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Poetika prostoru v Alexandrijském kvartetu. / The Poetics of Space in The Alexandria Quartet.Malý, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
Poetics of space in The Alexandria Quartet is created by multilevel structures. This poetics is closely connected to the main space of the story - Alexandria, which is at the same time one of the novel's topics. Each level is suggested in connection to various theoretical conceptions which are subsequently used for my own analysis. Alexandria is initially an aesthetic coulisse of the story which is portrayed by descriptive passages. Strongly subjective and lyrical descriptions of the city establish overall impression of the story and potentially support reader's experiential illusion. Alexandria and its specificity is further modulated and thematised by its special macroscopic conditions which border Alexandria as an autonomous fictional space with its own rules within the novel's fictional world. Part of poetics of the space in this novel is also portraying spatio-temporal aspect of the reality (chronotope) no only on the level of the story, but also on the level of storytelling. Alexandria is further explicit rhetoric and also through semantic indexation personified and enters semantic relations with the main characters and events. Each level is complementary to another and all are part of the semantic gesture of the novel. Alexandria becomes a separate symbol, mythical entity which importance is...
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Paměťové instituce na prahu 21. století: mediální jednání Národního filmového archivu a Deutsches Filminstitut / The transformation of memory institutions in Europe and in the CR with focus on their "media acts"Fridrich, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis "Memory institutions on the threshold of the 21st century: media activities of the National Film Archive and the Deutsches Filminstitut" is to explain the context in which the archives are acting, and in particular explore specific media operations of two leading European film archives. The focus of the first part of the text is to describe the changing conditions mainly related to digitalization. The traditionally rigid institutions must adapt to this new conditions if they want to onform to the standards of cultural institutions of the 21st century. The main part of the text then analyzes the media actions of the National Film Archive and reference institution Deutsches Filminstitut. The thesis analyzes the specific media actions from onlinepresentation of the institution up to the work with journalists and, if necessary, proposes the optimization of existing processes. The reason of focusing just on media activities is the increasing need to develop new audiences, recruited from persons who were up to this moment not interested in the activities of the archives, and last but not least, the fact that a good media activity can be a compelling argument when approaching sponsors from the private sector. In the perspective of continual reduction of state contributions to cultural...
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Děti na integračním táboře- jejich projevy a vazby / Children at integrational summer camp- their manifestations in behaviour and relationsČadilová, Alžběta January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with behaviour and relationships on summer integrational camp, where children raised in family and children raised in residential care meet with each other. The aim of this thesis is to describe the difference between these groups from the viewpoint of unit counsellors (in the area of behaviour at the camp, relationship with the authority of counsellor and relationships between children) and explore mutual relationships in units, primarily ascertain the position of the children who were raised in residential care. The thesis is divided into theoretical and empirical part. In the first chapter of the theoretical part potential differences between children raised in family and children raised in residential care are analysed. The second chapter deals with summer camps and which aspects have influence on children's stay at camp. In the empirical part the qualitative research itself is presented, with the questionnaires for counsellors as the main data source. These questionnaires provide the information about observed areas regarding all the children on the camp, who are participants of the research. Mutual relationships between children and position of the children raised in residential care inside units are examined using sociometry. The information obtained about both...
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Logaritmicko-konkávní rozděleni pravděpodobnosti a jejich aplikace / Logarithmic-concave probability distributions and their applicationsZavadilová, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Sebepoznání ve výtvarné expresi / Self-knowledge in art expressionKubíčková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This qualitative thesis deals self-knowledge in art expression. The work examines how the creator understands to his or her art product, what happens in the dialogue over the product and this understanding impacts to self-knowledge and self-transformation. The work represents the principle of expression and expressiveness as a phenomenon and mandala as a specific instrument of art expression, which is set in professional framework through its origin and tradition of use in therapeutic practice. The work is dedicated to process in which the meaning is explored and constitutes three stages, the first one is expression, second one is reflection and the third is analysis. Theory of expression, dynamic art therapy and hermeneutic approach are presented as three basic theoretical approaches in this work. The work describes three case reports in a dynamic process and interprets them through formal and thematic analysis, respectively which strategies are used to find meaning in picture and what is the character of the main topics. Keywords: Art expression, mandalas, self-knowledge, early adulthood, theory of expression, dynamic art therapy, hermeneutics.
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Kvalitativní studie morálního rozhodování v počítačové hře Walking Dead / Qualitative research of moral decision making in computer game Walking DeadHeller, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is research of interaction which takes place between players and computer games. Specifically on ethical and moral aspects of such interaction in which the players are required to make moral decisions that in any way affect the progression of the story, shaping of the virtual world, or have any other effect on the in-game narration. The goal of this text is to describe context in which such moral decisions are made and factors that influence them. The theoretical part of this thesis has the form of a summary of relevant game studies topics, which influence the moral decision making issue. Research was conducted on a group of ten respondents, who played The Walking Dead game and who shared their experiences by answering questions concerning moral decision making. The gathered data was thereafter analysed using a grounded theory method, which allowed me to identify and contextualize the researched phenomena. The main output of this text is the grounded theory itself and the answers provided by its application in context with research questions.
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Užívání návykových látek mezi lidmi se sluchovým postižením a jejich bariéry při vstupu do služeb pro uživatele návykových látek / Substance abuse among people with hearing impairment and their barriers to accessing substance abuse treatmentPostránecká, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
The theme of study was the influence of hearing impairment on human development and his status in society in context of risk situation for substance abuse development. Theoretical part is aimed on psychosocial development of hearing impaired people and social situations, which can have an influence on mental health of deaf and hard of hearing people. The aim of practical part is mainly to describe the presence of substance use among the target group, frequency, prevalence, initiation and abuse of substances with choosen screening methods and diagnostic tools, subjective perception of substance use around the respondent, presence of discrimination or bullying, staying in residential schools and other situation of capital importance which could relate to substance abuse. Used tool of data collecting was a questionnaire in paper and electronical form. To better understanding there were made a videos in sign language. Questionnaires was spread in public school in Prague and in club named Česká unie neslyšících (Czech Union of Deaf), through the social networks, organisation and webs which are focused on hearing impairment, by the snowball method. The only one selection criterion to participate the study was the hearing loss 26 dB and more on better ear. There was no local or age selection. The final...
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Mediální reflexe spin doctoringu v kontextu audiovizuální narace posledních patnácti let / Media representation of spin doctoring in audiovisual narrative context of last fifteen yearsKopřiva, Štěpán January 2014 (has links)
This paper is dealing with media reflection (manipulative activity that is trying affect form of media texts for its own profit) which is manifesting itself in representative selection of audiovisual works. This has arisen in period from second half of the ninetieth years of 20th century to present day (namely: movies Wag the Dog, Thank You for Smoking and serial House of Cards). This paper assumes that through the analysis of this reflection is possible to learn how knowledge of possible influence of spin doctoring effects interpretation activity of audience and whole media communication. In opening, there is a definition of spin doctoring, brief outline for its history and examination of its contact points with a propaganda. After that there is narrative analysis of selected audiovisual works, comparison of spin doctor strategies in movies with existing methods of public relation and examples of manipulative influences. After that there is breakdown of media reflection of spin doctoring from position of three different theories of representation and final topic of influence of a semiotic power on form of interpretation which anticipates manipulative technologies.
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Hypertext jako lingvistický pojem / Hypertext as the Linguistics ConceptBednářová, Hana January 2014 (has links)
The goal of the master's thesis is to capture how the term hypertext is comprehended in Czech linguistics with respect to the broader context of foreign treatises. The attention is paid to the concepts from the area of text linguistics which are related to the phenomenon of hypertext: intertextuality, architextuality, pretext, and the possibility of understanding of hypertext as the highest language level is discussed. Attention is paid to the relationship of the author and the reader in the case of production and reception of hypertexts. Selectively is described hypertextuality in contemporary culture, especially fiction. Furthermore, the work focuses on the history of the use of the concept of hypertext and hypertext integration into the network theory.
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Teorie her pro nadané žáky středních škol / Game Theory for Gifted Secondary School StudentsSkálová, Alena January 2014 (has links)
The thesis contains a textbook for gifted secondary school students. Its aim is to give to these students (or to their teachers) a Czech-written text covering fundamental principles in the field of game theory. In the first part we introduce the combinatorial games and some elementary methods of their solution. The second part is devoted to the game of Nim, to the Sprague-Grundy function and to the sums of the combinatorial games. It also contains a necessary introduction to the binary numeral system. In the third part we present the concept of matrix and bimatrix games. There is a lot of exercises and examples in the textbook. At the end we bring solutions to the most of them, providing the active reader with the opportunity of checking their own solutions.
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