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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Politický cyklus v zemích EU / Political Cycle in the European Union Countries

Koman, Martin January 2010 (has links)
The aim of my thesis "Politic cycle in the European Union countries" is to analyse the possibility of existence of a politic cycle in chosen countries of the EU. The firs half of my thesis is introducing the issue of the public choise theory and different views at this theory together with models of politic cycle. The other part I am dealing with is political and economic backrounds of chosen countried in closer detail and after data analysis of politic-economic development I would like to try to point out possible existence of political cycle. I will use model of politic cycle based on budget policy above all in the analysis.

Modelové řešení energetického zásobení místní dopravy a přepravy alternativními zdroji / Model Solutions to Energy Supply Local Transportation and Alternative Sources of Transportation

Krtička, Miroslav January 2011 (has links)
The Thesis are focused on the area of strategic management using the strategies selection and decision making processes, based on the Game Theory apparatus. The analyses of local energy sources potential and possible use in local transportation are the basis of the Thesis. The problems of energy maintenance and efficient utilisation have not decreasing its importance even in the situation of technology & technical improvements; there are no universally-suitable processes found in this area. One of the approaches should be in the philosophy of maximising the utilisation of local resources to minimise the expenses of the transportation of the energies itself. The Thesis are focused on the increased efficiency of local energy-resources utilisation combined with continuously increasing energy demands in the area of transportation area. The Target is to construct model, having proportionally characterised the suitable strategies to the decision -- making in the areas of local energies production and/or their utilisation in the area of the local transportation demand saturation. The Game Theory approaches creating the basis for the different interested groups; it allows to compare the advantages of different options / strategies of the progress, having respected counter-strategies of the other parties of the conflict situation. The recommendation of the most advantageous strategies for the individual interested groups of the conflict (transport companies, potential producers of energies from local resources, society) is the result of the process. The construction of the model, having the ability to compare the merits of different options -- related to the energies-utilisation (strategies) is the contribution of the thesis. There is specific approach given to allow finding the results suitable for both interested parties of the conflict situation (producers of the organic matter for the energy production, potential energy producers, local transporting companies). All the results are based mainly on the verified statistic data sources. Resulting model allow good and transparent comparison of different strategies of the different interested groups related to the energy resources. The results could work not only in the area of theoretical calculations, but also companies and interested parties strategies recommendations to their own decision-making processes.

Vývoj teritoriální struktury zbožového obchodu zemí EU v období hospodářské krize v letech 2008 až 2013 / Development of territorial structure of commodity trade of EU countries during the economic crisis 2008-2013

Hálová, Helena January 2013 (has links)
The object of this work is to define the role of the EU in the global economy and especialy to identify important features of the development of foreign trade of commodities of EU countries in the years 2008-2013 in the context of the global economic crisis and determine how it has changed commodity trade due to the global economic changes caused by the crisis. This thesis informs about the EU's position and changes in its trade both in terms of extra-trade and intra-trade.

Economics of Family: Effect of Air Pollution on Sex of Children / Ekonomie rodiny: Vliv znečištěného ovzduší na pohlaví dětí

Pažitka, Marek January 2012 (has links)
The Trivers-Willard hypothesis (TWH) states that parents in good conditions will bias the sex ratio toward sons and parents in poor conditions will bias the sex ratio toward daughters. The present study contributes to literature in several ways: a large, general, country population data set (N= 1 401 851) from modern contemporary society; first study in the Czech Republic; an inclusion of air pollution into the TWH estimation; and a more detailed focus on stillbirths. With the natality microdata from the Czech Statistical Office and data concerning the level of air pollution in the Czech Republic from the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, I analyze if the biological and socio-economics status of mothers and the characteristics of our surroundings (air pollution) affect the sex of children. The results are insignificant or not robust across specifications. I identified three hypotheses which are most likely the reason for the insignificant results: a non-inclusion of the biological and socio-economical status of a father, insufficient diversity or evolutionarily novel environment in the Czech Republic. As a conclusion, the presented evidence suggests that stillbirths are random in the Czech Republic and that the sex ratio is not affected by the socio-economics status of mothers or the characteristics of our surroundings (pollution).

Teorie odpovědí na položku a její aplikace v oblasti Národních srovnávacích zkoušek / Item Response Theory and its Application in the National Comparative Exams

Fiřtová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
Item Response Theory, a psychometric paradigm for test development and evaluation, comprises a collection of models which enable the estimation of the probability of a correct answer to a particular item in the test as a function of the item parameters and the level of a respondent's underlying ability. This paper, written in cooperation with the company Scio, is focused on the application of Item Response Theory in the context of the National Comparative Exams. Its aim is to propose a test-equating procedure which would ensure a fair comparison of respondents' scores in the Test of General Academic Prerequisites regardless of the particular test administration.

Společenská odpovědnost vybrané firmy / Corporate Social Responsibility of a particular company

Marič, Irma January 2012 (has links)
The Master's thesis deals with corporate social responsibility. The first part is dedicated to the definition of the term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and to historical development of the whole strategy. It also includes explanation of the main theoretical concepts related to the topic (Tripple Bottom Line, Carroll's Pyramid, Stakeholder Theory, etc.) Following part deals with the implementation of CSR into practice and with advantages and disadvantages of the whole concept. Next chapter is focused on national and international organizations, initiatives and certificates that help companies to put the strategy of CSR in place. The practical part of the thesis deals with corporate social responsibility of Pilsner Urquell, one of the world's best known Czech breweries. Emphasis is put on the matter of CSR seen as philantrophic activity in comparison with CSR seen as a part of marketing and PR strategy.

CSR strategie pro firmu Liho Blanice / CSR strategy for the company Liho Blanice

Březinová, Ilona January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to propose a socially responsible activities, which could a smaller company, like Liho Blanice, deals with and implement them in practice. The theoretical part focuses on the introduction of the concept of CSR, its basic features and principles, as well as the methodology of Standard Responsible Company, and some concepts related to CSR. The next part deals with the application of CSR practices, from initial planning to its measurement. CSR strategies of three global producers of alcohol are compared. The practical part introduces the current activities of the company, the results of research to costumers, and based on them are then designed individual activities within CSR.

Komplexní zajištění akciového portfolia / Comprehensive hedging of stock portfolio

Kábrt, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is devoted to the problem of creating a portfolio of shares. First part is focused on the characterization of shares - classes of shares and rights associated with them. The second chapter compares the Efficient market theory and Behavioral approach, as the two opposing schools of thought. The third chapter gradually introduces fundamental analysis, from the global analysis through the analysis of an industry to the analysis of a particular company. Furthermore, this work focuses on the Value investment approach, that is based on fundamental analysis. On the basis of several criteria are particular stocks selected to the portfolio. The intensity of these criteria is then tested in the relationship with the resulting number of selected stocks. The conclusion of the fourth chapter is devoted to the issue of discounts and premiums that are trying to take into account specific factors of securities, which should be reflected into their prices.

Přínosy a náklady přijetí společné evropské měny v malé otevřené ekonomice (na příkladu Slovenska) / Benefits and costs of adoption a common European currency in small open economy (example of Slovakia)

Herchl, Peter January 2013 (has links)
The master thesis focuses on the influence of common European currency in Slovakia. Slovakia represents small transitive economy with high degree of openness and long-term experience from participation in common monetary union. The aim of the thesis is to analyse observed and potential benefits and costs that are emerging from adoption of common European currency in Slovakia. The analysis is based not only on quantified determinants, but also on the basis of observed alternative evaluation criteria, which are providing complex picture of macroeconomic development and performance of Slovak economy in comparison with other countries of Eurozone and European Union. Analyses that are used in the thesis are based on theoretical findings that are described in the first chapter. This chapter deals with criteria defined by the theory of optimal monetary unions, real convergence, but also with the most significant benefits and costs defined by the European Commission and economic theory. The thesis deals with the monetary politics in Slovakia before and after 2009 with focus on loss of autonomous monetary policy as the most significant cost of entry to European Monetary Union and also with analysis of the nominal convergence criteria that are needed to accept in case of adopting common European currency.

Optimalizácia závozových trás k zákazníkom pomocou Google Map API / Customer delivery routes optimization using Google Maps API

Borovský, Marek January 2013 (has links)
The main goal of this work is to implement a system, which will be able to optimize routes between warehouses and selected customers and visualize them using maps by the Google Inc. This problem is being analyzed not only on the theoretical, but also, and mainly, on the practical aspects and tries to find a gap in the market with similar applications.

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