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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Specifika internetového vysílání v ČR se zaměřením na divácké komentáře k pořadu Jak nás vidí svět (Stream.cz) / The Specifics of Internet Broadcasting in The Czech Republic with Focus on the Viewers' Comments on the Show Jak nás vidí svět (Stream.cz)

Milotová, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis The Specifics of Internet Broadcasting in the Czech Republic with Focus on the Viewers' Comments on the Show Jak nás vidí svět (Stream.cz) deals with the typical features of online television broadcasting in the Czech Republic and their comparison to the typical features of traditional television broadcasting. In the practical part, the thesis focuses on the viewers' comments on the show Jak nás vidí svět. The main aim of the thesis is to describe the current position of internet television broadcasting in the Czech Republic with its specifics and its differences compared to traditional broadcasting, focusing on the show Jak nás vidí svět (Stream.cz), specifically on the viewers' comments on the show. First, traditional and internet broadcasting are defined and their specifics are analyzed in detail, which are then compared in a separate chapter. The aim of the first part of the thesis is to find and define the specifics of internet television broadcasting in the Czech Republic, especially in comparison with traditional television broadcasting, with regard to the ongoing media convergence and the fact that the individual forms converge and sometimes intersect. The practical part is based on one of the typical features of online broadcasting, namely participation in the form of...

Úpadek českého seriálu / The Downfall of Czech TV series

Hrubý, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the qualitative decline of the Czech serial production after the revolution, namely changes in the author-producer relationships, the impact of the introduction of the commercial broadcasters into the market and an internal development of the Public television. The thesis will also look at the changes in developement and production of tv series in the Czech republic. The thesis will be looking for the roots and consequences of this qualitative decline and will compare it with the socialist era as well as the profesional developement of the foreign tv series. Through the analysis of production processes, the text seeks to identify fundamental principles affecting the quality of television production and outline possible systemic changes to strengthen the potential for future domestic as well as foreign succsess of Czech tv production.

Televizní zpravodajství o koronavirové epidemii 2020 jako možný svět / Broadcast coverage of the coronavirus epidemic 2020 as a possible world

Bergerová, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis explores the theory of possible worlds and its relation to broadcast during the coronavirus pandemic. It perceives news, especially broadcast, as a possible world. Using narrative analysis, this thesis describes the characteristics of two possible worlds that arose during the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic on Czech Television and television Prima. The main goal of this research is to examine what kind of possible worlds have these two TV stations constructed in their main news programs and to point out how these two possible worlds differed. My diploma thesis should primarily contribute to a clear comparison of how the depiction of the coronavirus pandemic differed by individual television channels in the first half of 2020.

Problematics of Aspect Ratio / Problematics of Aspect Ratio

Rozo Rojas, Juan Pablo January 2016 (has links)
I wil examine different formats os aspect ratio in order to discuss its impact on a film´s aesthetics and narrative

K otázkám hudebních pořadů v ČT II / The Issues of Musical Programs on Czech Television II

Brettlová, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
Dissertation titled Issues of musical programs on Czech Television II deals with the legitimacy of the occurrence of classical music on Czech TV, its quantitative volume and its relationship to other musical genres in the broadcasting. It compares the number of produced hours of the various musical genres at different times of Czechoslovak Television and Czech Television in Prague (the main redaction of musical broadcasting, Creative group Radim Smetana and Vitezslav Sykora, the Music and drama department and the Drama, music and children's department), esp. during years 1980 - 1990, 2000 - 2005 and 2006 - 2012 with researches of a leading Czech musicologist Mikulas Bek which deal with musical preferences of the Czech population and are unique due to its scale and treatment. The work also seeks to highlight the importance of making popular educational programs that improve viewers' orientation in more demanding genres of symphonic, opera and chamber music. It also mentions the necessity of teamwork with respect to a sufficiently broad range of music programs and appreciates musical education needed for the production of these programs.

Měření sledovanosti TV / TV Audience Measurement

Pokorná, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
Marketing research, as far as it exists, is definitely an essential part of every company that provides products or services to customers. Marketing surveys show exact data and give their submitters important information and feedback. However, the process of creating marketing research of media also brings certain difficulties and specialties, with which the media market deals these days. This diploma thesis focuses especially on the process of creating surveys concerning television broadcast audience. The diploma thesis deals with the matters of measuring TV ratings. The first part of the work focuses on historical progress in this field since the introduction of TV broadcasting, the earliest measurements of TV audience, up to its current electronic form ? all concerning the Czech Republic and other foreign countries. The contemporary, electronic form, is thoroughly described in the thesis. An essential aspect of the work is information about the usage of the collected data by TV and the advertising market. Another part of the work concerns international comparison of similar projects focusing on audience measurement in selected countries. The last part of the thesis focuses on possible future of the measuring of audiovisual content ? touching upon consumer behavior. The research is mainly based on controlled interviews with TV or research field workers and on an analysis of available documents concerning this topic.

ARTE - analýza z hlediska korporátní struktury a přenositelnosti modelu do CEE prostoru / ARTE - Analysis from the perspective of corporate structure and model portability to the CEE region

Novák, Marek January 2017 (has links)
ARTE TV station is a unique project in the area of European audiovisual landscape, in many perspectives, and reflects its basis in many ways. It is an important player in the area of international co-productions, it is a hallmark of European arthouse cinema in the best sense of the word and its participation in audiovisual productions is available also for Czech producers. Therefore I would like to focus and analyse on the ARTE phenomenon, especially on the corporate and functional structure, business model and from historical and political view, followed by a producer's perspective (ARTE participation in co-productions) and end in an essay on the possibilities of transferring the ARTE model into the area of Central/Eastern Europe.

Rosenbaumová, Kristýna January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Specifika ocenění televizní společnosti – ukázka na FTV Prima, spol. s.r.o. / Specifics of valuation of television companies - demonstration on FTV Prima, spol. s.r.o.

Korolev, Alexander January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the graduate work is to identify the specifics of valuation of television companies. The research was conducted on the example of a company FTV Prima, spol. s.r.o. Firstly a detailed financial and strategic analysis has been made with an emphasis not only on the selected company, but also for the entire industry. Then was prepared a package of conclusions and recommendations regarding the valuation of television companies. The last chapter is a brief overview of the identified specifics that should introduce an evaluator to the substance of this issue, prior to the start of valuation work. The work contains a scheme of work with specific television value drivers.

Procesní analýza přípravy televizní reportáže, srovnání procesů v největších televizích v ČR / Process analysis of television report creation and comparision of the process in three largest televisions in Czech Republic

Červenková, Marie January 2007 (has links)
Cílem práce je srovnání procesů výroby reportáže v celoplošně vysílajících televizích v České republice a IT podporou procesů. Je sestaven obecný procesní model. Srovnávána byla i část IS/IT, kterou redaktor využívá pro tvorbu reportáže. Cílem práce bylo zjistit odlišnosti v procesech a IS/IT a čím jsou odlišnosti způsobeny a jaký mají vliv na práci redaktora. V práci je řešen i vliv procesů na kvalitu reportáží a čím je kvalita určena. Výsledkem jsou návrhy na změny, které by měli vést k větší efektivitě práce. Součástí práce je přehled možností vzniku desinformace v procesu výroby reportáže.

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