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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Asmens tapatybės nustatymas Internete, teisiniai aspektai / Personal identification in the Internet and its legal aspects

Muliuolis, Remigijus 04 February 2009 (has links)
Magistro baigiamąjame darbe nagrinėjama asmens tapatybės nustatymo Internete samprata bei praktinis realizavimas, analizuojama ar pakankamai teisiškai reglamentuota, taip pat ar yra būtinumas kriminalizuoti asmens tapatybės klastotę Internete, atribojant ją nuo paprasto sukčiavimo. Pagrindinis tyrimo tikslas - išanalizuoti teisinius ir praktinius asmens tapatybės Internete buvimo, slėpimo ir klastojimo aspektus, nurodyti pagrindines teisines problemas, su kuriomis susiduriama siekiant išlikti anonimiškam, o taip pat pateikti išvadas ir siūlymus kaip tobulinti teisinį reguliavimą. Darbe iškelta hipotezė, kad asmens tapatybės nustatymo internete samprata bei praktinis realizavimas yra neaiški ir nepakankamai teisiškai reglamentuota, taip pat reiktų kriminalizuoti asmens tapatybės klastotę elektroninėje erdvėje, atribojant ją nuo paprasto sukčiavimo, nepasitvirtino šiais aspektais: Lietuvoje nėra atskirai išskirta ir kriminalizuota asmens tapatybės klastotė Internete, tačiau to ir nereikia, kadangi visiškai užtenka šiuo metu galiojančių teisės aktų. Lietuvoje teisinė bazė pilnai reglamentuota ir pakankama, kad tinkamai kvalifikuoti nusikalstamas veikas, padaromas elektroninėje erdvėje. Dabartinis Lietuvoje veikiantis teisinis reguliavimas nėra pritaikytas anonimiškumui elektroninėje erdvėje, todėl siūlytina derinti šiuo metu galiojančias prekybos ir paslaugų taisykles prie elektroninės komercijos keliamų poreikių. Didžiausią dėmesį skirti anonimiškų vartotojų, ypatingai tų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master work examines the concept of online identity and the practical implementation, analysis, or enough legally regulated, including whether there is the need to criminalize identity fraud in the Internet banned it from a simple fraud. The main purpose of the study - to examine the legal and practical identity online presence, evasion and fraud aspects of major legal problems encountered in order to survive in anonymous, as well as the conclusions and proposals for improving the legal regulations. The paper put forward a hypothesis that a person's identity online and practical realization of the concept is unclear and not legally regulated, should also be criminalize identity fraud in cyberspace banned it from a mere fraud, failed the following aspects: Lithuania does not separately distinguished, and criminalized identity forgery Internet, however, and it is not necessary, because sufficient current legislation. Lithuania legal basis for a fully regulated and sufficient suitably qualified criminal acts committed in cyberspace. Current Lithuania acting regulation is not adapted to the anonymity of cyberspace, and therefore propose to combine the existing marketing and service rules for electronic commerce needs are. Focus on the anonymity of users, particularly those using electronic means, protection of the rights. It is also proposed to create an entirely new regulatory framework to govern completely anonymous transactions for the needs, but also specify the rights... [to full text]

Reformatų bažnyčios teisiniai aspektai Lietuvos Respublikoje 1918-1940 metais / The Legal Aspects of Evangelical Reformed Church in the Republic of Lithuania in 1918-1940

Aukščionienė, Regina 28 June 2005 (has links)
The reformation was a very complicated process which coffected all spheres of social and personal life. Its research can be carriet out in many scietific studies and its importance can be reflected upon from different points of view. The trend of the reformation which developed in Switzerland is colled differently in different historical sources: helvetian after the old name of Switzerland (Helvetia); Calvinizm, after the name of a famous religions reformer J.Calvin. The Calvinist church in the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania was colled the Evangelical Reformed Church, in short-the reformed Church. Since its establishment in 1555 the Evangelical reformed Church was independent. The activities and the relationship of the Evangelical reformed Church with Lithuanian state during the period of independence in 1918-1940 is analized in this thesis, the main part of the thesis is devoted to the analysis of the self-govermment of the Evangelical reformed Church, which is the fundamental thing in the reformed Church. The reformed Church has never been governed by a hierarchic structure. Its higest self-governing institution was the Synod. The analysis shovs how the Synod of the Reformed Church independently, without direct interference of the state and without demand for special conditions managed to reorganize its administration and territorial network, retaining self-governing, real property and cult buildings under the changed political circumstances 9after Vilnius, the... [to full text]

Kamieninių ląstelių reglamentavimo lyginamoji analizė teisiniu aspektu / Stem cell regulation comparative analysis of legal aspects

Ramanauskas, Paulius 21 January 2007 (has links)
Stem cell research is one of the promising areas of biotechnology, which offers the prospect of developing new methods to repair or replace tissues or cells damaged by injuries or diseases and to treat serious chronic diseases, such as diabetes, Parkinson’s, chronic heart failure as well as stroke and spinal cord injuries. Stem cell research is expected to be equally important for basic science to understand cell differentiation and growth as well as for other specific medical applications such as for the understanding of disease development and for the development of safer and more effective drugs. Scientists are intensively studying the fundamental properties of stem cells. One of the possible sources for stem cells is human embryos. However, when this research involves the use of human embryos it raises the question of ethical values at stake and of the limits and conditions for such research. The title of this work is ,,Stem cell regulation comparative analysis of legal aspects”. This work explores legal aspects concerning production of stem cell from embryos. The main comparative aspects investigated in this graduation paper work: 1. historical stem cell research beginning aspects; 2. medical stem cell characteristics; 3. ethical embryo stem cell research aspects; 4. EU member states that allowing creation of human embryos for procurement of human embryonic stem cells by law; 5. EU member states that prohibiting procurement of human embryonic stem cells by law; 6. EU... [to full text]

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