Spelling suggestions: "subject:"teorier""
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Transformace zahraniční politiky USA / Transformations of the US Foreign PolicyPokorný, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Transformation of the US Foreign Policy Diploma thesis "Transformation of the US Foreign Policy" consists changes and tranformations in the US foreign policy connected with alternations of president's administratives. Especially with the alternation in 2001, when Goerge W. Bush supplied Bill Clinton and than with 2009 when Barack Obama became president of the USA. My essential resource were special books about US foreign policy. Thereafter books from the field of theory of international relations and finally I used internet resources as special articles or manifests records. Diploma thesis is focused on foreign and security policy. Arise and progress of the USA shaped American identity. Hypothesis of work is connected with issue that even conducts and acts of administratives could be different, policy always following this American self-identity.
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Rozlišování fikce a skutečnosti ve filmu / The distinction between fiction and reality in the filmGirardová de Villars, Hana January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the distinction between fiction and reality in the film using the theory of fictional worlds. It analyzes the effect of fictional worlds and their characters on the viewer's perception and interpretation of fiction. It emphasizes the difference of the impact of fiction on reality, depending on whether the recipient evaluates the fictional work by its relation to reality or realizes that the film doesn't refer to the actual world. The thesis describes the main concepts and problems of the theory of fictional worlds and applies them to the examples of films to show the importance of distinguishing the line between fiction and reality.
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Stávání se lékařem/lékařkou z pohledu antropoložky / Becoming a doctor from the viewpoint of anthropologistRebendová, Eva January 2012 (has links)
This paper is about a process of a nascency of new doctors, and how it is possible to approach this topic from the viewpoint of social anthropologist. As a starting point, I use actor-network theory, which is one of the social science paradigms focusing on materiality. I consider it (on the basis of work by Bruno Latour and other scholars, who are dealing with this field), to be a remarkable actor in matters connected with human action, and thus an appropriate subject for an anthropological inquiry. Since the topic concerns medicine in the Czech Republic nowadays, I contribute to the knowledge of medical anthropology, which does not have such a strong academic base here as in the Anglo-Saxon world. Special attention is dedicated to a detailed description of activities leading to the formation of the text of this thesis. Reflexivity, on which I put emphasis, shall serve as the foundation of the context of genesis of an anthropological knowledge and also to describe the ethical concerns of the research. The main methods are observation and semi-structured in-depth interviews with twelve informants, who were medicine students or medicine faculty graduates.
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Poruchy příjmu potravy z genderové perspektivy: nemoc, či součást života? / Eating Disorders from a gender perspective: disease, or part of life?Kaválková, Kristýna January 2011 (has links)
Eating Disorders from a gender perspective: disease, or part of life? Bc. Kristýna Kaválková ABSTRACT This dissertation deals with a problem of "eating disorders", which are defined in medical literature, media and magazines as psychological disease, which relates to pathological way of dealing with food, body and himself/herself. It shows that that this area is not neutral from the gender point of view; eating disorders are usually women's matter. Based on semi-structured interviews within the framework of qualitative research, this work analyses opinions of women, who have experience with this, especially their experience of their physicality and daily life. It is also focused on how women perceive the presentation of eating disorders, which concerns them, in media, medical publications and society and how they interpret their status as those who are recovering from this illness. Women's testimonies point at the fact that their surroundings look at them as persons defined through their illness, as persons, who are exclusively connected with pathology and stigma. This view of surroundings, media and specialists, however, omit the diversity of human identities. It shows that women alone can interpret their experiences in different way. They perceive their eating disorder in the context of dominant discourse...
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Teorie prokletí přírodních zdrojů na případu Venezuely / Resource curse theory - An example of VenezuelaHruška, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
The main objective of this Master thesis was to test the claim that economic dependence on oil exports impedes enduring democratic stability in the case of Venezuela in the period of 1970-2010. This assumption was based on a broad resource curse theory which addresses negative economic, political and social consequences of precious resource export dependency. The hypothesis was that exogenous variables could intesify these malign consequences. In this study we focused on the role(s) performed by multinational oil corporations (MICs) in Venezuelan petroleum industry, on the impact of the nationalization of the oil sector and on the impact of the foundation of a state-owned corporation PDVSA, which became responsible for subsequent development of oil extraction. Fist, I proved that the nationalization led to profound restructuring of institutional and power relations that had negative impact on economic prosperity and stability of the democratic regime in a long-term perspective. Soon after its establishment the national oil corporation became an independent actor able to follow its own agenda and to promote its own economic and political interests and therefore polarized the already divided society. Second, I documented empirical evidence that corroborated most of the previous theoretical...
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Určovací klíče v procesu poznávání přírodnin / Identification Keys as a Way of Getting to Know the NatureNovotný, Petr January 2013 (has links)
TITLE: Identification Keys as a Way of Getting to Know the Nature AUTHOR: Petr Novotný DEPARTMENT: Biology and Environmental Studies Department SUPERVISOR: doc. PhDr. Petr Dostál, CSc. ABSTRACT: This doctoral thesis deals with biological identification keys. It aims to unify and clarify the terminology used to describe the identification keys, to describe the evolution of the concept of these keys and their typology. It describes their role and importance in education from the perspective of current didactic overview as well as from the perspective of Czech historical botanical keys. The aim of the research part is to design and validate methods for assessing identification keys. This research has been divided into two themes - the analysis of a key and the testing of a key. As the result of this processing is a design of identification keys evaluation model. This model is validated on the current Czech botanical designation key Kubát (2002). Based on thesis outcomes, it is possible to better understand the theoretical basis of identification keys and their role in the process of getting to know the nature. KEYWORDS: Theory of Identification Keys; Identification Keys Evaluation; Biological Species Cognition;
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Ropa a voda v Saúdské Arábii optikou teorie udržitelného rozvoje: možné scénáře dalšího vývoje / Oil and Water on Saudi Arabia through Sustainable development theory: possible scenarios of future developmentHamdi, Selma January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between a possible shortage of oil in Saudi Arabia and access to drinking water. The work is based on the hypothesis that in this area peak oil has taken place. Through method of disciplined interpretive study we focus on the influence of both sources in Saudi Arabia from the theory of sustainable development and conclusion are dealing with a scenario of possible solutions.
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Gibraltarský nacionalismus pohledem teorie secese / Gibraltarian nationalism from the point of view of the theories of secessionPáchová, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
Gibraltar is the only dependent territory in Europe. Although it is a small area, Gibraltar mixes different factors that together form the so-called question of Gibraltar. Gibraltar belongs to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is a colony, which, however, has considerable autonomy. The process of gaining greater autonomy for the region began after the Second World War. The Gibraltar national consciousness was largely shaped by defining out against London and especially to Madrid. In this thesis I examine a process of the national consciousness from the point of view of the theories of secession. I consider the question why does the desire for independence have not yet led to an independent state? Why is Gibraltar still in alliance with the British royal crown? The research is devoted to Gibraltar and nationalism from the point of view of the Gibraltarians. Who are they? Do they see themselves as a nation? How do they justify their conviction? And are they satisfied with the existing constitutional order in Gibraltar? Using the theories of secession I conclude that the Gibraltar nation have developed to a distinctive nation. Autonomy granted to him permits decision-making in most areas. The Gibraltarians do not aspire to the independence and secession from the United...
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Možný svět fámy / Possible World of RumourSoukalová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
This thesis describes and explains rumours as sociological phenomenon. It deals with circumstances under which rumour arises, how it spreads and how it persists in society. It also deals with the prerequisites for understanding the transmission and any believing in rumour. Emphasis is placed on understanding the rumours without negative connotations which is mostly attributed to it. The theory of fictional worlds brings idea that rumour should not be always fictional, fictitious and a priori negative, but rather should be considered as possibly true, especially in terms of the phenomenon, which it refers. It does not matter how many different variations of the rumour story exist, since all create a frame of reference through which is better spread the rumour; adoption of the rumours is not a sign of fiction, but rather a prerequisite to embed among people. The thesis promotes the view that a rumour is spread mainly due to its content and message, which is mainly a warning. The aim is not to pass the exact story, but to warn about a phenomenon that occurs in society. It is not important wheather the rumour is true in each detail, because the only important aspect is truth of phenomenon which the rumour refers to. Keywords Rumour, theory of possible worlds, conspiracy theories, contemporary legend,...
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Propaganda v sovětském a nacistickém životopisném filmu 30. let 20. století: Specifika filmového média jako nástroje propagandy / Propaganda in soviet and nazi biographical film of thirthies of 20th century: Specifics of film medium as an instrument of propagandaWeiss, Martin January 2013 (has links)
Thesis Propaganda in soviet and nazi biographical film of thirthies of 20th century: Specifics of film medium as an instrument of propaganda researches group of three soviet and three german Motion pictures. It focuses on nuances of using ideological meanings, creation of myths and sees examples of both cinematographies through Umberto Eco's Open work theory. It uses the methods of discurse and comparative analysis and compares few important aspects of main characters of analysed pictures. On this basis it creates generally valid conclusions.
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