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Teorie mysli u uživatelů kochleárního implantátu předškolního věku / Theory of mind in preschool cochlear implant usersCajthamlová, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with theory of mind in preschool cochlear implant users. The theoretical part introduces topics: hearing impairment in childhood, cochlear implantation, theory of mind in preschool children and development of preschool children. All these topics are processed with regard to the issue of children using cochlear implant (or implants). In addition to general information, the thesis focuses mainly on the results of current foreign researches concentrating on children using cochlear implants. The empirical part summarizes the research of theory of mind in Czech preschool cochlear implant users. Thirty-one children in total participated in this research, eleven cochlear implant users, and twenty intact children in the control group. Theory of mind has been tested by similar desires task, dissimilar desires task, Smarties task, and Sally-Ann task. In addition, a short questionnaire was distributed to the parents of cochlear implant users. In order to assess competences in the Czech language, the cochlear implant users were given Vocabulary test from test battery of Seidlová-Málková and Smolík (2014). On the basis of the results of this research, it can be concluded that theory of mind is delayed in Czech preschool cochlear implant users in contrast to their hearing peers. These results...
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Podcasting - audio obsah v digitální éře a jeho posluchači a posluchačky v Česku / Podcasting - audio content in the digital era and its listeners in CzechiaSudíková, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The master thesis entitled "Podcasting - audio content in the digital era and its listeners in Czechia" is devoted to the phenomenon of podcasting which connects the traditional audio format with new digital technologies. It deals with its history and current state both abroad and in Czechia. It also describes the specifics of podcasting, compares it with radio programs, mentions the importance of podcast applications or the funding issue of independent podcasts. It focuses attention on the role of the audience in today's world and the associated concepts of participatory culture and user generated content. The audience is also associated with the uses and gratifications theory which tries to understand why people consume media content. The aim of the research part of the thesis was to obtain information about Czech podcast listeners with whom semi-structured interviews were conducted. The collected data were then processed using the grounded theory method. The findings are organized into five chapters in order to answer five research questions. They revealed the motivations of Czech listeners for listening to podcasts, their perception of podcasts in comparison with radio programs, their attitude to listening to Czech and foreign podcasts, their perception of podcast presenter and their attitude...
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Růstová odezva dřevin středoevropského temperátního lesa na disturbanční událost =:The growth response of Central European temperate forest trees to disturbance events /Vašíčková, Ivana January 2018 (has links)
The growth response of trees to disturbance events in 8 beech-dominated natural forests in Czech Republic was studied using standard tree-ring analysis. With the use of circa 2 000 increment cores a disturbance regime of Žofín old-growth forest was reconstructed. The results indicate not only disturbance intensity, but also their spatial characteristics determine the effect of disturbance on further forest ecosystem development. As the picture of past disturbances had not emerged to be sufficient enough to describe a historical forest development, recognizing the statistical error of their reconstructions was of great importance. Thus, the following studies focused on quantification of uncertainty in detecting the disturbance history using dendrochronology. Uncertainty in determination of summary disturbance history within the whole stand as well as disturbance spatial patterns were evaluated. The results uncovered that the specific character of dendrochronological data, i.e. the different reactions of individual trees to the identical disturbance event, was a significant source of this uncertainty. The follow-up study logically concerned on examination the true response of Fagus sylvatica to disturbances, dated by independent dendrometric and photogrammetric datasets. On the basis of analysis of nearly 300 tree responses, new empirically-derived criteria for dendrochronological determination of tree growth response were suggested. Finally, factors controlling growth response of Fagus sylvatica to disturbance events were addressed. Regression analysis determined complex of diverse factors of different spatial levels driving the growth reaction following canopy opening.
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Perspektivy sociologie umění: převládající diskurz a možná východiska / Sociology of art and its perspectives: prevailing discourse and possible recoursesVostruhová, Anna January 2020 (has links)
(in English): This thesis deals with the sociology of art, its prevailing discourse and the search for other possible ways of taking a sociological approach to art. The text is divided into three complementary sections. The first section addresses the problem of the representation of art through the interpretation of art history as the history of display and the resulting conceptual duality of illusion versus schematicity. In the second section, the focus is on analysing the assumptions underlying the dominant stream of art sociology. These are the social determinations of artistic discourse, the denial of the axiology of art, the legitimisation of art on the basis of its social function, and the unequal approach of the perception of art in society. The relevance of these propositions is, in the present work, parsed in much the same way as the unifying theoretical framework underlying these premises, namely the Marxist aesthetic theory. The work presented in this thesis therefore identifies Marxist materialism as an agent of determinism and the levelling of values in the sociology of art, based on well-founded arguments, and concludes that the Marxist approach to art is unsatisfactory and destructive to sociology. In the end, the work seeks other ways for the sociological reflection of art, through...
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Prožívání psychoterapeutů v průběhu psychoterapeutického sezení s depresivním klientem: zakotvená teorie / Therapists' in-session experiences with a depressive client: A grounded theoryRoubal, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Objective: Empirical literature on the interpersonal reactions elicited by exposure to a depressed individual identified two basic reactions: depressed mood induction and rejection of the depressed person. Relatively not many empirical studies is devoted to the topic of therapists' own experiences when working with depressive clients, although working with depressive clients burdens therapists themselves significantly. This study explores how therapists experience psychotherapy sessions with a currently depressive client and presents a processual theoretical model of the researched phenomenon. Method: Individual and focus group interviews were conducted with 30 therapists of various theoretical orientations, yielding a set of 22 in-session event descriptions. The grounded theory method was used as a methodological framework for the analysis. Results: The therapists' experience was conceptualized as Experiential oscillation between gravitating towards a client's depressive experience and moving away from it. It's evolvement over the course of a session is depicted by a model of Depression Co-experiencing Trajectory with six phases: 1. Sharing depressive experience, 2. Turning to oneself, 3. Striving for symptom change, 4. Distancing from depressive experience, 5. Turning to a client, 6. Focusing on...
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Aplikace teorie ultrafiltrů / Ultrafilters and their applicationsHýlová, Lenka January 2021 (has links)
This thesis studies ultrafilters and their various applications in topology, social choice theory and construction of a nonstandard universe. First of all, we introduce basic properties of ultrafilters and show how to use them to construct nonstandard framework. Next, we prove Arrow's impossibility theorem which states that every electoral system with a finite set of voters satisfying certain natural conditions necessarily admits at least one dictator who determines the society's preferences. However, if the set of voters is infinite, this is not true anymore and ultrafilters play a key role in the proof. We present two counterexamples in the infinite case using nonstandard framework. A similar theorem holds in the case where the preferences are real functions. Again, we show two examples of electoral systems that are not dictatorial - one using Banach limits and the other using hyperfinite sums. Finally, we use the ultrafilters to construct the Čech-Stone compactification of natural numbers. We show that the nonstandard enlargement of natural numbers equipped with suitable topology is the Čech-Stone compactification of the set of natural numbers. 1
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Aditivní dvojice v kvantitativní teorii typů / Additive Pairs in Quantitative Type TheorySvoboda, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
Both dependent types and linear types have their desirable properties. Department types can express functional dependencies of inputs and outputs, while linear types offer control over the use of computational resources. Combining these two systems have been difficult because of their different interpretations of context presence of variables. Quantitative Type Theory (QTT) combines dependent types and linear types by using a semiring to track the kind of use of every resource. We extend QTT with the additive pair and additive unit types, express the complete QTT rules in bidirectional form, and then present our interpreter of a simple language based on QTT. 1
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Úmrtí Karla Gotta pohledem vybraného českého a německého tisku / Death of Karel Gott from the Point of View of Chosen Czech and German PressBrožová, Zuzana January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the media image of Karel Gott after his death. Selected newspapers are Lidové noviny, Blesk, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and Bild and analysed are 24 days after the announcement of the death of Karel Gott. The aim of the selection of newspapers in both languages was to include one periodical which is considered as quality press and one tabloid. The thesis consist of three parts. The theoretical part explains crucial terms for the analysis and introduces chosen newspapers. The methodological part clarifies the concept of qualitative research and grounded theory. The main part is comprised of the analytical part which describes outcome of the analysis and in four periods presents constructed images of Karel Gott. In conclusion, images created in Czech and German press are compared and subsequently, a comparison between the Czech media is drawn.
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Teoretické a praktické aspekty budování vnitřního trhu Evropské unie / Theoretical and practical aspects of building an internal market in the European UnionŠevčíková, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with theoretical and practical aspects of building an internal market in the European Union. It makes a theoretical reflection of European economic integration, identifies the forms of economic integration and analyses individual theoretical concepts. The thesis concentrates on analyzing the fundamental strategic documents which influenced the process of building an internal market. The thesis investigates the four basic freedoms - freedom of movement of goods, services, labour and capital - which are necessary preconditions for an effective functioning of an internal market. It analyses achievement of an internal market in practice, identifies its most fundamental obstacles and offers possible solutions that would remove them. The paper also offers a comparison of efficiency of economies of the European Union, the United States and China.
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Vnitřní bezpečnost USA: Realita či mýtus? Domácí boj s terorismem po 11. září / U.S. Homeland Security: Reality or Myth? Domestic counterterrorism post-9/11Bernardyová, Alžběta January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis "U.S. Homeland Security: Reality or Myth? Domestic Counterterrorism post-9/11" examines the change in U.S. domestic counterterrorism policy after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. More specifically, it focuses on the U.S. government's reorganization, which led to the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. As outlined in this thesis, the homeland security agenda was aimed at unifying the U.S. efforts to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reducing America's vulnerability to terrorism, and minimizing the damage and recovering from attacks that do occur. This thesis sets out to answer two interconnected questions: (1) whether the proposed homeland security agenda led to an efficient and unified system of U.S. domestic counterterrorism measures based on enhanced information sharing; and (2) why, in spite of the unique opportunity created by the 9/11 attacks, a comprehensive reorganization of the U.S. government to create a coherent homeland security agenda did not materialize. Throughout this thesis, it is argued that an efficient U.S. government reorganization was obstructed by three main factors. First, the change was obstructed by the organizational nature of the government agencies. Second, the reorganization was hindered by the "rational choices" of the U.S....
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