizzazione dei dati ottenuti, è stata proposta per fornire un metodo efficace di screening dei materiali amidacei utilizzati comunamente nella formulazione per diete destinate ai suini. - Un esperimento in vitro è stato condotto per investigare la risposta glicemica post-prandiale in suini alimentati con diete che differivano nel potenziale di idrolisi enzimatica. Infine, considerando la crescente attenzione dei nutrizionisti sulla matrice proteica dei cereali (con particolare importanza data alle prolammine), i metodi comunemente utilizzati per le tecniche di estrazione delle prolammine sono stati confrontati e ri-investigati. / In the present work, it has been attempted to examine the variability in starch hydrolysis and digestion from cereal grains and co-products and to study aspects related, in order to give a better understand of the science behind the differences in grains/feeds starch digestion potential. The general approach was to use a combination of in vitro and in vivo techniques. In particular: - A series of in vitro investigations has provided data on the degradation potential of starch from cereal grains and co-products considering the influence of starch structure, cereal type, amylose-amylopectin ratio, heat processing, ensiling, stage of maturity and of agricultural practices. - A laboratory-based functional evaluation of starch value of cereal grains based on a predicted glycemic index approach, combined with a mathematical first-order exponential model, has been proposed in order to allow an efficient screening of starchy-materials entering in the pig diet formulation. - An in vivo experiment has been undertaken to investigate the postprandial plasma glucose response in pigs fed diets containing starch with a wide range in in vitro digestion patterns. Lastly, taking into account the increasing attention of swine nutritionists on prolamin proteins, the most commonly used prolamin extraction procedures were compared and reinvestigated, in order to get useful information for routine lab analysis.

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