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Vývoj metody vizualizace a měření teplotních polí ve vzduchu pomocí termovize / Development of Method for Visualization and Measuring of Temperature Fields in Air with using Thermovision CameraPešek, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This work deals with the measurement of temperature fields in the air using an infrared camera. The dissertation describes the opportunity of measuring the temperature field in the air and the characterization of the developed measuring method. In the next part there are introduced the beginning of thermography imaging and the field of usability of the new infrared measuring method. Further, the theoretical foundations of the thermography measuring method in the temperature fields in the air are described. In the theoretic background there are described the analysis of heat conduction in an auxiliary material, the determination of dynamic properties of the method and the analysis of radiation, which has an influence on infrared imagining. This method requires an insertion of the auxiliary material into the non-isothermal air flow, which can allow for the study of the temperature distribution in air. For effective visualization of temperature fields in the air using an infrared camera, the selection of the appropriate auxiliary material, on which the air temperature displays, is crucial. In the next part of the doctoral thesis, there is a description of static measuring properties of auxiliary materials. The usability range of the measuring method is determined from these properties. In the thesis there are presented the description of the device for the measurement of 2D temperature fields in the air and the description of the measuring device for 3D measurements of temperature fields in the air using an infrared camera, which can also be used for measurements of temperature fields in small enclosed spaces through a viewing window. For the practical use of the method, the detailed methodology of measuring temperature fields in the air by an infrared camera was developed and its applicability was demonstrated on practice examples. The developed measuring method can be used in many areas of research and in practice.
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Melt temperature field measurement in single screw extrusion using thermocouple meshes.Brown, Elaine, Kelly, Adrian L., Coates, Philip D. January 2004 (has links)
No / The development and validation of a sensor for extrusion melt temperature field measurement is described. A grid of opposing thermocouple wires was constructed and held in position by a supporting frame. Wires were joined together at crossing points to form thermocouple junctions, which were computer monitored. The mesh was used to monitor melt temperature fields during single screw extrusion at the die entrance. Design and construction of the mesh is described in addition to experimental optimization of wire diameter and junction forming. Calibration of the sensor and potential measurement errors including shear heating effects are discussed. Initial results from single screw extrusion are presented for a commercial grade of low density polyethylene using five- and seven-junction thermocouple meshes. The dependence of melt temperature profile on screw speed is illustrated. At low screw speeds melt temperature profiles were flat in shape and higher than set wall temperatures. At higher screw speeds the profiles became more pointed in shape. Use of higher resolution sensors exposed more complex temperature profiles with shoulder regions.
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Well-log based determination of rock thermal conductivity in the North German BasinFuchs, Sven January 2013 (has links)
In sedimentary basins, rock thermal conductivity can vary both laterally and vertically, thus altering the basin’s thermal structure locally and regionally. Knowledge of the thermal conductivity of geological formations and its spatial variations is essential, not only for quantifying basin evolution and hydrocarbon maturation processes, but also for understanding geothermal conditions in a geological setting. In conjunction with the temperature gradient, thermal conductivity represents the basic input parameter for the determination of the heat-flow density; which, in turn, is applied as a major input parameter in thermal modeling at different scales. Drill-core samples, which are necessary to determine thermal properties by laboratory measurements, are rarely available and often limited to previously explored reservoir formations. Thus, thermal conductivities of Mesozoic rocks in the North German Basin (NGB) are largely unknown. In contrast, geophysical borehole measurements are often available for the entire drilled sequence. Therefore, prediction equations to determine thermal conductivity based on well-log data are desirable. In this study rock thermal conductivity was investigated on different scales by (1) providing thermal-conductivity measurements on Mesozoic rocks, (2) evaluating and improving commonly applied mixing models which were used to estimate matrix and pore-filled rock thermal conductivities, and (3) developing new well-log based equations to predict thermal conductivity in boreholes without core control.
Laboratory measurements are performed on sedimentary rock of major geothermal reservoirs in the Northeast German Basin (NEGB) (Aalenian, Rhaethian-Liassic, Stuttgart Fm., and Middle Buntsandstein). Samples are obtained from eight deep geothermal wells that approach depths of up to 2,500 m. Bulk thermal conductivities of Mesozoic sandstones range between 2.1 and 3.9 W/(m∙K), while matrix thermal conductivity ranges between 3.4 and 7.4 W/(m∙K). Local heat flow for the Stralsund location averages 76 mW/m², which is in good agreement to values reported previously for the NEGB. For the first time, in-situ bulk thermal conductivity is indirectly calculated for entire borehole profiles in the NEGB using the determined surface heat flow and measured temperature data. Average bulk thermal conductivity, derived for geological formations within the Mesozoic section, ranges between 1.5 and 3.1 W/(m∙K).
The measurement of both dry- and water-saturated thermal conductivities allow further evaluation of different two-component mixing models which are often applied in geothermal calculations (e.g., arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean, Hashin-Shtrikman mean, and effective-medium theory mean). It is found that the geometric-mean model shows the best correlation between calculated and measured bulk thermal conductivity. However, by applying new model-dependent correction, equations the quality of fit could be significantly improved and the error diffusion of each model reduced. The ‘corrected’ geometric mean provides the most satisfying results and constitutes a universally applicable model for sedimentary rocks. Furthermore, lithotype-specific and model-independent conversion equations are developed permitting a calculation of water-saturated thermal conductivity from dry-measured thermal conductivity and porosity within an error range of 5 to 10%.
The limited availability of core samples and the expensive core-based laboratory measurements make it worthwhile to use petrophysical well logs to determine thermal conductivity for sedimentary rocks. The approach followed in this study is based on the detailed analyses of the relationships between thermal conductivity of rock-forming minerals, which are most abundant in sedimentary rocks, and the properties measured by standard logging tools. By using multivariate statistics separately for clastic, carbonate and evaporite rocks, the findings from these analyses allow the development of prediction equations from large artificial data sets that predict matrix thermal conductivity within an error of 4 to 11%. These equations are validated successfully on a comprehensive subsurface data set from the NGB. In comparison to the application of earlier published approaches formation-dependent developed for certain areas, the new developed equations show a significant error reduction of up to 50%.
These results are used to infer rock thermal conductivity for entire borehole profiles. By inversion of corrected in-situ thermal-conductivity profiles, temperature profiles are calculated and compared to measured high-precision temperature logs. The resulting uncertainty in temperature prediction averages < 5%, which reveals the excellent temperature prediction capabilities using the presented approach.
In conclusion, data and methods are provided to achieve a much more detailed parameterization of thermal models. / Die thermische Modellierung des geologischen Untergrundes ist ein wichtiges Werkzeug bei der Erkundung und Bewertung tiefliegender Ressourcen sedimentärer Becken (e.g., Kohlenwasserstoffe, Wärme). Die laterale und vertikale Temperaturverteilung im Untergrund wird, neben der Wärmestromdichte und der radiogenen Wärmeproduktion, hauptsächlich durch die Wärmeleitfähigkeit (WLF) der abgelagerten Gesteinsschichten bestimmt. Diese Parameter stellen die wesentlichen Eingangsgrößen für thermische Modelle dar. Die vorliegende Dissertation befasst sich mit der Bestimmung der Gesteins-WLF auf verschiedenen Skalen. Dies umfasst (1) laborative WLF-Messungen an mesozoischen Bohrkernproben, (2) die Evaluierung und Verbesserung der Prognosefähigkeit von Mischgesetzten zur Berechnung von Matrix- und Gesamt-WLF sedimentärer Gesteine, sowie (3) die Entwicklung neuer Prognosegleichungen unter Nutzung bohrlochgeophysikalischer Messungen und multivariater Analysemethoden im NGB.
Im Nordostdeutschen Becken (NEGB) wurden für die wichtigsten geothermischen Reservoire des Mesozoikums (Aalen, Rhät-Lias-Komplex, Stuttgart Formation, Mittlerer Buntsandstein) Bohrkerne geothermischer Tiefbohrungen (bis 2.500 m Tiefe) auf Ihre thermischen und petrophysikalischen Eigenschaften hin untersucht. Die WLF mesozoischer Sandsteine schwankt im Mittel zwischen 2,1 und 3,9 W/(m∙K), die WLF der Gesteinsmatrix hingegen im Mittel zwischen 3,4 und 7,4 W/(m∙K). Neu berechnete Werte zur Oberflächenwärmestromdichte (e.g., 76 mW/m², Stralsund) stehen im Einklang mit den Ergebnissen früherer Studien im NEGB. Erstmals im NDB wurde für das mesozoisch/känozoischen Intervall am Standort Stralsund ein in-situ WLF-Profil berechnet. In-situ Formations-WLF, für als potentielle Modelschichten interessante, stratigraphische Intervalle, variieren im Mittel zwischen 1,5 und 3,1 W/(m∙K) und bilden eine gute Grundlage für kleinskalige (lokale) thermische Modelle.
Auf Grund der in aller Regel nur eingeschränkt verfügbaren Bohrkernproben sowie des hohen laborativen Aufwandes zur Bestimmung der WLF waren alternative Methoden gesucht. Die Auswertung petrophysikalischer Bohrlochmessungen mittels mathematischer-statistischer Methoden stellt einen lang genutzten und erprobten Ansatz dar, welcher in seiner Anwendbarkeit jedoch auf die aufgeschlossenen Gesteinsbereiche (Genese, Geologie, Stratigraphie, etc.) beschränkt ist. Daher wurde ein leicht modifizierter Ansatz entwickelt. Die thermophysikalischen Eigenschaften der 15 wichtigsten gesteinsbildenden Minerale (in Sedimentgesteinen) wurden statistisch analysiert und aus variablen Mischungen dieser Basisminerale ein umfangreicher, synthetischer Datensatz generiert. Dieser wurde mittels multivariater Statistik bearbeitet, in dessen Ergebnis Regressionsgleichungen zur Prognose der Matrix-WLF für drei Gesteinsgruppen (klastisch, karbonatisch, evaporitisch) abgeleitet wurden. In einem zweiten Schritt wurden für ein Echtdatenset (laborativ gemessene WLF und Standardbohrlochmessungen) empirische Prognosegleichungen für die Berechnung der Gesamt-WLF entwickelt. Die berechneten WLF zeigen im Vergleich zu gemessenen WLF Fehler zwischen 5% und 11%. Die Anwendung neu entwickelter, sowie in der Literatur publizierter Verfahren auf den NGB-Datensatz zeigt, dass mit den neu aufgestellten Gleichungen stets der geringste Prognosefehler erreicht wird. Die Inversion neu berechneter WLF-Profile erlaubt die Ableitung synthetischer Temperaturprofile, deren Vergleich zu gemessenen Gesteinstemperaturen in einen mittleren Fehler von < 5% resultiert.
Im Rahmen geothermischer Berechnungen werden zur Umrechnung zwischen Matrix- und Gesamt-WLF häufig Zwei-Komponenten-Mischmodelle genutzt (Arithmetisches Mittel, Harmonische Mittel, Geometrisches Mittel, Hashin-Shtrikman Mittel, Effektives-Medium Mittel). Ein umfangreicher Datensatz aus trocken- und gesättigt-gemessenen WLF und Porosität erlaubt die Evaluierung dieser Modelle hinsichtlich Ihrer Prognosefähigkeit. Diese variiert für die untersuchten Modelle stark (Fehler: 5 – 53%), wobei das geometrische Mittel die größte, quantitativ aber weiterhin unbefriedigende Übereinstimmungen zeigt. Die Entwicklung und Anwendung mischmodelspezifischer Korrekturgleichungen führt zu deutlich reduzierten Fehlern. Das korrigierte geometrische Mittel zeigt dabei, bei deutlich reduzierter Fehlerstreubreite, erneut die größte Übereinstimmung zwischen berechneten und gemessenen Werten und scheint ein universell anwendbares Mischmodel für sedimentäre Gesteine zu sein. Die Entwicklung modelunabhängiger, gesteinstypbezogener Konvertierungsgleichungen ermöglicht die Abschätzung der wassergesättigten Gesamt-WLF aus trocken-gemessener WLF und Porosität mit einem mittleren Fehler < 9%.
Die präsentierten Daten und die neu entwickelten Methoden erlauben künftig eine detailliertere und präzisere Parametrisierung thermischer Modelle sedimentärer Becken.
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3D parameterized FEM modelling of a piston ring in a marine diesel engine : a simulation approch using FEM / 3D parametriserad FEM modellering av en kolvring i en marin dieselmotorElfridsson, Jon January 2010 (has links)
The piston ring in a marine two-stroke diesel engine operates in demanding conditions, involving high temperatures and pressures. Its main purposes are to seal the combustion chamber of the engine, minimize the frictional contact against the cylinder liner and transfer heat from the piston. The development of new piston ring designs for marine diesel engines is mainly based on engineering knowledge and expertise but is somewhat unstructured. A new method which may be used to overcome this lack of structure is to simulate the working conditions for the piston ring. This is the main objective of this thesis work, to invent a simulation method which allows accurate and distinct results to be obtained and thereby knowledge about piston ring performance. The simulation method is based on a three-dimensional geometric model of the piston ring, where the radial geometry should be described by the lathe curve from industry. It should also be implemented and function automatically as a simulation tool. In short terms, the calculated stresses and strains in the material, the contact pressure against the cylinder liner and the piston ring twist should be evaluated. The simulation tool should be able to model two different types of piston ring designs, namely straight cut design and CPR design, and both with optional dimensions. Validation of the results are performed with a simulation model which uses fewer dimensions, but also utilizes engineering knowledge from the marine industry. In addition to this, some more advanced investigations have been performed in order to demonstrate the capacity and power of the simulation tool. The simulation method appears to perform well and according to the simple model, but it also shows good prediction in more advanced investigations. For example, piston rings in overheated engines tend to twist more than usual, which could be seen in real investigations, and the behavior is easily recreated with the simulation tool. Also investigations with reduced cross sections, which is well known within high-speed engines, are performed. The method is executed automatically with the developed simulation tool which is based on ANSYS, a commercial simulation software. This software, that is commonly used in development work, uses a finite element method to solve the problem. The simulation tool is used as an external input which configures the geometry, finite element formulation and the result rendering. / Kolvringen i en marin tvåtaktsmotor arbetar under krävande förhållanden i form av hög temperatur och högt tryck. Dess huvudsyften är att täta motorns förbränningskammare, minimera friktion mot cylindern och transportera värme från kolven. Utvecklingen av nya kolvringsmodeller för marint bruk är huvudsakligen baserat på ingenjörskunskap och expertkunnande vilket dock lett till en viss osäkerhet. En modern metod för att bemästra denna osäkerhet är att simulera kolvringen och dess förhållanden i motorn. Det huvudsakliga målet är att skapa en simuleringsmetod som ger noggranna och tydliga resultat och därav kunskap om kolvringens påfrestningar och egenskaper under drift av motorn. Simuleringsmetoden är skapad för en tredimensionell geometri som är beskriven av bl.a. den svarvkurva som används inom industrin. Metoden skall även vara implementerad och fungera automatiskt som ett beräkningsverktyg vilket inom en rimlig tidsrymd skall beräkna intresseområden såsom spänningar, kontakttryck och twist. Det skall även vara konstruerat så att två olika kolvringmodeller skall kunna simuleras, nämligen rakskuren ring och gastät ring, och båda med valbara dimensioner. Simuleringsmetoden är bekräftad genom att jämföra med en enklare simuleringsmodell samt teknisk kunskap och resonemang. Utöver att bekräfta modellen genomförs även en del mer avancerade undersökningar för att kunna återge simuleringsverktygets verkliga effektivitet. Resultaten återger rätt karaktär och i rätt storleksordning i jämförelse med den enklare modellen men visar även på sanningenliga resultat vid mer avancerade tester. Exempelvis har överhettade motorer ofta en förstärkt twist, vilket är uppmärksammat vid mätningar, och sådana effekter kan återges med simuleringsverktyget. Även tester med förändrade tvärsnittsprofiler, vilka ofta används inom fordonsindustrin, och vilken effekt dessa profiler får på twistningen har genomförts. Metoden och det automatiska simuleringsverktyget är implementerat i den kommersiella programvaran ANSYS. Programmet använder sig av finita elementmetoden för att lösa problem och är ett vanligt program inom flera olika utvecklingsområden. Verktyget används som en extern inläsning till programmet vilket konfigurerar geometrin, finita elementformuleringen och resultatrenderingen.
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Violação da invariância de Lorentz no regime de temperatura finita / Lorentz invariance violation in the finite temperature regimeLeite, Júlio Rafael da Silva 27 July 2012 (has links)
In this master s thesis, we have studied the possibility of Lorentz invariance violation by considering some terms of the standard-model extesion (SME), specifically, those terms which refer to the quantum electrodynamics extension. We have performed quantum corrections in the fermionic sector of the usual quantum electrodynamics with added terms which violate the Lorentz and CPT symmetries in two different configurations. Firstly, adding operators governed by the coefficient gκλμ and, in a later time, adding operators governed by the coefficient bμ. In the theory with the coefficient gκλμ, we have performed quantum corrections in order to induce, in the bosonic sector of the theory, the conventional Chern-Simons and the higher-derivative terms, and analyze the behavior of both terms in the finite temperature regime, by using the method of derivative expansion and the Matsubara formalism. On the other hand, in the model with the coefficient bμ, we have performed quantum corrections in order to induce, in the bosonic sector, the higher-derivative Chern-Simons term, by using the method of derivative expansion and, subsequently, analyze the behavior of this term in the finite temperatura regime, where we have used the Matsubara formalism again. Thus, for the first case, we have observed that the conventional Chern-Simons term is nonzero only at finite temperature, whereas the higher-derivative term is finite at zero temperature, however, this term goes to zero when the temperature increases infinitely. In the second part of our study, we have shown that the higher-derivative Chern-Simons term is induced at zero temperature, nevertheless, this term goes to zero when the temperature increases too much. / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Nesta dissertação, estudamos a possibilidade de violação da invariância de Lorentz levando em conta alguns termos do modelo padrão estendido, mais especificamente, da parte deste modelo que trata da eletrodinâmica quântica estendida. Realizamos correções quânticas no setor fermiônico da eletrodinâmica quântica usual adicionada de termos que violam as simetrias de Lorentz e CPT em duas configurações diferentes. Primeiramente, adicionando operadores governados pelo coeficiente gκλμ e, em um momento posterior, adicionando operadores governados pelo coeficiente bμ. Para a teoria com o coeficiente gκλμ, realizamos correções quânticas com a intenção de induzir, no setor bosônico da teoria, os termos de Chern-Simons convencional e o de derivada superior, e analisar o comportamento de ambos os termos no regime de temperatura finita, fazendo o uso do método da expansão derivativa e do formalismo de Matsubara. Já para o modelo com o coeficiente bμ, realizamos correções quânticas a fim de induzir, no setor bosônico, o termo de Chern-Simons de derivada superior, usando o método da expansão derivativa e, posteriormente, analisar o comportamento deste termo no regime de temperatura finita, ao utilizarmos novamente o formalismo de Matsubara. Assim, para o primeiro caso, notamos que o termo de Chern-Simons convencional é diferente de zero apenas à temperatura finita, enquanto que, o termo de derivada superior é finito em temperatura zero, porém, tal termo vai a zero quando a temperatura cresce infinitamente. Na segunda parte do nosso estudo, mostramos que o termo de Chern-Simons de derivada superior é induzido no regime de temperatura zero, contudo, tal termo vai a zero quando a temperatura cresce muito.
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Alguns resultados exatos a Temperatura Finita da Eletrodinâmica CPT-par do Modelo Padrão Estendido / Some exact results of the Finite Temperature Electrodynamics CPT-pair of the Standard Model ExtendedSilva, Madson Rubem Oliveira 30 April 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-04-30 / Maxwell s electrodynamics is a field theory which contains in its structure three fundamental
physical symmetries: The Lorentz symmetry, the CPT-symmetry and the local gauge symmetry. The
Lorentz covariance and the CPT-symmetry are fundamental in the construction of any field theory
describing elementary (or not elementary) particles. Both together with the local gauge symmetry are
the cornerstones in the construction of the Standard Model and of others modern field theories. However,
it is cogitate that as much the Lorentz covariance as the CPT-symmetry can be spontaneously
broken at Planck energy scale (or in the very early Universe when energies are close to the Planck
scale) due to quantum gravity effects. The possible residual effects of such spontaneous symmetry
breaking are studied within the structure of the Standard Model Extension (SME). The U(1)-local
gauge symmetry sector of the SME describes the effects produced in Maxwell s electrodynamics due
to the Lorentz-covariance violation and the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the CPT-invariance.
Here, we study the finite temperature properties of the CPT-even electrodynamics of SME, represented
by the term (kF )ανρφFανFρφ. First, we construct a well-defined and gauge invariant partition
function in the functional integration formalism for an arbitrary tensor (kF ). Then, we specialize for
the leading-order-nonbirefringent coefficients of the tensor (kF ) and we study in separate the parityeven
and the parity-odd sectors. Consequently, for both sectors, the partition function is exactly
caculated by showing that it is a power of Maxwell s partition function. Such power is an explicit
function of the respective parameters ruling the Lorentz-covariance violation. This way, Planck s radiation
law retains its frequency dependence and the Stefan-Boltzmann law is maintained, except for
a change in Stefan-Boltzmann s constant that is multiplied by a global factor containing all the LIV
contributions. Nevertheless, in general, it is observed that the LIV coefficients induce an anisotropy
in the angular distribution of the black body energy density. / A eletrodinâmica de Maxwell é uma teoria de campo que contém em sua estrutura três tipos de
simetrias fundamentais na física: A simetria de Lorentz, a simetria CPT e a simetria de calibre local. A
covariância de Lorentz e a simetria CPT são fundamentais na construção de qualquer teoria de campo
que descreva partículas elementares e não elementares. Ambas simetrias juntamente com a simetria de
calibre local são os pilares na construção do Modelo Padrão e de outras modernas teorias de campo. No
entanto, cogita-se que ambas, a covariância de Lorentz e a simetria CPT, poderiam sofrer uma quebra
espontânea de simetria na escala de energia de Planck (ou no Universo primordial quando as energias
eram da ordem de magnitude) devido aos efeitos produzidos pelo gravidade quântica. Os possíveis
efeitos residuais dessa quebra espontânea, tanto da covariância de Lorentz como da simetria CPT,
são estudados dentro da estrutura do Modelo Padrão Estendido (MPE). Assim, o setor de simetria
de calibre local U(1) do MPE descreve os efeitos sofridos pela eletrodinâmica de Maxwell devido à
violação da covariância de Lorentz e da quebra espontânea da invariância CPT.
O intuito da Dissertação é estudarmos as propriedades à temperatura finita da eletrodinãmica
CPT-par do MPE representada pelo termo (kF )ανρφFανFρφ. O primeiro passo é construir uma
função de partição, bem definida e invariante de gauge, para uma configuração arbitrária do tensor
(kF )ανρφ. Como estamos interessados em conhecer efeitos não perturbativos ou exatos da quebra
espontânea da simetria de Lorentz, concentramos nossa atenção nas componentes do tensor (kF )
cujas contribuições, em primeira ordem não nula, para as relações de dispersão da eletrodinâmica de
Maxwell ainda as mantém não birrefringentes. Para uma maior clareza ou um melhor entendimento,
estudamos separadamente esses coeficientes não birrefringentes pertencentes aos setores de paridadepar
e de paridade-ímpar do tensor (kF ) . Consequentemente, para ambos os setores, mostramos que
a função de partição é calculada exatamente e resulta ser uma potência da função de partição de
Maxwell. Tal potência é uma função explícita somente dos respectivos parâmetros que controlam a
violação da simetria de Lorentz (VSL). Esse resultado demonstra que as propriedades termodinâmicas,
do setor não birrefringente da eletrodinâmica CPT-par do MPE, como densidade de energia, pressão,
entropia, etc, sejam as mesmas da eletrodinâmica de Maxwell multiplicadas por uma função que
depende somente nos respectivos coeficientes não birrefringentes. Desse modo, a lei de radiação de
Planck mantém a mesma dependência funcional na freqüência e a lei de Stefan-Boltzmann conservasse
proporcional a T4. Entretanto, a constante de Stefan-Boltzmann usual sofre uma mudança, pois
resulta multiplicada justamente por um fator global que contém as contribuições da VSL. No entanto,
observa-se que, em geral, os coeficientes do VSL induzem uma anisotropia na distribuição angular da
densidade de energia emitida pelo corpo negro.
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Efeitos da quebra espontânea da simetria-CPT e da invariância de Lorentz no fenômeno da condensação de Bose-Einstein / Effects of spontaneous symmetry breaking-CPT and Lorentz invariance of the phenomenon the Bose-EinsteinSilva, Kleber Anderson Teixeira da 29 April 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-18T18:19:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-04-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), also known as the fifth state of the matter, was predicted
theoretically by Albert Einstein in 1925 and verified experimentally 70 years later in 1995. This
dissertation addresses the effects of spontaneous broken of the CPT-symmetry and of the invariance
Lorentz (also called simply the violation of Lorentz symmetry) in the Bose-Einstein condensation
of an ideal bosonic gas in the limits nonrelativistic and will ultrarelativ´ıstico. The work is based
on a model of fields theory described by a massive complex scalar field in the framework of spontaneous
breaking of the CPT-symmetry and of the Lorentz invariance. First we study the CBE
in the nonrelativistic limit starting from the non relativistic version of our model. Thus, the existence
of the CBE imposes strong restrictions on some parameters governing the breach of Lorentz
invariance (VIL). We observed that only the critical temperature is modified by the VIL. Also,
we use experimental data to obtain limits upper for the coefficients that control the VIL. Because
of our model describe consistently the CBE in the non relativistic limit We can use it to study
the CBE ultrarelativıstica of an ideal bosonic gas loaded. Thus, we show that the construction of
a partition function well defined to describe the relativistic ideal gas, imposes strong restrictions
on two parameters that control the VIL. The analysis of the CBE in the ultrarelativistico limit
shows that both the critical temperature as the chemical potential are affected by the spontaneous
breaking of the invariance of Lorentz. / A condensação de Bose-Einstein (CBE), também conhecida como o quinto estado da matéria, foi
prevista teoricamente por Albert Einstein em 1925 e verificado experimentalmente 70 anos depois,
em 1995. Esta dissertação aborda os efeitos da quebra espontânea da simetria-CPT e da invariância
de Lorentz (também chamada simplesmente de violação da simetria de Lorentz) na condensação de
Bose-Einstein de um gás ideal bosônico nos limites não relativístico e ultrarelativístico. O trabalho
é baseado em um modelo de teoria de campos descrito por um campo escalar complexo massivo
no marco da quebra espontânea da simetria-CPT e da invariância de Lorentz. Primeiro estudamos
a CBE no limite não relativístico partindo da versão não relativística do nosso modelo. Desse
modo, a existência da CBE impõe restrições severas sobre alguns parâmetros que regem a violação
da invariância de Lorentz (VIL). Observamos que somente a temperatura crítica é modificada
pela VIL. Também, usamos dados experimentais para obter limites superiores para os coeficientes
que controlam a VIL. Pelo fato do nosso modelo descrever de modo consistente a CBE no limite
não relativíıstico podemos usá-lo para estudar a CBE ultrarelativística de um gás ideal bosônico
carregado. Assim, mostramos que a construção de uma função de partição bem definida, para
descrever o gás ideal relativístico, impõe restrições severas sobre dois parâmetros que controlam a
VIL. A análise da CBE no limite ultrarelativístico mostra que tanto a temperatura crítica como o
potencial químico são afetados pela quebra espontânea da invariância de Lorentz.
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Odvod tepla axiálně chlazených forem / Heat dissipation axially-cooled glassmakingHovorka, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The presented thesis deals with a numerical simulation of axially cooled glassmaking parison. Several types of cooling channels have been investigated according to its usage in glassmaking process. Software Star CCM+ was used to describe properties throughout the channels and also the parison itself. The main focus of this thesis lies in comparing of temperature fields, cooling effects and cooling intensity among the chosen channel designs. The boundary condi-tions were kept the same accordingly to glassmaking conditions for every design. Some out-puts were transferred to non-dimensional diagrams in order to recalculation pursuant to other boundary conditions. Properties of diffuser channel designs were compared to an experiment. Transient temperature field of the parison were calculated with Ansys APDL in order to de-termine the accumulation and stationary zone of the parison and to verify the boundary conditions for cooling channels.
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Teplotní pole v tuhém palivu / Temperature field in solid fuelPtáček, Pavel January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a temperature field in a solid fuel during the combustion process. At the beginning of this thesis, research of available literature was conducted to obtain information about the composition of wood, properties affecting the combustion process, and the basics of heat transfer. Afterward, the temperature profiles of the samples were recorded during the measurement in the observation furnace. The temperature profiles of samples of six different sizes which were made of spruce and beech wood were subsequently evaluated and compared. Based on experimentally obtained data, a mathematical model was created in the OpenModellica software. Finally, the results of the mathematical model were compared with experimentally obtained data and appropriate conclusions were deduced.
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Vybrané jevy při přenosu tepla vzduchotechnikou / Selected heat transfer phenomena in air conditioningVojkůvková, Petra January 2014 (has links)
Numerical simulation is a scientific method used to describe characteristics of examined system by means of experiments on its mathematical model. This thesis uses this method to elucidate the processes taking place in two different systems. Firstly it deals with the design of air conditioning systems for buildings, focusing on the mixing chambers. It focuses on the formation of condensation of water vapor in mixing chambers under conditions where the final temperature of the mixture does not drop below the saturation curve. Second prepared topic falls within the field of thermodynamics applied in food production. In order to assess the sufficiency of air-cooling method examines the thermal field in the product and evaluates the application of air-cooling assembly line in practice.
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