Spelling suggestions: "subject:"teorier""
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Veřejné zakázky se zaměřením na ICT / Public procurement with focus on ICTSeidl, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
(angl.) The diploma thesis covers placing public orders, which represent a large amount of expenses of the public sector - approximately 14% GDP in the Czech Republic. In detail, it focuses on the area of ICT, which is often mentioned in context with overpriced orders. The goal of the thesis is to analyze processes of placing orders in public sector via comparison and qualitative interviews with adequate respondents. Based on the outcomes of the analysis, there are proposed possible new system solutions. The work also deals with applicability of the Agency theory in this particular area.
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Historie sociologie historií vědy: metodologické možnosti zkoumání jazyka teorie / Integrating History of Sociology into History of Science: Language Analysis as a Tool for History of SociologyPatáková, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses on methodological possibilities of language as a basis for history of sociology. Current professional history of sociology takes predominantly the form of institutional studies characterized by an attention to social context of knowledge production. Language orientation provides an unutilized opportunity for intellectual history - a supposedly stale alternative of institutional tradition. Development of language-based history creates a methodological position close to approaches common in history of natural sciences. Critical analysis of metaphor studies in sociology serves as an example of risks and challenges of language focus which assists us with articulation of our own methodological position. Following studies of Ladislav Kvasz, historian of natural sciences, the thesis offers methodological apparatus adapted to sociology. Key feature of the presented tool is a capability to distinguish between three levels of language of sociological theory: data, models and theory. These levels differ in functions which they ascribe to corresponding language elements and rising language powers (to constitute new objects and to integrate the ones positioned below). Application of our method is illustrated by two examples. Cursory excursion into history of mathematics in sociology...
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Interpretace reklam založená na využití metafor / Interpretation of advertising based on using metaphorsHoráková, Miroslava January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with metaphors in the conception of George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. Metaphor is one of the fundamental principles anchored in our conceptual system and in our relationship to the world. Metaphors reveal how the world is saved in our language. This thesis illustrates a method of forming metaphors on the example of advertisements. It closely focuses on the cultural differences.
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Teorie pracovní motivace v socialistickém diskurzu 50. let / Work motivation theory in socialist discourse of the '50sGruntová Kolingerová, Hana January 2016 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the construction of the work motivation theory in the socialist management discourse in the 1950s' Czechoslovakia. For that purpose, two texts representing two periods (1951 and 1957) were selected and subjected to critical discourse analysis. The analysis focused on characterising the place of production, the producers and the audience as well as on characterising the construed theory and the method of its construction. Furthermore, a change in the discourse was described; the fact that certain discourse schemes were applied prior to the onset of the communist power was pointed out; and certain differences in terms of construction of work motivation theories in the liberal West were illustrated. In connection with Foucault's concepts of subjectification and disciplination, it was shown that the socialist discourse can be understood as a method of construction of the specific subjectivity of the workforce, used in a strategy of distribution of human working potential of all citizens of the State that corresponded with the application of extensive economy. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Koaliční vazby v rámci antiislamistických subjektů v České republice / Coalition links within the anti Islamist organizations in the Czech RepublicProcházka, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyzes the coalition ties that have been established within the anti- Islamic scene in the Czech Republic. The analysis includes the most important counter- Islamic entities in the Czech Republic, namely the National Democracy, the Workers' Party of Social Justice, Dusk and its followers, and the Bloc against Islam and its followers. The theoretical basis of the thesis is the theory of coalitions. The aim of the thesis is to answer the questions why the anti-Islamic subjects of the coalition or other forms of co-operation follow up and why they do not follow them, even if they are offered because of their situation. Another aim of the thesis is to point out the possibility of using part of the theoretical approaches of the theory of coalition with certain modifications to the specific environment of the anti-Islamic scene in the Czech Republic, which is quite different from the national environment, for which the concepts of coalition theory were predominantly created. The thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part introduces theoretical concepts and approaches that have been used in the work. The second, empirical, part presents the development of individual subjects and, above all, the established coalition ties and cooperation. The last chapter summarizes the...
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Sekuritizace jevů organizovaného násilí v Evropě: případ Velké Británie a Itálie / Securitisation of Organised Violence Phenomena in Europe: The Cases of Great Britain and ItalyMrázková, Tina January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis titled Securitisation of Organized Violence in Europe: The Case of Great Britain and Italy deals with the analysis of security discourses in the United Kingdom during the conflict in Northern Ireland and Italy during the war with the Sicilian Mafia according to the securitization theory of the so-called Copenhagen School and their subsequent comparison. The main aim of this thesis is to capture the form of securitization processes in Italy in connection with the local organized crime. To reach this objective the situation in Italy is confronted with securitization processes in Northern Ireland whose conflict is a frequent subject of international relations and security studies. The theory of securitization as a research tool is presented in its original form formulated by the Copenhagen School and is supplemented by numerous criticisms by later securitization theorists. A significant part of the thesis is focused on a thorough analysis of historical and social context of the investigated phenomenon and on capturing of many securitization statements of political actors to which this work is primarily oriented. The discourse analysis is structured into five stages that reflect the most dramatic periods in development of the presented issue. These periods are characterized by the...
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Ideologie a psychoanalýza v kontextu post-strukturalisticky orientované politické teorie / Ideology and psychoanalysis in the context of post-structurally oriented political thoughtKatsaros, Denis January 2017 (has links)
The first aim of the thesis is to demonstrate the structural congruence between the discourse theory, as is formulated in the work of political philospoher Ernesto Laclau, and the Lacanian psychoanalytical discouse. Moreover, we claim that any potential attempt to remove or omit the theoretical connection with Lacanian thinking from Laclauan work is illegitimate and thwart a coherence of this work. Through this demonstration we want to reach our second aim, which is to reconstruct a theory of discourse and ideology in particular which can consistently draw upon theories of both Jacques Lacan and Ernesto Laclau. To reinforce our argumentation in context of this second aim, it turned out to be very fruitful to introduce another contemporary thinker, Slavoj Žižek, to our theoretical exposition. Joining these two aims made possible a delineation of post-structurally and at the same time psychoanalytically oriented critical political theory of ideology and society.
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Politický profil bratrů Kaczyńských / Political profile of the Kaczynski brothersKomenda, Adam January 2018 (has links)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE Faculty of Social Sciences Institute of Political Studies Adam Komenda Political profile of Kaczyński brothers Master thesis Abstract The thesis is about two major Polish politicians, Lech and Jarosław Kaczyński. The thesis describes factors that have had a significant impact on their value orientation and political goals, focusing on key events of their life and, above all, political trajectories, capturing, characterizing and evaluating their political profile. In the thesis, it is stated which political goals the Kaczyński brothers managed to realize and which, on the contrary, did not succeed. The thesis also reflects the leadership style of the Kaczyński brothers in terms of leadership theory, especially from the point of view of Max Weber's The Three Types of Legitimate Rule and in therms of Transformational leadership by Bernard M. Bass. Keywords Bronisław Geremek, Fourth Polish Republic, Donald Tusk, Jarosław Kaczyński, pragmatism of Kaczyński, Lech Kaczyński, Lech Wałęsa, screening, Civic Platform, political, Poland, Centre Agreement, Law and Justice, Sejm of the Republic of Poland, Smolensk tragedy, Smolensk myth, Solidarity, leadership.
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Obsah a struktura sexuálních fantazií mužů a žen / The Content and Structure of Sexual Fantasies of Men and WomenBoudová, Kamila January 2018 (has links)
Several researches have studied sexual fantasies (SF), and many studies have described the gender differences in frequency, content and incidence. However, most of these studies work in a quantitative way of analysis. The data are obtained from questionnaires containing reductive statements that can be interpreted differently by respondents. The results are sometimes very different across studies. In the present work we have therefore decided to use qualitative and quantitative method of analysis to study the content of SF of men and women and to describe the gender differences. For our research, we obtained data describing the most popular SFs (using a questionnaire with closed-end and open-end questions and also from a freely written favourite SF in the form of a film script by respondents) from a total of 407 women and 159. The sample was based on quotas created according to the data of the Czech Statistical Office (2011). The quotas selected an age-representative sample of 100 women and 100 men whose fantasies were analysed. In terms of qualitative analyses, we have described the following interesting categories regarding female SF: sexual activity occurring in SF; the importance of a submissive role for women; high preference in group activities. In male SF, a large variability of explicit...
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Příčiny volebních úspěchů a selhání pirátských stran / Causes of electoral success and failure of pirate partiesVosátka, Petr January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis aims to identify the possible causes of the success of pirate parties in Iceland and the Czech Republic. The success is defined as entering the national parliaments. This was failed by pirate parties in Sweden and Germany despite their popularity. Thus, the work examines four political parties and four countries in which these parties are located. The purpose of the analysis is to find out what makes the successful parties different from the unsuccessful ones or what the successful parties have in common. The analysis is based on testing and measuring the factors contributing to the initial success of the new political parties and to the ability of maintaining their popularity. The theoretical framework for the electoral success of pirate parties is measured by factors that are derived primarily from the theory of the rise of new challenger parties by Airo Hino and from the concept of the organizational strength of political parties by Margit Tavits. The framework is expanded with additional indicators proposed by the author. The basis of the tested groups of factors is composed of quantitative variables, that includes the institutional conditions, socio-economic conditions and political conditions of the systems in which the parties are located, as well as the strength of the...
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