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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multikriterieanalys av dagvattenreningstekniker : Med fokus på Västra vägen i Gävle

Engberg, Joakim January 2016 (has links)
Gävle municipality strives to treat all stormwater that may prevent river and lakes from achieving a good water status under the EU water framework directive. There are three stormwater outflows at Västra vägen in Gävle that discharge untreated stormwater to Gavleån. Gävle municipality has an ambition to clean stormwater as close to the source as possible. The purpose of this study is to conduct a multi-criteria analysis to identify stormwater treatment solutions that are suitable from a technical, ecological, economic and sociocultural perspective. According to EU water framework directive Gavleån does not achieve a good chemical and ecological status because of the presence of contaminates in the river. The alternatives that will be evaluated in the multi-criteria analysis consists of a screen pool, percolation storage and four different types of filters. Except these six solutions a null alternative will be included to evaluate if the situation does not change and the stormwater is not treated as it is today. These seven alternatives will be evaluated by a panel that consists of people who work with stormwater or with matters related to the categories in the multi-criteria analysis. The panel's main priority of categories and criteria is produced by the average value of all participants’ weightings and ratings. The most important category was considered to be the sociocultural perspective and the least important was the technical perspective. The criteria that were considered important for the respective categories were operating and maintenance cost (economic perspective), reduction of pollution (technical perspective), environmental impact, land use (ecological perspective, shared position), and outdoor recreation (sociocultural perspective). The option that received the highest score in the analysis was null alternative followed by the screen pool. That is because the null alternative is considered to have the most positive impact on the socio-cultural perspective, ecological perspective and financial perspective while screen pool scored highest in the technical perspective. The results of the MCA should also be interpreted by different stakeholders' priorities and can be seen in Section 6 in which the scoring of all treatment alternatives are reported. / Gävle kommun strävar efter att rena allt dagvatten som kan försvåra möjligheten att sjöar och vattendrag uppnår en god status enligt EU:s vattendirektiv. Det finns tre dagvattenutlopp vid Västra vägen i Gävle som släpper ut orenat dagvatten till Gavleån. Detta dagvatten har Gävle kommun en ambition av att rena genom ett lokalt omhändertagande så nära källan som möjligt. Syftet med denna studie är att genomföra en multikriterieanalys för att identifiera lösningsåtgärder som kan anses som lämpliga utifrån ett tekniskt, ekologiskt, ekonomiskt och sociokulturellt perspektiv. Enligt EU:s vattendirektiv så uppnår inte Gavleån en god kemisk och ekologiskt status på grund av föroreningar som påträffats under mätningar i ån. Alternativen som kommer att utvärderas i multikriterieanalysen består av en skärmbassäng, perkolationsmagasin samt fyra olika gatubrunnsfilter. Förutom dessa alternativ så inkluderas även ett nollalternativ som avser att ingen förändring sker där dagvattnet inte renas. Dessa sju alternativ kommer att viktas av en viktningsgrupp som består av personer som på olika sätt arbetar med dagvatten eller med frågor som är relaterade till kriterierna i multikriterieanalysen. Viktningsgruppens prioriteringar av kategorier och kriterier framställs genom medelvärdet av alla deltagares betygsättning. Den viktigaste kategorin ansågs vara det sociokulturella perspektivet och den minst viktiga var det tekniska perspektivet. Kriterierna som ansågs viktiga för respektive kategori var drift och underhållskostnad (ekonomiskt perspektiv), reducering av föroreningar (tekniskt perspektiv), miljöpåverkan, markanvändning (ekologiskt perspektiv, delad plats), och rekreation och friluftsliv (sociokulturellt perspektiv). Alternativet som fick högst poäng i viktningen var nollalternativet som blev följt av skärmbassäng. Nollalternativet ansågs ha mest positiv inverkan på det sociokulturella perspektivet, ekologiska perspektivet och ekonomiska perspektivet medans skärmbassäng fick högst poäng under det tekniska perspektivet. Resultatet av multikriterieanalysen ska tolkas efter olika intressenters prioriteringar och kan göras i avsnitt 7 där poängsättningen av alla reningstekniker redovisas.

The Po River Basin: Managing a Complex System : Lessons from the Past, Recommendations for the Future

Manieri, Flavia January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Gefährliche Stoffe in Kläranlagen

Schneider, Petra, Günther, Thomas, Gottschalk, Nicole, Zänder, Daniel 22 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Gefährliche Stoffe gelangen durch Abwässer aus Haushalten, Industrie und Landwirtschaft in Kläranlagen. Während der mechanisch-biologischen Abwasserbehandlung in konventionellen Kläranlagen werden nur wenige Stoffe mit toxischen, persistenten und bioakkumulierenden Eigenschaften eliminiert. Der Bericht beschreibt die Eigenschaften gefährlicher Stoffe - darunter Industriechemikalien, Pflanzenschutzmittel, Arzneistoffe, Hormone und Metalle, ermittelt Quellen des Stoffeintrages und leitet Möglichkeiten zur Verringerung der Stoffeinträge ab. In Laborkläranlagen wurde eine Methodik entwickelt, mit der bei Anlagen mit biologischer Grundreinigung und weitergehender Reinigung (Stickstoffeliminierung) die Eliminierungsrate für ausgewählte gefährliche Stoffe ermittelt werden kann. Die Eliminationsraten der untersuchten gefährlichen Stoffe sind sehr unterschiedlich. Während ausgewählte Pestizide nur in geringem Umfang eliminiert werden (Bentazon < 40 Prozent, Dichlorprop < 30 Prozent, Dibutylzinn < 50 Prozent), werden für Nonylphenolethoxylate, Phthalate und Trichlormethan hohe Eliminationsraten mit bis zu 99 Prozent ermittelt.

Etablierung Entscheidungshilfesystem

Naumann, Sandra, Kurzer, Hans-Joachim 22 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Zur Umsetzung der Ziele der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie sind in Sachsen bis 2015 für Gewässereinzugsgebiete entsprechende Maßnahmen zur Erreichung bzw. Sicherung eines guten Gewässerzustandes durchzuführen. Für die hierzu erforderliche integrierte Planung und Entscheidungsfindung auf Einzugsgebietsebene stellen Entscheidungshilfesysteme den daran beteiligten Akteuren (Flächennutzer, -besitzer, Fachbehörden usw.) die technische Unterstützung bereit. Am Beispiel des überwiegend landwirtschaftlich genutzten Fließgewässereinzugsgebietes der Jahna (Sächsisches Lösshügelland) wurde ein Entscheidungshilfesystem entwickelt und erprobt. Es umfasst zum einen Werkzeuge zur Analyse der Belastungen der Oberflächengewässer und des Grundwassers durch Nährstoffaustrag (z.B. Modell Stoffbilanz) bzw. durch Wassererosion (Modell EROSION 3D). Zum anderen bietet das Entscheidungshilfesystem verschiedene Modelle und Verfahren an, mit deren Hilfe stoffaustragsmindernde landwirtschaftliche Maßnahmen ausgewählt und hinsichtlich ihrer Wirksamkeit abgeschätzt werden können. Ergänzend dazu wurde ein computergestützter Maßnahmenkatalog zur Unterstützung bei der Auswahl stoffaustragsmindernder Maßnahmen im Bereich Landwirtschaft erstellt. Die Priorisierung der verschiedenen Maßnahmenalternativen unter Berücksichtigung ökologischer und ökonomischer Ziele wurde beispielhaft mit Hilfe der Nutzwertanalyse durchgeführt.

From words to action : Lessons from active stakeholder participation in water management

Franzén, Frida January 2015 (has links)
Water governance worldwide is going through a shift towards more holistic and participatory approaches. In Europe, the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) adopted in 2000, aims at protecting surface water and groundwater. The WFD emphasizes the importance of stakeholder participation in planning and implementation of the directive, and in order to reach environmental objectives. However, the empirical findings are insufficient regarding how stakeholder participation can lead to improved decisions and implemented plans. In Sweden, a major water quality problem is eutrophication caused to a large extend by diffuse nutrient leakage from agriculture. Therefore, it is important to involve farmers in water management, since their participation can lead the commitment of mitigation measures for reduced nutrient leakage. The overall aim of this study is to contribute the knowledge and understanding of active stakeholder participation in water management, in particular how it can lead to implementation of water quality objectives. The thesis addresses stakeholder participation in eutrophication management in local Swedish catchments, with a particular focus on farmers’ participation in the commitment of mitigation measures. The results are based on case study research, involving four catchment areas in Sweden with severe eutrophication problems. The thesis identified socio-demographic factors, farmers’ knowledge, and the level of existing information and economic support for wetland creation, as factors affecting farmers’ willingness to participate in wetland creation to mitigate nutrient leakage. In the local catchment groups studied, farmers and other local stakeholders participated to discuss potential mitigation activities. In these, farmers emphasized other emitting actors’ responsibility and commitment in local action plans. Where this was realized, social capital within the group increased and led to further collaboration. The thesis also analyzed large-scale wetland programmes at catchment scale, where the organizational and institutional arrangements were central to realize farmers’ participation: inter-municipal agreements entailed sufficient resources, the organization involved the most relevant actors; and leadership resources were important. The thesis argues that organizing water management at a catchment level can be important to cope with challenges related to stake-holder participation for mitigating diffuse nutrient leakage. In particular for dissemination and collection of information, suggesting potential measures for all concerned actors, provide resources needed to realize actions, and to build trust and collaboration. The thesis also emphasized that stakeholder participation has to be underpinned by a genuine meaning, both for the initiators and the participants. / <p>QC 20150506</p>

Gefährliche Stoffe in Kläranlagen

Schneider, Petra, Günther, Thomas, Gottschalk, Nicole, Zänder, Daniel 22 April 2010 (has links)
Gefährliche Stoffe gelangen durch Abwässer aus Haushalten, Industrie und Landwirtschaft in Kläranlagen. Während der mechanisch-biologischen Abwasserbehandlung in konventionellen Kläranlagen werden nur wenige Stoffe mit toxischen, persistenten und bioakkumulierenden Eigenschaften eliminiert. Der Bericht beschreibt die Eigenschaften gefährlicher Stoffe - darunter Industriechemikalien, Pflanzenschutzmittel, Arzneistoffe, Hormone und Metalle, ermittelt Quellen des Stoffeintrages und leitet Möglichkeiten zur Verringerung der Stoffeinträge ab. In Laborkläranlagen wurde eine Methodik entwickelt, mit der bei Anlagen mit biologischer Grundreinigung und weitergehender Reinigung (Stickstoffeliminierung) die Eliminierungsrate für ausgewählte gefährliche Stoffe ermittelt werden kann. Die Eliminationsraten der untersuchten gefährlichen Stoffe sind sehr unterschiedlich. Während ausgewählte Pestizide nur in geringem Umfang eliminiert werden (Bentazon < 40 Prozent, Dichlorprop < 30 Prozent, Dibutylzinn < 50 Prozent), werden für Nonylphenolethoxylate, Phthalate und Trichlormethan hohe Eliminationsraten mit bis zu 99 Prozent ermittelt.

Etablierung Entscheidungshilfesystem

Naumann, Sandra, Kurzer, Hans-Joachim 22 April 2010 (has links)
Zur Umsetzung der Ziele der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie sind in Sachsen bis 2015 für Gewässereinzugsgebiete entsprechende Maßnahmen zur Erreichung bzw. Sicherung eines guten Gewässerzustandes durchzuführen. Für die hierzu erforderliche integrierte Planung und Entscheidungsfindung auf Einzugsgebietsebene stellen Entscheidungshilfesysteme den daran beteiligten Akteuren (Flächennutzer, -besitzer, Fachbehörden usw.) die technische Unterstützung bereit. Am Beispiel des überwiegend landwirtschaftlich genutzten Fließgewässereinzugsgebietes der Jahna (Sächsisches Lösshügelland) wurde ein Entscheidungshilfesystem entwickelt und erprobt. Es umfasst zum einen Werkzeuge zur Analyse der Belastungen der Oberflächengewässer und des Grundwassers durch Nährstoffaustrag (z.B. Modell Stoffbilanz) bzw. durch Wassererosion (Modell EROSION 3D). Zum anderen bietet das Entscheidungshilfesystem verschiedene Modelle und Verfahren an, mit deren Hilfe stoffaustragsmindernde landwirtschaftliche Maßnahmen ausgewählt und hinsichtlich ihrer Wirksamkeit abgeschätzt werden können. Ergänzend dazu wurde ein computergestützter Maßnahmenkatalog zur Unterstützung bei der Auswahl stoffaustragsmindernder Maßnahmen im Bereich Landwirtschaft erstellt. Die Priorisierung der verschiedenen Maßnahmenalternativen unter Berücksichtigung ökologischer und ökonomischer Ziele wurde beispielhaft mit Hilfe der Nutzwertanalyse durchgeführt.

The role and use of information in transboundary water management

Nilsson, Susanna January 2003 (has links)
<p>Management of water bodies according to their river basinsis becoming increasingly common, as the concept of IntegratedWater Resources Management (IWRM) is getting more and moreacknowl-edged. In Europe, a large portion of these“new”management units will probably be internationalor transboundary. Decisions and policies consideringtransboundary water issues need to be based on reliable andcomprehendible information. In this thesis, a review of variousexisting models that may be used for understanding the role anduse of information in (transboundary) water management ispresented. Further, the thesis reports on an assessment of theinformation management of three transboundary water regimes inEurope, namely the international water commissions for LakeNeusiedl, Lake Constance and Elbe River. Besides examining theinformation management of the regimes as such, the managementwas also related to information needs implied by the IWRMcon-cept and by the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). Thereviewed models and approaches were grouped into threecategories: information management models, information cyclemodels and communication between actors. The first categorycomprised models that may be used for managing and assessingdifferent types of information. The second group dealt withmodels explaining the production and communication ofinformation predominately from an information producer/senderperspective. The third group focused on ideas concerninginteractions and communication of information between differentkinds of actors. The studies on information management intransboundary water regimes showed that the information needsand strategies often were defined primarily with watercommissions’own needs in mind. The data collected by thecommissions were predominated by monitoring data, describingthe status of the environment and the impact caused by humanactivities. Furthermore, any communication of information toother groups of actors was mainly done through passivechannels. The information management in these transboundarywater regimes was not fully in accordance with informationneeds implied by the IWRM concept and the EU WFD.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM);transboundary water management; information; EU Water FrameworkDirective (WFD); regimes; policy and decision making; LakeNeusiedl; Lake Constance; Elbe River.</p>

Managing water according to river basins : Information management, institutional arrangements and strategic policy support - with focus on the EU Water Framework Directive

Nilsson, Susanna January 2006 (has links)
Today, there is a general notion that water resources are best managed according to their river basins. River basin management may be approached from a wide variety of angles. This thesis focuses on information management, institutional arrangements and strategic policy support, with special reference to the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). The overall objective is to examine strategies, possibilities and hindrances for river basin management, with the ultimate goal of identifying key aspects to be considered - and prioritised - for “successful” European water management and WFD implementation. An assessment of the information management of three transboundary water regimes in Europe showed that a technical/scientific paradigm ap-pears to dominate in river basin accords. This is visible, for example, in the data collection, which is dominated by state and environmental impact information, and the use of passive channels for communicating with stakeholders and other interest groups. The studies addressing institutional arrangements for river basin management according to the WFD showed that the implementa-tion level of the directive is relatively low – both at national and international levels. For instance, competent authorities have not been established (strictly) according to the borders of the estab-lished River Basin District (RBDs). Further, in international RBDs, the ambitions and plans for cooperation vary considerably. Despite the general low implementation level, steps have still been taken in the “direction” of river basin management. At the national level, all examined countries have established RBDs according to river basins, and at the international level, joint river basin management plans will probably be coordinated for a majority of river basins shared by EU Member States. However, the same pattern could not be discerned for river basins extending outside the borders of the EU. In order to support strategic policy making on issues related to the implementation of the WFD, two assessments were made, one addressing international co-operation and water quality in the Baltic Sea Region, and one encompassing rankings of all the newly established RBDs based on a number of identical indicators. Although there is a need to refine these assessments, they may be regarded as simple – but yet robust – models for bench-marking. / QC 20100914

The role and use of information in transboundary water management

Nilsson, Susanna January 2003 (has links)
Management of water bodies according to their river basinsis becoming increasingly common, as the concept of IntegratedWater Resources Management (IWRM) is getting more and moreacknowl-edged. In Europe, a large portion of these“new”management units will probably be internationalor transboundary. Decisions and policies consideringtransboundary water issues need to be based on reliable andcomprehendible information. In this thesis, a review of variousexisting models that may be used for understanding the role anduse of information in (transboundary) water management ispresented. Further, the thesis reports on an assessment of theinformation management of three transboundary water regimes inEurope, namely the international water commissions for LakeNeusiedl, Lake Constance and Elbe River. Besides examining theinformation management of the regimes as such, the managementwas also related to information needs implied by the IWRMcon-cept and by the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). Thereviewed models and approaches were grouped into threecategories: information management models, information cyclemodels and communication between actors. The first categorycomprised models that may be used for managing and assessingdifferent types of information. The second group dealt withmodels explaining the production and communication ofinformation predominately from an information producer/senderperspective. The third group focused on ideas concerninginteractions and communication of information between differentkinds of actors. The studies on information management intransboundary water regimes showed that the information needsand strategies often were defined primarily with watercommissions’own needs in mind. The data collected by thecommissions were predominated by monitoring data, describingthe status of the environment and the impact caused by humanactivities. Furthermore, any communication of information toother groups of actors was mainly done through passivechannels. The information management in these transboundarywater regimes was not fully in accordance with informationneeds implied by the IWRM concept and the EU WFD. <b>Keywords:</b>Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM);transboundary water management; information; EU Water FrameworkDirective (WFD); regimes; policy and decision making; LakeNeusiedl; Lake Constance; Elbe River. / NR 20140805

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