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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jak zefektivnit vynakládané zdroje na politiku výzkumu,vývoje a inovací v ČR / How to streamline public expendictures on research, development and innovation in Czech Republic

Najmanová, Hana January 2009 (has links)
The theoretical background of this work is based on Schumpeter's theory of economic cycle and the rationalisation for state intervention in the market research, development and innovation. Consequently is described the general background, which is based on the Seventh Framework Program and the definitions contained in the Frascati manual, and the Oslo manual. The analytical part consists of a sub-analysis, which focus on legislative and institucional framework in the Czech Republic and the expenditure, human resources and outputs of research and development. The sub-analysis is supplemented by comparisons with the position of Finland and the European Union. Part of the analytical section is an overview of programs to support research, development and innovation activities. Subsequently, the entire analytical part is summarized with the SWOT analysis. In conclusion of this work are outlined possible solutions to streamline the existing system in the Czech Republic in research, development and innovation.

Spornost fuzzy logických teorií v odvozovacích systémech / Consistency of fuzzy logic theories of inference systems

Havlíček, Petr January 2009 (has links)
This thesis focus on consistency of a specific class of fuzzy logic theories that represent certain inference system. This class of theories is defined as theories containing especially so called special axioms representing rules of modeled inference system and evaluated set of formulas representing case data. Functional approach is used to develop three popular fuzzy calculi: the Gödel logic, Łukasiewicz logic and product logic. As a language it is used the language of first order propositional fuzzy logic with valuation. To check consistency we use the concept of inconsistency degree and in Łukasiewicz logic also the principle of polar index. The concept of consistency degree is also described, but not used. Simple algorithm is developed to check consistency of theory upon the basis of inconsistency degree principle. A method of use of polar index is also described and illustrated. For each fuzzy theory a term of corresponding classical theory is defined. Then consistency of fuzzy theories and their corresponding classical theories are compared. The results of comparison are presented on the example of the ad-hoc created diagnostic inference system MEDSYS II. In the end the relation between consistency of fuzzy theory of inference system and it's corresponding theory is introduced for all three used calculi and both contradiction concepts.

Austria´s FDI / Austria’s FDI

Jurek, Martin January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on Austrian foreign direct investments and more specifically on the internalization of Austrian companies into the Czech Republic. The aim is to thoroughly display the Austria's outward foreign direct investments, introduce the internationalization models and apply them in an analysis of Austrian companies present in the Czech Republic. The first step towards answering research questions is the presentation of a short theoretical background on foreign direct investment. Further, the main characteristics of Austrian investments are stated. Chapter two starts with term definitions. Thereby, a common under-standing of the most relevant terms is established. The thorough literature review illuminates the theories behind each model and its development. In the following step, the practical part of the paper is introduced. At first, assumptions from the internationalization models are derived. Afterwards, these assumptions serve as a foundation for the questionnaire's framework. The primary part of this chapter displays results of the empirical study. Finally, a conclusion is presented summing up the thesis's core findings. These findings are primarily direct answers to the research questions seeking to fulfill the main objective of the diploma thesis.

Privatizace ve Velké Británii za vlády Margaret Thatcherové / Privatization in Great Britain under the Thatcher Government

Zrasták, Marián January 2009 (has links)
The victory of the Conservatives in the 1979 General Election brought a government into office which is traditionally said to pursue a programme of economic liberalism. The new government was determined to end British economic decline and the crisis of state authority by making an ideological and political break with the policy of consensus. But it was only after September 1981, when "the dries" achieved dominance in Conservative Government and the new liberal policy finally prevailed. Their goals were to reduce the role of the government in economy, to start privatization of nationalised industries and to achieve reduction in the size and scope of welfare state. This objective became an important part of Thatcher's second- and third-term economic policy. This thesis describes how the particular factors influenced the privatization programmes. The main aim is to answer the question whether the delays in privatization programmes were given by objective obstruction by Thatcher's political opponents and interest groups or whether "the dries" themselves did not support denationalization of strategic industries. The privatization is examined and brought into context of fiscal and monetary policy to unveil the role of privatization in Thatcher's economic policy. The success of privatization is limited by regulations imposed on denationalized industries and the author of this thesis puts emphasis on the description of the extent to which the members of the conservative party supported free market. The author uses a description of various privatization programmes, including related political and economical discussions, to answer these questions. The thesis includes a description of popular capitalism and a connection between foreign policy and privatization as well as the author's evaluation of privatization program.

Analýza spokojenosti zaměstnanců ve vybraném podniku / Analysis of Employees' Satisfaction in a chosen Firm

Havlíčková, Klára January 2009 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with problems of employee satisfaction in a small company regarding the system of remuneration, motivation, the possibility of career growth and human relations. In theoretical part there are summed up particular terms related to working satisfaction, motivation and output. There are briefly defined fundamental theories of working behavior motivation and the most important factors which have influence on working satisfaction. The subject of practical part is a concrete company where the analysis of employee satisfaction took place. Correctional measures are proposed at the base of the outcomes of the research.

Cesty zvyšování motivace a spokojenosti ve vybraných organizacích / The ways of increasing employees’ motivation and satisfaction in selected organizations

Horňáková, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis first describes basic motivation theories and other, motivation related, subjects. Further, in reference to several extensive investigations via questionnaires taken in two different companies with more than one year gap, evaluates the motivation and satisfaction of employees. It also examines how the motivation and satisfaction changed after implementing several organizational changes; more efficient work time management, more transparent organizational structure, improved communication between managers and employees, etc. The thesis also compares the results of the questionnaires taken in those two companies and tries to find common motivators despite the fact the each company finds itself in a very different field and has diverse employee structure. All the questionnaires were based on Stoewer's test.

Analýza spokojenosti zaměstnanců ve firmě Delfi / Analysis of working satisfaction in the company Delfi

Chrustová, Eva January 2010 (has links)
The aim of diploma thesis was to summarize the theoretical knowledge of working satisfaction and factors which influence the working satisfaction of employees. After that, this theoretical level was transferred to practical parts of thesis. On the basis of results which were found out from research were suggested improvement measures. In this research was used a method of questionnaire survey and discussion with the top management. The top management could change and adjust the questionnaire. The research was filled out by all employees, except of company executives. The questionnaire was focused on factors of satisfaction that are related to the content of work, remuneration, the atmosphere in the workplace, working conditions and environment, executives managers, relationship to company and personal development. At the conclusion was followed by question as why the employee remain in the company and what are the reasons of leaving.

Současná finanční krize, souvislosti jejího vzniku a možná náprava v duchu rakouské školy / Implications, causes and possible reform of the current financial crisis by the Postkeynesian and Austrian view

Vondruška, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis is trying to describe implications of current financial crisis by the Postkeynesian and Austrian view. The introduction section focuses on course of events in the United States of America after the September 11 attacks on World Trade Center till outbreak of mortgage crisis in 2007. After 9/11 the Federal Reserve System started to unprecedentedly increase the money supply. Large amount of these new resources flowed to the real estate market. Incurred conditions and implications to other financial sectors till the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 are thoroughly studied. The causes of the crisis are being looked through the Postkeynesian and Austrian perspective in this thesis, because the major representatives of these two economic branches were able to predict the crisis coming. By using the works of the Postkeynesian and Austrian economists, possible solutions how to avoid this negative economic event in the future are being mentioned in the final part of this diploma thesis. Their suggestions and proposals contrast each other. Nevertheless I reach certain recommendation here, which shows government's interventions are inappropriate and functionless. These interventions have also harmful influence on the free-market economy function. Moreover they tend to deepen recessions. These arguments are being demonstrated on real cases.

Strategie Evropa 2020 v kontextu moderních teorií ekonomického růstu / Europe 2020 Strategy in the Context of Modern Growth Theories

Katocsová, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with Europe 2020 strategy and its targets in the context of growth theories. The thesis aims at relating the measures suggested by the strategy to the implications of the growth theories. First, the targets are compared with the current situation in EU member states and problem areas of European competitiveness are identified. Growth models described in the first chapter yield some normative recommendations with respect to growth policies. Based on these conclusions, the thesis discusses the policies designed in the Europe 2020 strategy and their implications for economic growth in the EU.

Analýza možnosti založení nové cestovní kanceláře / Analysis of founding a travel agency

Mašová, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
This thesis focuses on founding a new travel agency oriented on domestic tourism. The aim is to show a real process of founding a new travel agency. The travel agency's offer is based on analysis of environment, market, competition and potential customers. It is focused on three segments: seniors, families with children and forfaiter journeys. The financial analysis is included in next part of the thesis.

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