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Konspirační teorie a dezinformace v islámském světě z pohledu západních zemí a jejich zahraniční politiky / Conspiracy Theories and Disinformation in the Islamic World from the Perspective of Western Countries and Their Foreign PolicyScheiner, Miroslav January 2013 (has links)
This Master's thesis deals with conspiracy theories and disinformation, a topic received with insufficient attention in the field of international relations. The phenomenon constitutes one of the most distinctive features of the Islamic world; therefore, it has significant importance for the Western foreign policy towards the region. The thesis is divided into four chapters and aims to provide Western countries with a set of foreign-policy recommendations in relation to the phenomenon of conspiracy theories and disinformation in the Islamic world. The thesis does so on the basis of a thorough analysis of the general mechanisms of conspiracy theories (1st chapter), and the specific conditions and circumstances of their emergence and dissemination in the Islamic world (2nd chapter). The study of the case of Aafia Siddiqui (3rd chapter) leads to the conclusion that the implication of conspiracy theories and disinformation in the activities of Islamic extremist groups represents a serious security threat for the Western countries, which the current policy leaves with no adequate response (4th chapter). As an outcome, the thesis proposes ten basic principles which should serve to the Western countries as a guideline for their approach to conspiracy theories and disinformation in the Islamic world. The main import of this thesis lies in it being one of the first attempts with regard to the researched topic to perform a comprehensive analysis with practical outcomes.
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Procesy globalizace a vývoj mezinárodních organizací: Efektivita a reforma mezinárodních organizací na příkladu WTO / Globalisation processes and international organisations evolution: Effectivity and reform of international organisations with an example of the WTOProcházka, Petr January 2014 (has links)
A radical change of the socio-cultural order has brought about globalisation processes. Their consequences in the economic sphere include, mainly, growing interdependence, increasing mobility of the production factors and rising efficiency of the global economy. This brings important causes in the political dimension, were the anarchy at the global level translates into erosion of the role of state sovereignty and creation of world economy inefficiencies. Qualitatively new system of global governance, governance at multiple levels and a regulative sub-system emerge, which the World Trade Organisation is a main example of. To reach an effective solution, it is essential to introduce a reform. The central methodological bases are systems theory and neo-liberal internationalism of this analysis.
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Imaginace, jazyk, tělo: místopis hlasu v díle Giacoma Leopardiho / Imagination, language, body: the path of the voice in Leopardi's literary workD'Orso, Angela Alexandra January 2021 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova Filozofická fakulta Ústav románských studií Románské literatury Abstract Mgr. Angela Alexandra DʹOrso IMMAGINAZIONE, LINGUA, CORPO: la geografia della voce nell'opera di Giacomo Leopardi IMAGINACE, JAZYK, TĚLO: místopis hlasu v díle Giacoma Leopardiho IMAGINATION, LANGUAGE, BODY: the path of the voice in Leopardi's literary work Školitelka: PhDr. Alice Flemrová, Ph.D. 2021 This thesis deals with orality in Giacomo Leopardi's literary work. The study focuses on the connection between Teoria del piacere and orality. Orality is an important subject in Leopardi's mindset; the author reproduces the effect of orality in writing by using a specific linguistic style, special phonetic elements and syntactic structure typically used in spoken language. Prose and poetry therefore contain examples of spoken language which help to explain the centrality of reflection about orality in Leopardi's poetics and philosophy. This reflection is also present in Canti as a poetic motif involving two elements: voice and silence. The study shows Leopardi's constant tension towards a primitive universe, whose orality is a trace. The research therefore intercepts Leopardi's sensitivity about nature, a dimension in which body is central and a more immediate and spontaneous contact with life exists. The category of...
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Podstata hliněné architektury v podmínkách Česka / The Essence of earthen Architecture in the Czech RepublicBažík, Lenka January 2021 (has links)
For ten thousand years people have used earthen building material in their homes and in just the last hundred years advanced society has gradually turned away from it due to the development of modern technology. Earth is currently of little use as a building material, but it is gradually increasing with the importance of sustainability. Earth has its place in contemporary modern architecture and this is what this work tries to point out. The research is based on the assumption that each building material gravitates with its properties, composition and also the knowledge of the builder to create a certain space. Different building materials define different spaces, different construction uses and different details. This research defined the network of knowledge with the central themes of the essence of earthen architecture by the method of grounded theory and subsequently applied the theory in the design of a model case. The proposed small structure represents an ideal rendering of the space from a single material on the basis of acquired and known information about this material. It has massive earthen walls, which man created himself and it provides him the shelter. The shelter rises smoothly from the ground, its main source, it has soft round features, which were created by the touch of human hands, and when it expires, it naturally merges with the ground again.
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Teorie biografie a historická věda / Theory of biography and historiographySixta, Václav January 2021 (has links)
The submitted dissertation thesis focus on the role of biography in contemporary historical culture and on the possible ways of its conceptualization from the perspective of historiography. Historical biographies are traditional and successful form of historical writing both in academia and in popular culture. Moreover there is also a field of "theory of biography" which brings theoretical reflections of biographical writing. The goal of this thesis is to analyse the current state of biographical production and to offer appropriate conceptualization of this phenomenon. The dissertation gradually deals with following three fields. First, it describes and reflects key topics of existing theory of biography. The middle part of the text researches the contemporary biographical production. The sources for these two parts are at first theoretical texts written under the term "theory of biography" and then paratexts surrounding particular biographies. The part focus on the contemporary biographical production researches disputed biographies between the years 20009 - 2019, the regular production of biographical publishing series and particularly also the case study of the edition series The Legacy of the progressive personalities of our past (1961-1991). Both these parts pf the thesis are necessary as a...
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Postavení Strany zelených ve stranickém systému ČR s využitím teorie cleavages / The Position of Green Party in the Partial System of Czech Republic with the Use of Cleavages TheoryBlažek, David January 2009 (has links)
First chapters of the final thesis "are paid to brief introduction of the cleavages theory and the possibility of its use in partial system of Czech Republic. Following chapters analyze the origination and development of Green Parties in Western Europe, while greater attention is paid to history of Green Party in Czech Republic, its ideological and political alignment. The content analysis attempts to prove the cleavages theory of Czech Green Party after 2005 and compare it with cleavages of western European Green Parties. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Paradigma demokracie ve 20. století / Paradigma of Democracy in 20th CenturyMoláček, Martin January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Paradigma of Democracy in 20th. century" dissert upon modern theory of democracy. Thesis try to point differences in interpretation of the democracy conception on the basis of four modern theory democracy, which were interpreted in 20th century. Diploma thesis describe these doctrines: theory of competition democracy by J. A. Schumpeter; theory of pluralistic democracy and theory of polyarchy by R. A. Dahl; theory of justice by J. Rawls. At the close of thesis is short comparative analysis based on the main ideas these four democratic theory. Comparative analysis try to demonstrate main differences in the interpretation of democracy idea. It is necessary to understand, that "democracy" ins't exactly single valued definition, but democracy is wide spectrum of various doctrines. These various doctrines have very often divergencies of opinion about democracy. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Mediální obraz českého sci-fi fandomu v denním tisku v letech 2001-2006 / Media representation of Czech Sci-Fi Fandom in the Press in 2001-2006Pohl, Milan January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Media representation of Czech Sci-Fi Fandom in the Press in 2001-2006" deals with the ways in which science fiction fans are represented in Czech newspapers. For most people the media remain the most important source of information about the specific subculture of the fans. This thesis employs the qualitative analysis method to uncover the regularities of the fans' media representations. It concentrates on the portrayal of the fans' relationship with the primary texts, as well as relationships within the fan community and relationships with the wider society.
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Rozdílné způsoby medializace v blogosféře a masových médiích / Different approach to mediation in the blogosphere and the mass mediaBartl, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Different approach to mediation in the blogosphere and the mass media" deals with the means blogs and mass media use to mediate news topics and expert topics to their audiences. In addition this study deals with the relationship between blogosphere and mass media. In the theoretical part this study brings depiction of the development of blogs through the scope of democratic media and democratization of the public sphere. Theoretical part furthermore discusses different approaches to the blog definitions and its basic characteristics. On the basis of this discussion it divides blogs into different types. Finally, this part offers summary of the former studies concerned with blogging. This part creates the base for the construction of research questions and hypotheses. The practical part is concerned with carrying out the content analysis of the articles connected to two different topics. As news topic was chosen the topic of placing the US radar on the Czech Republic territory. This topic was covered between years 2006 and 2008. As expert topic was chosen the introduction of the new micropayment service Paysec. Individual findings are interpreted with the help of statistical methods. Conclusion discusses generalized findings and theoretical implication of the study.
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Srovnání nástrojů projektového řízení / Comparison of Project Management ToolsTomášek, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
Thesis deals with evaluation of possibilities and conditions for application of key project management methods. Particular parts involve description and delimitation of chosen project management. Traditional methods that are represented by CPM and PERT methods. Furthermore, the thesis is enriched on the basis facts of the Theory of Constraints, which led to the creation of a separate project management system based on the Critical Chain method. This part is followed by an analysis and comparison of these methods in the phase of planning, managing and controlling from a perspective of single project case. Thesis is followed by the using of selected method in real environment conditions, its implementation and evaluation of risks and economic differences.
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