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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ecologia e comportamento de Callicebus bernhardi em um fragmento florestal em Rond?nia, Brasil

Lopes, Karine Galisteo Diemer 02 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-08-23T14:10:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_KARINE_GALISTEO_DIEMER_LOPES_COMPLETO.pdf: 1571493 bytes, checksum: 811faf594fd59b23eacd2d48acfde1ad (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-23T14:10:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_KARINE_GALISTEO_DIEMER_LOPES_COMPLETO.pdf: 1571493 bytes, checksum: 811faf594fd59b23eacd2d48acfde1ad (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-02 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / Titi monkeys (Callicebus) are well-known for their secondary and anthropogenic forest environments. However, there is scanty information on the ecology and behavior of most species. This study reports the results of the first study on the ecology and behavior of the Prince Bernhard?s titi monkey (Callicebus bernhardi). A group composed of four individuals (an adult male, an adult female, a young male, and a young female) inhabiting a forest fragment of 2.3 ha in Rolim de Moura, Rond?nia, Brazil, was followed for thirteen 7-day sampling periods (total=90 days and 1,010 hours of observation) from March to September 2015. The study covered both the rainy (March-May and September) and the dry (June-August) season. The behavior was recorded by the instantaneous scan sampling method, resulting in 20,023 records. Food availability was estimated based on an overall floristic survey together with data from phenologic and invertebrate surveys conducted every two weeks immediately before each behavioral sampling period. Resting was the most frequent behavior (45.2%), followed by moving (28.5%), feeding (17.4%), and social behaviors (7.5%). The diet was predominantly frugivorous (78% of feeding records), supplemented with flowers (6%), leaves (5.9%), invertebrates (4.5%) and seeds (1%). The activity budget and diet composition varied during the study. The behavior of titi monkeys during resting was consistent with a behavioral thermoregulation strategy. Sitting was the primary resting posture (62%), but the titis increased the use of heat dissipating postures with increasing air temperature. Additionally, air temperature influenced microhabitat selection, affecting the animals? height in the canopy and their exposure to sunshine. We conclude that C. bernhardi inhabiting a small forest fragment shows an activity budget and diet similar to other titi monkey species and uses behavioral thermoregulation strategies to avoid body overheating similar to those recorded for other primates experiencing high ambient temperature. / Os zogue-zogues (Callicebus) s?o conhecidos por sua associa??o com ambientes florestais secund?rios e antropizados. Apesar da grande diversidade do g?nero, pouco se sabe sobre a ecologia e o comportamento da maioria das esp?cies. Essa pesquisa relata os resultados do primeiro estudo sobre a ecologia e o comportamento do zogue-zogue-do-Pr?ncipe-Bernhard (Callicebus bernhardi). Um grupo de quatro indiv?duos (um macho adulto, uma f?mea adulta, um macho jovem e uma f?mea jovem) habitante de um fragmento florestal de 2,3 ha em Rolim de Moura, Rond?nia, foi acompanhado durante 13 per?odos amostrais de sete dias (total=90 dias) entre mar?o e setembro de 2015. Os per?odos de mar?o a maio e setembro corresponderam ? ?poca chuvosa e o de junho a agosto, ? ?poca seca. O comportamento foi registrado pelo m?todo de varredura instant?nea. A disponibilidade de alimentos foi estimada a partir de levantamentos flor?sticos, fenol?gicos e de invertebrados realizados a cada duas semanas logo antes da coleta de dados comportamentais. Um total de 20.023 registros foi obtido em 1.010 h de observa??o. O descanso foi o comportamento mais frequente (45,2%), seguido pela locomo??o (28,5%), alimenta??o (17,4%) e comportamentos sociais (7,5%). A dieta do grupo foi predominante frug?vora (78% dos registros de alimenta??o), complementada com flores (6%), folhas (5,9%), invertebrados (4,5%) e sementes (1%). O padr?o de atividades e a composi??o da dieta variaram ao longo do estudo. O comportamento dos zogue-zogues durante o descanso foi condizente com uma estrat?gia comportamental de termorregula??o. Os animais descansaram principalmente sentados (62%), mas aumentaram o uso de posturas de descanso dissipadoras de calor com o aumento da temperatura ambiente. Al?m disso, a temperatura ambiente influenciou o microhabitat de descanso, afetando a altura na copa e a exposi??o dos animais ao sol. Conclu?mos que C. bernhardi habitante de um pequeno fragmento florestal apresenta padr?o de atividades e dieta semelhantes a outras esp?cies do g?nero e usa estrat?gias comportamentais de termorregula??o para evitar o superaquecimento corporal semelhantes ?s observadas em outros primatas sob altas temperaturas ambiente.

Efeitos do resfriamento cr??nio-cervical sobre a eleva????o da temperatura central e respostas psicofisiol??gicas associadas, durante dois modelos de exerc??cio realizados em ambiente quente

Silva, Renato Andr?? Sousa da 26 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-04-17T19:48:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RenatoAndreSousadaSilvaTese2016.pdf: 2035760 bytes, checksum: 9fe81429a4fb823f8dc8395ec71df1ae (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-04-17T19:48:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 RenatoAndreSousadaSilvaTese2016.pdf: 2035760 bytes, checksum: 9fe81429a4fb823f8dc8395ec71df1ae (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-17T19:48:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RenatoAndreSousadaSilvaTese2016.pdf: 2035760 bytes, checksum: 9fe81429a4fb823f8dc8395ec71df1ae (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-26 / Introduction: Previous studies have found that cerebral cooling is effective to decrease the elevation in core temperature during exercises performed in hot environment. Furthermore, other have shown that the rate of increase in core temperature may vary according to the exercise mode under consideration; in contrast to self-paced exercise, controled-pace exercise requires greater muscle recruitment, thereby inducing higher increase in core temperature. The aim of this study was to examine the acute effects of cranial-cervical cooling in the rate of increase of core temperature, and physiological and psychological responses during controlled-pace and self-paced exercises performed in hot environment. Methods: Ten cyclists took part in the study, they underwent 3 preliminary sessions under ~21 ??C and 4 experimental sessions in hyperthermia (~33 ??C), that is: self-paced exercise with or without central cooling (ESP33 e ESP33C); and controlled-pace exercise with or without central cooling (ECP33 e ECP33C). In both the exercise modes they completed 20km cycling trial either in a self-paced manner anchored in ratings of perceived exertion (RPE = 16), or in a controlled-pace manner with intensity set at the mean power output recorded during preliminary self-paced exercise session under ~21 ??C. Core and peripheral temperature, cardiopulmonary and perceptive measures were obtained during exercises, while maximal voluntary muscle torque, body mass and urine density were obtained prior and post exercises. Mean responses, as well as the rate of increase in core temperature and RPE along the exercises with or without cooling were compared. Results: The control trials showed that ESP e ECP were submaximal, and affected by the elevation in environment temperature (21 ??C vs 33??C). Regarding the responses to the cranial-cervical cooling, there were cooling main effects due to reduction in exercise time, increases in power output, reduction in mean core temperature and its rate of increase. Additionally, there was lower RPE and thermal sensation. Only the oxygen uptake showed exercise mode main effects, with greater values in ECP. No exercise mode by cooling interaction effects was observed. Conclusion: The central cooling was effective to increase the motor performance, likely due to the attenuated increase in core temperature and RPE. However, the exercise mode did not determine to these responses. / Introdu????o: Estudos anteriores observaram que o resfriamento central ?? efetivo para atenuar a taxa de eleva????o da temperatura central ao longo do exerc??cio realizado em hipertermia. Demonstram tamb??m, que a taxa de eleva????o da temperatura central pode depender do modelo de exerc??cio praticado; exerc??cios com ritmo controlado, ao contr??rio de exerc??cios com ritmo auto-ajustado, requerem maior recrutamento muscular e, consequentemente, apresentam maior eleva????o da temperatura central. O objetivo deste estudo foi examinar os efeitos agudos do resfriamento cr??nio-cervical sobre a taxa de eleva????o da temperatura central, respostas fisiol??gicas e perceptivas associadas, durante exerc??cios de ritmo auto-ajustado e ritmo controlado, realizados em ambiente quente. M??todos: Participaram do estudo dez ciclistas experientes e aclimatados ao calor, os quais foram submetidos a 4 sess??es preliminares em 21 ??C e 4 sess??es experimentais em hipertermia (33 ??C), a saber: exerc??cio com ritmo auto-ajustado sem e com resfriamento cr??nio-cervical (EAA33 e EAA33R); e exerc??cio com ritmo controlado sem e com resfriamento cr??nio-cervical (ECON33 e ECON33R). Em ambos os modelos, os participantes completaram 20 km; ou com ritmo auto-ajustado, controlado pela percep????o subjetiva de esfor??o (PSE = 16), ou ritmo controlado, em intensidade fixa, correspondente ?? intensidade m??dia gerada na sess??o preliminar de exerc??cio com ritmo auto-ajustado em 21 ??C. Medidas de temperatura central e perif??rica, cardiopulmonares e psicol??gicas foram obtidas durante a realiza????o dos exerc??cios, enquanto medidas do torque muscular volunt??rio m??ximo, massa corp??rea e densidade da urina, foram realizadas antes e ap??s os exerc??cios. Respostas m??dias e a taxa de modifica????o da temperatura retal (TR) e percep????o subjetiva de esfor??o (PSE) ao longo dos diferentes modelos de exerc??cio, sem e com resfriamento, foram comparadas. Resultados: Os testes controle evidenciaram que o EAA e ECON foram de intensidade subm??xima, e foram influenciados pelo aumento da temperatura ambiente (21 ??C vs 33??C). Quanto as respostas frente ao resfriamento cr??nio-cervical, foram verificados efeitos principais, em fun????o da redu????o do tempo total, eleva????o da pot??ncia mec??nica produzida, atenua????o da TR e de sua taxa de eleva????o; al??m da menor PSE (geral e local) e sensa????o t??rmica. Com rela????o aos efeitos principais do modelo de exerc??cio, somente o consumo de oxig??ncio foi modificado com maiores valores em ECON. Efeitos do resfriamento foram detectados sobre a TR e sua taxa de eleva????o, pois foram reduzidas em ambos os modelos de exerc??cio. Nenhum efeito de intera????o foi observado nas vari??veis medidas. Conclus??o: O resfriamento central foi efetivo na eleva????o do desempenho motor, possivelmente mediado por uma atenua????o da eleva????o da temperatura central e altera????o na PSE. Entretanto, o modelo de exerc??cio n??o foi determinante para a observa????o destas respostas.

Rela??o entre hipertens?o arterial sist?mica e efici?ncia da troca de calor durante a recupera??o ao exerc?cio f?sico realizado em ambiente quente

Fonseca, Sueli Ferreira da 21 February 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2014-12-18T13:21:35Z No. of bitstreams: 2 sueli _ferreira_fonseca.PDF: 1277078 bytes, checksum: c3e25c025db3373add587a848bee3c7d (MD5) license_rdf: 22974 bytes, checksum: 99c771d9f0b9c46790009b9874d49253 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2014-12-18T17:55:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 sueli _ferreira_fonseca.PDF: 1277078 bytes, checksum: c3e25c025db3373add587a848bee3c7d (MD5) license_rdf: 22974 bytes, checksum: 99c771d9f0b9c46790009b9874d49253 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2014-12-18T17:59:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 sueli _ferreira_fonseca.PDF: 1277078 bytes, checksum: c3e25c025db3373add587a848bee3c7d (MD5) license_rdf: 22974 bytes, checksum: 99c771d9f0b9c46790009b9874d49253 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-18T17:59:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 sueli _ferreira_fonseca.PDF: 1277078 bytes, checksum: c3e25c025db3373add587a848bee3c7d (MD5) license_rdf: 22974 bytes, checksum: 99c771d9f0b9c46790009b9874d49253 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (Capes) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq) / A hipertens?o arterial sist?mica essencial parece estar associada com hipertonia simp?tica dependente da atividade colin?rgica central. Dessa forma, hipertensos poderiam apresentar respostas de dissipa??o de calor aprimoradas, especialmente durante a recupera??o do exerc?cio f?sico moderado realizado sob condi??o de estresse t?rmico. Diante disso, o objetivo do estudo foi avaliar as respostas termorregulat?rias de sujeitos hipertensos durante e na recupera??o de exerc?cio f?sico de intensidade moderada realizado em ambiente quente. Para tanto, oito hipertensos essenciais (H) e oito normotensos (N) (idade: 46,5?1,3 e 45,6?1,4 anos; ?ndice de massa corporal: 25,8?0,8 e 25,6?0,6 kg/m2; press?o arterial m?dia: 98,0?2,8 e 86,0?2,3 mmHg, respectivamente) permaneceram na c?mara ambiental (38?C e 60% umidade relativa do ar) durante 2h e 30 minutos (30 minutos em repouso, 1h de exerc?cio na esteira (50% VO2pico) e 1h em recupera??o do exerc?cio). Temperaturas da pele e corporal interna, frequ?ncia card?aca e press?o arterial foram mensuradas. C?lculos de produ??o de calor, taxa de ac?mulo de calor, temperatura corporal, troca de calor por radia??o, convec??o, e atrav?s do trato respirat?rio e suor evaporado foram realizados a partir das vari?veis coletadas. Como resultados, a press?o arterial m?dia dos hipertensos foi maior do que dos normotensos durante todo o protocolo experimental (p < 0,05). Apesar dos par?metros termorregulat?rios avaliados n?o terem sido diferentes entre grupos hipertensos e normotensos em repouso e durante o exerc?cio f?sico no calor, os hipertensos apresentaram menor quantidade de calor acumulado (H: -24,23 ? 3,39 W/m?, N: -13,63 ? 2,24 W/m?, p = 0,03), maior varia??o na temperatura corporal (H: -0,62 ? 0,05 ?C, N: -0,35? 0,12 ?C, p = 0,03) e maior quantidade de suor evaporado (H: -106,1 ? 4,59 W/m?, N: -91,15 ? 3,24 W/m?, p = 0,01) no per?odo de recupera??o p?s-exerc?cio. Al?m disso, a quantidade de suor evaporado relacionou-se com calor acumulado (r = 0,82, p < 0,001) e com a varia??o da temperatura corporal durante a recupera??o p?s-exerc?cio f?sico (r = 0,82, p < 0,001). Concluindo, indiv?duos hipertensos essenciais, em uso dos medicamentos iECA e diur?ticos, apresentam dissipa??o de calor acumulado aprimorada, por meio da evapora??o do suor e, consequentemente, maior resfriamento corporal durante a recupera??o de exerc?cio f?sico de intensidade moderado em ambiente quente. Methods: A total of 8 essential hypertensive (H) and 8 normotensive participants (N) (age: 46.5 ? 1.3 and 45.6 ? 1.4 years, BMI: 25.8 ? 0.8 and 25.6 ? 0.6 kg/m2, mean arterial pressure: 98.0 ? 2.8 and 86.0 ? 2.3 mmHg, respectively) remained in the environmental chamber (38 ?C and 60 % relative humidity) for 2 hours and 30 minutes (30 min at rest, 1 h of treadmill exercise at 50 % of VO2max and 1 h at rest during recovery exercise). Skin and core temperatures, heart rate and blood pressure were measured. Calculations of heat production, heat storage, mean body temperature, heat exchange by radiation, convection and evaporated sweat were performed from the collected variables. Results: The mean blood pressure of the hypertensive subjects was higher than of the normotensive participants throughout the experimental protocol (p < 0.05). Although the thermoregulatory parameters evaluated did not differ between groups at rest and during exercise, the hypertensive subjects had lower amounts of heat storage (H: -24.23 ? 3.39 W/m?, N: -13.63 ? 2,2.4 W/m?, p = 0.03), greater variations in body temperature (H: -0.62 ? 0.05 ?C, N: -0.35? 0.12 ?C, p = 0.03), and a greater amount of evaporated sweat (H: -106.1 ? 4.59 W/m?, N: -91.15 ? 3.24 W/m?, p = 0.01) during the recovery period. Furthermore, the amount of evaporated sweat correlated with heat storage (r = -0.82; p < 0.001) and with the variation in mean body temperature during the recovery period (r = -0.82; p < 0.001). Conclusion: Essential hypertensive participants present with improved sweat evaporation and greater heat dissipation and body cooling during recovery from moderate-intensity exercise performed in the heat. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa Multic?ntrico de P?s-gradua??o em Ci?ncias Fisiol?gicas, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2014. / ABSTRACT Purpose: The systemic arterial hypertension is associated with sympathetic hypertonia dependent on central cholinergic activity. Thus, it is believed that hypertensive individuals have an enhanced response of heat dissipation, especially during recovery from moderate-intensity exercise performed under heat stress conditions. Thus, the aim of this study was to examine the thermoregulatory responses of hypertensive subjects during and after (recovery period) moderate-intensity exercise performed in the heat. Methods: A total of 8 essential hypertensive (H) and 8 normotensive participants (N) (age: 46.5 ? 1.3 and 45.6 ? 1.4 years, BMI: 25.8 ? 0.8 and 25.6 ? 0.6 kg/m2, mean arterial pressure: 98.0 ? 2.8 and 86.0 ? 2.3 mmHg, respectively) remained in the environmental chamber (38 ?C and 60 % relative humidity) for 2 hours and 30 minutes (30 min at rest, 1 h of treadmill exercise at 50 % of VO2max and 1 h at rest during recovery exercise). Skin and core temperatures, heart rate and blood pressure were measured. Calculations of heat production, heat storage, mean body temperature, heat exchange by radiation, convection and evaporated sweat were performed from the collected variables. Results: The mean blood pressure of the hypertensive subjects was higher than of the normotensive participants throughout the experimental protocol (p < 0.05). Although the thermoregulatory parameters evaluated did not differ between groups at rest and during exercise, the hypertensive subjects had lower amounts of heat storage (H: -24.23 ? 3.39 W/m?, N: -13.63 ? 2,2.4 W/m?, p = 0.03), greater variations in body temperature (H: -0.62 ? 0.05 ?C, N: -0.35? 0.12 ?C, p = 0.03), and a greater amount of evaporated sweat (H: -106.1 ? 4.59 W/m?, N: -91.15 ? 3.24 W/m?, p = 0.01) during the recovery period. Furthermore, the amount of evaporated sweat correlated with heat storage (r = -0.82; p < 0.001) and with the variation in mean body temperature during the recovery period (r = -0.82; p < 0.001). Conclusion: Essential hypertensive participants present with improved sweat evaporation and greater heat dissipation and body cooling during recovery from moderate-intensity exercise performed in the heat. Methods: A total of 8 essential hypertensive (H) and 8 normotensive participants (N) (age: 46.5 ? 1.3 and 45.6 ? 1.4 years, BMI: 25.8 ? 0.8 and 25.6 ? 0.6 kg/m2, mean arterial pressure: 98.0 ? 2.8 and 86.0 ? 2.3 mmHg, respectively) remained in the environmental chamber (38 ?C and 60 % relative humidity) for 2 hours and 30 minutes (30 min at rest, 1 h of treadmill exercise at 50 % of VO2max and 1 h at rest during recovery exercise). Skin and core temperatures, heart rate and blood pressure were measured. Calculations of heat production, heat storage, mean body temperature, heat exchange by radiation, convection and evaporated sweat were performed from the collected variables. Results: The mean blood pressure of the hypertensive subjects was higher than of the normotensive participants throughout the experimental protocol (p < 0.05). Although the thermoregulatory parameters evaluated did not differ between groups at rest and during exercise, the hypertensive subjects had lower amounts of heat storage (H: -24.23 ? 3.39 W/m?, N: -13.63 ? 2,2.4 W/m?, p = 0.03), greater variations in body temperature (H: -0.62 ? 0.05 ?C, N: -0.35? 0.12 ?C, p = 0.03), and a greater amount of evaporated sweat (H: -106.1 ? 4.59 W/m?, N: -91.15 ? 3.24 W/m?, p = 0.01) during the recovery period. Furthermore, the amount of evaporated sweat correlated with heat storage (r = -0.82; p < 0.001) and with the variation in mean body temperature during the recovery period (r = -0.82; p < 0.001). Conclusion: Essential hypertensive participants present with improved sweat evaporation and greater heat dissipation and body cooling during recovery from moderate-intensity exercise performed in the heat.

Participa??o do sistema colin?rgico central na modula??o das respostas cardiovasculares e termorregulat?rias em ratos espontaneamente hipertensos

Fonseca, Sueli Ferreira da 15 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-07-06T16:35:49Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) sueli_ferreira_fonseca.pdf: 2207045 bytes, checksum: cbbd1940c41e5fff7fb9ea96ff6381c6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-07-18T13:14:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) sueli_ferreira_fonseca.pdf: 2207045 bytes, checksum: cbbd1940c41e5fff7fb9ea96ff6381c6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-18T13:14:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) sueli_ferreira_fonseca.pdf: 2207045 bytes, checksum: cbbd1940c41e5fff7fb9ea96ff6381c6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / Existem evid?ncias que a estimula??o colin?rgica central aumenta a dissipa??o de calor em ratos normotensos como consequ?ncia de altera??es cardiovasculares via modula??o da atividade barorreflexa. No entanto, n?o h? dados publicados sobre o envolvimento do sistema colin?rgico central nestas respostas em modelo experimental que apresenta altera??o da sensibilidade dos barorreceptores e d?ficit termorregulat?rio. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar o envolvimento do sistema colin?rgico central na modula??o das repostas cardiovasculares e termorregulat?rias durante o repouso e exerc?cio f?sico em ratos espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR). Ratos Wistar machos (n = 33) e SHR (n = 33) foram implantados com uma c?nula intracerebroventricular (icv) para inje??es de 2 ?L de fisostigmina (fis) ou solu??o salina (sal). Temperaturas da cauda (Tcauda) e corporal interna (Tint), press?o arterial sist?lica (PAS), frequ?ncia card?aca (FC) e taxa metab?lica foram registradas durante os 60 minutos em que os ratos permaneceram em repouso, bem como durante o exerc?cio f?sico at? a fadiga ap?s inje??es icv randomizadas. Na situa??o repouso, o tratamento com fis iniciou uma sucess?o de respostas cardiovasculares e termorregulat?rias que resultaram em aumento da PAS, redu??o da FC e aumento de Tcauda nos grupos Wistar e SHR. A magnitude da ativa??o desses mecanismos foi mais intensa no SHR, afetando a Tint e melhorando a dissipa??o de calor. Durante o exerc?cio f?sico, o tratamento com fis foi capaz de modular as repostas cardiovasculares promovendo aumento significativo da PAS, seguido de bradicardia reflexa em ratos SHR e Wistar. Estas respostas foram mais intensas nos ratos Wistar. N?o houve diferen?a significativa para a Tcauda e Tint no grupo SHR fis em rela??o ao grupo sal. Entretanto, fis impactou positivamente no desempenho f?sico. Em conjunto, esses resultados fornecem evid?ncias que, durante a situa??o de repouso, a estimula??o colin?rgica central modula as repostas termorregulat?rias por meio de mudan?as no sistema cardiovascular de ratos Wistar e SHR, sendo que essas respostas s?o mais acentuadas em ratos SHR impactando na dissipa??o de calor. Durante o exerc?cio f?sico, a administra??o central de fis promove altera??es no sistema cardiovascular de ratos normotensos e hipertensos. Apesar dessas altera??es n?o terem sido suficientes para ajustar as respostas termorregulat?rias em ratos SHR, impactaram positivamente no desempenho f?sico. / Tese (Doutorado) ? Programa Multic?ntrico de P?s-Gradua??o em Ci?ncias Fisiol?gicas, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. / There is evidence that central cholinergic stimulation increases heat dissipation in normotensive rats through changes on the cardiovascular system via modulation of baroreceptors function. However, there is no published data regarding the involvement of the central cholinergic system in cardiovascular and thermoregulatory responses in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), which are animals that possess altered baroreceptor sensitivity and thermoregulatory deficit. Therefore, the aim of this study was to verify the involvement of the central cholinergic system in cardiovascular and thermoregulatory adjustments in SHR. Male Wistar (n = 33) and SHR (n = 33) rats were implanted with an intracerebroventricular (icv) cannula for injections of 2 ?L of physostigmine (phy) or saline (sal) solution. Tail (Ttail) and internal body temperatures (Tint), systolic arterial pressure (SAP), heart rate (HR) and metabolic rate were registered during 60 minutes while the animals remained at rest and during exercise until fatigue after randomly receiving the injections. Phy treatment started a succession of cardiovascular and thermoregulatory responses that resulted in increased SAP, reduced HR and increased Ttail in both Wistar and SHR groups. The magnitude of the activation of these mechanisms seems to be more intense in SHR, even affecting the Tint, and improve heat dissipation. During physical exercise, the phy treatment was able to modulate the cardiovascular responses promoting a significant increase of SAP, followed by reflex bradycardia in SHR and Wistar rats. These responses were more intense in Wistar rats. There was no significant difference for Ttail and Tint in the SHR group, however, phy positively impacted the physical performance. Taken together, these results provide evidence that at rest the central cholinergic stimulation modulates thermoregulatory responses through changes in the cardiovascular system of Wistar and SHR rats, and SHR rats presented greater cardiovascular and thermoregulatory responses than normotensive rats after central cholinergic stimulation. During physical exercise the central administration of phy promotes adjustments in the cardiovascular system of normotensive and hypertensive rats. Although these adjustments were not sufficient to pair the thermoregulatory responses in SHR rats, they had a positive impact on physical performance.

A argamassa cimento-vermiculita na constru??o de colm?ias modelo Langstroth

CIDREIRA, Rodolfo Gon?alves 15 April 2003 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-09-19T18:59:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2003 - Rodolfo Gon?alves Cidreira.pdf: 722635 bytes, checksum: 63e736c0ca9789c17ca28fc8da29134d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-19T18:59:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2003 - Rodolfo Gon?alves Cidreira.pdf: 722635 bytes, checksum: 63e736c0ca9789c17ca28fc8da29134d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-04-15 / FAPERJ / The expanded vermiculite is a light-weighted and cheap product that, for its thermal resistance, has become a valuable insulating material, oftently used in engineering. Brazilian Apiculture is currently facing some obstacles to produce wooden hives. Regarding the similar physical properties within the wood, the hives made of cement-vermiculite mortar (CVM) have been tested in order to find out if it shows also similar biological responses to the wooden hives. This study took place in a tropical region ((22?45?28"S, 43?41?05"W), during eight months. Standard Langstroth hives (n=20) were built, and used in an apiary containing Africanized honeybees colonies from equal strength (one super) and queen line. The CVM boxes and colonies were compared with control one (wooden made) in a completely randomized design, with two factors (beginning and end of the study, with and without bees) and 5 repetitions/treatment, which were used in order to test the colony performance patterns: thermal control, flight activity, area of wax comb production and storage of food, weight of the super, honey collected and its chemical analysis. The standard CVM hive (2 supers) weights about 21.66 kg and its cost requirement (US$15.19) was 28.50% cheaper than the wooden hives cost. There were no significant differences between the hives performance. The honey quality sampled in both types of material followed the pattern of the schedule chemical analysis. Although the experiment time was restricted, the results allow us to recommend this new material (CVM) to small or poor beekeepers, to regions that need wood extraction prevention and to tropical regions. For it cannot be transported, the CVM hives must not be used for migratory activity. Hives made of cement-vermiculite mortar have been studied for two years now, and more time is needed to further observations. / A vermiculita expandida ? um material isolante e muito utilizada pela engenharia. Nesta pesquisa, tendo como proposta a constru??o de caixas de abelhas com argamassa cimento-vermiculita (ACV), testou-se se este material apresenta respostas f?sicas e biol?gicas semelhantes ?s caixas constru?das de madeira. Esse estudo foi realizado em uma regi?o tropical (22?45?28"S, 43?41?05"W) durante oito meses. As caixas, modelo Langstroth, foram constru?das, instaladas e povoadas em um api?rio de col?nias de abelhas Africanizadas, com a mesma popula??o e parentesco da rainha. Acompanhou-se a temperatura interna, avaliou-se a condutividade t?rmica e a perda evaporativa das caixas de madeira e de ACV, n?o povoadas. Quando em col?nias, verificou-se seus padr?es de desempenho referentes ao controle t?rmico, da atividade de v?o, da ?rea de produ??o de favos e armazenamento de alimento, do peso da melgueira, do mel coletado e da sua qualidade qu?mica. As caixas e col?nias de ACV foram comparadas ?s de controle, de madeira, em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com dois n?veis de tratamento (tipo de material, in?cio e fim do estudo) e cinco repeti??es por tratamento, atrav?s da an?lise de vari?ncia. O peso da colm?ia padr?o ACV foi aproximadamente o dobro da de madeira e seu custo de US$15,19) foi 28,50% mais baixo que o da colm?ia de madeira. A temperatura m?dia interna das caixas e colm?ias de madeira e vermiculita foram semelhantes. Na caixa de ACV houve maior absor??o e perda mais r?pida de ?gua do que na de madeira. Apesar do controle t?rmico das col?nias de ACV, verificou-se que, eventualmente o intervalo da temperatura interna ultrapassou a faixa ?tima, o que pode ter ocasionado a redu??o da atividade de v?o, cuja diferen?a com a colm?ia de madeira foi significativa. A ?rea de forma??o de favos, de armazenamento de alimento e o peso do mel coletado n?o apresentaram diferen?as significativas, mas sofreram grande varia??o. A qualidade do mel amostrados nas colm?ias de ACV e madeira apresentaram-se dentro do padr?o rotineiro de an?lise qu?mica. Considerando-se que a caixa de ACV representa um modelo de constru??o artesanal, de baixo custo e caracter?sticas semelhantes ? caixa de madeira, sua utiliza??o torna-se mais uma alternativa vi?vel para o meio ap?cola, exceto para a atividade migrat?ria.

Ecologia t?rmica e tr?fica de popula??o de Phyllopezus periosus Rodrigues, 1986 (Squamata, Phyllodactylidae) em ?rea protegida na Caatinga

Palmeira, Cristiane Nikely Silva 17 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-07-04T11:53:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CristianeNikelySilvaPalmeira_DISSERT.pdf: 2490218 bytes, checksum: 22c80c02ea8594490ac6e43c595615ac (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-07-11T11:53:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 CristianeNikelySilvaPalmeira_DISSERT.pdf: 2490218 bytes, checksum: 22c80c02ea8594490ac6e43c595615ac (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-11T11:53:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CristianeNikelySilvaPalmeira_DISSERT.pdf: 2490218 bytes, checksum: 22c80c02ea8594490ac6e43c595615ac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-04-17 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Dentre as fam?lias de lagartos que habitam o semi?rido brasileiro, destaca-se Phyllodactylidae, e nesta, em especial o g?nero Phyllopezus, com as esp?cies P. pollicaris e P. periosus. A primeira possui distribui??o ampla na Caatinga e em outras forma??es abertas brasileiras, enquanto que P. periosus ? end?mica e com distribui??o restrita a algumas ?reas de Caatinga. Diante destes fatos, este estudo teve como objetivos registrar e analisar a ecologia t?rmica, dieta e modo de forrageamento de P. periosus, na tentativa de identificar fatores que possam influenciar a aparente distribui??o relictual desta esp?cie na Caatinga. Foram realizadas duas excurs?es nos meses de julho e outubro de 2015, com dura??o de dez dias cada ? Esta??o Ecol?gica do Serid? (ESEC Serid?), Unidade de Conserva??o da Caatinga no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Foram coletados 45 esp?cimes de P. periosus para os quais foram mensuradas a temperatura corporal do lagarto e as temperaturas ambientais (substrato e ar); todos os esp?cimes foram soltos em seguida. Para an?lise da dieta e comportamento alimentar foi utilizada a t?cnica de regurgita??o for?ada do alimento, al?m de grava??es das descri??es observadas sobre a atividade de forrageamento dos lagartos. Phyllopezus periosus utilizou como h?bitat, principalmente, os afloramentos rochosos com fendas, apresentou h?bito noturno com tend?ncia bimodal, e picos de atividades das 18:00 ?s 20:59 h e de 01:00 at? as 04:59 h. N?o houve diferen?a significativa na temperatura corporal entre machos e f?meas, por?m os juvenis apresentaram temperatura do corpo mais elevada que os adultos. A temperatura m?dia corporal de 28,5 ? 2,1?C foi influenciada pelas temperaturas das vari?veis analisadas, por?m apresentou maior rela??o com a temperatura do substrato, demonstrando que esta esp?cie ? tigmot?rmica. Quanto ? dieta, nos 31 est?magos com conte?do foram identificadas 107 presas pertencentes a 19 categorias de itens alimentares. Houve diferen?a na composi??o da dieta entre esp?cimes adultos e juvenis, mas n?o entre os sexos. Os indiv?duos observados passaram em m?dia 1,72 ? 1,94% do tempo em movimento (PTM) e apresentaram cerca de 0,37 ? 0,32 movimento por minuto (MPM), indicando modo de forrageamento do tipo senta-e-espera ou ?de espreita?. A predomin?ncia de cerca de 91% dos lagartos no uso do habitat ?grandes afloramentos rochosos com fendas profundas? pode constituir um dos fatores que contribuem para a distribui??o relictual de P. periosus. / Among the families of lizards that inhabit the Brazilian semiarid, Phyllodactylidae stands out, and in this, especially the genus Phyllopezus, with the species P. pollicaris and P. periosus. The first one has a wide distribution in the Caatinga and in other open Brazilian formations, while P. periosus is endemic and with restricted distribution to some Caatinga areas. Given these facts, this study aimed to record and analyze the thermal ecology, diet and mode of foraging behavior of P. periosus, in an attempt to identify factors that may influence the apparent relictual distribution of this species in the Caatinga. Two excursions were carried out in the months of July and October de 2015, with a duration of ten days each, to the Serid? Ecological Station (ESEC Serid?), Caatinga Conservation Unit in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. Forty-five specimens of P. periosus were collected for which the body temperature of the lizard and the environmental temperatures (substrate and air) were measured; all specimens were then released. For each specimen of P. periosus collected were measured the body temperature of the lizard and the environmental temperatures (substrate and air). For the analysis of the diet and feeding behavior was used the technique of forced regurgitation of the food, as well as recordings of the descriptions observed on the foraging activity of the lizards. Phyllopezus periosus used as habitat rocky outcrops with crevices, presented a nocturnal habit with a bimodal tendency, with peaks from 18:00 to 20:59 h and from 01:00 to 04:59 h. There was no significant difference in body temperature between males and females, but juveniles had higher body temperature than adults. The mean body temperature of 28.5 ? 2.1 ?C was influenced by the temperatures of the analyzed variables, but showed a higher relation with the temperature of the substrate, demonstrating that this species is tigmothermic. In the diet, of the 31 stomachs with content, 107 prey belonging to 19 categories of food items were identified. There was a difference in diet composition between adult and juvenile specimens, but not between the sexes. The observed individuals spent on average 1.72 ? 1.94% of the time in movement (PTM) and presented about 0.37 ? 0.32 movements per minute (MPM), indicating the mode of foraging of the type sit-and-wait or ?lurking?. The predominance of about 91% of lizards in habitat use "large rocky outcrops with deep cracks" may be one of the contributing factors for the relictual distribution of P. periosus.

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