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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Whistleblowing – En komparativ undersökning : – Svensk reglerings verkan och nyttjandet av amerikansk rätt de lege ferenda / Whistleblowing – A comparative study : – The Swedish regulation's effects and the use of US law de lege ferenda

Schenkel, Pontus January 2017 (has links)
I syfte att undanröja oegentligheter förekommer det att arbetstagare inom bolag avslöjar uppkomna missförhållanden; så kallad whistleblowing. För svensk rätts vidkommande lagstiftades detta rättsinstitut först år 2017, i syfte att förhindra företeelser såsom marknadsmissbruk, korruption och miljöförstöring. Den nyligen antagna lagstiftningen tycks enligt kritikerna dock innehålla oklara moment. Det är sålunda av vikt att undersöka huruvida lagstiftningen kommer verka effektivt för whistleblower[s]. Skulle lagstiftningen vara att anse otillräcklig och icke förutsebar, föreligger nämligen risk för informationsasymmetrier. För att utreda problematiken är en komparativrättslig studie med stöd av amerikansk rätt avseende whistleblowing relevant. Aktuellt för detta arbete är Sarbanes-Oxley Act och Dodd-Frank Act, vilka antogs år 2002 i genmäle till större redovisningsskandaler inom Enron och Worldcom, respektive marknadskollapsen år 2008 och efterföljande bankkonkurser. Det huvudsakliga syftet var att etablera procedurer för behandling av larm avseende missförhållanden, förbud mot repressalier, samt skadestånds- och straffrättsligt ansvar respektive främjande av finansiell stabilitet. Beträffande svensk rätt har whistleblower[s] erhållit skydd medelst yttrandefrihet, meddelarskydd, arbetsrättsligt skydd, lojalitetsplikt, samt av bolag företagen självreglering. Denna gällande rätt har dock ansetts ofullständig och omständlig. Den för svensk rätts vidkommande antagna lagstiftningen avseende whistleblowing innehåller krav på allvarliga missförhållanden och fog för påstående, samt möjliggörs intern- och externrapporterting. Argumentationen i propositionen framstår emellertid såsom inkonsekvent. Det bör sålunda vara rimligt anta, att de svagheter i svensk rätt som kan återfinnas i regleringen avseende whistleblowing resulterar i ett, för svensk rätts vidkommande, skydd för arbetstagare som är fragmenterat och svårtillämpat. Visserligen har även amerikansk rätt avseende whistleblowing fått utstå kritik. Oavsett reflektioner beträffande kritiken amerikansk rätt mottagit, får amerikansk reglering anses erbjuda tydligare skydd, varför det bör vara möjligt överföra vissa delar av amerikansk rätt till svensk reglering avseende whistleblowing, för att stärka regleringen och möjliggöra att dess ändamål uppfylls. / In order to eliminate irregularities in companies, workers can reveal anomalies; through so-called whistleblowing. In Swedish law, this legal phenomenon was adopted into legislation in 2017. However, according to critics, the legislation contains unclear clauses. Thus, it is important to examine whether the legislation will work effectively. Should the newly adopted legislation be considered inadequate and unpredictable, there is a risk for information asymmetries. Therefore, a comparative legal study with support of American law regarding whistleblowing, is motivated. In this thesis, I will examine the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) as well as the Dodd-Frank Act of 2008, which were adopted in response to the major accounting scandals of Enron and WorldCom, respectively the market collapse in 2008 and subsequent bank failures. In both SOX and the Dodd Frank Act, procedures for the management of whistleblower alarms, prohibitions on reprisals as well as rules on tort and criminal liability were introduced with an aim to promote financial stability. As to Swedish law, whistleblowers have received protection from reprisals by laws regulating freedom of speech, protection of sources, labor law protection, the concept of duty of loyalty, and by companies establishing self-regulation. However, statutory protection of whistleblowers in other laws has been considered incomplete, which is why the legislature has deemed whistleblowing worthy of protection by a separate law only governing whistleblowing. However, the newly adopted Swedish law regarding whistleblowing appears to contain some weaknesses due to inconsistencies and unclear clauses. It is true that American laws regarding whistleblowing have endured criticism. However, it is reasonable to assume that the weaknesses in Swedish law regarding whistleblowing result in a protection for workers, which is fragmented and difficult to apply. Given the fact that American regulation regarding whistleblowing is providing more consistent protection to whistleblowers, Swedish regulators should consider the adoption of certain rules from American law, to strengthen the regulation and allow its purpose to be fulfilled.

Análise dos acidentes com material biológico em hospital universitário: uma abordagem a partir da análise das atividades de trabalho / Analysis of accidents with biological material in a university hospital: an approach based on the analysis of work activities

Sandra Donatelli 31 October 2013 (has links)
Este estudo teve por objetivo compreender, a partir da análise das atividades de trabalho, os aspectos que estão presentes nas origens dos acidentes de trabalho com material biológico que ocorrem com os profissionais de saúde em hospital universitário. Foi realizado no Instituto Central de um grande complexo hospitalar, que conta com um efetivo de enfermagem de pouco mais 2.000 profissionais. Foram utilizados dois métodos. Um, a Análise Coletiva do Trabalho ACT, método pelo qual os trabalhadores são levados a falar como realizam seu trabalho em reuniões de grupos. O outro, o Modelo de Análise e Prevenção de Acidentes de Trabalho M.A.P.A., que consiste na análise em profundidade de acidentes de trabalho, no qual se faz entrevistas e observação buscando compreender os antecedentes causais e distais situados na origem das ocorrências de acidentes. As constatações da ACT revelaram a característica dinâmica do trabalho e suas variabilidades. Evidenciando que para dar conta de todas as tarefas e atividades há uma alta exigência de tempo, que o trabalho exige uma constante vigilância/atenção dos AE/TE para com os detalhes, que mobiliários e equipamentos são antigos e carecedores de manutenção, a pouca valorização do pessoal de enfermagem, que o trabalho sofre interrupções constantes, efetivo trabalhando no limite mínimo. Com o MAPA foram revelados aspectos de sobrecarga de trabalho, realização de procedimentos em ritmo acelerado, falta de desenho ou planejamento da gestão de segurança que considere as peculiaridades e variabilidades das situações de trabalho, bem como falha no cumprimento de Normas Regulamentadoras do MTe / This study aimed to understand, from the analysis of work activities, the aspects that are present in the origins of accidents with biological material that occur with health professionals in a university hospital. It was held at the Central Institute of a large hospital complex, which has a staff of little more than 2,000 nursing professionals. Two methods were used. One of them , Analysis Collective Labor ACT method by which workers are brought to say the way they perform their work in a group meeting. The other one, the Model Analysis and Prevention of Accidents M.A.P.A, which consists of in depth analysis of accidents in which one does interviews and observation in order to understand the causal antecedents and distal located at the origin of the occurrences of accidents. The findings of the ACT revealed the dynamic nature of work and its variability. Showing that to meet all the tasks and activities there is a high requirement of time, the job requires constant vigilance and attention of the nursing technicians for the details, the furniture and equipment are old and they need maintenance, the devaluation of nursing staff, the duty suffers constant interruptions, professionals working in the limit. The M.A.P.A revealed aspects of overload labor, perform procedures at a fast pace, lack of design or planning of security management that considers the peculiarities and variability of work situations, as well as failure to comply with the Regulatory Standards of MTE

Impact of the 1965 Immigration Act on Countries of Origin and Occupational Groups of the International Migrants to the United States

Lam, Frankie K. S. (Frankie King-Sun) 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to investigate the changes in countries of origin and occupational groups of immigrants to the United States after the implementation of the 1965 Immigration Act. The basic policy change in the 1965 Immigration Act was essentially the abolition of the National Origins Quota System. The new law led to obvious changes in the origins of immigrants. The number of Southern European, Asian and Caribbean immigrants significantly increased since the implementation of the Act. The sources of the various occupational groups shifted to some extent. The number of immigrants in the professional and highly skilled categories increased significantly. The impact of the changes aggravated the "brain drain" problem.

High-Frequency Nitrate Monitoring in Dynamic River Systems: the Case of Three Iowa Rivers in the Mississippi Basin

Banerjee, Malini De 01 July 2013 (has links)
High frequency water quality monitoring presents unique and unlimited opportunities of exploring spatio-temporal variation in water quality. Knowledge gained from analyzing high frequency water quality data can provide more clarity regarding transportation and processing of water constituents over time and space and scale. This study analyzes high frequency discharge, nitrate load and concentration data for three watersheds of different sizes - Cedar River Watershed, North Raccoon and Middle Raccoon. Each of these sites were monitored for 2-3 calendar years. Sudden spikes in discharge, nitrate concentration and load data, also defined as "events" were analyzed in great detail to understand the patterns in event occurrence and event intensity. Smaller watersheds seemed to have sharper and "flashier" events compared to bigger watersheds. Nitrate concentration events were flatter in shape compared to discharge and nitrogen load events. The relationship between nitrogen concentration and discharge was found to be varying over time, unlike the relationship between nitrate load and discharge, which were almost perfectly correlated for most site-year combinations. Based on more than 40,000 simulations, it was determined that high frequency water quality sampling is not only efficient in capturing minute spatio-temporal variations but can also capture nitrate exceedances to a greater degree. High frequency sampling was also associated with higher yield ratio in nitrate load estimates, not only during high flow periods, but also during the non-high-flow period.

Influence of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on Small Businesses

Gallman, Sean 01 January 2016 (has links)
Business leaders lack strategies to implement the employer shared responsibility provision of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). Small businesses pay approximately 18% more than larger companies for the same health coverage. Within a conceptual framework of management by objectives, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore the strategies small business leaders use to implement the employer shared responsibility provision of the ACA. Data were gathered from the review of company documents, observations, and semistructured interviews with 5 senior business leaders from small business organizations in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Data were coded via Atlas.ti to identify themes from the narative segments. Key themes that emerged from the study included business cost, lack of transparency, and consultation. Recommendations include examining alternative health providers to reduce company health premiums to improve business costs, network with other small businesses for ACA clarity, and work with health consultants for new business processes. Implications for social change include contributing to the effective implementation of the employer shared responsibility provision of the ACA that can improve the economic well-being of small businesses.

Challenges for Providers Working in Assertive Community Treatment

Orabueze, Ngozi Nkechi 01 January 2018 (has links)
This project explored the challenges confronting clinicians who work with the Assertive Community Treatment Program (ACT), a government-sponsored clinic-based program providing services for individuals with persistent and recurrent mental health challenges in a large metropolitan city in the southern United States. The project involved semi-structured interviews with 15 health care clinicians to explore what they perceived as challenges and their recommendations for addressing them. Themes were organized around the 6 dimensions of the the relationship-based care model: leadership, teamwork, professional nursing, care delivery, resources, and outcomes. Identified patient challenges included transportation, lack of health insurance, housing, acceptance of certified peer specialists, the stigma of seeking help for mental health issues, problems with tracking patients, family interference, and fear of discharge from the program. Challenges related to the work environment were identified as poor pay for mental health staff, increasing paper work, professional boundaries, and balancing work demand and personal experiences. Recommendations to address challenges included open communication, interdisciplinary meetings to improve coordination of resources, increased support for family participation, and community support for mental health services. This project adds to the knowledge on ACT programs and will assist organizations planning or delivering ACT services in channeling resources to areas recommended by ACT clinicians. Recommended organizational changes will provide a positive social change to improve care of individuals with mental health challenges in the community.

Mental health care and civil rights of the mentally disordered in the Australian Capital Territory

Ibell, Mary, n/a January 1984 (has links)
This study focuses on mental health care and the civil rights of both the mentally ill and the mentally retarded (i.e. the mentally disordered), citizens of the Australian Capital Territory. The study begins by describing the historical background which has affected current mental health care; the timespan stretches from the nineteenth century when both the mentally ill and the mentally retarded were institutionalised in the asylum, to the present time, with the preferred community centred therapy and 'normalisation' of the mentally disordered. It is explained that current mental health theories recommend that the role of the psychiatric hospital (formerly asylum), should be that of a crisis intervention centre only. The effects of the carefully framed Lunacy Acts of the 19th century are explored in relation to civil rights, as well as the roles played by doctors and lawyers in asylum care. The development of physical treatments, the emergence of psychiatry as a discipline, the catalytic effect of World War II and then the discovery of psychoactive drug therapy culminated in the writing of the Mental Health Acts of the 1950's. The subsequent shift of power from lawyers to doctors in the implementing of these Acts is explained in relation to the civil rights of affected individuals as is the effect of tensions which still exist between these two professions. Current mental health care within the ACT is described, and potential which exists for infringement of the civil rights of the mentally ill and the mentally retarded is highlighted. Recent and current frameworks for mental health care are critiqued, and it is argued that improvement could be made to the latter by developing a mental health model, in which the need for monitoring civil rights is stressed. Against this background, an analysis is made of the ACT Mental Health Ordinance (1981). The need for the new Ordinance is explained, and the Ordinance is then examined in relation to its effect upon mental health care in the ACT, and upon civil rights. In conclusion, a summary is made of the findings of the study, and inferences are drawn for the future of mental health care and for civil rights of the mentally disordered in the ACT.

Multicultural education and A.C.T. government high schools : an investigative study

Mazza, Rose, n/a January 1987 (has links)

A policy study of the maintenance of small high schools as individual organizations in a situation of contracting enrolments

Wells, John L., n/a January 1980 (has links)
The Report of the Field Study is a descriptive record of:- (i) the development of the A.C.T. Schools Authority according to a particular philosophy and operational structure of devolution of responsibility to schools and community participation in decision making at school and system level. (ii) the impact which changes in government policy in the areas of (a) growth of the Australian Public Service and Canberra (b) funding of the A.C.T. government schools have on the A.C.T. Schools Authority operations. (iii) the mechanism by which policy is being developed for the maintenance of small high schools as individual organizations in a situation of contracting enrolments. The functions of the A.C.T. Schools Authority are, amongst others, to establish and conduct,pre schools, primary schools, high schools and secondary colleges. In 1980 there were 165 schools and of these only three were outside the city of Canberra. During the 1960's Canberra underwent extensive expansion of the city boundaries because of rapid increases in population as a result of government policy in establishing the city as the seat of government. Government departments were moved from rented premises in other cities to new purpose built buildings in Canberra. Economic conditions and government funding supported all aspects of the expansion as it continued into the '70's. The government school building programme was one of many which had to be integrated into the city growth plan. In 1960 there were three secondary schools, in 1970 there were nine and in 1980 there were twenty three. This Field Study is concerned with the A.C.T. Schools Authority's approach to its responsibilities under the following changed circumstances. 1. Change in growth rate of Canberra. From 1976, as a result of a change in government policy and in different economic conditions and policies there was a dramatic and unpredicted decrease in the rate of population increase. Movement of government departments to Canberra was severely curtailed and the service industries and building industries consequently also dramatically reduced their expansion. By 1978 there was evidence of a severe contraction in these industries and the growth of Canberra in the 60's to mid 70's had changed to a no-growth and then a decline. 2. Schools with small enrolments. Added to the nil or very slow population increase in some suburbs is the decline in the number of school age children in the inner suburbs of the city resulting in schools accommodating down to half of their previous numbers of students and the completion of school buildings in the as yet underpopulated outer suburbs. This latter situation developed because the lead time required for the planning and building of new schools is such that irreversible decisions had been made in the context of the population growth period and the resulting building programme was overtaken by the unexpected policy reversal causing a no growth situation to develop. The empty school buildings provoked the sparsely populated new communities to press for their opening and so provide what were seen to be essential community facilities. 3. Strict controls on costs. Allied to its policy restricting the growth rate of Canberra the government introduced strict controls on the cost of government education services in the A.C.T. The real difficulty was in the nature of the controls. Per-pupil costs were not to rise in real terms after 1976/77. With "fixed" costs such as cleaning, heating, maintenance, lighting and janitor rising or at least remaining constant whilst school enrolments decline, there was little hope of meeting the government directive. The Authority therefore considered the possibilities of deferring the opening of new schools and phasing out some inner Canberra schools as the only means of carrying out its responsibility. The proposal evoked strong community reaction. It was claimed that such an edict from the central authority was in contravention of the philosophical and legal foundations of the A.C.T. system. School Boards and communities were the places where decisions could be made that would enable their schools to remain as functioning entities, providing their students with creative educational programmes and still adapt to the economic constraints of the total system. Faced with this resounding community disapproval the Schools Authority established a Working Party on llth June 1979 "To consider the problems of declining and shifting school populations and its effect on the A.C.T. school system. In particular it will examine educational, financial and staffing problems associated with conducting small secondary schools and report to the Authority no later than June 1980". The Working Party then mounted a programme of enquiry throughout the A.C.T. Teachers, parents, students, School Boards, P & C committees and public meetings were asked to submit proposals, express opinions and respond to models. The resulting report Declining and Shifting Enrolments in A.C.T. Secondary schools was presented and public response invited. Once again the philosophy of the A.C.T. government school system was being put into practice. The study also investigates some of the issues in respect of the individual small school facing declining enrolments and consequently reductions in staffing and financial resources. Some conclusions are posed for the individual school, the A.C.T. Schools Authority and the various government instrumentalities which service and to some extent control, the A.C.T. government school system.

The USA Patriot Act : - en analys av debatten om frihet

Bohman, Tina January 2008 (has links)
<p><p>This thesis takes a closer look at the USA Patriot Act and the literary debate that has followed the passing of that Act. The aim of the thesis is to define what freedom is for the two opposing sides using McCallum's freedom model.</p><p>The literary analysis shows that the most common argument from authors who are pro Act is that in desperate times like these one must relinquish a part of the individual's freedom to ensure the safety of the collective. Amongst those authors who are against the Act concerns are raised for the possibilities of abuse as a result of increased government power such as the ability to detain immigrants for long periods of time, surveillance and increased exchange of information between federal agencies.</p></p>

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