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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Post-tensioning the inverted-t bridge system for improved durability and increased span-to-depth ratio

Nayal, Rim January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Civil Engineering / Robert J. Peterman / Possibly the most pressing need in highway construction today is the repair or replacement of existing bridges. Due to increased needs and growing traffic, in addition to aging and extensive use, more than 2000 bridges in Kansas alone need to be replaced during the next decade. The majority of these bridges has spans of 100 ft or less, and has relatively shallow profiles. It is becoming increasingly important to implement a standard method for replacement in which the process is expedited and accomplished in cost-effective manner. Requirements for design and construction of concrete bridges have drastically changed during recent years. A main change in design is live-load requirements. Nebraska inverted-T bridge system has gained increasing popularity for its lower weight compared to I-girder bridges. However, there are some limiting issues when using IT system in replacing existing CIP bridges. Implementation of a post-tensioned IT system, which is the focus of this research, is believed to be one excellent solution for the IT deficiencies. Post-tensioning is added by placing a draped, post-tensioning duct in the stems of the IT members. Post-tensioning will lead to a higher span-to-depth ratio than IT system, and will reduce the potential transverse cracks in the (CIP) deck. Finally, the undesired cambers of pretensioned beams will be reduced, because fewer initial prestressing will be needed. This study was intended to explore the behavior of the PT-IT system, identify major parameters that control and limit the design of this system, and investigate different construction scenarios. This was achieved by conducting an extensive parametric study. For that purpose, PT-IT analysis program was developed and written using C++ programming language. The program was used to analyze various post-tensioning procedures for the post-tensioned inverted-T system. A Visual Basic friendly interface was provided to simplify the data input process. The findings of this research included recommendation of construction scenario for PT-IT system, as well as examining different methods for estimating time-dependent restraining moments. Effect of different concrete strengths on the behavior of PT-IT system was also determined. Most importantly, the effect of timing on different construction stages was also evaluated and determined.

Chloride Ingress into Submerged Concrete Under Sustained Load

Karam, Andrew January 2014 (has links)
A harsh, cold, and icy environment is of no surprise to the conditions of a winter climate, where the wide use of de-icing salts on roads and highways allows for the initiation of chloride-induced corrosion of the reinforcement of concrete structures; a reduced service life, loss of structural integrity, visible damages, and ultimately structural failure are among the many unwanted effects of rebar corrosion. Chloride ingress into concrete has been extensively studied for the last four decades; however, most of the relevant research to date does not take into account the effects of sustained loading on chloride transport properties. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to investigate the influence of sustained compressive and tensile stresses on chloride ingress into concrete, and ultimately to understand what the effect of sustained stress is on chloride penetration depth, on chloride concentration by % weight of concrete, and on apparent diffusion coefficients by comparing results to those of unloaded control specimens. To achieve these objectives, six post-tensioned and four non-reinforced control concrete beams were constructed with different water-to-cement (w/c) ratios and completely submerged in a 4-5% de-icing salt (NaCl) solution for 12 weeks, allowing chloride transfer to be completely governed by continuous diffusion. The effects of supplementary cementing material on chloride ingress are also studied. Concrete beams were post-tensioned to induce variable sustained compressive and tensile stresses along the beam. After 12 weeks of exposure, beams were fractured at specific locations and sprayed with a 0.1N silver nitrate (AgNO3) solution to determine average penetration depths; chloride concentration profiles were obtained from potentiometric titration of grinded powder samples. Apparent chloride diffusion coefficients were then obtained from the results of spraying AgNO3 and titration, the latter by non-linear regression curve-fitting to Fick’s second law of diffusion. A good agreement between results from both methods reveals that the use of AgNO3 in field is acceptable in predicting the rate of chloride ingress in concrete sustaining stress. The chloride diffusivity for each profile, relative to that of the unstressed section, was related to the compressive and tensile stresses in the concrete section. The experimental results indicate the dependence of chloride ingress and concentration on the type and level of sustained stress. An analysis of the results to study the effects of the w/c ratio using colourimetric (silver nitrate spray) and potentiometric titration methods was also completed.

Upgrading concrete bridges : post-tensioning for higher loads

Nilimaa, Jonny January 2013 (has links)
There are a great number of old structures around the world, some of which were designed for completely different purposes than in their current application. Swedish railway bridges were for example only designed for maximum axle loads of 200 kN in the beginning of the 20th century, while the highest axle loads of today are twice as high. The traffic intensities have also increased dramatically and the velocities are now higher than ever before. Reinforced concrete trough bridges were typically designed and built in the mid-20th century and it is still one of the most frequent railway bridge types in Sweden. The trough bridges were normally designed for traffic loads which were smaller than the loads today and in order to maintain an old structure as the loads increases, structural upgrading of the load bearing capacity might be necessary. Upgrading the load carrying capacity can be performed in two ways, namely administrative upgrading or strengthening. Administrative upgrading refers to refined design calculations, using real material data, geometry and loads, which provides a higher capacity than the original design and the bridge can thereby be upgrading with minor physical impact. Upgrading by strengthening on the other hand, refers to, often, larger physical alteration of the structure in order to enhance the original load carrying capacity.Upgrading methods for increased flexural resistance of concrete trough bridges has been developed and tested previously, but strengthening methods for increased shear resistance in the bridge deck are still absent. The objective of this thesis is therefore to find an existing- or develop a new strengthening method which can be applied in order to enhance the shear resistance of concrete trough bridge decks. The difficulties associated to strengthening of existing railway bridges include traffic during the strengthening work and concrete surfaces concealed by the ballast.The State-of-the-Art indicated that none of the existing strengthening techniques were sufficient for this application and internal unbonded post-tensioning in the transverse direction was nominated as the most promising method. The research was thereafter focused on testing the possibilities and strengthening effects of post-tensioning. Two laboratory investigations were performed during the research project and the method was finally tested in a field test on a 50 years old trough bridge in Haparanda, Sweden. The strengthening procedure of internal unbonded post-tensioning consists of four consecutive steps:1.Transverse drilling of the horizontal holes through the bottom slab.2.Installation of the prestressing system.3.Post-tensioning of the system.4.Sealing of the prestressing system.The laboratory and field tests were successful and the results proved that the internal steel reinforcement within the concrete was compressed when the trough bridge was post-tensioned. Due to the compression, a higher load could be carried by the bridge deck before the tensile reinforcement yields and the bridge fails. In other words, the flexural capacity of the bridge deck was increased. The field test actually showed that eight steel bars, post-tensioned with 430 kN per bar on the Haparanda Bridge, completely counteracted the tensile stresses caused by a train with 215 kN axle loads. The effect on the shear resistance was however not as easy to measure, but the laboratory test recorded a significant strain reduction in the tensile reinforcement which was bent up at the transition zone between the bridge deck and the main girders. The reduced strain might be interpreted as lower shear stresses and post-tensioning can thereby be considered to have a positive effect on the shear resistance of the bridge deck. Shear design according to the protocol of Eurocode 2 or BBK was however found to be restrictive in predicting the post-tensionings effect on the shear capacity and further research is proposed in chapter 8. / Det finns ett stort antal gamla konstruktioner runtom i världen och många byggdes för helt andra användningsområden än vad de numera används till. Som ett exempel kan nämnas att svenska järnvägsbroar i början av 1900-talet byggdes för att klara av att bära axellaster på maximalt 200 kN, medan några av våra nybyggda broar är konstruerade för dubbelt så stora axellaster. Även traffikmängden har mångdubblats och tåghastigheterna är nu högre än någonsin. Trågbroar i armerad betong är en typisk bro som byggdes i Sverige framförallt på 50-talet och den är fortfarande en av de vanligaste brotyperna i Sverige. Trågbroarna konstruerades normalt för att bära lägre laster än vad vi har idag och för att kunna ha kvar dessa broar när lasterna ökar kan det krävas någon form av uppgradering av bärförmågan. Det finns två sätt att förbättra bärförmågan på en gammal bro, nämligen administrativ uppgradering eller förstärkning. Administrativ uppgradering innebär att nya förbättrade beräkningsmetoder används tillsammans med verkliga materialhållfastheter, geometrier och laster för att mer noggrant räkna ut brons bärförmåga. Normalt visar det sig att bärförmågan är högre än vad de ursprungliga beräkningarna antydde. På så vis höjs kapaciteten med minimal fysisk åverkan på bron. Uppgradering genom förstärkning innebär däremot att konstruktionens bärförmåga höjs genom att förändra bron ur ett rent fysiskt perspektiv. Metoder för att öka böjkapaciteten på trågbroar i betong har utvecklats och testats tidigare, men förstärkningsmetoder för att höja tvärkraftskapaciteten saknas däremot fortfarande. Målet för denna avhandling ligger därför i att utveckla en förstärkningsmetod som kan användas för att förbättra tvärkraftskapaciteten för bottenplattan på trågbroar i betong. Det finns dock några svårigheter sammankopplade med förstärkning av befintliga järnvägsbroar, t.ex. tågtraffik under förstärkningsförfarandet och att viktiga betongytor är skyddade av ballast.Inga befintliga förstärkningsmetoder bedömdes däremot som lämpliga för det avsedda användningsområdet vid ”State-of-the-Art’’ studien. Invändig efterspänning av broplattan i tvärledd bedömdes som den bäst lämpade förstärkningsmetoden och efterföljande forskning fokuserades på att reda ut möjligheter för och förstärkningseffekter av efterspänning. Två olika laboratorieförsök genomfördes under forskningsprojektet och förstärkningsmetoden testades slutligen vid ett fältförsök på en 50 år gammal järnvägsbro i Haparanda.Själva tillvägagångssättet för förstärkningsmetoden består av fyra viktigaoch sammanhängande arbetssteg:1. Borrning av horisontella hål tvärs igenom trågbrons bottenplatta.2. Installation av själva försstärkningssystemet.3. Efterspänning av förstärkningssystemet.4. Förslutning av förstärkningssystemet.Både laboratorie och fältförsöken blev lyckade och resultaten visade att stålarmeringen inuti betongen trycktes ihop när trågbron efterspänndes. Tack vare denna kompression så kan broplattan bära högre laster innan dragarmeringen börjar flyta och bron slutligen går sönder. Med andra ord så höjdes brons böjkapacitet. Fältförsöket visade att de åtta spännstagen, efterspännda med 430 kN per stag, helt och hållet motverkade dragarmeringens påkänningar av ett tåg med axellasten 215 kN. Förstärkningsmetodens effekt på tvärkraftskapaciteten är däremot inte lika lätt att påvisa men laboratorieförsöken visade att töjningen reducerades betydligt i den uppbockade dragarmeringen, i zonen där plattan fäster i huvudbalkarna. De lägre töjningsnivåerna kan tolkas som lägre skjuvpåkänningar och efterspänningen kan därmed ha en positiv effekt på broplattans tvärkraftskapacitet. Laboratorieförsöken visade däremot att både Eurokod 2 och BBK är restriktiva när det gäller att uppskatta efterspänningens effekt på tvärkraftskapaciteten. En ny förstärkningsmetod för trågbroar i betong har därmed föreslagits i och med denna avhandling, men en del frågetecken kvarstår och i kapitel 8 ges därför förslag på fortsatta forskningsområden.

Finite Element Modeling of the Load Transfer Mechanism in Adjacent Prestressed Concrete Box-Beams

Giraldo-Londono, Oliver 10 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Behavior of Post-Tensioning Systems Subjected to Inelastic Cyclic Loading

Bruce, Trevor Louis 24 June 2014 (has links)
Post-tensioning (PT) strands have been employed in a number of self-centering seismic force resisting systems as part of the restoring force mechanism which virtually eliminates residual building drifts following seismic loading. As a result of the PT strands large elastic deformation capability, they have been proven to work efficiently in these types of systems. Although typically designed to stay elastic during design basis earthquake events, strands may experience inelastic cyclic loading during extreme earthquakes. Furthermore, the yielding and fracture behavior of PT strand systems is central to the collapse behavior of self-centering systems. The loading conditions to which PT strands are typically subjected in prestressed/post-tensioned concrete applications are vastly dissimilar, and only limited research has explored the behavior of PT strands as subjected to inelastic cyclic loading. The testing program conducted to characterize the behavior of PT strand systems as they might be applied in self-centering applications incorporated more than fifty tests, including monotonic and cyclic tests to failure. Variations in the test configuration included strand obtained from two manufacturers, single-use and multiple-use anchorage systems, and variations in initial post-tensioning strand stress. Characteristics of the response that were investigated included seating losses, deformation capacity prior to initial fracture, additional deformation capacity after initial fracture, and the overall load-deformation behavior. Data was analyzed to provide recommendations for PT strand system usage in self-centering seismic force resisting systems. It was concluded that significant strength and ductility allow PT strand systems to consistently provide self-centering systems with reliable restoring force capability. / Master of Science

Experimental and Computational Investigation of a Self-Centering Beam Moment Frame (SCB-MF)

Maurya, Abhilasha 27 April 2016 (has links)
In the past two decades, there have been significant advances in the development of self-centering (SC) seismic force resisting systems. However, examples of SC systems used in practice are limited due to unusual field construction practices, high initial cost premiums and deformation incompatibility with the gravity framing. A self-centering beam moment frame (SCB-MF) has been developed that virtually eliminates residual drifts and concentrates the majority of structural damage in replaceable fuse elements. The SCB consists of a I-shaped steel beam augmented with a restoring force mechanism attached to the bottom flange and can be shop fabricated. Additionally, the SCB has been designed to eliminate the deformation incompatibility associated with the self-centering mechanism. The SCB-MF system is investigated and developed through analytical, computational, and experimental means. The first phase of the work involves the development of the SCB concepts and the experimental program on five two-thirds scale SCB specimens. Key parameters were varied to investigate their effect on global system hysteretic response and their effect on system components. These large-scale experiments validated the performance of the system, allowed the investigation of detailing and construction methods, provided information on the behavior of the individual components of the system. The experimental results also provided data to confirm and calibrate computational models that can capable of capturing the salient features of the SCB-MF response on global and component level. As a part of the second phase, a set of archetype buildings was designed using the self-centering beam moment frame (SCB-MF) to conduct a non-linear response history study. The study was conducted on a set of 9 archetype buildings. Four, twelve and twenty story frames, each with three levels of self-centering ratios representing partial and fully self-centering systems, were subjected to 44 ground motions scaled to two hazard levels. This study evaluated the performance of SCB-MFs in multi-story structures and investigated the probabilities of reaching limit states for earthquake events with varying recurrence period. The experimental and computational studies described in this dissertation demonstrate that the SCB-MF for steel-framed buildings can satisfy the performance goals of virtually eliminating residual drift and concentrating structural damage in replaceable fuses even during large earthquakes. / Ph. D.

Recommendations for Longitudinal Post-Tensioning in Full-Depth Precast Concrete Bridge Deck Panels

Bowers, Susan Elizabeth 12 June 2007 (has links)
Full-depth precast concrete panels offer an efficient alternative to traditional cast-in-place concrete for replacement or new construction of bridge decks. Research has shown that longitudinal post-tensioning helps keep the precast bridge deck in compression and avoid problems such as leaking, cracking, spalling, and subsequent rusting on the beams at the transverse panel joints. Current design recommendations suggest levels of initial compression for precast concrete decks in a very limited number of bridge configurations. The time-dependent effects of creep and shrinkage in concrete and relaxation of prestressing steel complicate bridge behavior, making the existing recommendations for post-tensioning in precast deck panels invalid for all bridges with differing girder types, sizes, spacings, and span lengths. Therefore, the development of guidelines for levels of post-tensioning applicable to a variety of bridge types is necessary so designers may easily implement precast concrete panels in bridge deck construction or rehabilitation. To fulfill the needs described, the primary objective of this research was to determine the initial level of post-tensioning required in various precast concrete bridge deck panel systems in order to maintain compression in the transverse panel joints until the end of each bridge's service life. These recommendations were determined by the results of parametric studies which investigated the behavior of bridges with precast concrete decks supported by both steel and prestressed concrete girders in single spans as well as two and three continuous spans. The three primary variables in each parametric study included girder type, girder spacing, and span length. The age-adjusted effective modulus method was used to account for the ongoing effects of creep and shrinkage in concrete. Results from the Mathcad models used in the parametric studies were confirmed through comparison with results obtained from finite element models generated in DIANA. Initial levels of post-tensioning for various bridge systems are proposed based on the trends observed in the parametric studies. The precast decks of the simple span bridges with steel girders and the one, two, and three span bridges with prestressed concrete girders needed only 200 psi of initial post-tensioning to remain in compression under permanent and time-dependent loads throughout each bridge's service life. The precast decks of the two and three span continuous bridges with steel girders, however, needed a significantly higher level of initial compression due to the negative moments created by live loads. / Master of Science

Selective Weakening and Post-Tensioning for the Seismic Retrofit of Non-Ductile RC Frames

Kam, Weng Yuen January 2010 (has links)
This research introduces and develops a counter-intuitive seismic retrofit strategy, referred to as “Selective Weakening” (SW), for pre-1970s reinforced concrete (RC) frames with a particular emphasis on the upgrading of exterior beam-column joints. By focusing on increasing the displacement and ductility capacities of the beam-column joints, simple retrofit interventions such as selective weakening of the beam and external post-tensioning of the joint can change the local inelastic mechanism and result in improved global lateral and energy dissipation capacities. The thesis first presents an extensive review of the seismic vulnerability and assessment of pre-1970s RC frames. Following a review of the concepts of performance-based seismic retrofit and existing seismic retrofit solutions, a thorough conceptual development of the SW retrofit strategy and techniques is presented. A “local-to-global” design procedure for the design of SW retrofit is proposed. Based on the evaluation of the hierarchy of strength at a subassembly level, a capacity-design retrofit outcome can be achieved using various combinations of levels of beam-weakening and joint post-tensioning. Analytical tools for the assessment and design of the SW-retrofitted beam-column joints are developed and compared with the test results. Nine 2/3-scaled exterior joint subassemblies were tested under quasi-static cyclic loading to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of SW retrofit for non-ductile unreinforced beam-column connections. Parameters considered in the tests included the presence of column lap-splice, slab and transverse beams, levels of post-tensioning forces and location of beam weakening. Extensive instrumentation and a rigorous testing regime allowed for a detailed experimental insight into the seismic behaviour of these as-built and retrofitted joints. Experimental-analytical comparisons highlighted some limitations of existing seismic assessment procedures and helped in developing and validating the SW retrofit design expressions. Interesting insights into the bond behaviour of the plain-round bars, joint shear cracking and post-tensioned joints were made based on the experimental results. To complement the experimental investigation, refined fracture-mechanic finite-element (FE) modelling of the beam-column joint subassemblies and non-linear dynamic time-history analyses of RC frames were carried out. Both the experimental and numerical results have shown the potential of SW retrofit to be a simple and structurally efficient structural rehabilitation strategy for non-ductile RC frames.

Electrochemical characterization and time-variant structural reliability assessment of post-tensioned, segmental concrete bridges

Pillai Gopalakrishnan, Radhakris 2009 May 1900 (has links)
In post-tensioned (PT) bridges, prestressing steel tendons are the major load carrying components. These tendons consist of strands, ducts, and cementitious grout that fill the interstitial space between the strands and ducts. However, inspections on PT bridges have reported the presence of voids, moisture, and chlorides inside grouted ducts as the major cause of accelerated corrosion of strands. Corrosion of the strands has resulted in PT bridge failures in Europe and tendon failures in the United States. As most of the PT bridges have high importance measures and the consequences of failure are significant, it is important to maintain high levels of safety and serviceability for these bridges. To meet this goal, bridge management authorities are in dire need of tools to quantify the long-term performance of these bridges. Time-variant structural reliability models can be useful tools to quantify the long-term performance of PT bridges. This doctoral dissertation presents the following results obtained from a comprehensive experimental and analytical program on the performance of PT bridges. 1) Electrochemical characteristics of PT systems 2) Probabilistic models for tension capacity of PT strands and wires exposed to various void and environmental conditions 3) Time-variant structural reliability models (based on bending moment and stress limit states) for PT bridges 4) Time-variant strength and service reliabilities of a typical PT bridge experiencing HS20 and HL93 loading conditions and different exposure conditions for a period of 75 years The experimental program included exposure of strand specimens to wet-dry and continuous-atmospheric conditions. These strand specimens were fabricated to mimic void and/or grout-air-strand (GAS) conditions inside the tendons. It was found that the GAS interface plays a major role in strand corrosion. The GAS interfaces that are typically located in the anchorage zones of harped PT girders or vertical PT columns can cause aggressive strand corrosion. At these locations, if voids are present and the environment is relatively dry, then limited corrosion of the strands occurs. However, if the presence of high relative humidity or uncontaminated and chloride-contaminated water exists at these interfaces, then corrosion activity can be high. The strands were exposed for a period of 12, 16, and 21 months, after which the remaining tension capacity was determined. The analytical program included the development of probabilistic strand capacity models (based on the experimental data) and the structural reliability models. The timevariant tension capacity predicted using the developed probabilistic models were reasonably consistent with the tendon failures observed in PT bridges in Florida and Virginia. The strength reliability model was developed based on the moment capacity and demand at midspan. Service reliability model was developed based on the allowable and applied stresses at midspan. Using these models, the time-variant strength and service reliabilities of a typical PT bridge were determined based on a set of pre-defined constant and random parameters representing void, material, exposure, prestress, structural loading, and other conditions. The strength and service reliabilities of PT bridges exposed to aggressive environmental conditions can drop below the recommended values at relatively young ages. In addition, under similar conditions the service reliability drops at a faster rate than the strength reliability.

Stress monitoring and sweep control studies for innovative prestressed precast arches

Blok, Joel Phillip 29 October 2012 (has links)
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has completed the design of a signature bridge in Fort Worth, TX. The proposed structure is comprised of precast, post-tensioned concrete network arches. The arches will be cast on their sides and then rotated into the vertical orientation. Concerns exist about the durability and stability of the arches during stressing, handling, and transportation. The rotation process in particular represents a critical period in the life of the arches. A monitoring system was proposed to track stresses in the arches throughout the construction operations. The primary goals of the project are to install vibrating wire gages (VWGs) in the arches prior to casting to monitor the performance of the arches until the bridge is completed. The instrumentation will be used to provide real-time feedback to TxDOT and the contractor during stressing, handling, and bridge construction. This thesis focuses on the results of a preliminary laboratory study conducted in support of the instrumentation initiative. The purpose of the study was two-fold: to establish the capabilities and limitations of the VWGs and to study the buckling behavior of slender concrete elements with unbonded post-tensioning. More than sixty axial load tests were performed on two slender concrete specimens instrumented with VWGs. Observations are made on the accuracy and reliability of the VWGs. In general, the VWGs were found to be both accurate and reliable in measuring structural parameters and reporting trends in behavior, even at low loads. Some apparent errors were identified, but these were attributed to testing inconsistencies and scale factors rather than to gage error. Observations were also made on the buckling behavior of the elements under a variety of axial loading configurations. The effects of the engagement of the tensioned strand with the duct had a significant impact on the behavior. Strand engagement was shown to increase the buckling capacity of the members through stiffening action, but did not necessarily eliminate the risk of instability. Both the gage resolution study and the stability tests are expected to significantly enhance the ability of the research team to support the arch construction operations. / text

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