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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The knowledge and attitudes of the youth towards termination of pregnancy (TOP) at Dzwerani Village in Thulamela Municipality

Hadzhi, Sylvia Vuledzani 11 February 2016 (has links)
Department of Public Health / MPH

Factors influencing reproductive health choices of women living with HIV in Limpopo Province, South Africa

Thema, Moyagabo Mogau 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research study is to determine the factors influencing reproductive health choices of women living with HIV attending primary health care services. The need for this research study is evident in that most women attending health care services at primary health care clinics, and who are HIV positive report unintended pregnancy. The study sought to provide answers to factors influencing their reproductive choices. A quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional research study was used in this study. The sample consisted of 83 females between the ages of 18 and 40. The findings of the research study provided the researcher with adequate evidence on the factors influencing reproductive health choices of women living with HIV attending primary health care services. The approach to reproductive health services was still acceptable but needs to be improved. Moreover, the identified factors therefore influenced one’s perceptions on reproductive health decisions among HIV-infected women. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

The utilisation of contraceptives by women who requested termination of pregnancy services in the Gert Sibande District (Mpumalanga)

Mbokane, An 28 February 2004 (has links)
Contraceptives are available free of charge throughout South Africa. Nevertheless the number of requests for termination of pregnancy (TOP) services continues to increase. This research investigated challenges preventing women from using contraceptives effectively. Structured interviews were conducted with 47 women who requested TOP services. Gender and financial issues posed challenges for some women to access contraceptives as well as their reported inability to access contraceptives. Most (85,5%) of the respondents used contraceptives. They discontinued using contraceptives because they experienced side-effects, necessitating them to request TOPs. Knowledge about, access to, nor the actual use of contraceptive enabled these women to prevent unwanted pregnancies. More effective counselling about the side-effects of contraceptives and enhanced accessibility of contraceptives during weekends and lunch breaks could enable more women to prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduce the number of requests for TOPs in the Gert Sibande District (Mpumalanga). / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Kwantitatiewe beskrywende studie na die houding van verpleeglundiges teenoor terminasies van swangerskap binne king se sisteem teorie

Truter, Anso 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to describe the nurses‘ perception of termination of pregnancy and her perception of her conduct towards clients that request termination of pregnancy guided by Kings‘ Systems Approach and Goal Attainment Theory. A non-experimental quantitative descriptive correlational design was used. A non-probability purposive sampling method was used consisting of institutions in the Western Cape, available to participate in this study, which deliver termination of pregnancy services, gov ernment health care institutions (21) and Marie Stopes clinics (3). Non-probability convenience sampling was used consisting of registered nurses who are working in termination of pregnancy units in these facilities (N=82). Data were collected through the administration of a self-designed questionnaire. The main findings of the study indicate that respondents (personal system) appear to feel positive about the work they are doing. Formal improvement and development are however not utilised optimally. Regarding the interpersonal system, respondents also show a positive orientation to both the woman opting for termination of pregnancy and the foetus. The potential towards transaction and ultimately goal attainment reside within this system. The respondents are also positive about legislation, employers and policies (social system) relating to termination of pregnancy. This orientation creates a milieu that is conducive to transactions, interactions and goal attainment.The main recommendation is that three systems as proposed by King be continuously integrated within the termination of pregnancy setup through, amongst other measures: values clarification, management support, in service education, the inclusion of termination of pregnancy in undergraduate programmes, focus groups and the like. / Die doel van hierdie studie was om die verpleegkundige se persepsie van terminasie van swangerskap en haar persepsie van haar houding en gedrag teenoor kliёnte wat terminasie van swangerskap versoek, aan die hand van King se Sisteembenadering en Doelwitbereikingsteorie te ondersoek en te beskryf. `n Nie-eksperimentele kwantitatiewe beskrywende korrelasie navorsingsontwerp was gebruik. `n Nie-waarskynlike doelbewuste-steekproefneming van die staatsgesondheidsorg-instansies wat terminasie van swangerskapdienste aanbied, is geneem en wat beskikbaar vir hierdie studie was (21) asook die Marie Stopesdienste (3), in die Wes-Kaap. `n Nie-waarskynlike gerieflikheidsteekproefneming is van verpleegkundiges geneem wat swangerskappe in hierdie afdelings termineer of moet termineer (N=82). Data is met behulp van `n selfontwerpte vraelys ingesamel. Die hoofbevindings van die studie dui daarop dat respondente (persoonlike sisteem) positief voel oor hul werk. Formele ontwikkelingshulpbronne word egter nie optimaal deur die sisteem benut nie. Wat die interpersoonlike sisteem betref, toon respondente ook ‗n positiewe oriëntasie tot beide die vrou wat terminasie van swangerskap aanvra en die fetus. Die potensiaal tot transaksie-sluiting en uiteindelike doelwitbereiking is binne hierdie sisteem geleë. Die respondente is ook positief oor wetgewing en die werkgewer en beleid (sosiale siteem) ten opsigte van terminasie van swangerskap. Hierdie oriëntering laat ‗n milieu wat bevorderlik is vir transaksie-sluiting, interaksie en doelwitbereiking. Die hoofaanbeveling is dat voortdurend gepoog moet word na die integrasie van King se drie sisteme binne die terminasie van swangerskapafdelings deur onder meer: waarde-uitklaringswerkswinkels, ondersteuning van bestuur, indiensopleiding, die insluiting van terminasie van swangerskap in voorgraadse kurrikula, fokusgroepe en so meer. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Gesondheidstudies)

The utilisation of contraceptives by women who requested termination of pregnancy services in the Gert Sibande District (Mpumalanga)

Mbokane, An 28 February 2004 (has links)
Contraceptives are available free of charge throughout South Africa. Nevertheless the number of requests for termination of pregnancy (TOP) services continues to increase. This research investigated challenges preventing women from using contraceptives effectively. Structured interviews were conducted with 47 women who requested TOP services. Gender and financial issues posed challenges for some women to access contraceptives as well as their reported inability to access contraceptives. Most (85,5%) of the respondents used contraceptives. They discontinued using contraceptives because they experienced side-effects, necessitating them to request TOPs. Knowledge about, access to, nor the actual use of contraceptive enabled these women to prevent unwanted pregnancies. More effective counselling about the side-effects of contraceptives and enhanced accessibility of contraceptives during weekends and lunch breaks could enable more women to prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduce the number of requests for TOPs in the Gert Sibande District (Mpumalanga). / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Kwantitatiewe beskrywende studie na die houding van verpleeglundiges teenoor terminasies van swangerskap binne king se sisteem teorie

Truter, Anso 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to describe the nurses‘ perception of termination of pregnancy and her perception of her conduct towards clients that request termination of pregnancy guided by Kings‘ Systems Approach and Goal Attainment Theory. A non-experimental quantitative descriptive correlational design was used. A non-probability purposive sampling method was used consisting of institutions in the Western Cape, available to participate in this study, which deliver termination of pregnancy services, gov ernment health care institutions (21) and Marie Stopes clinics (3). Non-probability convenience sampling was used consisting of registered nurses who are working in termination of pregnancy units in these facilities (N=82). Data were collected through the administration of a self-designed questionnaire. The main findings of the study indicate that respondents (personal system) appear to feel positive about the work they are doing. Formal improvement and development are however not utilised optimally. Regarding the interpersonal system, respondents also show a positive orientation to both the woman opting for termination of pregnancy and the foetus. The potential towards transaction and ultimately goal attainment reside within this system. The respondents are also positive about legislation, employers and policies (social system) relating to termination of pregnancy. This orientation creates a milieu that is conducive to transactions, interactions and goal attainment.The main recommendation is that three systems as proposed by King be continuously integrated within the termination of pregnancy setup through, amongst other measures: values clarification, management support, in service education, the inclusion of termination of pregnancy in undergraduate programmes, focus groups and the like. / Die doel van hierdie studie was om die verpleegkundige se persepsie van terminasie van swangerskap en haar persepsie van haar houding en gedrag teenoor kliёnte wat terminasie van swangerskap versoek, aan die hand van King se Sisteembenadering en Doelwitbereikingsteorie te ondersoek en te beskryf. `n Nie-eksperimentele kwantitatiewe beskrywende korrelasie navorsingsontwerp was gebruik. `n Nie-waarskynlike doelbewuste-steekproefneming van die staatsgesondheidsorg-instansies wat terminasie van swangerskapdienste aanbied, is geneem en wat beskikbaar vir hierdie studie was (21) asook die Marie Stopesdienste (3), in die Wes-Kaap. `n Nie-waarskynlike gerieflikheidsteekproefneming is van verpleegkundiges geneem wat swangerskappe in hierdie afdelings termineer of moet termineer (N=82). Data is met behulp van `n selfontwerpte vraelys ingesamel. Die hoofbevindings van die studie dui daarop dat respondente (persoonlike sisteem) positief voel oor hul werk. Formele ontwikkelingshulpbronne word egter nie optimaal deur die sisteem benut nie. Wat die interpersoonlike sisteem betref, toon respondente ook ‗n positiewe oriëntasie tot beide die vrou wat terminasie van swangerskap aanvra en die fetus. Die potensiaal tot transaksie-sluiting en uiteindelike doelwitbereiking is binne hierdie sisteem geleë. Die respondente is ook positief oor wetgewing en die werkgewer en beleid (sosiale siteem) ten opsigte van terminasie van swangerskap. Hierdie oriëntering laat ‗n milieu wat bevorderlik is vir transaksie-sluiting, interaksie en doelwitbereiking. Die hoofaanbeveling is dat voortdurend gepoog moet word na die integrasie van King se drie sisteme binne die terminasie van swangerskapafdelings deur onder meer: waarde-uitklaringswerkswinkels, ondersteuning van bestuur, indiensopleiding, die insluiting van terminasie van swangerskap in voorgraadse kurrikula, fokusgroepe en so meer. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Gesondheidstudies)

Contraceptive practices in Northern Tshwane, Gauteng Province

Maja, Todd Mamutle Mavis 11 1900 (has links)
Unwanted and unintended pregnancies pose major reproductive health challenges to women throughout the world. Despite the availability of modern contraceptives, many women and men fail to use contraceptives effectively. This research focussed on reasons for not using contraceptives effectively in the Northern Tshwane area of the Gauteng Province of the Republic of South Africa (RSA). Structured interviews were conducted with 83 women and 71 men about their contraceptive practices. Age, religion, educational level and residential areas influenced clients' contraceptive practices. These results were categorised for adult males and females as well as for adolescent males and females. Adolescents encountered problems in accessing contraceptive services. Adult females knew most about traditional contraceptives, although men knew about some of these methods, and adolescents used some of them. All respondents could gain additional knowledge about modern contraceptives. The respondents' knowledge about · emergency contraceptives was extremely limited. Although most respondents knew about legalised choice on.termination of pregnancy (CTOP) services in the RSA, they did not know when nor how to access these services. Nurses working in contraceptive health services, revealed during a focus group discussion that a lack of resources (including shortages of malcondoms, contraceptive injections and oral contraceptives) hampered the quality of services that could be rendered. Of particular concern was the nonavailability of Norplant implants and female condoms. Nurses expressed a need for pecific national policy guidelines about supplying contraception to adolescents. Although most nurses knew about emergency contraceptives, they did not promote its use because they assumed that clients would misuse emergency contraceptives.instead of using contraceptives regularly. The nurses indicated that very few facilities offered CTOP services. The nurses regarded women who obtained repeated CTOPs to be misusing these services and suggested that limitations should be placed on the number-of times any woman could obtain such services. The negative attitudes of community members and of colleagues towards persons working in CTOP services caused hardships for them. Recommendations address ways in which contraceptive services could be improved. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Advanced Nursing Sciences)

Tertiary students' experiences and needs related to unplanned pregnancies and the termination of pregnancy : practice guidelines for psychosocial support

Conradie, Lynette 01 1900 (has links)
The prevalence of and increase in unplanned pregnancies (UPs) and the termination of pregnancy (TOP) amongst tertiary students (TSs) have been found to have a detrimental impact on students, their significant others, and tertiary institutions. UPs amongst TSs have been mentioned as one of the factors contributing to the problem of high dropout rates, which calls for an investigation of this phenomenon and strategies to address it. Despite the need for support to TSs who find themselves in the predicament of an UP and/or TOP, a lacuna has been found with specific reference to practice guidelines from the ambit of social work to assist service providers (SPs) in the provision of psychosocial support services to the said students. To explore and describe the experiences, support, and support needs of TSs presenting with UPs and/or TOPs from the perspectives of these students and the SPs rendering services to them, as well as to gather suggestions from them to inform practice guidelines for psychosocial support, the qualitative research approach, designs, and methods of data collection were used to collect data from six TS- and 23 SP-participants that were purposively recruited. Presenting the findings against the backdrop of Schlossberg’s Transition Process Model (Schlossberg, 2011 & 1981), adopted as theoretical framework for the study, the following emerged: Experiencing an UP and/or TOP is a traumatic crisis event for TSs, which rings in a transition resulting in imminent and fundamental changes in their academic and social life, relationships, outlook on life, and self-image, as well as a smorgasbord of feelings and emotional reactions such as shock, denial, guilt, shame, loneliness, depression and anger following this event. The UP-crisis is arrested by deciding how to manage it (either through parenting, foster care, adoption, or TOP). This decision-making process is perceived as difficult with the formal and/or informal convoy of support, or lack thereof, having a decisive influence on the outcome of how the UP is managed. Apart from TS-participants’ appraisal of the support that they received in dealing with this life event, they articulated several support needs and suggestions for themselves and other TSs alike. The SPparticipants also offered several suggestions on how psychosocial support to a TS confronted with this phenomenon should be provided. The suggestions from both participant groups informed the practice guidelines to assist SPs in providing psychosocial support to TSs presenting with an UP and/or TOP. These guidelines focus specifically on how to establish a helping relationship with a TS presenting with the concern of an UP and/or a TOP, and how to assess and intervene in the situation, the self, the support, and the (coping) strategies surrounding the TS’s UP and/or TOP. In addition, recommendations for university policies on student pregnancies, social work practice, and further research were made. / Social Work / D. Phil. (Social Work)

Contraceptive practices in Northern Tshwane, Gauteng Province

Maja, Todd Mamutle Mavis 11 1900 (has links)
Unwanted and unintended pregnancies pose major reproductive health challenges to women throughout the world. Despite the availability of modern contraceptives, many women and men fail to use contraceptives effectively. This research focussed on reasons for not using contraceptives effectively in the Northern Tshwane area of the Gauteng Province of the Republic of South Africa (RSA). Structured interviews were conducted with 83 women and 71 men about their contraceptive practices. Age, religion, educational level and residential areas influenced clients' contraceptive practices. These results were categorised for adult males and females as well as for adolescent males and females. Adolescents encountered problems in accessing contraceptive services. Adult females knew most about traditional contraceptives, although men knew about some of these methods, and adolescents used some of them. All respondents could gain additional knowledge about modern contraceptives. The respondents' knowledge about · emergency contraceptives was extremely limited. Although most respondents knew about legalised choice on.termination of pregnancy (CTOP) services in the RSA, they did not know when nor how to access these services. Nurses working in contraceptive health services, revealed during a focus group discussion that a lack of resources (including shortages of malcondoms, contraceptive injections and oral contraceptives) hampered the quality of services that could be rendered. Of particular concern was the nonavailability of Norplant implants and female condoms. Nurses expressed a need for pecific national policy guidelines about supplying contraception to adolescents. Although most nurses knew about emergency contraceptives, they did not promote its use because they assumed that clients would misuse emergency contraceptives.instead of using contraceptives regularly. The nurses indicated that very few facilities offered CTOP services. The nurses regarded women who obtained repeated CTOPs to be misusing these services and suggested that limitations should be placed on the number-of times any woman could obtain such services. The negative attitudes of community members and of colleagues towards persons working in CTOP services caused hardships for them. Recommendations address ways in which contraceptive services could be improved. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Advanced Nursing Sciences)

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