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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Formy péče o nezletilé děti v době po rozchodu či rozvodu rodičů / The forms of custody for underage children in the times after split-up or divorce of their parents

Kudrfalcová, Adriana January 2018 (has links)
1 Abstract This thesis with the subject "The forms of custody for underage children in the times after split-up or divorce of their parents" is dealing with possible types of arrangements of custody for a child after the break up of his parents. This topic is currently very live in the Czech Republic, as well as in other advanced countries, because the amount of divorces is rising. According to the valid legislation it is possible to entrust the child, after the divorce of his parents, to either the custody of one of the parents, shared custody of both parents, joint custody or, if deemed necessary in regards to the needs of the child, to the custody of another person. The aim of this thesis is to create an overview which will acquaint the readers with all options of arrangements of the custody for children after the divorce of their parents which are established in the section § 907 of Act no. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code. The increased attention is paid to the shared custody because of several recent breakthrough jurisprudences of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic concerning this legal institute. This thesis is split into 5 chapters, excluding introduction and conclusion. In the first chapter I concern with historical development of the legislation of decision making regarding the entrusting of...

L'administration de la protection de l'enfance en France et en Turquie / Administration of child protection in France and in Turkey

Sirin, Memduh Cemil 15 June 2017 (has links)
La France et la Turquie organisent différemment leurs administrations de protection de l'enfance. Les modèles appliqués à l'administration de la protection de l'enfance diffèrent quant à leur partage des compétences entre, d'une part, l'administration et la justice et, d'autre part, l’État central et l’État décentralisé. La France préfère un système décentralisé alors que la Turquie opte pour un système centralisé et déconcentré. En principe, la protection judiciaire en France n'est que subsidiaire par rapport à la protection administrative, tandis qu'en Turquie, en règle générale, la décision judiciaire est obligatoire pour toute mesure de protection. Bien que les différents modèles lui soient appliqués, les administrations respectives de la protection de l'enfance des deux pays portent les mêmes défauts essentiels. Il s'agit de la protection d'un nombre insuffisant d'enfants en danger et de la satisfaction insuffisante des besoins des enfants pris en charge par l'administration. Alors que le modèle administratif de la protection de l'enfance conserve son importance, il faut se concentrer d'abord sur les éléments constitutifs de l'administration qui sont la philosophie, l'infrastructure juridique, les institutions et les politiques de l'administration de la protection de l'enfance. Cette étude analyse les administrations respectives de la protection de l'enfance de la France et de la Turquie en se penchant sur leur conformité à l'intérêt de l'enfant à partir de ces éléments constitutifs. / France and Turkey organize differently their child protection administrations. The models applied to the child protection administration differ in their division of powers between administration and justice on the one hand and the central and decentralized State on the other. France prefers a decentralized system while Turkey opts for a centralization and deconcentration. In principle, judicial protection in France is subsidiary to administrative protection, whereas in Turkey, as a general rule, judicial decision is compulsory for ail protection measures. Although the different models are applied to it, the respective child protection administrations of the two countries share the same basic shortcomings. These are the protection of an insufficient number of children in danger and insufficient satisfaction of the needs of the children in the care of the administration. While the administrative model of child protection retains its importance, it is necessary to focus first on the constituent elements of administration that are the philosophy, legal infrastructure, institutions and policies of the administration of chi Id protection. This study analyzes the respective child protection administrations of France and Turkey by examining their conformity with the interests of the child on the basis of these constituent elements.

The enforceability of international surrogacy in South Africa : how would a South African court proceed in determining an international surrogacy case?

Filander, Tanian January 2016 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / In this research, I sought to investigate the extent to which South Africa recognises international surrogacy agreements. I examined Chapter 19 of the Children's Act as the first legislation to afford surrogate motherhood agreements legal recognition in South Africa. Section 292(1)(b)-(e) of the Children's Act sets out the requirements for the validity of a surrogate agreement. The validity of the agreement is governed by South African law if it was concluded in South Africa, and at least one of the commissioning parents and the surrogate mother and her husband or partner must be domiciled in South Africa at the time of entering into the agreement. I explored South African legislation that may be applicable to the children born of commissioning parents (whether the commissioning parents are South Africans or foreign nationals) who entered into international surrogacy agreements. I concluded that the main issue that relates to international surrogacy are the implications that rise from registering a surrogate born child’s birth in South Africa and in other countries. I further concluded that the current position of South African law will result in a surrogate born child being left stateless and parentless. I considered the criminal aspect of international surrogacy agreements as a consequence of a null and void international surrogacy agreement. Furthermore, I referred to the legal difficulties of international surrogacy and potential rights infringed on or denied to the child born of an international surrogacy by examining international case law. I concluded that South African courts do not have precedents, guidelines or legislation governing international surrogacy agreements and thus it is important to examine international case law. I further concluded that, it is important for South African authorities and courts to consider the possibility of international surrogacy occurring in South Africa. I hope that the South African courts take a child-centered approach, building on the views established in the international case law, and that courts do not adopt a strict interpretation of our current laws. Lastly, I suggested recommendations for the appropriate manner in which to legislate international surrogacy agreements in South Africa. I submitted that judicial and administrative authorities could inspect the international surrogacy agreement and ensure that the terms do not harm the child and that the child is recognised as the legal child of the commissioning parents. The courts should first look at the suitability of the commissioning parents and finally consider the best interest of the child as being of paramount importance, before ordering the international surrogacy agreement null and void. I further suggested that a statutory regulation that contemplates international surrogacy should be formulated, as a source of reference, which will assist a court when faced with determining the issue of the parentage of a surrogate born child, and consequently, his or her nationality. I concluded that the South African Parliament should either re-draft or provide clearer guidelines regarding surrogacy and the possibility of international surrogacy agreements.

"DET ÄR VÄLDIGT TRÅKIGT NÄR EKONOMI AVGÖR FRÅGAN OM BARNETS BÄSTA" : Hur utredande socialsekreterare förstår och förhåller sig till principen om barnets bästa utifrån deras faktiska och upplevda handlingsutrymme

Olars, Elin, Claesson, Natalie January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka utredande socialsekreterares förståelse av och förhållningssätt till principen om barnets bästa. Tidigare forskning visar på att barnets bästa som begrepp är svårdefinierat, att hög arbetsbelastning och tidsbrist kan påverka bedömningar om barnets bästa och att tillit samt en förtroendefull relation mellan socialsekreteraren och barnet kan främja delaktigheten. Resultatet analyserades utifrån Bronfenbrenners utvecklingsekologiska teori och handlingsutrymme som teoretiskt begrepp. Studien har använt sig av en kvalitativ metod bestående av sex semistrukturerade intervjuer. Det empiriska materialet analyserades med hjälp av en tematisk analys för att finna teman. Socialsekreterarna upplever sig ha ett stort handlingsutrymme för att göra egna bedömningar om barnet bästa. Trots att resultatet visade att begreppet var svårt att definiera var socialsekreterarna relativt eniga om hur de förstår barnets bästa och vad de väger in i bedömningen. Resultatet visade även att socialsekreterarna för det mesta hinner träffa barnen vid endast ett tillfälle under utredningsprocessen på grund av hög arbetsbelastning och brist på tid. Verksamhetens ekonomiska förutsättningar visade sig även ha en inverkan på socialsekreterarnas handlingsutrymme när det gäller att bedöma barnets bästa. / The aim of this study was to examine investigative social workers understanding of and approach to the principle of the best interests of the child. Previous research shows that it’s difficult to define the best interests of the child. Research also shows that a high workload and lack of time can affect assessments of the child’s best interests, and that a trusting relationship between the social worker and the child can promote participation. The theoretical background is based on Bronfenbrenner’s developmental ecology theory and room for maneuver as a theoretical concept. A qualitative method has been used and the empirical material was analyzed using a thematic analysis. Social workers feel that they have a large margin of maneuver to make assessments. Although the result showed that the concept was difficult to define, the social workers had a similar understanding on how they understood the concept and what they take in consideration in the assessment. However, the social workers have for the most part only time to meet the children at one point during the investigation process. Financial conditions also turned out to have an impact on their room for maneuver when it comes to assessing the child’s best interests.

The protection of children's identities in the criminal justice system: an analysis on section 154(3) of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977

Letsoalo, Lisbeth Ledile January 2019 (has links)
Thesis ( LLM.) --University of Limpopo, 2019 / The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 provides that a child’s best interests should be of primary consideration in any matter concerning him or her. Contrary to this value, and thereby excluding protection of child victims, section 154(3) of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977 simply focusses on anonymity protection of child offenders and witness involved in criminal proceedings. It currently expressly prohibits the publication of the identities of child offenders and witnesses when the media makes publications on the relevant criminal proceedings. However, this protection terminates once such child offenders and witnesses attain majority, therefore arbitrarily stripping them of the identity protection. As a result, media houses are not only at liberty to publish on criminal proceedings identifying child victims, but also to expose the identities of child offenders and witnesses upon attaining majority. Such publications have proved to impede on children’s rights, as well as to contribute to the psychological challenges faced by the children whenever they are exposed to the criminal justice system. In this study the constitutional validity of section 154(3) is investigated and it is argued that it is unconstitutional in all respects. The section contradicts the specific right afforded to all children in the Bill of Rights, as well as other ancillary rights, which ought to ensure the progressive realisation of the protection afforded in terms of section 154(3). It is recommended, firstly, that section 154(3) be declared unconstitutional, and be amended to include child victims within the ambit of its protection. Secondly, the protection should extend beyond the age of 18, in respect of all children involved in criminal proceedings. / National Research Foundation

Náhradní mateřství v judikatuře Nejvyššího soudu a Ústavního soudu / Surrogacy in case law of the Supreme and Constitutional Court

Kořistka, Jan January 2020 (has links)
Surrogacy in case law of the Supreme and Constitutional Court Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the phenomenon of surrogacy and places the topic and its aspects into the context of up-to-date social background, legal theory and practice and case law of the Supreme and Constitutional Court. The aim of this thesis is to provide a summary of all available theoretical and practical understanding of the matter, analysis of relevant case law and illustration of both legal and factual issues concerning surrogacy in the Czech republic for the reader to be able to form a comprehensive understanding of the matter, taking into account its interdisciplinarity. Keywords Surrogacy, surrogate motherhood, assisted reproduction, parenthood, best interests of the child, right to family and family life

Matchning - en underskattad faktor : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialsekreterares perspektiv på sammanbrott i familjehemsplaceringar / Matching - an underestimated factor

Saliba, Helena January 2023 (has links)
Placering i familjehem är en vanlig insats när barn och unga inte bedöms kunna få sina behov tillgodosedda i sin ursprungsfamilj, de utgör i Sverige majoriteten av placeringar i samhällsvård. De barn som blir placerade i familjehem för stadigvarande vård och fostran har rätt till en stabil och trygg vård. Trots detta sker sammanbrott vilket kan försätta barnen i ytterligare en utsatt situation. Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie har varit att undersöka socialarbetares tankar om och arbete för att förebygga sammanbrott hos barn som är placerade i familjehem. Frågeställningar i studien har varit: Vilka är orsakerna till att sammanbrott sker? Vilka former av adekvat stöd minskar risken för sammanbrott?I studien genomfördes fem intervjuer med socialsekreterare i två medelstora kommuner i Stockholm. I analysen framkom tre huvudteman;  Matchning, det vill säga hur väl, samt vilka förutsättningar det finns att matcha det placerade barnet med det tilltänkta familjehemmet.  Sammanbrott och omplacering, med det menas att barnet behöver flytta till en ny placering innan att vådbehovet uppfyllts. Nätverkshem, de hem som tar emot barn som de känt sen tidigare, dessa kan vara vänner till familjen eller släktingar.  Den analyserade empirin har sedan tolkats med hjälp av systemteori och tidigare forskning. I studien framgår att den främsta orsaken till sammanbrott är en bristfällig matchning mellan barn och familjehem. Det framkom även att placering av ett barn behöver göras med ett helhetsperspektiv där matchningsprocessen innefattar rätt skolform, ett familjehem som har förstått uppdraget samt rätt stöd från socialsekreterarna. Helhetsperspektivet jämförs i studien med det systemteoretiska synsättet. I studien framgår även att socialsekreterarna på familjehemsenheten inte är huvudansvariga när det kommer till att matcha familjehem och barn utan att det snarare är handläggare på utredningsenheten samt familjehemsrekryterare i samråd med sina chefer som sköter matchningsprocessen. Utredningsenheten är den enhet där barnet och familjens behov först kartläggs. De kan även besluta om andra stödinsatser, exempelvis familjebehandling, kontaktperson etc. Vid de fall ett barn inte bedöms kunna få sina behov tillgodosedda i det egna hemmet fattas beslut om placering i jourhem alternativt familjehem. När barnet placeras i familjehem är tanken att det ska vara en långvarig placering då bedömningen är att det krävs mer jobb i familjen innan barnet kan flytta hem. Oftast är målet en hemflytt till ursprungsfamiljen, det vill säga den biologiska familjen. När barnet blir familjehemsplacerat är det socialsekreterarna (barnhandläggare och familjehemssekreterare) på familjehemsenheten som tar över ansvaret för placeringen. Det framkommer att relationen mellan, handläggare på utredningsenheten och handläggare på familjehemsenheten är kortvarig, de samverkar enbart under överlämningen av ärendet. / Placement in foster care is a common intervention when children and young people are not able to have their needs met in their biological family. Foster homes are the most frequent form of placements in community care in Sweden. Children who are placed in a foster home for permanent care and upbringing have the right to a stable and safe care. Despite this, breakdowns occur, which can put the children in another vulnerable situation. The purpose of this qualitative study has been to investigate how social workers work to prevent breakdowns in the care of children that are placed in foster homes. Questions in the study have been: What are the reasons why breakdowns occur? What forms of adequate support reduce the risk of breakdown? In the study, five interviews were conducted with social workers in two medium-sized municipalities in Stockholm. In the analysis, three main themes emerged:  Matching, namely, how well the social workers can match the child with the foster care homes.  Breakdowns and relocations, when the child has to move before the care needs are fulfilled Network homes, the foster homes that care for someone that they know, it can be the child of a friend or a relative. The analyzed empirical evidence has then been interpreted with the help of systems theory and previous research. The study shows that the main causes of breakdowns are a poor match between children and foster homes. It also emerged that placement of a child needs to be done with a holistic perspective where the matching process includes the right type of school, a foster home that understands the mission and the right support from the social workers. In the study, the holistic perspective is synonymous with general systems theory. The study also shows that the social workers in the family home unit are not primarily responsible when it comes to matching family homes and children, it is rather the investigation unit and foster home recruiters in consultation with their managers. The investigation unit is the unit that charts the families and the children's needs. They can also make decisions regarding if the family need other support efforts, such as contact persons or family treatments. If the family is assessed that the other support efforts are not sufficient, they can decide to put the family in foster care. If the foster care is assessed to take longer time the matter gets transferred to the family unit. In cases where a child is judged not to be able to have their needs met in their own home, a decision is made to place them in an emergency home or a family home. When the child is placed in a family home, the idea is that it should be a long-term placement, as the assessment is that more work is required in the family before the child can move home. Most often, the goal is a move home to the family of origin, namely the biological family. When the child is placed in a family home, it is the social workers (child caseworkers and family home secretary) at the family home unit who take over responsibility for the placement.

Ensamkommande barn i asylprocessen / Unaccompanied children in the asylum process

Al-dawoodi, Danyah January 2023 (has links)
The Convention on the Rights of the Child was incorporated into Swedish legislation in 2020 to strengthen the child's best interests and perspective in areas such as asylum law (UNICEFSweden, 2020a). The purpose of this essay is to examine how the individual asylum grounds of unaccompanied children are handled in the asylum process and in what way the child's best interests are actually considered in the asylum process before and after the incorporation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This essay will answer the following question:How has the application of the best interests of the child according to Article 3 in asylum cases for unaccompanied children changed before and after the incorporation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child into Swedish law based on the theory of the best interests of the child as an open concept? Through a qualitative content analysis of judgments, changes and deficiencies in the protection of the rights of unaccompanied children are identified. The study examines how the courts take into account the best interests of the childbased on Schiratzki's (2005) legal theory of the best interests of the child as an open concept.The results of the study have shown that before incorporation, the judgments extensively consider the best interests of the child according to Article 3 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by highlighting potential consequences upon return. However, after incorporation, the migration court fails in considering the best interests of the child. This is because the concept of 'the best interests of the child' is comprehensive, and the court does not assess this from a holistic perspective, which is important for a fair assessment according to Schiratzki (2005).

“Det är främst föräldrars ansvar, inte vårt…” : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare upplever sitt arbete med barnperspektivet vid handläggningen avekonomiskt bistånd / ”It is primarily the parents' responsibility, not ours…” : A qualitative study on how social secretaries experience their work with the perspective of children when providing financial assistance

Gojak, Amina January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to study how social workers experience their work with the children's perspective within financial assistance. A qualitative methodological approach has been applied with the aim of collecting empirical data through semi-structured interviews with four social workes in financial assistance. The data collection has in turn been analyzed based on previous research on the subject and Michael Lipsky's theory of street-level bureaucrats and their discretion. The study gives an indication that social workers see the importance of, and have the will to apply a child perspective in their work, but the conditions are not optimal. The results of the study show that factors such as high workload in the form of lack of time, high number of cases and unclear guidelines are the main limitations in the application of the child perspective and thus in the assessments of the best interests of the child.

Kvinnors rätt till självbestämmande eller handel med kvinnors kroppar? : En argumentationsanalys av den svenska samhällsdebatten kring ett tillåtande av altruistiskt surrogatmoderskap

von Bolton, Maja January 2024 (has links)
Neither altruistic nor commercial surrogacy is allowed in Sweden but neither is it forbidden for Swedes to travel abroad for surrogacy arrangements. The debate on allowing altruistic surrogacy in Sweden has grown and changed in recent years, from being seen as an unusual method of reproduction to becoming a major family policy issue. In a 2013 report by the Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics aimed at examining the permissibility of altruistic surrogacy, all members of the council agreed that commercial surrogacy is not ethically justifiable. There are several arguments against commercial surrogacy, including the fact that it takes place under exploitative and coercive conditions. Hence, Sweden would never allow commercial surrogacy. However, the majority considered that altruistic surrogacy could be justifiable under certain conditions. The arguments about whether altruistic surrogacy can violate human rights are not as numerous. This thesis has aimed to examine the arguments for and against allowing altruistic surrogacy in Sweden by analysing debate articles and other argumentative newspaper articles. These arguments have then been assessed against four ethical principles, namely respect for human dignity, self-determination, self-ownership and the principle of the best interests of the child, to determine whether or not altruistic surrogacy should be allowed in Sweden. With the help of argumentation analysis, debate articles from several Swedish newspapers regarding altruistic surrogacy have been analysed and the results show that the pro-surrogacy side claims that a ban on altruistic surrogacy risks limiting women's right to self-determination and self-ownership over their own bodies. While the anti-surrogacy side argues that allowing altruistic surrogacy violates our human dignity, which states that we should be treated as ends and not as means. What emerges is that both sides of the altruistic surrogacy debate see the current Swedish legislation that neither prohibits nor allows surrogacy as problematic. Both sides argue that it risks leading to Swedish citizens continuing to travel abroad to use commercial surrogate mothers who are often mistreated and exploited. But here the pro-surrogacy side argues that the solution is to allow altruistic surrogacy to stop Swedes from travelling abroad. While the anti-surrogacy side argues that allowing it would not reduce the number of trips abroad and a total ban on surrogacy is the solution.

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