Spelling suggestions: "subject:"teorier""
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Teorie a algebry formulí / Theories and algebras of formulasGarlík, Michal January 2011 (has links)
In the present work we study first-order theories and their Lindenbaum alge- bras by analyzing the properties of the chain BnT n<ω, called B-chain, where BnT is the subalgebra of the Lindenbaum algebra given by formulas with up to n free variables. We enrich the structure of Lindenbaum algebra in order to cap- ture some differences between theories with term-by-term isomorphic B-chains. Several examples of theories and calculations of their B-chains are given. We also construct a model of Robinson arithmetic, whose n-th algebras of definable sets are isomorphic to the Cartesian product of the countable atomic saturated Boolean algebra and the countable atomless Boolean algebra. 1
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Soudobé teorie společenské smlouvy / Contemporary Social Contract TheoriesFroněk, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Contemporary Social Contract Theories The thesis is intended to be an introduction into contemporary social contract theories. John Rawls' book A Theory of Justice is a seminal work in this field. The thesis, however, does focus not only on the approach adopted by Rawls, but on the theories of other authors as well - that of J. Buchanan, D. Gauthier, T. Scanlon and R. Nozick. These remain quite unknown in the Czech context. The structure of the thesis should allow for a comparison between the respective theories as the author starts with the object of the social contract, proceeds to the parties of the contract and, finally, to its content. Special attention is devoted to the game theory which models some of the typical interpersonal interactions and, using its theoretical apparatus, can illustrate problems of social cooperation - the key theme of virtually all social contract theories. Eventually, the author tries to outline the way analytic philosophy views the social contract. In its eyes, the social contract is a necessary implication of the existence of language.
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Řídké třídy grafů / Nowhere-dense classes of graphsTůma, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis we study sparse classes of graphs and their properties usable for design of algorithms and data structures. Our specific focus is on the con- cepts of bounded expansion and tree-depth, developed in recent years mainly by J. Nešetřil and P. Ossona de Mendez. We first give a brief introduction to the theory as whole and survey tools and results from related areas of parametrised complexity and algorithmic model theory. The main part of the thesis, application of the theory, presents two new dynamic data structures. The first is for keeping a tree-depth decomposition of a graph, the second counts appearances of fixed subgraphs in a given graph. The time and space complexity of operations of both structures is guaranteed to be low when used for sparse graphs. 1
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Minerální asociace, alterační reakce a transportní model pro vznik greisenů blatenského granitového masivu v Krušných horách / Mineral assemblages, alteration reactions and transport model of the greisen formation in the Horní Blatná granite pluton, Krušné hory Mts.Heřmanská, Matylda January 2013 (has links)
English abstract Hydrothermal systems related to highly evolved granitic magmas host diverse mineralization styles and provide an important source of economic metals. This master thesis concentrates on description and interpretation of geological structure, petrographic and textural variability, alteration zoning and calculation of time-integrated fluid fluxes recorded in highly evolved granites and tin-mineralized greisens of the Horní Blatná massif in the Western Krušné hory pluton. The massif is a composite intrusion, which consists of a large number of intrusive units emplaced during two stages. The first stage is represented by sparsely porphyritic fine-grained low-lithian annite granites that can be correlated with marginal granites (G2) of the Fichtelgebirge (Smrčiny) batholith or with intermediate granites (Walfischkopf type) of the Western Krušné hory (Erzgebirge) pluton. Intrusive batches of the second stage progressively evolve from medium- to coarse-grained serial high-lithian annite and zinnwaldite granites with topaz and rare tourmaline towards aphyric fine-grained zinnwaldite (or trilithionite) granites. This suite corresponds to the EIB2 and EIB3 facies of the younger intrusive complex in the Western Krušné hory (Erzgebirge) pluton and it can be compared to the G3 Waldstein and G4 units in...
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Algoritmy pro řezy v grafech / Algoritmy pro řezy v grafechPecsők, Ján January 2014 (has links)
Graph-partitioning problems can be generically defined as a family of problems in which we are asked to partition a graph into two or more components. We present overview of methods and concepts used to find best graph partitions according to several criteria. We prove duality of multi-commodity flow and sparsest cut problem due to work of Leighton and Rao by describing algorithm using a Linear programming relaxation and a geometric embedding. Then we present the work of Arora, Rao and Vazirani (ARV) and their algorithm based on Semidefinite programming relaxation and a geometric embedding. We also explain the concept of expander flows first introduced in the work of ARV. One section of our work is devoted to the spectral graph theory, introducing the concepts of the spectral gap, random walks, conductance and relations between them. We connect the ideas of expander flows and spectral theory in chapter about so called Cut-Matching game framework. Finally we present the performance results of our implementation of the Leighton-Rao and the Cut-Matching game algorithms. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Renáta Tyršová / Renáta TyršováRozinková, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
Summary: Main task of this work is to present life and work of important person of Czech culture and society at the end of the 19th century - Renáta Tyršová. The work presents the biography of this author including family relations. At the next part of the work is analyzed the work of Renáta Tyršová at the field of art criticism. At the end is described her work in context of art criticism history in Czech lands.
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Problematika tzv. kazuistického pozitivismu v rozhodovací praxi českých trestních soudů / The issue of the so called case positivism in the decision making practice of the Czech penal courtsHřebíček, Vladislav January 2013 (has links)
In his thesis, the author thoroughly deals with the issue of the co called case positivism in the Czech penal courts decision practice, i.e. an issue that so far has not been paid attention to in the professional penal law literature. The case positivism can be defined as an unwelcome phenomenon, when during their decision the courts indiscriminately apply certain interpretation conclusions, to which, in connection to the decisions in specific cases, came the previous judicial practice, while these conclusion are effectively treated as legal norms, and, as such, they therefore have influence on the result of the court decision. In the first chapter, the author deals with the sources of the case positivism, notably with the prime source, which is the legal sentence of a judicial decision, i.e. the sentence that precedes the very text of the published decision, and which is to contain the basis of the legal problem dealt with in the decision. The second chapter is dedicated to individual specific examples from the decision practice of the Czech penal courts, and the explanation of the term decontextualization of the legal sentence. In the next chapter the reason why the case positivism is an unwelcome phenomenon in the practice is dealt with thoroughly. According to the author, inter alia, it is the...
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Finanční geografie - aplikace vybraných konceptů v podmínkách České republiky / Financial Geography - An Application of Selected Concepts in Terms of the Czech RepublicBečicová, Ilona January 2013 (has links)
FINANCIAL GEOGRAPHY - AN APPLICATION OF SELECTED CONCEPTS IN TERMS OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC Abstract The aim of the thesis is to analyse the main trends of banking system in Czech Republic after 1989. It is primarily an analysis of centralised banking system, on the basis of which the potential regional impacts according to theory of regional segmentation of fiancial markets are tested. Based on the analysis of changes in the distribution of bank headquarters and the analysis of employment in financial sector it is clear, that in terms of the Czech Republic a highly concentrated banking system occured, which is moreover under the strong inluence of foreign capital. The study focused on testing the regional impacts of a centralized system through interviews with business owners in the peripheral region has not proved allegation of discrimination of entrepreneurs in such manner as we would expect according to the theory of regional segmentation of financial markets. However the study showed some problems with providing guarantees for bank loans in the periphery.
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Pojetí hlavních postav ve vybraných románech Rómula Gallegose / Creation of protagonists in selected novels by Rómulo GallegosKratochvílová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
Title of the Master's Thesis: Creation of protagonists in selected novels by Rómulo Gallegos Abstract: The goal of the thesis is a detailed analysis of the main characters of the novels Doňa Barbara and La Trepadora written by Rómulo Gallegos, one of the frontmen of "regionalism". Based on several expert essays, an original theoretical scheme of character analysis is formulated. It follows character indicators in the text, relationship to other compounds of the novels, typology determination, and reader's construct of the character in the story including the role of perception. The thesis also studies an analysis of acting forces and seeks common features of both novels, the prime one being the conflict of dual value systems.
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Srovnání delikvence mládeže v České republice a Německu / Comparison of Juvenile Delinquency in the Czech Republic and GermanyMazák, Jaromír January 2013 (has links)
This Master thesis explores delinquency of juvenile Czechs and Germans from seventh to ninth grade based on quantitative data. The data comes from an International Self-Report Delinquency study (ISRD-2), which is anchored primarily in the Social control theory (Hirschi, 1969/2002) and the General theory of crime (Gottfredson, Hirschi, 1990). Therefore, in the first section, attention is paid to these and other selected criminological theories; the other theories are mainly the strain theories and the cultural deviance theories. In the second section, the thesis deals briefly with the socio- cultural differences and similarities between the Czech Republic and Germany. The core of the thesis is the third, analytical section, which presents the findings of statistical analysis. A conclusion is reached that the theories studied are by far less contradictory than what the authors of the social control theory and the general theory of crime claimed them to be. It rather seems that the individual theories are complementary and often lead to the same predictions. Hypotheses are confirmed that some characteristics of the pupils` relation to their school are related to delinquency: Pupils who like going to school are somewhat less delinquent than pupils who do not. Pupils who play truant are substantially...
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