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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Projevy edutainmentu v českých audovizuálních médiích / Elements of edutainment in audiovisual media

Bartošová, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Televizní drama v československém odborném diskursu 50. a 60. let. / Television drama in Czechoslovak specialized discourse of the 1950s and 1960s

Jiřiště, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Thesis deals with basic tendencies and preconditions of the aesthetic development of Czechoslovak television drama of the 50s and 60s through its specialist reflection. The method of a discourse analysis which is applied to the area of aesthetics and inspired by the concepts of Michel Foucault and Achim Landwehr maps locally- and time-based field of the discourse about television drama and penetrates surface relations between subdiscourses (television criticism, television theory and influences of institutions) with the aim to capture the formative order of the discourse. A basic axis of the analysis is the evolution of the concept of television specifity which will be tracked through the crucial discussions of the period. They reflects a gradual revision of initial assumptions about the formal emancipation and the legitimacy of art of television. The next step of the analysis is the mutual comparison of solutions at which these discussions arrived via various aspects and methods. This way a second goal of the discourse analysis will be fulfilled - to trace the essential unity of the discourse which is represented by the complex of jointly asserted requirements about the ideal form of the television drama. The complex is possible to consider as an implicit poetics of Czechoslovak television drama...

Vývoj nabídky vzdělávacích pořadů České televize v letech 1992 až 2010 / Development of Children's Education Programmes in Czech Television from 1992 to 2010

Havlíková, Vendula January 2011 (has links)
This thesis surveys the development of education programmes variety broadcast by the Czech Television from 1992 to 2010. The main tendencies of pragramme creation are illustrated on the background of specific political, social and technological context characteristic for the Czech Republic in the period concerned. The theoretical part gathers some relevant information from the fields of sociology, psychology and media studies connected to the socialization process, with special focus on children. One separate chapter is then dedicated to the issue of education programme definition, another to the legislative and further social role of the Czech television in relation to education. By means of annual almanacs, papers, PROVYS software system, internal and public documents research, as well as a number of interviews with current or former employees of the Czech television, the empirical part illustrates the development and changes referring to the period studied. The result of this is an extensive image of the main tendencies of television education development produces by groups or centers in charge. The thesis does not give a full-range account of all education programmes shown by the broadcaster, as with regard to the amorphous character of the genre this is not even accomplishable, but attempts to...

Analýza duálního systému televizního vysílání ve Francii z hlediska zpravodajství / Analysis of the mixed public-private system of the TV broadcasting in France from the aspect of news

Švihelová, Veronika January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Analysis of the mixed public-private system of the TV broadcasting in France from the aspect of news" deals with the TV broadcasting in France, its development and its present. In the experimental part of this work the author tried to describe the principal TV news broadcast of the two most powerful French TV stations and to compare it to the two corresponding TV stations in the Czech Republic. The goal of this comparison was to find out whether the public and private TV stations news have some features in common, concerning for example its content, types of the reports and other universally established methods, how to attract the TV viewers and to increase the ratings. The author tried to find these principles via the research, to describe them by the comparison of the main evening news broadcast in the chosen nationwide private TV station in France and its corresponding counterparts in the Czech Republic and the subsequent comparison with the parallel pair of public stations. The author of this thesis also deals with the premise, that the private TV stations tend to the "infotainment" - the "funny" way of presenting the news in order to attract the viewers to the screens, often at the expense of its information value. This is also the reason why this diploma thesis deals in one...

Možnosti analýzy latentních tříd: případová studie diváků České televize / The Potential of Latent Class Analysis: the Czech Television Audience Case Study

Pospíšilová, Petra January 2017 (has links)
The thesis "The Potential of Latent Class Analysis: the Czech Television Audience Case Study" deals with latent class analysis and it's potential as a segmentation method. Three different approaches are examined - latent class analysis for joint data from six research waves, simultaneous latent class analysis for each wave separately and latent class analysis for joint data transferred into dichotomous form. The results of all three methods are compared through secondary analysis of data from case study focused on audience's perception of the Czech Television; their strong and weak points are described and the most suitable solution is chosen. Based on these findings, four identified segments of the audience are then interpreted from the point of their characteristic features and sociodemographic parameters. This paper is supported by works of classic authors in the area of latent class analysis; the thesis refers to their findings that also served as basis for composition of the research hypotheses.

Volba generálního ředitele České televize v roce 2017 jako zpravodajské téma / The election of the Director General of Czech Television in 2017 as a news topic

Coufalová, Dominika January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the election of the Director General of Czech Television in 2017. The topic is viewed from the perspective of the media agenda of print and online media. The researched media was chosen by the key of the highest readership in the period from the beginning of January to the end of April 2017. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with the specifics of the effects of media, which categorizes into three types. Furthermore, the theory mentions the concept agenda-setting, which belong to the long-term effects of the media, and which includes the examined media agenda. The theory also defines the concepts of public service and public service media, related terms and basic legal anchoring. The theoretical part also presents the Czech Television institution and its supervisory body, which elects the General Director, the Council of Czech Television. The practical part, through the analysis of news outputs that were published for the election in the defined period, using quantitative content analysis and qualitative analysis of the frameworks, shows how the choice was displayed in the media environment and what topics it raised. The quantitative part defines the codes that were most frequent in the news output. The qualitative part...

Současná podoba vysílání a redakce předpovědi počasí v České televizi / Contemporary Weather Broadcasting in Česká televize and its Editorial Staff

Šindelářová, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The work analyses contemporary weather broadcasting in Czech television (Česká televize). in the Czech Republic and abroad. Through an analysis of a selected broadcasting day of ČT24 like. On the basis of interviews with expert editors employed in Česká televize the work

Role moderátora televizního zpravodajství. Komparativní analýza veřejnoprávní a komerční televize. / The Role of The TV News Anchorman/woman. The Comparative Analysis Between Public and Commercial Television

Baráková, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the role of a television news anchorman/woman. It focuses on the origin of the anchorman, the main and characteristic professional prerequisites, and the differences between the anchormen of public and commercial television. The primary role of the moderator is to inform about current events. But in the same time be objective, neutral, and trustworthy, and leave a way expressing one's own emotions. However, these values may differ as to the television broadcasting system. As part of his role in television, they can be a suitable element in media self-presentation. The thesis focuses on work with commercial and public television, analyses the emotional and professional aspects of his work and his contribution to the creation of news programs. The research is also carried out among the public, which enables the main characteristics and functions of moderators.

Vyobrazení Korejského poloostrova ve zpravodajství České televize v letech 2015-2020 / Representation of the Korean Peninsula in the news of Czech Television in years 2015-2020

Kymličková, Petra January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis introduces the media image of Korean Peninsula within the news of Czech Television from 2015 to 2020. Korean Peninsula is an incredibly interesting area in terms of history, politics, economics, culture and international relations, including relations between the two Koreas and the Czech Republic. Czech Television was chosen to depict the two state units existing on the Korean Peninsula, which should - due to its specific position as a public service medium - provide viewers objective and impartial news. The theoretical part introduces the basic concepts and theories, focusing on the media public service broadcasting, media construction of reality, gatekeeping and agenda-setting. Considerable attention is also given to Czech Television itself and the Korean Peninsula, where among the other things, the key historical moments of this region are briefly explained and the media environment of both Koreas is overviewed closely. In the practical part, the collected data is analyzed, both quantitative and qualitative methods. Within the content analysis, the data are sorted by frequency, order, topic or tone of the content. It includes an analysis of the most frequent terms and their possible change during the time. The results and finding are summarized at the end of the work and...

Analýza účasti politických aktérů v pořadu Otázky Václava Moravce mezi lety 2016 a 2018 / Analysis of politician's attendance in Otázky Václava Moravce between 2016 and 2018

Jošt, David January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze the spectrum of participants in the Questions of Václav Moravec talk show between the years 2016 and 2018. It investigates its political balance, changes over the monitoring period and the impact the 2017 election had on it. Theoretical part deals with qualitative indicators of bias and circumstances that might affect it. It discusses the alternatives to public media and obligations the Czech Television must meet in its shows as defined by law. Content analysis has been chosen as the research method. In the analytical part of the thesis, participants are coded based on their sex, age, political affiliation and function. Obtained results about the spectrum of participants are then confronted with the CT Code to either confirm or refute its compliance.

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