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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh změn motivačního systému ve vybrané společnosti. / Desing of Motivational System Change in a Selected company.

Genaeva, Evgeniya January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the proposal for changes of motivational system in the company JULI Motorenwerk, Ltd. The theoretical part deals with the processes of motivation and selected motivational theories. The analytical part is focused on the history of the selected company, its characteristics and company processes. After that the analysis and evaluation of the current motivational system of the company is presented. In practical part, based on theoretical knowledge and analysis, a more effective motivation system is proposed. The proposed changes should lead to increased employee satisfaction and consequently to better working results and higher business performance.

Virtuln­ tovrna za pomoci metod matematick©ho modelovn­ / VIRTUAL FACTORY USING MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING METHODS

Svoboda, Jan January 2021 (has links)
This work is focused on solving problems in Industry 4.0. Main part of this work describes development of a discreet simulation model based on queuing theory. This model will be used for a heuristic optimization of a production line. Model will be validated with data from real production line. Improvement of effectivity using discrete model and heuristic optimization will be shown on virtual production line.

Využití teorie grafů pro návrh a optimalizaci architektur datových sítí / Application of graph theory to the design and optimization data network architectures

Římský, Adam January 2010 (has links)
This masters'sthesis deals with graph theory and utilization of this theory for design and optimization of data network structures. Introduction chapter describes graph theory in general view, i.e. fundamental terms used for graph description, graph distinguishing, etc. Next part describes graph algorithms, for example a shortest path finding. After this I write about actual routing protocols where the graph algorithms are used. Last but one part deals with queuing theory and final part describes practical presentation of using graph theory for design and optimization of data network structure in Matlab programme environment.

Simulační model svozu odpadu pro Network Simulator 3 / Simulation model of waste collection for Network Simulator 3

Kolaja, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is create an application for route optimalization for waste collection which is one of the technologies of smart cities. At first was described issue of smart cities focused to waste collection. The thesis describes the real deployment of smart waste collection using sensor network and was also designed its own model of smart waste collection. It is also described graph theory and related genetic algorithms which is suitable for waste collection optimalization. On that basics an application was made in C/C++ language which using a genetic algorithm to compute best possible path in graph which represents a map where waste is collected. By input data to application is vector image of evaluated graph in SVG data format.

Dynamická kompenzace / Dynamic Compensation of Reactive Power

Horenský, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focusing on compensation of reactive power, especially on creating demonstrative model of static var compensation unit (SVC). Main topic of thesis is to apply this device for fast balancing dynamic conversions of recieved reactive power. In theoretical part is described suitable method for determination of instantaneous power. Next, there is basic description of all means used for compensation of reactive power and detailed description of the SVC compensator. Practical part includes design of compensation unit and control program in LabVIEW. The pq theory is implemented for detection instantaneous power. The results of validating functionality of compensator are presented in the last part of thesis.

Volba optimálního portfolia cenných papírů jakožto investiční hlavolam / Optimal Stock Portfolio Selection as an Investment Conundrum

Bradová, Klára January 2010 (has links)
The portfolio theory is microeconomic discipline which deals with the exploration of capital markets and assets that are traded on them. This diploma thesis is focused on optimal stock portfolio selection. The main aim is to find a final portfolio fulfilling the requirements. The first part provides the theory needed for the subsequent establishment of a practical case of the optimal portfolio. The second part is devoted to the actual calculations leading to finding the portfolio with the desired rate of return.

Spolehlivostní analýza keramické hlavice totální kyčelní endoprotézy / Reliability analysis of the hip joint endoprosthesis ceramic head

Málek, Michal January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with probability of fracture ceramic head of total hip endoprosthesis during tests by the standard ISO 7206-5. In the first part is made stress analysis with method of finite elements in program ANSYS. Six types of ceramic head with different geometry was analysed for ideal geometry of head and shaft, and also for shape imperfections from nominal conical shaft and head. The final values of principal stress from stress analysis were entry values for the second part – probability of fracture analysis. Weibull weakest-link theory was applied, namely 3-Parameter and 2-Parameter Weibull distribution.

Počítačem řízený hráč hry Blokus založený na metodách umělé inteligence / Artificial Intelligence-Based Player for "Blokus" Game

Sulaiman, David January 2010 (has links)
This thesis compares forward neural networks with algorithms using game theory on basis of board game Blokus. The theoretical introduction part describes the characteristics of neural networks and work with them. There is also outlined algorithm of game theory. The second part deals about the implementation of players based on the outlined principles  and shortly descriptions GUI of application. In conclusion, the differences between the players  are evaluated on the charts created on the performed tests.

Využití teorie her v odpadovém hospodářství / Game Theory in Waste Management

Osička, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
V této práci je vytvořen model rozhodovací situace v odpadovém hospodářství využívající metody teorie her. Model tvoří nekooperativní hra pro reprezentaci konfliktu zpracovatelů odpadu a kooperativní hra pro reprezentaci konfliktu producentů odpadu. Pro konflikt zpracovatelů odpadu je k nalezení strategií při volbě cen na bráně využit koncept Nashovy rovnováhy, takto nalezené stabilní strategie mohou sloužit jako předpověď budoucí situace. Pro zpřesnění množin strategií jsou určeny dolní a horní meze. Pro konflikt producentů odpadu se uvažuje spolupráce všech producentů a určuje se pro ni přerozdělení nákladů pomocí Shapleyho hodnoty a nucleolu. Pro konflikt více producentů jsou vyvinuty aproximační algoritmy pro Shapleyho hodnotu i nucleolus. Tyto algoritmy jsou založeny na předpokladu, že se vzdálení hráči vzájemně neovlivňují. Model je aplikován na situaci v České republice. Pro konflikt zpracovatelů odpadu je nalezen jeden bod Nashovy rovnováhy. Pro konflikt producentů odpadu jsou určeni někteří producenti s vysokým kooperativním potenciálem.

Optimalizace portfolia akcií na čs. kapitálovém trhu / Stock Portfolio Optimalization on Czech Capital Market

Šebestíková, Sabina January 2009 (has links)
The master's thesis is focused on Stock portfolio optimalization on Czech capital market. The analysis of each stock, estimation and portfolio optimalization proposal are included. In the practical part the Fundamental analysis is applied. The portfolio optimalization is estemated by portfolio theory which is consist in the relationship between stock price and market trends represents by PX Index and expressing correlation of them by beta coefficient.

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